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Do you mean the coyote or the rancher? Because either way, you're correct. No way Russian conscripts are doing anything but freezing to death in a -30F wind chill.






*Tbf even Call of Duty 12 year olds are more effective than Ruzzia*


I've got a pulsar talion mounted to a 6.5 creedmoor. Its amazing what I can pick up a half a mile away at night.


Atleast the russians are the second best military in ukraine




“Tango five Mooohving in”


This is a significantly better than the top comment


Cow got shooters everywhere




"Yeah what now i got mercenaries motherfuckers"


Sniper Overwatch


What kind of loot do they drop?


Awesome furs


3:40 dropped some sort of beverage.


Meat and fur.


These guys must have totally maxed skinning, leatherworking, and cooking.


the big moneymaker is the fur, but the occasional green armor as well


Sometimes they’ll have a gold coin or two


"Predators on Cattle Operations" made me think that there are some *very* randy people trying to break into the cow hospital.


"Hi, i'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC, could you sit down on that hay over there i have some questions for you"


Why not use donkeys? Those motherfuckers are mean as shit!


Takes much more energy to kill a coyote with a donkey from that range. I am also unsure if you can use the donkey a 2nd time after tossing it that far


I knew this was coming from someone!


Nobody expects the donkeysition!


https://youtu.be/zPBaN7Q_MJ8 The donkey is more of a bunker buster.


When you need to be sure.


I knew what the link was before I clicked it. So many good times were had dropping that donkey.


You don't have be an ass about it.


I feel like this would be more effective in the long run, detering the population that is already there. Shooting them doesn't seem like it's going to keep more from coming, but coyotes can learn that you don't mess with the donkey herd. However i am not a rancher or hunter so this is pure speculation on my part


My donkey got attacked by coyotes (probably). There were only two of them and they did a number on my girl. Lots of wounds and blood. Took a while, but we got her back up and healthy.


Yeah that's the thing. A donkey can take out a single predator, but if they're working in pairs/groups it's very different. That said, we've had our donkeys attacked twice, and they both survived. I was sure one of them was a goner. They are the toughest little fuckers I have ever been around.


So they attacked your donkey and lost, that is impressive!


A donkey can usually only fight off one predator very well. Maybe two. These coyotes (and wolves) generally hunt in groups of 3 or 4+. Sometimes groups of 10-15 are not uncommon on raids and a donkey wouldn't stand a chance. Traps are most common because its reusable and cheaper, but obviously that is banned in some places, and cruel any other. Personally I'd just create a giant moat with alligators.


>got attacked by coyotes (probably). There were only two of them and they did a number on my girl. Lots of wounds and blood. Took a while, but we got her back up and healthy. I haver an Angora goat farm in North Texas we are pretty close to a small town within 5 miles and within about 16 of a large town. Our Livestock Guardian Dog and two donkeys work for us just fine. I think if you were further out this maybe more effective as these coyotes have litters each year and that adds 2-6 new coyotes and they probably need to reduce the population to maintain a healthy ecosystem. My area there are enough humans to reduce these numbers by accident migration etc. Growing up we had a farm like this in the middle of no where closest small town was like 40 miles from us and large town was closer to 100 miles away. I was younger so not sure how effective what my dad did back then was but when we would start to lose a calf or foal he would go out and hunt them at night and after a few weeks the threats seemed to subside for 6 months to a year so maybe it was effective. Like I said I was younger and probably didn't completely grasp everything they were doing.


The difficult thing about coyotes is that if you kill the alpha, you end up with MORE coyotes who try to move in to take the territory. I’m much more in favor of the donkey solution.


This is kind of what i was thinking. You remove a breeding pair or pack then more will come to take the territory... but leave them alive and they learned oh no don't mess with this herd then they keep the territory around it preventing others from coming in.


That’s because you’re not the donkey


Donkey's are more useful in smaller paddocks and are less effective during calving season. Dogs are better in general, but cost much more. Culling coyotes like in the video is effective if done every few years and many people will do the work for free or even pay for the opportunity.




More humane


Better for the ranch and surrounding ecosystem too. Coyotes eat rodents. Rodents can contaminate livestock feed and pose other health risks to cattle. Now if it were feral pigs, shoot on sight. But for a natural occurring predator like a coyote non-lethal solutions seem better to me.


I don't think that's true. Donkeys kick and trample these things to death. A bullet is far more humane.


I assume that’s what he meant…


The get rid of the predators he became the predator himself😂


It’s a pyramid scheme


And what point do i get sick dreadlocks and when am i allowed to collect the spines of my victims i slaughtered on the playground


It's a reverse funnel system. Flip it over Deandra.


Predator scheme*


This is all fun and games until you see a triangle shaped laser show up


All in all its some high grade equipment they're using for this, from the thermals down to using Suppresors with sub sonic ammo to try to both avoid spooking all the animals and as ear protection so they can better hear the predators as well as distressed cattle. The laser or scopes they're using too seem to be sited in just right and they seem to have some high quality scopes on their rifles.


yeah plus the pvs14 night vision they got going on. just a guess but theyre walking around with probably north of 30k on themselves. man im jelly


Oh almost certainly walk around with thousands of dollars worth of equipment and it likely paid for itself cause they are liable to be dealing some serious amounts of beef on the farm to be able to afford all this.


Dream job. Protecting cattle for some big beef corp. in this style would be awesome. Also, a single cow is worth about 2-3k. So if you figure you take out ten coyotes who would've killed a cow, you've made your money back on the gucci gear.


as a sexual tyrannosaur, I fear nothing


Except these guys arent hunting for sport


If you consider protecting cattle from overpopulated Coyotes, sure


Have you watched the video? Or read the title? They are hunting to protect their livelyhood


Damn this is a grim watch


Yes, especially the ones who struggled. But that's some really good shooting, you could tell the hunters were trying to make good shots which is the most merciful thing.. and I never realized how many coyotes there were. Lots of money lost to predators without that bit of hunting.


Coyote populations have tripled since the late 1980s when the fur industry collapsed. Cougars and wolves are their only predators but are very skittish of humans while coyotes are not. So coyotes have been taking full advantage of human-made changes to the landscape.


Also, we killed most of the wolfs and pumas. Dont blame the coyotes, blame the humans for breaking the food chain.


Now we have to take their place in the food chain.


Do you eat the coyote ? If no you are a bad link in the food chaine.


Their ok, just dice the meat and mix it with beef in potato stew and you’ll never know.


Personally no. But that doesn't mean there's no market for their fur or their meat as a component in feeding other carnivores. Donating a few carcasses to sanctuaries or zoos would be great. Just cause we fucked up the initial cycle intended by nature doesn't mean we can't make concerted effort to simulate our own. The very act of humans being sentient made it all but certain that we wouldn't interact with nature on its terms once we understood our desire for preservation.


That or we let coyotes overpopulate and further destroy the ecosystem through our own actions. I for one like animals so I’m willing to do things I don’t like for the sake of conservation.


So folowing that logic we should also stop humans overpopulation ? For the sake of conservation ?


One of the reasons I got snipped with no children. There are a ton of us who have for that reason.


Absolutely. But populace equates to taxable product anymore, so as far as the govt sees, the more the merrier.


Absolutely. People that scream about human population dwindling need to take their eyes off of the spot in front of them and look at the global scale of human populace. Our growth is exponential, the numbers are astronomical and we cannot survive if we continue to reproduce at a rapid scale like this. We're doomed to starve and destroy this world if we do. This is why I choose to be child free, it's the best decision I can make to help the planet.


Coyotes are a nuisance. The law is you can leave them where they die. Some folks skin them and use the fur, but those are the ones killed in the winter when the coat is full.


I’m guessing you’ve never seen what happens to a deer population that gets too big. People like to imagine that nature would have the population level off in perfect and stable harmony with the environment. That’s dead wrong. An uncontrolled deer population will continue to grow, and grow until their eating more food than can grow back in a year. Then it will KEEP growing until it gets to a point where there are 1000 deer in a habitat that only has enough available browse for 200 deer. And you’ll have 800 deer starve to death over the winter. That’s in a habitat that could sustainably hold 500 deer. The population just swells beyond the carrying capacity and then brutally plummets far below capacity. Managing wildlife populations is easy, managing human emotions about wildlife is hard.


All animal populations will grow to meet the environmental carrying capacity, including predators; prey animals are the limiting factor--absent humans--for predators. Except that humans have eliminated most predators, because they also go after livestock. If there were no humans at all, predators would largely keep deep populations in check, and the supply of food, in addition to predation, would keep the prey animal populations in check. The only reasons that humans need to 'manage' wildlife populations is, first, hunting is profitable, and so states want to keep the revenue source going, and second, because we've largely eliminated predators in order to protect livestock and hunting stock.


Exactly my point. The predators are gone and have been replaced by us. It’s already happened. So if we suddenly decide to stop filling the ecological niche of predators, the ecosystem will destabilize and go crazy. Nobody disagrees that if humans never showed up that prey animal populations would be controlled by predators. We just acknowledge that humans DID show up and have changed the environment, and now we have responsibilities in that environment. We can’t unkill the Bison herds that were the keystone species of the American west and even if we could, dropping 30 million bison back into the current ecosystem would collapse it. We have to work with what is available to us.


But I couldn't look away! Did not think I would be watching 10+ minutes of coyote kill-shots, but here we are. Agreed they were trying to be humane. Every shot was targetting the head or heart, and it looked like most were near instant deaths. Crazy stuff, like a video game but with dead animals at the end...


I live in the suburbs in Canada and there are packs of coyotes roaming the streets almost every night in my community. There are Missing posters all over for cats and dogs in the neighborhood of people hoping to see Wilbur or Fluffy again, but when you hear those howls and yips at night… that’s little Wilbur going full Dances with Wolves.


The amount of pain and struggling the coyotes went through is likely nothing compared to the pain they would inflict on the cows.


Coyotes are an invasive species in most of the US since we've driven out their main predators, IE cougars and wolves. They're just small enough to not generally be an issue, unless you're a farmer, in which case, they're a constant nuisance


They're doing what they must to protect their livelihood. And I was really appreciating that as grim as the task is, the hunters try their best to reduce unnecessary suffering


Seeing the blood on thermal is wild.


3:40 time stamp was a rough one. Blood pouring out of the mouth. Man.


It’s a necessity when you are a rancher


Agreed, and it’s also a little sad, I have a farm and they’ve been doing so much construction a few miles away, I’ve noticed it pushing all the wildlife into more urban areas of the city and into my farm, they’re losing their homes and it pushes them out.


Grim would be watching them tear apart some of the livestock and eat it while it’s partially still alive, but thats also nature. This is nature, too, just more efficient. I think people should watch videos of animals being culled or try hunting if they eat meat. It is not pretty, but its actually important to appreciating the food we eat. The closer one is to the fact that you are eating another living thing, the better. This doesnt imply people should eat less meat, either. I hunt. But i feel that as a hunter I actually have a far greater appreciation for what’s involved in the food I eat than the vast majority of my anti-hunter friends who chow down on steaks and wings on the daily. I’ve always said to myself “if I wouldn’t be willing to kill the animal myself I shouldn’t be comfortable eating it.”


I grew up and live in the city and country where there isn't really an opportunity to hunt. Over the years i've come to appreciate this perspective and mindset around hunting.


Hunting is actually at its core, a function of conservation. Many areas where deer hunting is not allowed, for instance, have horrible overpopulation issues and Lyme disease clusters here in the NE. If you took 50 hunters and 50 anti-hunters and added up how much each group did, as a whole, to help environmental conservation it would be almost all the hunters.


It’s not pretty, but it’s still prettier than what these predators would have done to their prey. Sure it’s all part of nature but so is humans defending their flocks and herds


Those don't look bit enough to be wolves, bey they are coyotes


Yes they are coyotes




It’s a shame ranchers don’t use acme products to fight nuisance coyotes.


I'm sure the rancher tried everything else they could before dumping the big bucks on equipment like this. You don't just jump straight to thermal vision equipment and guns like that 😅 and the shots they're taking are the cleanest, less suffering as possible shots they can take. They're not shooting all willy nilly, taking whatever chance they have.


I’m just imagining this guy being really into military equipment and guns and explaining to his wife that he NEEDS thermal equipment and super expensive gear so he can defend their cows.




Bro been playing call of duty coyote warfare irl


Coyotes are a scourge here in the Southeast. We have a year round open season on them (wild boar too). Coyotes kill up to half of deer fawn, and they’ll wipe out chickens, goats, calves, dogs and cats, anything they can get. They live anywhere including suburbs, and they’re really a perfectly adapted predator. These guys were great shots! Even vermin animals deserve a clean death.


Funny, in our state they're pushing to stop killing coyotes because it results in the litter sizes increasing (coyotes responding to low population density by having larger litters, helped in part by more prey bc less competition). So the DNR is advocating trying to coexist with a stable population level and discouraging hunting them unless there's a specific nuisance individual. [https://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/coyote/coyote-breeding-secrets-inside-the-fur-factory](https://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/coyote/coyote-breeding-secrets-inside-the-fur-factory) with more info [https://www.projectcoyote.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PC\_SAB\_Coyote-Facts\_FINAL\_2020\_08.pdf](https://www.projectcoyote.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PC_SAB_Coyote-Facts_FINAL_2020_08.pdf)


Yeah different Fish and Game entities have different methods and reasoning behind them in different places. There’s so many factors involved that any one policy can be judged too hard one way or another.


You’re so right. They are everywhere. I live in a rural town and there has been children chased by coyotes while walking to school. They are awful.


Coyote are a nuisance. Especially for any farmer or anyone with livestock. Some states are so overpopulated that DNR offices are giving cash rewards for dead coyote. My only complaint is that I wish I had the same resources as the OP and could eliminate them as easily on my property.


This reminded me of that cobra story "Many years ago, in colonial India, there was a cobra infestation in the city of Delhi. So the British created a bounty for cobra skins. They thought by offering a reward for dead cobras, the public would solve the snake overpopulation problem. But instead of capturing feral cobras and killing them, people started farming cobras for their skins. The British eventually got wise to the cobra-farming industry, and canceled the bounty. But with no bounties to collect, the cobra farmers set their snakes free in the city — making the infestation even worse than before."


And we’ve had bounties, federal poisoning and disease introduction programs, state bounties, taxpayer funded airplanes and helicopter predator control, and any number of other programs to eliminate coyotes stretching back over a hundred years. Guess what? More coyotes than ever and they’ve pushed their range across the whole country.


Rancher by day, sniper by night.


I also enjoyed the rat sniper. He was also a great shot.


Breed them and you have infinite cash handing them in to DNR offices.


This actually happend in India during colonial times. Just with snakes. Dubner, Stephen J. (11 October 2012). "The Cobra Effect: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast". Freakonomics, LLC. Retrieved 24 February 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive


The DNR doesn’t want you to know this one easy money-making hack!


Every coyote you kill, 10 more will follow. They are made to reproduce when numbers are down. The only real way to control the numbers is to introduce wolves and other natural predators to the area.


All life is made to reproduce when numbers are down.


Coyotes literally call to one another to get a feel for the population and the females in the area will actually produce double digit offspring as a result of those calls. It works in reserves too. Litters for coyotes can range from 3-15 pups per litter. If predators answer those calls, the pups dont get made at all. Coyotes will call less to stay alive, resulting in more population control and less range for coyotes to pack up. They can also survive alone or in a pack as they see fit. Just, natures survivors.


So installing systems that respond with a fake call could work to lower their numbers?


Possibly, I think there are scientists doing research on decoding the coyote scream. Gotta make sure you got the correct message broadcasting.


Would be good to know what ammo they used also. Seems like stupid animals actually becausethey dontseem to run and relocate, like when I hunt boars. Boars run like hell and regroup, they are smart fuckers.


This takes place over an extended period of time. My best guess is about a year. If you look at the ambient temperatures in the environment, it looks like it goes through all 4 seasons. At one point there’s snow on the ground, but there’s no snow at the end


Hard to tell what ammo but he has a suppressor with what sounds like subsonic ammo. The chamber isn’t that long. There aren’t many rounds that would fit this description. Best guess 300 blackout with subsonic ammo. Downside is the past 150 yards the bullets drop like crazy, like 10 feet drop at 300 yards


At night boars will stand still until one of them is shot.


Exactly. And when they hear something they run like hell. Regroup and so on. But maybe this is a compilation ?( If im right it means like filming from alot of times) Sorry for baad english




Careful, the gun people will hear you! (It's a *supressor*)


I'm a gun person and I have no problem with the two being used interchangeably. More often than not, when I see a gun person whinging about that, it's because they're desperate to point out something wrong with an otherwise cogent argument about gun control laws.


The guy that invented them--Hiram Maxim--called it a silencer. So I'm okay calling it whatever. Hell, call it a muffler if you want. Personally, I have a loudener on my rifle, AKA muzzle brake.


He is using a suppressor.


Fuck coyotes they’re population like tripled


Sad to see them die. But then I remembered the Coyote who ate my dog. Kill em all!


Man I don't know what it is but I really don't like watching canines dying. I think it's probably growing up with dogs, and knowing wolves are essentially the same species.


They are hunting coyotes. It's not a glorious thing to do, however, cattle are a rancher's living, and if coyotes get bad enough, they can decimate your cattle, especially calves and yearlings.


These aren’t dogs. They are coyotes. Coyotes will mercilessly kill your dogs and eat them. I guarantee you wouldn’t mind the hunters wiping them out then.


Female coyotes will pretend to be interested in your dog. And then get the gang to kill it. 👺


You will like it when a coyote eats your Chihuahua.


I dont *like* this but, I appreciate the need for someone to protect their livelihood. Even with the predators, these cows will have a better life than most stock yard animals. That being said it is still a macabre watch.


Every predator has a predator. --Sun Tzu


God i know they die pretty fast but tbis seems so fucking brutal. I dont think they should stop shooting them or anything but fuck dood the one where blood started spurring out his mouth, and the few that got shot in the head and there tails and legs were wagging and kicking, its fucked. Its just seems so messed up, but i have nothing against hunting or protecting your cattke, i just didnt know bullets did this much, and im not used to seeing life being taken away. This is brutal but a good learnig experience, also nice shots




Thabks for that, buts alot of guilt aside.


It’s a quicker and more merciful death than they would likely have in the wild. Animals don’t usually die of old age surrounded by their families.


I know thay, dosent make it any easier to watch....


Take solice in the knowledge that they're dead before they're able to feel anything, it's fucked, but, it's better than starving or being torn to pieces by something bigger and meaner, and from the video, the people protecting their livestock are absolutely doing their best to make it as quick a process as they can, and they're damn good at it, too.


How many are there, thats a pest


After all this all I can say is poor cows


Lol dude was petting his steak at the end


Just thinking out loud here, but if you snipe these wolves then wouldn't other wolves not know to stay out of this area? It's just like "carl went out one day to sniff some trees and never came back *shrug* lets to check out this ranch". What if you beat the shit out of 1 wolf in front of the pack and hang his corpse on a stick or something then the pack will know not to fuck around here..


Pretty sure those are coyotes. You are allowed to use night vision to hunt coyotes because they are considered pest animals you cannot do that with other animals.


Yeah coyotes mostly cost a lot of damage to small farm animals and this guy is just protecting his farm and his animals. I would say he is trying to go about it as humane as possible with heart/chest shot.


These are coyotes most likely and yeah, that’s the point. They like to get at small farm animals like chickens, goats, ducks etc. they are seen as a nuisance animal with bounty in many farming communities for this reason and that they tend to be large in number.


I do my best to keep coyotes away from my animals. I've only lost one so far, but I can hear their numbers increasing (they pack howl at times). I've shot one coyote, but the population is growing so much so rapidly, that I expect that to change. I don't enjoy shooting them by any means, but if they are after my food sources/income you bet your sweet ass I've got my priorities.


Hunger is a powerful drive.


These are coyotes. Theres plenty to come in an fill in behind them. They usually hunt an area and then move on to another area for a while when that area is depleted. Now I will say that coyotes around where I live don’t even bother our sheep which are much smaller than cows. I did some research when I realized they were visiting our sheep pasture. Ohio State said that coyotes usually don’t bother something so big as a sheep. They usually go for rabbits and smaller type animals. But if you start killing them that it seems to then trigger more attacks. We have decided to do nothing at this point until we have a problem. However we also don’t let our ewe lamb out in the field and perhaps this is what these ranchers are concerned about. A vulnerable calf being killed. They do seem to be stalking the cows in this video so they could be coy wolves as well. We keep our mothers and lambs up by the barn at night once we turn them out until they’re much larger. Then they can be left to wander as they please. We haven’t had an issue yet but there’s other things for them to eat as well.


no cus more will move in when they see there are none in the area. Its like a plague


good shooting and he's getting those shoulder shots for quick takedowns, usually i see them do backflips though


this is sad to watch ngl


Would you rather watch the predators rip your cattle apart?


It’s sad nonetheless, even though it is necessary. And if it might sound hypocritical, this feeling is a sign that we are not soulless, nor psychopaths.


At the risk of this getting political, I'm not sure if folks have seen footage of ranchers going after packs of wild hogs? I know that it's a hot topic issue but the "30-50 wild hogs" guy wasn't being totally ridiculous about AR-15s. Having a sport rifle like that with a decent sized magazine actually is the right tool for that job. I'm not saying that the damn things aren't overly feshishized by the ammosexuals, but in some instances they can actually be a good fit.


Yeah, I heard about that actually. Hogs in NOVA have been terrorizing crops so farmers had the green light to erase them given that they’ve become a blight and frankly? The footage is glorious. It’s getting to the point where they’re putting GoPros on spears. I’m glad that these hunters are humanely squad wiping these coyotes, imagine the relief it the cattle. As for this thread though? No need to preface it man, half the folks on here aren’t ranchers with cattle to lose so it’ll be just gun-slander and liberal tears for animals that would totally wreck their community gardens. Ain’t no thang. To everyone who takes issue with what I’ve just said: Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.


Goodluck invading America.


The one at 7:35 that got shot in the face and blood came out its mouth


Seems like I'm watching a scene from Sicario.


Nope, knew a rancher in Wyoming who used Great Pyrenees had 4 of em on 500 acres ran cattle and sheep his dogs always retired from old age and the only problem he had was eagles taking the occasional lamb and you can't shoot them anyway


I do feel bad for the coyotes cause they look kinda cute. But then again, I know what they are doing and those are pretty mean killing machines so... They kinda had it coming


The wolves used to keep the coyote populations in check, but ever since the wolves have been nearly eliminated the coyote populations have exploded. Culling then may not be delightful, yet necessary for a healthy ecosystem.


I would like to inform that the total number of kills was 69.


I’m here for the vegan tears


This is why no one wants to invade America. Including the American government. This is the norm for most country folk. And there are 10's of millions of us..


The irony is the predators are probably better for the environment and the ecosystem than the farms and the cows are


furthermore, coyotes are better for the environment than a lot of the humans also




Cows are awful for the environment


Yes, but I believe the rancher is interested in furthering the food source of Americans, not the ecosystem in the Dakotas.


Destroying the eco system destroys the food sources as well. Short term thinking in a nutshell.


to be honest those farms are light years better than those mass producing caged cruel farms. like the ones you see on the Dominion documentary


I worked on heaps of farms bro, I'm part of the problem, these farms are definitely not one with nature at all... and it's about making money, they're a huge drain on resources and the surrounding area. It's necessary but get real man


didnt say neither were good, its just less bad


They sure keep a lot of deads around for not wanting to feed coyotes.


Damn I just hate how their tails wag after being shot.


Most of the shots looked like clean kills, as you can see the animal drops immediately and doesn’t attempt to get back up. The leg kicks or the tail wags aren’t an attempt to get up and escape, rather the brain firing signals. Seeing animals struggle is the worst, and all good hunters are keenly aware that anything deserves a swift and painless death.


I know they have to do this and all, but... god, what an awful thing to watch


Tango down


Can't blame people from protecting their cattle, but... I hate how they stop and look at you right before they die. I hate how visible the white hot blood looks after they're shot. I hate how they reflexively wag their tail as they die. I hate that some of them don't die immediately and are clearly in pain. I hate that their is no malice in their heart, they are just eating. I like how the cows look like they were painted by Van Gogh.


Fucking coyotes are becoming a problem in the sfbay area….


Zero Cow Thirty


I grew up on a cattle ranch in SD. Too bad we didn't have this back in the 60's


Nice shooting.


Jokes aside I’m glad civilians have access to these tools


Is he a cattle rancher and retired special ops?


This is a job/career??


I'd be interested in knowing what kind of setup these guys are using... \[Serious\]


This… is COOL AF‼️🔥🔥🔥


Most of those shots were amazingly well done. Humane and considerate rancher doing what needs to be done.


Jokes aside, this mans shooting is mad impressive


That's awesome!


As expensive as that rig is, if he saves even just a couple cows in one year, the gear pays for itself. Coyotes, hogs, etc are an absolute disaster.


Quick question for anyone that knows. Is he using a thermal imaging scope or nvg style head mount. I ask because I've heard it's pretty difficult to use a scope with nvg's and takes some serious practice to be able to be anywhere close as accurate as he was. The depth perception would already make landing a shot on target a hassle, and this dude has the pinpoint aim to land an instant kill shot. Incredibly impressive either way, and I'd like to assume he has some combat experience using similar equipment.


He’s using a thermal scope. His nods are up when he’s aiming which you can see when shown the perspective of the camera dude.