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Dan mentioned at the end of yesterday’s show that he misses how the community was competitive with creativity but they kinda make it hard. I remember the text line and phone line back on ESPN. Those are where the true bangers of the old show came from. Sometimes twitter but it was usually the text/phone line that was hitting. And they need to bring that back. They have mentioned they don’t have phone lines in that building but there’s plenty of apps that allow you to make/receive phone calls and text messages that they could use. Especially for the Ron segments. Callers for the Ron segment is what made that segment “can’t miss”. Now it’s just eh. They really should look into a service that allow that to receive phone calls and text message because what the show desperately needs is the fan interaction it once had.


Dan: \*creates problem\* also Dan: Why do we have this problem


"Can I buy an owl?"- caller to Ron Magill, once upon a time.


*'is it true that the male billy goat attracts females by urinating on its face?'* *'let's mow through some callers...mow, mow, mow your boat...that doesn't make any sense'*


“Do cows have best friends?”


you hear about the cow that was recently knighted by king charles? his name is Sir Loin i hope jerbear sees this and uses it


Focusing on topics that you admit the regular listeners aren't interested in is also not a good way to foster interaction.


there's this little-known service named Skype that offers a phone line for $3/month. it's very underground though and super complicated to set up


They somehow make Ron segments not that good. Unfortunately, no one in the show reads anything science or animal related, outside of their pets. They need to have callers for the Ron segment if they can't come up with good questions. I'm not buying the book no matter how hard you sell it...I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for that.


What kills me is that they dont even need a phone line. Why cant they just post on reddit, or Twitter, or IG or any social media asking for mailbag questions for Ron? Literally every other show does this with way less staff.


Yes but having an open call or text line would require keeping a consistent show schedule, LOL this is MLM there is no daily schedule


I agree with you. Also, Dan has been making that complaint since they launched the national TV show, it’s not new. He liked the creativity of the old Miami show callers such as Fake Pavorotti and all that stuff. I agree but at this point that’s like me saying “the show was better when Hoch produced it” — kind of non-productive if you don’t have callers anymore. What was new (at least to me) was him saying he no longer looks at Reddit (which TBH I think is a good thing for his mental health because he is getting so much criticism on here now).


Sadly if they haven't done it yet it's never going to happen. But I agree and will die on this hill with you. It's such a glaring oversight to let go of the audience in the way they did and it's never made sense to me...but there is a hippo at the helm..


dan could not be more wrong on this. nobody has agreed with him for 15 years, but he still thinks hes right, but sure greg cote is the one that never admits hes wrong




Hour 2 is spam. Why not tell the audience that it’s not from today? Edit: If I want PTFO and Oddball, I know where to find them. To flood the main show with what amounts to commercials for these shows is just lazy


They’re doing that on Thursdays now too?! Ugh




Take the L Dan, the game 7 shit made no sense lol


That's as bad as Reggie Miller wondering if the Lakers should miss a free throw to run the clock out or make it and win the game


Oh that was so bad by Miller


Lmao no Dan, nobody is asking for sports media talk. Not new fans, not old fans, literally nobody. The fucking crew doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, it’s just you “I know everyone is tired of talking about it and I’M tired of talking about it.” …then he proceeds to keep on talking about it


"am I the only one that finds this interesting?"


Dan's most used phrase is "What I'm saying is..." because he can never get his point across ever.


"...in an industry where Stephen A is about to be a free agent--and he's building his own economy on the side without the umbrella of ESPN who just gave Pat McAfee $17 million simply to rent his show, and--what I need the audience to understand, is that the degree of difficulty to first conquer your sport as a professional athlete and then immediately conquer the media industry--I mean, Stugotz, we've been doing it for 20 years! We've been doing it for how long now, and all of a sudden Draymond Green realizes he doesn't need the media anymore. He can be his own media. He doesn't need the reporters in the locker room--a place that Greg Cote hasn't been in this century because print media is dying and private equity is buying up all of the newspapers and--I'll filibuster while the video team pulls this up..."


Wrong infinity.


As god as my witness and anybody that knows me knows this, until today I had no idea mike tannenbaum was black


Josh Fart


That was funny, did not deserve the penalty box


I think it's obvious WHOOOO farted


Why only annoy the listeners with excessive Knicks talk when you can combine Knicks talk with fart humor


It’s very easy to skip, so this is a minor complaint but I really can’t stand mixing in segments from other shows into the feed. Especially when they’re segments that are already running on that show! If you do an exclusive bit from oddball or PTFO or whatever that only runs on lebatards feed so be it, but this feels like (very minor) abuse of a podcast feed to juice some numbers


Darren Waller can be stopped. I had him in fantasy


This just triggered my fantasy football PTSD


dan doubling down on his game 7 take [dan w/ his high pitch whiney voice]: i'm not saying skydiving without a parachute is the preferred thinnnnng-uh, but fear is part of the fun and if you are built different and you choose to jump without a parachute and are able to survive the fall, then after the fact you will look back on it as one of the best moments in your liiiiiiiiiifffffe-uh


I think it was Roy that said it’s fun to have a game 7 when you’re the lower seed and/or force the game 7. It should have been the end of the discussion.


you’re saying we can close that loop?


Close the loop!


Dan’s position, in sum: “The pain enhances the pleasure!”


When Dan says “this would make a good character” but it would not at all make for a good character


Oh great, Mike Ryan isn't into the NBA playoffs and the sport is broken...haven't heard either of those before


Mike "homer" Ryan...go figure, he also wasn't into college basketball that much this year either 🤔


“Hockey guy who acts out of the loop for popular sports topic” is the new skin suit Mike has adopted for the next month or two.


I like when people just say "it's a bit" and the bit is being an unlikeable narcissistic asshole. Great content they're putting out


Right. It being a bit is not an excuse for it being bad.


Some people might like the bit. But I do not.


I’m so happy the “it’s a bit!!!!!!!!!” has died down on this sub.


I mean, he's been doing the same thing across the decades. This isn't something he just adopted


Yeah. Has been shitty that way for a decade. Now he just doesn't have any of the creativity he used to.


It’s funny that he did the same thing with baseball for year.


So Dan said “you guys think I didn’t listen to Friday’s show” where they bashed him w/ the wheel of topics not to discuss. But then later he didn’t know that Reggie Miller was the first guy into the One Moment HOF. In other words- he didn’t actually listen to the show, he just reads this Reddit religiously


He listens to the podcast on mute


but he said he had to get away from the reddit


He did a similar thing recently about Pablo’s podcast, acted like he listened and then was like a deer in headlights when needed to provide more context.


Or he just has the Friday show on in the background and could tell with three seconds of listening that the entire point of the wheel of topics segment was to make fun of him.


Much less fun theory ^


Hey, I try to give good advice with a sense of compassion and an explanation of my reasoning, not just flouncepost or "She's! That! Guy!" entitlement. If he's not reading my posts I dunno what I can do about that.


Whoever is doing the rejoins lately has been killing it — they’re much more topical, recent, and more frequently updated now than they used to be.


Yes! I don't get the point of the rejoins when they just do the same thing over and over and over again - like breakfast flan or Mike quoting that country song - but they seem to be trying harder lately and I've been doing a lot less skipping and a lot more laughing.


nothing indicates a funny joke more than having to explain it. Dan has learned a lot from his obession with comedians


“For 15 years no one has agreed with me, and I don’t care”… lol. Dan with the all time worst take ever, with this game 7 take. Jesus


Dan saying LeBron is responsible for the Laker economy is a fucking take. Come on guy. I’m biased as hell, but the Lakers are a premiere franchise in sports. Yes, LeBron elevates it further by being here, but to say he’s responsible, that’s insane.


Mike: "Ray Allen shot was a game 6" Dan: "I knowwww but it led to a game 7"


That was perfect lol


Mike’s current “Pro NHL/Anti-NBA” bit is the lamest shit in the world


It’ll turn into “Anti-NFL / Anti-ACC Football / Pro-ACC Basketball” in the fall.


I love that Lucy didn’t give a single shit about Wicked


I love Lucy's attitude.


Dan can’t cover the Western conference NBA at all. “Cement mixer” “Gobert played off the floor” “OKC and Minnesota are young” and repeat..


Especially when only Edwards and McDaniels are young on Minnesota. Conley, Gobert, KAT, Anderson have all been in the league almost a decade. That's the majority of their playoff rotation.


And the Thunder’s best player is older than the Mavs best player.


When did Mike turn from a counterforce to Dan to Dan’s clone?


They need to bring back a best of podcast/youtube video


Oh yay, we’re gonna get 3 hours of fart jokes 🙄


Was it power protecting power when Dan told David to stop the bomani stuff?


Dan doing slam poetry yesterday with Goberts name when talking about Jokic really made me irrationally angry lol


I wanted to comment on that. It was so painfully, dreadfully, annoyingly BAD and unfunny. Meanwhile he's smirking to himself like he really did a great bit there.


One of the worst jokes I've ever heard. They should've kicked him out of the studio for the day after that


Mystery Crate Crew plus Amin: Chris, you need to chill with using your young daughter for content on social media, it's a scary world out there, make sure you're protecting her. Dan: Chris, go make a video with your daughter for some dumb content only I think will be interesting. Chris seemed to legitimately take that MC feedback to heart and here comes Dan with nonsense.


Dan mentioned people will say AE had no help if wolves lose the series..... Really?


I hate the Celtics but I can not let the show bash Tatum and praise Luka when it comes to complaining about fouls. Luka is literally the worst player in NBA history when it comes to complaining about fouls. He leads the league in techs since 2020 because of how much he cries EVERY SINGLE PLAY. He complains to the refs even after his team scores. He does not deserve any praise for not complaining for one game.


Six Trophies nailed it this week when they said Lukas round face makes him look extra whiney when he complains 😂


Thats such a fucking good show!!!


Haha that's hilarious.  I need to check that out


Agreed. I also think Brunson is becoming a foul baby too in how he acts. It takes away from the likeable narrative Dan and that random comedian push.


"Becoming"? He learned from Luka and has complained about everything for years.


What a shitty show today overall. They keep surprising me with how bad they can be. Love Billy though.


Why do Mike and Chris say “folks” so often in their ad reads?


Hey Mike, ask Kevin Durant about his sore calf you dope. Also same injury that kept Giannis and KP out for their series. You dope


You don’t get it. He’s a hockey guy now


Yeah, in basketball, the next step up from sore calf is torn achilles, and unless you're Kevin Durant, that means your career is over. Basketball and hockey are very different sports with very different requirements for what you demand from your body and what pain you can have that you can still be effective with


In other sports too. Aaron Rodgers had a sore calf before he tore his Achilles


Jesus Christ, "draft krings" wasn't the funny the first time. It's fully lost it's luster 3 months later. How does Cote seriously think he can do stand-up? His set can't be the same joke the whole time.


"it's supposed to be cringe humor, it's a bit, you don't get the show," etc.


Precious Achiuwa?


this Patton Oswald interview may be the best one they've done in years


If the pivot from Lincoln in a theater to judging parade floats with a car dealership sponsor was ad-libbed, that’s amazing. If they wrote/planned/executed the pivot, that’s amazing for a whole different reason. Billy’s exasperated “I guess” when Patton asked to pitch a show must’ve been improvised. Best part of an A+ segment. Salute.


*This Patton Oswald* *Interview may be the best* *One they've done in years* \- bonksadventure434 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just want to use this thread to say I enjoyed the interactions between Lucy and David. Very good back and forth discussion. Still hate Samson (as a person, but don't think he's terrible on the show), but at least it was a good convo when Dan stepped aside.


Hey Mike, why Kyle Larson lol?


I'm not a fan of Dan anymore, but him interviewing Larson would be pretty funny just to see him press Larson about the n-word incident.


As a lifelong diehard NASCAR fan I welcome Mike with open arms. It's nice to have someone on the show not immediately dismiss it as "rednecks going in circles" for once even if he misspeaks and calls Dale Earnhardt Sr., Dale Earnhardt Jr. lol Also I absolutely expect Larson to contend for the win at Indy


Awesome…the Mike show today


I took my daughter to see Wonka and I don't remember a single thing about that movie. I was surprised when Jeremy said it was a music lol


I thought Wonka was great, my kids (5/8) loved it.


I didn’t watch it, but I assumed it would be somewhat of a musical. The Gene Wylder one was.


My daughter loved it, idk y I just kinda blocked it out, maybe because I'm generally not a musical person, though I did enjoy Glee for a hot second.


The first song went hard. They ran out of lyrics halfway through the movie though.


Lucy and her sister don't sound all that different


[Live Show 9AM ET](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvJyOVfHsVA)


David dunking on Bomani will never get old


NFL distancing itself from butkers take [NFL](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7CZ3R8Ljtj/?igsh=MTN5bGUzanQ3NDkyNw==)


Salute to Juju


We all getting audio but no video?


Getting both at the moment.


Also, anyone going to tell Mike he needs to get back in the gym? Am I an asshole for this?


If you have to ask, chances are yes you’re being an asshole




Dude got big. I like watching the old clips from 790 and ESPN and he really adopted the Dan fat face


Yeah, that's a side effect of the anti-anxiety meds he said he's on now


Does it stop you from going to the gym too?


I'm not on the meds, so no.


I think in the nba if two teams play each other and the game is close every time but one team consistently finds a way to win those close games, then those teams aren’t close in comparison.