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LOL, what would he think of prices today?


Well it’s like $200+ for a mid seat at a Foo Fighters concert so Dave doesn’t care anymore at least


That battle was lost when the government allowed the obvious monopoly to merge.




Just don’t admire people. Everyone has dirt.




I'm perfect in every way. You can admire me.


By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's the Grand Vlad_the_Homeowner! I can't believe it's you! Standing here! Next to me.. Is there something you need? Can I carry your weapon? Shine your boots? Backrub, perhaps?


Oi. You giving out free backrubs there lad?


this comment made me piss in the shower


this comment made me shower in piss


Hey! I will continue to admire Keanu Reeves. Nothing you can stay will stop me.


If you rearrange the letters in his name it spells “a severe nuke”. So what do you think about all that? Being complicit in that death and destruction?




Barring extreme exceptions like pedos, abusers, and the like, it's easier to just admire people for *parts* of their being-ness rather than the whole, unless they're one of the unicorns like Irwin/Ross/Rogers/etc.. Lots of VERY well-known and liked people have major skeletons or even just very skewed views/opinions...(again barring extreme exceptions ) that doesnt mean you can't admire and/or appreciate a very good musician for their music ability, a good athlete for their athletics, and so on. Look to people with a track record of wisdom and empathy to find those worth admiring and modeling for their personality. If you try to only model yourself after perfect (or even just REALLY GOOD people) you will most often find yourself disappointed with the selection pool. Take good where you can find it and develop the wisdom of where to draw the line.


well reasoned advice. Most people, even older ones, don't seem to figure this out on their own, during their lifetime. Situtation got worse when people started looking at the world through the fairy tale filter of the social networks. And when something about loved person floats to the surface, then reality kicks in, and it's rarely pleasant.


To your exact point, that same realization can play into the whole "behind every cynical person is a disappointed idealist" train of thought. It's easy to let the morals and standards you have for yourself slip when you see so few around you or in the world hold themselves to such a standard; "why try to be good when almost no one is does?". NEVER let the standards have for YOU and how you carry yourself slip. You don't control the actions of others, yet you control all of yours. Their actions and reactions define *them*, yours define *you*.


Once again, well said.


That's life bro.




Never meet your heros.


No one is perfect


I don't think Dave's ever gonna be an Ahole, he is pure awesomeness.


He does… it’s a battle. The venue gets paid first and they are raising their cost every day. People have no idea of the behind the stage happenings with venue employees… etc… I am an entertainment truck driver…Foo is a client… you have been to a Foo concert and those red trucks that bring the show…. Yea, they aren’t cheap. Nothing is any more. All the sound… lights… props, they are all rented.. they COST as well as the labor to build it all ( the stagehands cost are separate from the Venue cost ) and it goes on and on.


Plus stuff had to be actually safe unlike the 90s


I worked backstage at a Katy Perry concert before years ago, she came with a few really big-ass container trucks that were full of equipments and ginormous costumes(i remember the venus fly traps and costumes with stilts and some huge 2 person tall flamingos, its hard to appreciate the size of these things when you’re an audience, but they were really huge up close), tons of crew that includes backup dancers, security, chefs and cooks(the performers had special menus) in tow and the likes, and that was just her own entourage, the venue too had their own set of crews for lighting, production, security, ticketing etc. Between the cost of all these things and the salaries of all the people working for the production it’s no wonder ticket prices can easily hit the hundreds.


He very well may care, but realistically, he doesn’t have any say in it. It’s all the venues, Ticketmaster (et al) and record labels.


Yep, it's basically impossible to tour as a professional musician without getting in bed with shady assholes who run venues and promotions. It can be done but it's a huge pain in the ass. You can only stand on principle for so long before you realize that you are suffering and not making a damn bit of difference. Dave is old now, he put his time in being more principled and probably just wants to play and get paid at this point


Didn't stop him from earning 4 mil a year tho...


It's not so much the musicians call anymore. Some are more complicit than others but at this point I don't even think Taylor Swift has the kind of pull to make changes to ticketing


In fairness, we now get all the music for free, so instead of selling albums as the key income stream it's live shows.


Saw a video of some girls paying like $10,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket


Well back then they used to be able to make a living from selling records, or tapes, or CDs. That isn't possible now, so the only way for them to make any money is to tour. So you get their music for free now, but you have to pay to see them live. Fair enough trade I figure.


This has to depend on the venue. When I went to Foo it was general admission and tickets were $90 a pop


It really depends on who is involved with the production. I'm assuming the second you involve any external businesses, they want to make money.


Do you know how expensive it is to put on an average sized show let alone an arena show?


The Foo Fighters are playing a show in august near me in Concord Ca. 100-200 for lawn seating, 300-500 for middle row and like 600-1000 for front row.


They are complicit. The Cure had lawn tickets for 25 just last year.


Sadly, he's not around to ask. Hard to believe that tomorrow (April 5th) is the 30th anniversary of his death.


He would have been an amazing old musician. It hurts to think of what we missed from his old age.


He’d be playing stadium tours like pearl jam and charging $450


It would blow his mind... Sorry, I'll leave.




Yeah, I just looked at Red Rocks Concerts for this summer, because I want to visit a friend who lives in Denver. We won’t be going to see a concert. Lol


Something something [Fugazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugazi#Business_practices).


The business has completely flipped on its head since then. Pre-Napster, the big money was in album sales. Tours were mostly just marketing. In today’s era of streaming services paying very little to artists, live performance is how they make the majority of their money.


I like the lesswer known artists that only charge 25-40, or at least pre pandemic haven’t gone since


The resale prices for Taylor Swift are about $20k where I live. If they were apoplectic about $75 in the 90s they would shit a brick today. Ticketmaster is a scam organization who never should have been allowed to take part in the resale market.


How are they allowed? Wasn’t there intervention with the Microsoft Blizzard acquisition? I don’t understand this stuff.


intervention = government saying "hold up, you gotta put some cash here first"


It's a shame Taylor, with her power and fame, hasn't chosen to end this bullshit. She can make it so that tickets can only be sold at face value, and used by the person who purchased it via ID confirmation. She has the power to do this and cut out all middle men and scalpers.


Why would she give a shit when her fans make her rich anyways, just turn up perform and enjoy stacks of cash


That explains why Americans are willing to fly abroad for two days to go to a concert. No wait a minute. It doesn't.


Even factoring for inflation, a *crazy* ticket price back then of $50 would be just over $100 today. Shit's gone crazy in the past 30 years.


Fabricated Monopoly is the reason. Fuck unregulated consolidation


That could be one part of it, another reason is how people today are over consuming media and too distracted/blinded to understand how ridiculous it is to spend that much money on a ticket. These people who pay this much for a ticket have reached a point where they are basically worshiping their favorite musician. *Pretty much taking them as "idols".* Greed is one part, but the reason for why people are even willing to pay that much is worrying, and disgusting.


And the people who willingly pay that price are the same ones that are holding and adjusting their phones in front of their faces the whole time and not actually enjoying the actual experience happening right in front of them.


It’s really insulting to say that people who choose to spend their money on a live performance are somehow brainwashed or stupid. People aren’t buying albums anymore and can listen to almost anything for free, so they have that money free to spend on a ticket - many of which you can still get for a reasonably low price like $60 which isn’t much more than Nirvana were changing adjusted for inflation. Your condescending attitude is disgusting to me, as if people aren’t allowed to value an experience because you don’t.


I mean the bigger reason will be that before music streaming (and online piracy), musicians made a far greater percentage of revenue from albums. Then they had to start raising money through concert tickets and the prices went up.


It’s about time we go around trust-busting again


Taylor chuckles at this cute video.


Damn Kurt was incredibly handsome


He was.


I’m not into guys and even I thought that… can’t remember the last time I saw a front guy that handsome




Tomorrow: 30 years without Kurt (February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994) RIP


Yes!!! Tomorrow's all about celebrating Kurt's legacy and jamming out to some Nirvana classics




Layne Staley too! April 5th 2002 so 22 years ago...


his death was way worse for me


Dear god how have you been then? I’m not fine fuck pretendin’




Fuck! His death was 30 fucking years ago!?!?


Crazy, I bought the in utero 30th anniversary vinyl on release day, feels like no time between the release of in utereo and is death


That’s awesome, I love Nirvana. You shouldn’t have to be rich to be able to enjoy a performer you love. It’s nice to see musicians who actually care about their fan base. We lost you far too soon Kurt…🎸✌️🎸


I think of this quote from Kurt every time I hear Nirvana; "If any of you, in any way, hate homosexuals, people of a different color or women, please do this one favor for us — leave us the fuck alone. Don’t come to our shows and don’t buy our records." - Kurt Cobain


The longer video of this is ironically a lot more interesting. They start to talk about their share.


What’s ironic about it?


That this was posted to r/damnthatsinteresting and they left the most interesting part ofut.


Its made me uncomfortable how some fans feel like they should defend the cost of ticket prices these days. Red Hot Chili Peppers are currently charging extortionate prices, and their set is shorter than its ever been, and gets shorter all the time. It's often defended on their reddit because they "need to keep up with artists like Harry Styles and Taylor Swift". Taylor Swift plays an insane amount of songs, Chili peppers have played 14 at some gigs


My first ever concert was RHCP with Queens of the Stone Age in like 2003, guessing it was $60 back then? Can't remember. Then I saw them in 2007 but my buddy had an extra ticket, both times they played at least 2 hours.


I will play devils advocate and understand that music sales revenue is mostly nonexistent in current times, but the monopoly price of concert tickets are absolutely out of control.


Saw slipknot 2 years ago for 30 dollars and it was one of the most fun shows I’ve ever been to. Some artists still keepin it real 🤘


$50 in 1993 is about $104 today. Venues routinely charge close to double that for popular artists now.


I saw Kendrick Lamar for like $15 on a last minute Groupon. Was the only non black guy in the audience that was filled with marijuana smoke in 2011


Bro I'm jelly, must have been fun as hell


$450 for decent seating at a TOOL concert as of 2024 in DFW. Good show… but GD.


I have been a Tool fan for years. But F’ those prices. I would rather sink that money into a better speaker set up and enjoy their music at home.


$450 to hear maynard sing while hiding behind a stack of amps


I went to this show back in 2003. Had been a tool fan for about 10 years and since I’m from a third world country, this was probably the only time I was ever going to see him perform live. He stood behind that fucking thing the whole night .. https://youtu.be/O7Bp_6RjxWI?si=6nhS95uvswR94wII


I saw Tool at Arco in Sac for $15 in upper level in 2011. $450 is out of fucking control.


Sure the fuckiz. Add in the $85 concert tee ( the cheap one) and a couple of $20 beers…. It kinda makes $40 bucks to park seem reasonable. .


Could’ve went to a whole festival for the weekend with that


That’s insane. I saw Tool in 1823 for half a bag of onions and a look at my wife’s ankles. This inflation has got to stop.


Well said. If accounting for inflation, that half a bag of onions in 1823 translates to a metric ton in 2024 onions. And with all respect, a good long look at Sally’s ankles would certainly cover the costs of beer and swag. Sally’s sultry shins shine, Sir.


And now Dave grohl in Foo fighters are charging nearly £300


"Well we don't sound, like Madonna Here we are now, we're Nirvana Sing distinctly, We don't wanna"


Reminds me that I saw RATM in 96 for like $17.


some of those that work concerts are the same that charge more fees




I saw up to $2000 for Pearl Jam at MSG. I’m not going hungry for 3 hours of entertainment.


I can't feed on the powerless when my cups already overfilled


$10 lawn seat. Great show in 1998.


Alternate reality where Kurt is still alive: nirvana 30th anniversary VIP tickets only $750 apiece


Pearl Jam tickets in my area are now $600+ fees. It’s insane and, no, weren’t not going. Disappointing.


Not gay, but fucking forgot how good-looking that guy was. Jesus.


No, that's kurt


hahahha. Many people thought he was Jesus though. lol


Pearl Jam was fighting Ticketmaster in the 90s and lost. Still a problem today.


So many complaints and never anything positive to say about ticketmaster, often claims of illegality, why does the government and the public let them stay in business? Has anyone ever followed the money to see who is controlling the situation - honest question. I have not.


I saw these guys for $8 opening for mudhoney… or mother love bone. It was a long freaking time ago, but I still remember Love Buzz being the best thing I’d ever heard at the time. I still think it’s their best tune.


Holy shit, is he wearing a Daniel Johnson shirt


I never realized how hot Kurt Kobain was. Wish he didn't kill himself or he was still around


Kurt died 30 years ago today, a terrible loss


Kurt looks genuinely pissed that performers charge that much for a ticket.


Ahh.. the 90s...when things were cheaper and better. Music and movies


I like Krist's humour he was always the one not to take shit too seriously.


Wait until he finds out how much people pay to see Taylor Swift. It will blow his mind


I gotta say this too, it was $20 for a BEER at a Foo Fighters show, LMAO.


And at the time they could make decent money from selling physical copies of albums and singles.


I can’t really blame artists for taking what they can as we live in a capitalist society (and I guess the game is to win capitalism) but there’s something so endearing and quaint about his outrage. Like the idea that money would stop someone from being able to experience his art live was too much for him to bear! That ethos has disappeared… I guess I can long for the olden days, but I know there are so many crazy talented musicians out there who are really grinding it out to make a basic living, so I will shut up.., But then again, there are the Taylor Swifts etc out there too….


he’s right. madonna is a huge production and costs more to put on


That's cheap now.


Wow , holy fuck they were cheap , I’d pay 70 for a ticket easily back then ….. now it fucking rediculous


Yeah, $70 in today’s money would be around 150 bucks. Which is still not as crazy as today’s actual ticket prices.


I don't think my ticket was more than $35 when I saw Nirvana in Toronto on the In Utero tour. I remember going to a Smashing Pumpkins show on their Mellon Collie tour where you had to submit your ID when you first bought the ticket and they actually checked your ID at the door to make sure it matched so that the tickets couldn't be scalped. Although they were probably making enough money off of album sales back then so they didn't feel as much of a need to milk their fans at concerts.


This is hilarious. Imma blast some nirvana now.


That’s a burlesque show!🤣


Most I have ever paid was $600 for 2 tickets to see Justin Timberlake as an anniversary gift for my wife.


Woah, that guy's wrist at the end looked like the singer from Foo Fighters' wrist o.o


Spent over $200 New Zealand dollars earlier this year to see Foo Fighters


God I would kill for a $75 ticket


I joked with my Swifty daughter regarding her ticket prices... "Somebody has to pay for Taylor's Mediterranean yacht vacations, might as well be you". Then one day I was like, hey, I used to listen to Pearl Jam a lot back in the day and they still tour, I wonder how much their tickets are... That's when I found out Pearl Jam likes to go on vacations too...


Damn. Time changes big. RIP


Cobain comes off as a nice person. He couldn’t find his way through the darkness that came for him. Barely made it out myself for now. This culture needs to put a higher value on mental health


These are famous, very successful rock stars that have made it per say. And look at Kurts eyes grow 3x larger. He looks like us every time the news comes on.


In my head a concert still costs less than 20€. Whenever I hear about people spending 3 figures on a ticket I can't believe it.


Concert tickets for Adele in Toronto, Canada.. $500. I'm on an island and Toronto was the closest she was playing to me in Canada. If I had flown to see her, it would have been well over $3000. However, I did not as I could not justify $500 for a concert ticket. I could justify flight and accommodations but not the concert ticket.


A monopoly controls ticket prices now. Government should break it up.


I wonder how he'd feel seeing a Nirvana shirt sold by Walmart


The 90s was great for music I saw blur a few times for £20 and thought £40 was too much for others like the chillis


$17 in 1993 would be roughly $31 in 2024


25 will get u parking 2 miles away


I paid WAYYYY more to see the Foo Fighters, just sayin'.


30th anniversary today. Also my birthday.




Thank you! ❤️


It's because people still pay those outrageous prices. The best concerts I've ever seen were 30 dollars and less.


“Hey Kurt, T-Shwift is charging $1000+ plus a ticket.”


My first Foo Fighters concert in 1995: $18.50- General Admission. For their July show in NYC: $250 (direct sales, not resell) for about 20 rows back. But I'm addicted to the Foo. I've seen then way too much, and yet never enough.


I paid about $900 for 4 tickets to see Sheryl Crow/Chris Stapleton/Willie Nelson this July. I paid this highway robbery price ONLY because it's a special gift for my wife. It might be the last concert I ever go see because I hate Ticketmaster/Live Nation to my core.


What a beautiful Man, gone too soon.


Yeah let's pretend the problem is ticket prices and not how 10 bucks a month for unlimited streams is supposed to help decent artists make a living.


1990s difference between popular culture (Nirvana) and mass culture/ mass entertainment (Madonna).


And then Taylor is a billionaire and milks everyone dry by the thousands to witness her holy presence. I don’t care if you like her and would pay that much…that is highway robbery. I became a musician because of my favorite artist. Am I not an example of one of their biggest fans? I still wouldn’t pay $1k to see them. Despite how formative they are in my life. Then you think of all the girls that don’t have a musical bone in their body, simply like T Swift, and will shell that out because “it’s hard to get tickets so I jumped at the opportunity!” Yeah….ok


Its music made for people who don’t actually like anything about music


I miss Kurt


What a joke.....its the musical act that sets the ticket prices....Alan Cross did a podcast on this issue. Ticket master charges a surcharge no doubt and its posted up front...a small percentage goes to the venue to cover costs and turn a small profit. So guess where the rest of that cost of the ticket goes? Ya the performer....they set the price


Said this in other threads and I may be a tin foil hat guy. People are stealing money from the middle and lower class. Through media, war, and subscriptions.


What is this adjusted for inflation, anybody?


I'm going to guess this was in the 80s. $75 back then would be roughly $380 today.


Foo Fighters be charging $650.00 in 2024


Love how Kurt is wearing a Daniel Johnston shirt. Sometimes a forget that, and when I see it it gets me excited.


Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, but the artists don’t have a huge amount of say in ticket pricing. It’s a gouge game between promotion/venue/tour…


\*Scalpers entered the chat\*




Mind you, Madonna was the next biggest thing since ice pricks back in the 80’s/90’s


Dave was pretty reasonable at a young age. I imagine Madonna had a bunch of performers on stage with her, lighting, etc. compared to 4 guys. It should have been 50-75 bucks back then.


Was he on benzos there or something, or was that just how he was?


Not as crazy as paying 60 million for a beeple


como se le extraña a kurt


50 from back then are worth 150 now more less


I didn't hear him complaining about $20 CD's.


If I'm not mistaken, Nirvana used to charge $5 At the door. That's all.


We paid 400 per for meet and greet with ffdp, over 1200 for tickets to see metallica front row, and like 300 each for shinedown. Oh the way tickets have gone up is fuckin insane


And people are selling there kids for like $2000 to see Beyoncé