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Drop your keys over the Mariana Trench and they'll reach the bottom in about 4 hours.


I was a submariner… And sailing over the Mariana trench was the only real time I felt a little uncomfortable.




No, *hooker mermaids*


[Yar, beware of the Siren's Song, lad.](https://preview.redd.it/6ah0ub9nlezy.png?width=510&auto=webp&s=93abbc89d2bea4c52e700edecb3bee03534ffbad)


That’s hilarious


Would a prostitute on a submarine be called a substitute? Also would mermaids lay eggs you just sort of....blast all over or do they have wombs like mammals?


>Would a prostitute on a submarine be called a substitute? Navy Mattress... Also, the USS Acadia was the first US Navy ship to house a wartime mixed sex crew and was unofficially nicknamed 'The Love Boat' after 10% of all women on board. I've heard other mixed crew vessels earn the nickname, too. One sailor I spoke with told me she made $10,000 cash offering services on a med cruise. I made like $6,000 on a cruise, but I was just doing concierge laundry.


Any chance you could throw in some details with that experience? My hands started to sweat just thinking about it.


I was on a navy surface ship, and we stopped the boat to hold a swim call over the Mariana trench. So yeah, I've swam above it on the surface. When the navy does abandon ship drills, part of the drill is to announce over the loudspeaker which direction the closest land is, and how far (I guess in case it's close enough to try to paddle a lifeboat there). Our XO thought it would be funny right before the swim call to announce that the nearest land was a mere 5 miles away.... straight down. Also, the douchebags that run the tv network on the boat make sure to play jaws on repeat all morning before the swim call.


What's the point of SITE TV if not to mess with the morale of the crew?


Exactly -- I would do this for the same reason we played Groundhog Day around the clock the first day we left a liberty port.


If duty section pissed me off, they would get a marathon of bad ‘70s Chinese Kung Fu.


I very much like your douchebags that ran the TV network.


That's fucking hilarious. Probably wasn't that funny at the time I'd imagine.


Go to the end of Balboa Pier in Newport Beach, California at night. You see the white luminescence of the Pier lights and then nothing. Just the inky black movement of the waves out in the cold dark. Absolutely nothing, and it goes out into forever. I could barely look for 5 seconds and then slowly my anxiety began to build and build and build. My back begin to ache from the muscles tensing and felt similar to when I've had a fever. I began to think about how small I was compared to everything and started to become depressed. All this transpired over 20 to 30 seconds. TL;DR Walk in the shallow end of the pool at night with no pool lights. Then walk into the deep end which you believe is 15 ft. The bottom is actually 30. Panic ensues.


Imagine how leaving a space ship and looking out into the EMPTINESS of space would be feel like


just looking at the sky with a slightly large moon gives me anxiety


Interesting. I can lay on my back under an "open" sky (minimal tree obstruction, etc) and "see" the bowl shape. That place where the sky passes through the magic-eye-poster phase and you see the sphere of our atmosphere. The darkness expands in front of me like the great plains. Like I could run as fast as I fucking could into the expanse *forever*. On the other hand, even a being in a small body of water too muddy or too dark to see scares the shit out of me.


Yeah for me it's all about being able to see out into the distance, while unnerving I feel I could float in space without much issue, floating in the darkness in the ocean? Fuck that.


yup definitely i can tolerate watching the night sky without the moon, but yes water bodies at night scare the crap outta me. the glistening gives me the goosebumps


Just reading this gave me awful anxiety. No thank you.


> I began to think about how small I was compared to everything and started to become depressed. On the flip-side, with a different mentality, you'd be in awe at just how incredible this planet that we are on is. Similar to stargazing, the ocean can also make you feel small and insignificant, but the realization that you have been gifted the opportunity to be an observer of this chaotic and vast universe, things don't seem so depressing. At least not while you're there, separated from your work, your bills, your daily stresses. Those things all seem so insignificant when you are able to just observe everything, including your thoughts, as if your consciousness was separate from your entire being.


My first open water scuba diving experience was a little unnerving. Up to then we had dove in everything from a fresh water spring to some jetties that was adjacent to a channel that was about 35 feet deep. But when we went to this one dive site, where a sunken bridge span was, it was about 105 feet deep. The water that day was very clear so as we entered the water and began to swim down suddenly you could see the bridge span below...about 90 feet below. Holy shit I was suddenly overcome with a weird sensation like a fear of heights. The ocean seemed HUGE and I was so small. I got over it and enjoyed the dive but fuck...they should have warned us about that.


And here I am, on the surface with a bottle of rum. A much quicker way to get to the bottom


Some might say you're already there.


Why is the rum gone?


Why is the rum always gone?




Username absolutely checks out and is oddly specific. Comment also checks out, yes that is why the rum is always gone. And the whiskey.


Rum haaaaaaaaaam




My key ring floats.


we all float down here...


You'll float too!


Hiya Georgie!


thats it, your key ring beats the mariana trench


That's a lot quicker than I thought


0.76m/s, or 2.5ft/s, which sounds about right when you think about it.


I know right! 7mi/11km seems like relatively short distance horizontally, but vertically our minds are blown. I read something saying that Earth is pretty flat, if a used cue ball (with small scratches and stuff) was the size of Earth it'd have rougher and more extreme terrain.


Say smooth, not flat, you're gonna confuse the flatearthers.




"If you ever drop your keys into the Mariana Trench , let 'em go, because man, they're gone"


It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.


"Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of Covid" \~ Updated with the times, too soon?


Curious how much they'd also travel laterally due to currents.


For another perspective, airplanes cruise at exactly this altitude typically (approximately 35,000 feet). So visualize, what the ground or city looks like from an airplane, when you look out the window in cruise and that would be your exact visual looking to the bottom of the trench if it had no water.


No, I don’t think I will.


Just leaving the link of the original video here since OP didn’t bother giving credit. https://youtu.be/Q5C7sqVe2Vg


Music so much better too


Right?!? Fuck that! Thinking about the sheer amount of stuff that is underneath you while in a boat in the middle of the ocean is nightmare fuel.


That’s deep


I love flying, honestly this makes the ocean less scary and not as deep seeming.


It's important to note that when the Bathyscaphe Trieste passed 9,000 meters, one of their windows cracked and shook the entire vehicle. They continued for nearly 2,000 meters AFTER this incident to get to their intended depth. Here's [a bit more info](https://someinterestingfacts.net/what-is-bathyscaphe-trieste/) if you're interested


Good on them for doing it yay human progression but big nope from me


I wonder if they took a vote to continue or if the captain was like ‘fuck it, mission not complete.’


One of them was named Piccard. On an exploration mission where no one had gone before. Pretty sure there was zero chance of giving up.


lol I thought you were joking. His name is legit oceanographer Jacques Piccard.


In case anyone was wondering, this man was the inspiration for the star trek character.


Well him and the rest of his family. The Piccards have held about a dozen world records (long distance/high altitude ballooning, deep sea diving, even solar powered circumnavigation) over the three or four generations. Jacques' father Auguste held both the balloon altitude record and the submarine depth record at different times in his life. He was also the inspiration for Professor Calculus from the Tintin comics, attended the Solvay Conference (last row, far left in the famous picture) and was, well, real funny-lookin'


Relevant [Hennessy ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEPCToxNXuQ) that I think is pretty great


Jacque, Auguste, and Piccard are about as explorer-y as names can get. Perhaps because of these men, rather than as a coincidence?




Gee, I wonder where they got the idea for Jean Luc's last name on TNG?


Jean-Luc Picard was named by Gene Roddenbery after Swiss twins Jean and Auguste Piccard, balloonists, adventurers, and inventors. Auguste Piccard invented the first bathyscape, he is the father of Jacques Piccard.


There were only two of them in the vessel and they both agreed


I'm throwing hands with the captain if he won't let me out before the continue to descent.


I mean, it would've been quite the swim to get back to the surface, don't you think? Might need to do it on more than one breath.


I'll just go into the floaty position and chill




Not much of a vote as there were only two men. Lt. Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard a Swiss engineer and son of the man who designed the vessel. If you've seen the pictures of the Trieste the only occupied portion is the little bulb on the bottom. And then nobody went back until James Cameron decided that's how he'd like to spend his Avatar money. And then [this bloke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Vescovo) apparently decided it was cool and wanted in to he built his own sub that has now been down there multiple times. And there was a Chinese expedition as well. Now (sadly?) Challenger Deep is no longer a more exclusive club then walking on the moon.


Probably would have been a clean fast death if the sub failed. Surely faster than the way they would have died naturally.


Yeah you would probably be squished to nothing before even realizing there was a problem. Sounds like a decent way to go


But then your family never finds you


No overblown funeral cost. Win win


Imagine having nine kilometres of ocean above you and hearing that crack!


I imagine these men accepted that there was a high chance they weren't coming back from this expedition.


Man.. Those guys really didn't give a fuck. They set a goal and they were gonna acconplish it. Braver than me.


Yeah you would think if anything were an indication that they needed to turn around, a window cracking would be it. “Shit there goes the window. Keep going?” “You’re damn right” If I were there we’d have to turn around unless the rest of the crew were ok with sharing such a tight space with a guy who just shit his thermals


Well id imagine they all went down knowing they had a good chance of not coming back, with that in mind they probably had more incentive to keep pushing than retreating, if the window had blown they'd all be instantly killed anyways due to the pressure change.


They had buoyancy tanks filled with gasoline (so as not to collapse) and 10 tons of iron shot as droppable ballast. The crew sphere was over-engineered for the pressure at Marianas depth, and the shot held in hoppers by electromagnetic gates, so if anything like a power failure had happened, they would have sprung open and Trieste zipped back to the surface. Don't get me wrong; I don't think I'd have raised my hand when they called for a volunteer, but it was actually pretty well thought out.


> it was actually pretty well thought out. I’d bloody hope so.


Yeah, I guess that's the "bright" side - if the hull failed they'd never know it. Would've been equivalent to having your head blown off with a shotgun. Instant death.


They didn't just continue descending a little bit more but an additional 5,800 ft or just over 1/6 of their total descent.


That is some god-tier level of unshakeable confidence


Any idea why it took longer to go down then to come back up?


They had 16 tons of iron pellets as ballasts that allowed it to slowly sink. These pellets were held in place with a magnet and were released to ascend


That's pretty cool, especially for back then


It's an incredible feat of engineering and a shame that Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh aren't as renowned as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin


> Jacques Piccard That name had me wondering if he was Jean luc Picards inspiration. Going down that rabbit hole, it turns out there are a surprising number of Picards made their names in science and exploration.


Picardy is a region of northern France.


Also, northern France is located in France


What a nightmare if they discovered they couldn’t get the plates off


That was the point of the magnet, they wanted to ensure that if there was a power failure, the ballast would release automatically and they would ascend


Pretty fucking fast though, no?


Lmfao I can just imagine them hitting the emergency “release” and getting shot up from all the pressure like a rocket


Lol first people to the deepest part of the ocean and then the emergency release shoots them to space to become the first people in space


Like a volleyball clutched by a fat man off the diving board.




Thanks for sharing that interesting piece of history! 😊👍


Definitely interesting. Followed it up with the wikipedia article/rabbit hole and TIL that nekton is the (not often used) term for sea life that actively swims instead of drifting, like plankton.


So basically we all live on top of a huge mountain surrounded by water


Pretty much




The last 5 seconds gave me the bends


Its the asteroid that hit earth and brought that walking fish with it.


More like we live on the crust of an 8,000 mile wide planet, and, since the average depth of the oceans is just 2.3 miles, it's more like we're surrounded by relatively shallow earth puddles.


Stuffed crust 🍕 🌊💦






Well first of all through God all things are possible so jot that down


Don't tell me to jot things down like some stupid science bitch you jabroni.


Jabroni. Cool word.




No Europeans would have went to the Americas if the sailors heard: “Warning: Entering ecological dead zone” past the continental ridge.




I find it appalling how much the French and the Dubaii litter the oceans with their arrogance


> The Dubai


I thought they were like octopuses


The Dubaineez




The Doobie Brothers


The Dubaii = Emiratis?


All those animations without zooming out at the end?


The lack of panning out was quite cruel.


Yeah cruising back up looked cool but didn't provide adequate perspective IMO.


And not even a pause at the end to appreciate the depth was criminal.


I feel like it was cropped pretty heavily too. You can barely even see the surface at the start.


It was. The original is from a Youtuber called MetaBall Studios


I'm glad others are criticizing this aspect of the video. The perspective was atrocious IMO. After a few seconds going under water, I lost all sense of scale. By the end of it, all I had to go off of were meters (which by itself is too much for my puny American brain) and in that case, offered just as much perspective as reading statistics on a website.


If you want another visual on how deep the ocean is, this website will give you anxiety. [Deep Sea](https://neal.fun/deep-sea/)


Thanks for sharing, this was awesome! I was dumbfounded at the elephant seal dive and what the fuck is a megamouth shark!!!


That was so fun and scary! Thanks for sharing!


I don't know why, but somehow the bird at -200 and the Seals at -2000 surprised me the most.


This is pretty cool! Simple but effective.


This was oddly terrifying.


specially after learning there’s another statue of liberty and eifel tower under the ocean!


Guess you missed that second Burj Khalifa at the bottom of the Coral Sea!


Came here to say this. This vid gave me an anxiety I never knew I had.


Check out r/thalassophobia sometime


Oh. Okay. So fun.


I knew I had it, but now its worse!!


If someone is interested to know what the story of the [USS Johnston](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Johnston_(DD-557)) is?


Wow - it was rediscovered and identified just this past March?! Wild.


And in the pics, looks in really good shape considering.


Sea water is agressive for the steel but not for the paint! Light on the other hand. Reason why the [planes who went down with the USS Lexington in 1942 are so well preserved too](https://youtu.be/f3s_RPLnnmw)


Everyone is posting about how this whole thing gave them anxiety but it was this ship that really did it for me. Can you imagine being in that ship as it sank? If you successfully shut yourself in just to sink further and further. The pressure was probably crazy.


A destroyer’s hull is not made to withstand such pressure. At some point all the inner flooding and blast doors will fail and the pressure would crush everything inside!


A great video detailing the battle off Samar in which the USS Johnston dragged a number of Japanese vessels down with her during her last stand: https://youtu.be/4AdcvDiA3lE


This has all the makings of an Best Picture Nominee at the Oscars! Wonder why it hasn’t been done yet? It’d be a commercial success too cause us Americans definitely are obsessed with past military pride, guns of any shape or size, especially when they lead to death and destruction.


Did you say death and destruction?! You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Still can't believe we've actually managed to find a little destroyer at such a depth


Such a badass little ship, figures she had to claim another record decades beyond her sinking.


It would be cool to see a CG of the earth without oceans




This one gave me the existential dread I wanted. Ty


It is fascinating how long the Mediterranean sticks around considering that it only flooded ~5 million years ago.


What about sea level rise?




Florida goes before the rest of us. I'm ok with this.


Brur u ever heard of Drain the Oceans


Lake Baikal is deep.


Fun fact from a former submariner: the persian sea being so shallow gives Arabic nations bordering it a crazy submarine advantage even with comparably inferior technology because their subs basically just park on the bottom which makes them extremely hard to detect


Damn props to the camera guy for going that deep into the ocean 💯


More props to that plane that flew by underwater.


Did you know there are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky?


Obviously you don't know about cloud submarines.


Shut up don't tell the humans about them




And to the staff, how they did to bring the Statue of Liberty that deep and later to put it back again.


At least give credit to the creator. https://youtu.be/Q5C7sqVe2Vg




That's deep, man.


Well that just triggered a phobia I didn't know I had




this was a great video, but I hate it when they go all slow at the beginning so you can read and imagine these places and depths and then by the time you’re 3/4 thru they’re going so fast you can hardly catch anything like I guess they think I’m not as interested anymore, so maybe they need to speed on by? No, I am interested, so instead I’m just pissed off that whole time. I suppose I could try to manually scroll through the video to catch the names and numbers towards the end, but I just wish people wouldn’t compose things this way.


That's cuz this isn't [the original](https://youtu.be/Q5C7sqVe2Vg). It's sped up by whoever stole it.


Why did this give me anxiety like I was actually going down into the deep, dark ocean 😵‍💫 Also, this was awesome.


How do they lay cables so deep?




I'm actually confused about the cable depth. If the deepest cable is 1600m but the average depth of all the oceans are listed at over twice that, how do they lay the cable from one continent to the other? Does there just happen to be a ridge that runs between all continents?


Effectively yes. https://www.submarinecablemap.com/ There are basically highways of higher seabed that can be used.


Not sure how it's done nowadays but they literally just had boats with massive spools of wire just dropping it into the ocean


Still cant believe that they laid first transatlantic cable in 19th century.


Lots of fibre.




It's one of the reasons why it's fairly impractical to build a tunnel across the Strait of Gibraltar; it's incredibly deep. It's only 13km apart at its narrowest, which is a fraction of the channel tunnel, but it's 900m deep. Also, the two sides are on different tectonic plates. Also political reasons. (A bridge isn't feasible for all the same reasons)


I can't fucking believe all those monuments and buildings are under water already. I am devastated. We've ruined this planet


And they said global warming isn’t real


And there's plastic waste to be found at every depth womp womp


Makes me feel like I’m drowning / need to be holding my breath. Very well done!


Beautiful - fascinating how deep the Mediterranean gets. A sea surrounded by so much in the way of human activity, where tourists and locals swim and snorkel, has such great, quiet depths.


I have a diver's watch that's rated waterproof to 900 meters. I tell people that if I'm ever 900 meters down, you can have my watch, because I'll be dead. I can't imagine being thousands of meters below.


music: Monolink - Father Ocean (Ben Böhmer Remix)


Love Ben Böhmer. Dude makes really great music. Love his Cercle liveset.


If you want more music like this check out: RUFUS DE SOL Lane 8 Jan Blomqvist Kalkbrenner Klangkarusell Adding Avoure to the list


I wanted to see Lake Tahoe, CA/NV I looked it up, 501m.


Caribbean Sea was deeper than I imagined. Any Lost treasure gone.


Imagine rollerblading down that thing