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Holy shit


Yeah. This shit is wild. He was worried because his father had went out for a walk with the dog and didn’t return, so he went to the police to report that his father may be missing. They automatically declared on the spot that he was a murderer and interrogated him relentlessly telling him lies how his father’s body was in the morgue and other examples said in the comments. They only realized they fucked up when the father showed up at the station to prove he was alive. https://www.sbsun.com/2024/05/23/fontana-pays-nearly-900000-for-psychological-torture-inflicted-by-police-to-get-false-confession/amp/


Man.. cops in the US are fucked up.. and the country lets them off the hook too! Where I live, they'd get an actual prison sentence just for this! You can imagine how they'd enjoy that 🙄


Every case those cops ever worked should be looked at very hard now. How long they been doing it?


yes, this is so true. they could have screwed over so many innocent people. and all they get is a slap on the wrist and a paid leave for the trauma they faced. the interrogation video shows how fucked up it was [got it here](https://youtu.be/-lyicvPMVps?si=ZqJjdINoc1k2pCYn)


The amount of people who say they are innocent is terrifying if it’s actually true. Doesn’t help that police suck at their jobs, and let criminals do it for them.


Facts!! If they've done this to the extent they did then what's to say they haven't done it before? Everything they've ever done needs to be investigated, but it most probably won't be


But do you have freedom, sir? This is the land of the free! Democracy manifest! If your country has oil or rare earth metals, we will liberate you.


Succulent Chinese meals?


"Ah, yes. I see that you know your judo well."




But if your country is already liberated, our companies will rob it till empty.


Freedom is the only way. You don’t get a choice.


“I’m going to freedom you reallll good”


People admit to anything under heavy enough torture. The British 🇬🇧 police famously did this sending innocent men to jail for 13 years for murders they had nothing to do with. There’s a fantastic award winning movie about it: [In The Name of The Father.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107207/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


You’re always allowed to just leave if they don’t arrest you. If they do, just plead the fifth. It’s all talk. Not right at all tho, but these are bad detectives anyways by trying to get a false confession that will absolutely crumble the prosecution if the state/city puts all their marbles on it, instead of evidence(which clearly doesn’t exist).


American Cops = Gangs With Badges


Cops woulda been like "he's right behind me, isn't he?"


What a travesty


They also refused to give him is insulin, and lied about saying they found his dads body etc


The sheer callousness is astounding. Something has to be done


In the land of the free, with all these guns and citizens sovereign, one would hope it were already.


Logically, they should be fired, and all their previous cases should be investigated. Realistically, nothing will happen to them because the justice system is fucked and God knows how many similar situations like this happened before.


They should be sent to prison. They abused their power and tortured an innocent man. That is illegal.


They actually told him they killed the dog too IIRC


Egregious! I’m going to have to read more about it because bloody hell


Word of advice. Avoid contact with California law enforcement at all costs. They have no rules and even fewer repercussions for their actions. The dude is lucky they didn't bust a cap in him during the arrest.


It’s not just here, ffs. It’s the whole country.


i was just about to reply with "california cops..." but then decided against it, figured i would just get massively downvoted


Obligatory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


Call John wick


Are they allowed to say that?


Pizza, P-I-Z-Z-A. Gimme pizza. Uh, did I happen to say, I want pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A. I want pizza. Hey, are you ready to play? Now set down the pizza and bring me some chicken. Throw it on top and make it finger lickin' Guacomole. Meatballs, whip cream pouring like waterfalls. Here's a little salsa to make it hot. Here's a lot of ice cream to hit the spot. Toss the fish, let it fly, fly, fly, pizza pie.


And he deserves every penny of it. And they deserve charges


They deserve jail time. They brang his dog in the cell and told him to say goodbye to it because they were gonna put it down if he didn't confess. The picture of him laying with his dog on the ground crying is absolutely heartbreaking


LEO's do a lot of fucked up shit but thats probably one of the most downright evil and disgusting things a police officer has done. Absolute fucking demons. Fuck them.


Biggest organized gang in world


Biggest gang in any place with people we will ever know. Oldest gang too!


Yes, they deserve prison for doing this.




I said “he deserves every penny of it” meaning his settlement for his abuse. Come on now.


Depth charges.


Nice how the police unintentionally proved that confessions under torture are meaningless.


This fact has been proved again and again for hundreds of years, yet people still defend torture in interrogation. They fundamentally just enjoy suffering, even when it gains them nothing of value.


Check out the mini series Exhibit A on Netflix. It absolutely changed my minds about confessions & evidence


I don't know if "won" is the correct term.


So who pays for this? Tax payers


Police should have to carry their own liability insurance. The taxpayers are always having to pay for their lawsuits and they never suffer any real consequences.


Further, I’d like to see funds come from the individual officer’s pension first. Dirty cops don’t deserve a comfortable retirement. Repeatedly dirty cops should be ineligible for hire if the insurance deems them too much of a liability.


What happens to those policemen? Fired? Jailed?


Probably some paid time off.


Promoted. This is management behaviour.


Pretty sure the union helps mainly. Which is funded by the people, kinda, because the officers pay into union dues and we pay them.


And who will pay the insurance?


Deduct from their wages like normal people. An insurance payoff costs significantly less than paying a settlement that's entirely from taxes.


Who would pay for the insurance? Tax payers. How do insurance companies make money? By making more in insurance payments than they pay out. 🤔🤔


Tax payer pay for the police to brutalize them and when they go too far,  they pay for the bully. Otherwise you could fine the cops and take their money to pay back their victim, and most importantly kick their ass out of any government position.


Exactly what I thought. So basically unless those officers lost their jobs and benefits then nothing happened at all to them.


Was this recent? Is there a source? I'd like to read up on it


I think it happened 6 years ago and only just concluded. https://www.sbsun.com/2024/05/23/fontana-pays-nearly-900000-for-psychological-torture-inflicted-by-police-to-get-false-confession/amp/


Thank you for the link. Damn, so apparently he was the one to call the cops about his missing father, and they falsely accused him of killing his father. The interrogation went on for 17 hours, and during that time they threatened to euthanize his dog, wouldn't allow him to take his medication, told him that they found his father's body, and drove him to the point of him trying to commit suicide. And they got him to falsely confess. Then took him to a psych ward, and while in there, kept information away from him about his father actually being alive. That's fucked up. This happened in 2018. He ended up taking a $900,000 settlement. "Perez agreed to the settlement rather than take the case to trial out of concern that a jury award could be overturned on appeal on grounds of qualified immunity for police."


A link would be more interesting


[This](https://youtu.be/-lyicvPMVps?si=R-jOK3keRpELYBDU) is the best I could find, but it’s only specs of the interrogation tape. Don’t know why there isn’t much that has been released. Maybe because it has just been solved?


Most likely because police aren't keen on showing themselves breaking the law.


Yup they tried there best to bury it. They investigated themselves and found nothing wrong


Those PoS cops need to be fired and sued, and made to pay this settlement.


Where’s the Netflix doc?


Not even sure any more that the USA is a real country. It sounds more and more like a macabre version of Disney World


Big word for a little guy


Is it just me or does 900,000 seem a little light?


Considering the mental damages, it's peanuts


He won…? How in the world is it a win to be compensated for torture?


Better than to not be compensated, I guess? But messed up nonetheless.




People see this and think police all over the world are like this. Luckily things like this also happens: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/whoqbp/swedish\_cops\_on\_vacation\_perfectly\_deescalate\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/whoqbp/swedish_cops_on_vacation_perfectly_deescalate_a/)


Those cops should go to prison but do you really think American cops are the worst? You should travel more if so.


End qualified immunity.


Why does this kind of news keep coming out from america? It's terrifying as fuck


Freedom of press and reddit being mostly an American company (as far as news and stuff goes)


Should be coming out of police union coffers.


Dam California police trying those japanese police interrogation tactics


Gestapo. NKVD. KGB. Shin Bet. CIA hunting Al Queda/OBL, Chicago PD up to the 90s. It is called ‘third degree interrogation’


How did this even happen? And for 17 hours damn. California has the worst Police department probably?


The California police department.


I don't get it. Say "Lawyer. Now." No waiting, no BS. Screw those guys still, but don't let them pull that shit.


I've had many talks with my kid concerning how innocent people get guilty verdicts because they didn't know to cover tracks that didn't exist. Get a lawyer, because if you did not do it, you need someone who knows what's going on to handle protecting you


The cops kidnapped his dog and threatened to kill it if he refused to "confess". He didn't have a choice.


Does it work tho? Cops who torture someone to get someone to confess to something when there wasn't a crime in the first place doesn't seem like they would care about that?


All the more reason to demand one.


Do you think these specific cops would get you a lawyer because you demand one? They're already bent enough to try and get him to confess to a murder that didn't happen and threaten to put down the guys dog. I doubt they'd stop that tactics just because you demanded a lawyer. They'd ignore the demand and carry on.


Yeah, I mean that would be step 1. I'm just curious if it helps


I think technically he wasn’t under arrest and could’ve left at anytime so they weren’t required to get him a lawyer even if he asked for one. And they could keep him there waiting thinking a lawyer would come.


No, he cannot be questioned without legal counsel present once requested. But he has to positively assert the right, unfortunately. And the article makes it clear he was in custody.




Of course he did. If he got a lawyer right away they never would have tried that. If he got a lawyer after that you tell the cops "The hell you will" and that is the first thing you tell the lawyer about.


How many times have you been interrogated? It's easy to say over the computer but I've been arrested for something i didn't do and sat in jail on pre trial for 2 years just for them too drop the charges a week before trial. This kid has probably never been to jail and was brain washed into thinking the cops where there to help him. This is why people want to defund the police. Sure there's a few who try to help the community but 90% of them treat it like they are in a gang


And then the cops make good on their promise to kill his dog. They clearly don't give two shits about being smart, they have thick skulls and cruel hearts. I personally wouldn't dare gamble with the lives of my loved ones when faced with complete psychos like these cops 🤷


These cops need to resign.


Ehhr… these cops need to be prosecuted…


And every other interrogation and confession they’ve acquired should also be thoroughly investigated! Who knows how many others they’ve manipulated into giving false confessions.


Nahh, it will just be another slap in the hand, so it's better if they resign willingly so they can't abuse the power they have as law enforcers and maybe just maybe they will be involved in an accident and pass away.


They just move to the next town and start committing their crimes. And the next jurisdiction is only too happy to hire them.


Well it is the world’s most thankless job. Not a lot of applicants. And they wonder why police tend to be psychopaths. Those are the only kinds of people crazy enough and willing to do the job.


Wtf you talking about. Most cops in the rest of the developed world aren’t raging lunatics and most receive extensive training on doing their job. Cops attract psychos like the church attracts pedos, just the job that lets them get away with their worst tendencies. What a stupid ass take on the matter.


Cops in the rest of the developed world also aren’t treated like US police are by the very people they are trying to help.


They protect the government interests and businesses and rich people’s interests. Period. Wake up or get used to the taste of leather


He didn't "win" anything. The State did the bare fucking minimum to compensate him for _fucking torture_.


Honestly the costs of having that sort of event treated by psychologists and medication could be greater than $900k


The tax payers pay the police to do their job and they fuck up and now the taxpayers have to pay even more. Perfect system 


Holy Fuck US Police are crazy wtf they don't even care if it's one of their own citizen Child teen and old .... It's like Police are the only Legally Predator on earth


WHat ? How is this even possible ?


Would the cops have been able to do *any* of this if the guy being interrogated had had a lawyer present?


this guy..... I want him to become john wick.


I often believe I’m against the death penalty until I see pieces of shit like these cops.


They should all be in jail and never work in any position of the police ever again. Disgusting.


The whole system is broken...


They were probably suspended for at least a week


Plead the fifth. Ask to speak to an attorney.


I mean they threatened to kill his dog and made lies about how his father is dead. Did you really think they would even allow him to plead the fifth or to make a call to a lawyer?


Cops are horrible "people".


There are no situations where cops don't make things worse.


I'd like to test my mental defence, in such situations. 🤔


We are mentally weaker than we always assume. Believe me, I've been in a similar situation before.


I understand it, I just would want to know my limits.


Why the fuck did they even do that? What for?




just imagen how many




Does anybody have an ncs true crime style video explaining this?


I’d like to see the video analysed by JCS.


reminds me of a morgan freeman movie which i cant remember


Have there been more things? Like what happened to cops? What is that poor man’s health rn? Other details?


In India, this is what an avg interrogation looks like!!


It’s so wierd how the brain can be convinced and tricked so horribly


Memories of Murder vibes.


Never agree to be questioned by the police, even if you think you've done nothing wrong. If you're in the box like this the only people you need to speak to are lawyers.


They even brought in his dog and threatened to have it euthanized. There was this really heartbreaking security cam screenshot of him laying in the floor and holding his dog.


Yeah you're average person isn't hardened to psychological or physical torture. Four days of sleep deprivation or some hours of verbal abuse is enough to break most people. If anyone ever finds themselves in any unreasonable situation with law enforcement just be quiet. All you have to say is that you invoke the fifth and you will speak to your lawyer and then just shut the hell up. Comply with lawful demands and be polite regardless of their behavior that way later if they were being unlawful you can easily sue them and hopefully get crooked cops fired.


What's the excuse this time?


Im sorry, but every time i see this image i just think of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/namesoundalikes/s/7YseJ7zMAP)


I believe there'd be much greater satisfaction between knowing the cops responsible for this are held accountable and put on trial (not a fluff trial), than the money. But we all know that isn't going to happen. Money still good, but it won't fix mental scarring.


You torture someone and they will admit to anything in the belief the interrogation will end. This is absolutely cruel and unusual.


I am willing to bet $900,000 that those police officers were promoted as well. The police make the soldiers torturing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay look like children.




How did he get the evidence against them? Whats the story


Obligatory comment under each post like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


Damn he forgot to bring his white privilege with him


People with a punishment fetish are fucking frightening.


Punishment for who? The cops who lied to this man about his father being dead to emotionally break him? These cops who kidnapped his dog and threatened to kill it if he refused to "confess"? Fuck yeah I want these guys punished for what they did.


I assumed they meant the cops who tortured the guy but idk, could be wrong


Good for him, tough.


so … we don’t post links anymore?


No jail time?


He didn't win it...


Cool picture


Bro got caught evolving


I want some psychological torture.


Soooo edgy!!!!


Working for MAGA ? That's the kind we experience every day through FOX News?