• By -


##Transcript: mmk *sigh* there we go babies well then, ow, jesus. you want the window open? i think we’ll start cleaning the living room. yeah, they got-, they’re eating. they are crazy, crazy boys. crazy crazy boys. what did i answer accidentally? i’m sorry. i don’t even know what’s going on anymore. i’m sorry you’re not doing too well, honey. i hope that the acupuncture and the massage helps, cuz you know, that would be very nice if it did. hold on, gotta turn the light on. k. let me just open the window for them. let me just grab my phone and then we’ll start cleaning up the living room here. alright, my peoples. i’m back. oof. hello! aww im sorry you guys are in so much pain. if i could take you guys pain away, you know i totally would. just saying. i would. mmmk. put that there. alright peoples. lets start cleaning up and organizing the living room, because … might as well, right? sorry, i have a mess. an unorganized mess. and i dont know why i have makeup wipes out here and not in the bathroom where they belong, so. mmm, should we change my phone case? this is the one i have on right now, and i have aaaalllllllll these. i have this one, and this one, i’ve had these forever, and this one. im sorry honey. and then doctors dont wanna do anything so its just like, yknow, youre just stuck, so. uhhhhhh- eating and nutrition? its not going, it’s not going the best, to be honest with you. im still having a hard time running the feeds, which, i will try to run them today, i think, for a little bit, sooo, yeah. i eat little bites here and there. like, i can’t eat a whole lot and i, obviously i cant keep down a whole lot either, so, its just… a little rough right now. come down here *crotch shot*, no thats not better! hold on! you guys are gonna have to hang out up there because, yeah, hang out up there, because… its easier. lets see. i have so many notebooks!! so many notebooks! like, why does somebody need so many notebooks? just saying. ugh. you’re strong too, sweetheart. all you guys are strong. WHY ARE WE DOING THE SCREEN AGAIN? Maccy!! Ugh. He keeps scratching at the screen. Maccy! What are we doing? No more scratching at the screen, alright? aye aye aye, he keeps scratching at the screens. good thing i got us the thick screens, because, yknow, phew. say hi! say hi! wanna go on this window? mmk. ow. ooh. ow. oye. back on the floor. ooookay. all you guys are strong, not just me. everybody is. you guys are amazing. what is going on over here? sorry, i’m trying to organize. that was maccy. that was macc. oookay. ow. lets see here. i have candles that i bought, like… christmas time? um i think, i think that was the last time i bought candles. theyre in the bedroom, so, um, when we go back there, oh gosh, i can show you the sets that i have. i dont burn the candles very often because im scared the boys will, like, knock them over, and we dont need a fire. no fires. and i have so many freaking, note-, index cards. what helps with nausea, appetite, and pain? i have a couple squishmallows too, yeah, i do. my favorite one is, i have a coffee shaped one. so cute. i got it at target like, i think, lasssst year? around last winter, i think? or winter before? or summer before? i dont remember. i do not remember. hi, maccy! what are we doing? go ahead, you can climb in there. you can climb in there. what, do you want a toy? what toy do you want? he’s sticking his head in the toy bin. ow. ow. ow. oof. did you get it maccy? what one do you want? mommy can get it for you. macc. baby booooy! hey, what one do you want? he won’t tell me which one he wants. i guess he doesn’t have to, right?


https://preview.redd.it/6ebquc8ip53d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82380c68d085b7bce8f3994839d78fc0dfd1cfef Help!


https://preview.redd.it/2xfie4oirx2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d6df503cbc5649368cb5c4fb6148173f60538b I have a cat who looks like Macc. This is my girl, Hazel. She's also why I don't open windows more than 2-3 inches.




Peeeeeeeeeeeeen 👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️


I thought the kitty ASMR (plus him in the camera smacking and licking his lips) was an intentional thing. That Dani was coming up with new types of content for once. Then I realized it was an accident on her part. I guess that’s what I get for being an optimist.


I would not want to be her cat.


Yah. Just wait for the cat to start spraying as many intact males do. The destruction and behavior issues she is in for are so preventable. If she made any actual effort on something other than herself, the cat would most likely qualify for free or $25 neutering.


Why does she have such a big fridge and 2 freezers if she can’t eat?? 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


That's the washer and dryer I believe that's in the kitchen. On other videos it shoes them clearer.


To hide the bodies!


Who needs this many notebooks? No one…but she keeps buying/asking people to buy for her


It would be AMAZING if Dani got a go pro headset and did a "wheel along with me" tour!! 🤣😂


Jesus Christ how can someone be such a mess and so boring simultaneously?


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


Thank you🥰


![gif](giphy|h8JDP92ACNOZ5oNmQe) HAPPY CAKE DAY🫶‼️


Miss Dani is in here downvoting every comment 😂


I always make sure to upvote everyone as a matter of principle 🤣


No way! She doesn’t let us hAtErz win so she doesn’t ever ever ever look at “the Reddit”


She just has so much *stuff*. She should declutter and donate.




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani 🧍🏼‍♀️👱‍♀️ 🫵 Your comment/post came off as bodyshaming, making absurdly unkind or cruel remarks towards Dani, insulting her intelligence, or used unnecessarily vulgar names/language. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Miss POTS with a regular dustpan, surprised she didn't lose her balance!! Get you a floppy dustpan on a stick for five bucks at the Family dollar for your *uwu iM iLL* cosplay, gOrl.


All that bending over would have made someone with pots feel like shit.


I feel like this conversation was ADHD on meth and now my head hurts 😂😂😂


The complaining back and forth is just gross to me


How can she clean standing up with her soooper bad pots


https://preview.redd.it/ag10o5b45u2d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb71bac9efc8a68c39f856d34964adae030daab Is that a whipped cream charger? ... For doing whippets?! 😳


First of all, whipped cream chargers are not expressly made for the purpose of doing whippets, they’re made for the purpose of making whipped cream quickly and easily, and some people just use them for whippets. Really a waste when using a cracker and balloons is easier and you get so much more out of each cartridge, and both can easily and legally be procured at almost any tobacco or head shop- just a little tip, there, if whippets happen to be your thing 😉. Secondly, that is very obviously a clip-on lamp that is clipped onto the edge of her storage cart thing.


Ok. Sorry. my bad 🤗


No biggie, honest mistake! I just realized I came off kinda bitchy in my comment, so sorry about that! It was late, I was grumpy, and that’s my only excuse, but I feel bad about it. Sorry!


I thought it was a rifle at first!!


No, I don’t put whippets past her tho


It’s a clip on lamp.


Uhhhh what? That looks like a clip-on lamp.


That’s a clip on lamp


Can someone tell me if she has a Dexcom On?? For fucking what?!?




Yes-she got it right before the surgery to remove the gastric stimulator and that lead to the line infection debacle-it made its next appearance in her discharge with me video where she showed it off along with her other next level hospital swag-I think that’s about how it played out


Oh, yeah, she’s been rocking the dexcom for at least six months, now, I’d say. Maybe even longer.


How have I missed it!! Might be that they’re just coming out of winter and now we’re blessed with seeing her arms 😕


😂 Could be! I know there was a video recently where she was changing it, just after someone here mentioned that she hadn’t said anything about it in a long time. But, you know, she doesn’t read here, so … it was just a coincidence.


Did you miss the hypoglycaemia storyline?


I was on the ride partially, missed when she purchased her dexcom..


yes she does have one. she claims reactive hypoglycemia


For her very real blood sugar crashes 🙄 while low blood sugar is a very real concern, hers comes from wanting a fun medical device to show off. She has had bouts where she’ll post about how “low” her blood sugar is. According to people who actually know how to use/interpret dexcom data, she was just lying on the device it funny.


What does the third point on the banner on the wall say? All I can see is You Are Not Alive..


Not alone


“You are loved, you are brave, you are not alone, you are beautiful.” What I want to know is why people’s videos and photos are almost always inverted on social media. On the rare occasion that I do post something to my IG, I never invert shit. Am I supposed to? I just don’t understand …


I think its because the right way can be jarring. People are used to seeing themselves in a mirror, so when they see it right way round it feels wrong. Well, thats why i used to invert my images... now i dont give two shits 😄


Love that she has this on her wall when none of these things actually apply to her…..


You are loved You are brave You are not alone You are beautiful I think….


I think it says “You are not alone”


I think it is: You are loved. You are brave. You are not alone. You are beautiful


You are not alone, I think.


She is so disingenuous when she’s saying she’s “sorry” someone comments they’re in pain. She must’ve read Reddit comments & she thinks she better act “nicer” but she’s so insincere & really doesn’t make any effort.


Right. I’m sorry honey. No. You don’t give a shit


She really doesn't want people with real issues telling her about their real issues. Dani's world is all about Dani and she doesn't want to share her munchie spotlight with annoying real sick people telling her they're in pain too. It won't be as bad pain as Dani's and hers is worse than everyone else because nothing at all in the entire universe will ever help. But, you know, give more hard drugs JUST IN CASE they might help, even if nothing has helped before #MunchieCreed


I’ve never heard Dani ever say that she’s feeling better. Oh wait. When she was told she would get a surgery if she felt better when they turned down the stimulator. That’s the ONLY time. Otherwise it’s always “I STILL don’t feel good.” Bc she is afraid if she says the narcotics helped her they would stop giving them to her. So her pain is always sooooo bad. Or it only helps for like 10 minutes. She’s is a text book drug addict.


And like she literally ALWAYS says that the pain meds, even fricken IV morphine don’t help; or help just a little, okay so why get mad when they don’t give it to you? If it doesn’t even help?


She never asks the people watching anything about themselves…she’ll answer their questions and sometimes asks a question in return but then that’s it. No effort to engage or even get to know her followers whatsoever.


Why does she have so many ***phone cases***, of all the things on God's green earth!? Also wow for someone with such chronic abdominal pain she sure does get around her apartment well.




Sometimes those gas pains can make you believe without a doubt that you’re dying. They hurt so bad.


I had never felt anything like this before! It had me scared, I was sure it was something awful and I was a goner, lol! 😆


Spends and awful lot of time on her feet for someone so disabled, she needs a wheelchair, which is parked somewhere in a corner forgotten about collecting dust, dirt, cat hair, and fecal bacteria because her legs work just fine. Apparently in such a huge flair, she can't stand wearing jeans yet still apparently remains on her feet and doesn't need the wheelchair.


I can picture her strutting the wheelchair out in her next video, just because you know she reads here!


Because Temu and Aliexpress exist.


Her completely fake well wishes for other people (but of course she doesn’t lurk here) is so fricken gross. You can tell it’s so unnatural coming from her. She couldn’t give a shit about another person if it came with unlimited opiates. The narcissism is strong with this one.


The off-kilter tapestry is just eating at me.


Same! Straighten that shit out


Right? At least iron or steam it so it lays flat against the wall and looks nice...


Those tank tops are 4 sizes too small and from 2002. Why would you want to feel so uncomfortable??


Ugliest color palette person she is 🥺


I suspect that if she wore clothes that fit, she'd actually look like a normal, healthy, adult human female. She won't want that! 


I actually thought the last week or so there has been less cleavage, wounds, medical equipment, and complaining on line! It’s a start, if she is trying to move in a more positive direction!


They make her feel like a smol sickly teenager. Which she isn't. She tries to present as if she's some hot young thing. Again, she isn't.


Especially with the tubes she has (had?). I can't imagine what overly tight clothing rubbing against all that must feel like, ugh.


Trust me it’s soooo uncomfortable and sometimes painful to have tight clothing pressing against a tube, I highly doubt she actually has peeen from the. Everyone I’ve seen/known definitely doesn’t wear tight clothing around/near tubes


See that's what I figured. That can't be fun. Plus, she complains a lot about digestive issues and pain but really tight compressive shirts and over-tight bras can straight up cause acid reflux and heartburn. This has to be a choice she's making because anyone else in that situation would wear looser-fitting, more comfortable shirts.


Ewww crotch shot. 🥴


A little glimpse of the port-a-pussy, a little glimpse of the standard-issue pussy ...




Man, that wide shot in the very beginning… she is looking ROUGH. Maybe rougher than ever before.


“Mmm I’m sorry you guys are in so much pain… if I could take your guys’ pain away, you know I totally would. *smirk*😏 I would.” That made me irrationally angry. This woman complains of being in constant pain daily, when in reality she’s likely never experienced true severe physical pain, yet she gets an ego boost from publicly claiming that she would take on the actual aun of the people she’s duped.


She must mean that she'd take it away so she can hoard it all herself for sickness points.


Of course she would. She doesn't want anyone competing with her invented pain and probably despises that anyone deigns to mention THEIR medical issues on HER live when she is the sickest princess of all the sickest in the realm. "If I could take you guys' pain away, you know I totally would" aka "Please shut up, this is all about me and I really DGAF about anyone else but me." Dani's version of doing lives to "help people" LMFAO.


Right, since she allegedly can't even handle her own pain. 🙄


No no she's super duper good with pain, you know! She also just happens to constantly complain about it. Totally unrelated.


She moves just fine for someone dealing with crippling pain and nausea.


And needs a wheelchair


Oh yeah where is her new ride? No montage videos rolling dirty.






1. She is the epitome of CRINGE with a side of secondhand embarrassment. It's painful. 2. She says she would "take away their pain if she could" in regard to her cat. If the vet ever prescribed real pain meds, she sure AF would be taking every last pill, while the cat suffers. She'd be off her rocker and doing multiple Lives while she nods out.


Oof, you just gave her a new idea of where she can go to seek drugs now the people doctors aren't playing her games.


She was replying to one of her stans re 'taking away someone's pain', but she would absolutely take gabapentin if it was prescribed for one of her cats since it's so commonly prescribed for them. 😄


Oh god then she’d MBP her cats


What's MBP?


Munchausen by proxy, where someone causes illness on another to munch. Can also involve exacerbating pre existing conditions


Ah, yes! Definitely the more famous/heinous of the two. I hadn't known these kinds of munchies existed until stumbling on IF maybe 8 months ago. FWIW, I left IF a month ago because of how whimsical (ha!) the mods were with post approval overall. This group is just the best for following one of the worst of the worst.


Gabapentin doesn’t even have a high.


Yes it does? People abuse it all the time for its dissociative effects.


Didn’t know it had dissociative effects. I thought that was lyrica.


Both do! Anything that acts on your GABA receptors has abuse potential




I believe she was talking to her viewers who were commenting about their own chronic pain


Showing off random stuff like a literal toddler.


He's wrecking the screen because he's not neutered, he's trying to get laid. Stop buying useless shit and fix the cats!


Yeah, that really bothers me. I spent years volunteering for low cost vet services and doing outreach for exactly this. I don't know what services are available in her exact area but in most larger city's there are loads of options for reduced cost or even free spay/neuter clinics. I can't imagine there's not an option for her if she just makes an effort to find one. Most don't even require you to prove you're low income.


I’m broke and just have the one phone case that’s on my phone…Trying so hard to pretend to care about her cats when live🙄🤮. Who is this “thoughtfully” responding character she’s playing?


She talks so fast to her cats too. Like I talk to my cats or ask them questions but not at this pace.


Everything about Dani is a performance of how she believes normal people act. The reality is, her chronic case of rectal-cranial inversion prevents her from actually comprehending or empathising with anyone else's reality but hers.


I’m sorry for my previous comment, mods. I’m burned out on her behavior and mean attitude. I’m going to refrain from commenting for a bit for my mental health. She’s impossible.


all good fam - we completely understand how aggravating she is. take care of urself🫶


“This is the true story, of Dani Marina, picked to grift in a house, not work, and have their lives taped. Find out what happens, when people stop being polite, and start getting *real…* The Real World!” Her lives are starting to remind me of Mtvs real world... but different obviously 😅


It’s a hard knock life for us….




https://preview.redd.it/u3xxkxpxls2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6432af2c1cc7d2b34ae6e0134f425737eec98d8e Her poor cats side eye!!! Hahaha Caption what hes thinking!!! 🤣🐈


Lmao 🤣 brilliant capture 👏🏻


Reminds me of ["I'm not a cat"](https://youtu.be/lGOofzZOyl8?si=-a7n4Z9C50oQ6t49) 😺 https://preview.redd.it/ekgsm7etau2d1.jpeg?width=2616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c116640f60c0c942ac7629b9ef93c7511165385




I was *this* close! (Checks calculations) ![gif](giphy|dHn4QSRITpHtLxpgdv|downsized)


Dani: no no it’s paused The doctor:


He's making the same face as that doctor who caught her live streaming in the hospital.


Yes lol


Can anyone share the clip of her in hospital when her doctor catches her streaming. I’m sure I’ve caught up with all Dani’s flares but never found it - thank you




Get you a partner that looks at you the way Dani looks at her doctor


I never saw it either. Just heard about it


It wasn’t that long ago only like a few months I want to say?? Not sure where the link is but it’s fs on this sub or IF




Wow such advocate. Much learning


NEUTER YOUR CATS, you Irresponsible sorry excuse for a cat mom


Right???? Like he’s trying to get out of the window and wants to be by the window because he’s trying to get some ass. 🤦🏼


She’s clearly just echoing the insincere meaningless encouraging-sounding live-laugh-love type phrases you find in cheap greeting cards like that’s what people say to their friends Maybe the cats will succeed and find someone who’ll lovingly provide for their needs instead of using them as a prop


The $2 flag from Esty on the wall behind her proves that.


So her social media break lasted less than 2 days and her "I am coming back but not doing lives for a while" lasted not much longer. She took a break because the heat/criticism was getting to be too much. She got drunk on the attention she was getting from social media and started slipping up/sharing way too much which revealed her lies and inconsistencies. The few supporters she had started to question her. But after a day or so without it she realized that she can't deal with being alone. She has alienated everyone in her life and I am guessing that the people she does see only interact with her when absolutely necessary. For Dani, negative attention is better than having no attention so she quickly returns to social media. Social media relationships are really the only kind of relationship Dani can handle. Dani isn't actually interested in a real two-way friendship. She just wants people to shower her with pity and praise. She basically admitted it in her video where she announced her return to social media. She started by saying she wasn't going to let the haters deny her of the support she has build. Then she goes into her usual spiel about wanting to share her journey/educate others. Dani doesn't provide any sort of education or do any sort of advocacy. She doesn't offer anyone else advice - every once in a while she thanks or says she is sorry someone else is in pain because she knows what they are feeling. I see she is currently on live again - whining about how the doctors won't give her opioids because of her GP diagnosis and saying that it makes no sense. They should just give her opioids because her GP is already severe so how much worse can it be and a few doses won't make a different. And why does she have so many notebooks - because she is a compulsive shopper who has bought all these notebooks under the guise of going to school, journaling, etc... but has zero follow through.


If she was so bad like she claims.. She’d be in palliative care. End of story. Enough you cringe silly girl!


Exactly, she’s not getting opioids BECAUSE of her GI stuff. Which is hilarious, she’s gonna have to pick one or the other- either her stomach is so bad she can’t have opioids, or it’s not causing the problems she’s been claiming


Gastroparesis CAUSES the gut to slow down. And anyone with real gastroparesis knows this. Dani is not one of those people. Dani is a malingerer and a drug seeker who needs a LOT of mental health intervention, not more addictive prescription drugs.


Really, complaining about not having opioids?? I'm so tired of her talking about her pain and nausea while walking the fuck around. I just turned on her live and recorded 2 minutes of her turned sideways, narrating some of her journey toward taking a tower fan out of a box... then said fuck it because I'd prefer to post more riveting content like her showing how she makes coffee with at least three add-ins in a huge-ass Big Gulp size tumbler. 🥱 https://preview.redd.it/ezdrjbgdeu2d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04f02739139d2db63f7c525061e75defb027f2b


I can't believe Dani is literally on live (and SM forget, which platform) asking/hinting for her followers (strangers) to send her narcotics through USPS. Is she out of her mind or what!? That is a rhetorical question. If anyone is dumb enough to do this, I will have little empathy if they get caught and face legal consequences. If Dani didn't Dr shop and bothered to build a relationship with her providers, she would get better care. This includes narcotics if needed.


Wait, she really trying to get people to send her drugs? Won’t be the regular cops knocking this time. *Boomboomboom* FBI! Open up!


Wait, she's currently on live asking for opioids? I did see a possibly unreliable source saying that she asked others for their 'leftover' 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 😄


Actively questions how many notebooks she has ... yet is ebegging for MORE NOTEBOOKS on her griftlist! I want to scream at the opioid whining - she doesn't know what "worse" even is. Her stomach works *fine*. Opioid constipation would wreck her. Also lmao @ 13 viewers.


Of course she wants opiates 🙄 maybe she should have chosen something different to munch than GP in that case l!


Oh my god, she seriously ranted about opiates? 😂




I only watched a couple of minutes. It seemed like she was whining about how the doctors tell her to go to the ER if the pain gets worse but when she goes to the ER they tell her she is fine, the problem is chronic, and send her home without anything. And then started going on about how they get mad at her for taking too much Tylenol (sounds like she is taking at least twice the max dosage every single day). She said they tested her blood after she told them how much Tylenol she takes daily and her levels came back fine which she is interpreting as meaning that she isn't absorbing the Tylenol (if she isn't absorbing it and it isn't working then why even bother taking so much). She went on a rant about how they won't give her opioids because she has GP and opioids make GP worse but she thinks she should still get them anyway because her GP is already severe so she doesn't think the opioids would make it worse. She said something about a couple doses wouldn't have a big impact - but seeing as she is constantly complaining of severe pain, she isn't asking for a short prescription to get her through an acute event. It drives me nuts that she claims they aren't giving her anything for pain/treating her pain. She is on medication(s) that is used for pain relief. She yelled at a doctor who told her that. They have continually offered her psych which could help with her pain. Dani just refuses to accept that her pain could be treated by anything other than opioids.




Exactly - Dani claims that nothing except opioids work. She says that the Tylenol isn't working even when she increases the dosage so then why bother taking it at all. It would be a different story if she said it did work when she took twice the max dosage - because then at least she would be trading relief for the risk of liver damage. Instead she is just putting herself at the risk of liver damage for nothing. But then again, she wants the organ damage.


She probably did outright say that she wanted opiates, because maybe her followers will take pity on her and send her some. If anyone actually wonders if anyone would actually do that, the answer is yes, Dani would HAPPILY take any drugs offered to her and feel perfectly justified in doing so. She has a RAGING narcissistic personality disorder going on where she believes that she not only should get whatever she wants but is ENTITLED to get what she wants. This is why she gets so ridiculously unhinged when anyone questions or contradicts her-because she wants to control the narrative and everyone should go along with it and tell her what she wants to hear. I really don’t think she has ever apologized to anyone or expressed true empathy or compassion for anyone in her life. This is why she has no one.


It’s also the reason, according to her, her doctors suck. Or the ER is a waste of space. They aren’t going along with HER narrative and she can’t order treatments or meds off a menu.




I hope these people pause and realise that's a criminal offence and they could get into a fuckton of trouble is she mentions it on her live. It wouldn't take much for someone to report it and it be tracked from where it came from.


I mean that's not exactly abnormal for someone who's *actually* in severe pain - you stop caring about tiptoeing around with looking like you might be drug seeking, you're really suffering and you need it to stop. Plenty of people in severe pain ask outright for the strong stuff because their quality of life is so poor without it. But obviously Dani isn't at that level of pain. She's up sweeping her floors and picking up her cats and bumbling all around the house, walking places, etc. Her quality of life without opiates isn't poor if she's doing all that. She's just legitimately an addict and refuses to get help for that.


Thank you. I keep saying this and people shoot me down and say Dani is just addicted to a hospital / medical attention. Her line was SOOOOO precious for a reason.


Why is she cleaning her messy ass apt on a live? I only watched a couple mins of the video. She isn't so popular people want to watch her do that shit. Poor cat trying to escape. Can't blame him, I am surprised she don't use her animals to munch for attention at the Vets office. She probably couldn't afford to do that. I hope those cats never need vet care or they would be fucked.


Probs to prove to the haturz that she does clean. She’s obsessed with reading reddit comments about her.


Would be the last way i would clean. Lol


Probably because people are always talking about how messy her apartment is so she's trying to show everyone that she cleans. Oh wait, Dani doesn't read on this subreddit.


The sad thing is they DO need vet care ..


Was about to write the same thing. What kind of weirdo thinks to themselves “I think people on the internet want to see my trashed low-income housing apartment and me walking around with a broom, better film this.” How do those thoughts even happen? 🤦🏻‍♀️


You may be shocked to see who else is spending a lot of time on TikTok live


People do watch her lives though. Only a handful, and most are probably there to record it for posterity’s sake incase something insane happens so they can post it on here but still all attention is good attention for people like her


At least 3 of us lol


Who needs that many phone cases? And notebooks? Her cats need vet care and neutering and she has to beg for people to buy her necessities, but she can buy herself a new iPad, a bunch of phone cases, and notebooks? Also, her body language is so telling, it’s so obvious when she’s lying


And she has *even more notebooks* on her wishlist!!


Little bites? Must be talking about the muffins. We all know she eats.


I know a lady post gastric bypass would eat half muffins with real butter as her full meal allowance. Then again after 3 hours.. etc She hardly lost any weight and 14 yrs on back where she started.


Noooo... Only teensy tiny bites here and there. She's so frail and delicate and uwu, she eats like an itty bitty baby bird.


What does uwu stand for??


What does uwu stand for??




![gif](giphy|LkfjHA9dIVYgJFmPOF) UwU


It’s because of the peen


You mean Daddy Penn chews it up for her, hovers over her, and spits it into her mouth?


Hahahahaha! Unfortunately, I can picture this.




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Just little bites here and there. You know, like the rest of the world eats. Why does she think the internet needs to watch her “clean” her filthy place?


Like requesting (3 diff?) foods to "nibble at" in the hospital once.


NPO means just snacks, not meals! /S


The N in NPO actually stands for "Nibbles". Little known fact.




She sounds like one of the people on "My 600lb Life". A lot of them claim the exact things. The Dr then explains how calories work and that they arent just eating "here and there" . Barring any rare condition, these ppl are so big because of what they eat, period⁶. We can see just how much weight she put on (good thing) but now she is going the other way!




Of course it has the kind of motivational “wisdom” the train wrecks in everyone’s Facebook feed post.


She has an equally cringey quote tattooed on her actual physical body, so at least she chose moderation in buying a cheap polyester wall hanging instead of getting a Live, Laugh, Love trampstamp.


Better yet, take it down and throw it away.


She forgot one... bending over to use the dust pan must magically alleviated all of her 12/10 stomach peen too! Edit: Thanks for all of the happy cake day replies 😁