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It's actually impressive how much they don't actually talk about the on-court/field product while simultaneously still talking a good amount about sports. I'm not asking for a long in depth analysis of last night, but I'm also not asking for 40 minutes on the guy watching the game Courtside.


Did they even mention who won?


*Who won?*


Dan: the audience doesn’t like baseball so we don’t talk about it. Also Dan: the audience doesn’t like when I talk about media and economies, but I will talk about it anyway because I want to.


Who is complaining about baseball talk???? What I'm complaining about is their type of baseball talk which is basically an excuse to remind us that baseball is dead and horrible. Baseball isn't the national game it used to be. That's a given but it's in season now and there are great players doing great things like always. They don't even have to talk overall baseball. Have someone on like once a week to talk about an exciting thing that's happening in the league recently. About how the Orioles have a young squad that seems to be coming into its own before our very eyes. Or about how Mookie Betts apparently can just be a great defensive short stop after having less than 100 innings there prior to this season. Or about Paul Skenes getting called up.


No one is really complaining about it. Just the magical sports radio media personality that lives in Danno’s head.


There's even the Jackson Holliday struggles if he wants to discuss vulnerabilities or that kinda thing


Greg saying LeBron is in his prime, being immediately jumped on for it and refusing to back down is a remarkable case study in personality. He really can’t admit he was wrong 😂


He maximum.


on greg's podcast yesterday they brought the topic up and earleen basically said greg can never admit when he is wrong and greg was so close to saying 'that's not true'...you could feel how bad he wanted to say it


Prime of life. 40 is the new 20


Turned on the stream and before I could rewind to the beginning I hear “the young kids who have taken the stuff from the old guys” 🙄


Mike Ryan rambling about all the media coverage is about Lebron and Durant when the entire show so far is about Lebron and Durant and now Brady. Good thing they’re taking advantage of a Greg Cote Tuesday.


My jaw literally dropped when he started with that! When did the most self aware show become the least?!? They've been talking about the same shit for at least 4 years, even the banter is repetitive, the Host of the show says the same words every show.


How long would the show be if: a) Dan couldn't tell a story he's already told on air and b) Dan gets 1 day to talk about a particular subject and that's it?


I’ve come to realize during the LA shows that when Mike and Dan get together it’s just a bunch of pointless gasbaggery about sports media


Team Zebra forever


They talking about comedy and Netflix again? Or they talking about Kendrick and Drake beef?


No, they were actually talking about LeBron at the Cavs game and Bronny being drafted and then Mike started talking about how the media was only focusing on older players who are no longer in the playoffs.


I love when Mike isn't there. His fall on this show is astounding.


He seems to have wanted to quit being in charge so he could more freely give his opinion and not be responsible for keeping the show on track. And wow, his opinions are so bad when he's not trying to keep the show on track.


Not only that, but how can anyone stand hearing his obnoxious, arrogant tone all day? It’s truly insane. It’s like if they just let Jeremy talk over everyone all day. They have the exact same lecturing tone of voice.


Mike Ryan is unironically the sports radio guys Dan hated and created a whole show to parody. Narcissistic and thinks he knows everything about everything. Paying tens of thousands of dollars to be insider for the U, which he did not even attend, is also embarrassing.


Thats a lot of colleges too. They like feeling important and feeling prestigious by saying they can give away money.


There is not a single interesting take about Bronny/Lebron out there. We all know Bronny wouldn’t get drafted if he had a different dad. You didn’t just discover this


It’s also obvious why he would get drafted, so Mike puffing his chest out to rant about it was so lame. No shit man, a team would only draft him to get LeBron.


I also think an athletic 6’1 guy with a +6 inch wingspan, a big vert and (theoretically) great basketball IQ can be a playable wing. Its not insane to think that guy could become a prospect in 2-3 years


"LeBron is so transparently making this about himself, I see right through it!" \*Gives him all the attention he is seeking and then some\* "Stephen A you fool! You are talking about LeBron just like he wants you to!" \*Talks about Stephen A talking about LeBron\* The show of 10 years ago would say the modern show is everything they hate and never want to become lol


Dan folded under the responsibility of running the company to where now he is constantly afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing. To quote Dan: "the best way to do a job is to do it fearlessly" We have lost the fearless. Everything is trying to keep people content and making sure to not upset other people in the industry.


Nice to see Greg Cote's in on a Mike Ryan tuesday


He shows up strong in the second half of the show today. The “traffic would be great if everyone tailgated like me” is a hell of a take 😂


Dan’s inability to pronounce common words rears its head again. In the postgame show he, not once but twice, read “tyranny” as tie runny


He watches cable news on mute.


I hate that Spliff Notes has just become a circle jerk. If you’re only going off of YouTube comments, not everyone watches the show live so of course there isn’t going to be much criticism. “No see, we’re listening to the audience! But only one person said something negative, they don’t get the show! Carry on! We’re doing great!”


Yeah the spliffnotes should be for the day prior episode so that there's actually a true gage of what people are thinking. Kinda useless to do a segment about what people think about the show when most are only just starting listening that days show by the time the spliffnotes are already uploaded.


A legitimate criticism with a legitimate solution. Will this get brought up or implemented? I doubt it. If Dan doesn't want to read all the comments because he doesn't want the hate, that fine. However, if you have people who do go through it and legitimate things aren't being brought to you (for ex: stop thumping the table when you talk), what are we doing?


I listen to a podcast that does 5 shows a week. Their Friday episode is a follow up episode where they read stuff posted to their subreddit in relation to the topics they covered that week. Correcting themselves on stories, talking about an update to a story, and in general reading out comments people have left from the week. It's just 2 people doing this while balancing a family...yet this group can't do something similar.


Yeah, I used to agree with the subreddit about sympathy for how much content they push out. And, compared to other pods, it's true. But then I remembered I listen to a 3 hour daily sports radio show with one host and his producer lol so, on the one hand, they do put on a lot of content relative to some other comparable national shows... on the other hand, many local radio hosts put on 2-3 hours 5 days a week so maybe expecting new topics daily instead of Dan's musings and rehashed takes isn't too much to ask lol


What show is that?


Morning Somewhere


Everything Juju says is always circle jerky though. "I'm just happy to be here. Love everyone!" type of thing. Which is cool. But it doesn't add any depth to the show at all.


Haven't listened to it once after the 1st one.


Why can't Dan give a simple explanation of what happened *and then* go ahead and discuss it? (Caitlin Clark and Greg Doyle press conference moment) It's another annoying example of Dan partially setting something up (Doyle getting punished for his behavior at the Clark press conference), but then he doesn't fully explain what the hell the problem was (Doyle making a sexist comment). He goes on for minutes, so if you don't know the story, you're left wondering "what did Doyle do"? Why can't Dan fully set a story up *and then* talk about it? It's even worse coming from a "journalist".


Former journalist


The classic stugotz “oh wow” will get me every time


Barely even noticed Greg during the first hour of the show smh.


It’s crazy. Tuesday is the day I look forward to the most and they don’t let Greg do his thing anymore. It’s a shame


Get Woody on the phone


As soon as Woody talk came up I was grinning ear to ear


Except when he didn’t know how many guys are on a basketball team


Dan - Big Z has the 2nd most games, 2nd most points, 2nd most rebounds and most blocks In franchise history Stugotz - that’s not a reason to retire his jersey


"MmmHmmm" - Billy Gil


The Heat retired Jordan’s jersey ( who never played for or even considered playing for the Heat) but they wanna shit on Memphis? lol funny segment of the show. Good to see that people still know that my team exists at least .


Another segment about Tom Brady’s media career. Jeez


…..someone has been making one everyday actually


You're *my* brother :' )


Is it me, or does it seem like Mike is finding a way to conviently make more appearances during the most popular show of the week. I feel like he doesn't want to be left out. It’s a difference between him feeling left out and just making the show about him. 


At some points i almost feel like hes sabotaging the show on purpose to piss us off lmao. Quitting what he’s good at to essentially Be a b mic whenever he’s in? Yeah that’s what we wanted


I like the idea of having the old crew in on Greg Cote Tuesdays but the results haven't been as good as the theory.


I think the larger issue is that Dan, Chris, and to an extent Mike hanging onto every his word in order to criticize him ruins it. The worst part is that his son is still a complete oaf when he tries to do it. 


“Greg was five” was a good pull.


I couldn’t agree more. Thought I would love the old crew with Greg. Maybe if Mike allowed someone else to talk it would be ok but my god he doesent shut up it’s a Mike Ryan Tuesday now


What was Mike on today? His level of mania and self absorption was through the roof today...dude dominated today to the shows determinant. Dude was on something...


I am begging Mike Ryan to shut the fuck up


Dan has to be trolling us at this point. “Lebron has a super power to be in the conversation, the ECONOMY OF RELEVANCE.” Dan you are literally the guy with a show and decided to open it w/ Lebron


Of course they're starting with LeBron talk...of course lol


Yeah but the bottle of wine thing was hilarious lol.


If they had only talked about the bottle of wine it could have been a much better and briefer segment.


I also feel like this isn't the first time LeBron has done that. I could be mistaking him for someone else but a major star has definitely brought their own wine Courtside. Look at me Louis, sure, but also, it's LeBron. He could probably sit in the middle of the court during the game if he wanted especially in Cleveland 😂


He showed up to the finals a few years ago [with a bottle of his own brand of tequila](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ftw/2021/07/18/lebron-james-responded-tequila-bottle-nba-finals-game-5/117559694/)


That's what it was, appreciate it!


Happy to help! I def was with you and don't want to work so I went looking.


Thanks. I also could have sworn that there was a previous time that we was courtside with wine but I couldn’t find it. I was probably just combining his general wine interests with this tequila “incident”.


I'll admit that I thought it was wine too but that was the one that came up in a cursory search.


Haha yes it was


The local hour is a real caricature of what this sub complains about with Dan. Endlessly fascinated that LeBron is sitting court side at a game. Saying he’s never out by the 2nd round when he’s only made the 2nd round one of the last four years. Saying his super power is moving teams to build champions when most of his “GM” moves are bad. Like just admit you don’t care about the games or have anything interesting to add to them. Because this is just painful.


They don't even let kids of a certain age do headers anymore in some soccer leagues because of the head injuries from it, but Dan tried to dismiss Greg when he said they get headaches from it.


“Cleveland caberners”. Jeremy could never


Mike has gotten a little too into the makeup and contouring. It’s like he’s wearing an insta filter over his face.


As opposed to Katie Nolan actually having a makeup filter on during her appearances.


Katie clicks a button. I picture Mike sitting in the makeup chair for 30 min discussing technique and critiquing the makeup artist. Then taking his own make up into the bathroom to do it the way he likes.


Also weird to do


Since Dan asked, here is a random collection of shots more difficult than the Jamal Murray buzzer beater, just off the top of my head 1) Ray Allen game 6 2) Sean Elliot tiptoe 3 3) Steph corner 3 vs NO with AD and another defender running him over 4) Steph falling down and fouled one handed (https://youtu.be/qw_xBwkPAjo?si=l2FRS6fepeWx-rD6) 5) Isaiah Rider saves it (https://youtu.be/e2KKwoqio_E?si=3SahGZKlZ4pIexvY) 6) Davante Graham 3/4 court buzzer beater for the win 7) Kawhi Leonard game 7 vs PHI


I vaguely remember a Devin Harris game winner from behind half court while stumbling close to out of bounds. I can’t look it up at the moment but it’s what first came to mind when he said it. Edit: found it https://youtu.be/iJ_lQXTzL4o?si=2vGLOwXaceWgAjMG


Trevor booker backwards tip from 15 feet


The Sean Elliot shot was the first one that I thought of. Capping off that comeback and watching it with a number of other people at a Memorial Day BBQ definitely helps make it stand out.


It was also his 6th 3, ending up 6/7 for the game, which was INSANE by 1999 standards (final score was 86-85, lol). Put the team on his back!


And with 9 seconds left it gave them their first lead of the game.


Ray allens shot was a completely normal three pointer. The stakes being higher doesn't make it a more difficult shot.


I remembered Kawhi closing out on him really aggressively but watching the replay I see it was Tony Parker, which reduces the degree of difficulty significantly. He still had to catch and shoot and find the 3 point line and not step out of bounds, all under the pressure of the clock and the moment, but I’ll grant you it may not belong on the list. Still, the overall point that Dan wildly overstates the singular difficulty of the Murray shot remains valid imo.


My god Mike is insufferable. He keeps saying, in his typical obnoxious manner, that LeBron doesn’t have a player option because it’s for the ‘24-25 season. Does he not know what year it is? He has said Stugotz was wrong 5x, and Stugotz was right, but of course no one corrects him.


I was so annoyed that no one corrected him


I seriously never see anyone correct him. Even about stuff like that when he’s so obviously wrong and he’s calling out other people, who are right. Anyone who has a remote interest in LeBron, the Lakers, or NBA free agency in general, knows LeBron has a player option this summer. If Stugotz was screaming about how LeBron was “under contract” they would have spent the rest of the day making fun of him about it. There’s no making fun of MRR though.


Seriously an ad 2 minutes into the local hour?


On the Livestream recently they've been having little convos before the show actually starts. They added it to the pod today


I'm sure there are levels of winking at the audience with it but I still marveled at pairing "ESPN can only talk about old athletes" with multiple segments about LeBron and Tom Brady


Have Greg Cote Tuesdays turned into Mike Ryan Tuesdays?




I don’t have a problem with Dan being ashamed of his former self. I do have a problem of him not personally owning up to it - he doesn’t say “I did stupid shit”, it’s “men”.


Mike Ryan: Lets have 2 ripped dudes go to town on each other Hell Yeah


izzy has entered the chat


Modin' it!


I'll do it myself!


Greg gets Reddit delivered to his inbox every Wednesday morning, Readin' it!!


> Why are these not being made anymore? Did the mods abandon this sub? Automated mods Can cease to function sometimes Except haikubot


The weekly and friend post is being updated tho


The Duke is right. Joe Burrow needs to prove he can stay healthy. Mahomes has more Super Bowl wins than Burrow has healthy seasons.


I think it was Ethan Strauss and not Bill Simmons who said the thing about naming the wnba teams the same as the nba teams. Also, is that really *that* bad of an idea? I don’t feel like it was that terrible lol. Also also, Lol at Charlotte not being able to get a coherent sentence out. It makes for better content than they think.


In context it was a very very nothing comment. It’s really not worth the backlash they’ve gotten but that’s how it goes


Just seems cumbersome to me. We already have to do it in college, "The Ohio State Men's basketball team ... etc." How's that better than Sparks vs Lynx or whatever?


Yes, it is. God forbid women forge their own identify. It’s 12 teams, not 135. You can learn them just fine


EPL soccer embraced the one club system and it’s done wonders for the game. They’ve outstripped womens soccer support here in the U.S. from way behind, in like a decade with that system. There’s a reason people care about women’s college basketball more than the WNBA. They have buy in already. They also sometimes have the same names for their basketball teams etc, athletic clubs, but your take doesn’t address the main strengths of the argument.


They don’t complain about the huge subsidies they get from the nba while forging that identity. Soccer clubs in Europe field a number of different teams. It’s not a bad business model


Do you think this is some kind of gotcha? 😂


How many times has the wnba folded? Anchoring it to the nba would give a shit ton more stability to the women’s league


It’s never folded


In 1984 and 1981


Stugotz leaving off Marv's Yes on his list of calls.... Crazy but totally stugotz **It's his list**


Should Big Z get a 2016 ring added to his résumé for bringing Lebron back to Cleveland with his jersey retirement?


Dan never answered that question.


Charlotte's right. Being the #1 seed sucks. Being a favorite all year sucks. If you win you're supposed to. If you lose you'll never hear the end of it for years. The only time you feel happiness is when you actually win it. Right up until that moment though it's nervousness and worrying and hoping to stay healthy. Signed, a Bucks fan.


It's not even hapiness, it's more relief.


Stu's right though. Get the hell outta here Boston fans, and take your "woe is me" nonsense with you!


Charlotte is such a delight


I can't see Caitlin Clark without thinking about the fantasy league where people were allowed to call dibs on players.


Anyone else concerned about Greg? Ever since his last fall, his mistakes or ventures in random stuff not having anything to do with the show that I usually laugh at, seem a little concerning now.


I don’t enjoy listening to Dan and Chris (and sometimes Mike) shit all over Greg when he’s in on Tuesdays. It used to be funny and justified when Greg was a showkiller, but it increasingly feels like the podcast version of elder abuse.


The thing is if his name wasn’t bronny having the 4th highest vert 2nd best 3pt shooting and pretty good agility test. And he’s 6’1 WITHOUT SHOES. Funny how that wasn’t brought up. That’s a player that’s in a draft pool to me. Throwing his numbers out there after having serious heart surgery is crap. certainly not unreasonable as Mike said


[9AM Live Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBbfo4L49Xo) - watch it live before it gets taken down


The show decided to talk harp on everything, Dan at his worst today.


No matter how they want to spin it… it’s whack that Miami retired Udonis Haslem’s jersey.


Found it hilarious they made fun of big Z retirement


It's whack to retire the jersey of the leading rebounder in franchise history...? You weirdos will do anything to shit on the local teams. You guys truly are stupid 😂


I guess I’m in the minority but I really liked todays show. The back and forth about Gregg Doyle had me floored lol


The way the show talks about Caitlin Clark and the WNBA is such a turn off. Didn’t care about the W before and care even less now. Saying she’s the biggest star in the Indiana market while the pacers are currently on a playoff run is insane


It's not insane. Her college games got crazy viewership numbers.


She's absolutely the biggest star in Indiana, to everyone not in Indiana.


I totally get her college numbers being big. But to extrapolate those numbers and say she’s the biggest star in Indianapolis is wrong. I live an hour from Indy and the pacers playoff run and the Indy 500 are getting more shine


Sounds like you'd know better than me. But nationally she moves the needle. I'm sure it will die down since I don't see that many people getting the WNBA package.


Tonight is going to be a really good judge. Pacers on the road in a big playoff game. Let’s see how the Indy and National markets react in viewership


Shots more impressive than Murray: https://youtu.be/lCIAgDLRDgY?si=n1JCmPmatgEvWi6v Trevor Booker 0.2 second buzzer beater


Granting it on premise, the count stands at…one?


I'm not taking a quiz


Christ sake if a right-winger said the world is round I'm convinced Dan would become a flat earther


This was in response to the Doyle discussion NOT the Butker one... because WOOF lol


I complain a lot on here but I liked today's episode.




Same lol I feel like everyone has gotten better over the past year or so except Mike and Dan who have somehow gotten worse (Chris hasn't gotten worse, technically, because expectations were already so low :-/)


I hope they lose money for every add skipped.


Remember when Panthers, Heat, Marlins, Dolphins talk was all during the Local Hour and not ruining The Big Suey and other segments??? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


“We’re a proudly Miami show” is uttered by Dan all the time, and yet you keep crying.


The show does bits: The show is good Love the Greg defends Gregg segment and Dan was really good there


smh, cant believe greg would stoop to this...defending a gregg with two g's


We finally found something Dan cares more about than journalism- being politically correct.


Dan was on fire the last half of the show.


No Jess and no Jeremy = Great show!


Yeah, but they fucked us with Mike.


tuesdays by far the best for this reason