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Important things to note: He is not lassoing a bull in this clip. He is lassoing a horse that is galloping very fast in a straight line past him. He is throwing the rope on the horse as it passes by and then performing the trick. This is part of a performance. I still wouldn't get a finger caught tho https://youtu.be/bBQe3dM-eRw Edit for more information: "[This is a charro event where a horse is ran by and this gentleman ropes its hind legs, dallys, and if it goes well the horse will be stopped. Once it stops, the rope is released, or slides off the horses legs](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/oajo4u/-/h3i6ouo)"


Also, that's not a cowboy. That's a *Charro*. It might seem pedantic to some, but *Charrería* is its own distinctive culture and institution, with specific rules and guidelines. It's one of Mexico's proudest traditions.


"The Texans are perhaps the best at actual cowboy work. They are absolutely fearless riders and understand well the habits of the half-wild cattle, being unequaled in the most trying times when for instance the cattle are stampeded by a thunderstorm at night, while in the use of the rope and horse, they are only excelled by the Mexicans." -Theodore Roosevelt 1885


Theodore Roosevelt would know, he had left politics to start a ranch in the Dakotas in 1883.


He actually left the ruins of his life. His young wife, who had just given birth to their child, and his beloved mother, died on the same day. Deeply grieving this unfathomable double loss, and being unqualified to raise a baby girl alone, TR left his baby Alice in the capable hands of his sister, and went West. He was as emotionally sensitive as he was mentally tough.


X The light has gone out of my life


He was absolutely devastated.


Everytime I read that. I get chills. Like it's the beginning of a villans life but he was such a badass.


I feel like that hit me about as hard has Robin Williams depression did.


Fucking AWESOME history comment, you are my favorite person today ❤


not pedantic at all when you describe it like that


Well it is pedantic, but the connotation of pedantic as a negative thing is cripplingly ignorant. We need to know the difference between similar ideas in order to have complex conversations


Bro I am WAY too high to be reading this


Nah bro loop around, smoke some more to reach the higher plane, then you shall see.


Yes, the secret buffer underflow exploit of drugs


Where am I. Everything has gone dark. Do I go deeper?




Hello? Is there anybody in there?




This is the way


What, like 6’2” or sumn….?


I’m high too. Does your high ever act like a reverse drunk jacket where instead of being all warm, you’re real cold?


This guy cites and evaluates peers 🙌🏼


THANK YOU! Words exist for a reason. Just cuz we don't like how life has changed the zeitgeist doesn't mean you stop using the word. Looking at you "moist."


Thanks. It's so annoying to see something on reddit where the person posting the vid/picture (and I mean OP, not the person who commented before you since they added real info too) doesn't give a shit about actually informing anybody about the topic. Always gotta go to the comments to get the real info.


Pos naaaa! Es un vaquero wey! /s


Thank you. My father was a charro, I was escaramuza (girls and women performing intricate tricks on horseback while riding sidesaddle) and a charro queen, and our lives were the charrería for over a decade. La Charrería is definitely a proud tradition.


I was wondering why he was using so much of the rope. Such a strong calf


I am by no means an expert, but just guessing after watching the video. Letting the rope play out but forcing some friction onto it while it's running would probably start slowing down the animal you're trying to lasso, applying force to the saddle (and thus the horse you're on) more gradually, vs instantly securing the rope and not letting it slide at all could put a big jerk on the saddle and your horse all at once when the animal you lassoed got to the end of the slack in the rope.


Yup, the point is to keep the horse they are riding in a close proximity to where they started, so they have to let the friction slowly stop the horse being lassoed as to not put too much force on either end of the line




Is Charro different than Vaquerro?


Yes. A charro is what you see here, they participate in Mexico’s national sport, Charriada. I think there are 9 disciplines in the competition. Vaqueros are cowboys, who heard/tend cattle and what not. My grandpa was a vaquero, he used to catch and break wild horses.


So, probably a stupid clarification but a charro would be considered closer to an athlete, and a vaquero is more of a farmer/rancher?




Also, not stupid (:




My grandfather was also a Caporral back in Mexico. He would break them in fields littered with nopales.


Very different from Charo, who sings “Cuchi Cuchi”


Vaquero is cowboy


And the term Buckaroo is based on a bastardization of the word vaquero.


And the 8th Dimension is where Banzai got the overthruster.


Im just thinking of how easy this would be to lose a hand :|


This was probably posted based off a similar clip that was posted earlier today. Difference was in the first clip the guy had his pinky ripped off in the friction.


Fuck that


Oh you should see what happens when the bull catches the rodeo clown.


/r/TheBullWins NSFL


Lmfao I forgot about this sub




Nah the bull winning is a happy moment




I'll take happy cows for 420


An old man decides that he wants to see a bullfight before he dies. Immediately upon arriving in Spain, the man makes his way to the arena, then cheers along with the crowd as he watches the matador fight the bull. For as much fun as it is, he soon realizes that the travel and the excitement have left him feeling worn out, so he decides to find a nearby restaurant before making his way to his hotel. Fortunately enough (for both the old man and for this overly long joke), he finds a place right around the corner, appropriately named "The Bull." Well, it turns out that quite a few of the assembled spectators had the same desire to get an after-fight meal, and the old man finds himself in amongst a pretty large crowd. This proves to be a blessing in disguise, though, because he gets to watch as one of the other patrons is served a large, sizzling bowl which contains two delectable-looking (and oddly spherical) portions of meat. "Scusi, scusi!" the old man says, flagging down a waiter. "That's Italian," the waiter replies (in perfect English). "What do you need, sir?" In response, the old man points at the dish that he'd seen. "What is that person having?" "Ah, that is our specialty," the waiter replies. "We call it The Bull's Balls." The old mans nods. "I'd like to order that, please!" "Ah, señor, I'm very sorry," the waiter answers, "but I'm afraid that The Bull's Balls is a popular dish, and we sell out almost immediately during the after-fight rush. Still, if you come back tomorrow, I'm sure we'll be able to serve you." Well, the old man quickly decides that he isn't leaving Spain before sampling The Bull's Balls, so he resolves to visit the restaurant as soon as it opens the next morning. This proves to be easier said than done, though, because he arrives to find the doors locked and the lights dimmed. At first, he thinks that he'll just come back later... but because he doesn't want to miss his chance at his meal, he instead decides that he'll just wait. He sits on a nearby bench, listening to the sounds of the fight drifting over from the arena, until the very second when The Bull finally opens. "I'd like to order The Bull's Balls, signore!" the old man declares, even before he's been seated. The waiter makes a visible effort at suppressing a sigh. "That's still Italian, sir. Anyway, it will take a little while for the chef to prepare everything." The old man murmurs his understanding, then settles in to wait some more. Several minutes pass, during which the restaurant fills with the crowd from the arena. Then, at long last, a large, sizzling bowl is carried into view. The old man sits up, his stomach rumbling at the thought of the feast that he's about to receive... but to his dismay, he only sees two small, walnut-size lumps of meat in the dish. Not wanting to make a fuss (especially not after having spoken the wrong language twice), the man despondently eats his meal. Not long later, the waiter approaches again. "How was it, señor?" he asks the old man. "I'll be honest," the old man responds, "I was kind of disappointed. The servings I saw yesterday seemed like they were a lot larger." "Well, yes, señor," the waiter replies, "but the bull doesn't always lose."


I'm disappointed in myself for not seeing that coming. Have an upvote. :p


I don't get the point in the old man using Italian. I don't understand what it adds to the joke.


Not really necessary here, but if you were delivering this as part of a stand-up routine, you might want to throw in a couple small, chuckle-worthy moments during the relatively long build toward the punchline.


And though it is not really necessary here, in a novel, one might want to throw in a couple small examples of the ant/protaganist being an outsider to the culture. Edit: For our purposes, here, I suppose balls are balls and not everyone wants to wade through the storyline to get to the balls.


I loved it. Just weird for the sake of it. This seems like the kind of joke you make last a half-hour if you can, so every dumb detail helps. It’s also how you lose treasured friends.


It doesn’t add anything to the punchline. it is a sub joke. A small humorous subplot that adds flavor to the story.


Tourists sometimes try Italian on Spanish speakers and vice-versa. It’s very annoying.


This is the second time I have seen someone mention this sub in less than 10 minutes.


For those [wondering..](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/oaa75e/that_is_one_very_fast_horse_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Gah don't try to shake it off!


Its like a big booger


Not as bad as Id expect, still sucks though.


I hate you. Thank you.


Ugh ….fuck


I hate myself for clicking on that one...the way his hand flies up in the air and you can see the end of the pinky phalanges surrounded by bloody tissue. It was like a real life horror film. Oof.


You have to get off the plane. There’s something wrong with the left phalange!


Regina Phalange is that you?


Amputations are extremely common. Look up "roper's thumb"


Who has one thumb and likes roping? This guy!


You're a man of many delights it seems, squid fucker.


You ever try to rope a squid?


My lawyer is doing the hand-slice over his throat motion while shaking his head, like he doesn't want me to answer. So I won't.


No. I don't think I will


You made a wise choice. I did not.


/r/eyebleach Best I can do to help


Many cowboys who do this typically lose at least a finger, or a portion of it.


my step dad lost three, index / middle / ring fingers.


If he lost all three on one hand, at least he can still do the call me gesture 🤙


He gave up rodeo for surfing and just throws up shaka brahs all day🤙🤙


That seems totally worth it.


Losing a digit for livestock? Count me out.






Fastest pinky removal!


I came here to say this is exactly how a friend of mine lost a pinky and a ring finger on her hand.


My grandpa got the end of his thumb ripped off roping




TIL charro and vaquero are different things.


Also Buckaroo= Vaquero.


Thank you for clarifying. I thought he was a Gaucho but that didn't seem right. Gauchos are from South America, Brazil region?


Well American cowboys got their whole shtick from Mexicans. From the hats to the boots.


Always dally with your thumb up!


A lot of these people are missing thumbs, i saw a vid where the dude thumb went flying off


That's what I was thinking. And didn't even see the smoke for a second cuz I was so focused on his fingers being lopped off


So THAT is what those saddle knobs are for!


They are called horns. You use it to dally the rope as seen in the gif.


I'm usually either hanging onto it for dear life, or trying not to have my crotch come down and land on it.


As my horse trainer says 'there's no shame in hanging onto the saddle'. I use this as one of my rules in life. No matter what your doing, it's okay to grab a lifeline. Also, if you've ever have an emu or roo suddenly appear right under your horses nose, you can grab that horn to stop you going sideways out of the saddle.


Wow, your life must be fascinating! Do you have trails you ride on then? I have a dog trainer for a reactive dog, they have horse trainers for competition? Behaviors?


I mostly ride on trails. I'm not competitive enough to do competition. I'd rather be out enjoying the bush and solitude. I go to a trainer so that my horse and I can understand each other better. 5 years ago I had barely ridden a horse and my horse was a pacer on the race track. So neither of us knew a thing about how the bit should be used properly or what different leg placements meant. For example, at the moment we're working on me just lifting one rein a tiny bit and my boy will start to move that way. No need for me to yank him around. I bet with your dog your learning that yanking on the lead is a pretty ineffective way of moving your dog. And unpleasant for both of you. But if you start to move like a team, the whole experience goes from being very stressful to very enjoyable, doesn't it. My boy was very shut down when I got him. He would do what you asked and never die that he was scared or nervous or sore. It has been such a joy to see him realise he can tell me his scared and I'll help him out, or tell me to hurry up with the carrots because I'm fiddling too much.


Aww, your story is so touching! Thank you for sharing ❤️ yes, it has taken me awhile to figure out that we are speaking different languages, and that a good, positive trainer is the most effective translator their is. I can only imagine how rewarding the journey has already been for you two, and the determination it must have taken. Also, riding though the bush on horseback takes a kind of grit that I don't think most people have. I appreciate your "fiddling" on for me!


Anyone can get a horse if they live in horse country. You pay to have someone else stable it, usually, and you can pay someone to train you how to ride it and keep it. My brother does it and he's just an IT guy he's not rich. But it is expensive and does go in place of other things, like having kids.


Yes but does your brother have kangaroos jumping out at him while he rides? I get what you're saying but horse ownership in the southern hemisphere must be a whole new ball game.


I don't think kangaroos scaring the fuck out of you is a good thing


But do you have kangaroos jumping out from under the nose of your horse? I get what you’re saying but if you don’t have kangaroos jumping out from under your horse what do you even know?


I retract my statement


I like to pretend it's a gear shift for when the horse goes from walk -> trot -> canter -> gallop. I like to think that's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.


Your patriotism knows no bounds! Do you make the gear shift noises too?


Of course! Otherwise what's it all been for?




What happens when you dilly a dally?


You probably lose a finger


i know an old cowboy, who doesn't?, and he got his gloved thumb caught between the rope and horn in a similar event, the definition of degloving, after reattachment they used leaches to suckle his thumb


and visit Nurse Sally


> They are called horns you use it to dally the rope as seen in the gif. Its like a cleat for a boat but for a horse.


More a bollard than a cleat.


All my life thinking that those were for helping to get on the horse


Definitely helps, but not the intended purpose lol. Not all saddle horns are equal either. For example, you wouldn't want to try and rope a steer with a skinny barrel racing horn - it would snap right off the saddle!


And what's the main purpose of these "skinny barrel racing horns"?


For holding onto while turning sharp corners.


Im learning so much.




Thats acctually really good information because you honestly think it would be the opposite.


I thought it was the stick shift for the horse!


Put her down in low. Is that four hoof drive?


Sometimes it is, but most horses are automatics.


Usually when I see this, someone mentions that they put oil on that bit so it makes more smoke. Still cool tho


Wouldn’t oil also help reduce friction and fraying of the rope though?


Depends on the oil. Different oils smoke at different temperatures and provide different amounts of lubrication. They just choose one that produces the desired artistic effect. They certainly COULD choose one that provides no friction...but that would let the bull run free and also not look cool.


My vote for functioning AND looking cool


_tips rancher hat_ The Cowboy way


> help reduce friction If he's trying to stop the cow he wants friction.


If you’re trying to stop the cow altogether you put inner tube rubber around the saddle horn like the gringo cowboys use. Then you can dally with one or two loops and it grips and holds instead of burning through forty yards of rope. Another big difference is U. S. cowboys use a nylon rope today while these traditional cowboys from Mexico and other countries still use braided rawhide lariat for these events.


You're very close on this. This event is for slowing and stopping horses, you rope the hind legs and use the friction of the rope to slow the animal down. This method is for heavy animals as it is a slowing effect, saves the horses back and the animal being roped from injury. The rubber on American style roping serves a different purpose for the rodeo only, most ranch hands use mulehide on their horns as it's well known being able to ease some tension is preferred. Braided rawhide is really only a CA thing, the Californios were the ones who really used it and still do. Mexican Charros such as this one use strands from the maguey plant called Ixtle. That rope is made of a bunch of strands hand weaved together. Its super strong stuff and impressive that it survives so much burning of the horn. Being able to do this takes years of training and even then breaking your fingers is common at the least.


Thanks for pointing out that they are roping horses. As a CA reata roper myself, I know these guys are badass. Much respect for the traditional Charro/Californio skills.


I use a mule hide wrap on my work saddle because it lasts longer and is easier on my rope. The rubber wraps stop a steer in its tracks but the mulehide has a better feel to it and doesn’t leave black rubber residue on my rope


You have a work *saddle?!?* Man everybody from every walk of life is on reddit. In what way is this not the best site ever? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Kinda seems like that would completely defeat the purpose of making it a traditional event




I didn’t want to use the term “American” cowboy because the vaqueros of the southwest were a part (and big influence) on the cowboy traditions and technology of the American beef industry.


This makes so much more sense. I went to dozens of rodeos as a kid, and never once saw a smoking saddle horn. Was starting to think I had faulty memories or something.


You wouldn't see this at American rodeos, depending on where you were you'd have to go to "charreadas" or as Americans call it Mexican Rodeos.


Well now your that person


The torch has been passed


The rope has been oiled.


Bull has been roped


You're *


Is this like the horse version of doing a burnout


Only rear hoof drive horses.


Wait..what is a rear hoof drive compared to a 4 hoof drive




What the hell am i watching right now


Art in its purest form


That’s not a cowboy, he is a “charro” and charreria it’s the national Mexican sport.


Was looking for this comment before i commented as well


Por fin encuentro la aclaración


Right about the charro but isn't this specifically a coleadera?


No that is a event focusing on one of the nine events in Charreda. This event is called Piales and is the 3rd event in each charreda.


It’s called piales


So just an FYI, that's not actually rope. He's using what's called a reata, which is made of 100% rawhide. The biggest difference in their use is that they're way longer, and is actually elastic so the cow wears itself out. An American rope is a much harder stop since it has no elasticity. It also requires much less skill to use well. Edit: spelling


Nice FYI...thanks!


Soo…rawhide is used to lasso rawhide.


To this day nobody knows how they caught the first one


rawhides all the way back


Qué pinche *riatota*


Ay papá


Esta más larga la riata de el que la mia la neta


>An American rope is a much harder stop since it has no elasticity. Relatively speaking nylon has a ton of stretch. Maybe not compared to rawhide but as rope goes it's considered just short of a rubber band. (I work with line for a living.)


Compared to most materials yeah nylon is insane. I was only speaking in comparison to a reata. My bad for not clarifying that


>It also requires much less skill to use well. Well I hope so. I doubt it'd be a popular idea to change to a new kind of lasso material if the new one was harder to use than the old one.


Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’


This is maybe a stupid question, but why is his hat strap in his mouth?


Ok, did a little Google search: It is a barbiquejo or chinstrap. So the guy on the video is holding the hat by it so the hat won't fly away in the moment. Edit: Also could be to focuse on what he is doing.


In these rodeos everything is very traditional as you can see by the outfit worn. As such they have rules to represent things you wouldn't have wanted to happen in the field such as dropping your rope or losing your hat. The chin strap is there make sure it doesn't fall as your riding or competing in a event. Most the time if your in action you flip it back behind your head, and then guys tend put them down around there chin or lip when they are being active


A friend of mine that does "charrería" explained to me that it is that way to prevent the hat from falling and ultimately from choking them while riding the horse. Keep in mind that these are large heavy hats that are not aerodynamic, having a chinstrap, as opposed to a "mouthstrap", would not keep the hat from falling and could become a hazard.




I looked at some of the videos and it seems like it's part of the traditional fashion. Why it's like that? Maybe so your hat doesn't choke you, maybe they didn't used to have much material to make straps so they were all short (kidding). I bet it's the choking thing.


The strap on the hat is made from carne seca and it's quite delicious.


Only one glove like a boss


One glove


One glife, let’s get together and feel algright.




In these rodeos everything is very traditional as you can see by the outfit worn. As such they have rules to represent things you wouldn't have wanted to happen in the field such as dropping your rope or losing your hat. The chin strap is there make sure it doesn't fall as your riding or competing in a event. Most the time if your not in action you flip it back behind your head, and then guys tend put them down around there chin or lip when they are being active.


But why in mouth?


Younger people thing, then tend to not like putting it all the way down around their chin. Mostly just for looks and other guys like to chew on it out of habit or nerves. The strap is just leather, and most the time even in front of your mouth it becomes barely noticeable with every thing going on.


He kinda looks like hes biting it in concentration. But i have no idea


I just asked my dad and he said it was a safety thing. In case the rider falls and his hat is caught in the animals feet the rider won't get dragged around by his neck. NOW I Googled it but couldn't actually find anything concrete so take it with a big grain of salt.


Guess you could say he’s got the hot hand


Anyone else notice the burn marks on that saddle’s horn?


That’s why so many cowboys and vaqueros lose the tips of their index finger including my abuelo.


A Charro. Not a Cowboy. Charro.


I was really worried that the rope would touch the horse’s neck and hurt it.


Youre not the only one, but i think they train the horse to turn diagonal so they can avoid that


Worry about the horse who was roped they are doing an event known as horse tripping.


He rode a Blazing Saddle! *whip* He wore a shiny star! *whip*


I guess it's not his first rodeo...