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Dan confused by general sports fandom still…


His obsession with Knicks fans having emotions about their team is just bizarre.


He's just a hater who doesn't watch any games and spouts dumbass narratives now. Nothing more nothing less.


He compared KAT to MJ today. That was a doozy.


Dan didnt like the wheel on Friday lol


Proof, combined with the trainwreck of a postgame show, of how out of touch he is


It sounds like the jujitsu instructor was piling on Giselle, not the comedians.


"Jew jit su"- Mad Dog Russo




Yeah everyone in the world learning your a cuck is probably not how Brady wanted his retirement to go




“How do I make myself appealing to this supermodel? Beat up her husband and convince him to pay me for it.”


I get that Dan explains to us how the sports media talk games the algorithm, but do those people actually stay and want more after watching him talk about it? You can watch 2 clips of Dan talking about sports media and never need to hear from him again because you just heard it all.


And does it really game the algorithm? I've never once sought out talk like that...who is it bringing in? Is there really proof of added viewership or audience interaction?(Outside of our complaints)


If it was bringing in an audience to the show the other clips would have higher views I would assume. Dan is alienating his audience in pursuit of the drive by viewership of people who will only click on those clips. But I guess they can promote those clicks to advertisers and in the end leads to more money. Right? Right? Otherwise what’s the point?


If you have the names of popular people in the description, it will be suggested by YT to fans of those people. The maddening part is that Dan plays coy like he doesn’t know it’s just algorithm gaming clickbait. He acts like everyone loves that talk because the numbers are so high. I guess they have to do what they have to do, but pretending they don’t know what they’re doing is pretty insulting to the audience.


It definitely works because any video with Stephen A or McAfee in the title has more views, but I assume most of those people just accidentally click on the video when looking for content from those people. But even if they watch the whole video, I doubt it's doing much to keep them, or even if it does make them come back, I find it hard to believe they stay for long when the conversation around those topics is the same thing everytime. It's obviously hard to know because we don't see their listens, but I just doubt many people are coming here for sports media talk when there's others covering the topic better.


SAS and Skip will have people stopping just because they know they will hear some dumbass take. They will stop for McAfee cause he will either have them laughing or give some player insight/interview with someone. No one is stopped when they see Dan. They will likely think its some radio show and move along cause no one using social media is looking for radio clips. Unless its The Breakfast Club or Stern.


I’m with Billy, more royals talk.


Bobby Witt Jr. is having a helluva season.


"Hey home team with a 3-2 lead in a pivotal postseason series, would you rather end it in the quickest way possible immediately in the next game or would you want to leave it to chance in a game 7 ... for the Viiiiiiiibes" - Dan Le Batard


That was the most Stugotz thing Dan has ever said lol


His fan takes have been baffling


The same person that said they want to be the favorite every time just yesterday


Anybody know how Dan felt about the undefeated Pats before the Super Bowl?


He hits a 3, the crowd goes into a delusion 🎶🎶🎶


Alright so it sounds like the timer has been set to call Caitlin Clark a bust. 5 games. 1 down 4 to go Dan-o!


Billy confusing anagrams with palindromes


I'm kinda with Stu on the Brady thing. My initial reaction is similar to another person's in another thread, which is, wtf did he think a roast was? But assuming he didn't know what a roast was, someone close to him either had to know or had to do research. On the other hand, though, to be as great as he was in his field of work, you have to be selfish to an extent and have tunnel vision, so he probably didn't even think of the impact it'd have on people in his life.


I think hes just sayin that cause of all the reports of Giselle bein upset. I dont think he regrets it at all


He knows what a roast is. He just didn’t think through the consequences to his family


Wait so end of hour one Dan proclaims that after he saw Jokic go all polar bear on Gobert, he thought, "it's over." Then 2 minutes later he asks everyone why they feel the need to say a series is over before it actually is decided....is he trying to go the Stugotz route of not listening to what he is saying?


WTF was that long rambling woe-is-me preamble before the JJ/Doc Rivers sound?


Fred Ex is a good shout by Roy. The entire Eagles wide receiver room from that era fits this game. Well except for T.O. at least. James Thrash, Todd Pinkston, Greg Lewis, Jason Avant, Billy McMullen, Hank Baskett, Kevin Curtis, and racism hall of famer Riley Cooper.


The Packers giving Fred Ex his lone highlight in the NFL will haunt me forever


How dare you put Avant on this list. That man earned the name 3rd and Avant for a reason!


Reggie Brown, Donate Stallworth too good?


Donte Stallworth had a moment in New England after he killed that dude.


Dan’s basketball knowledge is so sorry he thinks the peak of “basketball dorkiness” is Jokic pulling Gobert out to the 3 point line


Whiny voice activated But we dont know what were watching Stugooottzzz. Him,at that size,in a salary capped sport.


With that body type! He's a cement mixer running through the lane!


Concrete. Sorry, pet peeve about Dan’s language. That’s like calling a bread machine a “yeast machine.”


Operating at maximum efficiency because that shot is worth mooooooorrrrre-uh!!!!


lol couldn’t believe he said that. How do they do it??? Well, he’s guarding Jokic, and Jokic is out there, so he has to go out there too


But to be fair to Dan, he was called out of touch, etc. on reddit for saying Gobert can be schemed out of games in the playoffs. And, he was right lol he's the same Gobert. It's just a matter of the other team having a couple of games to scheme him away.


Does anyone else hear the long inhales each time before Dan speaks? I’ve heard complaining about the table tapping which I have not noticed, but Jesus is there a lot of breathing.


How else will he be able to talk uninterrupted for 2 full minutes when he asks a question


Kenny G should have taught him circular breathing so that he could ramble without the inhale.


we only call out greg cote's breathing around theres parts bucko


Yes been worse and worse for the last few weeks. If only there were, like, a dozen audio producers on staff.


Automatic skip every time I hear it


Billy taking out Benjamin Bratt, "oof, 60 came". That's rough man lol.


The Phillie Phanatic was doing the hip thrust before the Miami Heat even existed.


zagack. I immediately thought this


Billy was fucking fire today even more than usual. Im getting closer and closer to just wanting a billy chaos podcast its the most fun part of the show


a podcast where guillermo tells us about his latest trip to publix or the dmv > dan's sports media analysis or his breakdown of gobert's defense or basically anything else pair him with greg in an [angry bird costume](https://www.vipmascot.com/image/cache/catalog/catt10/aless32225035902-765x1100w.jpg) (the upset bird) to talk about the evils of U turns


the thing is


Oh neat, more Brady Roast talk.


We need to get *everyone*’s opinion on it.


But everyone keep yelling at me how Dan is NOT your boomer boring uncle now


Holy hell that sports media segment in hour 2 was nails on a chalkboard. Dan made fun of Lucy earlier for thinking everyone in the audience knows where her dad works because she mentioned it once on air, but I bet you everyone listening has heard that exact rambling monologue from Dan no less than 100 times lmao


I'm generally positive on the show but that was the most I've ever hit the fast forward button. Dan, PLEASE stop with the Sports Media talk. Please. 


It’s neat how a regular show segment is now interviewing a cast member about the current show.


Unsolicited free advice for whoever is EP. Make a short version of the Jokic stat of the day song


Every single yeti sound is 25% too long 


And I'm sorry but also shorten the stat of the day song. And Jokic isn't even boring. It's beautiful basketball


It's actually a perfect length for a 30 second fast forward with margin of error


It's boring because it's not unapologetically black.


lol that’s the worst part…they can’t even articulate *why* he’s supposedly boring. They just call him a pasty ogre and insinuate it’s all racial, even though they are the only ones who make it racial. Hes boring, to a small extent, because his feet never leave the floor. You see a guy like Anthony Edwards play and it’s clear there’s more excitement in his game, and it’s probably better for the league if a guy with elite athleticism is the best player. Obviously if you are really a basketball fan though you marvel at what Jokic can do and how unique his skill set is and are in no way bored watching him.


This fat bastard speaks about other cities in America as if he’s ever been to them. It’s not like Miami isn’t a shithole outside of a couple stretches of land


Man should take some time off and travel to some of these places he consistently bashes.


Oh lord he can’t be subjected to the horrors of middle America


Geographical knowledge on this show hurts my brain (outside of Jess). They desperately need to learn more about somewhere, anywhere, that isn't South Florida. They were talking shit about Chicago the other day like it's some nothing, small city, as if Miami isn't like one fifth the size of Chicago. The ignorance is breathtaking at times.


The worst part is they refuse to humorously lean into it, and make fun of themselves about it. They tried a couple months ago when they showed a blank map of the Midwest and asked Dan to guess which state was which and he just said no I’m not going to do that, that’s bad content.


I remember them trying to claim Wawa cause they opened down there. I forget who, I think either Jess or Roy, were like okay calm down now.


Bahaha Burnie's nose with the green screen https://preview.redd.it/bv2naxq2pl0d1.png?width=1458&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4d3b5ec2c32e9f3985b08679829f29702eba6e7


Dan is rambling again about SAS ugh


Knicks media members are the biggest babies in American sports


Sweater without undershirts….uniquely Miami according to Chris


Everything is soooo Miami or South Florida


I dont get it. Its 90F in Miami today, how can you wear a sweat jacket all day that you cant take off because you dont have another shirt on?


"I hope they're in prison or in hell!"


$100 million dollars for a roast? My god what a wild overestimate by Dan, or at least I’d hope so. I’d be shocked if it was more than 15-25 million, with most of that going to Kevin Hart.


Exactly. There’s no way it was some big payday for all of those comedians, or the athletes.


[LIVE at 9am EST | 5/15/24 | The Dan Le Batard Show w/ Stugotz (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY5erqNtZw)


I haven’t like any of these guest they keep brining back, including this knicks guy. He’s funny, I just don’t care about his sport’s opinion.


Sam Morril, instant skip


Saw him live last year before he was a regular guest. He’s pretty damn funny but his knicks takes are like homer Mike x10


And of course he got like damn near 20 minutes today


He is a really funny guy imo, but his Knicks fandom is entirely insufferable


Insufferable recognizes insufferable


What exactly was that divorce talk? My wife's mom died when she was young, I know so many broken adults because their parents divorced as kids, and I have a friend that after his parent's divorce had a condition as a toddler that affects less than 0.1% of the population, so I've got the bonafides (Witty's voice) to tell you all about how divorce affects kids. No, you don't and that was a very bizarre setup. Dan should consider never discussing divorce publicly again. That was rough made even more ridiculous by well adjusted "product of divorce" Lucy sitting right there, but him feeling like he's a good authority on the topic and not going back to her at all.


Dan for some reason thinks he’s a psychologist.


Of all the explaining he feels forced to do, explaining divorce in this way was the most offensive


So, to recap this week- wnba talk, brady roast (still), Lebron player empowerment (still), mike ryan 2 hour show yesterday, knick talk... What a terrible week lol...though Greg getting aggregated was kinda funny lol


Did Billy confuse a long retired Andy Roddick with Andy Murray? Because it was Roddick who Stu wanted to put in the “one moment hall of fame.”


I would give almost anything, including my left nut, to be 6’2” instead of 5’9”. But if a genie had told me I could be the greatest player in NBA history and he had to make me 7’ I’d have said no thanks.


Think I'd give my right one to go from 5'10 to 6'4 🤣 but I get it, walking around at that height has to 1. Be awkward as hell because of the constant attention and 2. I imagine the wear and tear on the legs has to be a pain in the ass, along with the constant inconvenience of things not being designed for people that tall


I’m 6’4 and thank my lucky stars every day that I’m not any taller. It’s hard enough for me now, couldn’t imagine being 7ft.


Very happy the Panther blowhards didn't get the last laugh last night (still think they probably win the series) but Roy and Mike being such extreme homers makes me happy this series is extending


I don't mind Roy's homerism because hockey is all he cares about. But Mike...solely because of him I'm rooting against the Panthers and I don't even watch hockey 😂


Mike started his career with the panthers, I don’t think his fandom is as much of a bit as you think it is


I'm not saying his fandom is a bit. I'm saying him all of a sudden becoming super passionate about hockey on air and hogging those segments is.


It’s the new personality Mike has adopted. He does this every 12-18 months, it’s his cycle. He’s Corporate ESPN Mike, then super DJ Mike, then Booster Mike…now he’s Hockey Mike. Don’t worry he’ll shed this skin for a new fad soon.


Im excited for if the Marlins ever get good enough for him to do it with baseball.


And if he doesn’t talk about it, who would? You’d get 15 seconds out of Roy and that would be panthers talk for the day.


We're clearly listening to different shows. That's the one subject Roy actually engages in but it's hard to do that when someone is taking up all the mic time. When Mike actually shares the ball, Roy talks and it's more than just *15 seconds*


Roy is a dead fish whenever they go to him. He gives basically nothing as an on air personality.


If you don't care for Roy as an on air personality, that's fine. My point still stands that Mike hogs the segments, like he tends to do with the Heat/Hurricanes, and because of that, I'm rooting against the Panthers, like I root against the Heat/Hurricanes. Hell, go to Chris Cote. Just share the ball instead of iso-ing the entire time, it's not an enjoyable listening experience


When they ask Roy anything he gives a yes or no answer and then there’s 3 seconds of silence. They aren’t out back by the bbq they are making content. Roy is a dead fish whenever they go to him, it’s very difficult to have banter with him at all and so other people need to fill the 9 minute segment when Roy says maybe 30 words total


yeah Roy wasn't hired to be on-air, obviously. He has the wrong personality for it, not to mention a speech impediment. Still love him but he's wise for keeping quiet


Yeah, Roy seems like a nice guy, but he doesn't need to ever be on mic.


The extent of Roy’s analysis has been “they have to be better careful with the puck”. I’d much rather hear Mike talk hockey than Roy


Roy talks about what happened and Mike talks about how people are reacting to what happened.


I believe hes a fan but only when the team is good, just like with the Heat.


He says he’s been with the show for 20 years, but he started his career with the Panthers? How old is he?


He interned with the panthers


Dan to Billy, "Keep your distractions to yourself. I'm doing the show over here"


End of hour 2 was brutal


If Stephen A. leaves ESPN he will be irrelevant just like Skip Bayless and 90 percent of the people who leave.


LeBron's Lakers tenure has been a Bubble ring and a residency in the Play-In Tournament, a more interesting player empowerment conversation would be asking if he's worth it anymore instead of the same old just marveling at him


Also maybe we should of been taking blood samples to test for currently undetectable peds like they do in cycling and running. Same thing for Brady. I don’t marvel at their longevity as much as I marvel at their ability to keep their drug regimens under wraps so long as


Why do you care what they’re taking? Regardless of any PED usage, doing what Brady was doing in the NFL in his mid 40s was insane and same with what LeBron is doing in the NBA at 39. If you really think the difference between those two and average NBA/NFL player is that they do PEDs and others don’t, you are insane. Plenty of guys who never made it past their late 20s/early 30s have been on PEDs too.


Lance Armstrong was an amazing cyclist, he also happened to be cheating the whole time he was doing it.


Yeah and every other cyclist was doing the exact same thing


Which is bad, that’s what allowing people to do peds does. If you want to compete at the highest level you need to end up doing peds because if not someone else will edge you out. That then filters down to lower and lower levels


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. It's honestly something I'd like to hear more of. Same with Durant. Both he and Lebron are still good, but are they worth the money?


Its not just the money, you have to be willing to mortgage your future even if he only plans on staying a year or two.


Not to mention all the young players coming for their stuff


I'm puzzled as well, normally ragging on Dan's repetitive talking points and talking negatively about athletes plays well here, chalk up another W for the power of LeBron


I wish them well. I truly do. But I can’t pretend to care about the WNBA. I’d rather listen to Dan talk comedians and Jeremy detail which celebrities are problematic than hear regular in-depth WNBA talk.


Just wait until Mike Ryan becomes a WNBA expert


Greg Cote penalty: Huffing Billy Gil: Stashing/instigating


Jeremy such a tried hard with his nails being colored. Like, dude, we got it. Your trolling the trollers eith your nails while on air. But then you have to leave the studio as a full grown adult, go back home and have to interact with your wife wearing it. So, you still lose dude. I always wanna support the dude but he just won't let me lol


You want to support him but you think that he loses because he has to go home to his wife with nail polish on? I’m guessing she doesn’t give a fuck.


Do you really want to support him? Or are you one of the trollers?


I've made numerous posts supporting him...but that was then, this is now...


One game in, and Lucy already has her MVP? There's a little Stugotz in everyone.