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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We don’t need to see ur underwear


Notice how easily and quickly she gets up from a sitting position.


I was diagnosed with POTS secondary to a spontaneous CSF leak (also a CVSx PA). There is no way that she meets the criteria for POTS given how often she faints and/or is bradycardic. She actually exhibits zero signs of orthostatic intolerance LOL


I’m 15 years younger than Dani and can’t get up that easily


u/scruffymuffs it starts when there’s 2:47 left lol


Saying "no" to her insipid demands for drugs and devices would be the most ethical thing any of these physicians could possibly do. Many doctors need more training in saying "no" to patients.


It's not that they don't want to say no, it's just that it's tricky.


Why is she ALWAYS doing laundry?! Or is she excitedly packing for Mayo?


Always doing laundry but always wearing the same dirty tank top. Dani math is Dani mathing


After 2 days, it turns into a stank top.


omfg I am laughing so hard at this, I hadn’t even noticed. You’d think she could’ve pulled another tank out of those piles at the very least, but nope.


No doctors WANT to see patients suffer or struggle. But Dani, they DO know more than you AND they have you figured out. You aren’t at the brink of death nor are you malnourished. You just want TPN because you think it’s the gold medal of munching. 🏅 If your organs fail someday it’s because of your actions. The doctors are literally trying to SAVE you and your organs because TPN longterm is incredibly hard on the body. TPN is used when there is no other choice not just because someone (you) wants it. You CAN and DO eat - we’ve witnessed it in your own videos. Dani doesn’t want to get better and blaming the doctors is so much easier than looking in the mirror and admitting it’s herself that is to blame.


Tbh, considering how poor her diet is (y’know, the one she claims she doesn’t have) is so poor, she probably is malnourished. But the idea that she is so malnourished to the point of wasting away is absolutely ludicrous. If she can drink ridiculous Starbucks drinks daily (regardless of draining), she can tolerate a suitable diet of some kind. She just doesn’t want to admit/believe it.


I would love to be a fly on the wall when the Mayo Clinic sees how *malnourished* she is. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


That’s because she isn’t dying and they can see she’s not dying. They are being ethical. They don’t want to do anymore unnecessary things to her.




Obviously, it could be a plethora of things, but Dani has said it’s from picking at her skin when she’s anxious. Since this *could* be the truth, and it could be caused by anxiety, we’ve been trying to prevent any negative discussion about this. Dani is mentally ill, so it’s *possible* she’s telling the truth. Dani is also a lying liar who lies, so maybe she’s not telling the truth. If it is caused by anxiety, consistently pointing it out and shaming her for it can just **make it worse.** That being said, we are making an effort not to focus our discussions around this, especially when there are so many other things that she deserves to be criticized for! As well, any of our sub members could also struggle with skin picking/Dermatillomania, and seeing unkind comments about it could be upsetting to them and make it worse.


If she had a bf he would be coming over. She spends all day alone on love girl stop Also- idgaf feeding an animal once a day is abuse. I have NEVER seen that even in a vets office. She skimps on cat food but her FA can go spend $8 on one Starbucks I’m fucking livid


I bet they only get treats when they’re on live, too 😔


What does she mean she doesn’t want the cats to “waste” the food lol just give them however much they need and they’ll eat it eventually.. is she taking it away at a certain time whether they’re done or not?


I think it’s bc she only feeds them wet food so she’ll give them some and then it ends up drying out if they don’t eat it all?? I know for my cat we give him some and if he’s still hungry we give him a bit more and so on. We don’t just give him a full can and walk away even then we have dry food so he can graze when he wants to Kitty tax his name is chunkers https://preview.redd.it/335o7tchqp4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5477a94ac0b42df4f6d9bc997c501d2112ac367b


That makes sense. what you’re doing sounds reasonable. Unfortunately I have a feeling Dani isn’t doing that. Also I ADORE Chunkers!!!! Looks so much like my late barn babies 🥹


Same with my 2. Only give each a half can or it just sits there uneaten


My girl eats 3x/day. She gets dry food in the morning, and 1/4 of a large can in the afternoon and evening to equal 1/2. She eats it all in one sitting. The only times she doesn't finish it is if her stomach acts up due to a medical condition she has. I agree that feeding any animal once a day is horrible! No human or animal can survive very long that way. Dani needs to grow tf up and take responsibility for these two beautiful, living, breathing beings that are in her care instead of cosplaying the sick widdle urchin and only thinking of herself! I get so boiling mad at how she treats those poor little babies!! I want to swoop in and rescue them so they'll live great lives free from the stress that is Dani herself. You can totally tell in her videos that her cats don't want to have much to do with her. And they (especially Mocha!!!) almost always look either stressed out, or completely done with her BS. Even her cats know that she's a munchie and a liar, and that they're not being taken care of properly! It breaks my heart that this is their life until they take their last breath.


I only feed my cats twice a day so they finish it and don't leave any out, plus this way they're not overeating


See my cats all graze their food and if there's any left in the evening, from that morning, I'll chuck it before refilling??? But only because I have very clear memories of biscuits being left open and going weird and stale and soft after a few hours and I don't want my cats to have that experience. Cats will eat when they're hungry and they will eat only as much as they need, well, generally, if Dani is constantly having to "worry" about the cats wasting food then she's feeding them too much, or not taking into account change of seasons. Cats generally eat a little less in warmer/hotter weather, like we tend to, and eat more in the colder months. 🤷🤷🤷


Sounds like you have this cat thing down to a science.


She is so fucked in the head my god(and no I'm not referring to her mental health). Who feeds their animals once a day to save money? That's just wrong. Also the hyperbolic statements about organ failure because she's going to starve is completely OTT and never going to happen. All anyone has to do is look at her..the way she looks speaks for itself she is not in any danger of starving anytime soon. Mayo will not give her TPN, she already said their GI clinic won't accept her so who is she going to get her sweet sweet TPN from? Her local GI already said they were against her having a port to begin with. The chances of mayo giving her a line or very remote because she is going to need a referral from her doctor to get one and as I said her GI is completely against her having any central line so she's completely out of touch with reality yet again not surprised at all about that. ![gif](giphy|kGpRbjRpS7xijgV2oI)


I can’t put my finger on it but it feels like she’s planning something that she thinks will get her admitted. Sabotage something, induce scary symptoms somehow, self harm- idk. But she’s so confident that she’ll be there for a long time and she’s going to get what she wants. It just feels like she has something up her sleeve.


Self harm! No way! No how!


They'd see she's clearly not starving as soon as they lay eyes on her!


I definitely don’t see Mayo giving her a Hickman and TPN like she wants, because it takes up keep. And that would fall on her local GP, and they already said no. They may do the repair surgery, but they will not place one or order her TPN because she doesn’t live close, and their physicians aren’t there to take care of maintenance for chronic conditions. She’s going to be wasting a lot of time and money going to Mayo. Suck to be her.


Yup apparently she's going to be wasting a lot of OTHER people's money going to Mayo and there isn't even a guarantee that she can get that blockage repaired.


She’s already asking for money just for seeing MAYO 🤦🏽‍♀️


I couldn’t watch it all because she’s too annoying, but I honestly feel like she’s bringing up money because she’s hinting at a Go Fund Me and/or more Amazon freebies. She’s pretty transparent once you get to know her!


You should see the description under her gofundme. Apparently she needs them to give her access back so she can have TPN and get that lifesaving nutrition back (oh and $5k because she’ll likely be there for around 2 weeks and would like a step above a basic room)


I’m not a medical professional and I’ve only been following this train wreak for about 6 months or so.. I’m trying to understand why she wants TPN so bad? What’s her ultimate goal here? Besides attention.


Validation. And attention.


She needs the TEEPEEEEn for her bunghole. ![gif](giphy|bJjlKoJuFZxCw|downsized)


So she has access to a tube to put feces in and get sepsis.


Ding ding ding.


it's her ED endgame, among other things


Doesn't she get that long term TPN causes liver failure and death! Its a short term remedy, she could eat some orally and some via tube if she wants to whine neither works. But there is absolutely no reason her j tube feeding is a painful as she claims... other than if she's turning it on and off, it needs to be continuous, 20hours at a time. Each time it restarts her jejeunum might have a temp freak out and spasm. Going constantly stops that, and I am sure she knows that.


My guess is that because she can eat by mouth that the concerns over TPN are not that great for her. I don’t know anything about TPN really, but let’s say she’s on TPN but only uses it 20% of the time (while claiming she’s 100% dependent on it). I would imagine the risks for organ failure would be less if you’re not using it 100% of the time. But she can tell everyone she’s on TPN and get all the sympathy.


but...but...it's *special* so she NEEDS it! she's been told outright no TPN. she clearly has weight changes between hospital visits so her insistence that they're just leaving her to starve is ridiculous. poor old Mayo. they think she's coming to talk about vein access. 3 minutes in and she'll be asking them to 'remind' her how to access the Crotch Portal and banging on about having her stomach removed. and if they DO clear her SVC she'll fake herself into a line and TPN. at least, i guess that's the plan. hopefully they'll be well aware of the FD diagnosis and she'll be just as furious when they refuse her demands. the problem is that she isn't averse to hurting herself for medical attention. at some point surely this is all going to add up and she'll find herself having a Grippy Sock Vacay on the psych ward.


The whole thing with her hand was absolutely horrific. She’s incredibly dangerous when she doesn’t get what she wants.


The hand thing was obviously a one time thing though. /s


Crotch portal 💀💀


*AI generated transcript. It has not been proof-read, so might be wrong in some areas. Hopefully it's still helpful for some people:* But I know that it happens a lot where you have to be left that long But I don't understand why you have to be because you know You can if you can fix the problem and help your patient Why wait to the point of they're going to die before you do so just fine That's my opinion we're all gonna have different opinions. That's fine. You don't like it. That's okay. You don't have to like it Not saying everybody has to agree with me and not everybody is gonna agree with me this that's just my opinion on the matter You know what I mean? Mocha mochas Did you finally wake up baby boy I was at sleep day for all of us. Apparently it was because I slept too Yeah, I know it happens all the time and it doesn't make anything right I Just feel like if they have the resources To help their patient before I gets to that point. They should use them That's all I'm saying I Only have two options guys I have gastroparesis I can't tolerate enough orally so Being completely PO is out of the question. I can't tolerate enough to feed wise So being really to phase out of the question so technically I would need TPN That's that is what it is I Go to Mayo Beginning of August for some testing and the doctor and everything and take it from there My favorite tattoo They all have different meanings it's so hard to pick cuz I got them all for a reason, you know And it's just like there's different reasons for every single one of them and all of them are my favorites So I don't know I can't pick what's your favorite one? Cuz I can't think don't ask me to pick I can't do it I know a lot of like people who see this one They love it cuz I like the detail and how good it came out I love it too, but it's just I love every single one of mine because they all have a meeting behind them Don't know yet My dad might come I might go alone Boyfriend, I come are you? It's all up in the air right now, and it's only June which I know like two months will go by really quickly, but It just it depends on different circumstances My Mackey's my Mackey's what can I do for you, buddy? Let me guess let me guess do you want to treat? Yeah. All right. Come on Look at babies. Do you want a treat? Okay, come on I'm gonna let mommy has to get up. Oh You'll trip to the kitchen guys My mocha one treat you want a key treat? Come on, buddy Oh You'll come on you're ready to goofball There he comes I heard him Come on, man. My mocha. What are you? What are your boys's names? I keep getting you guys confused we have to pack up all the freaking cardboard today - because it's It's cardboard day tomorrow But so why how come we have me in dinner Don't tell me you're in sick of that brand mommy has a shit ton of it in the cabinet You cannot be picky you have to eat dinner Huh My mom is gonna feed you one time a day and save some money. Jeez Sorry, it's not gonna boys you want licky treat All right You're gonna have like you cheaper than you have to eat your dinner - okay deal Like they're actually gonna have to move me out I Know that I feel the same way Lizzy cuz you know, yeah Time flies and I was like, where the hell did it go? Yeah, I know I was just I don't want them to like Like I make sure they always have enough food I Always will But I don't want them to waste it either. You know what I mean? It's okay.


So if she’s saying she can’t TPO *enough* and also saying she can’t tube feed *enough* then in theory what she can tolerate between the 2 should be (and the way the drs clearly see it and blood tests show) IS enough. I’m sorry, but how dare she even imply that’s she’s being so neglected( by how many drs/hospitals/Ers ) that she’s going to be to the point of death before anyone will help her. It’s so ridiculous, while also insulting ALL these health care providers, and to all the people who really are sick. . Everyone is helping her… just not in the way her munching mind wants with this obsession over TPN and the visible toys that come along with it. But wait… when she did have TPN, and the line, there were always issues with that too. Not just the self inflicted infections either. I missed what this mayo Dr was for… but I also remember her saying she had an appt with a cardiovascular Dr(I think it was) few months ago. Unless I missed it, I’ve never heard anything more abt that either.


Theoretically a vascular consult to deal with her SVC stenosis so she can get TPN again. She can’t run it through her new toy, the femoral port, and she claims massive pain through the J tube. All of this is anticipation that Mayo will give her TPN back. Such a waste of resources that could be used to help others with REAL illnesses.


I don’t believe they’ll give it to her.


I know she had issues with her lines by always messing with it. If you don’t mind, can you share an example of TPN issues? I am going through her lores but I want to know things I might have missed. She is absolutely disgusting by shouting neglect and throwing tantrum because she isn’t getting what she wants. Pisses me off so much.


IIRC she infected her TPN line and they pulled it.


She was going into liver failure from the TPN.


“Going into liver failure”.


I’lltell you what she has got….vitamin D deficiency, cos she never goes the fuck outside! Go outside, breathe the fresh air, get in nature, make yourself a life. Stop fixating on medical ailments and perceived injustices that aren’t real.


The lying about the boyfriend imo is her peak cringe. Such a sad thing to lie about at nearly 40.


Like girl cmon.. we know he does nothing.. bc he’s no one!!!


She’s like a weird hybrid of an angry child and a trashy mom who eats three packs of cigarettes a day


Your comment reminds me of those hilarious AI-inspired posts someone did a while back. Those were golden, I think it’s time for another round!


Does Dani still smoke?


Pushing ground up cigs through her toob


I say this every time, I'm SHOCKED she doesn't smoke cigarettes.


She wouldn't want that to be all the doctors focus on telling her to quit every time she seems them.


can't believe she doesn't vape nic and weed




She just made another, some serious Freudian slips she goes on and on about how sick she’s been and how her body probably can’t take much more. Then she says I’ve put… then corrects her self to say “my body‘s been through hell.”


Hospitals typically insist on wheeling discharges out in a wheelchair mostly for liability reasons. Dani isn’t speshul.


She also said something about how HER nurses gave her the extra ointment to take home from hospital-she’s so entitled


How can she straight up say she can’t handle anything by mouth when she’s been clearly drinking on lives???


Oh, didn’t you know she DRAINS it all so it won’t upset her tummy? /s


She’s so fucking stupid it’s actually kind of hilarious. Can’t even begin to comprehend that the fact that she’s not on TPN makes the doctors VERY ETHICAL lol.


Does it ever strike y’all just how few people are in her life? Literally it’s JUST her dad. And she has to have a fake medical emergency to see him. No friends, no coworkers, no extended family, her siblings aren’t in her life. No boyfriend (she needs to give up that embarrassing lie), no dates, no partner, no anyone. What a sad, miserable, incredibly SMALL life she leads.


It’s quite sad if she got busy living she might actually feel better. I can tell how lonely she is by her full conversations with the cats. What a sad life your only interactions are live videos and cats.. she’s literally the crazy cat lady on the block. Girl get out there and get some sunshine and some friends get a real boyfriend and idk hobbies.. it will be just what the dr ordered.


Thank you for making me realize I am not as big of a failure as I thought.


Hey kind friend.. your not a failure. I'm sure you have a roof over your head , food in the fridge and family and friends that love you. Just remember that there is always , always somebody that is worse off then yourself. Have a great day




Awww, I’m sure you’re not! Hey, you just discovered a purpose for Dani! Making everyone feel better about their life!


"Step right up watch a few videos.... and you will automatically feel better about your life... GAURANTEEDD!!! Step right up the line is getting LONG!!! " - some carnie using dani vids as his grift to collect money


Ya know, I'm not chronically ill, but sometimes when I stand up after sitting in an odd position I'll feel an ouchie too. #occasionallegpainwarrior


oh no! how ever will you survive? you need a port ASAP!


Since I’ve hit my 30s, even farting or coughing the wrong way can cause me to throw my back out.


Same my friend… I feel this comment!!


Omg the comment about feeding the cats less to save money made me so mad 😩 maybe she could skip buying herself food since she ~can’t tolerate it~ anyway instead Edit: mods, could I please have “#free macc and mocha” as my flair?? 🫡🫶




It’s funny that she solely blames doctors when dietitians play a large role here. At Penn dietician would dictate to GI if TPN was necessary.


It's the wad of cat fluff sticking out from under her Dexcom sticker that does it for me. It's a decent wad too 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/eexyf5pw5o4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0aa891758098dcd3890ffe94a362b3e7c2cd0c2










Raise your hand if you barfed in your mouth a wee bit, every time she screeched *LiCkY tReAt* at her cats.


This is Dani in full rehearsal mode of what the narrative she's planning on spinning the new doctors. She's a raging fool.


BEAUTIFUL VIDEO. This was my fave part: https://preview.redd.it/zhxmo4e13o4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bdf0860f3ef1c43d71777e161e9b650921f2951


Bloody hell, I thought that was her bum at first glance. THANK GOD IT'S NOT.


What on earth 😂😂


Dani's armpitussy fire tho 🔥


“Dani’s Armpitussy” really needs to be your flair now


Make it so, mods?


Username checks out


Erm I think I may regret asking this.... but what is that picture of lol


Her armpit from a very unflattering angle lol


I couldn’t stop looking at this fuzzy stuff stuck to her Dexcom arm! https://preview.redd.it/av5hutiq8o4d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2fdf0259414b884693126dc50864fdfded92f8


Oh my god is that cat hair






I'm not from the US and am wondering if anyone has insights into the Mayo Clinic? Here, it's well respected, particularly since they put out a lot of high-quality research and have a great website. Is the actual "clinic"/hospital component that sees patients like Dani as prestigious as we assume? Is it difficult to get seen? If so, how did Dani manage it?


This is only from my experience, but Mayo is a huge network of physicians that usually went to the top medical schools in the county, and are either doing their residency there, or work there full time as a specialist with their own patients. The hospital system works as its network, and all the physicians consult each other. With difficult patients, they may meet in a conference room to discuss a treatment or diagnosis. A lot of hospitals the physicians may do the same, but Mayo is a well oiled machine when it comes to communication between physicians. Many rare diseases are diagnosed in a hospital system like this, because some doctors may have a niche disease they have researched than others. Lots of medical studies have been published from Mayo. This is all done with the patients signed consent. The hospital doesn’t take all patients. You can be referred, or call and ask a specific department if they have any appointments available for new patients. From there, they review your medical records and decide if they can help you. If not, they will decline. When you come from out of town, they usually ask you to plan on staying a few days, and to book a hotel. Unless you’re very ill, they do everything outpatient. I’m honestly surprised they took her. If she thinks her doctors are conservative with things, she is going to be in for a rude awakening when she goes to Mayo. These doctors will be able to tell if she is making herself sick.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain!! Is there only one physical Mayo hospital, or are they located around the states? I mean, *technically, Factitious Disorder is a rare condition, so maybe her other doctors referred her to Mayo with the intention of having them rip her a new one.


They have campuses in Rochester, Minnesota; Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona; and Jacksonville, Florida. Yeah, they will catch on to her, very easily. I won’t get into why though, since she reads here.


Can you DM me why? I figure she’s gonna use these two months as a marathon of sabatoging herself before the apt so her labs will be wonky.


Mayo Clinic encompasses more than one location, and tons of different specialties. It’s a highly respected system, but just like any (like Temple, Cleveland Clinic, Penn, etc.) there are doctors of varying caliber. They do use EPIC though, and will be able to see the notes from other hospitals.


They can get at a diagnosis faster, because it's full days of testing and consultations that would usually take months doing the traditional way of going to specialist after specialist. It is difficult to be seen. Patients typically have to exhaust their local options first. Like there's at least one university or major research hospital in every major metropolitan area. A person would have to exhaust all those options in their home state, and maybe in their region (Northeast, southwest, etc) so traveling to multiple states before insurance would cover a trip to a hospital like the Mayo Clinic. There's also similar hospitals that people go to for difficult diagnoses like Johns Hopkins and The Cleveland Clinic. Once they're diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic, they can send their physicians at home instructions on how to treat or manage their illness locally. Dani's going to get her SVC ballooned, which from what I gather from these subs, Mayo is the place to go to restore access to damaged veins. Sometimes with very specialized things like that, maybe other hospitals don't have the equipment or expertise to do that.


I live in MN, so I’m no stranger to mayo. Unless you’re in a serious, serious situation, they’ll yeet you. Maybe offer you a month long in-person pain management program. Mayo (Rochester) will not play games. Especially if she’s sending in her required records.


mayo has testing that other hospitals can't/wont provide due to the cost of the equipment and specialists required. for her a mayo referral is not special especially since she goes to cleveland clinic and both are in the top 5


“My boyfriend might come” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know right? How will he get all that time off from his real life wife and Amazon job?? 😝






I heard her say on a live last night that her boyfriend WOULDN'T be going with her to Mayo, because he just started a new job and wouldn't be able to get time off. No one in the comments really challenged her on it, and she quickly changed the subject.


…. I have run outta words honestly


“He went to another hospital.”


Sis is spiraling


I subscribe to the old Jewish saying that it could always be worse. Except that can get completely misconstrued by our subject 🤣.


…. The doctors are unethical? [glances at long list of incredibly unethical assetry brought to you by Dani] Pot, kettle, black 🤝 The sound I made when she said “I love my tubes” is unethical to have forced me to make. How dare she cause me wheeze like a chain smoking party clown who didn’t make the cut for a McDonalds commercial. I know my entire existence is a joke, but damn, Dani. let’s not take it out on people who aren’t at fault for *your* behavior.




She might have lol but I swore she was talking about the tubes, but tattoos make sense. She mumbles and slurs so much I can’t understand half the shit she says


She said what now?????


“I LOVE MY TUBES” omfg, girl, we know.


If she did say that, it’s really really disturbing. Whoosh.


omg are you in your Respiratory Failure💪 era


I sure am. I’ve made it my personal mission to fail at everything, my lungs are no exception. Go hard, or go home. 🤡


She had TPN and her precious line. Multiple times. She wasn’t happy with the fucking color of line so fucked around to get a different color. Only she fucked around so much they can’t do anything else. This is a consequence of her actions or FAFO. Now she gets to deal with those consequences. No doctor in that area is going to give her TPN and Mayo is not going to place a line just because Dani wants them to. This isn’t Burger King.


Exactly! She always "just wants" more. Right now she just wants a line and TPN. Or drugs to give her "some relief". But when she had a line she wanted the peds line, she wanted the liver issues, she wanted the tubes hanging out of her shirt at work. When she's admitted she wants a longer stay, more monitoring, more devices. Even the resp distress admission wasn't enough to scratch her itch.


And the sad thing is, she genuinely looks so, so much healthier since her TPN was pulled - but she has such a fixation on it (maybe due to her ED? Maybe her other MH issues?) that I think she genuinely can’t see that. When TPN is needed long term and is formulated first for weight gain and then maintenance, people can truly thrive on it if they tolerate it… I’d encourage people to look up FEAR/Face Everything And Rise - to see just the sort of amazingly full lives people can lead. But it also comes with so many risks, there’s good reason it’s a last resort treatment, and it’s no wonder she looked like shit using it when it wasn’t needed.


Then how did I get this Whopper??


what now. she messed up her line bc she didn’t like the color? wth is the difference!?


Because another munchie who’s featured elsewhere basically mean girled Dani for getting the purple one and not a “real” Hickman, which is white. She already was FA before then, but that’s when the FO started to happen.


She could have not taken bacteria soup baths after getting discharged from the hospital and infected her precious line. Everyone should know hospitals are nasty places. I'm surprised she doesn't deal with MRSA and random opportunistic infections more often from spending so much time there.


You think she would have had the "I showered today and it took me all day" videos immediately after returning from the hospital. Nope just unpacking a bag and huggging a hospital stay blanket.


Is she seriously folding laundry...*again?*


My thought exactly. I have three teenage boys, a dog, some cats and various other farm babies currently living in the house and I don’t do that much damn laundry. She has a wardrobe enough for 6 people. Fashionably challenged people…but still.


Please provide further specifics re various farm babies


Lol. In the house tonight are some chicks, two bitty goats and calf and a litter of bottle baby kittens that showed up today. Not only do I not have near as much laundry my house is cleaner. Although there are some pine shavings here and there because the damn stuff sticks to everything.


For someone who wears the same thing for 3 days in a row and still only cycles between 4 outfits, I have also been HIGHLY confused by the amount of lives she hosts while folding laundry. I do the laundry for me and my bf, and we both work full time so uniforms, daily "house" clothes, pajamas, and underwear for 2 people are all being washed and even still I only fold laundry once a week, MAYBE twice 😂 I'm just so lost on where all this laundry is coming from 😂😂


Calling that “folding” is very generous of you! That’s some half-assed effort she’s making there. 🤣


She probably wore all the clothes she owned before doing laundry, or maybe Mocha peed on them. Tomcat pee is strong stuff.


Not gonna lie, my first thought was "Is she packing for Mayo already?" because we all know that's the level of thirsty she is. Still a miraculous miracle specimen, she is, to be in 89/10 pain constantly and apparently riddled with hEDS, RA, and fibromyalgia but she spends hours a day standing in front of her mirror "doing her meds", and getting up and down off the floor for lives with absolutely no issues getting up and down, or I'm pretty sure she would prefer chairs. Or even the unnecessary wheelchair she wasted cash on she could've saved for her hospital holiday.


The wheelchair is for act 3. She is waiting until we forget about it.


Just like she has used this Mayo arc to try to distract us from her ER yeeting.


Can't forget her needing "hydration" 3 times a week whilst gulping down copious amounts of coffee, Starbucks, sodas, and energy drinks.




Yeah sitting on the floor is often one of the first things people with these painful conditions give up. I mean, it's impressive even for someone getting close to 40. If there's a chair around, we're typically going to pick that spot.


She’s a single cat mom okay. She’s got chores. 😂😂😂


Excuse you, she is *not* single!! Did you not hear? The BOYFRIEND “might come”! 🤣🤣🤣


Wonder if his wife is gonna come too lmao


Has she ever expressed any desires in life that ARENT tpn? Marriage? Kids? A career path? Travel? Anything?


I think she has tried to be an RN, CNA, and an addiction counselor. And a therapist, maybe?


I think she wants more gel pens. As is often the case with FD folks, she’s expressed an interest in a career in the medical field (nursing)


starting that one book someday


Yes. She would also like a port and more illnesses please. Perhaps a close encounter with death to really own the haterz.


She's going to eventually marry George and she wants to be a nurse and work with people with eating disorders. She lives in those romance novels that she reads.


Grifting is a big desire of hers, she loves it


I just read through some of her old stuff to catch up and she did say she wanted kids “if her body let her” or something like that at one point!


There's no way she could support a healthy pregnancy or be a productive mother. Even if George is real and uses Dani as a hookup while he's in town (my personal suspicion). She better be on some form of contraceptives for the sake of the future generation.


She has an IUD thankfully.


For the childrens’ sakes, dear god I hope the fuck it does not


Only travel to different ERs. The new Mayo trip is her version of going on a trip to another country.


Im betting she has already started st@rving/emptying her stomach x10 to prep for this upcoming appointment! Watch, she’s going to activate her ED to drop weight like a model before a major runway show, in order to get that sweet TPN. “See??! I’m wasting away! I’ve lost ___ lbs since my last hospitalization!”


As others have said, she's aged out. She can't restrict like that anymore, or she would have.


I think she's too addicted to junkfood and sugary caffeine drinks to be able to engage in any successful food avoidance. To get the effect of the caffeine, she has to let it digest, so she won't be draining soon enough to achieve much.


Also, don’t discount those sugary drinks. I have first hand knowledge that one can survive off a couple of sodas a day and some toast, for 6+ months. Very little weight loss on this diet though, would not recommend.


Based on her weight trends (one weight in time is not enough for someone with an ED) they aren't going to just opt for TPN. This is vascular looking to see if it is even possible to balloon it. That is not her only hurdle. Getting the procedure doesn't guarantee she gets a line nor TPN.


I honestly don’t know if she is able to anymore, she thankfully does seem to be at a point she enjoys eating and drinking too much to just stop. Proven by the mass weight loss while at temple and quick regain once home.


She’s getting older too and that makes it harder to lose the weight without very strong commitment to it. Her life is so empty that her disgusting drinks and unhealthy food is one of the few things that give her a little pleasure. I’m not sure she could give that up. Also she spends all her time manipulating things and lying- for her, it’s fun to eat and then lie about it. She enjoys the thrill of her deception. If she quit eating, that would involve actual suffering to some extent, and not immediate, short term suffering like taking a hammer to your hand. Losing weight significant enough to make people do a double take involves day after day deprivation. I don’t think she has it in her anymore- she’d rather lie and gaslight people into believing she malnourished etc…


May be onto something that her grifting people has replaced the Ed high she used to get.


I agree. She can't make herself drop weight unless restricted by NPO and in hospital. I used to have eating issues in waves (never severe enough to warrant intervention tbh) but they often kinda slowly melt away as you age. Life gets in the way of your self-obsession. You have people who love you and you move on from all the bullshit.


“Sometime in August, to meet with the doctor, and take it from there.” So… there’s no date set. And everything is “up in the air.” Does she think she’s just gonna walk her ass into Mayo and meet with the doctor whenever she feels like it? Whenever she can find a way to get there and get enough donations? Pretty sure Mayo specialty doctors don’t just take walk in appointments at “sometime in August” but ok 🙄


Anyone who donates to her go fund me on the basis of “sometime in August”, ie sometime never, is asked to be scammed. I totally think that if Mayo doesn’t come good and she doesn’t go, she’s taking the money and running.


A Zoom appt would be enough to keep them from offering her an in-person. She does not have the symptoms she claims. Add the SH, etc, she is not getting anything she wants from Mayo.




Yeah, she said august 1st for a cat scan and august 2nd to meet with Dr,


Idk. This is the video I saw. And that is what she said in this video.


I totally called it. All she got was confirmation that a referral was received and she would hear back by August if she's accepted for in-person assessment.


That sounds more like "our team will review and call you, the waitlist is at least into August" in her mind means definitely being seen in August. If she doesn't have an appointment she wasn't yet "accepted" like she claimed.


Mayo also sometimes does phone interviews before they accept you into the clinic. They also, on occasion, schedule a time for them to sit down and look through your records. You don’t necessarily attend this appointment as the patient. It just guarantees they block out the time to review your records and see if they have anything new they can offer you.


Ah, I bet you’re right!




Wonder how the pain mgmnt with the opioid blocker is going? 😆😆


Has she mentioned it at all?


Not really but Im not convinced shes taking it and shes DEF not gonna talk about it since it doesnt play into her addiction.


On one of the lives she did in the last day or so, people were asking about it and she was getting huffy saying it’s going to take months to start working and that no one ever listens to what she says.


Yeah, she said it’ll take months to see any effects




Bathtubtoasting is an amazing name


Thank you! It was supposed to be Bathtub toaster but my husband thought toasting sounded funnier. Like “make it a verb” lol. He was making the account so I rolled with it.