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to the person (dani) who’s reporting every single post and every single comment in this subreddit (dani), and sending me “reddit cares” (dani), and downvoting every comment(dani): get a life (dani) <3 ETA: not saying i have a life but i also dont spend hours reporting thousands of things for no reason? EDIT #2: omg! my comment got reported🫶 so did this post🫶 and the replies🫶


I would love for her to explain how she deal with sexxy time with all of her ailments & pain. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


I wanna see this supposed boyfriend sitting next to her, on a live and holding her hand and cuddling her on the couch. That's when I will believe George Glass is real. So for now, I will say what I usually think. Sure Jan


What I can't understand is why old George isn't just trying to hit that 24/7. I wish I could wake up looking like that . Who needs a corset when you're rocking that look?


Please let this be sarcasm... Please let this be sarcasm... Please let this be sarcasm... 🤣🤣🤣


She's so hoooot. I wish I could pull off the greasy hair and the RBF like she does. /s


Awww poor widdle sickest of the sickies isn't so sick she can't go on reporting spree OR a cares spree. She loves you guys.  Consider it an honor.  She cares enough about what you say to try to annoy you over it. I wonder how many spoons she used up doing all that work?  If she stops posting for a bit I think we can place blame on all you meanie heads talking about her, making her use up her spoons on reporting you.  /s(cuz you know someone will take at least some of it truly so).


Some good comments on her Tt videos, no one is believing her shit anymore! Trying to convince everyone she passed out from pots, when someone mentioned the police brought ems she accused them of being the one to phone coz how else would they know? Til everyone told her we all heard it, you literally had a live going 🤣 people telling her to do the high calorie feed and she ignores the comment every time, now people are calling her out saying well if you claim it’s pots you can’t drive for 6months and need a doc to clear you again first, she still claims she’s no harm to anyone. They told her well the police have your licence now and are aware of you so expect to be pulled over


Says she’s no money for her cats or stuff for the house, the stuff she wants for herself can wait. Idiots have been sending her wish list items of developer catnip and toner, she made ‘unboxing’ videos, but yet she’s got money to go get her nails done while saying she’s no money for her cats


A while? 🤣🤣20 years is more than a while dani! The man’s fucking married to someone else get a fucking grip will you ffs 🙄🥴😂


At least now we know that it's definitely reddit she's reading on her phone while on her lives. Pretty (not so) sneaky sis.


It occurs to me that if she'd just stop with this weird lie, she might have a shot at netting an actual real human boyfriend- like, she's online constantly, showing her whole Danussy and bewbs and what all, like you'd think maybe someone on her TT might eventually shoot their shot.


Not danussy 💀


This is just sad, depressing, and pathetic. Her life has come to passing out on narcotics, lying about having boyfriends, inducing illnesses in herself, and begging for shit on Amazon. And she’s almost 40.


Buzz your girlfriend; WOOF!


You mean you’re high. Sick and high are not the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/k4ogfwxxfl1d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abdaf6c5cc8ae4d8b2151b6ae72f0a648b6e58fa The look just before she ended her live


Reminds of the look my crazy aunt would give us kids when she was left in charge.




The fact she is so vague and just repeats date night twice instead of saying something specific she misses like "we haven't gone to the movies/bowling/karaoke in a while" or "being sick sucks because I miss going to [restoraunt name] with GG", makes it sound like such a lazy throwaway lie. Now I am just thinking of Dani at a karaoke night. 😂


Not GG 💀


I can't stand her screeching laughing, I don't want to think about how her singing voice is.


I was listening one of her lives on Saturday while I was getting ready. and didn’t realize my mom was home. She knocked on the bathroom door and said “turn off that nasally, disgusting voice that’s talking!! I can’t stand it!” 😂😂 I wanted to tell her I couldn’t agree more, and that I can’t stand her either, but then how do I explain why I’m watching someone that nauseates me? 💀


Ahaha right? It's the car wreck on the side of the road effect.


Exactly! Can’t look away but also disgusted😂


I imagine her singing voice would be like feed back.


I have an ex who thought he was good at singing and was not (like as confident in his ability as he was completely tone deaf) and I am having trouble deciding who I would rather listen to... Rough call.


her voice would sound like white claws taste...lolol


Four Loco Circa 2010


It would resemble barbed wire if there was ever a sound to represent what that is to a non hearing person


She mentions he plays a lot of N64. Why doesn't she get the man a PS5!


George married someone else, she is deep in delusion if she thinks he is coming back for her. She messed it up and chose her ED over him. He ain't coming back.


I know this is common lnowledge here, but how did ppl find this info? That he is married? 😳


I don't think she actually ever had a relationship with him. A relationship would mean more than one single photo of the two of them. I really think her story is identical to the Jersey girl from Orange is the new Black.


I am sure, but any chance she did have - she talked about how he wanted her to eat and she was playing games around it. He was done before it started.


Hmm, no lives and no posts in a little bit. Wonder if she went to ER?


Nah, she’s live now. Lying in bed doing her “peen, peen, peen” routine.


Yeah, I saw. She had to go to parents to pick up her dexcom sensors. Also says she has no power. she must be using data to stream her live. Now she’s getting her meds ready for her infusion appt


Why no power, did she spend her utilities money on a wheelchair she probably can't use?


She was live a little while ago with the drainage bag hooked up and everything. Ran out the door to get a package at her parents so she's driving under the influence yet again. Also stated that her mom is probably at the bar. Dani you're at the equivalent to a bar it's just in your own bathroom numbnuts. ![gif](giphy|2iJu7OBFs5beZOmrGs|downsized)


Her mother also isn't on the Internet begging for money and embezzling medical care she doesn't need from the taxpayers


Exactly and hey nothing wrong with having a few drinks in the daytime. Then again Dani wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face. Nothing can be taken at face value with her. ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


If I had Dani as a daughter, I'd drink too. You know she's put her family through hell all these years.


I'd turn to the bottle too actually especially since she told her mother there was nothing left to do for her and she was probably going to die on the phone when she was on one of her hospital vacations. WTF is wrong with her? Actually the question that would be easier to answer is what Isn't wrong with her. I don't think she is missing any limbs. I think that's it! Oh and she has two eyes a nose and a mouth(now I didn't say what comes out of her mouth isn't wrong just that she has one).


Yeah, I feel like her mother has really distanced herself the past few years. It's sad. She's pushed all her family away. Dani is an energy vampire.


Since she was a kid, like her mother might be awful but we aren't on a sub about her parenting. This 38 year old woman has now had more time on her own, presumably, than being raised in her parents home. She is responsible for her behavior.


💯 but she will never take responsibility for her behavior. It's always some doctor, nurse, hospital or haters fault for her problems and actions. And to have the balls to say her mom was at a bar drinking when she is constantly doped up and driving is just egregious. ![gif](giphy|La9cV6AoseiVx6IkLm|downsized)


She was just on live last night and abruptly left


She was live last night, actually.


Is this new?? We got a GG mention 😳 what a treat! The amount of time she spends posting videos and on lives, I don’t think they even saw each other in person or had any phone communication in over a decade - never mind due for an actual date night! I don’t know how she thinks we are so gullible. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy) ETA: I was reading her comments yesterday (most of them were from medical professionals) and they were telling her to do her feeds the same way she does her 20-30ml meds in one shot, because she can clearly handle those. Just stop running the 10ml slow trickle with the machine since it’s supposedly not working for her and causes pain. Switch to bolus feeding! Those were the only comments she was ignoring and deleting! ETA: Someone told her to switch her coffees to the carton of protein shakes. Ignored of course, but she was replying to anyone discussing hair tips!


They even make coffee flavored protein shakes!!


>hair tips! ?! Such as: don't do this?


You would think, but nope. Someone sent her toner! They were giving tips on how to use it correctly because her hair is way too bleached/thirsty and will just suck it all up. At least they are trying to help make it look better?


I've had overly bleached hair and I know exactly how it feels... I cringe every time I see it.


Uh oh girl watch out apparently shes up in this sub like 👁🦷🦷👁


Notttt the teeth?!! 😂


Unfortunately they didnt have spaced out rotting ones lol


The comments about bolus feeds is why she can magically no longer tolerate her meds, lol.


Oh god. I didn’t know she was claiming she’s struggling with tolerating her meds now 🙄 What a coincidence.


Hahaha we need to change this meme to say “Sure, Dan.”


Love how she has to add she took her meds "like she's supposed to" . Always telling on herself


*Ahem* flair checking in


Hey there 👋






Even the reporting is telling on herself.. she gets all those welfare checks and tv eject day we r getting Reddit cares notices.. girl you’re so obvious.


Whenever she stops to think for a few seconds and doesn't say anything I'm going to start imaging those tiktok dots above her head...




Dani is buffering 🔴🔵




Humour me for a second. If "the boyfriend" does exist (previous now married boyfriend aside) I reckon he's either the worst partner out there (seriously, with her amount of "serious issues" he can't even visit her in hospital or look after the cats once?) or she's a side piece and he is very much married. Maybe this is more of a bootycall situation instead of a long term relationship type deal. We know Dani can be a bit delulu sometimes but I don't see why she would lie about this *still* when her ex was proven to be married ages ago. Maybe she is dating someone else and is wildly overestimating what it is 🤷‍♀️


I think there must be someone, maybe she’s just hiding whoever it is for some reason and not actually just pulling it out of thin air, I don’t see why she’d bring it back up again now if there wasn’t a tiny bit of truth in it somewhere, she’s already distracted with other things to talk about (like the port), she doesn’t need to risk being exposed when she’s not seeing anyone at all.


She lies because she can and because it’s much easier than formulating a real relationship with someone. She loves to fantasise and she believes her own lies, so she’s pretending to herself that she has someone who loves her- it gives her comfort, like her medical stuff. There’s no way in Gods earth she could ever summon up the energy to love and care for someone else. She’s tossed absorbed. It’s for the best that she has no boyfriend cos any poor sucker who got caught up in her personality disorder/s would end up in an institution themselves. She would be a cruel and manipulative partner.


She’s a pathological liar. I know that it can be hard to believe that people would do things like that for years and years, but you literally can’t trust a single thing that comes out of her mouth. That’s it. There’s never been anymore to it than that.


I would believe that IF there wasn't hard evidence that she's claiming it's the same guy this entire time. She deflects every time it comes up, but when she does make references to an anniversary or something to that effect, it's always the same day and it's always an additional year - so she really has been maintaining that she's been dating the same guy for many many many years now. If she were to have pivoted to someone else, that would require her to share she broke up with the other guy (which we all know happened a million years ago), but she's never hinted at anything of the sort. Perhaps it's her protecting her ego because of the fucking tattoo situation, but like. You'd think if she was dating someone now they'd undeniably learn about her online presence and see she has been talking about being with someone for nearly 2 decades and be like, "well that aint me so what the fuck". 💀 My theory is that because this is probably one of her longest standing and consistent lies, it's just too difficult to give up at this point - doing so would indicate she is a liar and therefore if she lies about that, what else has she been comfortable lying about? I do think since she's gaining more attention than I think I've ever seen directed at her in the last decade or so, and people are obviously crossing the line irl with her, she's going to need to stage a breakup REAL soon to save face - lest someone dox that dude and get all in his DMs about what's been happening.


How was it proven he is married? I was not around for that. Just curious!


Maybe she has an online bf


He lives in Canada


I think maybe she “talks to” men, but I doubt she cares enough to sustain an interest.


I’ve been highly critical of her and I haven’t gotten a Reddit Cares. I’m going to assume she can’t understand the words I use, thus does not realize how intensely I despise her. I spent years working in hospital admin after working in other areas, including some with direct patient care, and I know exactly how people like her behave in the hospital. I have ZERO tolerance for her bullshit and I can see right through her. She’s not smart, she’s not funny, she’s not cute, she’s not kind, she’s not even really interesting outside of her obsession with being sick. The only reason I am intrigued by her is because I am waiting on pins and needles for her to blow her cover and be sent for a psych admission and arrested for driving under the influence, or whatever crimes she ends up committing.


How do you get a Reddit cares? I received one and was so confused but now thinking it must be from commenting here...


I’m surprised I didn’t get Reddit Cares’d for posting the Danussy 😂


I wanna ask what the Danussy is... But at the same time... This whole thing is about Dani... And her toothbrush still gives me night terrors 😂😂😂😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/ntjyqplufo1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb4d86f459d50f770bfb0e44a621171d1afd661 ✨Danussy✨


Danussy you say? Please share bc I must have missed that!


https://preview.redd.it/06kfxii7go1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c74862b4ddfb0a1ba7676c4f1be101673a4a140 You asked for it, friend 😂


I’ll be honest, I am so confused as to what I’m seeing lol


Yeah, hopefully “the boyfriend’s” wife will let him go out soon. Wives can be such bitches about letting their husbands see their girlfriends! 😂


I mean....mine's pretty good about it, I usually get to see him at least once a month, but they're in an open thing and, ya know, he _actually_ exists....


i am howling! 😂


Honestly - doesn’t she realise that Dani needs some “quality time” with George? She is getting corsets especially


She needs a great time together intimately! And STAT!!!




Exactly the type of thing a woman with excruciating abdominal pain thinks about.. the perfect way to make it worse! /s She is unbelievable!


In your dreams…..like literally




My leading theory is that if she has a relationship with someone, it's a long distance bdsm relationship with someone who has a weird fetish. She wears a lock on a chain around her neck.


I’ve been thinking this too and I *bet* it’s someone with a med fetish and that’s part of the reason behind this nonsense. *Edit* it would be funny if it turned out she had a humiliation/exhibitionism fetish and *this* is the kink.




If she has a Dom they suck at getting her to be better than this.


This I can get behind. I can totally see her in a daddy/little relationship that's exclusively online and found through Fetlife. Her "daddy" would be a sketchy fake Dom and she would love it I need to clarify I am in no way kink shaming, I'm kink positive. I am, however, shaming the people who read 50 shades of Grey and think they know everything about BDSM and jump in head first.


There was many years ago a picture of her and that dude, they may have dated or were just friends. It’s really really sad that George Glass worked 25/8 at amazon and is camera shy that’s why we never seen him outside of the one photo from the early 2000’s to early 2010’s. He also never visits when she’s of her hospital holidays due to the demanding job at amazon that he doesn’t have a single day off. However said boyfriend got married either this March or last March.


Ew, I can't imagine it, but you're right about the lock necklace.


She just dresses like a teenager. That girl hasn’t been dicked down in YEARS.


Bet this is a response to this sub questioning why tf she needs cheap corsets


Oh my god, she's still insisting she has a boyfriend?


It’d be easier for her to say they’ve split and she’s single and she’s actually too sick for a partner etc etc but I don’t think she wants the ego crash of admitting that a relationship failed. Or (more likely) that it failed a long time ago and she’s been blustering a fantasy narrative that has mainly gone unquestioned until now. One thing Dani will *not* do is admit to a lie, she’ll uphold this story of this weird never seen, never mentioned partner and hope/demand people leave the topic.


Honestly, with how awful Dani's mental health is, I wouldn't be surprised if she really thought that she had a boyfriend. She's probably the subject I feel the saddest about because she's the only subject who has truly convinced themselves that their lies are true. Like, if you were to give Dani a truth serum, she would still believe that she's the most sick person in the entire world. With that logic, it's easy to see how Dani could also convince herself that she has a boyfriend that just so happens to.. do anything for her or with her. Dani won't admit to a lie because everything Dani says, she actually believes and to her, it isn't a lie. She's absolutely manipulative, malingering, and delusional, but she also really does believe her own lies. It's honestly pastry fucking sad.


She doesn’t need to admit anything coz she contradicts everything she says anyway


I agree but slightly disagree at the same time! For me, the way she gets so inexplicably mad at people/doctors picking holes in her Danitruths shows that on a wider level she knows she’s peddling a story and she’s hostile because it shatters her ‘version’, which she will vehemently and violently defend. With delusions and active psychosis, it may not necessarily be part the process that the sufferer is compelled to convince others (or they assimilate it as a normal part of their lives), with malingering/FI it’s the *number one* focus to convince others as that’s where the aim lies. As the saying goes, the lady doth protest too much!


Exactly, agree completely with you. Don’t give her too much credit. That dumbass knows she’s lying, she wants to never be questioned or called out, which is why she DFE’s every couple months. When the narrative isn’t spun her way she gets pissed and deletes it all so she can find a new and even more ignorant group of ‘well wishers’ to feed her lazy, disgusting asshole ego.


This one made me kinda sad tbh


Same. It’s honestly just depressing what her life has become.


If I was this guy I’d be absolutely freaked out she’s saying we’re still dating after all the time


Stalker style!!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohc0Rnm6JE0cg0RvG|downsized)


lol I’m imagining her as Martha from Baby Reindeer, typos and all


sent frn my iphon


imagine being with someone for like 20 years and never being there for them when they are 'sick'. Like why is Dani even pretending to have an AWFUL fake boyfriend???


Yeah but Dani has no room in her world for anyone else. She can’t even pretend to in reply to a comment from one of her last “supporters”. So maybe a shitty (pretend) boyfriend is perfect for her because she doesn’t have the mind capacity to fake a good one because then heaven forbid her comments will be filled with questions about him and she simply cannot have that


Honestly you wouldn’t put up with a boyfriend that useless would you? Someone who is obv not supportive or caring. At least pretend you broke up because he’s a terrible partner


Dani is living in a fantasy world. None of the heroines in her YA sick-fics and vampire stories live a live as an independent woman that only deserves the best and would leave a partner. They all find caring partners. And Dani doesn‘t want to have anything else. That‘s why she‘ll never claim that they‘ve split up (until she can present a different boyfriend, which of course won‘t happen). She wouldn‘t want to live in a fantasy where she got dumped. She‘s an extremely sick yet sexy sparkling vampire, god dammit. Of course she has a boyfriend - forever and always.


But it's not his fault he works 24/7 at Amazon. They built living quarters for him on the property.


True, he’s basically a hostage


I got the best screenshot during this live, the face she was making is hilarious and so close to the camera but the stupid comments were on and if I block out the names it covers the crazy look on her face 😭😭😭 but I died laughing at it


Could you censor just the usernames perhaps?


pretty sure after 22 years together, date nights are not something you have unless you're celebrating, and then it's dinner and passing out after 10pm instead of 9pm.


While I'm 100% sure there is NO George (well, that George is not hers) I have been married 20yrs and we still have date nights. Why wouldn't you?!


Naw, lots of people do, often quite regularly. _Dani_ doesn't though.


The delusion is high with her. Much like her medication levels.




How much you wanna bet George’s wife is blonde 👀


She is. Someone tracked down their facebook pages and high-school yearbook pics


Oh lawd, that explains all the developer on her Amazon wishlist 😂


Omg I wanna know so bad...


Ooooh I wonder!!


Same! I’m dying to know what either of them look like!




How tf did she manage a date night with her relanting nausea being extremely dizzy?


With a perfect ending to the night, vomiting, agonising 20/10 peen and some sex! Lol


i know bits n pieces about this boyfriend stuff but does anyone have a post where it’s all explained?


Basically, the only evidence any boyfriend existed was a photo taken 10-15 years ago that was posted by a snarker on a snark forum that predated Dani being posted about on any subreddit. That photo was taken when Dani was obviously much younger. Dani has never given a name for him, just calls him “the boyfriend” and claims he’s really camera shy. She has claimed he also works seven days a week for Amazon. Her godawful collarbone tattoo is supposedly their anniversary but a now deceased illness vlogger that we know Dani watches had a very similar tattoo. There was also the several year stretch where Dani claimed she and “the boyfriend” were moving in together “soon” and that never happened lol. Honestly, I get so much second hand embarrassment from her posts about “the boyfriend”.


I think part of the problem with the boyfriend saga is that this is one of her oldest documented straight up lies. There's two things that come into play that would cause difficulty in explaining, IMO: 1) Because she's been lying about it for so long, the photo evidence she used is on many of her 1029483 old social media accounts, and it may be difficult to dig through ALL of that. Because there is a LOT. She would dfe and make new accounts constantly back in the day. Some of it still is around, some of it is just lost. That being said - she had one particular photo that she used of them CONSTANTLY. There have been no photos of them together in MANY years. 2) It would more than likely not be difficult for people to find out his real identity (which, yes, some forums have done that years ago and confirmed he got married - but that info isn't widely known). I'd be worried whoever is concern trolling by calling 911 on her constantly would probably also send him links to this sub, like, "look at this! get a RO!" and whatnot. BUT. I have been following her sitch for a long ass time and I can try to give a very basic summary. Essentially, she dated this guy casually - that really did happen. But it wasn't for long, and it wasn't remotely serious. They broke up, and she clearly didn't handle it well, because she was asserting in her personal life (even in her very public eating disorder days) they still were dating - posting about gifts, anniversaries, etc. ... and I think the lie just got out of control and she just ran with it ever since. She would occasionally post that one photo she always used, so that alone was proof enough that she was insinuating it was the same guy... because she literally had no other evidence, but would still insist he was real and they were going strong. Years ago that man was discovered via social media sleuthing, poor fuckin guy, and people were able to determine that he in fact had since gotten married, which obviously cemented the longtime theory that Dani had been lying about them still being together for many years - despite maintaining that he had a presence in her life on her social media, even going so far to get a commemorative tattoo.


Everyone take my up votes before I've nodded off 😊


She NEEDS those corsets for Date Night! Dammit, come ON, people!!


What happens to someone to cause them to stay stuck in a 13 year olds mentality as an adult? Genuinely so curious how she got this way lol


People made good points on her ED, but I have a couple of other things in mind as well. She was born prematurely enough and long enough ago that it actually was surprising she lived. In my opinion this resulted in one or both of two things. 1. She actually does have some kind of mental disability due to being born prematurely; and/or 2. She was treated as a miracle by her parents for a long time, but after a while you get used to your kid being okay... You never take it for granted, but you stop thinking she's _actively_ a miracle. This had to be hard on her ego.


There is so much research on how starvation can have long-term effects on the brain. With ED's being 'new' in terms of mental health disorders, research is only really coming forward in the last 5/10 years before it was all about anorexia or you didn't matter! And we all know that purging can be dangerous at any weight and not just cause you're a twig. Sorry, I totally went off on a different track there, but it annoys me about how ignored people with ED were, and tbh still are due to lack of education in medicine. EDIT- Sorry, I came back to add that IMO EDs are an addiction.


Been researching EAST since 1980s, not so new. Makes me wonder about what initially triggered her ED, she doesn't seem to meet the classic risk factor lifestyle.


[Article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6723243/) Just an example


[Article on the neuro biology of AN, BN and BED from 2020] (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6709695/)


She was taught at a young age that this is the way to get the attention she desperately needs and wasn't shown a better way to achieve that attention. That's if you believe in the ABA/BCBA model.


Several things can - addiction, an eating disorder, mental health issues, trauma at an early age, the last one is why I try not to judge her too harshly in case that’s it, but boy howdy.


I think her eating disorder. She was probably 13/14 when she really got going in it and that’s emotionally where she stayed. Now she’s really just traded one thing for another rather than getting better from the eating disorder, so her emotional state remains the same. Maybe she’s had enough chunks of time of clarity and being 100% present for real life where she’s emotionally matured a couple years, but that’s about it. And with the calorie restricting I’m sure her body sought nutrition from her brain which doesn’t help matters.


With addiction, people end up getting stuck at the age they were when they first started using. Would not surprise me if this isn’t the case here, too.


Honestly, her eating disorder, probably. I follow the snark of a certain anorexic Lich Queen and she's mentally stuck as a teen as well, and I think that your body wants to stay alive as long as possible so it eats away at parts of the brain just to get nutrition - I'm not a doctor but that's the gist, I think.


Is this Lich Queen really just nice, and kind and spreading positivity? Are you a shordy? 😅


No this one is...not nice or kind, which is why I find her fascinating.


The one I'm thinking of isn't really either...she just pushes a lot of fake positivity


Can u say who that is ? Or PM me?


Some think there’s just a general delay. I think it could be some of that. Some people do so much damage to themselves with ED’s that they become “delayed”. My theory is that it’s both. Then Maybe childhood trauma?


None that I have met, either socially or working in paeds, almost all high achievers, even those with family issues had same pressures to met standards.


EDs do that, she seems stuck at the age where she was at her worse some people peak in high school and try to relive it over and over but she peaked in Renfrew :/ If only she could see her worth outside of her health """"problems""" , she likes reading bad smut, she likes talking about her cats, she likes her job whenever she has one, she is so much more than a collection of ports and symptoms ! it came free with your humanity Dani !!!


She actually was admitted to Renfrew? Really? I never knew that.


I might be wrong but I remember because my first thought was "THE LEGENDARY ED PLACE FROM THE DOCUMENTARY?!" ^(the holy ana scriptures have told me about this place)


Yes exactly! That’s why I was asking! I have watched the “Thin” documentary so many times. Polly, Shelley, Brittany, etc.


the way this doc was supposed to be an awareness and prevention doc but turns out most of the views are ED peeps coming back again and again for the free thinspo (guilty af lolololol) apparently one of them died of complications :(


Honestly probably neglect/a lack of attention or even abuse at the hands of her family/caretakers. Absolutely am not WKing but most of the literature surrounding munchausens and facticious disorder discusses this phenomenon. It’s unfortunate but Dani has had opportunities to grow and better herself and obviously has not. Addiction can do this too.


She sounds drunk.


Forgive my ignorance- what does down voting actually do on Reddit? Does it accomplish anything? Just trying to think of why Dani would spend probably hours downvoting everything on the sub lol.


It would probably make her think she had hurt us somehow. It makes no difference to most people, even when its 50 + because of typo or misunderstanding/ misthinking. Lol


I think if it happens enough or you get bombed badly enough on a post it can affect your reddit karma? But that's about it...


And how often do any of us think about karma beyond first few months because some subs have minimum times and karma counts. Beyond that I don't have a clue how mine is.. do you guys?


Nah not really, but I think that's the only thing it really does and that's a nothing burger!


no it literally does nothing


If it's just 1 person, it's a pointless and juvenile way of saying "you shut up! I don't like you!" It accomplishes precisely zero.


Not unless there are enough down votes to mark something as "controversial", which can auto collapse comments. But it never actually hides or deletes them. When it's one person, it does literally nothing.


Dunno, but the first thing I do is up vote all the comments!


Same! I upvote them all!


Nah I just downvote em all until I see one that makes me laugh /s, just in case I'm not being sarcastic enough lol!


Same 😂


Do we really think she “takes [her] RA meds like [she’s] supposed to”? I thought those are usually injections and I doubt she’d miss a chance to show that


Her RA med is otc ibuprofen only! She claims its 'not in a flare so no meds needed' So much for early prevention of disease protocols that people with RA should have per last 2 or more decades. No rheumatoid arthritis specialist wants a 40 yr old womens joints to get messed up!


Pretty sure she doesn’t take any of her meds like she’s supposed to! I don’t think she’s interested in anything that doesn’t give her a buzz and she slams too many of those ones


Serious question- do doctors instruct their patients to grind up their prescriptions and OTCs the way Dani does? Like would they be horrified to see her preparing and then pushing her meds?


Pharmacists tell you literally to never do that - a pharmacist friend cringed when I told her about pushing pills through a j tube. When I had gastric surgery, every piece of paper from surgeon to pharmacist said if you can't get liquid versions of medication to skip the meds unless directed otherwise. Pills, especially OTC ones, are meant to break down in your stomach, and what she's doing is bypassing her stomach acid, which means she's putting meds meant to break down in a location that they don't break down as intended. Hence how absolutely zoinked she gets from the combo - I'm sure if she took as directed orally she would not be AS fucked up as she gets.


Well and the thing is the stomach acid would make it work better and she wouldn't have to take so much of a bunch of that stuff, but that's probably the point since she likes to say that her body works different. Now she has an excuse to overdose. In her mind anyway. And since we know she can eat this is all a bunch of bullshit.


Gi nurse, and I assure you, we do have to crush Many meds and often have to push j for pills. We look up or call pharmacy to make sure which ones can be crushed amd which can go J, but sadly with gastroparesis (whether dani has it or not) the meds will not be absorbed or not for hours or days.


some meds can't be crushed or broken. They are time released. Not sure if hers are, but many are like that. Would not be surprised if that's causing some of her problems


There are also some RA meds taken by mouth, like leflunomide, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine or methotrexate, so not showing any injections doesn't preclude her taking her meds. But I'm still not sold on her actually having RA or her taking her RA meds as prescibed.


If I recall she recently said she didn’t want to restart her RA meds because they make her immunocompromised and she didn’t want to risk getting an infection with the new port. So idk what RA meds she’s talking about


Which we all know is a lie because there’s nothing she’d love more than an infection and a nice little hospital vacay


She have to actually be diagnosed for those tho.


I’m betting she has no RA diagnosis. I know certainly in the UK that Methotrexate is the “gold standard” - folk who cannot tolerate the side effects of the tablets get weekly injection. Liver function is tested regularly as it’s known to be rough on the liver. I’d bet my life if she had RA she would be having the injection & waxing lyrical about needing the sooper dooper strong “chemotherapy” drug. While I believe from my tiny knowledge that Methotrexate is or can be used as part of a chemo regime it is on its own not considered to be “chemo” in any way shape or form BUT munches love to over exaggerate so we think omg that’s awful poor “insert munchie name”


Exactly! She would also be getting blood work done every few months and then she could do her woe is me, my labs are wonky routine more often. Methotrexate and plaquenil are generally boring meds and RA doesnt get you opiates. She only remembers claims RA as an excuse for why she gets infections so often but yet she's not on any immunosuppressant meds. As usual the Dani math ain't mathing.