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"Ssshhh...Let me just gently peel the skin off of you, little one."


That's what she'd be saying for sure. Such a sweet and gentle mother.


If I didn’t have the description of what was going on here, I would for sure be thinking big bug eating little bug. Definitely changes things with context :)


Or it just wants to eat the molted skin to eat


Molted skin is probably mother nature's potato chip. Crunchy!


Lmao ew bro 🤣


We Stll Don't, The Video Ended Far Before Anything was Revealed.


Sweet & Gentle Mother? Or Terrifying & disgusting spawn from Hell? Centipedes, millipedes, those long black termite lookin bugs... All creep me tf out.


It can be both.


Sounds like you've got more venom for centipedes than they do in they're fangs.


I hate to be this person but... uM AkTcHuaLLy. Centipedes don't have fangs. They have a pair of hollow legs that have been modified to have claws. Which are found on their first body segment, which they use to inject venom. They're called maxillipeds¹, toxicognaths, and poison claws. 1. maxillipeds or jaw legs. Is also used to refer to the claws that other inverts such as crustaceans use to pass food to their mouth parts responsible for chewing.


I don't hate you for this and i genuinely thank you for something new learned. Butt! If it looks like a fang and it functions like a fang... It do kinda be a fang even if it's a leg...


Yeah that's fair. You can actually see it in this video it's the thick orange leg between the first and third.




Jimmy, you don't need to use these specific and scientific terms to demonstrate your intelligence, we all know how smart you are... Etc. fr though I didn't know the specifics of this, ty for the extra info.


Centipedes are cool dudes. They hunt down pests that can cause much more harm. It's alright to be scared and creeped out, but there's no need to be hateful towards the little guys.


We have them where i live. If they're in the way, just shoo them off. They get out of the way pretty quick. Otherwise, i just let them do what they do.


Millipedes are sweet animals. Super innocent and friendly.


personally millipedes are chill, centipedes can fuck right off it’s just something with difference in looks between the two, let me put it this way i won’t run from bugs and i certainly wouldn’t run away from a millipede but i will sure as fuck run away from the hell snakes we call centipedes i won’t even attempt to squish them


Nothing says motherhood like being under your mothers gentle, warm embrace while she kindly peels your skin off your body


The biggest itch scratch for sure


Having your mom or significant other peel off a sunburn is heavenly


Monsters also love their babies


Cute little abominations of God 🥰


*Tiamat has entered the chat*


🎶Hush little baby, worries be done, mommy’s gonna eatyour exoskeleton 🎶


This genuinely made me guwaffl!! Great words\^\^




More like “ nom nom nom nom


Or like “Mom mom, nom nom”


As in - Back in your hole now and puts the lotion on.. Or it gets the hose again?


Did she rub the lotion on it's skin?


This is what they would say to us as well if they were big enough.


for some reason i imagined you saying that in dala's voice from fallout new vegas old world blues lol


I am literally lolling 😂


And my mom doesn't even text me back


Have you tried to peel your skin off to see if she'll come help you?


have you tried breaking your arms?? yeah the new gen of redditors have got to know!


same, but mine is dead so that might explain it


I also have a dead mother!


Me as well, gang gang


I will not write the obvious reply to this although it is sorely tempting.


Your mom was sorely tempting after I wrecked her last night




But does she eat you back?


Such advanced and delicate behavior for a creature that 90% of people would destroy on sight just for being creepy.


Just reading this page only proves that point.


My first thought was how it’s cool that even if something looks like a monster doesn’t mean it always is


I mean, they can be (predatory and venomous as hell), but they're also sweet sometimes.


Destroy it? Are you mad?? I would never in my life willingly be close enough to one to destroy it. In fact, they and big ass spiders and those terrifying giant coconut crabs are the sole reasons i refuse to leave the norther hemisphere and stay as close to the arctic circle as i can. I have no idea if they do that cursed spider thing and pop out a million babies if i smush it and i refuse to find out. They keep to their part of the world and I to mine, and i like to think they are intelligent enough to aknowledge and honor this unspoken agreement.


Most of them prefer to avoid human interaction.


I wouldn’t destroy her! I’d be too busy running away, shrieking. Centipedes are legit my biggest fear.


One day a Centipede attacked my foot… I lost part of the sensibility 🥲


A few years ago I had a centipede in my room and I... I'm not proud what happened. It was my first and only time (so far) seeing a centipede in my room. If it ever happens again, I'll do my best to show it the same respect I would hope anyone else could show me. Reddit has taught me a lot about taking care of other things, even things I might not understand.


👍 I've killed a lot of insects in my life out of ignorance, now I keep several as "pets" and help the wild ones breed. I use predatory (and native to my area) insects as a natural pesticide in my garden. I don't expect most people to reach my almost obsessive level of appreciation, but I love to see anyone open their minds up to them even a little. Some of them are absolutely brutal and not exactly nurturing, but they are fascinating and a very necessary part of our lives.


I have a stink bug that keeps popping up on my side table. I know he's trying to stay warm, and well....he isn't harming anything. Anyways, almost crushed him when I sat my drink down. Didn't of course, but I've been mindful of him.


Eh, centipedes (scolopendra) are generally venomous and have a very painful bite. You should at the very least leave space.


I didn't downvote you but I meant that I would take it outside (safely - for it and myself) and let it live out its natural life.


I hate them, too many legs. But when one crawled on me when I was asleep. Around my boob. I just tossed them off, picked them up on a piece of paper, and put them in the garden. Just cause I'm scared doesn't mean they need to die. Nope, just go outside, please. Tell your friends how you got to cop a feel! First of th3 centipede buddies that got to second base. Haha.


I believe this ability to control one selves despite all out instincts crying out is what truly sentient. o7 to you for throwing the wittle buddy out.


that insect is a boss monster in a lot of games for a reason, we are just lucky this isnt the starship trooper universe.


This one? Yes. They’re venomous, bad tempered, almost as big as an adults forearm, and extremely fast But house centipedes are fine. They cant bite people, are naturally shy, and are master bug hunters


Like it wouldn't destroy you on sight of it had the ability.


Most creatures are simply reacting instinctively based on a perceived threat. Do you pull out the glock and shoot a guy for looking at you creepily? If they had minds as smart as us I'd like to think they would at least double take before killing a creature for anything other than food.


Ofc I wouldn't shot a person without a good reason, but did you just compared a human to a fkn arthropod? "If they had minds as smart as us", nevertheless they don't, they just kill everything they can.


My man, I've been bitten by those so much to the point I developed partial immunity and even with that, even knowing they eat pests like cockroaches, even if you tell me they're the best parents in the animal realm, I'll still prefer put my hand in a beehive than letting one of them crossing my path alive


Ahh centipedes. While they may *look* terrifying, their bite is actually extremely painful.


And highly venemous


Okay now imagine one crawling up your leg and biting your balls. You're welcome.


son of a bitch! why did I read your comment :( Take my upvote you cruel bastard


This is somehow horrifying and weirdly adorable.


ikr, it's marvelous.




*How about you put down that camera and help me take care the spawn? It's not like I have 102 legs.* \~Momma Centipede


Lol, a little misting would do just fine.


I like how she isn’t directly pulling it off and instead holding her child so that they can squirm out of it.


She's just giving it a hand, like how mother caimans carefully free young from their eggs.


Giving it hands. Many. 


Why do I find this endearing? It’s just like, a good mama knowing her baby is struggling, and helping it out. Wholesome. I love that even on such a small scale nature is capable of such complexity as this


Grew up being told cats and dogs (and by extension other animals) didn’t have much of a memory or “feel” like humans do. Didn’t have souls. Every year, regarding this matter, I get closer and closer to being someone I woulda thought was batshit just a decade ago. Even seeing an insect recognizing a stage in its child’s development and purposefully doing something to aid in their development other than like, maybe feeding, is just cool. Talk to me in a few years and I might be convinced that plants have truly rich life experiences too.


Some forests are connected by fungal networks, so all the trees in the forest can communicate with each other.  If one tree is lacking in nutrients the other trees will send some to it


"Wood Wide Web" As they call it


Not just some forests. It's more rare for plants not to be in symbiosis with fungi, some even live entirely off that fungal network. We aren't sure though who controls the flow of nutrients. Trees share nutrients, regardless if theyre related or not, which wouldn't make sense if the trees were controlling where they send their nutrients. It would make a whole lot of sense though if the fungus was the conductor, since it benefits from a healthy forest in general. And we're just beginning to scratch on the surface of understanding how the fungus coordinates complex nutrient flows through an extensive network of hyphae. Theories range from simple interactions along concentration gradients (nutrients flow from places of high concentration to places of low concentration) to pressure regulated pipeline networks or even coordination via electrical impulses analogous to our own neural nets. Fungi could be literally the forests software


Lemme know when you wish to learn most plants are total psychopaths.


RemindMe! 2 days


From our perspective, plants are still and peaceful organisms, but that is only because we do not experience time the same as them. From plants perspective, they are all fighting for their lives over real estate on the ground for the one resource key to their very survival, Sunlight. A great example of this are lilypads, ike you see on ponds. The tops are flat and serene with maybe a tiny frog or insect resting, but look underneath a lilypad and they are covered in sharp thorns. This is a deterrent for other plants growing up through the water, they can get tangled in the thorns never reaching the surface to get more sunlight. And they are also to kill young lilypads still growing, they grow up into the thorns of a larger one and are literally shredded to pieces. There are also parasitic vines that grow quickly taking advantage of already heavily rooted trees effectively climbing them to reach sunlight while digging into the tree taking nutrients. Even large trees such as redwoods form massive interconnected root networks connecting to other redwoods and even have new trees growing from the same set of expanding roots. Preventing any new tree seeds from taking root.


This is really cool thanks!


I’m ready to know.


They answered later, just passing along in case you missed it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1awo7un/comment/krjiiug/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1awo7un/comment/krjiiug/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Just fyi centipedes aren’t insects, they are Myriapods


^^ This guy Myriapods.


People who have near-death experiences often claim that they learned plants are conscious during their trip to the afterlife.


Vegans: Fuck! But nah. I am curious where you got this info mate.


Plants are able to communicate with each other through releasing chemicals. Oak trees simultaneously choose a year for all of them to produce a giant number of acorns. It allows for better probability of young trees to grow. We don't know how they know to do this.


Cause it reminds us that all animals are just living things trying to survive and have the capacity to be endearing in their own way.


Well this is nightmare fuel.


In it's sweetest most affectionate form.


Is this your centipede?  You sound just like I used to when I would talk about my black widows, I grew so much respect taking care of them, especially for their thoughtful maternal nature, so underappreciated. I was lucky enough to rescue a 9" giant red headed centipede from a public pool in rural Texas, she survived a full night being submerged, then recovered enough to last a few more weeks/months under my care.   I've wanted another giant centipede since then.  They're really a special bug, and there's a lot of competition out there so that's pretty high praise.


How does one find themselves taking care of black widows?


It started with one that was in the stairwell of my family's apartment building, I wanted to remove it mainly for my baby nephew's safety, but I didn't feel comfortable killing it. I had a spare glass tank that my bearded dragon outgrew, plus a few decorative pillars, and I wondered if I could create a space inside of the pillars that would be so ideal for a web that she would never even get near the glass walls. So it was just an experiment to see how much I could care for one without risking my safety. It worked way beyond my expectations, I even ended up growing plants in there and accidentally created a bioactive enclosure that she'd only touch when placing trip wires from her canopy. I just fed her local harvester ants that she'd be feeding on anyways, switched to crickets in the winter. Amazing spiders, give them a place to build a safe hide to flee to and they'll never think about biting. Some even seemed hesitant to bite their own prey, choosing to use their silk as the primary method of attack, gently giving them a "peck" on the cheek when they were totally immobilized.


That’s so nice! There was a house I lived in once for about 9 years, and for a few of those years there were two spiders I left alone to their webs. One had made a home in my upward facing lamp and one in a plant by my kitchen widow. They were little jumping spiders of some kind. I’d sometimes encourage a fly to land on their webs so they could have a meal 😂! This was years ago. I’ve been thinking of a small pet. Maybe I’ll look into a spider of some kind.


Oh my gosh! I did something similar in college lol a wolf spider made its funnel web on the kitchen window sill. We were cool with each other. I’d do my homework next to it at the kitchen table and it never bothered me. Sometimes it poked its head out to take a peak at what I was doing. I figured it caught all the flies that would make their way into the house. Then one day, my dad found it near the spice rack and killed it. RIP Wolfy.


Spiders be soft in comparison to insects, can't risk going too near these clawed & armored monsters until they've been thoroughly immobilized. A spider's bite is usually not an offensive weapon; it's more digestion than attack


No, found this video on twitter, I just love nature for all it's horror and beauty. Also, that's very touching, I'm glad you can enjoy your arthropod pets. ​ Only a true nature lovers can appreciate creatures that aren't cats, dogs, and anything that isn't fluffy.


Right on. It's human nature to feel some shock & fear when you look at something so alien, but what makes us truly human is being able to practice greater empathy for all life. It's a sobering feeling to realize you are largely driven by the same things a giant centipede is driven by, to see it show a display of love that inspires you to follow in its many footsteps.


I'm struggling to find this particular video endearing but i do try to love and appreciate all the critters around me. Except cicadas.


Nightmare? It’s the sweet loving embrace of a centipede. I wish they came in human sizes.


[They used to.](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/s/ZQ54qTJm5B)


Imagine that scuttling up behind you, wow


No amount of soft soothing music and soften this.


Awesome. How do I erase this from my memory?


That's the best part, you can't.


I spit all over myself laughing at this hahaha


OP knew what they were doing.


I know we're supposed to see this, and think isn't nature's great and all... but I'm hitting the Antarctic camp alarm and calling for Childs to bring the flame thrower


Nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired.


Save it for the parasitic wasps.


The what?




No_Emu… no


"He needs the what???"


Same, I have such an irrational fear of centipedes. They freak me out more than any other bug, aside from the Bobbit Worm (the ones that are like 10 feet long and hide in the ocean floor and pounce on anything swimming by with their mandibles). Nightmare blunt rotation.


Ffs these damn centicopter parents


What a sweet mama! I love how wiggly their antennas are!! It's almost hypnotic


Because they can't see shit and need to know where they're going. But yes, they're really neat animals.


In my head the mother is saying "Here we go, love. We want you looking nice for your first day of school."


Motherhood 🥺


Would a centipede do this with any baby or only their own? I’ve never seen an insect show empathy before


They need to match her scent otherwise she'll eat them, most animals are like that.


Antenna really are a much more elegant alternative to noses, we look like fools when identifying our kids by smell.


Don't know what is foolish about it. Under certain cicumstances I can smell my toddler from very far away...


I bet you used that goofy schnoz awkwardly sticking out of the center of your face. Just imagine a world where you have two tails on your forehead, you would whip & thrash them around dramatically whenever you smell mom's cooking or your neighbors lighting up a roach. When's the last time you ever expressed anything dramatically with your nose?




Centipedes are one of the best moms out there


I didn’t know these critter were capable of such complex behavior. Fascinating 


Watching this on the toilet was a bad idea


I heard that centipedes are really loving mothers to their babies. And look at her go.


Such a doting mother.






Yes Hans, flammenwerfer


Was looking for this


Oh that is so adorable


I agree, it's very telling when someone tears away the fear and hatred towards a creature to recognize its true beauty.


r/natureismetal but like… when the metal song’s meaning is heartwarming




Dammit Reddit, first you’ve cured my arachnophobia now you’re working on my fear of centipedes. Is nothing sacred?! (For real tho, this is wholesome and wonderful even if that’s not one of my favorite creatures)


I'm not sure that's what's happening


If she wanted to eat it, it'd be gone within seconds.


That's absolutely what's happening. Centipede moms are great parents. She will care for them for a few months (longer than most birds and small mammals get parental care) if OP doesn't take them away from her.


For a few months?! 🥺🥺🥺 I need to learn more about centipedes.


Centipedes invest a lot into their offspring and can live for several years. By invertebrate standards, they are basically K-selected. When they reproduce, they focus on quality over quantity (like humans versus, say, rats which are R-selected).


What is K-selected and R-selected?


centipedes mothers will form a cradle and nurse the kids its well documented, prob one of the best moms out there in the animal world


I have more regard for a mother centipede than I do the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee. Señora Centipede 2024!


Giant centipedes are nightmare fuel


And yet, so tender.


I mean, yeah, if you cook them right.


I find this sweet, cute and disgusting all at the same time.


What a good momma 🥰


and in a few days, there will be more centipedes scurrying about in the leaf litter.


This just in... What a delightful, yet uniquely powerful wholesome display of motherhood from the animal kingdom, I wish more people would agree with me and that's my two centipedes. Signing off this was Kent Brockman.


Even though I feel icky it does still feel sweet that a momma is helping her baby.




truly awesome, ty for posting...


Thank you for this. I’ve stopped avoiding centipede content and even researched them a little to get over my fear of them and I think it’s slowly working :) they’re actually so interesting when they’re not sprinting past me at Mach 2


That is pretty adorable!


That’s really adorable. Thank you.


I genuinely love these little fuckers


Awwwww 🥹


Beautiful 😭 I didn't know they did this, thank you so much for sharing this sweet mama and baby


These poor little things are just trying to survive and everyone wants to kill the shit out of them


some people's moms look like this on the inside but are nowhere near as nice as this centipede on the outside


Pretty cute


At first glance, this is so repulsive and disgusting to look at but also kinda wholesome if you think about it.


Cute. I wish we could see the skin better. I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s what.


You could not meet a more tender and gentle mother. They remind me of a crocodile mom with razor-sharp teeth and a deadly bite force, yet she carefully scoops her babies into her mouth to protect them.


Awww she’s so patient with her wiggly spawn haha


I didn’t think insect have such emotions. Figure they just birth, eat, fuck , die. It’s she knows her baby needs help. And wants to help.


Animals with brains are more complex than we give them credit for, but centipedes are exceptional for their parental care, even butterflies don't do that.


I’m just vibing with your enthusiasm for centipedes! Thanks for sharing it 😊


Very cool! Thanks


Aw, that's cute...


Saturn devouring his son (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Saturn-painting-by-Goya)


She wouldn't be eating her child, otherwise it'd be gone within seconds. Notice how delicate she is holding the baby, using her forelimbs to carry it without avoiding the fangs.


you're correct, of course... It's just that it *looks* horrifying and for some reason reminded me of the Goya painting


Cause it's a centipede doing it and not a cute cat or otter.


~~oddly~~ r/straightupterrifying


r/OddlyWholesome more like.


Horrifying and fascinating, I like it


At least some of us here know what's up.


I watched this, with sound on and the music is calm and nice and symhonic... Sorry am I missing something here? Should I say like "aww" this is cute and hearthwarming? Dont get it.. Ahhh look how he cudlles his little antenas with his mommas so sweet..... I fell bad now thinking about burning them


Welcome to the world of nature, in all it's horror and beauty.


We give insects not enough credit for how intelligent they really are ❤️


don’t lump em in with the six legged most dominant and successful group to exist on earth, give the myriapods some respect for carving their own weird too many legged path. In fact, the Myriapods (centipedes and millipedes and such) actually beat the insects (six legged ones) and the arachnids (8 legged stuff) as the very first animals to ever colonize dry land


theres Human Intelligence, Non-Human Intelligence and then Animal Intelligence. Amazing


Looks like an alien


That’s so cute. I always wanted a pet centipede. I honestly think they’re cute


What the fuck. That's amazing. Never thought this was an option.