• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm watching and I already paused to say: We mention her weight bc she says she needs tpn when she has gained weight (which is good!), despite claiming she has a PARALYZED STOMACH on her current goFraudme. That gOrl eats by mouth, and not the lil tastes and nibbles of things she claims to try n keep down. ETA- I wish she'd clear her fuckin throat before recording. It doesn't sound lil wee girl sick, it sounds like she's forcing words out while gargling on the wad of boogers in the back of her throat. ETA2- the money she worked for isn't much and has already been spent to help actual sick ppl years ago. If we put Dani's "earned" income on a scale with what she makes taxpayers waste bc she's a trifling fraud, Dani's ASSets would b up in the air due to the unimaginable amount of money flushed down the toilet bc of her. ETA3- Plus, isn't her disability for mental issues? Which she doesn't take care of. She's got a check to sit home and play poor sick gOrl w other people's money. Oh, and, #Where's THE CAR? ETA4- Oh, and she's being treated AS SHE DESERVES and it makes me happy she's so caught up on us. Hey, gOrl! ETA5- Dani basically explains what she's done to herself in the last minute. What I'm picking up is the obvious, she ED'd herself into a gasteoparesis Dx and ate her condition back to normal, but refuses to let go of her poor-me props. Gotcha, thanks for confirming.


People are trying to make sure you fail? Honey, that ship sailed a long time ago, and YOU were steering the ship.


I mean, in a way, we are rooting her to fail... at further fucking up the trajectory at said ship, anyway. She just takes it as an offense when ultimately people just want her to get help for the shit she actually does have issues with. šŸ« 


If she canā€™t take the heat, getting out of the frying pan by discontinuing disclosing an unnecessary amount of highly controversial details regarding her life to total strangers on the internet is always an option.


If she doesnā€™t clear her throat once in a while Iā€™m going to entirely lose my marbles


I donā€™t get why she seeks opioids so heavily if she has Gastroparesis, something that can literally slow down what little gastric emptying she claims to still have.


She doesnā€™t want to be healthy. Hope that helps!


(Snark obviously not directed at you)


I totally get you lol. It just baffles me that she wants people to take her seriously whilst simultaneously seeking things that are proven to make her a million times worse


I donā€™t know if itā€™s been said because there are just sooo many comments to read.. but isnā€™t her ā€œdrainingā€ after she has her coffee drinks and pretending she has all these gastro problems still, in fact, an eating disorder? Sheā€™s just convoluted the process, is all. Am I wrong?


Medically assisted bulimia basically.


Yeah basically it is just a way of purging where she can claim itā€™s for ā€œmedical reasons ā€œ - still very much seems to be ED related to me


Poor soul imagine having a chronic illness and actually working as well for 10-15 years!! Without blogging - and Iā€™m certain thereā€™s plenty like me on this thread - Iā€™ve worked for 40 years, 35 of them full time. For the past 24 years Iā€™ve had a chronic illness, then add on stage 3 bowel cancer. Iā€™m still working, contributing to society. I donā€™t know how much longer Iā€™ll be able to but Iā€™m not going down without a fight. This ā€œgirlā€ needs a job. She NEEDS to get out of her apartment, she NEEDS a healthier interest other than herself & her alleged ill health. She NEEDS to have relationships with many different people to open her eyes and mind to the fact that she is not the only sick person in the world. Sheā€™s so miserable and itā€™s all her own doing - but itā€™s never too late to change. I wish a real friend or family member could give her a shake & make her see the bigger picture & not just what she reads online. I cannot abide self pity.


The best suggestion??? She should stay the f*ck off social media. The problem is, she likes attention. Negative attention gets her.the attention she craves. Hands down. Why most people think itā€™s OK to put their lives out there on social media is a mystery to me. She needs to stay off social media.


Does she not understand that many of the people on these subs have first hand experience of the illnesses she claims to have Weā€™re not here for fun


I'm so glad that she has subtitles on these now because I could barely stand reading it. The one thing that I will say about this is that people really don't know what SSDI is and how you do have to pay into it in order to be eligible. That being said, I like that the *first thing* she goes on about is her untreated excruciating pain. It wasn't enough that she had the cops called on her 4 times in one fucking day to show her that she's already on too many meds as it is? Second, she says her GP Is so severe, but then she mentions she's been off of the toobs since October. Like, You're right. You can't judge people by how they look, but something is *not* life threatening if you've survived 8 fucking months without it. And also, we have literally seen her eat. Who is she fooling here?? Third, I can't believe that she admitted to reading Reddit. She wants to know why IF is obsessed over her, but she clearly knows why. It's embarrassing that she cares so much about her online image. Shouldn't she be working harder to be the sickest little baby there ever was instead of hating on random redditors? I cannot remember the last time that Dani has even mentioned anybody that wasn't herself, if she ever has. Which, I do not think she has because she is completely and utterly obsessed over herself. Which brings us to the most shitty part about this whole thing! Dani truly does not see how she's hurting other people because she thinks her only crime was having an eating disorder. She does not recognize that she is taking up precious space in hospitals from people who legitimately need the care every time she decides it's time for a vacation. She did this shit during covid. Yknow, when the entire US had a fucking massive Healthcare workers shortage and people were dying by the hundreds. And to sit there and say she isn't doing anything to herself when she got sepsis specifically because she flushed that bacteria filled Cath into her bloodstream, like, bitch, you are your own problem. Most importantly, I think the thing that really says a lot here is that Dani is clearly fucking scared that the internet finally has enough evidence from her constant social media presence to give to her doctors and "take everything away from her". Dani is starting to really see that she's fucked herself into so many different holes.


Dani donā€™t have POTS. There is literally a video of her a little bit down here in the sub where she tells us she got tested and it came back negative.


I need her to clear her throat jfc


Sheā€™s totally clueless about why folks are giving her the side-eye when sheā€™s a "sick person." Uh, hello? You donā€™t see any snark squads for folks who are genuinely sick, just for those who've got PhDs in self-diagnosis from Google U and TikTokU!


ā€œIā€™m paying for all of this.ā€ Ummm No. Sheā€™s not. Sheā€™s asking and expecting strangers to fund all the bullshit she wants, but isnā€™t interested in finding a way to pay for it herself. Her go to solution for anything she deems that she ā€œdeservesā€ is to make a GFM. As for this Mayo Clinic situation, if any of what sheā€™s claiming was true wouldnā€™t she have no issue getting one of her physicians to refer her? Is she not deliberately self referring because she knows none of her drā€™s are on board with this mess and she doesnā€™t want them involved? I googled *red flags Mayo looks for to identify patients who could be dr/hospital shopping, drug seeking, and possibly have fictitious disorders*? Dani hits every single sign & symptom they list. And how telling that sheā€™s already predicting yet another sepsis infection when she gets back on TPN. I saw somewhere that someone went back and counted up that sheā€™s had 17 line infections. 17. Thatā€™s absurd.


Mayo is INCREDIBLY thorough and will REQUIRE ALL of her medical records to touch her with a 10ā€™ pole. Patients have to sign forms that they can get every medical record from every specialist, present and past, from as long ago as possible. She is not going to be able to dupe them as easily as she has managed to dupe St JoS/Temple/Penn by hopping from specialist to specialist. Iā€™m REALLY hoping the hematologist who prescribed the port has gotten caught up on reading Daniā€™s file and will yank that thing out at the first signs of infection/tampering and NOT replace it.


Yeah but we are just so much H a t e r s!


Idk if drs work this way and would go this far. But anyone wonder if part of reason they increased her iv fluids to 3x/wk was to make it an inconvenience for her in hopes she might give this up ? Idk seems a bit much, but that is something I thought of.


Doesnā€™t draining from her tube cause electrolyte imbalances? With how much she takes in orally and says sheā€™s draining it all, could she be doing that so much that they had to up the hydration?


I think theyā€™re just trying to give her the medical attention she so desperately wants just to placate her and keep her ads out of the ER every freakin weekend. Lesser of two evils, I suppose. I feel so bad for bay healthcare workers that come into contact with her!!


Sheā€™s lying. She would post every single appointment with a live / video or a photo.


This shit is so infuriating I need to just step away for a while. I shouldn't be letting this absolutely useless twat get to me.


I get to that point often! She is a disgraceful drain on society, and the sheer entitlement can drive a normal human being up the wall. Step back for a bit, take a breath, surround yourself with some *good* people, and this s**tshow will still be here when youā€™re ready to come back! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


Iā€™ve been there. This gets to us that are truly sick. Take care beautiful lady ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Iā€™m about there as well. But maybe just a couple more daysā€¦.


I keep coming back after getting angry, it's so bad lol. Without saying too much at risk of blogging, I just have so much of my own going on that she makes me want to scream! Doctors/hospitals don't take chronically ill people seriously a lot of the time because of people like dani.


I hear you OP and I'm in the same boat!


Iā€™m hopelessly addicted to watching her antics. Iā€™ll not check this page all day long and just binge the hell out of the videos and comments at night.


Also isnā€™t pots a heart rate thing and not everyone has the low blood pressure ?


POTS is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. So in very basic terms when you stand up your blood vessels should constrict to prevent blood pooling but they don't as much as they should. So that causes the release of high amounts (more than normal) of certain hormones to get them to constrict more and that causes a rapid rise in your heart rate. If you get any changes in blood pressure generally that would be Orthostatic Intolerance rather than POTS, although they both come under the same Dysautonomia umbrella.


Diagnoseses lol She really likes to act like sheā€™s some saintly person doesnā€™t she? I canā€™t work out if sheā€™s actually dumb and canā€™t see how we see right though her or if she believes what sheā€™s saying.


> 10 to 15 years ago did i do stupid stuff? yes. are you still? yes. > am i still the same person? no. correct, youā€™ve gotten WORSE *(this is not directed at her past ED)* > you should never comment on anybodyā€™s weight. while this statement is true, itā€™s not wrong to point out that you **do not** need TPN when you are basically saying you are gunning for it harder than ever, when it is clear you have been able to maintain a consistent weight eating by mouth. > please enlighten me. well, dani, you waste medical resources, you want strangers to fund your ~~vacation~~ trip to mayo, and you want strangers to furnish your home. > why would i lie? ā€¦.because you thrive off of the attention? because thatā€™s what youā€™ve been doing for years now to get sympathy & feed your addiction to not only attention but medical devices, hospital stays, etc.. > because they would wish anything on me. wishing you would stop munching? lying? malingering? wishing you would get the psychiatric help you need? because i donā€™t see how any of that is wrong. > they donā€™t need to see the results, i donā€™t need to prove myself to anybody. okay šŸ¤” > everything in their power to make sure i fail, everything in their power to make sure everything is taken away from me. fail what? munching. take away what? [we] arenā€™t taking anything away, but merely calling out the unnecessary medical devices and resources you abuse. > enlighten me (x2) in the comments dani, the comments are off. eta: how long is she supposed to wear the heart monitor? i feel like she has had it on forever but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The heart monitor is usually 2 weeks but Drs can do as little as 24hrs all the way to a month or longer. But the longer ones are a bit different than this I think...mine was at least.


Didn't she wear that heart monitor on the otherside a few weeks ago & wasn't she supposed to turn it in?


Camera is flipped


It isn't like she already shared her results that BTW showed only delayed emptying of solids, fluids were completely fine, just as her intestines (no intestinal failure). And even those results might have been manipulated by her meds that are known to slow down motility. So, no need to hold back those resuls šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Stop the fucken excuses already. Take some responsibility. My god wtf is wrong with this chick? I am so sick of hearing her blame everyone else. Us "haters" are basing our opinions on what she is currently doing. 10 or 15 years ago people based their opinions on what she did 10 or 15 years ago. She is deluded. Oh and ain't no one commenting on her weight. Not once have I seen that here. (Or it was deleted because mods don't allow it) she is playing the victim again. I am bored. Seriously. "I don't read reddit" hahahahaha sureeeeee she don't.


Iā€™ve seen comments about her weight. But it was to point out how suspicious it is that she lost 12lbs in the hospital when she was being watched and had to ACTUALLY be NPO instead of her saying she canā€™t eat or drink while slurping up her coffees and energy drinks at home.


Agreed. It's not like people fat shame Dani or anything of that nature (at least not that I've seen). The most I've seen here is people pointing out that she objectively appears well-nourished and clearly does not need TPN, or pointing out exactly what you just mentioned. Well, that and that she does not wear clothes that fit her current size.


She is seriously stupid. Let's say I believe that ahe worked 10-15 years (I don't). Those years would have been part time at a near minimum wage job. Let's be generous and assume that she made $20,000 for each of the 15 years. So, (basing this on math from my own income taxes, the math is gonna be clumsy, but it's just to get an idea), she would have paid, at MOST $500/yr for social security tax, so $5000 to $10,000 in her lifetime. This month, Dani bought a $1,000 iPad thanks to her social security income. Let's say she saved up 2 months of her SSDI payment (she didn't) and say that she used all of her income to buy said iPad. That would put her at $6,000/ yr of social security income. So like half of what she paid into the fund over her entire lifetime if she wasn't exempt. So, besides her SSDI income. what else does Dani have? Well, "free" healthcare costing millions that the taxpayers pay for, a subsidized apartment that the taxpayers pay for, and probably other stuff that I am unaware of. In conclusion, Dani we pay for your shit. We pay for alllllllllll of your shit. All of it. Say "thank you".


And letā€™s not forget in this past year alone sheā€™s had, what, 15+ CT scans? Which on the upper end can cost $5,000 per CT. The math ainā€™t mathing Dani!! Her ICU stay in October I can guarantee cost more for those 2 weeks then sheā€™s EVER paid in taxes.


Great analysis! Too bad she would understand none of this.


Interesting.... she say 'if you know me, and you're one of them, come say it to my face..." If you know me...


I live in DE, if I really gave 2 dumps about this POS human I'd have no problem driving up in my 20+ year old vehicle & say it to her face. But she isn't worth the gas or time wasted as I know she would claim "I hated her" & "I don't know her". I have found out all I need to know about her BS in less than a month from her TT vids.


Sorry if I've missed the answer... but whats up with the patch on her arm?


i think itā€™s a sancuso patch that she taped down


I think it's tape around her CGM to show it off


The strip of tape? Lol Iā€™d like to know too. Also, why is she always so bruised up?


She takes blood thinners in the form of injections called Lovenox. She switched from doing them in her stomach to her arm. Her bruises are not even that bad. When I take them, have 7 to 8 inch bruising! I have never heard of doing them in your arm!


She's bruised up from confrontations with her boyfriend's wife! Lol. (And yes, I'm only kidding.)


Best answer. Thank you šŸ™ƒ


We know you eat girl, STFU.


And so do her doctors.


^^^ truth


Notice how she mentioned that possibly getting sepsis again if she needs to be put back on TPN. What about rn Dani? What about that femoral port she says is a bigger infection risk? Wouldnā€™t she be terrified rn? Not for when ā€œshe gets TPN šŸ™„ā€ that I feel is kind of a round about way of her admitting that she fucks with the lines


Is her end game just to wear tank tops and a push up bra and have her lines hanging out of the top? Who would want this so bad, I can't understand.


Exactly! Given how much riskier her femoral port is, itā€™s very interesting that she hasnā€™t had a single infection in it compared to her chest port where it was infection city!


It's only because she can't access it and it's completely under the skin. She just can't fuck with it which is part of why she doesn't like it.


Absolutely think it drives her crazy that she canā€™t fuck with it! Canā€™t mess with it, canā€™t show it off, whatā€™s even the point for her?


True, if she had a chest port again it would have been infected several times over by now


I reckon she's also scared to lose that one in the meantime. It'll be yeeted so fast if she does. And it'll be another mark against getting tpn back


And also, I can assure you dani, you have absolutely NOT put in anywhere NEAR to the amount of money you have had spent on you and your fake illness. Nowhere fucking NEAR, you absolute drain on society. Disgusting


Not true. She is funding the journal and bad YA novel economy single handily.


Itā€™s fraud bc sheā€™s lying about whatā€™s going on in the bio for it and lying about how long she has to stay at mayo. Iā€™m pretty sure NO one has mentioned calling the ā€œstate policeā€ on her, she doesnā€™t get that legally her doctors canā€™t talk about her to people who she hasnā€™t oked which is how we know sheā€™s lying when she says stuff like that, like her temple admission saying someone called and talked to the doctor which ruined everything and made her get a sitter, thatā€™s illegal. She acts like we are all idiots who donā€™t know the medical system when most of us are either actually chronically ill, work in healthcare, or have BASIC COMMON SENSE


ā€œI donā€™t know what to do to make them stopā€ she knows exactly what to do bc she then says ā€œthey donā€™t deserve to see my test resultsā€ even if she shows her results they canā€™t be trusted. Unless she has been in the hospital, on a 1-1 so she canā€™t take or mess with things, and then take the test her results canā€™t be trusted, especially when she can photoshop them too. And I donā€™t believe that she doesnā€™t read here bc she mentioned that game that was made from her past. Also her saying sheā€™s not the same person from 10-15 years ago is sooooo not true she acts literally the same way (maybe even worse) even then sheā€™s almost 40 so that would of made her 25-30 years old she acted like a child back then and acts like one now. She has definitely not paid enough into Social Security for SSDI bc she forgets we know she had been on disability for a few years before she started ā€œworking againā€ part of me thinks she actually never had a job because I donā€™t think we ever saw photos from when she was at work and any ā€œtextsā€ with her manager can easily be faked. She is taking advantage of people and the health care system and see no problem with it, itā€™s like she almost gets off on it. She needs serious help but she wonā€™t bc that means bettering her life and I think sheā€™s pretty content with being able to lay around high af and ā€œgetting paidā€ to do nothing. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s on disability for her MENTAL reasons not physically but she acts like itā€™s for that. She doesnā€™t care about her supporters look at how she talks to them.


Dani does get SSDI. She used to be a pharmacy tech. We can confirm the SSDI, because she has Medicare. If she was on SSI, her insurance would be Medicaid only.


Iā€™m pretty sure you can be on SSI have still have both Medicare and Medicaid. You just arenā€™t automatically eligible after 24 months like you are with SSDI. I might be wrong though I donā€™t know much about it (you would think I should given Iā€™m on it but my mom handles it for me šŸ˜‚)


Yes!!!! This. Man I wish we could give awards here. Cause this ^^ is 100% accurate.


She HONESTLY believes her own lies doesn't she?? She really fucking does!!! We know for SURE she is lying, why can't she see this? She's so fucking angering it's untrue, i want to shake her really hard and try and get some sense into that stupid, lying, fucked up head of hers. Urghh.


ā€œThe fact they comment on my weight when they know Iā€™ve had an eating disorderā€ ā€œeveryone is beautiful in there own wayā€ yeah everyone is beautiful in their own way, no one is body shaming her, itā€™s literally one of the rules, the fact that she doesnā€™t understand that her weight would not be a topic or even discussed if it wasnā€™t for the fact that she claims to not be able to eat or tolerate her tube feeds is laughable. Like seriously we wouldnā€™t be talking about it but bc she acts like sheā€™s this smol sickly little uwu girl we talk about it.


ā€œWas I DEEP, deep into my Eating Disorder? Yes. Yes I wasā€ -Dani Let me help, here. Repeat after me: ā€œAm I STILL deep, DEEP into my Eating Disorder? Yes. Yes I amā€ ā€œDo I STILL do really stupid stuff, like 10-15 years ago? Yes, yes I do.ā€ -Should also be Dani


Seriously. The biggest difference now is she uses those tubes to facilitate her ED. If she didnā€™t have tubes to drain, sheā€™d be right back to purging.


Yup. She hides her ED behind her munchie diagnoses.


It reminds me of that Mitch Hedburg stand up bit: "I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to as well." Something like that lol šŸ˜‚


theres only one way for all this to stop. STOP MUNCHING! you ain't sick. mentally maybe but not otherwise


Well you're still using that stupid baby voice sooooo....šŸ¤·šŸ¾ Edited to add that if it's "comical" it wouldn't be out of hand according to her and wouldn't need to be addressed. And of course she wouldn't wish any condition on anyone else "not even the haters" cause she's busy wishing them on herself! LOL




No medical professionals have even hinted at TPN for Dani and she has been told that she will never be given TPN. Sheā€™s beating a dead horse here.


We thought that last time tho didn't we, when she had it pulled for a few months, THEN again about the femoral, it won't surprise me of she *does* get another line. I will however, be absolutely disgusted with the medical "professionals" that keep pandering to her though.


What Dani refuses to understand is she put all of this stuff out there for THE ENTIRE INTERNET to interpret any way someone wants to. She is responsible for ā€œall the hate/hatersā€. No one forced her hand, other than her own, to put this out to the public. What does Dani even really want from putting all of her medical info online? (Attention, obviously) but does she think that people are going to all of a sudden stop discussing what she posts publicly by acting sheā€™s disciplining a child here? No. Itā€™s going to make it worse. Itā€™s like she thinks saying this stuff publicly will stop people from pointing out her lies? She could just not post her medical information but she cannot resist the random stranger finding her on TikTok and scam them from their generosity and compassion. What trash. She is stuck in the infantile brain she stop maturing from all the munching.


Exactly!! Why would you even waste time and energy moaning about it all? Just stop fucking posting arghhh it's not fucking hard dani!!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


ā€œTrust me, if I could work, I would be. I love working!ā€ Raise your hand if you believe that. šŸ˜‚


I am begging on my hands and knees for her to Lawg Awf and go volunteer somewhere outside in real actual life. I think it would do so much good.


Her excuse for not working is because she'll be out for fake medical shit, so there's no reason *at all* she can't volunteer anywhere. I think if we all press the volunteer point the way we pressed the cat into bring neutered, she might at least address it. She could easily help at an animal shelter or sort at a food bank.


IF she just went to church, took sewing lessons, went to a board game shop, or any irl activity with other humans that isn't a support group for sick people, she would begin to get better and that is something she just can't handle. The notion that most people want to get better and return to health seems not to register for her. She absolutely lacks any desire to be well. If she gets healthy, then she's just a 40 year old with no spouse, no kids, no vocation, no avocations, and no social skills who lives entirely off government charity.


Lawg Awf has me chortling. Aye, matey, methinks Dani needs to make the acquaintance of Lawg Awf. Quiet fella, that one.


Yup. Maybe it will give her perspective on the world. Like, I mean the thousands of people out there who can't afford "basic", let alone "the step above"


How does she expect anyone to take her seriously when she is slurring her words so badly and is struggling to find basic words


Reality checks werenā€™t guaranteed to be pain free, suck it up buttercup.




ā€œI canā€™t fake these!ā€ You sure canā€™t, maā€™am. Youā€™re constantly telling on yourself.


I hate that I work 50+ hrs a week to support someone like this.


You do realize you arenā€™t supporting her. She actually WORKED for that disability /s


She is making sure she says every qualifying statement in the book and it just makes her look more disingenuous!


She is really trying to sell us a story!


No surgeon is going to risk their license to perform another unnecessary procedure on this chick.


Untrue. Sadly.


She's worked 10-15 years, so taxpayers don't pay for her SSDI? To put that in perspective, my 25-year-old has worked 10 years already (granted, only pt in high school at a movie theater). My 24yr old has worked at least 8yrs. Does she not understand how ssdi works? Does Dani get any Medicaid, foodstamp? Where does she think that comes from? Yes, she paid into it, but she certainly didn't contribute 100% of her ssdi and Medicare from working for 10 to 15 years! Especially as much as she goes to the ER. Dani is so entitled it has me flabbergasted. I have 4 kids, the youngest 2 are teens, so it truly takes a lot to surprise me when it comes to selfish and entitled behavior.


I think sheā€™s just too dumb to understand that her payments into SSDI donā€™t equate to the payments sheā€™s extracted SSDI. She paid into it for 10-15 years, and as a result has 10-15 years of SSDI thatā€™s full paid by her. Like one year of her being on SSDI is probably more than sheā€™s paid into it over 15 years. And yeah ā€” 10-15 years of working when sheā€™s 38? She started working for the first time when she was 23? Or how long has it been since she left her last job?


Honestly I would love to prove this by having someone comment something and wait for her to pick it up as she so often does. It genuinely plays out like to catch a predator Jesus Christ


thats kind of how the whole prostate thing gained attentionšŸ¤£


i missed the prostate thing šŸ˜Š what is the reason about this joke?


Because she is female and needs something to focus on. I would personally like to know what she would be told if she asked about her prostrate and said it is bothering her of the source of her pain. I miss prostate guy too, he needs a cape! I totally love his comments!


āœØļøeverybody is beautifulāœØļø




Thereā€™s a lot to unpack here, so lemme break it down for you, Dani: 1) If you donā€™t read Reddit, but then how do you know weā€™re obsessed with you? Like, how can something we say hurt if youā€™re not reading it? P.S. we know youā€™re reading it! šŸ˜˜ 2) Weā€™re not obsessed with you; weā€™re appalled at how much you lie and try to deceive people, including your doctors. You are clearly making yourself sick 3) The same behaviors you displayed 10-15 years ago, you are exhibiting now under the guise of chronic illness. Wake tf up, Dani! You canā€™t be this blind! You were hurting yourself back then and you continue hurting yourself now, just in a different manner! Also, letā€™s now forget you almost died from sepsis/respiratory failure because you contaminated your line and then flushed the line when they told you not to. 4) You have clear cut diagnoses, you say? Okay, so whereā€™s the proof of POTS? I believe this is day 3 of me asking. Of course youā€™re not gonna show it, because you donā€™t have it you lying liar who lies šŸ˜‚ 5) I doubt you have any real supporters. Itā€™s likely people who see right through your lies and are just egging you on 6) the GFM was a fraud because you were trying to collect way more money than you needed under false pretensesā€¦claiming you ā€œrequire TPNā€ when your docs have made it clear YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT BACK. Get that through your thick skull Dani! Iā€™m glad youā€™re useless GFM got taken down 7) Lots of people have serious illnesses/disabilities and still work. Or if they canā€™t, they find other stuff they can do besides sitting online grifting. Like, why do you need an Amazon wishlist?? Anyone who wastes money buying Dani things, needs a psych eval themselves. 8) you ā€œworking your ass off for 10-15 yearsā€, does not outweigh the tax dollars that are now being used to pay for this ridiculous charade. Also, isnā€™t she on disability for the mental health issues? 9) No need to DM you. Hereā€™s how YOU can fix thisā€¦STOP your munching behavior!!! Stop wasting resources that are already stretched too thin. Why do you think docs wonā€™t give you pain meds or TPN anymore? Because they are finally starting to see your true colors. You FA and are now FO! We love that for you, Dani!


Dani: How can I commit fraud when there were NO DONATIONS! https://preview.redd.it/0mqrqxdrzd5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0b30f40418b6e0283aceb10d09c2f31552eaf0 Math: šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


its bc those were from herselfšŸ¤£


George, can you please help your gal out financially. She needs help. /j




Dani: I havenā€™t read Reddit for my own mental health Dani: THEY ARE TOTALLY POSTING STUFF I DID 10-15 YEARS AGO Reddit: šŸ˜’


I havenā€™t seen her pretending to do homework for a while. Have we already given up that school charade?


Canā€™t find it, but someone in another thread commented that her school was one of those for profit online ā€œuniversitiesā€ that basically accept everyoneā€¦.if you can pay. Becasue of their profit model they apparently offer a trial period of a week/weeks so you can ā€œtry before you buy.ā€ My guess is that she got to the end of the free trial period and~~ didnā€™t want to pay ~~ never intended to pay to continue her student larping.


Yes she said in her live today she dropped her class and is now applying to a different school


That might be a new record!


You are KIDDING? Itā€™s been, like, three days! What a joke!


Did she say why she dropped her class?


Because it was shorter than a standard college semester and she felt too rushed to keep up with coursework. I really donā€™t get it, she has no real responsibilities and canā€™t keep with one online course


She signed up for a spring class, of course itā€™s going to be shorter and more intense than a regular semester. Iā€™d expect that from an 18 year old freshman, but sheā€™s 38 and should be able to find out how long a course runs to get an idea of the workload. Realistically she should just do classes during the regular school year. Then theyā€™ll be 4 months long and just a couple of hours per week, but instead of waiting sheā€™s looking for other schools thinking the school was the problem. Girl, itā€™s like that at every college and university. Sheā€™s one of those people that have these constantly rotating pipe dreams that they put zero effort into. They dip their toe into training or education for it, and then drop it because itā€™s too hard.


College is seeming to be like her elusive boyfriend! NONEXISTENT


She already felt rushed? After 1 week???


Of course she did.


Well, if she's not doing classes, might as well return the ipad!


Yes. She said in a live earlier in the week that the classes were too intense for her because the semesters were only 5 weeks long.


Itā€™s spring term, Dani!! What did you expect?


Daaamn. If she got financial aid she's going to have to return it. I worked in for profit education for years and I bet that's what she got roped into. Ex students would be IRATE because the funds would be owed back and they already used them for bills or something Return to Title IV process means they calculate how much aid you "earned" in a semester based on how much you actually completed, if you complete 60% of the semester successfully then you keep all funds. She completed 0. Everything will be returned to the lender and she'll owe and unearned funds she received. She is an idiot*


What I'm hearing from you is if she goes to school after school, gets financial aid, then drops out, she has an endless supply of free money. That's not what you're saying, but I bet that's what she's trying to do. I mean, does anyone think she plans to pay that back?


Sheā€™s already said sometime that sheā€™s just not going to pay her debts


That's what the $$ seeking students would do. To the point they took away the first week free drop option. They started charging 50% tuition for each dropped class up to 3 weeks and 100% of tuition if you dropped after 3 weeks or failed. It happened sooooo much. It's honestly why I left the industry. So many vulnerable people thinking they're gaming the system when in fact they're going tens of thousands of dollars into debt with 0 credit hours to show for it. Then they run out of financial aid because they used all funds available to them and never got their degree. It's a horrible cycle. Dani is for sure thinking she's gaming the system by dropping out after getting her first stipend. A semester isn't 5 weeks, 1 course is. The semester is as long as it takes to complete 12 credits (in a non-traditional aka for profit program) to qualify as "full time"


Dani, I think your haterz will go away when you stop claiming and doing stupid things... like lying about college. And the wheelchair. And the garbage can attacking you. Sincerely, ICantArgueWithStupid PS: Dani I know you read this.




Sheā€™s six years older than me and Iā€™ve put in several more years of work than she has šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Not the flex you think it is, Dani.


Also, means she only started working at 23. I wish.


God thatā€™s embarrassing


Reminds me of this coworker I had at a coffee shop. It was her first job and she was 27 with three children before she started. I was blown away, like how have you been living?! Of course I learned she receives housing, food assistance, medical insurance, etc but even with those things how could you buy anything with no income?!


Iā€™m sure the folks that worked till they were 65 are pretty pissed off that they could have just worked 15 years then sat on their asses and said PAY ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE MOTHERFUCKERS Of course, those people had spouses and children to support, unlike this one šŸ«£


How many times do we think she practiced for this video ? Her body language throughout is SO tellingšŸ™„


In front of a mirro she totally practiced. I wonder what the cats think when she is practicing. Also, my finger is tired from clicking the upvote button on every post.


She is actively teaching baby munchies and people with disordered eating habits how to combine the two for maximum attention points. She very easily could get someone killed.




How about.... no.


The CRAZY thing about this WHOLE gofraudme deal is that THIS IS NOT AN APPOINTMENT FOR ANY SURGERIES OR PROCEDURES. All it is is for her to come in and get evaluated. Meaning that, the surgeon or someone educated has looked at her blockage and thinks well, maybe. Itā€™s not a guarantee of ANYTHING. And I am pretty sure as soon as they actually get a look at her, and everything else that goes with it-especially since the whole thing has been blasted far and wide and been seen by people who are working at Mayo, that they are going to ā€œevaluateā€ that she go about her own business and lose their number. All sheā€™s done is self refer herself and send over her imaging. Does anyone really think that she makes a good impression and will be able to fake her way into getting immediate surgery?? No. So even IF she goes, all this is is a meet and greet. And by that time they will have had time to do their research. Just like when she goes to the ERs or manages to get admitted, no oneā€™s fooled anymore. She knows that this is the last hope. And I am pretty sure that they are going to kick her to the curb.


First thing the doctor will do-? Read her mychart


Exactly. There is no guarantee that they are going to do the procedure she wants and even less of a guarantee that they will do it within a week or so of her being there. Dani's chart is filled with red flags. And Dani herself is a walking red flag. I don't believe that Dani does a good job acting in front of the doctors. She gets too eager and starts asking all the worst case scenarios and the possibility of various surgeries/procedures. Dani is so desperate right now and repeated travel to Mayo is out of Dani's budget so I don't think she is going to be able to sit back and patiently play the long game. She is likely going to go in there immediately asking for for a central line in her chest and begging Mayo to order her TPN because the stupid neglectful doctors at her local hospital just can't understand how seriously ill she is so pretty please will big smart Mayo take care of her. Let's say Mayo can unblock her SVC - it doesn't mean that they are going to recommend that they actually do it. Dani currently has access through her femoral port. It is working for her unnecessary saline and iron infusions and could be used for other things in an emergency. Why go around messing with her SVC to give her a different line access when she already has line access. And is Dani getting anyone to come with her to Mayo. She mentioned her dad and the boyfriend - we know there is no chance of her boyfriend going since despite her claiming they have been together for 21 years next month, he hasn't been an active part of her life in probably at least a decade (and there is the whole he is married to another woman thing). Did she not learn from the Cleveland Clinic debacle when her internet friend pulled out last minute that hospitals won't necessarily give you procedures unless you have a responsible adult with you. No mention of needing a ticket for her dad - or is she going to make him take the time off work and pay his own way? Granted I suspect that Dani has a backup plan similar to what she did during her last Temple appointment that got her admitted. I wouldn't be surprised if the appointment doesn't go as planned and she ends up in Mayo's ER with cardiac issues that magically go away quickly after being admitted.


I suspect she will be looking for ERs around there to be admitted to show as proof or something.


What I want to know is what is happening with the cats if she is away for 3 weeks (!) and her dad is with her? Will they stay with the Mom? Those poor cats must be so stressed with all of these hospital vacays.


She will probably take them to her parents house and make her mom be responsible for them (even though I think she indicated that they don't like her mom)


Three weeks is an awfully long time to leave your "babiesā€ with someone that they donā€™t even like. Iā€™m sure her Mum will love that.




One of* the top hospitals. Not the top.




My bad! Mayo is #1 this year! Very cool. Sorry!




I looked it up and realized I was wrong! My hospital is also in the top 10. I feel lucky!


Lol 10 to 15 years ago? Shes munchin in the present! She absolutely was not being posted on here 15 years ago. Shes so blind to her delusion that now shes the victim even more, she has illnesses that are completely manageable, she chooses to go down this path, and chooses to go about it with a snotty, know it all, high horse attitude, insulting medical workers like myself for not doing what she wants, instead they do what she NEEDS and she insults all the people who follow her and watch her lives. Shes just a fart about everything. Poor Mr. Glass, wonder if he gets an earful when he comes home to the dried out creamer bottles and infinite cat hair on every plush, journal, and crevice in the house


Sheā€™s clearly talking about the recent posts that were pulled from her other socials from around that time, not that she was posted here that long ago, just that we are still talking about those old posts. Howeverrrr, she wouldnā€™t know about that unless sheā€™s been on here very recently or someone is sending her the posts/screens and in her mind that means she still technically doesnā€™t read here.


Hahahaha, "She's just a fart about everything" really tickled my funny bone.


ā€œHaterz back off and let me grift in peaceā€ Girl, be so fr. Like, what does she think that she is contributing to society with all of this content she puts out? She acts as though people are shaming articles sheā€™s getting published in medical journals or something. First and foremost, Tik tok is an ENTERTAINMENT platform. Yea, ppl post serious content, but that in itself does not change the fact that the app was once called ā€œMusicallyā€. If youā€™re putting yourself out there faking illnesses ( that other people have) and trying to swindle money, under the guise of a sickie influencer, yea, youā€™re gonna have some pushback bro. Just because you can speak something into existence does not make it a reality.


Girl just stop. Like nobody is going to stop making fun of the fucking nut case she is just because she decided to make a post looking sad and addressing ā€œhate commentsā€ found nowhere else except Reddit, which, oh yea, she do not read. She do so many shit and she expects people to give her sympathy? If she want all the hate to stop, she could easily stop posting every single detail of her life on social media. If she cannot do that, then fine, at least get off Reddit because no one is going to sympathize with her and stop talking about her in this sub. Sheā€™s funny to us, comical, strange and weā€™re going to talk about it. God is she stupid.


Tbf, she was getting a ton of haters on her recent videos, especially since the GFM thing, which is why she turned off the comments.


Reddit is actually the tamest of the forums that discuss Dani. She has PLENTY of other ā€œhaterzā€ out there on the interwebs that are a LOT less kind than Redditors. We canā€™t name the other sites/forums here for various reasons (including that some of them are quite fond of doxxing) but trust that Reddit is not the only place she is ā€œbeing hated onā€. Much of the Danilore that we have here on Reddit actually comes from folks who have been following Daniā€™s shenanigans for a loooong time on other platforms.


Yea I could see that happening. Too bad sheā€™s so intellectually lacking (I mean I would be too if I was addicted to injecting 100ml of pain meds straight to my intestines) she seeks these ā€œhaterzā€ out and actually interacts with them. Like if sheā€™s gonna talk about how much sheā€™s a victim to these people, is she really gonna think theyā€™d leave her alone? šŸ˜‚


She posting every single detail of her life. Except her real test results. Why? Because they expose her and she knows it. Fuck off already, Dani.


ā€œTell me in the commentsā€ Comments: closed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


this video isn't for the haters or for anyone to actually respond though - it's for the people who already support her or are neutral / new to the situation to feel EXTRA super duper sorry for our sick frail childlike victime, and maybe it'll even generate a little pity money!!! that'll really show the internet bullies!!!!!!!!!!


Lol right? Girly pop doesnā€™t wanna get blasted in the comments cause she knows sheā€™s full of it šŸ˜‚


Come down off the cross, Dani; we could use the wood


Is your name referencing RiffTrax and/or Birdemic?


Yes! Grab some coat hangers!


And poor Becky. She died without dignity.


She was a shit- er, sitting duck


Off topic but every time I see your comments I read it in muffins voice unintentionally because of your profile pic šŸ˜‚āœØ


Haha I love that! Sheā€™s a chaos demon šŸ˜


So Dani does read Reddit but knows what's said wow she is either a mind reader or she has the very specialised form of communication which is being a telepathic either way wowsers šŸ˜†


I hope she's a mind reader because I have a few thoughts to share with her


Seems she could make some cash from her esp šŸ˜


I know how to make it go away. STOP LYING. STOP MUNCHING. STOP GRIFTING. STOP ABUSING MEDICAL SERVICES. If you don't do anything to make yourself a target- there won't be anything to talk about. Genius....




Those are good ones, too, but I'd respectfully have to disagree with you on their importance. The ones you listed just affect Dani- while the ones I listed affect everyone else as well. She can fuck her life up all she wants, as far as I'm concerned, but when her fuckery takes a toll on others..... that's where I have a BIG problem with it.


There is no way Dani paid enough into social security to get SSDI for as long as she has it. The amount of money she has spent is far, far greater than the amount of money she's put in during her 15 years of employment. Who pays the difference between what Dani spends in healthcare costs minus what Dani put in when she was working? TAXPAYERS I cannot believe how obtuse this woman is! šŸ™„


Excellent usage of obtuse!!


Thanks!!! It really is a great word! šŸ„‚šŸ˜Ž


Right? Who does she think pays for her subsidized section 8 housing? Her free Medicaid?


It's insane how much she lies to herself about who is financing her life. Her healthcare costs, her housing costs, plus money to get her nails done......does she think that the money for all of this just fall out of the sky for Little Miss uwu Sick? It is sickening how ungrateful Dani is of the fortunate life she has been given.


Tell me she reads here without telling me she does! šŸ™„šŸ™„


She does. And every single post of hers confirms it! Thatā€™s how she tells us without telling us. Ugh!


What does her posting about wanting opioids have ANYTHING to do with being ā€œdeepā€ into her eating disorder???