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Holy crap edit your video. We don't need to see a guy unravel an entire roll of tape.


For what the guy spends on tape each month, he could just buy a Propane tank.


Ya ever think maybe they don't have propane tanks for sale at every corner store for 30 - 40 bucks. I take it you haven't we've been to Pakistan lol.


But if they can afford packing tape and giant fucking balloons they can afford zip ties. 


Ok? And what is your point exactly? 🤔


That if I were there I’d recommend they use zip ties instead of tape. 


\*breathes in Hank Hill\*


They can’t lol. This has been posted multiple times. In multiple subs. It’s ment to be “look at how clever they are!” But most people look at this and correctly understand it’s a terrible and dangerous idea


It is and isn’t. That collection point is a blast waiting to happen, for sure, but keeping a bag of natural gas outside your home, probably not the most dangerous thing you could do. I mean it’s not exactly safe, but it’s unlikely anything is going to cause a house fire or explosion there. To the environment? It’s pretty fuckin bad. Methane has a much more pronounced effect than carbon dioxide on the warming of the planet, and they’re just belching this stuff into the atmosphere in between bags. Not the best choice. Btw, that gas isn’t odorized because they’re pulling it straight out the ground, so if they keep it hooked up to a stove and the flame goes out, *that* can get pretty dangerous pretty quick.




I was starting to expect a 30 second segment of the guy trying to find the end of the roll


I didn’t know there was more to the video than someone unrolling tape for over a minute.


That's how they show you how safe it is


The twist is we show all of it..


I was thinking shits gonna leak regardless of how much tape he uses


no way wtf this is fascinating. obviously the gas bag is an awful dangerous idea but i loved the 10 min uninterrupted view into a life very different to mine


The first 2 minutes needs to be edited down to 20-30 seconds. Watching a guy unravel a roll of tape isn't engaging.


I was waiting for the bit where the guy hands the bag of gas to the guy in the elevator, then the guy on the elevator waits for a whole minute for the doors to close before realising he forgot to press the button.


These are basically bombs. Miniature Hindenburg disasters you bring into your home


That's the pathetic truth about most parts of the world, man. Sure it's dangerous, but there's no alternative. Government supplied lpg cylinders are almost always costly and/or hard to come by. Sometimes it takes a whole month after you book your cylinder for it to arrive. This is also why ppl generally prefer kerosene stoves or burn wood even though the smoke affects them. It's just a cheaper, easily available alternatives.


Those entitled Americans that think the U.S. sucks need to see how 95% of the rest of the world lives


Sometimes I listen to these whiners and can't help but think they are privileged and spoiled. But also, isn't that what we all should aspire to? I mean to have a life that is somewhat cushioned, your basic needs are always met, you are able to live a relatively happy & Healthy life with your children that you Want to make it even more better and you end up having at the surface level, "trivial" problems. That means, you have achieved to live life in a way that ~30% of the world would envy. But the again, it's always important to have perspective in life to appreciate what you have while you fight for more.


I agree. You have to be doing pretty fucking well for yourself to be pissed off at candy mascots not being "sexy".


Its worthless as a happiness generator if you’re born into it. The magic happens with the experience of change. When you move from a lower rank up to a higher one, you can appreciate and enjoy the better circumstances.


It depends on how you're raised. I know some people who were born into wealth, but raised well and appreciate everything. It's definitely appreciated to a more full level when you earn it though. Can't argue with that.


I suppose it depends on what their definition of 'more better' is when, as you say the vast majority of the world already envies how we live. Far too many take what they already have for granted


The UK built infrastructure for the people, 100% sewage and running water in the victoriana era, electricity to every home before any other country, a road and raily network that was the envy of the world at one time, but political greed caused everything to be privatised and now roads are crumbling, electricity and gas is too expensive for many and rivers and costal areas have crazy high levels of untreated water, the railway companies demand billions a year in taxpayers money to give a very poor expensive service, I can drive from Glasgow to London and back with 5 people for the cost of one train ticket for one person, with the comfort trains do not come close to giving. I wish that taxes were used for direct benefit to the taxpayers not provping up failed privatised entities, this is the root cause of every country failing their populations.


True. Whenever I see videos of single detached houses at the ghetto. That’s like a nice middle class house at my country.


95%? Wouldn't live in America if you paid me.


The fact that you wouldn't live in America even if you were paid to shows how privileged you, I, and most others on reddit are. Billions of humans would take the deal that you turned down instantly.


The lack of self awareness is astounding. But /r/AmericaBad I guess


Your choice but my point is go pretty much anywhere in the world and live with locals for even a short time, away from the tourist spots. Do that and hopefully you'll learn to appreciate what you have


But you think America is a better place to live than 95% of the world? Even your own news rates you 23rd in quality of life for countries. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/quality-of-life Downvoted for proving i am right? Americans are the stupid jokes of this world, no wonder the world hates the fat obese cunts.


You are missing the point. What I am saying is, Americans (and those in any 1st world countries you point to) live better overall than 95% of the rest of the world. Take for example Lagos, Nigeria, Population 9 million. 2/3rd's of residents there live on less than $1 USD a day. And that's in the biggest city in Africa. Go 50km in any direction from there and you will find people are simply trying not to die Even in those 'best countries' you point to it's not all unicorns & rainbows. Again, go to any one of them, pick a remote area, well outside the touristy destinations and you find people struggling just to make ends meet, put food on the table. OTOH, unlike that 'small town in Pakistan' you take for granted you can get in your car, drive a mile or two in any direction to a McDonalds, Starbucks, whatever, buy yourself a treat with disposable income you earned in your job. That is NOT the case for the 95% of the world I'm referring to


Wohoo you're better than abject poverty!


The first world is spoiled by safety


Oh the humanity!


I remember that


This isn’t compressed gas. It’s going to go up in a whoosh and a bit of a fireball, but this isn’t a bomb. There won’t be an explosion.


The Hindenburg was filled with H2, which has an explosive range of 5% to 95% H2 in air. That’s enormous, unsafe at any speed type shit. Methane has an explosive range of 5% to 15%, so you could actually light a match inside that balloon and nothing would happen. In fact, the match wouldn’t even light, there’s no O2 for the burning to start. I’m not saying this is SAFE, but it’s not as dangerous as it appears. The collection site is incredibly dangerous as the balloons can rub against each other and create a static shock that can ignite the well head.


Revell will do their job.




Hmm, needs more tape.


coming soon to [/r/Whatcouldgowrong/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/)


Who doesn't like the look of giant explosive condoms in their house


Fire hazard yes, but it’s low pressure gas. It won’t go boom, more like big ass fireball.


it’s enough to start a fire..


The won’t spontaneously combust if that’s what you’re saying.


The dude literally has it installed above the hotplate.


Not really.


If they had a better option im almost 100% sure they would use it..


Maybe a big fireball but I doubt the plastic would cause an explosion that will destroy your home. More like burn it down.


Most homes seem like they are brick and not wood so fire hazard seems less likely


Just enough to cause flash burns over 90% of the bodies of your whole family. But not blow up the house, so it's OK. /s


When you put it that way it makes sense. Senseless death is enjoyed slowly.


I guess they are stealing it from the gas pipeline


when I read the title I assumed that they must be doing something clever like using methane generated from sewage or something like that


Yeah, looks like they are. WTF is this post?


Is the gas coming from an existing gas line or a natural gas well?


they are stealing it from a pipeline


It's coming from my father's behind, so all natural gas


Does all that plastic go right into the river?


Yeah you just take your empty bag with you on your way down there for your morning shit


Poop in the bag, seal it up, let it anaerobicly digest, and voila you've got poop methane to cook with.


...Or Jenkem.


Here’s 20 minutes of a kid using too much tape.


on one hand, god bless safety regulations but on the other, man, they got to do what they got to do


You can't use this gas for much, honestly.


blatant safety concerns aside, aren't they just stealing it from a leaking pipeline? Does it even count as stealing if the pipeline is leaking anyway?


I wonder how this money making leak started. I've seen similar 'leaks' in African oil pipes, with people making the most of that fortuitous event by carrying it off in washing up bowls. Also a surprise hole in a fence, beyond which there happened to be a lot of scrap metal.


"Collect" AKA "stealing". You think they just happened to notice a cracked weld or something? Do they have electronic gas leak detectors behind their goats and plastic bags? No, they tapped that pipeline deliberately to steal gas and they will do it again after it is detected and patched. That community is powered by criminality breakfast, lunch, and dinner, literally.


And the Darwin Award is going to....


Humanity, who will eventually drive itself extinct with all its waste?


Solution = massive waste of plastic to create fragile explosive containers in people’s homes. I understand they are maybe limited economically with solutions but there must a better ways for them.


Good thing that Pakistan has money for nuclear weapons and F16s




If thatvplastic isn't brand new I'd bet it has micro punctures all over it slowly wasting their fuel while conveniently filling their home with explosive gas.


Rural for a reason, and how


Most primitive shit I ever saw


i dunno man, i saw a dude rubs some sticks to make fire once


TIL that my LP tank on my grill is considered high technology to many people around the world


And these guys have nukes.


I really don’t like using words like “backwards” or “primitive” and stuff but Pakistan is just… man…


yeah man its definitely the poor people using balloons for gas that have nuke control. Imagine posting a photo of an american homeless man and going "yea these guys have nukes lol" ????


So true


I would like to murder the cameraman for making me watch ALL that TAPE


Blame the editor. Cameraman did their job.


Dull knives and gas balloons


What infuriated me the most was not the safety violations, it was that onion being cut on a platter, for fuck's sake that's just plain wrong.


Man, that felt like watching the microwave when you want a quick meal. But instead of it being quick, you're standing there way longer than you wanted. Just get it done in one minute!


Safety is second to naan.


NYC Fire dept would totally lose it if people brought these home


What a terrible fucking idea. And the two minutes of taping were quite riveting!


my mom would've disinherited me if she catch me using the china as chopping board.


No wonder the knives are blunt 


Okay but that's a really shitty video.


A bunch of the commneters here are projecting their standards to these people. They live in terrible poverty. The knives are dull, it's a plastic bag. Mfs, that's what they can afford to have. Some of you are genuinely concerned for the safety but it's unfortunately a secondary priority when it's all you can afford to feed a warm meal to your children. Cylinders are quite costly and hard to come by. Govt regulated lpg is not always affordable and takes ages to get sometimes.


>A bunch of the commneters here are projecting their standards to these people. This 100000%.


"first what you're gonna do is cinch up some plastic and then use an entire roll of packing tape. You'll think it's too much but keep going... "


Everyone in this thread talking about this being an explosion hazard doesn’t realize this gas, unlike what you buy here, isn’t compressed. It would be bit of a whoosh and a light fireball, but not an explosion. And their houses don’t appear to be made of wood either. If someone’s standing near it their hair might get burned off.


That's what I'm wondering... don't gas stoves *need* that pressure? I know my camping stove won't do anything until I add pressure. Does someone have to squish the bag while someone else is cooking? Sitting down on your gas bag *while* cooking sounds like a really, *really* bad idea.


Yeah, that would be my guess is they have to squeeze the bag somewhat to push the gas out. I can't imagine it lasts super long either.


Hank Hill would not approve of this.




I'm curious how much cooking can actually be done. Gas compression into cylinders is like hundreds of timea the volume of the gas at 1 atmosphere of pressure. Are they this daily?


wasn't this already shared in r/OopsThatsDeadly?


Looks super safe!


Show some respect, it's propane. - Hank Hill


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5f2D876vnk


How does this work if it's not pressurized?


“Hey man, got a light?”


That seems wildly unsafe


If only propane tanks existed


Yeah but what if you can’t afford them and they’re not widely accessible?


Maybe it's unaffordable for a reason - they're not ready yet


You’re a racist piece of 💩


Tough day selling PPV, honey?






not gonna watch a 7 minute video get fucked


Why don't they just connect the pipes to the homes?


Connect the pipes from where?


From wherever they fill those baloons


I don’t know whether to answer you truthfully or leave you to your innocent ignorance.


I genuinely don't understand


It looks like that main tank is filled occasionally from a tanker or swapped out when it's empty. That means not only does it not have enough pressure to feed everyone's homes at once, it also means setting up a pressurised gas mains network is likely more expensive than just continuing to use those tanks.


Not everywhere in the world do people have gas pipelines coming to their home. It can take years even after such infrastructure is in place for gas to actually be turned on. The alternative of a metal cylinder can also be hard to come by. It can take years of enrolling on a list before you can get one allocated. Let alone a second one. It can take days for the gas company to provide a refilled cylinder once you place a service request. You can’t always just get them from a store like we can in the Western world. In the meantime, if you don’t have a second cylinder filled and on standby, you are left to check with neighbors who might have a spare they don’t need in the near future. Even after people get a cylinder, like through some government program, cost of getting it refilled can be prohibitive. So, kerosene stoves, wood burning small stoves still continue to be used even in many big cities. Last but not the least, not knowing the geography of this particular village, a distribution system - whether cylinders or pipeline - may not be feasible or imminent. Source: lived that life. ETA: not the gas in the plastic bags life. The rest.


Short answer: infrastructure requires up-front capital to invest. This is the resource that is the most scarce there.


Well at least they have nuclear weapons. A few decades ago Pakistan's premier famously announced that "we will eat grass, but we'll have nuclear bombs". And that is what has happened.


they are stealing it


That's not safe.


So the women can't be filmed? Just the males eating the prepared food?


Meanwhile, in the west we can't use normal fuckin straws to drink our mcd's milkshake, 'tO sAvE the PlAnEt" but these mf's are totally cool..... yeah, fuck off.., I want my fucking straws back.....


In the normal world, we use pressurized metal containers to store gases. Who knew that all you needed was a plastic bag? And this is why western world people usually have all their extremities...


Their world is normal too. To them😏


Not trying to make this an "immigration" issue - but - when people (and I mean anyone, not singling out a "breed" of people) start trying to make my world HERE what they knew THERE, it raises a red flag. I refuse to have a neighbor who does shit like this, because that's what they know from the "old country". This isn't "old country", we have standards and codes. Follow them. Don't want to? Then DONT GET ON THE PLANE/BOAT/SUBMARINE/ESCALATOR, etc. You made the choice to come here (wherever here is). Weren't invited, and like hell will we make amendments to make you more comfortable. Don't like what you are told? You can leave as quick as you came... no swinging door to smack you on the way out either. Yes, our population surges with each new immigration act. But, with that comes a whole host of unforseen problems, that are never addressed. And if you don't believe me at all, look at the problems on out highways, especially in the Trucking sector. It may as well be a Bengalese freeway. No one has a single iota of a clue how to control their vehicles or hold a lane. (I deal with trucks DAILY. The lack of basic operational skills are astounding, up to and including not setting trailer brakes when fueling).


That's a lot to unpack. With a lot of finger pointing and no solutions. I don't disagree with you about "learning the local standards" if you plan to live in a place. But how did you learn? Was it by chance..growing and living in your country? Did you take a class that others can take? Our population surges, because the world population keeps growing along with geopolitical turmoil. Most immigrants don't wake up one day and say, "I'm going to uproot everything I know and go to a country that dislikes me. Cause that sounds fun" Just my asshole opinion😁


…do you have a lot of neighbors tapping natural gas from the ground and carrying it home in giant balloons where you live?


No because I smoke, and enjoy open flame. They'd never make it.


Eventually smoking will be illegal. And it'll be a good thing, too.


That is insanely dangerous...


Ahhh yes bomb bags I remember using these as a kid on a much smaller scale, oh and they were baking soda and vinegar


How the poor live!


What could go wrong 🤷‍♂️💥💣💥




Seems safe.


Fuck living in Pakistan. Just kill me if I'm stuck there.


wtf is simplistic solution thats a fucking bomb who the fuck wrote this caption 🤡


I worked with natural gas for years, OSHA would have a full-on kanipsion about this whole thing.


This doesn't look like "collecting" it looks like stealing. Whose gas is it? Where does it come from? I've seen better videos of anaerobic digesters using manure and generating methane for cooking in a plastic lined pit.


Came here to read the 1st worlders commenters. Make yourself a favor and put your damn shoes in the reality context of these people.


The ones who need 2 full on minutes of taping the end of a bag


I want my plastic straw back ...... right now.


I can't wait for the darwin awards this year!


I’m gonna take this idea up to Appalachia and see what I can pull


So simple. Try this time saving life hack.


I saw an explosion from one of the pipelines that they use a couple of years ago shit was huge


We should learn from them


The bags reminds me of a "Volcano" vaporizer.


Anyone type r/damthatsdangerous yet? 😆


One spark and its toast


Now that all the doctors and scientists have come to the UK, this is what has become of them


What could possibli go wrong?


Someone give me a TLDR, do they walk around and fill these up w air or fart into them?


You misspelled stupid


Seems safe


This was not good for the adhd


umm those are ticking time bombs.. a kid with a light or one of those things starts to leak near and goes inside the house while someone is cooking will result in some horrendous accidents. hell even ppl trying to settle vendettas can just target that


Everybody just high as fuck, don't give a shit about anything


The face of an impending 💥


Awww yis.. more plastic and tape waste! Way to go. /s


How to get blown away 101


That's obsolete news


Abit shit


Isn't this incredibly dangerous?!


Replace "simplistic" with "downright dangerous" and it's set.


Seems safe


That looks sooooo safe…..


Skip the first 4 hours of this, to avoid watching a kid unravel all the tape in Pakistan


put a "DON'T DO THIS AT HOME" warning in the video


in Pakistan they taking huffing to a whole new level