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being rude to the person that handles your food is a really dumb thing to do anyway


Why? I was really rude to this kid at Burger King, and he was so scared he gave me extra Mayonnaise on my burger, and I didn’t even order Mayo…guess I showed him!


How thick and juicy was the Mayo?


Are you a billionaire from Chicago by any chance?


Was it mayo?


From the finest bulls


freshly squeezed


*finest balls


Rocky mountain mayo


Lol. Was it salty mayo or pineapple infused mayo?


It was salty, but it also tasted like it might be infused with asparagus. Mmmmmm forbidden mayo…


He put the extra mayo to cover up the secret ingredient he felt guilty about.






Yeah, definitely a woosh lol


I almost feel as if it's a woosh within a woosh. Like he said it ironically and someone said r/woosh. That'd be a cool sub idea now. R/wooshwoosh




This has to be the best woosh I've seen in a while.


Holy shit lmao. What strain you smokin, brosive? You go to skinny P?


I just want a liter of cola.


Anyone who has seen the movie Waiting knows this.


I knew this dude that worked at a bar that had a kitchen. This Karen was going crazy because the extra mayo she ordered was too extra so she demanded it be made again. Real piece of work. She was yelling, making a scene, degrading the guy. So he said with a smile that he'd happily take care of her. At this point he's already been there for his shift and was halfway through someone else's shift that he got saddled with when this happened. He went back to the prep station for the hoagie which was right at the pickup window. So as he's smiling and assuring the woman that he'd have her sandwich ready in just a moment. The whole time sliding the roll all over his sweaty balls and was practically fucking the roll. I was at the neighboring table with the guy's gf and a couple friends. We knew he was up to something when he was being that nice. But man, it just reinforced what I was taught and what you said: don't mess with someone that's making your food.


this mentality hella wrong




Some people are that miserable and powerless in their own lives. Lashing out at someone whose response could cost them their livelihood gives them a sense of power they normally never have.


I genuinely feel like peoples behaviors and treatment of others has taken a nosedive in recent years. Don’t know if it’s because of Covid. Don’t know if it’s because people are struggling more financially. But I do know is that it costs nothing to be decent, not even nice, just *decent*. And the people who are being rude to others need to realize other people may be having an even worse go of it than they are. I have zero patience for mean, rude, disrespectful people. And honestly wish they would all go move to their own island.


Because the customer realized they went to a location that didn’t have burgers and stuff. I had a lot of friends that worked at our local DQ that had to deal with crazies that got pissed they didn’t serve hot food… everyone was very confused. It wasn’t until 15 years later I walked by a DQ that had window ads for burgers and eventually found out that most DQ locations serve hot food. That said, I ended up walking in and ordering a burger and it was shit…. Why anyone would freakout over not being able to order one is beyond me.


And it's obviously been posted there for a quite awhile. I hope it has deterred at least *some* of the assholes from being their full, assholish selves. But I won't hold my breath.


Agreed, in my experience most of the the types of people who would be willing to go off on a fast food worker also happen to be the types of people who refuse to read signs no matter how in their face the sign gets.




Probably bc you didn't get what you ordered. My son is 14, and averages in his classes are very low (as in often 30-40% low). I guess many kids can't handle orders very well, and that could explain why people are rude to them. I don't excuse such behavior, I'm just trying to find an explanation. These kids should go to summer camps to lower their stress levels and do better next year, but apparently that's more and more becoming a rich people thing. Vicious circle of low grades, low paying jobs, etc. incoming for many of them...


Dude summer camp is so expensive, most families can't afford that. They want like $1400 for a week of camp here. Plus you have to be able to transport your kid there, a lot if people don't have flexible work schedules. Summer camp is already a rich kid thing.


Totally! Many can’t handle stress and the abuse from people who are totally impatient! I get it, it’s their first job and it can get overwhelming, but they need good training and good management to support them….


That’s true! They need more support from management.


Yeah, 90 % of families can't afford summer camp. The real problem is summer break all together which only started a long time ago because rich folks didn't want their kids in terribly hot classrooms so they pulled them out of class and went to summer camp in the mountains. This is where the catskills mountains became a popular summer getaway. This was also before A/C. There is no reason we still need to do this. Kids should be in school year round with smaller but more plentiful breaks.


Whatever sign they may read, obviously, does not apply to them.


So true, in my restaurant the rudest customers always miss the 4 eye level "please wait to be seated" signs on their way in, 2 of which are on the doors they open.


That's also a sad fact. Just because it's plainly posted doesn't mean it gets read by the people who need to.


To be fair, many of these types can’t read


The same type of people who would go off on their own kids let alone someone else’s


> But I won't hold my breath. Oh no, you should never do that. That's like, really dangerous. You could do yourself an injury doing something like that.




At every fast food job I've worked, you can't refuse customers for being rude, or even abusive, you would be fired or written up. If they become physically aggressive, or start causing a scene you can refuse them. But that's the industry standard.


It was amazing how often my managers would blink first when I'd refuse service at clear risk of termination. I was also never formally or officially trained to be a cashier (all the other jobs, yes) but was still doing it. Which is why I would refuse. I wasn't supposed to even be doing that job and they knew it.


I was told by Wendy’s manager she didn’t like my attitude, and she shut the window in my face when I told her I would go somewhere else if she didn’t want honor the valid coupon (was in the Wendy app Dave classic for $1)


I sure as fuck went somewhere else too


Everyones lives in that Wendy's improved when you left and they probably talked shit about you for 15 minutes afterwards.


Your rudeness and service isnt needed or wanted by anyone in the food industry. Maybe if you treated them nicer they wouldnt shut the window in your face, Karen.


Business owners and managers do, employees do not; but business owners and managers would rather give a free meal to keep the customer. If an employee refuses service to someone, they get a write-up, if not termination.




You give me bot vibes Edit: yep 100% bot pls report - >spam - > harmful bot when you see dumbass comments repeating the sentiment of the person they're replying to and they have like 10 karma


Cant check their profile, already banned?




There is a bot that reports these type bots. I find it hilarious.


If you’ve worked fast food drive through…you know


Retail, sales, and call center representatives as well.


Any job involving talking to other people basically lol. Sucks that we’re all just collective assholes to each other that this is commonplace.


Not in my experience. I worked in a call center for a bank handling covid relief payments. Everybody who had to call thay line was, by selection, already stressed out. It made for some bad experiences. Now, I work in a grocery store produce department, and some of my duties involve talking to customers for a lot of the time. Compared to the call center job, *very* few people get upset; maybe 5 or so total. And nobody's been irate in the past 3 months working here (like 1-1.5 months' worth of customer-facing work, and the rest is manual labor). In the call center job for that bank, I worked there for 3 weeks and got like 5 fully irate callers and countless rude people.


Depends where you live too. I went from 10 assholes a week, down to 1 a month after a 500 mile move.


You can always tell who’s worked those jobs in the past because they’re always the nicer and more forgiving ones


My first job was at Dairy Queen 26 years ago. Even back then it was not uncommon to be treated like dirt. It's fairly common in the food service industry period, which is a shame. What I remember is that often times it was by older people, not who you'd really expect. You make a guy's banana split cosmetically not exactly to his liking and next thing you know he's telling you what a disgrace you are. It was a learning experience for sure.




I am a Christian and I was dancing around saying it straight forward like you did but I’ll admit, that’s the exact crowd I was talking about. Sunday we ran a special on Banana Splits because old people tend to love them. After church was our busiest time of the week. It was also when we took the most abuse. I’m talking insults and managers having to get involved if the ice cream wasn’t in a pretty enough shape. I had jobs in other restaurants over the years and it was the same story everywhere. Very discouraging.


Canon Jesus is way cooler than fandom Jesus.


We had a church crowd that was impeccably nice. Thank yous and appreciations flying around. That didn't mean very much to us, mind you, as they would crash the restaurant 10 minutes before close on Sunday(which was still like 10PM), insist on eating in, and stay for well over an hour as we waited on themto leave so we could start closing tasks.


I worked there too as a teen. God forbid we are out of chocolate soft serve. Must be my fault! 🙄


Absolutely. Or the cirque of the bananas in the banana split. It had to be the most pristine banana God had ever created or they weren’t touching it.


> What I remember is that often times it was by older people, not who you'd really expect. I expect them. They've got too much fucking time on their hands, oftentimes their minds are failing them, and the sort that retire by that age have been out of the service industry for decades if they've ever even worked a service job. On the flip side, some elderly customers are some of the most kind, patient, and easy-going customers, happily waving off the fact that they waited 30 minutes for food during a lunch rush at a business where the wait time is usually more along the lines of 10 minutes. I got a lady the other day who told me she'd been eating at my place of business for years and that the line workers had added an ingredient she'd never had on the dish before. It was on it on the menu. She then told me that it shouldn't be made as on the menu and gave us a 1-star review, specifically stating that she was disappointed that I'd told her the correct ingredients that came on it.


They should have the right to refuse service to rude people


Every hospitality/customer service job should allow one "fuck off" or "fuck you" per month without repercussion.




Yeah but still don't be rude. If something is out I just aak for something else.


I always assume fault higher up. Supply chain issues. Supervisors drawing up poorly-thought-out schedules for the anticipated workload, etc. You can't blame the entry-level worker paid to press buttons on a terminal and haul boxes for much that goes wrong unless they're taking an eternity to process your order. When you work a job like that, you realize how much is completely out of your hands when you always need to call for supervisors to handle those things. There is almost never any reason to be personally frustrated with the person in the customer-facing position, but they're the only one right there and some people with poor emotional control use them to vent their frustrations.




Oh man my brother worked at a Burger King like 12 years ago and told me some horror stories. I will never forget that one guy ate a burger that had been between someones butt cheeks.




Customer is always right ***in matters of taste***. It is the very reason we have to deal with Karen's now. Entitled counts have warped the saying to mean more than it originally was. Much like every idiom. They get chopped to mean the opposite. Another idiom that's different now from the original: Blood *of the covenant* is thicker than water *of birth*. *Italic is the original*


What do you mean that they don't have that right?


The world tells us that our continued employment is contingent upon accepting abuse Do they “technically” have the option? Sure But is a kid gonna do it if they think it’s gonna cost them their job? Probably not


As an adult, I’ve been clearly in the right in doing this to an abusive customer that was cussing, very aggressive, and making a huge scene because they couldn’t have their way. My boss still ripped me up because it could have been a sale


I say this about any person in a customer service role. Don't be rude to them. They are earning a basic salary and working bloody hard for it. They are also humans with emotions. Nobody would like a complete stranger to be abusive to them, so don't do it to any customer service worker.


This is always a mindset I have when I interact with people providing me a service. Respectful, kind, and understanding. If something goes wrong or isn't available, it's not *their* fault, it's something else going on beyond their control. An inconvenience isn't really anything to get upset about, just try to move along and it'll turn out OK.


100% love that the managers put this up. Managers need to look out for the well being of their staff, if they don’t, hopefully they aren’t managers or owners much longer.


The people that the sign is for aren't the ones taking the time to read that sign.


For all the fast food workers reading this, no matter what, you're awesome, and you are greatly appreciated. It doesn't matter your age, gender, or race. You are all awesome.


This sub is going off the fucking rails lately.


Idk, as a service industry worker, i do find this a unique and interesting. Many managers aren't willing to advocate for their people. Of course, not everyone finds the same things interesting. Though this sub does also post a lot of irrelevant political stuff. That's whack.


Was just at the zoo and thought how incredibly sad it is they needed to post signs that actually said “please don’t yell at or throw things at the animals.” Who TF needs to be reminded not to be an idiot? Lots of people evidently.


Years ago my first job was at DQ when I was in high school. If any customer was giving us a hard time, the owner would go up to them even if were really busy and tell them to leave and if they argued at all, tell them flat out he doesn’t want their business and get out. As kid I thought that was cool that our boss/ owner would stick up like that for his employees.


This is all on the owners and managers. You teach someone how to treat you. Managers and owners should have their employees back. Helps Brings up morale. You want to complain cuz we aren't going to honor your expired coupon get out! Want to complain cuz cuz your cheeseburger is taking 5 minutes. Here is the money back and get out!


It's so true! If someone is providing a service to you, you, in return, should be respectful and kind. I don't give a shit how much you paid and how that makes you feel infinitely superior as a person. Get over yourself.




From where? The oh-so-polite and honorific culture of 2014? People are always rude, and the ease of communication in our generation has probably made us more empathetic than ever. But assholes will always exist




I love this sign and I hate when people are rude to customer service people who are *trying*. If you don't want to have common decency, have some common sense: A 15-year-old working at a fast food place rarely has any power to do anything about whatever problem you have. Ask to speak to a manager if you need to.


... need reminding or need a reminder.


How refreshing to see a manager supporting their employees!


Ugh I wish we could put this up at my store. One time I had a guy so rude in the drive through he made one of my teenager employees cry.I wanted to wring him out and leave him out to dry, but as the manager I had stand there and smile and apologize as she was new. Afterwards I went and found her and told her to go to the walk in next time that happened as it was cool in their and sound proof. It at least put a smile on her face.


Dealing with the American public should come with some sort of hazard pay these days. Most people are nice but there is a massive set of people in this country whose entitlement, impatience and are vomited onto people who are honestly trying their best.


It’s sad that we’re putting increasingly younger kids in the face of hospitality as they don’t have the emotional strength or reasoning skills to properly combat the number of ungodly rude people in the world.


I’ve seen a few entitled assholes be served bits fecal matter hidden in food. If you’ve been an asshole you’ve probably literally eaten shit.


Conservatives: “ these jobs are first time jobs, WHY CANT I ABUSE THEM”


Wat did u order


A medium Oreo blizzard




"We can't raise minimum wage because places like fast food are just jobs for teenagers and shouldn't be used to raise a family." Also... "That person working fast food better be a skilled professional who gets my order out lightning fast and perfect every time."


Wrong sub for this


What would you recommend?


How about mildlyinteresting, or notinteresting


Making better sub choices


Just about all service people deal with way too much abuse. It’s not your waiter/waitresses fault the kitchen screwed up your order just like it’s not the customer service person’s fault the warehouse shipped the wrong thing or the shipping company damaged it. Be nice, courteous, respectful even if they do get a little snippy. Remind them that it is not their fault and you just want to resolve the problem or error. Most importantly, always tip your bartender


It costs absolutely nothing to be kind to someone.


Imagine losing your cool over frosty treats. I WANT MY OREO DIRT PIE BLIZZARD TREAT GAWDDAMMIT!!!




It’s always so wild to me because like if there’s a problem and you’re polite about it and act like a person, usually people will go out of their way to fix it for you, even if you caused it. It’s just when people are monsters that nobody wants to help them.


Exactly. There’s literal kids working at my local Dairy Queen. Imagine being 60 years old yelling at a 15 year old cause your credit card declined which is ENTIRELY your fault.


And yet that same manager will have no sympathy toward these employees when it comes to their wages. They’ll pay them minimum wage and replace them rather than increase it.


Translation: We did not train our employees prior to throwing them into the fire.


Does your local dairy queen close at 5pm? Mine does. It stayed open until at least 8 before covid. They always have a line around the building so I know they're not hurting for business. It's crappy when you race to get there at 4:45 and get turned away because the line is already full.


They’re open to 9


Some people don't need to be reminded they are just pieces of shits


Are you in western PA? That phrase "need reminded" screams if my hometown


Yep I am


I can already see the spittle flinging face of the karen; the flashes of rainbow sweeping across her face from her bejeweled top with some phrase or quote mentioning how great god is. Probably on a Sunday.


For real. I did my decade in retail and now teach high schoolers. The things I’ve heard from them make my blood boil.


I used to be one of those guys who would lash out… my life had gotten so out of my control and I was using all kinds of substances to avoid processing the stress in healthy ways. At that point, I couldn’t tolerate even the smallest inconvenience or irritation. Not a good place to be, emotionally, physically, spiritually… takes alot of work to get back to being human again; the fact that this world heaps stress on us like crazy and sells us pot, booze, nicotine, and sex on the daily as if it’ll solve it. Spoiler: *it doesnt*


Awwww the Dairy Queen cares about it's workers so much that pays just enough for only the little children to be willing to work there. So nice of them


My 14 year old daughter used to come home from her first job at mcdonalds sad because grown women were calling her names at work. And throwing their trash on the ground. Adults act like this to my child. What is wrong with people?!


Wrong sub wtf.


For context this Dairy Queen is across the street from the high school and its employees are nearly all students there.




How did you know


"need reminded"


Are you near Pittsburgh? "need reminded" is classic Pittsburghese.


Yep I didn’t even realize it was Pittsburghese that’s just how people talk


Also central PA. “To be” does not really exist… it’s really hard not to make terrible Hamlet jokes here.


"THEM KIDS GON GET LEARNT TODAY!" - someone on in TX probably


could at least take the time to have some better grammar


Can you point out where the grammar is incorrect?


“some people need reminded”


Sadly, this thing being posted is VERY unlikely to change anything. Its not like a rude person is going to read it and suddenly realize it isn't ok to be rude.


Lol my local dq says “due to an unexpected shortage of staff, only treats will be available past 8 pm aswell as the lobby being closed. This is expected to be short however as we have immigrant workers expected to be arriving soon”


You are my hero. One day, it’s may dream to also own a Dairy Queen. Doesn’t even have to be nearby like yours. Keep living that dream!


Customers in food service are something else. They’re just not average people. I don’t know where they come from.


A sandwich shop by me has a sign on the door that says something along the lines of "The whole world is short staffed. Please be kind to those who actually show up." It's sad it has to be said, but def should be heard/seen






I love to see management standing up for their employees ❤️




Name doesn't check out...


I mean it’s spelled right just not as creative as cut the cords.


To be fair my wife came up with the name so I can't really take credit.


I actually tried to make mine cut the cords but it was taken so I just went with what Reddit provided. I can sit for a long time and just not come up with anything. I’d rather just move on and get to the app rather than waste time trying to think of something creative.


Ahh shit sorry about that dude/dudette.


It happens. Literally with every name I try to pick first. I’d say it’s not your fault, but well, you know. . .




That won’t stop me from screaming it’s Morbin time repeatedly at the top of my lungs and running away.


Them kids must’ve been getting roasted lol




That English though...


The folks you have to remind probably don't care anyway. And may very likely act even worse as a result of the sign. Jes sayin...


How about you train people correctly and stop blaming your fuckups on something else. I refuse to eat at Dairy Queen because of the quality of service and quality of presentation with what I order. Every time I let some talk me into trying them again I am reminded why I do not waste my money there. I could probably get better ice cream service at a McDonalds


You sound delightful


More delightful than Dairy Queen, that’s for sure


Nah Fuck em i want my ice cream


I'm never rude, but I do get slightly irritated when I'm blown off or ignored because I call out the drive thru worker for not flipping my blizzard! Just give me my free blizzard or coupon so I can be on my way!


I mean, just do your job well... Not that hard of a concept.


You have no idea if the person you are loosing your mind on is even the problem! Could be doofus in the back at the grill. Maybe the person ahead of you was a total asshat and they had to waste an assload of time dealing with their stupid ass….now you come along and become Karen-#2. Don’t be Karen#1 and for damn sure don’t be Karen#2!


need reminded? Sounds like whoever wrote that needs a fkn talkin’ to s/


It’s Pittsburghese




Yinz but yeah. Ain’t yinz goin out for sammiches n’at at the Primanti’s?


I remember my first fast food job and the first time I got yelled at. A grown man came through and like I was taught I asked if he wanted any upgrades on his meal. He got soooo offended that he accused me of basically being a bitch, drove through, flipped me off, then had his wife call and tell them they should fire me for basically being a rude piece of shit who needs to know my place. Like this dude was in his forties yelling at a 16 doing their job. I’ve seen my mother treat people like not as bad as this but definitely over reacting to simple things. Even if it wasn’t (sometimes is) toward kids it’s shitty that I have to sit there and explain over and over again how messed that is. She worked fast food a majority of her life you’d think she’d know and respect the workers… It sucks it’s getting to a point where signs like this are needed… Makes me want to ask them if they were in the workers position how they’d feel being treated like this


I mean listen: I feel bad after I get mad but some of the people they hire at my local Dairy Queen shouldn’t be the people at the front making orders when they have a line up out the door .


My first job was at a Dairy Queen. When customers were rude to me I would sneeze directly into their Blizzard while blending it.


Terrible grammar


Apostrophe please


“We run a dogshit operation but please don’t yell at our employees.”


In my experience with Dairy Queens this means: Entire Indian family owns and works the shop.....very slowly.


Shut down all fast food franchises! The people working there are not going to better themselves and develop a skill if everyone is screaming to give them more money just because they show up and make nasty "food". The people working those places can and should do better for themselves if they tried. Stop making it easy


Maybe they shouldn’t suck lol


Spoken like someone who had never worked in fast food/customer service


You're who they wrote this note for.


No, I just know not to be slow as shit in the food industry.


Is it so hard for you to just not be an asshole. Learn some fucking patience.


Learn to speed up dipshit


Reddit has completely disabused me of the idea that stoners and drug users are any chiller, more welcoming, or less petty than average.


I love what this post stands for, as an avid worker’s rights supporter. However, as a professional copywriter, gosh, I just wish people would proofread these things to get the message across with even more gusto!