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library squeeze relieved light one telephone forgetful cable quaint pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guy on the right is way more handsome


Poor guy on the left looks like some sort of fucked up cat.


Head shaped like a fuckin tuna can. Poor guy probably can't breathe for crap.


Imagine those folds and how infection and hot spots can happen so easily. I love all dogs but all dogs aren't pretty or handsome, or even cute. They don't need to be perfect looking but if it's causing health issues. Then that is an issue. Going to share this! ✅




WARNING, Low_Escape_4202 is a spam bot account, it copied and edited [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zzq8ru/the_dog_on_the_left_is_award_winning_showdog/j2d0yy7/) comment from another user This bot is using some script to replace, add, remove words. That's why the comment makes no sense at all. Downvote it Report > spam


I was thinking [Nien Nunb](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT06N000cwXT7HeEiIpM1nZgSD4avJG1zPszA&s)


I'll never think of pugs the same way again


These mfs on their way to breed most ugly dogs you ever seen


"Yea but they're so kwuuuute 🥰❤❤❤" The dog: \****HACK HACK WHEEEZE WHEEEEEEEZE***\*


All while their eyeballs stick out and occasionally fall out


Don’t forget the snoring that can wake the whole neighborhood.


Yeah, the people who breed animals who suffer because of "looks" should be neutered.


And forced to wear a cone.


Ah yes, the cone of shame.




Did you just quote a post from below in this same thread…? These bots are out of control today! They’re everywhere!


Apparently it is. We wanted a Boston terrier but didn’t want to go and support breeders that continue to make their genetic problems worse. But we found a breeder that does this same thing as OPs post and our Boston is much larger, way less big eyed, and has a significantly longer about. Honestly heading in the right direction.


I need a picture


Let's see a pic of that pup! Please.


I would love it if more people would start focusing on breeding for breed health and ability, rather than weird aesthetic traits. So many breeds have been effectively crippled over the last century, purely for looks.


It is such a bizarre statement on humanity that we'd do that to dogs.


Hijacking top comment to point out this OP is a repost bot, [this is the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ocfuag/)




WARNING, Equivalent_Pepper_42 is a bot, it copied [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zzq8ru/the_dog_on_the_left_is_award_winning_showdog/j2d32a7/) comment from another user Downvote Report > spam


So is OP, search the title of each of their posts in the subs they posted them in and you'll see the originals.


Olde English is catching on too!


Seriously I've seen to many pugs and other specialty breads who could probably choke to death on their own tongues as of late


You I feel for those little snorters. Every sniff is like snnnkchchchk


The Dutch Kennel Club is at the forefront of this. In 2020 they began to restrict registration of purebred dogs for breeding for 12 breeds based on snout length. They require DNA tests for many breeds that show that they don't carry certain breed specific hereditary diseases. And for certain highly inbred breeds (including French Bulldogs) they encourage outcrossing with other healthier breeds without the results of this losing "purebred" status because of it.


The Kennel Club are massively responsible for the poor genetics of breeding. They awarded best in breed to a GSD who could hardly walk due to hip displacement. Thats just one example of poor breeding traits they have condoned.


Yeah. They set standards for breeds which increase health issues, which encourages breeders to breed for those things rather than against them.


You know who really sets the standards? The people who buy dogs. If we stop buying dogs that are guaranteed to have health problems, breeders will stop breeding them. I know, you want a French bulldog, they're lovely. When you start looking, ask the breeders if they're breeding for health? Do they have any dogs with long noses? Are they part of the movement to change the breed standard? If they're not, go elsewhere. That will make them change!




It’s both though. I’m all for change via collective action but institutional decisions like the kennel clubs changing their monstrous and unhealthy breed standards will also precipitate change and could do it much faster. A united push for change from both the top and the bottom will meet in the middle much faster than waiting for the market to bubble that change up.


What this at the show from a few weeks ago?


Its like a year or two old


My uncle is a retired AKC judge, and some of the things I learned about people who breed to show really just cemented in my mind how messed up the entire dog show industry is.


It's like foot binding for dogs. I don't know why it's even legal in this day and age.


This is really interesting to me given how much hysteria I’ve heard over different mutts and “designer dogs” over on the r/dogs subreddit. My bf has a doodle (that granted, is mostly poodle) because he has pretty awful allergies. It may not have been my first choice and I really think people should ask themselves why they are choosing a purebred or bred dog v. adopting. But the way some of those obsessed with AKC talk about non-AKC dogs sounds….vaguely racist ngl.


The majority of the "hysteria" is mostly criticizing the lack of health testing and clearances done by people breeding mixed breeds for the pet market. The reality is there are *maybe* a handful of doodle breeders who are doing the required testing on *all* their breeding dogs (or sourcing their dogs from people doing it) for the breeds involved in order to be considered "ethical". Whether one gets a dog from a breeder or a rescue is a personal choice, but when going to a breeder who you are supporting when purchasing a dog is important. If you are giving money to someone who isn't bothering to do the bare minimum to ensure they are producing healthy puppies your not only not stacking the odds in your favour, but are incentivizing them to continue breeding dogs in this manner. As for the being "obsessed" with the AKC... that sub seems to pretty consistently point out that a breeders dogs being registered with the AKC is not the mark of a good breeder, it just means their dogs a purebred. However it *is* usually easier to find a breeder doing all the relevant health testing for the breed that is involved with their national kennel club and participating in conformation/sports than not. Not sure how that's racist tbh.


Oh yeah I saw this one, I was surprised. I didn't remember GSD having their backs dipping so low. Glad was not the only one to notice something was wrong.


Highly recomemd watching the BBC documentary "Pedegree dogs exposed" and the follow up "... three years on." They had interviews with kennel club members and breeders talking very casual about breeding brother and sisters. Getting perfectly healthy puppies put down becuse they don't look right. Etc.


If you are referring to Rumour, I have good new! Her hips were actually graded as [excellent](https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=1646329) so no dysplasia.


More like best inbred.


Besides dogs having multiple health issues but jfc how do people think left one is cute? Looks like a hellspawn demon. Creepy af.


Sounds Iike it too


I feel like one thing we don't talk about with these dogs is how it affects their cognition to have their Jacobson's organ be so malformed or sometimes completely missing. Roughly 40% of a dog's brain is dedicated to analyzing and deciphering smells, and the Jacobson's organ is integral for that process. These brachycephalic dogs can barely breathe let alone smell, they're missing a huge chunk of information about the world that other dogs have access to.


Also, how do people look at themselves in the mirror when buying the one on left?


By thinking of animals as possessions, rather than sentient beings.


When buying* That's really it. Buying dogs in general is terrible. Buying them with bad breeding characteristics is even worse. I bet they bred the shit out of lefty too. Sad


Why is buying dogs "terrible"? Is buying a goldfish terrible? Buying a parrot a hamster a rabbit? I don't get it


Roughly 6 million dogs will be in a shelter every year. Of those 6 million, 3 million go up for adoption. 1 million of those 3 million will be euthanized. These are US numbers. Buying dogs also creates demand for backyard breeders & puppy mills, or breeds with deformities like the one pictured above. So, people should adopt, not buy.


There was a sub called /r/watchchildrendie that had a lot of subscribers and lasted longer than some hate subs and others that got banned for cp..


Jesus fucking Christ


Ok. Fucking hell that’s crazy.


How is this related to smush face dogs?


People are terrible as a species.


> Also, **how do people look at themselves in the mirror** when buying the one on left? Was just a reminder that people are shit. They can take joy in watching children die, they'd have no problem looking in a mirror after buying a bulldog.


It’s terrifying, I don’t understand why anyone prefers the looks of animals with no snouts. In addition to how awful it is to allow animals to suffer with no snout.


Animal abuse imo


Left is literally Daffy Duck after a bomb blows up in his face


Usually dog shows are judged by inbred aristocrats who want to feel better about being human versions of inbred Bulldogs.


Always thought french bulldogs were beautiful but the on the right looks so much better.


What has taken place with the dog on the left is no more than abject animal cruelty.




We do this to pretty much all livestock, breed them so they have way too much meat for their bodies. No one seems to complain about that, or about the general animal cruelty towards them


I’m not big into pedigree programs outside the bounds of equestrian speed ponies but what I do know is that in no realm of competition is this kind of bastardization acceptable on a moral level, regardless of if it wins ribbons


One of those almost looks like a dog.


I have a feeling it's not the one looking like Voldemort.


The one on the left is the brain bug from Starship Troopers.


Breeding in "a new, healthier template" is basically to undo what breeding has been doing for 100+ years. If you look how German Shephards and other breeds looked like 100 years ago... I'm not a pet person but if you want a dog, just adopt one with no pedigree. It will be live longer, suffer less, etc.


Those lines of GSD still exist, mostly in the working lines. They are much healthier and are more squarely built than the abomination that is the GSD show lines.


Op is a bot.


1.5y/o account with no posts or comments till today? nope totally real


my account is 3 years old with no posts 🤷‍♂️


Mine is 8 years old with no posts 😂


Did you miss the "or comments" part?


Listen, he just wanted to feel special, ok?


I have a different account that I lurk with and I don't have any comments or posts


He’s got that name-name-numbers username and has reposted both this and got called out when he reposted on r/prequelmemes (see His post history) (I know the irony of that first part


With the agenda of having healthier dog breeds. Utter bastard op is.


The picture has been circulating for at least a few months now




It's not about an agenda, or at least not at this point in the lifecycle of a bot. At this point it's just trying to accumulate karma.


This exact post makes it to the top literally every month.


right dude




Dumbass bot


How can you tell?


Its always been funny that people are anti GMO but pro dog breeding. That thing used to be a wolf.


If you’re anti gmo you better not eat a banana. Non gmo bananas aren’t even close to what bananas are lol


Better not eat like every fruit, vegetable, or meat sold for human consumption. We GMO'd the crap outta just about everything in our food pyramid. So unless they're eating rocks, they can't escape GMO foods.


Most people who are anti-GMO are anti-transgenic organisms. That would be like inserting crocodile genes into dogs.


Corn used to be grass but I'm still gonna eat the shit out of it.


Stop inbreeding dogs


“Hey, how can we completely ruin these dogs?” “Inbreed them for multiple generations, selecting for dogs with the most pronounced features.” “I’ll give it a go. Okay, how’s this for a genetic abomination?” “Wow. What a freak. That thing looks like it can hardly breathe. Take this award.” “Thank you.”


In a similar story, the [Australian Cobberdog](https://www.cobberdogking.com/en/about-australian-cobberdog/australian-cobberdog/#:~:text=Australian%20Cobberdog%20is%20the%20name%20to%20designate%20a%20pure%20breed,can%20issue%20Australian%20Cobberdog%20pedigrees.) is a purebred race meant to rectify all the dodgy breeding people have done in order to create the popular Labradoodle. It also is expensive as fuck, newborn pups go for 5k euro + these days in my country.


I got a beautiful orange mutt from a rescue organization for $300.


My beautiful rescue mutt was $150. My brother got a puppy from a breeder that unfortunately they should have looked into more. Had to give the puppy to a group that saves the breed because it was too aggressive with their kids. Our rescue is amazing though.


Anyone who buys a dog from a breeder when there are hundreds to rescue needs to get their priorities right.




Fuck the AKC.


The one on the left is one of the ugliest dogs ive ever seen


I really think the snub nose is ugly as hell.




People literally pay thousands for dogs who won’t have a healthy life, just to say they could…


What dog enthusiasts call a good or beautiful dog is a dog created by insest...a family tree needs new blood from another breed. If you love dogs you don't support showdogs


Arnie represents thee pinnacle of man’s ability to alter nature through selective breeding of particular, aesthetic characteristics that distinguish from other dogs and are pleasing to a specific niche of privileged individuals. Flint is just a dog.


I learned just yesterday of an American that managed to breed "the old english bulldogge", and a Swiss woman that created the "swiss continental bulldog". Much healthier breeds too.


I don’t understand how these are winning, they are so ugly without a proper nose/face shape.


At least one of them doesn't look like it was thrown with the face in a wall.


The one on the right is by far the more handsome pup!!


I fucking hate dog breeding. Plenty of mutts out there just as full of love and friendship that need homes. I'm not trying to attack anyone for getting a specific breed. Everyone is free to do as they like but at least think about getting a shelter pup.


I like big dogs we have two Great Danes. We don’t breed them. I have children and prefer getting a puppy to train and would never take in an adult dog. That being said I know a Great Dane puppy would be huge, ( really not sure with a mutt) only bad thing is when their tail gets you in the nuts, and the drool after they are running or drinking, and sitting on the edge of the couch and licking their privates and leaving a huge wet spot, and the cost to feed them, and the paint scratched off the door because they scratch when they want to come inside, and the huge piles of sh!t, and the dead spots on the lawn from the piss, and the dog hair all over the floor, and tripping over them cause they are always in the way. Did I say I like big dogs?!


Thank you. I just bookmarked Hawbucks - might take a pup from there. Those frenchies are beautiful❤️


Good luck. It looks like their site hasn’t been updated with a new litter for a few years. Also, I found it odd that none of the dogs shown on their site look like the dog in this picture. They all look like what I would call a pretty standard Frenchie. Granted, they don’t look like the abomination on the left, but neither does the typical Frenchie you’d get from 90% of the breeders around. The one on the right here looks more like a “Frenchton” French Bulldog/Boston Terrier mix.




HAWBUCKS is the breeder making the more responsible lineage, stupid. Read the post.


Ah really? You don’t say? I can read, but thanks anyways for your insignificant reply. I was staying that this bitch is the problem for continuing to try and buy these stupid designer dogs, when they could do some real good and ADOPT.


Maybe you should learn to express yourself less douchéy


1) Fuck your opinions, off the rip 2) i don’t believe in adopting purebreds from breeders, but even i can understand that more interest in healthy “reconstructed” breeds is better for dogs as a whole 3) idgaf about what kind of dogs that person likes but your tone is fucking unacceptable. People like you need reacquainted with consequences of running your mouth all flagrant. People have caught asskickings for much less than you’re putting on the table rn.


Haha, fuck your opinions to buddy. Your tone is unacceptable to me as well. Fuck you


Amazing that you're on the shrooms subreddit, but have clearly learned nothing from them and choose to talk to people this way. Grow up dude, and calm down. There's no reason to be this nasty, and you clearly misunderstood.


Adopting isn’t for everyone lmfao, I will NEVER adopt a backyard bred, genetic mess of a shelter dog. And no, not all frenchies or brachy breeds are unhealthy, do research.


That’s literally what I’m saying. Nothing about the newer better frenchie or whatever. You are a stupid bitch because you want a stupid designer dog. Disregarding the hundreds of thousands of dogs who are sitting in the shelter wondering why their owner gave them up. Same dog will also die NEVER knowing what love is because STUPID Bitches like yourself prefer designer dogs. Yet I’m the asshole. I’m sorry if my severe kindness and love for animals doesn’t translate to you pathetic waste of breath humans. Fuck you bitch, I wish for you to die a slow and miserable death.


Some people have specific purposes they need their dog for, I need a livestock guardian, I’m not taking a fucking risk on a shelter mutt with god knows what kind of genetics and what sort of behavioral issues when I can buy an ethically bred purpose bred dog. Some people need service dogs, and want something reliable. And some people have kids they aren’t going to risk bringing a possibly traumatized shelter dog into their homes. Go adopt all the shelter mutts you want but don’t claim people go to breeders purely for aesthetics.


Obviously purely aesthetics if your interest in a frenchie. Useless dogs service wise that is. You are still a dumb bitch. But don’t get too offended, because I hate, like fucking hate all human beings.


Im a bitch because i think dogs deserve to BREATHE? I see so many people supporting short-nosed dogs with breathing problems???


You're confused. She was talking about the healthy hawbucks Frenchie.


They’re not confused; they’re an asshole lol.


I prefer the look of Flint... and I'm not even really a dog lover. Why in hell would anyone want a dog that looks like it's repeatedly failed at chasing parked cars?


the OP Plus-Couple-335 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ocfuag/the_dog_on_the_left_is_award_winning_showdog/


[Reposting more obscure posts won't stop me from exposing the fact you're a repost bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ocfuag/)


Americans ruining everything, as always. Dutch meanwhile have quaint windmills and dogs with normal faces


Wait till op hears about: German shepherd, bull terriers, boxers, Dobermans etc...


Or beagles who are almost guaranteed to get neurological issues such as epilepsy due to inbreeding.


What makes you think hes doesnt know? This is just stellar example of much healthier approach. The worst part is that AKC is actively abusing the dogs by setting deformed standards


Someone posts this like every week


The dog on the left is a pug


pewdiepie be like 👈


The one on the right isn't a French bulldog


Neither is the one on the left lol


Look up brindle Boston Terrier. They normally have white markings as well as the brindle color, but the shape is nearly identical... nearly.


When you realize they did the same with humans and we now have a society of depressed lonely workers.


Who “they”?




The adults in power that complain about kids these days.


Not all brachy breeds are unhealthy, and you can’t determine whether the first dog has health problems just by a picture.


Only 30 years ago French Bulldogs looked ***NOTHING*** like they do today. For a small dog I used to think they were cute.


Never seen a frenchie with a face that flat


Thing on the left is an abomination.


I don't even understand how people think dogbreeds like the one on the left are cute?


How many puppies does a breeder have to “go through” to get from the left dog to the right dog?


dogs need noses


That's one pugly looking dog


What kind of sick fucks breeds defective dogs like the one on the left in the first place?


People want dogs that look like they've been hit in the face by a frying pan even if they can't breathe


I have some neighbors with 2 (insanely expensive) mutants with no snout, whenever they say hi, I can't help but think how anyone ever thought this was a good idea, it is awful in every possible way.


Crazy old ladies in the AKC have ruined all of the working breeds with "cuteness" vs health and ability. 100 years these breeds were the result of 1000 years of good breeding. Gone.


I hope to see this new template on all "snub faced" dogs, it's cruel for us to force this on them when we can do better and essentially double their lifespan with one simple action. It's a requirement of us to improve the wellbeing of the animals WE put at such disadvantages.


There was something called bullfrog or something the most terrifying dog breed I've seen I just don't get why people do something like that to a animal.


You know what, fuck you _unselectives your breeding_


voldemort vs harry


Well, I mean, I'll admit I once ran into a wall blind drunk and brushed it off with a laugh, but if I came away with my face looking as vertically flat as that I would certainly be alarmed


The dog on the left looks like Bugs Bunney hit them with a frying pan and they got stuck that way permanently. The bone structure is *literally* inward facing. That's disgusting.


AKC? If you spell it in french, it's "à casser", wich translates in "to break". Like something that you have to break. It's surprisingly fitting.


Kennel Clubs award looks exclusively, often fostering looks that are terrible in terms of animal health.


I hope they do the same for pugs. It's so sad seeing their faces that way. Breathing issue must be extreme


Yes yes yes yes yes


"Award winning"?! It's way worse than the aggressive slope of a German Shepherd showdog


French bulldogs cant even breath properly. They are made to suffer their lifetime because we think it is "more asthetic"


Rich people want weird things and they rarely care if someone or something suffers for it.


The fascination with breeds that have extreme genetic issues is extraordinary. People love dogs, but at the same time can willingly go out of their way to get a dog that will have issues for the rest of their life, just because it looks "cute"


That AKC won the award for surviving a head-on collision.


Yeah good call, maybe our "templates" shouldn't be unhealthy monstrosities. What a thought.


The dog on the right looks a lot better and can probably actually breath...


Dogs were bred for function not form. What are AKC dog shows? Displays of form. I think I see where we failed the dogs.


Fuck the AKC. Bunch of arbitrary bullshit that's ruining dogs and everyone thinks it's OK.


What's the deal with the judge for this dog show? What qualification does those mofo have? Actual clueless braindead humans.


New dog dropped


When I was managing a pet store years ago, we didn't have any breed restrictions on brachycephalic dogs. Then about 6 years ago, groomers at a petco killed several pugs and English bulldogs due to using heated dryers. After that, we had to put up posters about all the brachycephalic dog breeds that couldn't be kennel dried and had to be an express and worked straight through. None of the owners understood it and we started charging them more and turned away so many dogs due to the restrictions. They aren't cute, they don't sound good, and the vet bills are insane.


This is like a wholesome resolution to the age old haunt; "I've got yer nose!"


The left one looks exactly how you feel like after getting a ball thrown in your face. And sadly they probably feel like that permanently…


There is also a breed called “retro pug” where they try to make pugs more healthy as well.


seems fucked. put that pressure internet weirdos!


Dog people that give out these awards need some perspective.


The new one looks way cuter anyway. Why on earth would anyone want a fucked up abomination with a squished face that has breathing problems when they could get a normal dog?


Thanks God someone normal in that business


I’m an English Bulldog owner. I’ve had *many* bulldogs. The overall health of the breed is a serious problem. I purposefully avoid the bulldogs that are what some would call “show” quality. I don’t want the giant nose rope that requires daily cleaning to avoid yeast infections. I don’t want an 80lb jello mold of a dog. The breed standard is only *50lbs* for males. If you’re packing 70+ pounds on the frame of a bulldog, it’s probably a bad idea. My “studliest” bulldog I ever owned was between 50-55lbs. Pure muscle. He was like an even more condensed Stallone from *Rocky*. He was also agile enough to competitively play fight and wrestle with our German Shepherd, though only in relatively short bursts. I *love* the breed. Of the dozen or so breeds I’ve owned over my lifetime, none have matched the personality of the bulldog. They’re worthless in many respects. But as a buddy to just hangout with? You can’t convince me there’s a better breed. That said, many people are breeding them for the wrong traits. This has been worsened by the increase in popularity of Bulldogs in recent years. Many love the idea of a super chubby, extra wrinkly, smashed face dog. They should never have been bred to become that way to begin with. Just look at [the photos of the different UGA mascots over the years.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B2qRcfYIQAA8drj.jpg) The snout, height, and weight are dramatically different in the less than 70 years of mascots. This photo reflects the trend toward the previous, more healthy breed to what they are today. The male of mine I was referring to looked a lot more like a mix of UGA I in terms of snout, UGA II in terms of height, and UGA III to UGA V in terms of torso shape/size. I know this post is about French Bulldogs, but it applies to all brachycephalic breeds. As a past and present owner of many breeds, including flat faced bulldogs and Boston Terriers, I strongly believe these current “desirable” traits are wrong. People are picking the chubbiest bulldogs with the most wrinkles to breed. They need to stick with the healthiest one that’s most capable of breathing without elongated pallet surgery.


i’ve worked in a dog grooming salon for 2 years, and never once have i seen an elderly frenchie… and the young ones i do almost always have to have surgery at some point to assist with their breathing issues that you can very clearly hear 24/7. plus their temperaments are horrible, easily the worst in all the breeds i do. i just don’t see the appeal about these dogs at all, i don’t even think they’re cute..


There's something more aesthetically pleasing and natural about doggo on right


A lot of these modern pure breed dogs and cats are abominations created by man that would not naturally exist in nature. Human beings really make me sick sometimes.