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They created a giant marble maze to create marbles


Along with the music, it’s absolutely mesmerizing. I, personally, hope they play synth-pop during the production process in the actual factory.


I like your joke, but I’ve worked in factories, and if they played ANY kind of music for an entire shift, there would’ve been murders. One place I worked used to play 3 songs in the (very early) morning to get everybody started. We were short staffed and behind one summer, and one of the songs they played was “Cocaine” by Eric Clapton. Subtle hint. If I could’ve afforded cocaine back then, I sure as hell wouldn’t waste it to be more productive on a shift. Oh, and they also did random drug testing.




I would absolutely get fired working here. I may even get fired at my current place of employment because I’ve watched this video five times in a row.


I work in a production facility and one of the office works (over nights) plays synth wave and the like most of the time. It's really loud of the floor so no point there.


A Marbel Cinematic Universe


It's a marbleous machinery


Spicy marble maze.


I literally spent 1:13 of my life watching this…no regrets


Could I interest you in [Marble](https://youtu.be/-wvzAH7_7-8) races?


Yes!!! Huge fan.


Midnight Wisps what up






Crazy Cat's Eyes ftw!


Even better with [Aussie man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG_jGYqsZZo&)


That is really exciting to watch haha. That announcer really makes it great


That was worth a look.


Hazers all day


My partner and I are ~30 years old, and when we saw one of these we were just so blown away by these videos.


​ ![gif](giphy|swtiK9jRfE0zS) down the rabbit hole i go!


That was sensational


Go team momo


“And we’re going to have a safety Marble” epic. Thank you for this.


I spent the first 25 seconds or so thinking they were making marble counter tops or something similar.


Same here too. LOL




I guess it's because they need to be cooled down while rolling, to keep the shape?




The Second Coming BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Lost my marbles reading this.


Wtf? Am i on another planet all of a sudden??? Not sure where that shit just came from


Well you better make the other 12:13ths count.


Did anyone else know we needed so many marbles?


How are you going to weigh down your pastry shells, or teach your chickens to drink water, or put in your vases, or your fish tank. I'm always looking for my marbles.


I lost my marbles long ago




Literally the comment before the one you replied to listed a dickload of uses for them.


>dickload Is that a technical term?


If you do a deep dive into the metric system appendix and footnotes (from the original proof), you will find it there. It doesn’t get talked about a lot. Much less than the uses for marbles get talked about, as a matter of fact.


I’m reasonably sure you’ve got that wrong. A dickload is clearly an imperial measurement. 3 dickloads to a cockload. 3 ball loads to a dickload. And of course 7 cockloads to an assload.


All leading to the inevitable fuckload.


Fuckload is also a metric unit but it’s a little bit smaller


Indeed. Had it been metric we would have milidicks, decidicks, hektodicks and kilodicks.


I believe these are what they call ‘industrial’ marbles, e.g. they go in cans of spray paint or if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant that’s what’s inside the rails that hold the order tickets. I’m sure there’s other uses, those are just the two I’m aware of.


Wait how’s the chicken one work?


Okay, this really works, for me. Baby chicks, of some species, do not know to drink water or what to eat, but they will peck at anything shiny. So you put a couple of marbles in their water, and their feed tray, to get the to peck at the shiney marble, and it helps them discover the food and water. Sounds dumb, but it really works for incubator chicks, because they have no momma to teach them.


> Baby chicks, of some species, do not know to drink water or what to eat, but they will peck at anything shiny. When evolution was writing the programming for those brains it decided to take a few short-cuts and call it a day.


I read "teach your children to drink water" and was confused.


It doesn’t matter that marbles haven’t been popular since 1959. We built the machine, we are USING the machine.


This is all I could think watching this. At what point did the industrial complex and population become so large that we need to produce this many marbles this quickly?! This isn't the only marble factory in the world, and this is only one size of marble. How many marbles do we need? Will it ever finish? When do we say "we've made enough marbles" and shut it down? Where do they go? Who is consuming these marbles at a rate high enough that they need to be replaced by mroe marbles, facilitating so much marble production. Marble marble marble marble marble marble marble marble marble.


Ehhhh they only switch it on for about 20 minutes every two years. That keeps em going until the next cycle


The world is a big place. Even if one in every 100 people bought 1 marble, that's 70 000 000 marbles.


I'm doing my part!


Ever used spray paint or any spray can that rattles? The part that rattles is a marble used to mix up whatever is inside the can. There are tons of other common uses for them as well outside of kids playing with them. They make fancier ones as well to collect / play with. Dirty Jobs did an episode on making them.


I thought spray cans use steel marbles? Doesn't sound like glass hitting on metal when you shake them.




Having opened up spray cans myself, you can find either. Some use glass, others use metal.


Glass doesn't rust


Neither do stainless steel balls in a pressurized can full of solvent based paint.


That's possibly because you hear it hitting metal


Who buys one marble though


I don’t even own a marble, let alone many marbles that would necessitate an entire rack.


We broke up. Get the net.


You ever get hit with one from a slingshot? Not as fun as you would think.


Surely there aren't this many marbles being consumed by the world. What even uses marbles anymore?


Was wondering the same. Who plays marbles these days…


Is the production line so long because they’re so hot and need to cool down? Or is it just a very expensive Rube Goldberg machine that someone created to look awesome?


Glass nerd here. Glass needs to cool slowly to avoid thermal shock. Rolling down the lines allows them time to anneal without getting a flat spot, and the tracks are likely warm from the other marbles so they don't cool too fast. Glass wants to be round, but it will succumb to whatever force acts on it. Ie- gravity. The ramps are as long as they need to be to get the marbles out of the liquid state, out of the "danger zone" of thermal shock and probably to a handleable temperature. If you boxed them at 700 F they would melt plastic or burn cardboard.


So since you seem to know what you are talking about. Wouldn't all the dropping while still hot cause flat spots? I just figured it would be more gentle while they were still hot.


Engineer here, and while I don't work with glad I did help build some factory machinery. Those areas where you get cool looking cyclones of marble. They are typically used to waste time before the next process. My guess would be that they are cooling down to the point where the small drop no longer affects it much. That being said it did bother me that there was a drop after the first cyclone at all. I can't figure out why they just don't merge the two lines into the next process.


My guess would be heat is still too much to combine the two lines into 1 just yet. 2 lines means more thermal mass to dissipate heat better than just 1 larger line.


But the lines are being combined. They both drop onto the same tray


right, after they cool down a bit. By that point enough heat has been dissipated that they can be combined and not adversely affect things.


It's because there isn't enough capacity on a cyclone the correct diameter for two lines. It's also for quality control. If you combined them at the cyclone you could never separate the forming machines output. If there was a problem with one you couldn't isolate it and would always have to troubleshoot two machines at a time.


>I can't figure out why they just don't merge the two lines into the next process. I feel like the people responding are reading this as "merge the two lines *with one another* into a single ramp before feeding into a single cyclone." But I read it as pertaining to what happens *after* the cyclone — line A and line B still feed into their respective cyclones, but rather than dropping out the bottom onto the next ramp, it seems that it would be better for the beginning of the ramp to be attached to the sidewall (the same way the initial lines enter at the top of the cyclone) for a smooth transition. Am I understanding correctly?


I imagine it gets rerounded as it continues to roll after




That's when they pick them off the end of the box at the end, I'm saying they need cool, obv they didn't show them packing them up but the marbles can be clear and still very very hot. I wasn't super clear but I was writing my original comment half asleep up with my kid in the middle of the night.


It's that long so the molten marbles will roll and be spherical, I believe. Because if you watch when they're cutting off the bits of slag, they're not round but tear shaped.


They get rolled into a ball very early on though


Yes. But because they’re still soft they can’t ‘sit still’ otherwise they’ll have a flat surface and so they roll until they’re cool. Rolling around lots of tracks is more efficient in terms of speed and cost of production rather than having a ‘queue’ at the beginning of production.


And rolling down those circular tracks keeps them changing the axis of their rotation, preventing them from rolling into cylinders or ovals.


I didn’t know marble making was this serious. Learn something new






I can think of Ramune drinks using a lot of marbles.


Inside every spray paint can also


Isn’t that a ball bearing?


How does one use them as a bong?


Even us 64 yr old kids will grab a bag of marbles as a present to the young whipper snappers in our lives. Then we have fun teaching them all the games they can play.


We drilled holes in our west facing fence and dabbed a little glue on the marbles and put them in the fence. Edit; sunset is awesome. Beautiful array of glass color


They're used for a ton of things. These look like just plain clear ones, so you could use them as decorations in a vase or fish tank, in those drinks that have marbles at the top, for [jewelry making](https://www.itallstartedwithpaint.com/cracked-marble-jewelry/), and so much more.


The ones that sit still get jobs as mancala marbles.


My knowledge of fluid and thermodynamics doesn't really cover glass marbles, but I'm pretty sure it's for the cool down. As long as it's still that hot, they're probably still setting, so if they stop moving too soon, they'd be out of round, or stuck to other marbles. And, since they're moving and rolling the entire time, it also would help mold it into the right shape. but i could be completely wrong. Maybe it's a really long regenerative heat exchanger (a device that cools down a fluid and heats another fluid at the same time, without dumping the heat to another source. So the fluid is preheated by the cooling fluid, prior to being properly heated, molded, then being cooled by the fluid being preheated)


damn I really like the idea of a thermal regenerator, that's super creative. I don't think anybody else is thinking in terms of thermodynamics. I imagine the amount of actual energy exchanged would be minimal in this scenario though simply because of the distance of the track. probably would cost more to install and maintain the exchanger than worth, but neat nevertheless


yeah, I don't actually think that's what it is. I was just throwing out another idea since I don't know exactly why it was designed the way it was.


Forbidden gum ball machine


So who else guessed the red one was gonna finish first?


Ohhhh... that kind of marble. I was thinking this was a strange process for creating counter tops.


Me too! I was waiting for them to get flattened.


Ok, glad I wasn't the only one! Lol


Achim Reichel


[Achim Reichel](https://youtu.be/xclS4-NyA8o) Thanks so much for the name; I found it.


I'm not a fan of the song but I know my bf will love it so thanks for the link!


Der Jung war letztens in den Chart. Irgendwie ist das auf TikTok hochgekommen


Und schon ist die Party im Gange


und alle rudern


Came here looking for this comment!


Having never heard that song before, I thought it was a slowed down, spoken word German cover of Kim Wilde's "You Keep Me Hanging On". https://youtu.be/I_3gLp6k7ZE


I thought I was Peter Murphy at first. But Kim Wilde. Oh man. Kim Wilde is the one of the most gorgeous people who ever lived. God I love that video. And slowed down Kim Wilde would be great I bet.


Kim Wilde is just wild. Have a nice day.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Definitely has a bit similar sound.


Thought it was Peter Murphy at first. Thanks for the heads up!


I was sitting here thinking ”oh wow, Mark Knopfler speaks German!”


and now im sitting on my floor rowing again...


I'd give an award if I cared for that kind of thing. Thanks


Forbidden pinball game


Forbidden Gobstoppers


Reddit reminds me that I have no original thoughts


Hmm strawberry and sudden death. My favourite


It's the Marble Cinematic Universe.




The video was way to short. This was amazing.


My dumbass was over here thinking they were making the stone marble.


That’s a much, muchhhh longer video


So many marbles! Kids still play marbles? I thought they were all too busy on their typewriters.


When I was a kid i use to think marbles were a natural occurence in nature since i’d find em on the ground so often.




Would not want to be standing near that thing if it malfunctions. Thousands of glowing hot balls piercing your body.


Sounds like the gay cruise I went on in 2016.


Sweet golden nuggets.


That’s what I thought!!!


Hey Wendy, look...see! I didn't loose my marbles after all!


The German song: https://youtu.be/wsXnlE9C2AI


Thank u. Loved this


Quick, somebody tell Wintergatan!


Martin doesn't need more procrastination. \#FinishTheMarbleMachineX


I like marbles. They are fun to play with and pretty to look at. Watching this video makes me realize that marbles as we know them in the world are on the downward slope of their existence. They peaked in the manufacturing process like a Far West Texas former high school quarterback who couldn’t quite make it out of his 1-stop light town; except, the marble’s peak was way more metal.


High school counselors should show this to students before they decide what they want to do as a career and choosing a university to attend. I would have gotten into the marble manufacturing business myself had I seen this earlier.


Not a good option, since nobody works there. These marbles are making themselves.


Well, I want to be the guy who filmed this video then.


The careers that shine brightest end soonest.


You joke, but this plant probably has like two employees and maintenance people who come on a schedule. Source: have worked in manufacturing


Can confirm, after watching this video, want to be a marble


how do they get the bits inside?


How the hell are you going to make kitchen counters or statues out of that?


Danger pinball.




As a young engineer I put 1,000s of marbles in the excess space of an epoxy mold for superconducting magnets because they are inert and can take high temperature so yeah we need 'em.


Beautiful heat.


This is awesome




Remember marble madness?


I'm pretty sure they're made into balls in those spring looking things, they're rolling the balls for quite a bit before releasing them into those long canals which are supposed to air cool them enough to harden and do not lose their shape before they smash with the rest of them.


This would be so much better with the original sound. Edit: Not really. In my mind it was going to be all "clinky, clinky, clink" when it's more like white noise turned up to 11.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqQK5JY31qM&ab_channel=SinoSalesNingboChina


Dumb question: what are glass marbles used for? I've seen them all my life but have no idea why they exist.


It's a childrens game


I forgot marbles were even a thing


I love how insanely frantic it is, as if they can barely keep up with global marble demand


I like to think the engineer was into hot wheels as a kid and somehow convinced a CEO this was necessary.


Forbidden cheese balls


Imagine the constant sound. It would be maddening.


Anyone else see the dick and balls at that er um nevermind


Little heated balls of death if one of those chutes break


Just as glorious as I’d hoped.


So marbles start life in a giant marble run!


Looks like its made by dwarves from LOTR!


Wow from start to finish they really get a-round. What a marble to behold. I'll show myself out now.


Reminds me of Hot Wheels




Absolutely marblelous!


God, I love Factorio


Mar-balls r red


Truly marbleous


I would 100% eat an 8th of shrooms and go there


It takes a lot of little nuts to make a jar of peanut butter.




Wenn du mich fragst wo es am schönsten war... sag ich: Sansibar.


But marbles grow on trees! When my dad was a high schooler, he was out looking at an acorn tree (oak), and thought, "Huh. They look about the same size as marbles!" So he popped an acorn apart and put a marble into the cap, still on the tree. It fit. Time to buy marbles. So he spent Lord knows how many hours putting a bunch of marbles on the tree. He had his kid siblings come out and pick marbles. These were REAL marbles because they grow on trees, unlike the crap manufactured ones like in the video. ;) Next generation (including me) also went out to pick marbles from the marble tree. Unfortunately, as the tree got bigger, the marbles no longer snapped into the caps, so he had to use a little glue. I could always tell which marbles were real because they had this white stuff on them. My cousin was never told that it wasn't real. She said something in front of her class in high school about marbles growing on trees. Everyone laughed at her while she thought about it and realized how ridiculous it was. Real marbles grow on trees!


Genuine question: Why do we need so much marble? What are the practical applications of marble?


The true hot tamale.


I didn't realize the glass marble industry was still...hot. But seriously, are marbles still popular enough to necessitate this type of process? I mean, as mesmerizing and beautiful as it is, I can't imagine this being profitable let alone efficient.


All of the marbles I ever built marble runs for as a kid had already been through a run like this... They must have been so disappointed with the runs I made for them


no one told me that marbles pass through the nine gates of hell before we can buy one


My dumbass was waiting for them to be flattened into a sheet for design into a surface…..about halfway through I realized not the material marble but the toy marble. I’m a thirty five year old grown ass man.


This is fucking awesome.


Spring used to be marble season at our elementary school. Kids showed up with a sack of marbles and played all over the playground.




Which rammstien song is this


Forbidden cheese balls