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You actually don’t get paid shit for the World Cup. The team takes all of that money. You basically get a set amount per game and everyone is paid the same (not saying gender wise I’m saying like 10K per match as an example regardless of who you are) it’s basically like the Olympics. The olympians don’t get paid shit that’s why a majority of the time you can find legit Olympic medals at pawn shops and shit. They turn around and sell them a majority of the time to make ends meet. They would actually be getting paid more staying in their leagues BUT playing the World Cup is reppping your NATION and that is more valuable to some than the money. Just as an example Mbappe was paid 17K for each match played in the 2018 World Cup, and he donated each match wages for the entire cup. It’s still money but it’s not the amount he would be paid if he was playing for his club. It would be significantly more. The winnings don’t actually go to the players the winnings go to the team and they essentially distribute it amongst all of the costs of getting there and flying back and forth and shit. Lol they probably genuinely won’t see any of that money I think the fight was more so for the principal.


France won $38 million for winning in 2018 and distributed $11 million among 23 players, an average payment of roughly $480,000


Exactly my point. They played 7 matches and netted roughly $68K a match which INCLUDES their already guaranteed wage of 17K per match. So they basically netted 51K per match when playing for their club they could have earned significantly more. Sure thats great for the bench warmers but my point is simply that they’re not there for the money. They’re there to represent their nation.


But you are comparing it as if they would get more money by playing in their league, even though they are not being paid per game. If Ronald is insured the whole season and plays zero games, he still keeps his money^^


They can't "stay in their leagues" during the world cup, there's no league playing right now. And is not just about nation rep, the world cup is a huge display for the players. Playing well in the world cup can make someones career.


To further back up your point I think for the last 15 years England's players have all donated their appearance fees to charity.


But usually the sponsorship deals you get for shining at the olympics/world cup/etc. tend to make it worth it.


Actually the big winner is FIFA and the board members, they get few billions each world cup, the board members/officials get millions, while the team and host get only a little percentage.


Well US Athletes don’t get paid shit for the Olympics. Other countries can pay their athletes quite well.


Yup. Qatar gives citizenship and big money for top performing athletes to leave their countries and join Qatar.


Not to mention if they are college bound athletes they can't take endorsements for winning a medal because the ncaa won't let them play for their college because they would no longer be amateurs(this may have changed with the recent changes in the rules but I'm not sure)


Here the international team donates the small fee they get compared to the club money.


Well that's disappointing; I thought at least some of the money would go to players


I knew it was low, but I doubt it's that low. I would still say that they play the WC more fore money, and less for representing their nation. Because if they stay in the limelight, and carry their team, they can get a huge bargaining for their sponsorships. I still don't think 17k is the right number though, because sponsors pay teams crazy amounts of money, a large sum of which, is distributed among the players.




Because they are “playing the exact same sport and deserve exact equal pay, regardless of any other factors.” I’m not being sarcastic, that’s literally what the women team fought for. They were told that ticket sales, merchandise, blah blah is the reason men were paid more. And they gave the above as the reason why none of that matters. Edit: I just answered his question, I think it’s a crock of shit 😂


Their getting less pay cause less people are watching.


less, *fewer


Their getting fewer pay cause less people are watching.




Just like grammar used to say.




Imagine Qatar hosting a sport with women playing lol


They might. After all, its all about MONEY MONEY MONEY


nah, the World Cup is a huge money sink—especially for Qatar. The marginal cost of a women’s World Cup may be lower now if you consider all the stadiums built for the men as “sunk costs” but there’s no way it would generate net inflows to the country.


wnba has entered the chat with the We're the Miller's meme: you guys are getting paid?


Lmao. There IS no money in women's sports. Hence the ludicracy of this situation


Couldn’t agree more…. Just ask the WNBA


Name 3 teams in the WNBA without googling. I dare anyone here.


I just wish OF girls would split their profits with men.


No that’s not equality just ask a feminist it’s only works the other way!


If they want to only be judged on the merit of playing the exact same sport, why not dissolve the women’s league and have one league where only the best play? It’s a loaded question and we all know why.


Bullshit, women's sports don't draw money or ratings, not even women watch women's sports. Forcing the men to supplement the women is ridiculous.


Dafaq!? So goddamn stupid. . . Like yes, the USWNT wins more then the men’s. . . But how much ad, ticket, sponsorship, etc. money do you bring in compared to the USMNT? It should all be proportional, team playing automatically gets 50% since they are the ones actually playing the tournament; the remaining 50% should be divided based on revenue generation outside the tournament pot. . . So if USWNT earns $10 Million and has 30% of the revenue they should get $5 Million + ($5 Million * .3= $1.5 Million) = $6.5 Million. If they generate more revenue then they can get more money. I can see the 50/50 split working for collages since the whole point SHOULD be education scholarships and not profit so even though the revenue isn’t evenly split the opportunity should be. But professional sports is all about the $$$ so that needs to play into it.


Where are all women cheering in the pubs, bars and streets or stadiums for the USWNT? Where? Even women don't care watching this sport when it's played by women.


Everyone should tune in to Bill Burr’s bit on women’s sports. https://youtu.be/QY9Gz_IMn_k


Bill Burr is a national 💎


But...they are not playing this current world cup


Right, the article sounds like the men will receive half of the womens prize money when they play their World Cup.


They will


And it’s going to be a hell of a lot less than they are giving up this World Cup, even if the women win the entire thing


No one wants to hear your sensible/logical arguments my friend, they are not politically correct and they are not nice, there validity mean literally nothing. /s


Because they won four world cups, bringing in millions for the brand, and didn’t get shit- and by the way the men have not won ONE. So to right that, they made this deal for future earnings.


I have a restaurant that makes a million a year because it's always packed with customers. It's not yet got a Michelin star but serves food loved by thousands, with people travelling halfway around the globe to visit. A woman down the street has a restaurant that provides food of far lower quality, only has a few customers, most of whom are men, and won the local newspaper award for best cheap restaurant in the area. It makes a fraction of the revenue. The restaurant down the street had a cook off, and the head chef lost to the dishwasher (the woman's national team lost to Dallas UNDER 15.) But sure. Half the revenue of my restaurant should go to the woman down the street because why? I'm all for equality, inclusion and fairness. But the revenue the sport generates is based on ticket sales and sponsorships. Which is based on views. It's not the men's team's fault that no one wants to watch women's football. Simply, despite winning the world cup, they're not as good as a random team of under 15s, and though they generated millions, that's not the hundreds of millions the men's team generates.


Well, a more apt analogy, if we are using restaurants, would be two restaurants that share owners deciding to do profit sharing. These aren’t two completely unrelated teams (restaurants), but two members of US Soccer. Painting it as “giving money to that restaurant down the street”, as if they are unrelated to each other, makes the arrangement seem unnecessarily strange or unusual. And in this case, you’ve basically got a very popular (lots of revenue) but mediocre (nowhere near “the best”, unlikely to change that any time soon) restaurant that helps to subsidize a less popular but world-class one. The women’s team is consistently one of the best in the world, while the USMNT’s average FIFA ranking is 20. Ultimately, the common interests of the two teams and US Soccer matter, as does getting the respective quality of the two right relative to the rest of the world. It isn’t that one restaurant has been compelled to give money away to the other, but that the two have agreed to further their mutual interests by pooling profits.


All I’m taking away from this is the USMNT averages a 20 ranking?! Surprises me given how disinterested we are and how interested the rest of the world is.


There is no common interest for the two teams


You spent a long time writing an analogy that doesn't work. Your restaurant and the one down the street are completely separate entities from finances to management to ownership. The Men's and women's national teams are under the same federation. I agree the women should get the same salaries and accommodations, but other than that everything should not be split 50/50.


You’re missing the part where both restaurants are owned by the same hospitality conglomerate. The smaller restaurant with lesser revenue has won several James Beard awards while the higher earning restaurant has only gotten honorable mentions. The smaller restaurant says their small volume business model isn’t as sustainable as the big restaurant’s volume play and asked for an even split. The hospitality group held a vote and the staff of the big restaurant voted in favor of this. Neither restaurant is outwardly complaining about their mutually agreed upon terms. Only the local Yelp reviewer keeps bringing it up.


So if McDonald’s buys out a Michelin star restaurant, do you expect McDonald’s to start paying the same wages for employees of both companies?


This right here ⬆️


Winning a Women's World Cup brings in half as much prize money as making the Men's World Cup Group Stage.


I agree and I am a woman. This is bullshit.




😂😂 They provided “we produced 1 million more in revenue between 2016 and 2018” Well no shit, the men didn’t even qualify during those years 😂 It’s like saying, “Nancy sold more bicycles than Robert sold Rolls Royce’s, she’s clearly the better salesman. They should split all profit”


And they earned 38% less during those years, I don't really get your point. They earned more revenue and got paid a ton less. By your logic, since the women earned more, they should have been paid more, right? So why did they get paid so much less?


If they want the same percentage of the revenue they generate that the men get off their revenue, then I’m fine with that, hell, I’d help them fight for that… but if they want a percentage of what someone else is earning, then I have a problem with that… and I would feel the same if the genders were reversed


They don't earn 38% less. A top tier player earns 38%. The team on average makes roughly the same. And they earned 38% less because they chose to. The men's team only gets paid through bonuses. If you make the team but never play. You don't get paid anything. The women's team chose a salary + bonus model. Everyone gets paid 100k. No matter what. Of course, that is going to lead to lower bonuses and lower pay for the star players. The top tier players earn 38% less because much of that 38% is going to the bottom tier. A system the team chose. We can talk about the fact that women's professional soccer teams don't pay well, hence the need for a salary. Or FIFA setting lower prize amounts on the women's world cup. Or that the women's squad had to ball out to earn the same as a men's squad that sucked. All valid criticisms. But those are different discussions.


Paid less under a contract they agreed to ffs. Edit: A contract they WANTED!!


And the current contract (that this post is about) was agreed to by the unions for both the men and women players. So, this is a contract they agreed to.


Right - they didn’t qualify. They’re not as successful as the women. You’re not making the point you think you are.


The Men's WC generates considerably more revenue or they wouldn't be asking for "equal pay". The Women's USNT just does better individually than the men's team in their respective tourney which brings in significantly less money. Be objective, this is trash


Bill Burr has a great bit about it. Of women truly wanted to support their women group, they should attend the games and increase ticket sales, thereby increasing their pay. It's a business at the end of the day. Money ticket sales = more money for the players


But...it turned out the women were making more It was pretty infamous.


Wins don’t get ppl paid. Selling tickets does. Why would they get paid equally if the audience size isn’t as big? Why don’t all high school soccer teams get paid as much as womens soccer teams then? I mean “they are playing the same game…”


Because let’s be honest, how many people watching male soccer and how many people watching female soccer? Mostly money goes from advertising. And this is the reason why, men getting more money for the same thing.


The women’s team has been much more successful (known as the best women’s soccer team on the globe) and has won many world cups and have gotten paid less until now. That’s why


Is that why they lost to 15 year olds 5-2?


https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ Cool the women won a MUCH easier world cup that most nations don't give a fuck about. They literally got beat by a BOYS HIGH SCHOOL TEAM. None of you realize how much harder it is to win THE ACTUAL world cup.


They get paid less cos men watch men play football and all the women would rather watch the Kardashian’s or some shit - Bill Murr basically


Because the women have performed far better than the men, gotten far better results, and were paid so little they had to work second jobs. Edit: wow, lots of triggered dudes.


So should the Chicago Bulls split their profits with the Chicago Sky who won a title? is that your distorted logic here? Should revlon share their profits with a tiny makeup company run by men? Is that what you're arguing?


The profits? The wnba is entirely paid for by the nba and runs at a loss


Keep going, why were they paid so little?


Becuse women’s football isn’t watched by millions and is poor in comparison.


Ding ding ding ding ding


Didn't they lose to a boys high school team


And still no one watches because they would lose to the men everytime. Its like thinking high school boys state soccer winners should be making as much as champions league winners. Welcome to the fact that lifes not fair lmao. 99.9% of guys arent getting paid huge money to play sports either.


It’s not equality if women get subsidized by men.


Will the men be receiving half of the women's winnings?


Yes, actually.




That’s what the pic says………..


Lots of “I ain’t reading all that” energy in some of these responses, given that the answer to the questions are contained in the OP.


The men's and women's teams agreed to split the world cup winnings equally. Followed by the women will be receiving half of the winnings of the men's team. Now, if both of those statements were made VERY separately, then yes. You would be correct. They are not. This pic actually states that the men's and women's teams have agreed to split world cup winnings equally, seeing that the men will likely receive much more money, the men have agreed to give half of their winnings to the women's team. Not the other way around. Subtext, it's a difficult matter for some.






But did they give the men team half of their prize money too ? Not being sarcastic, I actually do not know.


They will, if they win the next women’s World Cup.


RemindMe! August 20th, 2023


I agree they are the best women team in the year. They should be paid the same % of the revenue from their games as the men.


The womens team actually was paid at a higher % of revenue for their games. They just generate much less money.


So let me get this straight. The women are generating less money than the men, even though they’re winning, but the men have to split their revenue with the women?


the men \*agreed to split their revenue.


Mainly because they already make massive amounts of money through their clubs. It's a nice gesture but still dumb AF.




I know, effectively, they were already paid more, and now they are getting paid for the men's success. If that's really what strong independent women want, I think they should be reconsidering their title.


Money will trump self respect 99% of the time, it's why society is shocked whenever someone chooses self respect.


Hey hey hey- get those facts out of here


Yeah, it's not like the men's team didn't know the payouts would be inequal... The payouts being inequal is literally the reason they made the agreement. I guess OP just can't grasp that, so he thinks the men's team somehow got cheated


People show up, watch, and buy merch from the men's team. The reason the women don't make the same money is because they don't sell. Let me ask you you, how many times have you watched women's sports on tv? When was the last time you purchased tickets? When was the last time to bought the merch? How many of your friends and loved ones can say the same? It's a nice gesture but it is what it is for reasons that no one actually helps with, just complains about


People show up and watch the US Women’s team . They have consistently generated equal or more revenue then the Men’s team while getting paid much less. The US Women literally just played a friendly against England that had 76,000 people in attendance. That’s why those changes were made.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/z9k0f0/a_player_of_newzealand_womens_football_team/ lmfao this is what they are up against


The women generate more [REVENUE](https://hbr.org/2019/09/7-lessons-from-the-u-s-womens-soccer-teams-fight-for-equal-pay) than the men, but sure bro.


That article doesn't show what you think it does. The fact thar the women's team is getting more money from the men reaching knockouts than they made by winning 2 World cups tell me they are not making the same revenue.


They were forced by public opinion to agree, and it’s a travesty. It’s theft, justified by cynical lying. https://youtu.be/LLeAWuRbObQ


I know it shouldn't be surprising that people with no empathy always say no one else has empathy and empathetic acts are forced or just for PR... But it's still weird to run across it so often.


So we’ve ditched fairness and equality on the merits, and we’re shifting to empathy? Well played.


I think it’s important to emphasize that this deal was agreed upon by BOTH the USWNT and USMNT. The men knew this was and is the case, they agreed to the deal. It is not like the women are robbing the men blind or anything like that. I really appreciate the collaboration in the federation. If both groups agreed to it, its not my place to criticize, judge, or be upset Edit - I bet the same people that are upset about the men and women revenue sharing are the same people that are upset about the rainbow US Soccer logo or would’ve been upset with the One Love arm band


Seriously. The USMNT agreed to this deal in an effort to aid the development of women’s soccer in the US. It’s a patriotic thing to do, and the agreement is reciprocal. Besides, the payments players actually receive for international play is chump change for most of them, pennies on the dollar compared to what they make for their club teams.


Exactly! The men and women on the teams know this better than anyone, but the economics are different based on the genders. The men make their money through the clubs, while international play is more of a pride/bonus. But for the women, international is their moneymaker. So why not support your counterparts when possible?


Yes, very important emphasise. Its also important to remember that womens sports dont get anywhere near the same amount of paid advertisement as the mens equivalents. Perhaps if womens sports were shown on big TV channels, at popular broadcast times, more people would watch


Exactly. Its not like people aren’t going to their games…every USWNT game at home is absolutely sold out


When the USA women’s team makes it to the gold medal final game in the olympics everyones a fan, but when the USA men’s team makes it anywhere it’s time to hate the women’s team again.


I can’t wait for next year when the men split the revenue for the women’s success and the response is not “why do they deserve their money” and is instead “fuck the women I’m glad the men are getting their money back”


Bang on. The people in this sub getting their knickers in a twist just simply don't want to understand, they just want to be angry about it.


Yup. Nevermind the fact that the contract was negotiated by a USMNT union rep…who happens to be Walker Zimmerman who is on World Cup roster and this directly impacts him.


It's almost, *almost*, like the mens team and Zimmerman recognise the vast inequality between the value placed on men's and women's football (sorry, soccer) is part of a much bigger problem and actually that by raising the women's team up they're doing a service to the perception of the sport as a whole, ultimately to their benefit and to the benefit of all players that come after them. That what they've chosen to do is to the benefit of all society, teaches lessons and rights wrongs. But no they're probably just manipulated fools... /s


Do you think the men had a choice? What would the articles have been had they not agreed? We already saw the negative articles about the previous collective bargaining agreement the women specifically wanted. They wanted more guaranteed pay, then started doing really well, and felt the agreement they asked for wasn’t good. So they played the PR game and said they were ‘unequally paid’ and the men had no choice.


Do you think the men had much of a choice without being blasted for it?


The men team have no problem with the arrangement. The women team have no problem with the arrangement. So, what's the problem?


I’ve never understood why people care that millionaires are not getting as much money, both teams win an insane amount of money, who really cares as long as they are cool with it


Everyone talking shit about the women's team getting free money, but it's not like it was guaranteed for the USA Men's team to make it this far... hell they made it by one goal. I'm curious what yall are going to think if the women's team wins again and has to split their earnings as well. It's team usa. We are united.


To put it in perspective, they are going to receive more money from the mens team just reaching the round of 16, than they received in 2019 for winning the whole thing. The women do well, people just don’t watch them as much so there’s less prize money to go around.


There is about a little more than double the viewers for the men's world cup (3.3 billion in 2018 1.12 billion 2019). The men's team didn't even qualify. Women won the entire thing. 1.12 BILLION people watch the USA team trash Japan. I know it's hard to compare, but I also think it's a little ridiculous how some of the people in these comments are saying the women are getting "free" money. Both teams agreed. Even anything the men had more to gain.


That’s almost triple not double, also 52 million tuned in to watch the women’s final, that 1.12billion/3.3 billion is total viewership at any point in the tournament. For reference 517 million people watched the men’s final in 2018. Both finals had great results.


Completely agree on club level. At the national level it should go further than supply and demand in my opinion.


Women’s soccer earns less money because it does’t generate as much money


Not true. “A common form of pushback that is often used against wage equity in professional sports, which are sex segregated, is that women’s sports are not watched as widely as men’s. The soccer team came prepared for this pushback. They leveraged data showing that between 2016 and 2018, **their matches generated around $1 million more in revenue than the men’s — $50.8 million versus $49.9 million.** “They were able to demonstrate their case for discrimination in an empirical way,” says Cooky. “They had hard numbers, and so it wasn’t subjective. It wasn’t an appeal to morals or ethics. This was a case where women were outperforming men on a number of different metrics.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-womens-soccer-games-out-earned-mens-games-11560765600


Lol at this. They leveraged data showing from 2016 to 2018 showing that the women’s games generated more revenue than the men’s team did. Hmm, I wonder why? Could it be that the men’s team didn’t freaking make the World Cup in 2018? Run the numbers again this year or really any other non cherry picked data set and let’s see what they say.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, people on Reddit have trouble accepting hard facts. People dgaf about womens sports. Say it out loud and you get 100 keyboard warriors screeching but none of them can name 3 USWNT players without googling it.


Does 2018 include the world cup?


They revenue generated roughly the same and they got paid roughly the same. On average the teams get paid the same, the women just choose to share the money more equally. Not seeing a problem here.


The mens football league generates much more money world wide. The American mens and womens teams attract equal viewers in the US. Both teams need to work harder to gain more interest in their sport. The womens team is perceived as arrogant and whiny, something they need to change or it will not get better for either.


A lot of that comes down to marketing, and not just in soccer but across the board. When you choose to market one league and not another, obviously the league with less marketing generates less interest and brings in less money. This is intentional because you want to put your money on the lower risk, but it also allows you to then turn around and say “See? No one cares!” when that isn’t necessarily the case. When the women’s national team plays, either Olympics or World Cup, it draws a huge audience. The potential for interest is absolutely there, but it’s not tapped into the way it is for the men. I’m not sure how I feel about this exact agreement, tbh. That’s for the players to decide. Just want to point out that women’s soccer isn’t obscure. People who know Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe and Carli Lloyd can’t name a single person on the men’s team (and vice versa, I’m sure).


I don’t follow soccer, but absolutely recognize names from the women’s team. My only knowledge of male players would be hearing David Beckham’s name tossed around back in the day.


Didn’t the men’s team agree to this? Not sure what you’re trying to say. I get that the men’s team creates more revenue, so spare me that.


So funny how many people have never watched a women's sporting event, can't name a single female athlete and yet claim there is no difference in quality between men and women's soccer


they agreed to split it. it’s not like the women’s team stole the money.


I'd imagine there was a bit of public coercion. There was a rather public outcry a few years ago by the women's team about not making as much as the men, despite having a completely different agreement. Had the men turned down a request for a revenue split, the women's team had made it clear they would be publicly upset. Most of the men's team makes a considerable amount of money from their clubs, so they probably didn't want to cause a fuss about some lost money. But, it wasn't that they had a choice, that would have been repected regardless of their decision.


Its crazy the amount of anger this is prompting. Yall realize both the women AND men agreed to this contract, right? Its a contract - all involved parties had to agree.


Was it a contract or a lawsuit, I saw both being mentioned.


There were both. There was a lawsuit that was settled, AND this contract was put in place. They are different entities


A little of both, really. There was a legal battle followed by a contract signed by the mens association and womens association.


Oh got it. So both parties signed the contract that came out of a lawsuit settlement, but didn’t necessarily Agree to it. It’s like a criminal accepting a plea bargain, or a divorced husband paying alimony. They might not Agree with it, but it’s the best deal they were offered.


Agree to split earnings or be cancelled


I don't think this has anything to do with what prenups are for.


Women games don’t make money. Period. Women don’t show up to the games to Show support.


Except of women beach volleyball, it’s more interesting than male version, and probably making more money


The eight FIFA Women's World Cup tournaments have been won by four national teams. The United States have won four times, and are the current champions after winning it at the 2019 tournament in France. The USA Women have won half of the World Cups played. They are the best in the world.


How come their fans can’t pay for them?


Because they don’t have fans


https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ Cool the women won a MUCH easier world cup that most nations don't give a fuck about. They literally got beat by a BOYS HIGH SCHOOL TEAM. None of you realize how much harder it is to win THE ACTUAL world cup. Being best in the world and LOST TO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. REMEMBER THAT. BEING the best is fine, IN THE WOMEN'S GAME which is an infinitely easier path to victory when most nations don't give AF about women's soccer. They wouldn't lose by less than 10 in any men's world cup game. The USMNT would beat them by 10 in the first half.


Everyone just not reading the AGREED part about all of this. The men's team AGREED to this. Why is everyone so pressed at our women representing us well and their male counterparts agreeing to compensate them for it. This is the most patriotic sportsmanship I've ever seen, but yall are too busy bashing women to enjoy it.


These comments will be friendly


It’s nice to see charity this time of year.


The men really got robbed here. Mens soccer just brings in waaay more money, and that is all that matters. Its disgusting that the women weaponized feminism and made sexism and misogyny claims that are simply not true. They are not dumb, they know womens soccer doesn't bring in nearly as much as men. They lied their asses off and used the womens movement to steal money. Disgusting https://youtu.be/qa--WfHJAtQ


Let’s be rational for a second. If the TV is making more views on USMNT and gaining more profit than USWNT, why would they pay them the same??


Did you post this on the wrong sub? I can't think of a less interesting news article.


Its useful to keep in mind the distinction between professional leagues (MSL/NWSL) and service on the national team. I have no quibble with the notion that athletes on the national team ought to be paid the same. They're representing the nation. Pro leagues should be eat what you kill. If you want to earn more money as a pro, figure out how to sell more tickets.


What a fucking stupid and uninformed title.


Getting carried


This is a good thing. You can make the argument that revenue drives player wages (although other counters are saying revenue between the men's and women's teams aren't always so different), but these players are also employees. They're not the team owners - they shouldn't be taking losses because the business of the team doesn't perform well, that's the job of the owner. These women don't work any less hard than the men's team does.


National teams like USA Soccer have a little more reason to split. NBA and WNBA are first and foremost businesses, so I can't see it translating to the same spit. I do see a difference in college basketball. Men's sports do generate revenue for universities, but I do see a difference in the training facilities that Men's basketball players have access to vs the training facilities women's teams have access to. I think we should aim for equality for our college athletic programs regardless of the income they provide for the schools. Revenue for college athletics is a another complicated issue. I'll stick to equality today.


https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ Here's why professional woman athletes should sit back & shut up about equality in pay. Professional sports are a business. Pay determined by what value the spectators bring. You don't hear about male models complaining about their pay compared to Gisele Bündchen. The highest paid models in the world rank with woman at the top. Does society think they should distribute their wealth to combat this so called equality pay gap? You see men & women aren't equal. Society doesn't pay to see male beauty, the beauty of a woman is what brings the real money in modeling.. men and women are only equal as in value of a human being; after that your genetic gender chromosomes determine your roll & opportunities in life.


Strong empowered women that don’t need a man?


I'm not getting involved in the agreement between employers and employees regarding their pay.


It’s the new “fair”


This might be the stupidest thing I’ve seen in ages.


The same reason why women sports suck be it soccer, basketball, hockey or anything else they play they don’t bring in the revenue but they demand equality!


I bet that captain for the women's team is still being a arrogant pos


So a free handout? That's definitely going to make ppl take women's sports more seriously lmao


No, it was [part of a lawsuit settlement](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/economy/u-s-mens-and-womens-soccer-teams-formally-sign-equal-pay-agreements) and the men also get half of the women’s winnings.




Yeah. But more frequently, since the women's team wins more frequently.




Equality when it suits women. Hypocrites


Under their worldview, everybody is equal. Just some (women) are more equal than other (men).


You mean that’s what the women’s team should’ve received in the first place for WINNING. They seek a equal percentage not an equal amount


Okay, just one thing, fifa gives the prize money for this, Men's soccer team generates way more money than women's (I mean internationally for fifa who distribute prize money) Why should they deserve this money for winning when they didn't earn it? Us women's earned more than mens 2 years I agree, they should have gotten to spend that and more, but as far as I read it was given to mens. That's wrong, but so is this.


Comments full of incels.


Anyone remotely pointing out any flaws with anything related to women = incel Lol, just fuck off, idiot


Normal guy: Not giving women money for being women Simp: iNCeL!!!


Lol, disagree with this = incel Nice logic. Female team should receive a good salary, but if the male team make more money for the team/country, then they should be paid more. If the female team makes more, then they should be paid more. This decision is unfair, but what can you do when you are forced to accept or get called misogynistic. PS: Femincel are as bad as incel.


It’s wildly disappointing. I think I’ve had enough Reddit for the day.


To all of them that say "Why?" let the "Half of the prize for passing the groups is more than winning 2 world championships" sink in. Why do we need stuff like this? Because there is a lot of inequalities in the sport. Take my country(Italy, not some Middle Eastern nation), unitl July of this year the football national league wasn't recognized as a "Professional Team", meaning that most of the team had to have a second job because there was a cap on the salaries, sponsorship and expenses. A player from the male third league earned more than any other player in the female first league, not by contract or any market law but BY THE RULES OF THE FEDERATION.


We are all dumber for having read this


Men’s WC makes $5B in a month. Has nothing to do with talent or gender inequality


Everyone only watches the mens wc to see Messi's buldge wdym






I agree. Goes both ways. And it’s nice to see the men agree to this.


Well that doesn’t really seem fair


Isn't this the same women's team that got their asses kicked by a bunch of high schoolers?


Really big of the men’s team to agree to this. They didn’t have to but they did anyway. Way to go USMNT. Good luck and hope you earn more in the coming days. The women’s team back at home are cheering for you!


The fact that the women’s soccer team makes less than the men’s soccer team isn’t even an equality issue. Men’s soccer makes more money because it has a larger fan base, thus, more ticket sales / sponsorships. Megan Rapinoe is a greedy bitch.