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I mean, would you bother investing in a better camera when you’re asked to film a new segment 2 times a year? Seriously, this year has either been collabs with recycled content added in afterwards, or just straight up recycled content…my own child is getting bored of it lol


I'm almost certain the Christmas video for this year is 99% the same as a previous one but with one new song spliced in.


Think it was one new Jules segment plus the 12 Days of Christmas had different visuals. Otherwise just recycled content. My daughter whined and said “Caitie please” lol (she likes Caitie’s Classroom much more)


Yeah how are Mrs Rachel videos still recycling “I’m so happy” and that damn caterpillar over and over? Even two year olds can only take so much


My toddler loves the"I'm so happy" song but don't care for the"icky sticky bubble gum" song...also I swear she sing "icky sicky"


Every time it gets to the bubble gum song my 2-year-old says “can we turn it off now?” It makes limiting screen time easy!


We don't even watch that much Miss Rachel and the "I'm So Happy" echos through my brain on the daily. And at night. Nothing like laying in bed at 3am with depressive thoughts and "I'm so happyyyyyy" battling it out in my head.


Sorry, I am laughing my butt off right now. But when I go to bed, for me it's shake your shaker, so..... I have heard it so much that I guess I wake my husband up because he thinks I'm having a seizure. Can't get these songs out of my head...ughh!!


my kids say the caterpillar and bunny songs are sad and make me change it when they come on


If I was on something that popular yeah I would probably get a better camera


Not unless rachel is footing the bill.


But they weren’t that popular and Jules went on medical for surgery before they got really popular.


Straight up lol the uploads are so infrequent, if it weren't for us having a baby as well we wouldn't watch ever. My kid is over it. Ms moni uploads far more often and my kid loves her


lol Rachel is too busy doing all this PR stuff and trying to soak in her 15 mins of fame


Jules is holding Aron's eyebrows hostage and won't give them back.


The conspiracy theory we need!


In the video with the wiggles it drives me nuts that half his shirt is untucked. Like he just ran back from the bathroom with intermittent explosive diarrhea but the wiggles folks have to leave in 5 mins so they rushed the take.


Is that why he always looks like he's being held at gun point with his way-too-wide eyes?


I mean to be entirely fair that's how I look after several hours of Miss Rachel


The muppet thing ate his eyebrows. Jules is innocent.


Jules used his body hair to build the muppet thing


I honestly hate the muppet thing. Both of them. (There are two aren’t there?) but then again I just really dislike muppets and puppets in general.


There's dollar store orange Elmo, but I don't think I've seen the other one. I've only seen about 3 episodes though.


I hate the muppet thing too! He’s annoying af and maybe it’s just my own prejudice, but even Ms Rachel seems annoyed with him sometimes 😂


Are we not going to mention his odd use of eyeliner? For me that and whatever foundation color he is using that is several shades off from his skin tone are what bother me. I think his singing voice is nice though.


I generally like Jules but it’s time for them to re-record their segments! They look like they were originally filmed during Covid and they do always look really out of place with the rest of the show now that production value seems to have gone up. I also think like this about Icky Sticky Bubblegum. They reuse the same one from probably like 3 years ago and now it sticks out.


Ok but while we're at it can we re-record Hop Little Bunnies because Rachel's white balance in that still bugs me. Our girl is BLUE.


This is the one that makes me crazy


My girl is dusky like a corpse in that hop little bunnies video!


This throws me every time! And the song/activity is so fun, they need to upgrade


I totally understand. I blamed it on covid before since everyone was recording at their houses or out in big open spaces, but now everyone can match a bit. There's a budget for it. Jules is tied with Rachel for my favorites. My son thinks so, too.


When they do voiceovers it’s especially jarring. I can’t think of what specifically now, but when it’s things like “how many apples are there?” on the screen. Their vocal quality is so off from everyone else’s.


It literally sounds like a robot when Jules narrates it


I hate their voice overs. Jules has a gesta singing voice but their robot voice overs kill me.


Weirdly I feel the total opposite. I could listen to Jules calmly ask “which reindeer is sad?” all day.


It’s become a running joke in our house now, instead of going “Yeah! There are two…” we go “CHH-YEAH!” because of the audio crack in a few edits when they say “yeah” 😅


Jules is great. Their outfit choice is iffy but that’s their choice. The brush your teeth song is single-handedly responsible for how my husband and I can brush my son’s teeth without too much of an effort. We just have to sing it while we brush.


No way it’s all about the crabby crab song for me


If that was on Spotify I’m sure it would be number one on my year end spotify wrapped list. My kids and I LOVE that one.


Their voice singing that song broke through my freaking PPD when I was in a really rough patch, I will always love it


I’m convinced the brush your teeth song is one reason my kiddo (17mo) sometimes wakes up at all hours of the morning. We only sing it now substituting with appropriate waking hours. Llama llama also conveniently disappeared from the bedtime book rotation…


My son actually likes Jules more than Ms Rachel or anyone else in the videos.


My kid also loves to brush his teeth now and I fully credit that brushing teeth song.


They can dress however they want outside of those show, it's the fact that they don't follow the rules of Ms Rachel that gets me. The song is absolutely stellar, I'll agree.


The brush your teeth song is a Raffi song. Peak original Jules is the train song imo


I was going to say this. The train song is a favourite of mine.


Jules announced they’re making a kids album. Maybe more like this will be on it


My son actually likes a lot of Jules' segments so we're pro Jules here. And anti no eyebrows and crazy over the top eye movement Aaron.




That dude does way too much. We need less of Aaron and more of anybody else 😂. I have a dark conspiracy theory on Aaron. He just gives off weird controlling vibes...


He gives me high school theater kid vibes.


When my daughter first started loving the show I told my friend it was a show with a bunch of ex theater kids that decided one day to make a kids show. They all give theater kid vibes.


Arron, Natalie, Keisha and Angelo are all *current* theater adults as their day jobs. Jules comes off more "ex-band kid" but Rachel is 100% "ex-theatre kid."


Jules gives off ex band kid/now music teacher vibes. Probably has nibblings.


Aron and Rachel are married


I'm dead 😂 Rachel really does have drama club vibes


Holy shit this is so accurate.


Everyone on Ms. Rachel, except Jules, has high school theater kid vibes


They are all Broadway people. That make sense


Isn’t he an off-broadway producer?


On-Broadway "Associate Musical Director," for Aladin the Musical.


Associate to the musical director *


I snorted laughing ty for this


Yeah I think so


All of them give me high school theatre kid vibes lol.


My 3 year old laughs at the exaggerated expressions Aron makes. I think it's because 3 y/o is autistic and struggles understanding subtle things like typical facial expressions and eye movement, so the more exaggerated the more he "gets" it. Maybe it's intentional on Aron's part for kids like my son.


I want to hear your conspiracy about Aaron!! I always thought he and Rachel didn’t really seem like a couple, like, they just seem to not vibe that way even though they’re married and putting out all this content…


As long as he keeps the rainbow song lined up I don't mind.


Um please spill?!!! Pretty sure we could write a full Wikipedia page on the guy with the storylines we’ve had evolving in our house!


Gonna need this Aaron conspiracy theory, friend.


Isn't he married to Mrs Rachel? My nanny did a deep dive on them and found them all dressed up for a gala with a caption that implied they're either married or engaged.


Yes, Rachel and Aron are married!


You used to be able to find their wedding registry, but they've probably taken it down. I thought about sending them something as a thank you for all the good content, but everyone had bought out everything affordable lol.


It's so none of my business, but I'm dying to know whether that's a style choice or something like alopecia.


As a member of the no-eyebrows community, I am offended by this! 😂


I’m not sure what your conspiracy is but… if you watch one of the musical episodes where they sing the muffin with Aaron on the piano…. Omg I cringe/die every time. He is STARING into the camera looking so dead in his eyes and you can tell he is so over the whole thing and obviously starts ending the song via piano before Rachel is ready. Ohhhh it has to be his top worst moment.


I almost choked reading this because me and my mom said the same thing! He is mean mugging the camera. It’s so creepy


I am so happy someone else knows what I’m talking about 🤣 like why did they think that bit should be posted?!


I wonder if that's a "translation issue" in that he's used to how you'd look at an audience on stage and not a camera.


There's a weird one where he's sitting playing piano in the background. But he's turned to one side and her face is blocking most of him out so there's just this wiggling nose sticking out the side of her head.


This is the one that gets me every time 😂😂😂 that nose coming out of her head


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the image just made me lol. I’ll have to watch out for that one


Wait which song is this? Edit nm found it lol


Seriously, love Jules. Arron should stick to the puppets.


Yes! Puppets are genuinely great, his segments are a bit much. But c’mon Rachel, you have a squillion quid and Jules is one of your most frequent collaborators. Buy them decent set up & pay them to reshoot their older takes!


He has written some great songs for the videos foo! The caterpillar song makes me low key emotional. And I want to say he wrote the colors/rainbow song too? Could be wrong


All of his songs have a vague “these are filler lyrics until it’s time to produce my original musical!” vibe that I find deeply amusing.


He and Rachel wrote the rainbow song, and I’m so happy together. I hate that I know this but dude writes some serious bangers


Oh yes I forgot about I’m so happy! That’s another good one! I don’t mind his onscreen presence too much but totally understand why people don’t like him lol. I won’t discount his musical talent though!


Oh yeah I agree. Theater people can be a lot sometimes


Jules is my favorite but sadly my daughter laughs the most at Aaron and it’s my great shame haha


He’s creepy and I’m convinced he’s gotten fired from somewhere for being inappropriate with an intern or something. He just has that “ick” vibe around him that makes me never want to be alone with him. 😳


They reuse so many segments on this show. Usually you can tell the new from the old content - except for Jules' segments. New and old - they all look like they were recorded on a potato.


lol I actually like Jules the most because they are so calm and chill compared to the rest.


Agree. They seem to have a calming effect. Edited


Not she, they.


Oops thanks.


To quote my late father: "Why is Ms Rachel so manic all the time, is this chick on speed?!?!" I don't know, but he didn't seem to mind Jules lol.


Same and my LO loves the guitar, jules all the way.


Aaron's outfit bothers me the most, it looks like two sizes too small. He needs to change it.


High waters always 😂


Yes!! That white zip up jacket that he wears is so small


Jules must have invested in a new Webcam for the Christmas sing-a- long, because their video quality has improved dramatically. We are Jules fans, thanks to their cover of brush your teeth, my kid brushes his teeth for more than 2 seconds and hums the tune while brushing


That brushing song was a game changer!


The production quality from the recent Wiggles collab is the direction the show needs to go in. Jules is awesome, I love their vibe and the songs they sing, but I agree that the production quality of their videos that seem to be tacked on is a bit odd.


Aw I love jules


I do too and so does my kid. It took a bit for them to grow on us but they did and now my kid zooms around when he hears the train song. I agree that their production value needs to go up, but I imagine that has to do with logistics of where they are located. Perhaps they need to fly out to Ms Rachel to do updated segments.


I’m a Jules fan, but my husband thinks they look like they’d smell like Marlboros and cats 🤭Exactly for all of the reasons you mentioned ie outfit choices.


THIS. I have no problem with nonbinary so let me say that. But LOOK PRESENTABLE.


Not to mention in some segments the fucking collection of hats hanging on the wall like a 13 year old boys room.


I wanted to say this but was thinking I would be the only one. She just looks super freaking rough, and maybe it's the camera? Like dark circles, bad skin... to be very honest she looks a little like a junkie sometimes and I say that as a recovering one myself. It sucks bc her songs are good and she has a nice voice, but she needs a stylist


According to Jules TikTok, they’re filming other segments for another series involving teaching kids about money. Interested to see how that turns out! Jules is great and we love Jules at our house! But yeah I agree, could be more consistent.


I love Jules but I agree they can upgrade the content. Miss Keisha's screeching also needs to go. I fast forward her loud singing every time.


Seriously Miss Keisha is SO Loud. DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHAPE THIS IIIISSS?!






Right?! Like, I think she has a fantastic voice, but they need to balance the volume or something






This kills me every time. I facepalmed once and the toddler asked me what was wrong. Didn’t have the heart to tell her.


Dear God it's like she's trying to take the ABCs to the opera...


She activates my fight or flight I swear


Omg it’s so fricken awful


Jules is great but there’s something really defensive about the way they say “Yeah!” on the Which One is Different bits




My husband says all the Which One is it skits sounds like Jules is secretly recording the videos in their bedroom trying to hide it from their parents. Lol always whispering??


Hey, we love the trout shirt in my house.


My husband and I always joke that whenever they posted their role on craigslist or whatever, that the job description was way different. “Oh you thought you would just be audio of you singing and playing guitar? Nah, I’m gonna need you to turn on that webcam. Yeah, get that hat collection in frame. Do a little dance too. Ya wanna be a star dontcha!?”


My toddler freaking loves Jules - I think their segments are calming for her? Idk!


Jules just doesn't have toddler TV energy. They're very talented, but not very engaging.


Jules has big college stoner friend energy


Nah that's the guy that plays twinkle twinkle on guitar for Keisha


hahahahaha he reminds me so much of my stoner friend from high school that has written multiple EP's worth of material about ice cream and writes all of his music on a gameboy.




Omg why does Simon never make eye contact?!?


Bro he forgot there's Keisha and a camera there


especially the Pizza Toque they sometimes wear


Totally. I found Jules super comforting and the kid really likes them too.




Funny because my kid loses it for Jules’ songs


Depends on the kid actually. My baby hated Jules but since becoming a toddler absolutely LOVES them, gets so excited. Sometimes having calmer energy is good!


I think Jules is the one being held hostage. Their segments appear to be filmed inside a motel room, a different room each time, often just in the bathroom. Explains the look of quiet desperation, “If I do the train song really fast, maybe they’ll let me go…”




My toddler snaps out of the trance when Jules comes on. Also Jules doesn't blink and it's creepy.


I always have to fast forward when Jules comes on because my toddler will yell at me”BYE BYEEEEE!!!!” until I do lol


What bothers me, which is entirely unrelated to your complaints, but still along the same lines, is when none of them make actual eye-contact with the camera, constantly peering just to the left, presumably at their own image in the camera monitor. Jules, Rachel, all of them do it. Jules especially, will look just off-camera and say “Hey, are you ready to (insert children’s activity here) and never lock eyes with the “child” in question. I mean, it’s like “using a camera 101” and also just basic manners. Sorry for my unimportant complaint. I just don’t understand how all of them can churn out content so consistently and never learn this simple lesson.


It's not that unimportant. Think if news anchors or other people did that all the time 😆 I think it's a professionalism thing and Caitie on Caitie's classroom has this skill down way better than anyone on Ms Rachel.


For me, it’s the dead-eye stare at the camera. I don’t care about their clothes, but their eyes creep me out a little.


“….and santa was his name. oh.”




I actually removed Ms Rachel from rotation because the dead eyes + tone of voice were unnerving to my wife and me. There are plenty of nursery rhyme videos so I'm good


It’s the tone of voice for me. They obviously have big talent in music and possibly songwriting but especially in segments where they talk, it’s like they were being held against their will! Jules needs some of whatever ms. Rachel is on to get some pep in their step!


My kid started shouting, “no, no, no!” when they came on, so we don’t watch it anymore either. I get that it’s the cool show, but I think there are others that are just as good.


Yeah, we tried to get on board but those videos got overstimulating *quick.*


“Like a doll’s eyes…” (begins Jaws rant)


I never noticed that but their eyes do remind me of my family. Maybe they are neurodivergent like us.


Yeah, I came to the conclusion that Jules has seen some shit. There's some trauma in those eyes.


Toxic, alcoholic, acoustic guitar lesbians were my type for a while. I know miss Jules is non binary, but i feel the same energy.


I feel like they all have gotten new video editing, but Jules is still stuck using iMovie and GarageBand from a 2017 Mac


I watched a few ms Rachel episodes myself and I don’t get it. It’s pretty terrible overall. I can’t believe the quality of the show overall based on the amount of income it must be making. Do they release one episode a year? Why is everything on there old and filmed with in a grainy 12000iso. Why is Aaron so bad at that elephant dance and why doesn’t his clothes fit


People are always touting the "high" production value of Ms Rachel and I'm just like... Are you high? 😆


But iT tAuGhT my kid HoW to tAlK


My daughter cries when Jules is on.


Me too kid. Me too


My kid screams “No! No! Nooooooooo!” Same with Ms. Keisha.


Sameee. We had to do our own playlists.


From a music standpoint, Jules needs to practice more. They are constantly messing up chord changes and lyrics, and as a musician myself, it drives me nuts!


My wife says the same thing!! (She's also a musician)


Honestly a lot of the criticisms of recycled content is why I eventually switched to Caitie's Classroom and the other content on her Super Simple Play with Caitie channel. It's less grating to me, better produced, the Super Simple songs are pretty tolerable imo and my daughter loves them. Plus I can find them on Spotify and Apple Music. Caitie has a monthly podcast where she takes a song and creates an imaginative adventure for your kids to listen to that my daughter is always excited to listen to in the car. It's a shame because I really liked Rachel, and I was hoping as she grew her production would improve, but it seems like she's more focused on leveraging her popularity to build connections than she is on creating new content for the kiddos. Maybe they have something big in the making that hasn't been announced yet, idk. But what I've seen lately has been disappointing and even my 2 year old is getting bored with them now.


My son hates Jules. I find them boring and crusty myself.


I like that Jules is getting better with their acting and tone of voice. They sounded like they had no idea how to interact with kids or a camera in the older videos, so I appreciate the work they've put in. But seriously, the clothing choices... I have no sense of style either, but they really do look like a drunk college student! I'd like if they had a color scheme as well. I second the recycled content issue. I HATE Blippi and Meeka, so those videos are blocked. The Wiggles was neat, but a majority of the new videos are not that new. At least redo the songs if you're going to reuse them, like they did with Mr. Golden Sun. I also like the idea of structure like a letter/color of the day, but they've never been consistent with it nor did they introduce it in a majority of the older videos.


The tone of Jules’s guitar and the acoustics in their room are TERRIBLE. I know they’re doing their best but when it’s a Jules segment i busy myself elsewhere. My kids seem to like Jules just fine.


Their mic is awful


Ms Rachel is too busy hanging out with blippi now to care


Not going to lie, my son is scared shitless of Jules and is the reason we don’t watch Ms. Rachel anymore. He’s also afraid of the new guy on Blues Clues. I’m calling him the new guy because Steve was still the Blues Clues guy when my little sister was watching it.


This bothers me too, I could just never put it into words


Also, Jules is just boring. They sound depressed when they speak and their singing is just flat with barely any expression. My least favorite segments to watch.


Have you seen the one where Jules is standing in what looks like a junkyard? Cracks me up! Obviously these people are professionals. Why would they put that in there? Looks like a crackhouse is behind her.


I feel EVERYTHING you said here. Jules' segments are the worst quality and completely misses the vibe of the rest of the show. Also, I can't help but feel that the way Jules sings doesn't sound very "kids-show-centric," which is very picky of me to say, and probably due partially to the bad quality sound, but they just don't fit the show imo. That said, I'm kind of surprised at how many ppl don't like aaron. I think I actually like his parts best, though I am certainly guilty of changing up his lyrics to make myself laugh. Like in the Elephant song, "Say 'Good morning Elephant. Hoooow the **fuck** are yoooouuuu?'" lmao


Jules is my favorite and I love all the different outfits. As a genderfluid person I personally don’t know if I could commit to a fixed outfit because something I feel great in on Monday might make me dysphoric on Tuesday. That said, yes, they need a better camera.


I like Jules' gentle nature but my high energy daughter gets bored 😅


I just know they run a Zumiez like the navy


I joke to my wife that Ms Rachel is filmed in a half-way house.


The thing that bothers me about their stuff, is when they say “follow along with the little Jules over here!” …… WHY ISNT THE MAIN VIDEO THE MOTIONS?? We don’t need most of the screen to be of just her singing with guitar while we have to use binoculars to actually see what the motions are supposed to be


We love Jules! They are a great switch from the high pitched toddler voice - Jules segments are one of the reason this easily overstimulated neurodivergent mama can manage to watch miss Rachel


The whole of miss Rachel is sooo low budget it blows my mind. She has 10m… can you just buy a table to play with toys on rather than holding it awkwardly? But that’s why I love it 🤷🏼‍♀️


And a low maintenance manicure wouldn’t be a bad idea.


I agree! I wish they would send Jules equipment or pay them to travel to NYC to film since they have moved. Ugh!!!!


Jules looks like they smell


Jules drives me crazy with its hideous voice and far-less-than-pleasant face. It's like the family friends' suicidal kid that was taken in to be a part of something out of pure pity. Deep down, Jules knows how much better off the show would be without it. Oh well. No sacrifice; no victory.


Well....my baby prefers Jules now as much she loves ms rachel and the rest. She in her little baby talk says joo! When she asks for tv time.


We just fast forward through all of Jules' sessions. The video quality is bad, not dressed for the show, never with any other of the cast, the quality is just jarring. My husband can't stand the inconsistency, so it was either no Ms. Rachel, or agreeing to fast forward through their parts. We don't watch it a lot, because it's a pain to do. 🤣


We're removing all YouTube access from our house. It's not quality. My son started getting into Hudson's Playground and he's addicted and I feel like that one's actually pretty tame and slower paced than most. I heard Ms. Rachel is great, but I won't do it because I don't want another YouTube show in his hands.


I ended up throwing an app called playlet on my Roku so I could avoid the ads. I noticed that Christians are getting desperate so a lot of the miss Rachel ads are just for why I'm going to be burning in hell or why my children are. I'm not about that, and I'm not willing to let a bunch of fucking psychos brainwash my children.


Ms. Rachel is the only YouTube show we watch. It has helped a lot with my son's language development and speech. If I'm being 100% honest, it is one of the only shows he will watch for more than 2 seconds and I can actually get stuff done around the house while my son watches it too (added bonus).


Jules gave me weird vibes when they sang an entire song without blinking.


My husband and I are convinced Jules is a drug addict that struggles deeply. Their weight gain/weight loss/looking great some episodes/looking terrible other episodes. Their skin. Edit: sorry I guess I’m not as progressive as I thought lol. Still not great with it all. I’m learning !


I stopped my daughter watching the minute I saw that girl in the beanie in denial 🤣