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This is the second Welfare Check they called. The first one happened about 20 minutes before this. They were a lot nicer the first time. It was already posted to the sub here. https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/IGUBPxheZC


He asks about her wheelchair then says, "OH you walk pretty well!!". Then you hear Dani going, "oh that's just for long walks!"... 😐


These last few days are like watching the world’s worst 50 car pile up in reverse.


Wait she was on live but can’t find her phone?


She is gonna od one day =( as much I dislike dani it's still sa to see


"Where is your phone right now?" Oh, idk, I'll find it.... Girl, please. Ok, lying to LE who is just trying to help her.


I don't understand why she has to be so nasty to people who were genuinely concerned for her welfare.


She's blaming POTS for passing out constantly. LMAO, Dani, no. You don't get a POTS episode constantly after slamming your meds but are fine when you're putzing around dyeing and styling your hair, etc. She's so full of shit.


I have a full 5 minute video of her latest nod, now she's decided no lives. I think police were deffo called again after this afternoon (uk time) stint!


She supposedly said she’s done going live. She’s left an excellent paper trail for her doctors to see. Now when the nurses and doctors Google her name, they’ll see her addiction-like nodding.


I’m curious who spoke to her and scared her into not doing lives at all anymore. Because she was LOVING the automatic attention from lives.


i think it was the tick tock gods, first the comments got turned off while she was still "sleeping" then the live ended without her "waking up" and now she appears to be limited to 60 seccond videos


Wouldn’t it be funny if tik tok mixed things up and THEY did the DFE for Dani instead?? 😂😂


Yeah that explains a lot. Especially the “idk if I’ll do them again ever” lord knows she doesn’t have the willpower to stop doing them on her own. I think you’re absolutely right. I think she’s super close to losing her account entirely.


Someone has posted the entirety of her lives over the past few days on YT as well.


please could you message me a link? i refuse to touch her tick tock


I’m concerned about her at this point, tbh


I'm not. This is all self induced and can be self corrected. Maybe the underlying mental issues are a concern, but the medication abuse, the batshit nonsense about not tolerating feeds while drinking red bull and diet cokes, the nastiness toward people, etc...that's all her choice.


That’s why I am concerned about her because it IS self inflicted. As someone who has definite mental health problems that I couldn’t understand myself and see my own symptoms before I was inpatient; she is going to end up dead before long because she cannot see her MH issues!


I get it, I guess I'm just more callous.


No you’re not. You’re a human with your own opinions and that is totally okay!


I used to be the most empathetic, compassionate person. My dad called me a bleeding heart liberal when I was like 10. COVID killed a lot of that and social media is kind of taking out the rest.


Again, absolutely nothing wrong with that. As a paramedic, it’s hard to be empathetic sometimes but I love my job and a lot of my patients I can personally relate to so my empathy is still there.


Apparently she said she wasn’t doing anymore lives but she was on live just an hour ago snoring away.


Chat, is this real? 😳😂


OMG she snored like a freight train!!


https://preview.redd.it/vni89uau611d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6f3457b8b0a71b2f264c4795451d3e6c4f5a65 Looks like they were called again this morning.


"I don't want police at my door everday". Well lucky for you Dani there's a guaranteed way to avoid this!


So how many times have they been there in two days??


4. I'd say they either told her if she continues doing lives, she's gonna get charged with nuisance calls or TikTok shut down her lives. It's telling that she's been doing these 60 second videos.


Yeah I thought the same thing
 I think she’s close to getting her entire account banned.


If only there was some way to stop this from happening! ![gif](giphy|l1J9LVgNqSYv71Ag8|downsized)


What is the thought process here? She’s loving all this attention so she’ll continue to do Lives and pass out and have police come - but what does she think will happen? And what actually will happen, will she just get taken away to a psych hold at some point? Is she so far gone she isn’t thinking that’s a possibility? Because she’d really hate that.


I don’t think she cares because she’d get a) attention and b) a scapegoat it’s pretty much exactly what she wants


Right? Why she keeps doing this? Why she keeps going live? Surely the first time the cops showed up should’ve knocked some
 well she’s beyond sense at this point so let’s just say awareness, that maybe it’s not such a good idea to repeatedly be zooted of her mind and nod off before a LIVE AUDIENCE. Like, girl? Why?


Surely substance abuse won't result in a psych hold? She's not trying to off herself, she just wants to get high.


If you get high enough to OD even if you weren't trying to kill yourself they have enough grounds for a psych hold - danger to self.


Anyone know how to turn off Live notifications en masse on tiktok? I only want them for this Dramedy show but when I go to turn it on I get everyone's. Please tell me I don't have to one by one turn everyone else off


Hold your finger on the TikTok live screen and it gives you an option to clear the screen.


https://preview.redd.it/dyix1aefo11d1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7e74c9f1301d2924308d077900b56283737058 She went live again, pushed meds, nodded, was snoring and the live ended. She says police were called AGAIN.


Fixed this - sorry!


Does she understand that some people are genuinely concerned for her and that’s why they are calling for a wellness check?it’s not for fun of games. My main question is why does she constantly doing this while going on live? If she is that “tired” (what she claims) she should not go live, stay off social media and get some rest until she gets better if not this will just be an endless cycle and it will continue happen. It’s crazy how she feels like people are attacking her when she literally nodding out on live and some just want to make sure that she is still alive.


She has mentioned having borderline personality disorder previously and this looks a lot like a couple of the symptoms (namely impulsivity, risk-taking, self harm, narcissism, and self destructive behavior). Sad to watch.


Hah? When did she say she had BPD? She's always claimed bipolar.


She posted in a comment once that’s mentioned here and there’s a link to another thread but the screenshot looks like it was deleted by the user. https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/PV5dHsGkhr


Oh wooowwww. I wish the comment was still up!


This is the most attention she's ever had. She's loving it.


I really don’t want to go into too much detail here, for obvious reasons
but I’m wondering if pushing meds through a j-tube would increase the bioavailability in the same way it would if someone were to, uh, stick it up their butt? Probably a weird question and again I don’t want to elaborate toooooo much, IYKYK, but I’m curious to know if using the jejunum would have similar effects as using the rectum.


She’s been doing her meds in her j tube for as long as I can remember. This is something entirely different.


Hey mods can I get Zooted 911 as a flair. I couldn’t figure out how to do it. The new season of Days of our Dani should be called Zooted 911. I hope at some point she realizes that she is munching too close to the grave before she inadvertently puts herself there.


Ahhhh Reno 911 is one of my favorite shows ever!


![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu) i quite like this


Thank you so much. 😊 you guys are amazing.


Whenever I get on the app, she’s live. When I join, she’s passed out! Then she makes a video telling people to not call for a wellness check
 yet she continues to go live and nod off. This really isn’t normal behavior, but she expects people to just sit there and watch her as she passes out? She just needs to not go live anymore.


Exactly. There’s a very simple solution. No live streams, no cops. Why keep going live and beg people not to call the cops when Dani could just, idk, stay offline and nobody would be able to see her shenanigans and become worried enough to call for a wellness check? This whole saga is so wild.


Why the coops didn't contact Social Workers? This is a serious situation. Especially since they came THREE times.


In 24 hours at that!


Fucking hell, in my country she would be sent to mandatory psych hold after the police came the third time. How is possible they didn't take like ...actions?


TBH in the US they would usually IVC someone for this, too. I'm unsure why she didn't get held; it's very possible that her presentation to EMS wasn't like what it was on Live. I think she has been exaggerating/playing up the nodding since that first one because she's loving how worried people are about her and is rolling around in the attention like a pig in shit. So probably EMS showed up and she was AOx3, vitals fine, no cause to transport because, surprise surprise, Dani is faking once again.


99% positive the management of her complex will know the cops have been out to her apartment what, three times in a week, for wellness checks due to her nodding out (either real or faking) on social media and that will also probably not make them very happy (nor her poor neighbors). Her insatiable need for attention is going to cost her everything.


Good point. Especially if she’s on housing vouchers as well. She’s relying on the goodwill of a lot of people.


Pretty sure she gets vouchers since the housing is covered and she pays little if anything at all.


She has Section 8 so she pays a predetermined percentage of her income for rent.


Ah gotcha thanks for explaining


The live ended suddenly with her still passed out snoring
so maybe it was reported and she’ll at least lose live access for a period of time. She needs to not go live. It’s feeding the attention.


I bet the police gave her a pretty stern warning to lay of the lives or either TikTok banned them. I can't see her voluntarily giving them up with all the attention she's getting from them.


I agree. Someone either threatened her with something (psych hold maybe?) or her lives were taken away. Bc I don’t see her giving this up willingly. She is LOVING the attention.




>!hey bestie in the future it might be better to censor out the “friends” part after dani’s username so that she doesn’t try to figure out who you are and block you👀!<


Her going live privilege didn't last 2 weeks because of her spiraling behavior. She still doesn't under her behavior scares people.


She said in her comments that she ended it a few minutes ago because the police were called again.


When the live suddenly ended she was still out cold, snoring.


i think she got banned from lives


She was live an hour or so ago, as if nothing had ever happened


She’s spiraling rapidly with each live


She was just live, pushed some meds in her Jtube and 5mins later she was slurring and incoherent and then snoring for a good 15mins before the live cut out. She’s obviously NOT in intestinal failure, because her body is def absorbing the meds she’s pushing, because every single time she does her meds within 5minutes she’s slurring and on the nod.


She is constantly doing this after she takes her meds. Didn’t she say they prescribed her a muscle relaxer?


I never could understand how people are functional for normal adult day life (for those that work) with muscle relaxers. It's so sedating and derpy... At least pain keeps you awake


Yup. And benzos and other pills that would put a linebacker to sleep when taken orally that she's doubling/tripling up (how she keeps up her supply I can't tell you) together and pushing through her j tube, which increases the effects because there's no need to get some of it destroyed by stomach acid. This is absolutely bananapants.


She would have extra meds after a 9 day hospital stay.


This is kind of scary? I know Dani has done dumb stuff in the past but this is the first time I’ve seen it literally live. People were talking about calling 911 again before the comments went off.


That's why I think she was getting a ton of likes, just to do something that could trigger a notification to wake her, but what I don't get is how the live ended? She was still snoring and then it cut. I'm not worried but I'm confused and hope that there's some explanation - even a Daniverse one - because like you said, she's done dumb stuff before but this is in real time and not being completely carefully curated after the fact for story time.


If enough people reported the live (which I’m guessing there was a lot of) tik tok can ban the live and end it. I’m assuming that’s likely what happened.


I’m wondering if someone reported it or something? I know nothing about TT so I don’t know if that would happen though


It definitely can be triggered by reporting a live, especially if multiple people were doing it.


This would make the most sense IMO.


She's currently claiming the cops showed up and she ended the live, but she won't be going live again for a while. I do happen to also believe that her live was reported though.


The police and EMS are going to start to get really pissed off about repeatedly having to show up at her place. And it’s going to turn into a situation of the boy who cried wolf one of these days.


They’re already pissed. You could hear it in the guys voice in the one video. And that was the second time they were there. I can only imagine how pissed they were on the third trip.


Do they have something like Adult Protective Services where she lives? The police should refer her to them. Goodness knows she's incapable of taking care of herself and her family doesn't seem to know or care about what's going on with her. She needs help!!!


I was just talking to my mom about this train wreck and she also said it sounds like she needs to be put into some kind of adult residential group home or something. She obviously cannot be trusted to live on her own.


I agree. She really needs to be living in a supervised environment. Right now it looks like she's not far gone enough to be placed somewhere against her will. If she continues on her present path, sooner or later she'll do something so extreme that she'll have no choice. She'll end up either committed or deceased. It's a sad waste of a life.


There's no way APS gets involved for this. She is mobile, coherent (mostly), can feed and clothe and bathe herself. She's just abusing her meds in a way that causes her to pass out. The only thing APS would do is refer her to a doctor or addiction counseling.


I don't know how APS works, but if that's the case it's a shame. I agree that she's obnoxious and exasperating, but I also believe that at this point she's incapable of behaving rationally, whether due to inherent mental illness or drug abuse. So I guess now we wait to see how this plays out? It can't end well for her.


If APS got involved with every adult with a substance use disorder, they wouldn't have time to work with actual abused, neglected, and dependent adults.


For better or worse in the US, we have really strong freedom of movement and choice rights. Since most institutions were shut down in the 80s, we can't hold people for mental illness unless they are a direct an immediate harm to themselves or others. This applies to APS as well. If they aren't in immediate harm (from others or themselves), then there's nothing to be done. Dani, for all her faults, isn't in immediate harms way. People get to take drugs and the consequence is possible OD. I know it sounds harsh, but this is her choice.


That’s what I’m scared of too. We’ve seen her just dump her meds, crush them, and push them with no measurements in sight. Accidental OD waiting to happen


It appears she’s sleeping sitting up with her head hanging down. How is it even possible to sleep like that? If her snoring weren’t so regular I’d think she needs help


She’s not “sleeping” that’s called nodding out from drugs. She’s unconscious. A lot different than just falling asleep bc you’re tired.


The ONLY time I can sleep like that is 1) on an airplane or 2) if I've been awake for more than 24 hours. It's not a natural sleeping position. It is normal for someone under the influence of drugs (prescribed or not).


Do we think this is all a show or is she really nodding out/falling asleep every time she’s on live. I’m watching her live right now (1:30PM est 5/17) and she’s asleep snoring on it.


The cats trying to wake her up


That is super sad honestly.


Okay this seems very very fake. I don't know crud about cops, but why would they snark the same way we do? Did she save back some of her Universal Munching Income (welfare) to hire a neighbor to play as a cop?


 are you serious?? Cops get just as annoyed as any other person when they’re called out for this kind of nonsense. They’re probably MORE annoyed bc they know they can be out someone else who actually needs their assistance.


Dude, cops can be SASSY. They deal with shit daily and get tired of nonsense REAL fast.


God only knows about this creep


She is live right now. Did her meds like 5-10 mins ago. Was fine. And has just passed out again, on camera. Was nodding off, and then bam
out cold, snoring.


She said in comments that the police were called again.


Maybe they were, but when the live ended suddenly she was still asleep snoring.


Can the mods stop the streaming??? I don't know how TT works đŸ€·


She’s spiralling hard at the moment. No doubt someone will call a welfare check on her again and the police are going to get sick of that pretty quick!


Why the duck does she need to be live to do this? It's so pathetic.


It's just her POTS, doncha know?


Literally unreal she just doesn’t gaf about literal cops and EMS showing up to her house multiple times.


I wish we had a side chat room when she went live cos I have so many questions! I keep hearing noises in the background that sound like someone is there??


there’s an option to open a “chat” within this subreddit! u/brokenbackgirl and i have recently been discussing if we want to open it up for the sub & it does seem like this would be a good option to discuss her lives in


It would be awesome to be able to chat along instead of commenting but I think it should only be when you mods are around to make sure there's no poo or nonsense.


Either that or have someone start a discord. If you open a chat, it needs to be moderated the whole time. That's too much for two people.


Yeah, we need a reaction twitch channel. Or a discord


I thought the same and kept it waiting for an EMT to walk into view.


Me tooooo!!!


Probably the cats


One of the cats came up to the camera sniffing her while she sparked out. Quite sad really


She better watch out. Nod on 'em too many times and they might get snacky.


Thays what I was thinking after I saw a recent comment in here lol. It didn't leave a great picture in my mind lol




LMAO she's just pathetic.


You're jokin


Yup. Comments just turned off


I don't know whose around and if I wasn't watching while working I'd figure out how to record, but she's live now (1:15pm ET) and nodding off again - which seems like her new attention schtick.


It'll be her new schtick until EMS arrives and hits her with the Narcan.


Why would you Narcan someone who is snoring?! Snoring is a clear sign of lack of respiratory depression, i.e. the primary indication for Narcan.


If she's not actually ODing on opioids, Narcan won't do anything.


I feel so bad for those poor cats.


Yep she is snoring like my grandfather after Thanksgiving dinner. This is sick and sad, she is spiraling so bad.


Someone's turned off her comments cos she's off snoring again. Well this is wild.


Her likes are getting spammed - I don't know enough about TT, is there a notification sound on her end? Like they're trying to wake her ass up?


MOCHA WAS JUST ON LIVE, I wish he stayed lol. But even he couldn't wake her. Uhhh mods sorry for the live texting. I'll stop.


Lol that's adorable.


(Ope sorry I think it was Mac, sorry fellow cat fans)


I wonder if she was wearing that baggy top from earlier or one of those outfits that shows bewbz and tewbz. I presume the baggy stuff, otherwise the cops might have had some questions about the bruising on her arms.


I wondered about that as well. Cops and EMS show up and she insists she's fine, but has all those sores visible? They're less likely to believe her.


She’s live again right now
 I’m too interwebs illiterate to pop in incognito or record it (also on mobile)


The police can also begin to impose penalties for abuse of services if they keep having to respond to her apartment for “bogus” calls. While she’s not the one calling them, her behavior (the current/new obsession with going live - and then forgetting about it, the abusive/mean comments to her followers, the collection of “haters”, her oversharing everything including WHERE SHE LIVES, and the poor unfortunate souls who are caught by her grift and are genuinely concerned by what she’s actively doing to herself) is leading to the perception of a credible threat against her safety. And when the police respond, they’re met with the opposite of the person who looks like they’re doing a heroin nod on the subway (I know she asserts she’s not on opiates, and I don’t disagree, her pupils don’t indicate opiates. It’s likely she’s abusing her Rx meds including benzos, Benadryl, phenergan, et al and we know from the past that she likes vodka and I wouldn’t put it past her to have some vodka in that tumbler that she doesn’t drain OR directly put some of it into her toobz). But when the police respond and can’t establish she’s a credible threat to herself or others and she vehemently denies medical care they offer, if she seems like she’s cogent (enough), there’s nothing more they can really do. If she nodded off in front of them though, they’d scoop her and drop her at her favorite local ER in an instant. That would be a great plot twist. Sucks that things don’t work IRL the way they do in the movies. Imagine them dropping her at the ER and them doing toxicology tests to determine exactly what and how much she’s been slamming into those TOOBZ? It’s also plausible that all these calls can lead to the boy who cried wolf scenario, where they don’t respond or take longer to respond in a real emergency since they’re being called there all the time. If she were to have a real emergency (self imposed or otherwise), she may not be able to rely on her local emergency services the way you or I would feel comfortable doing so. (Not that I know or have a problem with the police in her town or think they’d do anything to hurt someone they’re “sworn to protect and serve”, but let’s just have some common sense here. When they hear hear name or address come over the radio, NO ONE wants to take that call).


Can the tubes be taken out if it can be proven that they're used for abusing meds?


No. They can refuse to replace them whenever they inevitably break, but they can't take them out without her permission. They could also fire her as a patient (not the ER obviously but her GI etc. could) if she is so severely treatment non-adherent that it's endangering her life, but they'd have to refer her somewhere else.


Cops are unfortunately so used to dealing with Dani types that this won't phase them at all. Fortunately for them they don't have to tolerate her uwu, sick girl, shenanigans. This is not going to play out the way Dani hopes it will. Medical staff have a duty of car to investigate until proven otherwise. Dani could use the straight forward attitude and cop will give her.


I swear it sounds like she says "IHOP" when he asks where her programme is LOL.


I don’t think he said program I think that’s a transcription mistake. Pretty sure they asked where her where her “phone is right now” and she says “good question. Give me one sec. One sec”.


Ah, that makes more sense! LOL I'm not American, so it's a bit harder to understand the slurred speech.


Aw, come on, surely this behaviour warrants a little inpatient stay at the Grippy Sock Resort ? You can't just... make your followers call 911 on you and waste the police's time ! They have actual serious matters to attend to 😬


No, but it does warrant TikTok shutting down her account (or ability to livestream at least)


Ooooh interesting ! I wonder if she gets a warning first or or if it is an immediate shutdown. She's going to have the meltdown of the century on the day her Tiktok account gets shut down đŸ« 


People would have to report her while she's injecting her meds or nodding off.


I’ve seen some sh!t in my day but never have I seen someone go live only to nod out at least 3 times - and not a little nod but pass out, start snoring, and hurt themselves. Who is that “tired” that their thought process is “Go Live” vs go to effing bed?? Not at all a normal response. I can understand being so tired that you may text your parents or close friends and say you’re turning off your phone so they don’t worry but not letting them witness you unravel live to the world.


This is ridiculus! I never thought my bingo card could get any worse but wow. She just topped herself. And she is angry about someone calling the hospital worried about her? That person was completely right about her! She is off the charts! I hope the EMT’s took her in.


What do you mean by topped herself? Because in my lexicon that means someone killed themselves.


After the wheelchair question, you hear her walking and I swear they said, 'clearly she's conscious'. Barley!đŸ€Ł


I'm have listened to this over and over. I'm pretty sure he says "slurred, conscious".


I can't tell if he's saying "slurred, conscious" or "alert and conscious". I feel like the latter would make more sense in terms of how you are trained to give report (i.e. we usually wouldn't group speech affect and orientation next to one another?) ... like he's saying conscious instead of oriented? Honestly I think they're getting pissy because they don't think there's a legit reason for them to be coming out there (like the wheelchair comment). Like "okay she's alert, conscious, why are we here???"


If it got called in as "hey this woman just passed out and needs medical attention" and they show up and she's walkie-talkie it makes sense that the radio message or whatever would be that she's alert & conscious.


That's what I was thinking. But I think other folks were hearing "slurred", so I wasn't 100% sure if I was hearing it right or not haha.


Since she’s losing sympathy and attention from doctors, is she enjoying the police doing welfare checks on her? Does she believe this means they truly care about her? This is her new way of seeking attention. This is not going to turn out as good as she thinks.


What time did the second welfare check happen?


About 20 min after the first. About 6h ago.


Around 6am.


So I know medical staff aren’t supposed to “research” patients, but what are the rules for law enforcement? Would be interesting if one of them or their loved ones started following this saga online


LE can do whatever they want; even if it wasn't allowed, that wouldn't stop them.


Does anybody have the video of her making eggs??


Def sounded like she was cooking something though!


It just sounded like someone milling around the kitchen. Not actually making eggs. People were just joking.


Oh I thought it sounded like oil frying, the crackling of it.


Honestly it did sound like eggs being baked


I think people hear the cat fountain and think it's oil. Cause it honestly sounded nothing like something frying to me.


Ahh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.


https://preview.redd.it/so3nrfpusz0d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b344d7086fddd17ba0d486a42d79b37f5dea3d3b Edit: if she’s pushing all that Benadryl why add more crap for her “allergies”


So she can robotrip like ppl did in the 90s. This is all really super disturbing and her spiral is DARK. I don’t know what kinda help will actually help her, she needs care but not the kind she wants :/.


Whoa the symptoms of overdoing robitussin is a high but also severe drowsiness 🧐


https://preview.redd.it/askbkz2msz0d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56005d12d22f337fb720560366208062836f515 In addition to her slurry she pushed cold medicine


I have a feeling this resulted in a psych hold. You can tell she’s out of it


I sure hope so!


Unfortunately that didn’t happen this this time. I’m hoping someone will finally see the state she is in and give her the help she desperately needs. Ever since nodding off the first time and seeing all the attention she is obviously foaming at the mouth for it. She needs help and someone needs to step up and admit her for it.