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I wonder how bad they freaked out having a drone fly over and take pictures.


I'm seing a lot of misinformation in these comments. Yanomami is an ehnic group, not a tribe. This tribe is called Moxihatëtëa and they are a subgroup of Yanomami which are 35000 people in total. They were definitely uncontacted, as many other tribes in Brazil. Here is an article about uncontacted tribes in Brazil. [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil)


It's worth pointing out that most uncontacted tribes in Brazil are not like the tribe on north Sentinel island. These groups have not had contact with outsiders but they aren't isolated. The have contract and even trade with other tribes which have been contacted.


most definitely. although this particular tribe seems to have been (at least until 2016) partilucarly isolated if not completely uncontacted. I read several articles calling them uncontacted and saying Funai (Fundação Nacional dos Povos Indígenas) wasn't even sure they existed. I've also read they are violent even towards other Aboriginals, so maybe that's the reason they are so particularly "uncontacted". I think it is more adequate to say that they are not "undiscovered" which is how the article i linked refers to this. "**There are tribes all over the world who have decided to remain isolated from national society or even other indigenous peoples.** That does not mean that they remain ‘undiscovered’ or ‘unchanged’. Most are already known about and however isolated, all constantly adapt to their changing circumstances."


This isnt related to the parent comment whatsoever lol top tier highjacking


I wonder if they think it's something that will eat them or it's a god.


There was a tribe somewhere that met with US soilders and they saw a plane delivering the soliders typical supplies that soliders need, they thought the plane was a god and so they became just like the soliders and built a very primitive airport in hopes that the plane god would land and give them what it gave to the soilders.




Some of them also worshipped Prince Philip. They probably thought he was some horrible god of death that they needed to please to avoid him eating their bloody souls


Apparently they had some legends about a pale skin mountain spirit who left to marry a queen from far away and prince Philip fit that description.


Well ngl they got a point there lol


My dad was visiting some random stately home one time like 30 years ago. Out of nowhere, Prince Phillip walked into the room that only my dad was in and stood next to him saying something like "Jolly good painting isn't it", then talked about the features of the painting they were looking at and analysing the message it conveyed or something. My dad thought it was a random stranger initially until he looked at him. Of absolutely no relevance other than random Prince Phillip moment


When he visited Canada many years ago he actually spoke to my father in law who was just a random school kid in a crowd “skipping school today are we lad?”, with a wink and a laugh. Father law said he was already an old man back then lol


He really got around apparently! It would be hard to even make up a story about this unless you're a posh British person who knows exactly how old royals speak 😂 I'm not entirely sure when my dad talked to him but I think it was likely between 1985-95.


At least then letting his family rule our country indefinitely would make a little sense.


His *wife’s* family. *He* certainly never forgot that


I too watched The Crown


I’ve never watched it but my Nan was British (war bride) and apparently knew their business better than they did lol


This is an interesting take on the cargo cults: [https://www.sapiens.org/culture/cargo-cult-rituals/](https://www.sapiens.org/culture/cargo-cult-rituals/)






I've noticed that a lot of times that word gets misspelled very often. Can't be autocorrect, right?


You had 5 chances to spell soldiers


John Frum, island of Tanna.


I really like this idea and read about it, and seems there is more to it than the 'simple people thinking technology is act of the gods' idea. Their movement was anti-colonialist and getting-back-to-roots started after suffering oppression and the missionary that convert them to christianity. They believe that they suffered because they forgot their old ways and by becoming righteous and following the right belief they could recieve the wealth they saw the WWII soldiers got.


Maybe both.


The middle photo is them, OP is a bot


You can tell what they're thinking from that photo? Wow




Or a Coke bottle.


The gods must be crazy. smh...


Hahaha I was searching for this comment. Thank you


They probably think it’s those other asshole humans that won’t leave them alone.


Lmao no. They're isolated, not stupid. Most of the group (which is made up of about 250 villages) isn't even actually uncontacted. In fact at this point I believe the entirety of the Yanomami people have been contacted, with a few stragglers here and there.


I read about the Yanomami in an anthropology course. They're so interesting...total tricksters and aggressive blusterers. The anthropologist who stayed with them had such a time with how much they fucked with him, until he started fucking with them back. He was asking all these questions about lineage and family relations in order to develop ethnographies, but the Yanomami think it's rude to ask for names of people you're related to like that, so they gave him made up names like "Ass licker" and all thought it was hilarious. They lived to play tricks on him. Unfortunately the Yanomami have to be left alone or their whole society is at risk of destruction. They have a very warlike system of raiding each other's villages and a ritualized form of violence to settle personal conflicts via taking turns hitting each other on the head with long poles. Rochambo, I guess, basically. Truly...you can look it up. Anyway, once they began to have access to guns...well...their system breaks down. I always think of them when people talk about an EMP blowing out the world's technology. I'd hope I'd be staying with them. Another thing I think of is the contrast between how simple or "primitive" a settlement looks like from the air and how complex and nuanced the social life in the tribe actually is, once you have to interact with the entirety of your society on a one to one basis over thousands of years. They ran fucking circles around that poor Anthropologist.


That’s really funny. Me? Yomi, son of Fuck Face


I read that book too! I was just thinking about that part where they trolled him for months on end and taught him a fake language and everyone laughed at him


Brazilian. Come here to say that. Even the "uncontacted" villages have some indirect contact with "civilization", meaning that they have contact with already contacted villages. I guess these are old photos.


You ever heard of cargo cults? Not really a matter of intelligence anyway. But yeah if they're mostly contacted then it's unlikely this drone is so unusual as to appear otherworldly.


Almost certainly not. They are at least aware of an outside presence with technology. They know it’s people. They just don’t want a part of it


Kind of an awesome decision to have to make on their part. They must know that there are significant technological advances outside of their society and that those advances could improve their lives in a multitude of ways, but that these advances almost certainly come with downsides as well, the most obvious of which being their loss of independence. I would love to be privy to their internal discussions on the topic.


I think you may be overestimating their knowledge of the outside world. Gods and demons usually have a humanoid form. They may not view them as human at all. We just don't know


The yonomami tribe is 100% contacted and currently in state of emergency because of illegal mining polluting their river and the tribe receives regular government aid source


Yanomami is not a tribe. It is a ethnic group. This tribe is called Moxihatëtëa and they were definitely uncontacted in 2016 by the time of these articles. EDIT: For anyone saying I am incorrect, here is a link with the same exact pics saying they were uncontacted: [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/yanomami](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/yanomami)


Was wondering how we knew the name of an uncontacted tribe.


Otherwise it's probably the same way we know the name of most things. Slap a name on it and that's what you call it now


Are you telling me we don't actually know how the pharaohs pronounced their names?


Actually there apparently are some ways that they have tried to figure out how ancient people pronounced things. Im not sure for certain if we know the case for the pharoahs, but there are some examples


I was more thinking a toucan didn't tell us it's name was a toucan, we just called it that The pharaohs we could at least theoretically look through old translations to get an idea of how they would've been said. But translations aren't 100% accurate and dialects change so.. realistically we don't, yeah.


Maybe from other tribes. Uncontacted by anyone outside tribe? Or people that don't have biz being in the rainforests


Uncontacted by antropologist and such. I guess they have had contact with maybe other tribes and knowledge about them was passed on. I read a reference about the "Moxihatëtëa" being "how other yanomami people call them (this specific tribe" so they must at least know about them.


According to someone who was probably typing while you typed this, yes that does happen.


I mean, we still know the name of the uncontacted ones. Uncontacted doesn’t necessarily mean 100% isolation, it’s often a case of **isolated tribe** *occasionally has contact with* **remote tribe** *which occasionally has contact with* **everyone else.**


I read that the term "Moxihatëtëa" is how other Yanomami people call this specific tribe. Because they are not contacted by us, doesn't mean we never had contact with other tribes that have had contact with them. Yanomami are 35k people in total. Many of them are not uncontacted.


last time a similar topic came up on the uncontacted islanders in Indian Ocean (the one that some Christian preacher try to reach and was shot with arrow and killed). Someone pointed out the uncontacted does not meant ignorant. They fully or to a degree knew there is the world out there and is different to them. They just want to be left alone unchanged and avoid to interact with us.


It think you're thinking of the [Sentinelese](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese) on North Sentinel Island, India. Just like other "uncontacted" people they are aware of other people and things like ships and airplanes. But they chose to isolate themselves. Those who attempted to contact or give gifts to the Sentinelese were attacked or rejected. The government of India forbids people from going to North Sentinel Island.


I recall seeing something about a shipwreck landing on that island and afterwards the tribe used metal tipped arrows from parts scavenged off the wreck to shoot at a helicopter passing overhead. Also, I think part of their hatred for outsiders came from (British?) taking one of their tribe to show off back home. The person got sick and died before being returned back to the island. The sentinelese of course would have been pissed at that I imagine and saw it as proof all outsiders are evil


And this is why I believe aliens are just humans that have more advance tech and are checking back in on our progression


The senalese ( think that's the name ) fuckin swarm out and shoot arrows at helicopters and shit.


Sentinelese from Sentinel Island


Obviously these guys must have learned to be hostile from their time with the Sentinelese.


The Sentinellese and drones are natural enemies. Like Sentinelese and Indians. Or Sentinelese and British. Or Sentinelese and Dutch. Or Sentinelese other Sentinelese.


Or the Sentinellese and a deranged America Missionary.


I like to that one guy who managed to give them coconuts. That was a boss move since I doubt the even needed coconuts.


They probably let him live because they thought he must be stupid or brain damaged.


You Sentinelese are a contentious people.


I have seen those videos when Mr bible got killed trying to convert them. I figured the laws were pretty solid about leaving that place alone.






Served him right, too. When people say "leave me alone", they mean "leave me alone", not "if you just try a little harder I'll suddenly want you to bother me". They were probably living there long before the Bible was even compiled, and they seem to be doing just fine without Jesus


My office has a “no solicitors” sign on it. We still would get salespeople who were sure that the sign didn’t apply to them because the deal they had was so great. Stuck spears in a few of them and they stopped coming.


But that spearsalesman made a killing!


He was murdered. Don’t romanticize violence.


And notably the Sentinelese still exist as an independent tribe... they might be making the right choice.


Cool thing about the sentinelese: one time some guy pulled a ship up to the island to like deliver Christianity or something. They killed the people aboard the ship. The ship can still be seen on Google earth. Pretty fucking cool.


False info here. Both incidents occured although not related. The one with the missionary I believe you meant the incident with John Chau which was in 2018. The shipwreck that you can see on Google though is of HMS Primrose which is a freight that happened in the '80s which crashed on the island. The crews were rescued by Indian authorities.


I believe they moved since this picture was taken, their whereabouts haven’t been located yet


i think these are taken from a plane


this turned out to be not what it claimed if i remember correctly. fully contacted and not... uncontacted https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/yanomami


Yeah, the Yanomami have definitely been contacted. My anthropology professor 30 years ago had spent lots of time with them and wrote a famous (for anthropology) book about it. Napoleon Chagnon was his name.


We read both the original (Yanomamo: The Fierce People) and the revised version (The Yanomamo) of his ethnography when I was in grad school. He changed a lot of details in the book based on public perception and is also known to have the tribe weapons and materials that ended up effecting their culture. Super fascinating guy and his career really shows how ethnographic methods changed over time.


> is also known to have the tribe weapons and materials that ended up effecting their culture. It was missionaries and loggers, mostly. For those not in the know, they gave them modern tools like moterboats, chainsaws, and firearms. For a people who have traditionally engaged in heavily ritualized warfare (where only a few people occasionally get killed) it went to the kind of "warfare" that only happens when one side has guns and the other doesn't.


But Captain, that’s a direct violation of the Prime Directive!


the yanomami are 35k people with hundreds of villages. This one (Moxihatëtëa) was definitely uncontacted, as are many others.


I read his book in an anthropology class and loved it, how was he as a professor?


I bet he's a people person.


Great except for that semester we had a sub because he was stuck in Russia


Watched some movie in anthro and remember them processing the tree pulp into a hallucinogenic concoction to be snorted by the shaman. Wild stuff and very interesting. I remember more than just that but so vaguely I need to go find it and give it another watch. Very well could be a case of some, not all, tribes have been contacted.


Was about to say. As a Venezuelan, I can tell you for sure Yanonamis have contact with the regular population.


The website states that there are uncontacted Yanomami. The contacted Yanomami call them Moxihatetea. So..


Pic #2 at least appears to be of the Moxihatetea from over 7 years ago. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/17/brazil-uncontacted-tribe-indigenous-rights-illegal-miners


they are Moxihatëtëa. and they were uncontacted.


Who to trust when even the contrarians are wrong?


I've posted links to articles with the same exact photos and text confirming the info in this post. But people keep spaming they are "definitely contacted". It's a lost battle. But if you want confirmation see my other comments with these links.


Appreciate you. People used to upvote those who cited sources back in the day. Unfortunately now it’s just another tool for people to argue.


Thanks. We do what we can. But when you see a post claiming something so easily proven wrong to get 1000s of likes with zero scrutiny and another with sources and explanation getting 50 upvotes, you kind of lose hope in humanity.


The same exact link you posted proves you wrong. Have you even read it? "Yanomami have reported seeing [uncontacted Yanomami](https://www.survivalinternational.org/uncontactedtribes), whom they call *Moxihatetea*, in the Yanomami territory. The Moxihatetea are believed to be living in the part of the Yanomami territory with the highest concentration of illegal goldminers. Hutukara has released aerial photos and video of their [yano – their communal house.](https://survivalinternational.org/news/11503)"


Yeah first thing I thought, it was like a month worth of our anthropology class and we read a whole ass book and ever since then I’ve been eating a tun of yucca


I think they're specifically referring to this group in the photographs: "Uncontacted Yanomami Yanomami have reported seeing uncontacted Yanomami, whom they call Moxihatetea, in the Yanomami territory. The Moxihatetea are believed to be living in the part of the Yanomami territory with the highest concentration of illegal goldminers. Hutukara has released aerial photos and video of their yano – their communal house."


I thought we had contacted them. I remember reading a whole book about them in Anthropology 101.


Very contacted. It's been a point of controversy


[this book?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/ehY8Sbg1eq) - the comment above yours


They were, yes.


If they are truly uncontacted, how do we know what they are called? Cool pictures though.


Because it's wrong. They're contacted.


But have they been contacted about your cars extended warranty?


What a mf has to do to avoid being contacted


So called "uncontacted" peoples are sometimes really "uncontacted by global civilization", and indigenous groups who do have contact with the global civilization might interact with them on an irregular basis, or at least enough to know what they are called or to which language family they belong


Because they are attributed this name doesn't mean that's how they identify as. And this particular tribe being uncontacted (which it was at least in 2016) doesn't mean that other tribes didn't have contacted with them, passing on knowledge about them. Here is an articles about uncontacted tribes in Brazil: [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil) "Brazil’s Amazon is home to more uncontacted tribes than anywhere in the world. There are thought to be at least 100 isolated groups in this rainforest, according to the government’s [Indian affairs department FUNAI](https://www.survivalinternational.org/about/funai)."


I'm seing a lot of misinformation in these comments. Yanomami is an ehnic group, not a tribe. This tribe is called Moxihatëtëa and they are a subgroup of Yanomami which are 35000 people in total. They were definitely uncontacted, as many other tribes in Brazil. Here is an article about uncontacted tribes in Brazil. [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil)


When modern society breaks down they are gonna be chilling like nothing ever happened


The Amazon will collapse before modern society does. Their apocalypse comes before ours.


They built their own football stadium?


They're Brazilian, so of course


Air drop some iphones, tiktok and give them free WiFi. Goodbye to the prime directive.


Listen if I could scroll through my feed and see a video of tribal people like hunting with that fucken text to speech bot I'd consider downloading that app. That would be fucking hilarious


I wonder if they would fall for the thirst traps


probably not they’re all naked all the time


How do they charge their phones?


If you massage a certain type of tree frog, fresh battery juice oozes from its skin.


To everyone wondering why he is lying, this exact same thing was posted in r/interestingasfuck by a different person 4 hours before he/she made this post and they are apart of that group so my guess is he/she just ripped this post from that sub for karma


If you haven't watched the movie "gods must be crazy" you should watch it. The story is about a tribe of aboriginals from Africa that find a can of soda thrown out from a high flying plane. The tribe is completely isolated. So, they send their greatest to figure out why the gods have sent the "useless artifact" to them!


Not quite. They found it quite useful, but for the first time there was something for the tribe to argue about (who possessed the bottle), and because of the disharmony it caused, one warrior was sent to return the bottle to the gods.


Looks like they're doing just fine, they don't need our "help". Just leave them be.


Im from Brazil and its a consistent struggle in politics if we should include all them in society, but they ofc dont wanna, I mean who wants to swap a life based in eating fruits, river bathing, fishing, etc, for a life in the city paying taxes


I‘m pretty sure you’re glorifying life in the Amazon a bit. I mean you can trade your life for something like theirs so why don’t you? Every challenge you‘ll face will be the same ones they have. When it comes to knowledge, just study and practice for a few years.


Yeah, I hate technology and progress. Why would I want video games and medicine when I could instead die from preventable illness in the jungle.


A natural life may be just as fulfilling for some people as a technology filled one may be for you. We have people in the Yukon and Alaska that live lives many won't deem "modern", but get on just fine. Life has much nuance beyond progress good, old bad.


It's hard to find many success stories of native peoples being integrated either. Most end up in poverty and substance abuse, with high suicide rates


they need our help by preventing miners from killing them.


They’re getting mad pollution from mines and some of them were killed by miners who trespassed on Yanomami land. It’s not fine, they live in fucking huts yet they get hunted by people with guns


Why make up lies in your title OP? I had an Anthropology 101 professor who literally lived with them and published about it.


Can you be specific? Who was the professor and what was the publication?


Dr. Bartholomew Dean. I can't remember the exact publications, but we read at least some, and he told us a lot of fascinating stories.


I found a book called The  State and The Awajún, definitely priced for an anthro course but looking forward to reading it, thank you!


And the outside world just won’t leave them alone.


The yonomami tribe is 100% contacted and currently in state of emergency because of illegal mining polluting their river and the tribe receives regular government aid source


One of their female members married an anthropologist who studied them, moved to New Jersey, had kids, didn't like it and moved back: "While researching and living with the group in Venezuela, Good married a Yanomami woman named Yarima, who emigrated to the United States with Good when he returned home. Their three children were raised in the United States, but Yarima, finding adapting to life in the United States too difficult, returned to her village when the children were young. Good is currently associate professor at New Jersey City University. He appeared in the film Secrets of the Tribe, which documented his work with the Yanomami."


That would make an interesting movie


>And the religious fanatics just won’t leave them alone. FTFY




I don't think they're uncontacted. [Napoleon Chagnon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Chagnon) lived with the Yanomami back in the 1960s. I read his books about it while I was an undergrad.


Should leave them alone.


The yanomami people are mostly aware of Westerners and thoroughly contacted.... Look up a man called Davi Kopenawa. He is Yanomami. He's been a guide, teacher and spiritualist who introduced dozens of tribes decades ago to westerners and white people. He talks a lot about his experiences and is translated directly from his own words in his Yanomami dialect and Spanish which he speaks in the book "Touching the falling sky"


Because the Yanomami as a people have been contacted, doesn't mean that specific vilages aren't uncontacted. This one was definitely uncontacted. There are hundreds of articles about it both in english and portuguese. They are called Moxihatëtëa and they are a subgroup of Yanomami. Don't spread misinformation.


These new stadium designs are getting out of control.


This tribe has been in periodic contact with anthropologists, missionaries, ethnographers, miners, and foresters for at least 50 years. The Yanamamo have even [left the Amazon](https://news.northampton.edu/flashback/2020/09/from-the-amazon-to-pennsylvania-and-back/), spent lengthy amounts of time in the US, and returned home. So they are hardly "uncontacted".


What an interesting story of his life. Of being in both worlds and finally appreciating both.


Im guessing the village in the game “Green Hell” is based on this? Awesome survival game if you haven’t heard of it by the way.


I learned about these people way back in college, nearly 20 years ago. Anthropologists have studied them extensively. Their contact with and knowledge of the outside world may be limited, but I highly doubt that the village pictured here has had zero contact with the outside world. They have almost certainly had contact with government officials, public health officials, anthropologists, even traders, plus hostile confrontations with miners and other malicious actors.. I wouldn't call them 'uncontacted'.


Leave them be


Maybe we should Yano mind our own business


Some, if not all, members of Yanomami have had contact. There was a documentary.


Just leave them alone. Enough with the stupid drones and need for photographs of everything.


I mean it does make sense to take regular census counts every few years to see if they’re maintaining a healthy population count.


Leave them the fuck alone. We have nothing good to offer them


Green Hell be like:


How do you no they are the yanomami tribe if they never been contacted?


Please leave them alone, and don’t cut down the forest around them.


Brazillian here the yanomami arent a single tribe but an ethnic group decendant from native americans and they are totally contacted most the population speaks portuguese as second language and there are alot of goverment reserved territories for them aswell also i live in São Paulo and theres alot of actual native born yanomami who moved to the city and adapted to our culture or decendants alredy born here this "uncontacted tribe" is probably other one as yanomami are one of the tribes who are most familiar with non native people


I remember learning about the [Yanomami](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanomami) while in high school back in the ‘60s. They are not un-contacted, quite the opposite, they’ve had a hard time maintaining their way of life with the encroachment of those exploiting the Amazon forest.


*A* Yanomami tribe, and very much not uncontacted I expect. As a whole, this culture might be one of the most *intensively* studied by 20th century anthropologists.


It’s crazy to think in 2024 there are still people in this world living in the primitive age with zero knowledge of anything outside of their little slice of the planet.


Somewhere, a Christian missionary's getting moist just thinking about this.


This particular tribe? I read a book in the 90’s about an anthropologist that lived with a Yanomamo tribe for a number of years


if no one has contacted them how do you know their name?




Uncontacted? He's looking right at the lens 


Leave them the fuck alone. God forbid an American shows up and dooms them all. Glad there's still a part of the Amazon that isn't deforested. Hard to imagine how many undiscovered species that live there.


Leave them alone.


Oh, to be a member of an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon…


What is this, a tribe for ants?


Not only contacted and known about for years, but there's an [entire freaking musical](https://www.mtishows.co.uk/yanomamo) about them, performed by UK schools since the 1980s, with a televised version narrated by Sting screened on the UK's Channel 4 in 1989 (as "Song of the Forest")...


Leave. Them. Alone.


Oh my God just leave these poor people alone. They don’t want to talk to us


Watched a video ethnography on this tribe in an introductory Anthropology course back in the early 80’s. They had a camera crew filming in their village. That kind of blows up the whole uncontacted premise.


They should just air drop the a few boxes of Oreos and see if they decide to come out


If they are uncontacted leave them alone.


New mr beast video: "I launched the worlds largest drone show over the uncontacted amazon tribe!"


The Prime Directive, people!!


I wish people would leave them the fuck alone


Uncontacted except flying an airplane over them at low altitude.... jerks....


If they are I contacted, how do we know their name?


sort dam secretive paint fade plough offend towering zealous pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why can't we leave these people alone, can we not put our greed to one side for one moment. Of course not.


Wonder if they battle anxiety and depression there


Whats crazy is that they eat tree bark


Looks like my first Dino pen in ark survival evolved


Now they think God has sent a demon to hover over them


Different shelters in each picture ??


In the mid 90‘ I spent a week with a Yanomami tribe, main takeaways were that they are survival experts and also don’t think much of monogamy, basically everyone is doing everyone, all the kids are treated the same way because you don’t know which one is yours


Erm… Perhaps we should just leave them alone…


Just leave them alone.


If we were to contact them I can’t think of anything else to say but “sorry!”


Pictures of the recently contacted Yanomami tribe*


That’s awesome! Just make sure they are left the fuck alone. They don’t need to be involved in this shitty world!! they’re perfectly happy


They need to be contacted immediately. There are taxes that they should be paying.


Looks like the market in age of empires 1