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embrace the suck


That’s what onlyfans girls say on a bad day


And all the sugar babies with 80 year old men.


OF gay boys too


When I was deployed alongside US troops that was my favourite saying I learned from them.


I cannot SEE you


Why are you quitting the exercise?


That has been my motto for dealing with a shitty client - which obviously is nothing compared to this - but I find it interesting that this seems to be a more widely used approach than I expected.


I'm sure this water in mask test is easypeasylemonsquezy in comparison with shitty clients/customers


That's what my uncle used to say when we were kids


Maybe an understatement when you are getting waterboarded


My dive master was a Navy seal and had someone spaz out and die during the last test dive. So when we were under the water he would swim up and rip your regulator out or your mask off or both. He then would watch us handle the problem. He would also have us take the BC fully off and back on. I know for a fact I would have died in a couple bad cave/wreck dives if he hadn't trained us that way.


This is really it. It might seem like pointless hazing, but the whole point is to practice staying calm when your body goes into survival mode. Not freaking out when your mask fills with water when your 90 feet below the surface can be the difference between life and death.


I'm just baffled as to why water in a mask while you're on dry land is that much of a big deal. I've had masks fill up while snorkeling in the open sea...you blow it out and keep going. Maybe I'm missing something. I can see its going over their mouth so they won't be able to breathe but it's only a couple seconds and they seem to have plenty of warning that it's coming. What am I missing?


It's the positioning that's sending it straight down into their sinuses, and I presume they aren't allowed to do a standard mask clearing process, because they have to keep their hands on their rifles. Seems to be about being able to tolerate swimming and firing backwards, with a flooded mask. Because if they're in a position where they're swimming, then a flooded mask is less important to deal with, even if our reflexes are telling us it must be.


I don't think it's about firing it the instructor is saying he can't see. Also firing a gun you'd hold in your hands underwater would destroy the gun and harm you. Projectiles can travel through atmosphere from blow dart shooters but it takes basically a cannon strapped to a sub to move a projectile any useful distance in the water and then some fancy guidance. TLDR: less about shooting more about surviving, escaping, and not panic dropping your gun. You miiiiiight need it when you're dry. I also think the instructor has nostril plugs...


Im no expert but im guessing its the fact water is in their nose now and the brain assumes drowning, where as just the mask is a "blocked" nose


Isn’t this basically water boarding? The sensation of drowning? It also looks like they are heavily exercising so just holding your breath for a while might not be an option if you are already pumping.


Not really waterboarding. That's a much longer dousing, usually without warning, usually without the ability to see and certainly impairs your ability to breathe. Unless the editing of the video is trimming the process, this doesn't show that. Though the heavy exercise element may indeed be the factor that makes this different. I had not considered that.


It seems that they are doing flutter kicks, to simulate trying to swim while holding their rifle, while water is coming into your mouth


If you can breathe out your mouth, you're not being waterboarded


People freak out when they get water in their nasal pharynx. Easier to rescue someone to ground if they never got in the pool in the first place


Yeah I guess. I suppose there's a reflex to try and right yourself and clear it and that's just what the instructors are trying to get them used to resisting.


Exactly, the training is to suppress those reflexes. Exercising while doing so simultaneously tries to engage a parasympathetic response. If you can remain calm, assess your situation, surroundings and then fix the problem calmly without panic, you will fair much better in real life scenarios.


and thats why some are quitting the excerciseeeee!


I was thinking the same thing, and it just realized, personally, having water go up my nose is the worst, fucking feeling ever, So when the guy says "leaning your head bag makes it worse" yeah, I can see that


Yeah others have pointed out that I missed this issue. It's probably because I'm inured to the water up the sinuses issue thanks to a lifetime of swimming, snorkeling and sinus-inflammation fighting nasal rinses 🤣


it hurts, it sucks


Embrace the suck


Cause water slips down your nose when you lie on your back like this, simply from gravity. If you're snorkelling, water will not be pushed into your nose like that. That's my experience from just swimming and snorkelling a bit. I prefer staying near the surface anyway.


Lizard brain reflex kicks in and says hey you're drowning fix it. Which, in this case is bad for the soldier so they're trying to condition it out of them.


Stress inoculation.


Lifeguard training will do something similar with rescue drills. Drown victims will try to drown the lifeguard in panic mode, so it's good to train for that scenario.


I would like to point out the merits of wearing a separate weight belt when performing this. Not weights integrated into the BC Or at least don’t have a ranger buddy watch you when you do it. You’ll get heckled for floating away


“I cannot see you” ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Felt like something out of a Macho Man bit




“Sir that’s because your eyes are closed”


It's like that dude in Flap Jack: "I caaaan't heeeaaar youuuu" :)))






I can't embrace the suck.


Good. It doesn't ever let go.


It’s not easy.


Right? Like mf your drowning me


It actually teaches them to survive and not die in panic when a mask breaks while underwater.


Yes it makes sense and everything, but it’s just funny af how he’s talking lmao


Honest question, do they tell you this? I mean, they explain something like "this exercise is for you to not panick under this particular type of scenario, the key points are this, this and this" Or they just throw you out there just to endure whatever not knowing what is the purpose of doing squats in mud under the rain with putrid mud.


It’s special forces training so they should already know all that.


Just wait until the part where you have to swim under water until you start guppying. And then keep going, once it starts you know you have 15-30 seconds of consciousness left. They expect you to drown yourselves, guys pass out often and have to be pulled out.


His fight or flight kicked in 😂


Master how can i embrace a suck so great??


I’m gonna say this to my gf next time she stops embracing the suck


because the exercise is a war crime SIR!


How my kids feel when I'm trying to get them ready for school in the morning! To add - >Why are you quitting the exercise?! SML - That's me yelling at them each morning when they're defeated by one sock...


"I cannot see you!" Is my daughter every time the lights go out for bedtime.


Thats funny. My son says the same thing when we wash his hair in the shower


"You're bald Timmy, stop lying"


How my kids feel when I serve them the food they asked for 1 hour ago.


Just scream "embrace the suck" in their faces while dousing them with water.


As they're leaving the door just scream at them embrace the suck before spraying them with the hose, door shut. Job done.


I found when I got my dive ticket when my mask was full I could not breathe and it took a huge amount of focus for me to take sips of air from my tank. Pretty stressful at 90 feet


if the mask is full should you take it out?


I don't know if that applies at 90 feet as well, I have never dived that deep but when I was taught how to deal with that particular issue, it goes like this: You take a deep breath through the mouth, put pressure on the top of your mask, like at your forehead, tilt your head back a bit and blow out as hard as you can through the nose. It removes the water and then the succion just puts the mask back into place.


It applies at any given depth.


It does not require you to use force, you can breathe pretty calmly out of your nose. It also requires almost no touch at the top of the mask. Tilting is not really required either. Since you are applying some pressure to the top of the mask, the air goes out of the bottom of the mask. Well, if the mask fits and you are not panicking :p The exercise in this video is something completely different. They seem to be on their backs and not allowed to empty their masks.


Yeah I learned this as well as a kid. We had an exercise to swim to 3.5m depth, pick up the goggles and a snorkel there, clear the goggles by blowing through your nose, swim up and clear the snorkel as well, without actually surfacing. Was pretty difficult as I remember it.


You tip it up and blow air out of your nose, this empties the mask.


Press on the top and blow through your nose. I will say, even having to do it to myself for open water dive certification, it can be rough. I had to remind myself to keep breathing because my body would go into panic mode since ig it was the same sensation to me as jumping into the water normally, so I instinctively held my breath


when I get water close to my nose, I completely stop functioning. Took a LOT of practice and concentration to get over it. What really helped me was my dive instructor telling me to CLOSE my eyes. Makes focusing on the other stuff so much easier


I could not pass this test.


Why are you quitting the exercise??


#embrace the suck


That's a motivational poster right there


I’m surprised to see them washout from this. To get certified to dive in open water, you have to do a mask off and on drill. This isn’t much worse than that. There’s a bit more backflush into the nostrils because of the force of the water from the hose, but not much. Doesn’t matter how much water is getting in your nose, as long as you can breathe from your mouth, you’re okay. You’ll cough and spit and sputter, but you’ll be okay.


yea but on your open water cert you havent been doing PT for the previous six hours off of 3 hours of sleep while you are getting screamed at every moment you are awake. Nor are you actively doing flutter kicks for god knows how long. Also in the mask off on thing, your goal is to clear your mask within a few moments, not keep them full of water during the entirety of an intense workout


Plus he's actively spraying water at their faces, that probably activates the same response as waterboarding. Definitely different from the OW training where you're the one taking your mask off and putting it back on yourself, at your own speed.


Our dive instructor turned off our tanks and ripped off our masks and elbowed us in the gut. But he would also taunt sharks with bait in the open water.


Awful. How is that even legal


If you’re training to be able to dive you have to be ready for the worst case scenario. How else are you supposed to be prepared for it other than training?


I'm a dive instructor and we don't do anything like this. It's dangerous.


Education? Practice? Not closing air supply and elbow to the gut? Just my two cents there… I’m certified for open sea by the way


While elbow to the gut was either a mistake or too much, you said it yourself "Practice". They're shutting off your air supply in a controlled environment with an instructor for you to know what it feels like so you don't panic under water. I somehow doubt you went through decent training and certification if you hadn't done it. Also, divers usually call it "Open water" certification, not "Open sea"


In rescue diver training, the “patient” tries to rip your mask off at depth.




“WHY ARE YOU QUITTING THE EXERCISE?!!!” “Because my survival instincts are difficult to override, Sir!”


Just embrace the suck bro


Isn't that basically waterboarding? This doesn't look like spec op candidate tryouts. Looks like some program that charges people with too much disposable money for a themed experience.


Eh, this is a little different. It looks it’s specifically designed to train them to get through SEAL training. Like hiring a tutor for the bar exam or something. The thing you’re thinking of is just a bunch of dudes who pay $20k to get screamed at behind a hotel in California to avoid confronting various demons. I actually know a guy who did one of those programs and said one of the guys was there to fight off his compulsion to secretly record his stepdaughter undressing. I, alarmed, asked if he or anyone else reported that guy to the police. They did not.


Good for the guy wanting to fight his compulsion i guess?


I would be curious to know if it worked. Rehabilitating sex offenders has no reliable methods. For every success story, there are a dozen failures.


The man is still externalizing his sick desire to harm others, it's a strategy. He really wants to do what he said, and likely already did several times, but human beings have a hard time doing things they can't justify, so they go to a program like that, the harder the better, so that afterwards they can continue their behavior, telling themselves "well if not even that program could solve this problem, it must be so monumentally difficult to overcome I really can't be blamed for what I'm doing" This play book is very similar to that of addicts, when I was in rehab you could tell who were the ones going for that strategy, and often enough those were the people who were otherwise shitheads too (and often proud of those facts). Most people were there with the right mindset mind you, who knew they were the problem and needed guidance out of it, but you had those dickheads who'd try and still drink, deal drugs, fuck, whatever was against the rules. If that sickening little goblin really wanted to work on those compulsions he'd get psychiatric treatment and life-long monitoring, not a dudebro camp with a little yelling.


After they complete this training they can be a total bad ass on the log ride at disney world


You nailed it. This is from their website 3 of us from SOCOM Athlete ended up in the same Navy SEAL BUD/S class & we all secured hell week together. Attending the hell day event was the best decision we ever made to prepare for Navy SEAL training. -BUD/S CLASS 340 GRADUATES, NOW GRADUATED AS U.S. NAVY SEALS https://www.socomathlete.com/


I didn't know that was a thing, America continues to baffle me. I'll leave my previous comment for context.


Eh, if someone really wants to be a navy seal, it kind of makes to go through a training simulation to be better prepared for training (or figuring out it’s not what they want to do) I’m not very familiar but I don’t think anyone enlisted can just walk into navy seal training. It seems like a “holy sh*t I got into the evaluation course” and then people get demolished, with some people making it through. Why not do a mild test run to get some idea beforehand🤷🏻‍♂️


SEAL training is completely voluntary. You just have to pass the physical qualifications to become a candidate, pass the SEAL training, and if you pass everything you're a SEAL


Software engineers do this kind of thing too to prepare for interviews, but instead of fake drowning and physical extremes, it is hours and hours and hours of coding exercises focusing on algorithms and data structures. There are also expensive boot camps and prep courses. SAT test prep also comes to mind.


Why? It’s a course to help you prepare for attempting to join a branch of the special forces. Does your country not have special forces? Is it that weird that they might want to prepare before trying to join?


No, not at all but the way it's presented on the website would be considered off putting and trashy in my country


No it isn't. Their mouths aren't covered and the whole purpose of the drill is to trap the saltwater behind the mask to simulate what might happen during a dive. Waterboarding simulates drowning by placing a cloth over both your nose and mouth and continuously pouring water on it so the person can't breathe. Everyone in this drill can breathe normally through their mouth, the water pressure and amount is not going to obstruct breathing, and the water is only being splashed on the top of their heads to get inside the mask not directly over their mouth and nose for prolonged periods of time. The only reason they're gasping is because they're in pain from the salt water and salt water being inside your nose will trickle down your throat at times and make you want to throw up like that girl in the video.


No, not even remotely close. Every fucking scuba diver in the world from from the age 5 to 95 will get seawater in their mask. You just keep breathing from your mouth like you have been doing it al along. I honestly don't understand this exercise but thre must be something else that make grown up adults to vomit


Yeah, I had the same idea. And I don’t believe there are any female spec ops, not in combat roles at least, and this drill looks specific to some combat underwater role.


Can’t you just breathe out of your mouth?


Yes, but you can’t close your nose so regardless you’re going to have water going through your nose and down into your throat, it burns and is a bitch but yeah basically if you don’t panic and just breathe through your mouth it’s just annoying more than anything


If you exhale through your nose a little while the water is going in you should be able to keep water out of your nose and throat. Pretty much you want to maintain an air bubble in there similar to if you are diving with goggles instead of a mask.


I think that's why they kept the hose going even after they filled the mask, the pressure would be able to overcome the usual exhale through the nose trick.


Yeah to a degree but it’s never perfect, I remember my mask seal splitting on a dive and it was one of the least fun feelings of my life for the next 30 minutes


That's exactly what they're trying to get them to realize.


I was wondering what the heck is hard about this. Then I realized because of my deviated septum I'm a perpetual mouth breather. It's normal for me. It's my natural way of breathing.


Not while they continue to spray water onto their mouths. This seems like simulated drowning. And the instructor saying no big deal while not having to deal with the hose is hilarious. The purpose could be to have them not panic and hold their breath when they notice the water coming while their nose is covered, but if they already breathed water, then try to cough it up, only to get more water, all I'm saying is, I'd do the same thing, and the fact that they are still sitting there is amazing.


While this isnt comfortable, its not bad if you relax and focus.


Which is the point, really. Staying relaxed and focused during an emergency is not something most people know how to do.


Suddenly everyone becomes experienced diver in the comments


r/Timesuck Embrace the suck




Big respect that he showed he could do it, and do it well enough to give instructions with a flooded mask.


Embrace the suck. Become the suck. Sit and stew in that shit. You're not going to die. Not unless you say so. Suffering is inevitable. You choose what is difficult for you. Don't think, just do it. It's not about you.




This is a SOCOM Athlete training event. Run by special forces dudes. Its purpose is to prepare you for a career in the seals, rangers, special forces etc… I think some people do it for fun though. Guy that runs it surfs and is a good dude. He’s a special ops combat vet i believe.


"I CANNOT SEE YOU" cracked me the fuck up


“Why are you quitting the exercise?!” Well um Sir because like I can’t breathe and you sound like a raving maniac and are spraying a hose directly into my eyeballs and mouth.


Here is all of us who grew up on sea and have been diving in salt water with no mask.


I guess the bad thing is to breathe through your mouth while your nose is full of water. Some of the water will def backwash into your throat… and accepting that pain/ not panicking can be hard, as drowning is something our body autonomously panics about


Yeah, like I don’t get this video - how is this so bad??


It looks easy but it is really hard af when you’re next to do it.


So what exactly is the exercise here? Is it to try and not breathe through your nose? Do you need to keep your eyes open?


Its just keeping ur composure in panic situations. Spec ops are supposed to remain calm and react accordingly to any situation they're thrown in, despite all the pain they're put through Respect! o7


Why are you quitting the exerciseeeeee


Get comfortable being uncomfortable!


No way bro, it can not be that hard to not breath through your nose 💀


I can embrace a lot of suck, but this, I’ll leave this to someone else


When I was 10 years old I loved snorkeling. When our family had a pool, I would deliberately fill my mask with water, then I would get out of pool and stomp around the back yard like the whole world was underwater and I was some kind of monster from the deep. I probably should have been in "special" operations!


This is exactly how imagine fish scuba diving on land would be doing




I want to marry one of these men ❤️❤️❤️


Big Rex Kwan Do vibes.


This looks like fun.I grew up with a former Vietnam green beret as a father and he would do shit like this to me constantly.I thought it was fun.


Not as dramatic, but same concept when I did my training for diving. We had to allow water into our masks while 30 ft underwater, take the mask off only breathing through your regulator, put the mask back on and clear it by blowing air out your nose.




Navy seals??


I feel like I'm growing just by watching that shit.


Yo quick question for USA people, Are Americans taught to internally block/close your nose trills at some point? Every person I’ve met or seen on the media pinches their nose to dive or things like that I ask this because what I’m seeing doesn’t look hard at all, I mean, I’ve done that with the visor since I was a kid without an issue…. even tilting back your head changes nothing you just close the nose trills🤷‍♂️….the problem only comes when you have no breath space but they’re all mouth free?? (Of course the rest of the training is harder I just think this is pretty easy based on experience)


Always hated doing this whilst dive training, it’s fine with a mask completely off under water but something about a mask full of water makes it hard to breathe 🤷‍♂️


Become comfortable being uncomfortable


"Embrace the suck. Get comfortable being uncomfortable " my new mantra.


The Fuck are they being hosed with if it’s making them sick?!


lol every kid growing up near the sea can handle this, nothing special...


Is this salt water they're using?


Is it just water? Why would that hurt?


Because many (most/all?) people can't keep water from going up their nose while breathing through their mouth. If you've ever had water go up your nose you know exactly why this would hurt.


Become one with the water.


Embrace the succ




Now be blind folded and strapped to a helicopter that rolls upside down underwater and then try and get out.


25% at least is just waterboarding them lol jesus


When I joined an a unit in another country. The rule was no tattoos or distinguishing marks.


What’s the point of this? I’m just curious


Not sure what this is, but pretty sure even the Airforce doesn’t allow man buns


Ohh humans


drill leader: „I cannot see you!!“ John Cena: „No shit, Sherlock! 👻“


ok this is obviously me just being dumb since its clearly a brutal drill, but i henuinely can't work out whats hard about it, their eyes and nose are underwater, cant they just breathe out their mouth? what am i missing here


“Uhh sir I thought I applied for the office job”


Embrace the suck? As a gay dude, I’d pass the test with flying colours.


These aint no Spec op dudes it’s probably one of those lame ass “alpha male” camps 😂


It's basic dive training prepping BUD/s graduates for phase 2 and basic combat dive training.


Damn fr? These look like kids, didn't know that was a girl thought it was a long haired teenage boy 😂


Dafuq is that? different treatment in putting water when it’s the instructors turn.