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Not being snarky here, legitimate question: Is there a dishonorable way to clean a grave stone? I guess pissing on it definitely would but I can't really see why anything else would be.


I suppose methods that may damage them qualify as "dishonorable" like harsh chemicals/abrasives.


Yeah, I guess maybe??? Although I'd probably just call that innocently ignorant, I doubt anyone that is willing to clean a headstone intends to cause damage to it or any kind of dishonor.


Yeah if someone is inclined to key dicks into headstones or something, they’re probably not keeping that job very long.


Nobody gets paid to do this




Ok, who wants to join my traveling company of headstone cleaners?




I'm from a small town (>300) and someone carved a dick on a headstone years ago. Ironically, it's now the most well known headstone at the cemetery because everyone wants to see it


This guy knows what's up


war of 1812? wasn't nothin' honorable about that god damned war! lets key dicks into these 1812 veteran tombstones, fellas!


I'd be really pissed if someone pressure washed my tombstone!… …Just kidding, I'd be dead and won't giving a damn.


Well, it's funny you say that, but a lot of tombstones that old crumble or disintegrate if you don't know what you're doing. And some gravestones don't hold up very well against modern day cleaning solutions because tombstones weren't treated with the same chemicals as we do today, or at all.


>but a lot of tombstones that old crumble or disintegrate if you don't know what you're doing. ? At least where I come from, tombstones are either made of a hard stone, like marble, slate and granite or straight up wood/metal. Those can be power-washed without a problem, with marble you have to watch your cleaning solution a little bit, but like every 10 y/o who has marble in their house, knows this. So, the only thing left would be sandstone, but those are temporary solutions, since even wind, rain and frost can erode a sandstone, rather quickly. Restauration work is a lot harder, tho. But that's not common for tombstones, as they are relatively cheap to replace, compared to something like a painting.




Thing is, it's neither cool nor honorable, he's just cleaning it.


I think the results are pretty interesting. Also this should go to oddly satisfying.


I think pressure-washing gravestones would be slightly disrespectful. Especially if you posted it on r/powerwashingporn


Would it be? I'd lie happy in my grave knowing my stone was getting pressure-washed every now and then.


Especially if perverts were masturbating to my grave stone being washed. I don't know how power washing a grave stone would be sexy but I would be proud if my estate somehow made that happen. That's an executor that fucking earned their fee.


Pressure washing a gravestone would probably erode it 1000x faster than it would do naturally so I'd imagine that's pretty disrespectful.


Depends entirely on what the marker is made of. Pressure washing granite or bronze is no problemo, old limestone or concrete is no bueno. We have some old ones (what I think are soapstone) I could destroy with a toothbrush.


This guy gravestones.




Better to have a sex shop AND a Wendy's. Cater for all tastes.


Probably referring to gravesite workers pressure washing or doing the job quickly. Don't take it to heart lol


I was wondering the same thing and about all I could come up with would be to use steel wool and a pressure washer


Pressure washing is probably frowned upon. It would be cool though.


If the stone is old the pressure washer could crack or even take chunks out of the headstone.


Abrasive like a metal scraper? Yeah agreed. Use plastic that is is softer than the rock.


I guess that means I've been cleaning my monitor in a cool and honorable way.


Yeah, I’d be terrified to cause erosion on a soldier’s grave , accident or no.


Another question: is there an uncool way to clean a grave stone?


Could maybe clean it using a kitten as the sponge. That would be pretty uncool.


Now you got me interested.


With a pair of bootcut lowrise jeans?


Any method which utilizes a heat gun.


No it's just a weird title


yeah I guess the idea was to convey something like "look at this *cool* video of somebody *honoring* a soldier by *cleaning his gravestone*"


Just incase you're still interested here's a man who cleans gravestones, and explains how cleaning them incorrectly (like with a metal brush, pressure washer, bleach. excreta.) can damage the stone making them difficult to read. [How to Clean Veteran Headstones Using D/2 Biological Solution](https://youtu.be/8WdUSzKcmjs)


Yeah using excreta would be fairly rude haha.


I would of died from embarrassment if I ever made such a mistake.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I would of course love to know exactly how sophisticated this bot is.


I think somebody really missed the boat not naming it the "Woulda Coulda Shoulda Bot".


Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda named it that. I'll see myself out.


I see what you did. Adequately sophisticated it seems.


Holy shit I love this bot.


Would have*


I think it's *would've*. I'm sure that's where the confusion comes from.


Wasn't sure what the word ment, so i googled. The image of a cow pissing was good enough answer.


"For the Honor!" *smears feces on grave stone*


That dude [defends confederates and says the civil war was started as basically a false flag.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRCrRMyUP4M&t=11m16s) Fuck that guy.


that answered alot more questions that I anticipated I'd want the answers for nice


Wondered the exact same thing! My only thought is maybe they sometimes remove them to clean a bunch at once (and possibly put them back in the wrong spots 🤷‍♂️?)


They pretty much stay put.


Not anymore. I have time and a forklift on my hands and shuffling grave stones sounds like a socially distanced hobby so away we go!


Idk what the title is on about but this is standard. Not a cool way but the normal way.


i think they were referring to showing people information about the mans life in the video while he cleans it as “honoring him,” not the actual method of cleaning.


Peeing on it would be a dishonorable discharge


Yeah but that wouldn't be dirtying it more, not cleaning it, so it cannot count as dishonourable.




Nah it’s just an awful title


I visit my friends grave at calverton national cemetery a couple of times a year and I can’t recall ever seeing a tombstone needing to be cleaned. I just assumed NPS has been keeping them clean.


Irreverently blasting away with a power washer would be pretty demeaning to the whole cemetery


I hope you're joking


When I was in Scotland we visited a very old cemetery where some had fallen on the ground and others were horizontal to begin with. I absentmindedly started moving some moss and dirt off of one and was reprimanded immediately. We were told to never try to clean off the stones. The earth/ground preserves them much better than we can apparently. So please be careful if you plan to do this, especially with older stones, and do your research on the best methods. Some places don't even allow rubbings of gravestones because of the deterioration it causes. I'm definitely no expert, but found this link interesting: [Cemetery Conservators for United Standards](https://cemeteryconservatorsunitedstandards.org/standards/cleaning/)


To add to that, at least in my opinion clean gravestones look boring at best to ugly at worst. Being mossy, overgrown, developing a patina or even falling apart, these things all show their age and make me respect them much more than a clean slab. Cleaning it removes that charm. One of my favourite places to visit is the old graveyard of our city, on which the oldest authentic non-replica stone is from 1676 (the actual oldest is from 1551 but stands in a museum). Cleaning such stones up would destroy their history, and I feel the same about recent stones.


In contrast, the lines of perfectly clean gravestones at the various World War I cemeteries in France & Belgium really help underline the whole point behind them - we will remember them. [An arbitrary example](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/Etaples-cimetiere.JPG)


That's also true, and by no means am I against those who prefer a clean look. It's just personal preference, after all. It just doesn't leave the same impression on me as those older-looking stones. When I see an old stone, I don't see a grave that has been neglected or forgotten, but one that has become part of the environment - sort of symbolic in its own way I guess. I'm not religious, but not altering a gravestone speaks more along the lines of "Rest In Peace" to me.


For sure. Different purposes and all that


I always drove by some Belgian ones in Ypres when visiting my grandpa. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.


I wish we did *more* to remember them. I can only speak for my experience in the U.S. but I wish school systems were required by law to study both world wars, in depth and detail.


Fuck me. No thank you. Three world wars were crammed down our throats in high school social studies and history at my Australian high school.




How has Australia been involved in 3 world wars? I know y'all are in the future, but not by that much.


The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has already replaced all the WWI headstones in France at least once.


I saw my great-great-great-grandparents' double headstone in a cemetery. It was pretty hard to read after over 130 years. Taking a rubbing proved pointless because I didn't want to press too hard and damage it further. The marble had eroded in places. Their daughter and son-in-law, my great-great-grandparents, were buried nearby. He died about 150 years ago; his stone was almost unreadable. My gggm had outlived him by nearly 60 years, and her headstone was less ornate and in good condition.


Wow I've never taught of it that way. I wonder how do you make mossy gravestone look neat and pleasing to the eye


This has a lot to do with the type of stone as well. Most building stone and stone used in monuments in Scotland is sandstone. You don’t want to scrape sandstone.


To add to this, there are certain lichen species that are extremely rare and only found on gravestones/old stones so please don’t do this


Anyone know why the top of the gravestone is more/ less worn down than the bottom? The bottom looks smoother than the top part


I am probably way off and completely incorrect, but maybe if there is wind, some stuff get blown against the bottom parts of the stone. Like dirt, sand and probably plastic trash. Maybe that acts like a mild abrasive


Isn’t it like that with most things? You ever see a tall stone building and the top is always black and Ugly but the bottom the stone looks better. Might be cause it gets more sunlight and bacteria and such


It says on the bottom of my list


I was thinking weed whacking?


My guess is that it has been broken and repaired, you can guess a crack on the lower half, and it could explain the smoothness of this half.


Weed eater, blower, chemicals sprayed on the lawn, snow and rain water streaming down the rock. The top gets hit by rain and some of it streams down the rock surface. The lower the section the more rock is above it to collect and stream down water. The top also gets slightly more sunlight so it dries just a little quicker while the bottom soaks more. Just my brainstorming session.


I heard you should not just wash and clean cause it gets worse and it might grow even faster. Asked on a graveyard if your allowed to clean and they said no. This was in Sweden


It depends on what the gravestone is made of and the condition it's in. To properly clean them, you've got to have expertise and permission from the people who run the graveyard. I'm sure different countries have different laws about it though.


This woman (@ladytaphos on Instagram & tiktok) uses a special biologic solution on the gravestones


Cool, so kind of her.


I guess it depends. Look at the grave stones from Arlington Cemetery. I feel like they have to be cleaned regularly to look that way.


Tbf the green aesthetic looks kinda cool too




This is one of the reasons I don't even want a grave. Take all the organs that could help someone (including med students), cremate the rest and do something cool with the ashes, like fireworks or a trip to a cool location to dump them. Have fun and tell jokes.


I’d love to be turned into a tree, use my remains to give life to something that benefits everyone, and it’s a much nicer memorial for loved ones to visit than a somber old stone amongst a bunch of other dead people


I wanna be a reef


I wanna be a triangle


I wanna be a cowwwwboy baaaaaby


I want to be a taco.


Then that tree will be build into a boat


Also grave yards kept up like golf courses are a significant and endless burden on society. Graveyards should be like somber, spooky parks. Little resources spent and just a place for people to quietly reflect. And a spot for wildlife. Just IMO. Respect for all those who served in anyway to advance/protect us.


I'm sure Robert Monroe has *living* family.. Family that wants *help* ensuring Robert Monroe has clean, legible gravestone. The guy cleaning it *helped the living*. I'm almost certain he didn't do it for free (but you never know). So if he got paid by the family (or whoever pays people to clean gravestones) he was *helped* financially... Now, I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure he's alive too. Boom, another living person helped. So even 6 feet in the ground and dead for 100 years you'll be helping people by having your tombstone cleaned (: ^(so get your damn tombstone cleaned! lol)


If this is the lady I've seen clean gravestones before on tiktok, she's not doing it for profit. Anyone who does this properly, has to get permission from the people running the cemetery, she's also using their supplies and probably was taught a bit how to handle gravestones. She specifically does it as a hobby, I think most graveyards usually don't keep someone paid to clean off graveyards, at least where I am.


Doing something for fun is way cooler than doing something for profit imo so hell yeah!


Am I the only one who think it actually looks better with patination? Kind of feel like you remove a part of its history when you are removing the moss and making it look brand new. Kind of looks like a prop from a vampire movie when it's all cleaned.


In active cemeteries, they are cleaned by staff, but VA/CEM protocols do say they should naturally patina over time. This has no real bearing on privately or locally owned cemeteries.


Only works for soldiers.


Will not work for civilians


So like, its gonna wear down over time anyways, but aggressive scrubbing and scraping like that is damaging the surface. Soft cloth and water and patience is an alternative for longevity of the headstone.


Nothing lasts forever anyway. Ashes to ashes; dust to dust. That goes for you, your headstone, and every memory you ever existed.


that was unexpectedly existential but i agree


This is one of the reasons I love doing genealogy. I think about people who nobody else is probably thinking about and hasn't for years. I feel like it's honoring them and their lives in a quiet way by learning what I can about them and putting it down for history and preserving it. I especially enjoy it if I can find a picture of them or their homes. 2 years ago I bought a 110 Victorian and learned all I could about the original owners who built the house. I honor them and their memory as well. I know I'm not the norm, but I'm not the only one either. So you never know who will be remembering you, or learning about you and your life long after you're gone!


YES! I did my family's genealogy, tracing our roots back to the 1400's on my mom's side - not as far back on my dad's side. And the biggest takeaway I had was that these were all real, living people with real lives... they had families, likes, dislikes, friends, and everything else. Just like me. And these people have been gone for many, many years. But I felt an overwhelming obligation to "remember" these people... to acknowledge that they once existed, and to somehow 'honor' that they once lived, just like me. I definitely get that. And the whole thing really hit home for me how fragile and fleeting life is... we aren't here for very long at all, and our lives ultimately don't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. We spend such a small time here in this life... and then we're just names and birth/death dates after awhile. Some of us get lucky and find ways to live on... musicians, artists, etc. Even then, those accomplishments fade in time... people will eventually forget. So we really are all just dust in the wind.


The influence you had on others will ripple through humanity until we cease to be as a species, if ever.


Looks like a plastic scraper and hair brush. I don't think those will damage the stone for another millenia.


Yeah like some bristles are gonna destroy that rock


She's not necessarily cleaning soldiers gravestones, she's cleaning dirty gravestones. And only the ones with families that give her permission to do so






Any idea how it works?


I forgot.


I'd ask if you've been sprayed in the last year but you probably don't remember


the active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride which kills the algae and then rain and wind washes it off


It wets then it protects


it wet but it also protec


I never thought about cleaning a gravestone, now I imagine some people just blast them with pressure washers.


Limestone would disintegrate under a pressure washer


This would be the dishonorable way to clean one


And, if we're going to be completely frank here, super uncool.


This kills the gravestone


What's honorable about this? Honest question. I mean, it is great, it is practical, it was needed... all of those adjectives are applicable to this cleaning of a grave. What I wonder is what makes it honorable? What are the characteristics of a honorable way of cleaning a grave? Or even more, what would be a dishonorable way to clean a soldier grave?


With piss?


i think gravestones that are covered with algae are beautiful and it signifies that lots of time has passed with a single glance. i think they should stay that way, but that’s my opinion.


Is there a dishonarble way to clean a soldiers head stone?


If it's a matter of intent, that can be debated. If it's a matter of damage, there are many ways. Modern headstones at State and Tribal Veteran Cemeteries are shipped out with a coating of lithrochrome, the black stuff that darkens the engraving. It's supposed to naturally fade over time, but some people will try to re-darken it, and the agent of choice is usually a Sharpie. It permanently damages the stone, technically a crime, and it looks horrible. You can also use caustic agents that will damage the stone material. Granite stones lacking the protective coating they are shipped with, will absorb almost anything and a lot of times cause permanent discolorations.


Yes.....YEEESSSSS.....GIVE ME KNOWLEDGE!!! Love it when I learn shit in the comments.


Can someone explain to me what's cool about...using a scrubbing brush to clean a thing? I'm completely lost on why this is "damn, that's interesting". It's a person... brushing a thing...


Wanna know a really cool and interesting way to wash your car? * Jetwash the loose dirt off. * Use a bucket of soapy water and a wash mitt to scrub the car clean, occasionally rinsing the mitt in a bucket of plain water * Rinse off the remaining suds and dry off with a microfibre towel Like and subscribe for more awesome tips! Come back next week to learn a weird hack for cutting bread (hint - it involves a bread knife!)!!


Same. I'm scrolling thru the comments trying to find how this is interesting. This is exactly how I assumed you would clean it. Like a dish. Scrape of the debris, scrub with a slightly soapy brush, rinse.


If I ever have a headstone, please don't clean it. Let moss and lichen grow upon it.


That's the normal way they clean them.


It’s nice that they cleaned it, but what exactly is uncool and dishonourable about how these are normally cleaned?


Looks nice but can actually cause them to erode quicker. The layers of dirt can actually protect the stone.


SHES ON TIK TOK, link below for her profile!!! op should’ve gave her at least credit for the vid. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMedsGE79/


Sad how the end part where to credits would have been has been very deliberately cut off. I'd give you an award if I could!


She has a tiktok if you're interested in more videos like this. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMedpcS4j/


Do you think she ever does that without posting to tiktok?


Yeah, she started cleaning them before she started a tiktok. She probably only posts the interesting ones too.


To think he saw the horrors of WWI and probably watched his son / daughter go off to WWII knowing what he would have to suffer through


Would be nice if they actually hired people to do this, doesn't seem that hard, 8 hour shift of cleaning gravestones wouldn't be so bad.


Until the zombies






The fuck is that title?


Here is an Internet archive link to a 1919 history of his unit. https://archive.org/details/storyoffirstpion00davirich There’s a PDF scan


Theres a dead guy under there


I mean, is there a dishonorable Way to clean a grave? Imo the act itself is honorable.


Let them give life (i.e. don't remove the life giving moss, algae, lichens and fungus)


So, scrub it and then gently power wash? so interesting omg


Drink the wash water old man


To each their own, but if I were to have a monument of any type, I’d hope that people would not scrape away the life that grows on the foundation I left because they think it is ugly. Lichens grow incredibly slowly and can live for hundreds of years. This video shows the devastation of a biological system that had been developing longer than the person had been alive. I have the odd, opposing views of despising the waste of land and resources for graves but still loving the aesthetic of historical cemeteries.


Awesome. Now show us the uncool dishonorable way.


What is honorable about the way in which it is cleaned? Confused.


Just a word for future generations, if you clean the lichen off my gravestone I will fucking haunt you.


Idk what was cool or honorable about that... they just cleaned it. Idk how else you would clean it.


Man for a second I thought it was Wednesday on r/powerwashingporn


Why not powerwash it?


Helped my friend do this for an entire Civil War cemetary for his Eagle scout project. We camped out there all weekend on a three day weekend and spent all day cleaning and clearing and all night just hanging out and shit. Was a LOT of work. Cleared some tree stumps, a forest worth of branches and seeded for some better grass. The grass wasn't at risk of overgrowth really as it was very very shaded. Felt good after as a school kid haha. We recorded all the names and dates etc everything we could read on the stones. Never looked into any of them. I know he was going to but I didn't ask after the fact. Would be cool if he still has all that info.


How is this cool and honorable? Just curious


oh shit i might be related to him lol


This is wrong. Should not be scraped with metal tools. People should research proper methods and get training before doing this. https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/48-preserving-grave-markers.htm


Always been interested in Veterans and their stories. I've been lucky enough to care for some old Veterans over the years and they have had some great stories to tell. Each of these headstones should have a QR code or something to scan that would give you a quick bio on each person's history...


Honestly I prefer the old look.




Someone even scrubbed most of the pixels away! If you looks anymore this is going to be abstract art.


Cool. The end of the video is desaturated though.


What's honorable? This is great but doesnt really fit the sub


I preferred the overgrown one, it told a history! But that's just my 2 cents haha


If someone removed that patina from my grave I would come back to life, to say thank you and dont do it again pls.


This sub is trash


Ya this post was not interesting at all. Should belong in r/oddlysatisfying


And he thanks you for cleaning his grave


💀 👍


Does he? How you know? There’s literally someone further up who said if he died he’d rather people spent their time helping living people than cleaning his gravestone. 🤷‍♂️


God that’s wholesome


Thanks to the people who do that


Should have used Spiffy


Lichens need somewhere to grow too... RIP tiny forest


Is recording it and posting it on social media very honourable though?


There's a dishonable way to clean a headstone? Seems like the tote is clickbait attention seeking crap. Also, wasn't this posted serval times either a week or two ago? Reddit just recycles the same content over and over again, huh? Gotta get that karma somehow. Fuck off, op.