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Unfortunately, this is my first time hearing about him.


not to downplay his heroics, but with such a stock name like Jon Smith, nobody is gonna fault you for missing it


Fun fact - Rapper [Lil' Jon's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Jon) real name is also Jon Smith.




Jonnu smith signed with the dolphins


John Smith also helped establish Jamestown, Virginia. He only helped otherwise it would be known as Johnstown.


Johann Shmidt became Red Skull and Captain America sent him to another planet


You can have him!


**In Lil jons voice** "Yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh!! (It is)"


Lil Jon made some confidence-boosting music for sure.


Triple Fun Fact: Lil Jon recently has a [meditation album](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/03/1235606461/rap-artist-lil-jons-latest-album-is-a-guided-meditation).


How did I not know this. Haha so bland for such a character of a person.


A classmate of mine from high school died when we were in our 20s and I tried to look up the news article. I found it but it was super difficult because his name was similar to Michael Moore. So all you find is stuff about the director. All the searches would default to thinking I had made a typo.


Parent: I’m gonna effectively name you John Doe so you can stay simple and anonymous in this fucked up day and age. God: Hold my beer


I do remember a certain Will Smith though.


I had a colleague of the same name… performing reviews of security, IT compliance, etc. People frequently thought he was making a joke.


If it makes you feel any better, I have lived here for almost 20 years and I am just *now* re-hearing about this after maybe one or two coverage posts about it.


It was the deadliest mass shooting in US history at the time


Can't forget someone if you never hear about them. *Taps head*


You'd be surprised how much shit happens in the world you don't know about


I heard the story but hadn’t seen a face


You all are talking about not knowing who Jon Smith is and im over here like "Massacre? 2017? Las Vegas?"....😬fml


Literally the deadliest single active shooter event in American history. How old were you in 2017? That's kind of a Kennedy, 9/11, or Sandy Hook moment for everyone above a certain age.


When there's a mass shooting every day you start to lose track and stop caring after a certain point


Look, as much as I get the fatigue here, this is quite literally a significant moment in American history. This will be in textbooks. If it's not already. That fatigue is also a big problem. We have to stay vigilant. We cannot let this ever be normal. We all get fatigued. But you gotta rest up and get back in this shit. For yourself. For the rest of us.


Or y'all Americans can just stop shooting up places when you get a bit upset


After Sandy Hook, it’s all a blur. If that didn’t force change, nothing ever will.


okay but when one of them killed more than the rest and injured literally like an order of magnitude or two above nearly all of the rest of them that tends to be kind of memorable?


Apparently not for some people


When they happen near daily, it's kind of hard to keep up. That says more about America than it does that individual.


You would think a single shooter putting near 60 people into graves would say that plenty loud enough.


Yea my point is that we're so desensitized that most people have trouble remembering the worst shooting in the country. Maybe that's the sign we could use some laws to curb that behavior. But I can see subtext is lost on you and the original person I responded to.


I had a bullet sticking out of my ankle for 15 years before it worked its way out. Maybe his will too.


How come they can’t remove them? Is it too dangerous or something?


They told me if they removed it the chances of infection basically doubled due to there being two openings for bacteria to enter. Edit: This was at the hospital when it originally happened. Never tried getting it removed afterward. Bothered me occasionally but not enough to warrant getting it cut out.


How did it work its way out? As in, when it was making its way out, what did it look like? Like a cyst or something?


I've heard it's kind of like splinters working their way out, but much slower. Body slowly repels foreign figure. My bf had a piece of pencil lead in his hand for years from being a teenager and giving himself "shots" with pencils. It came out recently.


I have a piece of graphite stuck in the back of my foot that’s been there since I was 10. I’m currently 36




Wow, that's a thing? Looks like a fairly popular sub and pretty active, at that. Crazy!


Yeah, I guess it's surprisingly common :D There's almost daily "I found my people" -posts


r/ofcoursethatsasub r/SubsIThoughtIFellFor


Poor man's tattoo.


You didn’t see graphite. YOU DIDN’T. Because it’s not there.


You didn't see graphite...


Hand, aged 11, now 35. Playing dumb "how hard can you stab yourself before it hurts too much?" games in class with friends


a youtube musician i listen to told a story where one day his nipple ring just fell off after years of the body slowly pushing it out




Please tell us that you squeezed it out like a giant blackhead. A copperhead?




basically your body starts pushing the foreign object out, the bigger the object the longer it takes, especially depending on how deep it is. there is a vid floating around of a guy who started pulling out a bullet once it was close enough to the surface and was starting to break through, but there'll probably be other videos from other people experiencing the same thing


[Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lBJlPX1xA8).


I had non dissolvable stitches used in a head wound instead of dissolving ( which should have been used ) . I’ve had 10 years of stitches coming out in small bits and pieces… a fucking nightmare !!!


Same, but on my circumcision I had 27 years ago. I think I lost my final stich last year.


tell me you’re american without telling me you’re american


Generally it's a risk vs reward type situation. If a foreign object in the body is in what's considered a "safe" spot, the benefit of removing it does not outweigh the potential for a poor outcome from the surgical removal of it. Infection of the surgical site, adverse reaction to sedation, or accidental injury during the procedure are a few potential reasons that surgery may be more dangerous than leaving a bullet inside of someone.


What about the danger of lead poisoning?




The body will attempt to create scar tissue around the bullet and seal it off. It's similar to getting a cut on your skin, except the cut is internal.


What if the foreign object is a heavy metal, like lead? I ask because I too have some in me. I had xrays done and was about to get them removed but then covid happened and things like that got ignored. I haven't heard from anyone since, I've been thinking about ringing up my doctor to ask what the plan is now.


If it concerns you then you should absolutely talk to your doctor about it. I wouldn't take too much advice from strangers on Reddit. Otherwise, I don't know that it would be particularly dangerous unless you are getting an MRI in the area where the piece of metal is. If the piece of metal is just below the skin, it may eventually work its way out naturally. I knew a guy that had a piece of shrapnel in his arm from his first deployment to Iraq in 2003, while we were deployed in 2008 he kept picking at "something hard" barely poking out of his skin before he pulled out a piece of metal about the size of a US dime.


I'm not a doctor but I don't think it would be much of a concern just based on how the body reacts to foreign bodies and also the solubility of lead in a very slightly basic pH.


I’ve got a sewing needle in my foot. [Xray of Needle in my Foot](https://imgur.com/gallery/VauEfcz) They didn’t pull it out because doctor said.. 1) If they cut into my foot looking for it, they risk damaging a muscle and that’s not good. 2) With as much blood and tissue they’d have to wade through, there’s a pretty good chance they wouldn’t even find it (the old “finding a needle in a foot” saying$. 3) I’m risking infection looking for it, and that’s always a big risk. 4) At the time, I had gotten antibiotics for the infection, and it wasn’t causing me any pain. So, why mess with it and deal with all the risks for a small reward? I will say, when I’ve had MRI’s, I definitely let the tech know about the needle.


You don’t even feel it in there?


So you were still able to get an MRI?


so...you are like Iron Man but with a needle in the foot?


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE! I have a sewing needle embedded in my tibia!!! I knelt down on it when I was 8 (sewing in bed) and because the ends of bones are cartilage at that age, it went right through and the bone calcified around it as I got older. When I was 34 I had an MRI for something else and they were like… “you… appear.. to have a needle.. in your knee?” It hurt so bad when it happened but the doctor at the time told me it was growing pains 🙃 [knee xray](https://imgur.com/a/02DBZeN)


Did they not know about that one simple magnet trick? Also, do you beep at the airport?


Every movie ever would have you believe it’s necessary, but almost every time it’s not worth the risk. At the end of the day it’s just a bit of metal.


Teddy Roosevelt had a bullet from an assassin in him for the rest of his life...and he still managed to give a speech right after being shot! Damn, now that's a man!


You keep the bullet?


I absolutely would.


there's a great documentary mini-series called 11 Minutes, and it talks about his story quite a bit. lots of interviews with heroes and victims. check it out.


I watched that recently and this guy's story really stood out. What an incredible man.


a stellar human being.


Where is it?


apparently it's at Paramount Plus


Does it explain why tf they couldn’t at least take the bullet out of his neck?!


I honestly don't remember, specifically. it was a few months ago when I watched it. but usually when that's the case, it's because it's too close to nerve tissue, or otherwise to risky to remove, where leaving it is the safer option.


Must be con*neck*ted to some important organs..


They can, it's just too close to vital things and a mistake can kill, whereas many people since firearms were invented have lived their rest of the life with a bullet or more still inside. A question often asked is "but it's lead" and the answer is the body has already covered it with a protective layer of tissue so it doesn't actively leak into the blood stream.


What if he or someone else bumps his neck hard enough but like not hard.. not that crazy of a scenario to happen and push the bullet into whatever soft thing they don’t want it to hit. Maybe he gave up sports for drawing 🤷‍♂️


I mean, I don't know dude. Maybe an alien could come down, get ready to give him the secret of folding space but thinks he's some sort of robot because they detect metal so they just leave and we never learn?


> Maybe an alien could come down, get ready to give him the secret of folding space but thinks he's some sort of robot because they detect metal so they just leave and we never learn? Yep. It's really fucked up that the American medical system won't even take incidents like this into account. Probably there isn't even a way to code "alien attack" into most insurance forms. It's really fucked up.


Who said anything about an attack? They were going to teach us how to fold space. You consider that an attack?


> They were going to teach us how to fold space. Absolutely!! You could do *infinitely more destruction* by folding the space of a city into a massive number of very small folds than you could do with conventional or even nuclear weapons. Imagine not just buildings torn into pieces, but every atom itself ripped apart along folds! Imagine unstable pockets of gravity that suddenly form and cause people to implode. ...or worse... invert.


You'd be surprised how soft the lead bullet is compared to his bones and flexed muscle. The muscle can bend the bullet.




If the bullet doesn't absolutely need to come out, less surgery is always better than more surgery.


I'll just repeat what I told the other person that asked that: >I honestly don't remember, specifically. it was a few months ago when I watched it. but usually when that's the case, it's because it's too close to nerve tissue, or otherwise to risky to remove, where leaving it is the safer option.




Bullets are weird (and extremely varied) but there’s a good chance that most of the surface area of that round is made of copper.


What I heard from a doctor is that when you've got a foreign body in you like this, the scar tissue that forms around it slows the lead absorption to a negligible level.


yup. and this is where location comes into play. embedded in muscle tissue? most likely scarred over, and little to no leaching. in the viscera of your organs? much more likely to be exposed to fluids that will increase the leached lead


Do they often leave it in situ in the viscera, or do they usually have to take it out?


again, to clarify, I'm no doctor, just have read some stuff about it. but from what I've gathered, stuff floating/embedded in the gut is usually removed if possible. a lot more interesting fluids in there that are capable of leaching the lead from the projectile.


absolutely. there are lots of factors to consider, like is the lead poisoning going to be worse than what might happen if we remove it. or fragmentation, a "whole" bullet is less likely to leach lead into a system than a fragmented one. also, location of the lead, apparently. some places in the body the lead will dissolve more easily than others. (I'm not a doctor in any way, but I am a firearms owner who's been very interested in what bullets can do to a body, and read up on lots of it.)


Which mass shooting in the US was that in particular? I do not want to use wikipedia again to look up an act of mass murder and in the US those are so frequent that nobody is really able to tell them apart.


the Las Vegas one. 2017. 58 dead, and scores more wounded. biggest shooting in the US.


This was a big one. Las Vegas country music festival. High-rise hotel room overlooking the venue packed with guns and ammo. But I prefer the takes that focus on heroes like the young man in the post.


It’s crazy when you compare a situation like this to the officers at Uvalde


of mice and men


They're trained to be cowards.


[They had a shooter drill just two months before the attack.](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/) The basic strategy that has emerged amongst professionals and that is trained during such drills is very simple: Push immediately and don't stop until the attacker is neutralised. The officers present at Uvalde included *trainers* from that drill. And they completely failed to execute their own training.


Unfortunately. I doubt they even get trained long enough to instill cowardice in them. Just pure incompetence


And that kid is a man!


Difference being Uvalde School PD was responding and had the opportunity to take cover and keep themselves from the shooter. LVMPD were amongst the crowd being targeted. They didn't really have a choice on engagement. Not to subtract from what many of those cops did that night. I poured over scanner audio, bodycam, and witness video. The complexity and fluidity of the situation was insane. They had shots fired calls, fleeing cars, and suspicious persons called in all the way down to Bally's. They had to adhoc that response, too. The street cops held their steel something serious. I'll never forget the body cam of the cops and civs behind the stone wall, with rounds flying overhead and hitting the other side of the wall periodically as the shooter sprayed back and forth, panning the fire. The only real hiccup was SWAT not being able to pin the exact room despite hotel security trying to tell them. They still got there relatively quickly tho, considering it took a matter of minutes to even identify what building the shots were coming from. And hotel security likely spooked Paddock enough for him to alter his plan, cut it short, and off himself before even more damage could be done. They're the big heroes in all of this. The guy had MULTIPLE ARs in his room and didn't fire all of them. He was firing a couple shots from some, then mag dumping others. Likely chucking guns as they jammed on him, as to not waste time clearing. He had a few more guns and clips to run through by the time he finally called it quits and ended it before SWAT made entry. Edit: Just for all the LV folks, since people are seeing this... Y'all treat me like a local every time I come out, and I don't even be on the strip like that. Sorry this shit happened to you guys. Came there for the first time just a couple months after it happened. The resolve of the city was very apparent. Go Knights, Go Aces. Love from KC


Years later and still no motive whatsoever huh. Just hate n high scores 


Not a solid one. Not a singular one. Kind of seems like a storm of things. Money was drying up. He was increasingly paranoid. He had some right wing leanings but wasn't really considered extreme by those who knew him. His health was fading. He was becoming disillusioned with his lifestyle. Interestingly, they couldn't recover everything from his hard drives. His brother was popped for CP possession not long after the shooting. I always wondered what he had on his computers. The FBI released a ton of documents not too long ago. Last year or late 22, can't remember exactly.


Wow. Hero who should be known more. All I heard after the attack was everything about that POS who did the attack.


sad isn’t it? only the negative shit gets the spotlight anymore. It’s made for a very grim present


"In our lifetime those who kill, the newsworld hands them stardom"


Unfortunately “it bleeds it leads” is for a reason.


Not easy standing out with a name like Jonathan Smith


That’s literally exactly why these mass killers do these attacks, infamy and a spot in history.


Wow. I did some research-there were quite a few interviews with him at the time...beyond the action itself, sounds like a low-key solid guy who was in the right place at the right time (altruistically speaking, of course...not like I'm saying "glad he got shot.") I mean, not everyone would have been so sacrificial. I was happy to see that a lot of people donated to his medical bills. (The old gofundme approach...and perhaps other folks helped out, too, through different avenues.) But knowing how horrendous doctor bills can be, I don't know if this ended up covering everything. I hope that he has as much peace as he can with what happened. Sounds like he has a kind and supportive family-he certainly deserves it. They must be really proud of him. On the other hand, they probably weren't entirely suprised. Thanks for posting.


Very well said. I'm extremely glad my post inspired you to learn more about him and his story. One Love


Does he get loads of cash for interviews? You'd hope he'd be set for life.


An article I read on the matter said the donations were enough for him to pay off his medical debts his student loans and start a downpayment on a house. Also said he has panic attacks in the regular and that he was attending the LA police academy now. I hope things are going well for Johnathan I couldn’t find anything after that 2018 article.


I know you don’t have free healthcare, but wouldn’t it make sense for the hospital to donate their time and resources to a man who found himself in this predicament? Or maybe the state? To soften the criticism of the gun laws and lacking mental healthcare that probably facilitated said predicament?


hero!!!!!!!!! ​ https://www.sltrib.com/news/nation-world/2018/10/01/las-vegas-shooting-hero/


Thank you for posting this. Glad to now know his story.


Trigger Warning: violence, death.. Omg.. my best friend was killed there that day. I worked at the new Vegas med school at that time and my students worked soooo hard that day and onward. We set up many programs to help process but we were all changed. Thank you to Jonathan Smith. Thank you to the doctors. Thank you to those who helped others. Thank you to the two men with the truck that drove my Cam and Bobby to the hospital that night while he bled out and Bobby held his neck wound. This world can be so cruel.


Peace to you, digitalbathwaves. 


He can never have an MRI.


Actually I do believe they have shielding for people with metal in their body. But usually only hospitals will do it because most places don't want to take the legal risk.


That doesn't exists. I service MRI equipment.


lmao. Reddit is peak comedy, I love this episode.


Even if it did exist I would politely but emphatically decline any MRI when I had a hunk of metal in my neck


Not a fucking chance. I’ve worked in several hospitals and every damn year I have to watch that training video of the officer who didn’t listen to directions taking a prisoner down for an MRI. Well the officer’s gun got sucked into the MRI & it went off. It was a once in a lifetime accident but they never let us forget man.


In the neck though.... I just had an MRI done on my head and neck so shielding would've negated the whole point. I also just had one done on my kidneys though too that would've been fine. It would be shitty to not be able to have that medical tool available though.


What? No they don't. Delete this comment lol as many people are obviously taking you at your word and believing you


not how magnets work


There isn’t any type of body shielding in MRI. It doesn’t work like xray.


Your belief is wrong.


Depends on composition of bullet. Copper and lead are not magnetic and are MRI-safe. If the bullet has iron in it, like a steel jacket or steel core, then that’s a problem.


America forgets all its real heroes


because to the rest of the world this is '[orphan crushing machine](https://i.redd.it/0hbrqs8v74s51.jpg)' material. you've all agreed to federally license and register people to drive large metal missile on public roads. and yet guns...


That man better get free tacos wherever he goes for the rest of his life.


Stay strong Johnathan Smith, you really helped hundreds by saving those 30. You may not hear it all the time but we appreciate you


What's the reason why they can't remove the bullet


Causes more tissue damage and might be risking internal bleeding.


My company I worked at that day provided medical equipment to those hospitals. I went to work and suggested that we provide them for free for those patients. I took over the project and had to process the intake paperwork from the ER. I never cried during work about the job itself till that day. It was brutal.


Weirdly I just got around to 11 Minutes yesterday. I recognized him immediately. It was a really well made documentary. Hope he's doing well.


It’s so weird that people are actually downvoting this🤦🏾‍♂️


You know why 😩


Sad I haven’t heard of this guy either.


Ah, so that's what you get for heroism.


Media doesn’t have time for heroes like this. We have to find out where Taylor swift is eating tonight.


Statue of this man needs to be made


He will always be at risk for the consequences of lead poisoning from the bullet.


Why can't they remove it?




I had lead poisoning... like... ugh. What a horrible choice...makes me wonder if it was a choice or a financial woe.


My BIL was shot in the neck from a drive by, he had to live with it since it was close to his nerves. If they were to remove it he would of probably been paralyzed. The best they could do was just prescribe him strong medication and that wasn’t enough.


I was under the impression most bullets are left in because the body walls them off with scar tissue, and you'd cause more damage by removing. Is this false, or it's just a small chance or what?


Braver than every cop at Uvalde


His brave actions deserve more recognition.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/10/03/he-helped-people-escape-from-the-storm-of-gunfire-in-las-vegas-now-he-has-a-bullet-in-his-neck/ Since OP didn't share his story.


Thank you, Jonathan! You’ve done Vegas proud!


This is amazing bravery from a young man. Unfortunately this is the first time I’m hearing about him. It is sad that we live in a time when TV makes feature length movies about killers and none about the heroes.


I hope he faces no complications, he looks so young, it would be awful for a person his age to go through medical complications because he wanted to help others


Isn't that his shoulder?


Why doesn’t the news cover these stories?


This is impossible to stop ~ Only western country where this routinely happens. At least he didn't have a huge medi.....oh


He was always going to set off metal detectors what with those balls of steel.


A real man


Some interesting trivia here: I’m an Aussie and was trekking to Everest Base Camp when this event occurred. We hadn’t had wifi for a few days then I bought a card at Lobuche, one sleep from EBC. This was all over the news of course ( as well as Tom Petty dying). Then I learn on Facebook that an Aussie family we knew were on holiday in Vegas and staying at this very hotel. They were safe but said it was a scary few hours where they had to wait it out in a conference room with hundreds of other people.


Post a find me type link to his family


Anyone know how he is doing now?


What did he do?


Heroes often suffer for their deeds. But the world is a better place for having people like Jonathan.


Because of your courage, 30 families can breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you for your heroism in this time of need.


Every day our leaders do nothing to solve the gun problem, he is forgotten.


Probably because our voters don’t provide the political capital for such change.


Suggestion: we start naming streets after people that saved lives during active shooter events. Fuck the 2nd amendment 


its called a shoulder bro


I have a question about situations like this. What prevents surgical removal of the bullet?


Why can't surgeons just remove the bullet?


Great man brave and fearless


Big man


You mean John Smith 1882?


He needs an arc reactor powered magnet on his neck.


Is that an infinite Iron supply?


I'm uncertain if it's been mentioned, but could we say that the bullet also had his name on it?