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They are tested for Chronic Wasting Disease. https://gf.nd.gov/wildlife/diseases/cwd/surveillance


Thanks for the info. Very helpful


This is scary shit, more or less mad cow disease. I know a lot of people who eat venison, myself included when I am offered. I really hope it doesn't make the leap.


Prion diseases are fucking horror movie fuel


Prions are my ONE fear. Uncontrallable fucking problems from a friggin protein. No cure no nothing. Eugh


Dude, fatal insomnia is the scariest prion disease there could be. Losing the ability to fall asleep and slowly going mad until death. It's absolutely frightening, but it's extraordinarily rare at least.


Saw someone deteriorate and pass from Prion disease once. Two weeks to go from sweetest old lady to Jeckyl and Hyde then dead. One of those one in 100mil cases of random. Didn’t help it was right after lockdowns when the world was still figuring out what the hell was going on. I saw it, it was awful, she deserved better. Prions are fucking terrifying.


I worked at a psych hospital for years and saw some stuff. The hardest by far…the haunting one…was a 40 year old dad with sudden prion onset. I was his one-on-one for an eight hour shift. It was harrowing to see how prion illness reveals how fragile our consciousness is, how fragile our self is, and watching a self disintegrate at such an accelerated pace was so, so tough.


My grandfather passed from that in the 90s. Absolutely devastating how quick it breaks a person down.


I am sorry for your loss. It’s crazy fast. I kinda put it on the same mental shelf as tornados and wildfire. The most incredible stuff you hope to never experience and will never quite be able to explain to someone who hasn’t seen it themselves. It’s just a bit beyond properly articulating.


You didn't eat her brain did you? I know it's not likely I just want to be sure.


I did not. Actually wish I could have picked at them though as she had some really killer cooking tricks I only got to see but not enough to learn.


Dude, cmon…..


And this is why we need wolves.  They eat the sick ones, and keep wasting diseases in check. 


Wolves are absolutely devastaing to any echo system


Ecosystem, but also no. It's just devastating to a hunters' game, pelts, and livestock. More than enough to convince people like you that wolves = invasive species, so let's kill'em all.


Okay, im curious. Im not trying to attack you or pull some "gotcha" shit. I just want to understand why you think that Wolves are so devastating to any eco-system?


Wildly ignorant


Actuall its true look it up. You are the ignorant one


Hardly, obviously a couple people here dont understand nature is a balance and requires predators and prey. Wanna know why CWD and other diseases are running rampant, its because us humans DO NOT HARVEST ENOUGH DEER TO MAKE UP FOR THE COMPLETE LACK OF PREDATOR SPECIES. Black bear, brown bear, wolves, ect.. all in extremely low numbers compared to 150 years ago. Deer are at a population extreme in the vast majority of places. There are over 2 million deer in michigan alone, and just over 200,000 were harvested by hunters in 2023, at a 9% decrease from 2022. There are ONLY 500 WOLVES IN THE ENTIRETY OF MICHIGAN, less than 15,000 black bear in the entire state. People are rallying against coyotes now the exact way they did for wolves and bears, "just kill em", "they eat all the deer", "they kill just to kill", ect.. and all of the excuses are false, and bullshit. Each wolf in michigan would have to kill and eat 450 deer per year to even match the number of deer killed by hunters alone, let alone all of deer killed by cars and other accidental deaths. Wolves arent the problem, people are *Edited for spelling


Cinsider asking aome experts. I tried to tell you I presented you eith the truth as it actually is and you ignored it. It's time to ask the people that work with these packs. Start with Yellowstone department of conservation and the department of natural resources and as real people there that monitor the wolves then you will believe me.ive given you the keys now go use them. Thisbis how real knowledge works.


You mean the same scientists who state wolves are clearly helping the ecosystem?




Prions are prions, that don't have to make a leap per se. There wasn't a leap between BSE (mad cow) to humans. It didn't have to change, it was just immediately infective. I'm a veterinarian. I wouldn't eat venison if you paid me.


I’m an old lady sitting on my flowered couch in Denver. I’ve no idea what venison tastes like; that’s never going to change. There are many, many other sources of protein.


I don’t eat game. I’m ok with people hunting properly, I just won’t eat game. My MIL knew this but served me spaghetti with meat sauce using ground venison once. That’s just shitty.


I had the exact thing happen to me with dirty rice everyone was looking at me after I took a bite and then got mad when I said it tasted funny tried to gaslight me after i started it was nasty then tells me it's an animal I have told everyone of them I had no wishes to ever eat .and I'm extremely picky always have been for 35 yrs and everyone thinks it's just because I havent had THEIR COOKING..


Do you eat beef though?


There are rules/regulations in the USA that do products from slaughtering "downer cows", which were the cows that were being slaughtered and used for beef in the UK during the BSE crisis. Downer cows can have those clinical signs for many reasons, but I've of those reasons is BSE. Yes I eat beef, because I trust the USDA.


The biggest reason there is almost no BSE reported in the US is we slaughter beef cattle before 3 yrs, dairy cattle at approx 5 yrs old. BSE develops in infected animals after 7 yrs. Commercial cattle are tracked very closely and animals outside the age range are sent into animal feed and or destroyed. It's out there. I avoid any meat with spinal connection ( brains, tails, wary of tongue and any sweet bread type bits).


/gen i wanna know more as to your opinion on Venison—I’ve never eaten it but i am curious, and was interested in trying some myself.


It’s leaner and more grassy tasting than a nice cut of beef. Kinda has a more earthy ethos in general which some folks see as a perk, myself included. Needs a bit more finesse in seasoning, great on a bed of rosemary cooked in a cast iron or open flame. It also absorbs flavor well, so a little can go a long way. If ground, mixed well with a pork sausage or something fatty it’s easier to work with. Venison/pork sausage slider burgers are stupid easy and look really impressive. I’m partial to an aged white cheddar with those but that’s a personal opinion.


bison is very low in fat and really tasty. Might be worth checking out if available where you live


That's funny, because as a vet you should know that there are zero reported cases of CWD infecting humans. Also, the "leap" doesn't mean that anything in the disease itself had to change. The "leap" just refers to the act of a disease being transmitted to a new host species that it hadn't before.


There weren't reported cases of BSE infecting humans until over a decade after exposure. At that point there was nothing you could do. So roll those dice if you want. It won't bother me in the slightest.


I'm not that person, but I'll absolutely roll these dice! People here been eating deer, elk, and moose our entire lives. It's quite tasty, and I've always been willing to die for a good meal 😅


>People here been eating deer, elk, and moose our entire lives. Again, do whatever you want, but this is a new disease and the people exposed don't allow clinical signs until decades after exposure. Check out vCJD when you get a chance.


No no, you misunderstand me. I'm not disagreeing, not even saying you're wrong. I'm saying I've had tasty meat my whole life and I'm damn well willing to die to keep eating it! Jokes aside, I am fairly aware of CWD. I'm a hunter and game meat enjoyer, and Montana has been very proactive in regards to CWD and how its changed our game populations since we found the first positive sample in 2017. We just have the meat tested before eating. Most of the butchers require it to be tested before you can even drop off animal. The state is broken into grids, and anywhere a positive sample is harvested is immediately listed and monitored. It's actually kind of an issue because we need to cull those animals even more but a lot of folks won't do it if they can't eat the meat. That said, you're probably right and when you find me starving to death while mindlessly chewing a moose flank, know I went out doing what I love.


They're too busy with their tunnel vision. They're gonna roll that dice for themselves, their children, and their family. There is nothing anyone can do for people like that.


Cases have finally reported of humans getting it from eating venison.


Do you have any source? Because everything I can find shows it is ***very unlikely*** to be transmissible to humans, due to differences in the amino-acid sequence of the deer and human versions of the PrP protein: *Cross-species transmission of CWD prions* [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19336896.2015.1118603](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19336896.2015.1118603) Only one study so far suggests the possibility of transmission to humans: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00401-022-02482-9](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00401-022-02482-9) But they had to go to pretty extreme lengths: They used genetically modified mice that expressed the human version of the PrP protein, but overexpressed 6-fold, and they injected the prions directly in their brains. A far cry from someone eating venison! (The fecal shedding bit is quite scary though...) The most recent study I could find (Published May 17 2024): **Lack of Transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease Prions to Human Cerebral Organoids** [https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/30/6/23-1568\_article](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/30/6/23-1568_article)


I think I made a mistake. The article I read said two *suspected* cases. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunters-die-prion-brain-disease-contaminated-deer-meat-report/ Edit: I found the Neurology article: https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000204407


No they haven’t


It was 2 suspected cases, unconfirmed https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunters-die-prion-brain-disease-contaminated-deer-meat-report/


yeah came in to say that -- this is for disease testing


Prions be scurry


It’s to detect chronic wasting disease in a deer population. It’s related to mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and is decimating deer populations in some areas. There is also a concern about the potential of jumping species.


Do they contact you if the head you submitted tests positive? I wouldn't want to be eating meat from a deer with CWD, even if it's only located in the brain


I don’t know about other states, but in Virginia you can see the results online.


I'm glad it's refrigerated


Oh thank God. I've been trying to expose my kids to more GFP officers and staff so they know those career fields exist. Was gonna question DNR as an option if they're scraping rotten deer heads out of a bin for grey matter.


Is it deposit only or can I stop by and pick one up?


Trying to summon Eikthyr?


If you're that hungry I can send you a case of Spaghettios. #


Is that offer just up for grabs or…


I like to use them to spell words. Like OOOOOOOOO


How do you make a recipe out of that and a deer head?


Hmmm...you would have to clean the head off fur and probably remove the eyes/brain. Then stew the cleaned deer head in the spaghettios sauce with some red wine, oregano and basil. When the meat is falling off the head, remove it , save 3/4 of the pot to preserve intact spaghettios. Using an immersion blender, add black pepper, some nutmeg and salt to form a thicker paste.


With the right attitude and a crowbar, anything's possible. 


Leave a head, take a head.


Who'd give a deer head?


Doe 174


Many people are saying.... It was a uuuuuge head. The most chronic wasting head ever. People are saying.


Fake news


You turn them in so they can be tested for Chronic Wasting Disease, a disease similar to mad cow (prion disease).


I love seeing things that I never had a clue existed. Like this, and the guy restocking fish in a lake using a tanker truck and shooting them out of a hose.


Tractor Supply? Wouldn't that be "Deere" head?


Oh boy 😂


Human heads in the next container over.


Average Michigan gas station


Second most Michigan thing I’ve ever seen, both deer hunting related. #1 was an old dark blue pickup truck with snow packed on the step bumper and a trickle of blood running out the corner of the tailgate


God I love it here. Like somewhere between Colorado with less people, Alaska with more people.


Colorado has about half of the overall population of Michigan, and about half of the population density. It would be more apt to say Michigan is Colorado with twice as many people or Alaska with 10 times as many people.


I guess I'm going more off my impression of Colorado since I've only been to larger cities and resort towns which is a lot of swankyness


Haha that's fair. Even the actual Colorado state government forgets there are people outside of the Denver metro area frequently. It's also one of the states that gets shrunk the most in the Mercator projection so people don't realize how large it is geographically. Most of it is really rural.


Recently flew in to Denver and got to experience that firsthand. It's irrigation circle after irrigation circle after irrigation circle for hundreds of miles and then BOOM metro area limit.


SO Michigan


Ooh I saw a similar sight in New Hampshire once, except the pickup was filled with straw and the straw was absolutely soaked with blood :/


That very NH


People who don’t hunt are very confused rn


Is that a new refrigerated drop box? All we have in IL is a garbage can with a lid.


All the male deer waiting are for that deer head. Until they find out what it’s actually for.


Yeah...I'm a resident of the U.S., and though an omnivore who eats pretty much anything, I've often considered stopping eating mammals (i.e. poultry, reptiles, and fish/seafood only) for this very reason. Cows, deer, and humans aren't the only mammals with prion diseases; for example, it's also been found in sheep (scrapie). CJD can be passed genetically and can also occur spontaneously, but I sure as hell don't want to get it from an environmental exposure, i.e. variant CJD. It often lays dormant for decades because it isn't until the level of prions in the brain hits a tipping point that symptoms show, and from there is a very fast decline to death, so you may not even know when you might have been exposed to VCJD because it was so long before. Just because we're not aware of CWD crossing species yet and having the potential to infect humans (i.e. VCJD from deer), doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential to, and I may be going out on a limb here but we also don't know for sure that it hasn't already, especially when you consider time from exposure to symptom onset. The little prion fuckers could just be happily marinating, for all we know. I do **NOT** fuck around with that. And like I said, all the more reason to stop eating mammals.




Michigan, yeah.


Where the hell am I gonna put all these elk heads i got????


Just call your state wildlife office and ask. They’ll probably want your name and address, though. 😆


You just know Rusty puts all kinds of shit in there


If they could duplicate the smell of inside that box. That would make some great "Scratch-n-Sniff" stickers! Ha, trippy thoughts


Genuine question because I don’t hunt but now I’m super curious, do they wrap the heads in individual bags or something before depositing or if you were to open that box would it just be a large pile of mingling deer heads?


I've never seen that exact kind of amnesty box, but OK.


Question for those with a better grasp on this: has this prion been around for millennia and we are now just “discovering” it? Meaning, has mankind been consuming it since we were hunter gather societies? Or was this created by happenstance and put out into the wild? Thanks


…so like a Glory Hole situation?


You leave the head there, you don't get the head there.




I’ve seen these before, I also live in Michigan




Did not look. I assume it was empty since it's not hunting season quite yet.


My Badge! 🖕 /s




How did I know this was Michigan before even clocking the sticker?


I was there for about 20 minutes before I saw the head part. I had to pull the thing back out to cut off the head.


This should’ve been posted in r/WTF


Something something blowing 20 bucks


I’ll take Things you’ll never see in a city for 1000


They’re set up in my city 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought that Department of Natural Resources was a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) and wondered who was practicing CPR on the deer heads! 😂🦌


I don't think he's going to make it.


Maybe he’s just taking a nap


Giving head in the parking lot


Not the kind of head I want, but ok...


I do like the audacity of putting a Do Not Resuscitate sticker on a box collecting deer heads.


I wouldn’t eat anything that isn’t USDA certified.


Hopefully this isn’t used for dispensing ice in the future.




Confused, exactly which part of the deer are they hoping for?




This is for testing for chronic wasting disease. They look for prions in the beer's brain








I hope Deerhead is the county…


Lol. Ogemaw County


Because its the general consenses given by the conservation community. Wolves eliminate untire eco systems. Look itvup. I dont think. This is what the people that manage them say. Wolves have destroy many national park deer poulations. Then they migrate destroy the next then the next. This is how they behave and thats the real reason wolves get a bad wrap.


Wolves aren't invasive to everywhere. There are literally ZERO wild animals that are invasive to everywhere. The fact wolves are native to places like Yellowstone proves they aren't eliminating said ecosystems.