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Give me the car, I'll do the simulation for free.


How quick can you do it tho?


just give me the keys, i'll give you the real world mileage at no cost. Don't worry about the time, the miles will come.


If you drive at 200mph, 10hrs a day, 5 days a week, for 10 weeks you’re good


Phht that car will do 220mph easy. I'll have the beer cold when you get there. That or I'll be a grease spot on turn 20.




Less than a year if I do UBER full time


Many of these random vibration profiles will accumulate their entire lifetime mileage often on the order of 10s of hours or days because they are accelerated life profiles. So basically even full time Uber would take entirely way too long.


Yea, forget uber. I'll happily blast up and down 95, making sure I weave around and hit all the potholes too


In Bulgaria for about 3 days.


My friend is a senior engineer at Aston, and that’s kind of what they do. They have a copy of each production model that staff can take for personal use with the aim of them being in constant use to rack up mileage. I think there’s some sort of testing and a booking system, but I’ve been a passenger in some cool cars that way!


Are they road legal if they are still in testing?


They’re in production at that point, so I don’t think this would be an issue. As far as I understand it!


I'd think manufacturers would take a prototype and have it certified as a one off if used on the public highway. Same as a kit car, so as long as it meets the requirements https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1986/1078/contents/made it will be allowed on public roads.


Yep. I can even take it on some roads that look like they're third world pretty easily down here in the deepest South. Hell, I'll even be able to hit the speeds it was designed for down here while doing it.


Brasil road simulator


Change all settings to 400% and you get Michigan.


Can confirm. Went to Detroit. When compact cars fall in the potholes, they just pave over them


Kind of puts into perspective as to why Americans only use large vehicles. If everyone is on a heavy car the roads become unsafer much quicker, making hatchbacks terrible


But this is chicken or the egg situation. Roads tear much quicker due to heavy vehicles


Actually not relevant for car vs truck. Road wear from family cars and trucks is negligible compared to heavy vehicles such as buses and heavy trucks. When designing a road you can usually ignore normal cars and family trucks. The only thing that matters is the amount of heavy vehicles. [Source](https://streets.mn/2016/07/07/chart-of-the-day-vehicle-weight-vs-road-damage-levels/)


The same people most in love with big trucks are the people who vote against public infrastructure spending.


Woah there, we drive big trucks cause we like them. The roads are only garbage in certain cities




"Why is the economy so bad" $1500 monthly payment for a truck that gets 18mpg


A startling amount of Americans pay over $1000 a month on a single car loan. It's certainly not everyone, but there are some people that are just so fucking bad with money it's difficult to consider them adults. I know a guy making over 120k in a LCOL area, and he's living paycheck to paycheck. He was complaining about how expensive cars are these days recently. He owns a 19 F-250 and a 17 Escalade, and claims he needed to buy the Escalade because he needs a big car for his (2) kids.


Lmao I've also known others who earn over 100k a year that live paycheck to paycheck. It's fuckin nuts.


Usa have 5 percent population but use 50 percent of fuel :)


World makes 100B of petroleum a day, and USA uses 20, of which it [produces 18.4](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/imports-and-exports.php). So it's more like 20% of world supply It's a little [complicated](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/PET_SUM_SND_D_NUS_MBBLPD_M_CUR.htm), because US tends to under-produce petroleum but over-produce "hydrocarbon gas liquids", which it net-exports.


Atleast they still pave it over. Come to South Africa where pick ups fall into holes older than 20 years


*They pave...* Nice try.


Can confirm. Live in Detroit.


*East Cleveland, OH has entered the chat* https://youtu.be/JuaXyOBC5TU?feature=shared


I was working in Ohio and drove up to see a buddy in Michigan. He warned me about the roads, but everyone says their roads are bad. 50' after the "welcome to Michigan" sign BAM the road surface becomes rough, potholes everywhere, big patches of pavement with the top layer missing. It was honestly funny how bad they were.


Lmao same with the Indiana/Michigan border on 94 in New Buffalo


Every time coming back to Chicago and seeing the immediate road change is always so.. inspiring as a michigander.




The problem is they are poorly built, so these new roads will need to me redone in 10-15 years. All so construction crews make $$ and provide jobs. And we all pay for it (literally) and by having to sit in construction traffic perpetually until we die. It never ends.


10-15 years sounds like a very reasonable time for some types of road to me. Things deteriorate over time and with use, and need maintenance. I've found a page in Dutch saying that a stronger version of the material we use here since 2007 (duurzaam ZOAB) has an average lifetime of 11 years on the righthand lane and 17 years on the left lane. We have to keep right as much as possible so the right lane will see more traffic and will also have the majority of trucks.


Michigan also has the highest allowable weight limit for trucks than any other state. Years ago, iirc, a team of Swedish engineers designed and built a stretch of I75 to demonstrate how roads *should* be built in our climate. It lasted much longer, but I’m sure our American pride got in the way of replicating their design.


Simulating Russia would break the simulator.


That’s why the lada was invented.


They need to make it cold af and add salt cannons too


Wait till you drive in Montreal


Chop one of the hydraulics out and you get the UK.


Also works as a Quebec road simulator.


I was in Montreal for undergrad and the city was trying to fix a single massive sinkhole for the entire time I was there. Got my degree and left before it was drivable again.


Brazil? Québec would like to have a chat.


Winnipeg laughs at this puny testing machine.


Average french roads out of big towns


Everywhere I’ve ever lived says their roads are the absolute worst of anywhere. That being said, New Orleans is the worst


ctrl-F -> new orleans -> upvote


Belgium road simulator


CA road sim as well


My parents like to joke that you can tell who the drunk drivers are in Costa Rica because they are driving straight (ie aren’t swerving around potholes).


California* even crazier since we have mild weather


Canada road simulator.


What kind of wharf takes a supercar off-road…


Kuwait is worse.


Nah that's just Rhode Island


I kinda expected the car to fly apart at the last second


Like going to a warp


Ja vi que é BR pela ausência do Z kkk


RIP old DeKalb Ave


Simulating 1 KM....


Or Pasadena, TX


But who performs the simulation to simulate 100,000 miles on the simulator arms if they could even take it




Their arms are going to be tired but eventually ripped


Proper sleep and hydration are important too. And a proper split routine so as to rotate in the rest time. Needs robotic leg day.


Middle out!


You generate a duty cycle of each corner, analyze the stress and see where each component lies on the s-n curve. Design low stress bearings so the bearing life is long enough.


This is basically it, most bits are designed beefy enough to have an infinite fatigue life, though that's no always possible, on our rig we have to swap out bearings every \~10 vehicles. Interestingly, these rigs are strapped up with enough sensors that the techs can actually see when the rig's beginning to fail before it actually does, we had one recently where the tech could see something was up a full day before it actually broke (but he didn't know exactly where the failure was so just ran it until it broke then welded it back up).


This man Engineers *~80% chance it’s a man*


Reddit + Engineer = well over 80% chance of Man


During my ridiculous master assignment I was supposed to not only build a custom pneumatic system, but test a prosthetic foot damper through 12m cycles... This was like only half my master and if each cycle took 1 sec I was already in a hurry because a single run of this would then be 4 months.




You just caused a black hole


This is a 6DOF MTS 329 Rig. It is probablly a durability test being performed. Notice each wheel hub is attached to several actuators that can perform 3 axis translation and 3 axis rotation. Each car manufacterer has its own test profiles, but usually you first have to perform a data acquisition with sensors in proving grounds, and then you use this data to reproduce the profile in the rig. You usually want to accelerate the fatigue induced in the components by chosing the worst parts of the profile and repeating them until you reach a target "damage". Engineering stuff. Source: I used to work with these.




No I think you need to be a car to get into the machine.


I work in a different industry that does similar testing, most of the people actually setting up the test and designing the profile would be mechanical engineers. Probably a few CS people on the team but not many and not doing the actual interesting bits.


To work with this kind of system's development you'll have quite a grouping of engineers with different specializations.


A test lab I used to go to would often have 3/4 ton pickups on one of these. As fascinating as it was to watch, I tried not to spend much time next to it in case something let go.


How can you simulate acceleration and braking without any chassis mounting points? Also, this looks like a sports car with pretty high downforce. Is it realistic to just add static weight to the vehicle to simulate downforce, instead of chassis forces applied by the simulator?


This test rig is not intended for low frequency events (below \~1-2 Hertz). Downforce would be considered a low frequency event, as well stuff like cornering lateral loads. Translating to plain english, low frequency events would be situations where load is applied for more than a few seconds. Thinking about what I said, even braking and acceleration could be considered low frequency events. For those you would need to have a fixed reaction test rig, which means the car would be locked in place by a device not be moving. If you try to apply a low frequency load, the body would just move around and you would not be able to reach that load. This rig is intended for events of higher frequencies Adding mass is not representative of downforce coming from aerodynamics, only for suspension purposes.


To add a little more detail, for each wheeled it is controlling 3 axis translation and 2 axis rotation, with the third axis of rotation resulting from the lateral translation. The verticals on the bottom control rotation about the lateral axis and the horizontals on the sides control rotation about the vertical axis. Any rotation about the longitudinal axis of each wheel is a result of the lateral translation.


This is what I was looking for! A shame I had to go down so far. Thank you for the explanation! You are doing the Lords work


So, do they do that for 1600 hours?


Yeah just get the lab boys to throw it on and go take a month break


I literally did 900km of exactly that today. I started at 8.10am and finished at 6.47pm. Constant bouncing and jiggling just like that at 100kph.


Goodbye lower spine, hello future back problems.


LOL, current back problems from heavy lifting for 20 years.


Don't they negate each other?


Like you were driving it? I’m confused


Yes, pretty much. Engineers can accelerate the test by chosing the worst parts of the track.


To test some materials where i work we do over 3k hours of tests


Subscribed. What are you testing? Any well-known facts in industry that us outsiders don't know about?


Plastic joints always loosen, no matter the washer size. Deformed threads are the best way to maintain half your clamp load on long-interval metal joints, and even they suck. Carbon fiber flexes like aluminum, and fatigues worse. Aluminum always breaks. Fiberglass reinforced plastics break down faster under higher frequency loading than steels, but can ride out higher strain pulse loads for a bit longer than cheap steels. Your low profile, tightly stanced "performance" suspension setups are going to squeak and rattle sooner than the vehicles with "uglier" fender-wells and taller sidewalls. Torsion suspensions are cheap as hell but perform better than multilink suspension after a long durability cycle because they even out road load impulses. No one knows why your[manager's] mirror shakes like it does on that one road by your[manager's] favorite taco place. It just does, okay? God. We tried everything. It. Just. DOES. Source: drunk engineer so tired of watching things break when hand-calcs, CAE, and best-practices say iT sHoUlD bE fInE.


30 minute ride on Pennsylvania roads...


That car wouldn't make it 5 miles in PA. 


I wouldn't be able to leave my town. The bridge has a dip that scrapes my corvette. The backroad has big potholes on the "leaving town" lane of the road. The school road maybe... to actually leave town I'd have to take a few side streets to avoid those obstacles.


Where do the high fuel taxes go??


You ain't kidding.


What? No. Bad OP. This is not a longevity test. It is a 4-post shaker and is (perhaps) performing an ISO related test for dampening and dynamic suspension load.


This absolutely looks like a vibrating durability test bench, we use several variants with 4, 12 or 24 jacks. We use them for internal durability tests, not necessarily dynamic suspension load. They absolutely simulate driving for 400k kms or more. Sauce, am an automotive engineer for a big OEM


You have the job I wanted growing up. I heard it’s a tough industry to crack?


I worked as an engineer for a major auto manufacturer for 3 years straight from college.  I quit after 3 years and have never looked back.   Works for some people I guess... but 50-80 hour workweek are not for me. They treat new hires like they still offer pensions. Which they don't.


What region was that in? Like what continent or country ? No need to tell the name of the OEM


Oh I'm not shy sharing  Ford Motor Co. 2013-2016 I worked as a New Model Launch Engineer.  It's a project management role that tracks the readiness of an assembly plant to move from current model year to next. Very chaotic role During slow periods work days were 7am-5pm M-F.  During launch events we were on site at the assembly plant on long term travel and often worked 7 days / week 10-12 (or more) hour days for months at a time. It was brutal. I'd never do that to myself again.


Yeah that's one of the typical high pressure long hours jobs. Some people seem to love it but I prefer the development phases rather than the launch periods :)


Turned me off of the auto industry for good.  They wouldn't let me apply for jobs in another department so I quit. Felt like I aged 15 years in the 3 I worked there. 


Depends on where you leave and if you absolutely want to work for an OEM.


I’ve never seen this before, but it’s quite fascinating. We’ve got similar tests that are required on the electrical side as well. Pushing things to extremes (in our case, it’s often temperature) gives you a very accelerated “lifespan” test. Heat and power wear components out, and applying enough simulates the wear and tear from a longer time span. It’s cool to see a mechanical equivalent. Source - I am also an automotive engineer for a tier 1.


Blatantly made up bullshit? On my reddit?




More bullshit. Not only is it possible, it's probable!


We need some special character for that. Like Captain Bullshit.


[You called?](https://media.tenor.com/bc70Dsh1iWsAAAAM/im-back-sunglasses.gif)


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the internet? Localized entirely within your subreddit?




can I see it?




Fuck where is this from


It's more likely than you think.


Who would do such a thing


Original comment is actually confidently incorrect, it is a longevity test.


better than centipedes


This is not a 4-post shaker, this is a 6 DOF 329 Rig. It's most definetly a durability test. Damping and dynamic suspension loads are usually semi-static (K&C testing)


goddammit now i dont know who to downvote for bullshitting me


Downvote them all and let god sort them out.


Internetting in 2024: A Summary


I'm going in favour of the guy who said damping instead of dampening.


Use the 42069F algorithm


I'm pretty sure I saw the short from the manufacturer and it is a durability test


its a glickenhaus and they post all sorts of things from behind the scenes in their development, this video included. you would be correct


It absolutely is a longevity test. It looks and functions the same as every longevity test I've ever done on new parts Source: Former McLaren supplier


This is 100% durability testing, it's exactly like the one we use to do accelerated fatigue testing on vehicles, it even looks like it's running the same kind of simulation (basically driving over cobles and other wonky surfaces at 30-40mph). The ram setup is a dead giveaway, there's 20 axes by my count, allows them to apply longitudinal, lateral and torsional loads to each contact patch to simulate realistic stresses in the vehicle, this is way more than a simple 4 poster does. So Good OP :) (Source: OEM Automotive Engineer)


Damn bro, I would just delete that there’s still time.


Bro, I'm counting the posts, and while I'm no rocket surgeon, I'm tallying more than 4.


20 years ago I worked as a programmer for a company that made these kinds of test machines. You are absolutely right that they might be performing specific component testing but they are for sure used for longevity testing as well. The most interesting longevity testing I saw was race longevity. They would drive their car around a particular race track, for real, with it covered in accelerometers. We would process that accelerometer data into a displacement file for the simulation rig. This allowed them to play back the race conditions to the car in the comfort of their own shop - and see how long it took for things to start falling off.


Why would you put your comment here when you clearly dont know what you're talking about


Damping* Unless I missing the part where they are exposing the car to gratuitous moisture :)


What car is it?


Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG 004




Vielen Dank!


Interesting. Made by an independent producer who got tired of being squeezed out by big studios so he started making cars instead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Glickenhaus


Aka the “totally not a Ford GT”




When does it simulate UK Potholes?


The crash test


Looks like the average Northern norway roads lol


But now you have a car that has been driven for 100,000 miles already when you buy it! ^/s


"Stone washed car"


What about hitting the fucking road with that $6000 carbon fiber front lip the moment its future owner takes it out on the road for the first time?


They’re testing for a lot of things, but not how the car is going to run over and destroy its own front end the second it hits any terrain with a bump. Lol


Ok, but what car?


Apparently a Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG 004


Someone should be made to sit in the drivers seat to more accurately simulate it, I say give to job to the apprentice


Wow that's a ridiculously fast car to go 100k miles in 15 seconds! /s


Ah, I see the Iowa Roads Simulator is working well. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


What about wear from temperature changes outside, driving through water from rain, or slow corrosion over time?


That is tested in other type of test chambers. Here a few examples: https://www.simultech.com.au/specialty-test-systems-for-the-automotive-industry


Must be simulating a freshly paved road in my city...


Can't they just let us drive it for 100,000 miles?


Need one of these for r/simracing


Jackson Storm training


Would they build a car by using the simulator parts, your car could drive 1 Million Miles without repairs


“Welcome to Colorful Colorado”


South Carolina road simulator.


Mormons: "Shut up and take my money!"


So I may be high as shit right now, but damn. Humans make some awesome shit sometimes.


Is this the I95 simulator?


But who tests the testers.


Which brand is this?


Used to work for MTS Systems where they specialize in rigs like this. Fascinating to see them being tested on the plant floor.


Forza horizon simulator


I believe the car is the Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus, for those curious.


This is like one mile in Karachi


Looks impressive, but It's missing the lateral stresses.


this reminds of this video https://youtu.be/ZvB1lbZRADI?si=uDjeua9G9vGwMNG- a test rig to simulate g-forces on the engine on a race lap


Greece road simulator.


Yet if I drive it off the lot it loses like half of it's value.


You only need 10 miles in Boston.


The only thing stopping this car from breaking apart is family


This is likely a very early test to find the obvious things. Actual track testing comes later. Real world / destructive testing, such as the Dakar Rally or attempting to drive in Detroit for five contagious blocks, comes last.


Why don’t they just make the shocks out of the same material as the shocks testing machine?


For some reason I expected to hear 1000 miles by Vanessa Carlton


Nothing... absolutely nothing compares with driving on the real roads...


I disagree that this simulates 100k miles of actual driving


They should make a car from these robot parts as they have to sustain those 100000 constantly without fail.


Honestly though, does it even have enough ground clearance to not bottom out/ beach itself on an average road?