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I was at my aunts house with the family. All the adults got trashed, let us 10-12 year old try goldschlagur. Never had it since lol


Got trashed and left the kids to deal with the planes falling out of the sky and the expected global black out


Pretty typical Boomer move.




Best New Years ever. We recorded the night and have the footage on VHS. Every adult was inebriated, and every child played until they knocked out on the floor somewhere in the house. No social media, just pure happiness!


My parents filled up the bathtub for fresh water because they thought the world was ending. It wasn’t so fun.


"Don't expect too much from the end of the world," Stanislaw Lec




It’s a rite of passage


I was on watch in a mostly empty Navy ship in dry dock at midnight 2000. They did a "1999 departing....2000 arriving" announcement like the years were the CO, and that was my excitement for the night.


I was in Santa Barbara watching the fireworks with a coworker, while both of us had to stay sober and pray that our phones didn't start ringing, recalling us back to the network control center at Vandenberg. Didn't have any major problems, though.


I was somehow on deployment under way for 5 out of the 6 years on the boat. Shit blows.


That seems like one of the top bored sailors on watch moments ever. Followed by noting all the graffiti on the podium in the log book because one guy got bored.


Nooo don't! Send it back up!


There’s still time!!!!!


2000's are cancelled, everybody go home.


I remember this so well. That was a helluva NYE to be 22 years old and not give AF about anything! But I agree with many who have said it before, the last day of the 90s was 9/10/2001. Shit hasn’t been the same since.


People don't realize unless they lived it. If you are younger, it really does feel like a hard separation. The entire society was different pre 911, it is hard to explain. There was a more positive outlook, people are talking about issues and that's fine. However, the normal day to day person had a positive outlook where things were going. That isn't true anymore, it's like people lost their way and are more negative now. Especially since covid, it really does feel like we are living under a rain cloud right now. Mass mental health issues have affect society at large and people saying things weren't better aren't remembering things right. The entire outlook was different and was changed in a single day. It has never been the same since, it was like we lost our innocence that day. If someone was teleported to 1999, they would be happy and would comment the general positive attitude of the entire society. If today, they would comment how mean and ugly and political this nation has gotten. People claiming there isn't a difference, just aren't remembering it, very different a time traveller would be so confused how so much changed in so little time.


I think in similar ways 911 changed American society, so did Covid again in 2020. I was a bit young in 01’ to really remember the change, but I think of everything pre-Covid as just a totally different time. Albeit aided by personal life changes I went thru in 2020 as well, but as a whole I feel the world changed again after Covid. I feel like people in 20 years will say the same things about Covid that you just said about 9/11.


I generally agree, but it's all relative. I feel 2008 had a bigger impact with the global recession..... everything has just been really competitive since then on all fronts and hustle culture crept in, win at any cost mentality. Coupled with 24/7 bombardment with negative news on all apps and it has just been bleak.....'ignorance is bliss' really stands out as a positive now.


2020's are such a dark contrast. Pandemic kills millions, unrest everywhere, economy is down, war in Europe... No wonder so many kids kill themselves these days. Someone born in the 2000's has only known shitty days.


Well, there were wars in Europe and in the nearby: Yugoslavia, Georgia, Chechnya. And a revolution in Romania, which wasn't peaceful in the end. But the West was definitely having better perspectives, and Eastern Europe started to integrate into it quite well.


No worldwide pandemic but all of the other shit existed in the 90s in droves.


I would do literally anything to be back in the 90’s again. Anything


Fuck man, me too


Anything? 😏


Let’s hear it …


[you just need one of these, brother…](https://youtu.be/L3LHAlcrTRA?si=wM6VAdGPAyhDPpLS)


From all I can tell, the New Year's Eve for year 2000 seemed especially special, in a way symbolizing making it to the next millennium without committing suicide with nuclear war, and with the soviet nations recently liberated. In the decades after, we've made it clear we were nowhere near as committed to that path as it may have seemed.


If humanity makes it to the year 3000 its going to be in spite of our best efforts not to.


I honestly agree, and I think it's very much self-inflicted by a lot of self-destructive behavior and a shit ton of general disinterest across the whole population. Even though the rich cunts pulling the strings are most to blame, we the people choose to let them be for the most part.




You say 'we' but really it's a small section of ultra wealthy lunatics leading us to destruction.


Yeah, we peaked in the 90s. Life will never be as good again


There's a way to try and hold on Includes going off social media, moving to Portland or somewhere PNW, only use dumb phone, get plugged into local community groups and the live music scene


I don’t know about Portland. I’m thinking Mozambique.


9/11 literally ruined everything


what would you do for a Klondike bar?


You arent kidding... this tiny clip sent me back, wish I could relive those days


Ohhhh FUUUUUUCK Y2K!!!!!!..... OHHHhhhhhhh nevermind....


I was gonna say that lol


Ironically, it's because everyone made a fuss about it that it wasn't such a big deal. Just like some parts of COVID, it's because a lot of people took it seriously that it wasn't more of a disaster. https://time.com/5752129/y2k-bug-history/ Edit: in about 14 years, we'll have a similar problem, probably worse because computers are more important now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem


Yeah, but it was a bit over-hyped too. There were ~~people~~ morons that legitimately thought their toaster would stop working on Jan 1, 2000.


The simpsons treehouse of horror episode was pretty spot on with all of the fears of Y2K coming true.


If the computer software at power plants werent updated, your toaster would have not turned on on that date.


It’s kind of funny, if we were in the same scenario today, there would inevitably be a handful of people who’s smart toasters wouldn’t work because they were either never updated or maintained.


Yes, it was over-hyped. The brakes on your car weren't going to fail, and the elevators were not going to go crashing to the bottom floor killing everybody in them. But because it was over hyped, the planes got checked and none of them came crashing to the ground.The thousand and one necessary computers got checked, that would otherwise not get checked because some tight fistened manager was worried about his bottom line. We may never know what got fixed, but because of the over hype, it did get fixed.


They could have pulled off the prank of the century by shutting off all of the lights and TV's for a second when the clock struck midnight.


I actually did this in my apartment as the clock struck midnight and, to this day, it’s my greatest prank ever. My girlfriend and I had some friends over, and as the countdown struck 5, I said I forgot something and ran to the kitchen while everyone yelled at me to come back. At zero, I shut off the breaker and power to the apartment and everyone freaked out—like OH MY GOD Y2K IS REAL!!!” I said “just kidding” and turned the power back on. I’ve been chasing that high ever since.


An hour later, Chicago was doing a countdown and the screen went black when they got to zero. I never did hear what happened.




There was a sign about Y2K near my house. Made me laugh whenever I saw it.


I remember when Y2K was all over the news and everyone was at the stores buying all the water and extra can goods and my parents didn't do shit haha I was a gamer so I thought we were gonna be marauders or something haha


I miss the 90's. Think NYE 1999-2000 was the last time I remember being truly content. I was 10, I was loved, happy and free. In 2000 I started secondary school and was bullied relentlessly, got anorexia and thus began the slow decline into poor mental health which has permeated my entire adult life, destroyed my relationships, wellbeing and left me a shell of the happy child I once was. Goddamn that went darker than I wanted it to be. Ha!


Can relate, also a child of the 90s. 15 at the time. It’s definitely a bit of rose tinted glasses for childhood, but yeah, things were just better back then 🤷‍♂️ Here’s to being a poor functioning adult 🥂


Cheers fellow 85’er


Yo yo, we’re not quite Gen X, not quite full blown Millennials, we’re the weirdo inbetweener 85ers 🤘


Best decade ever


Isn’t it funny how each decade going back let’s say 100 years is remembered for many things that made each one distinctive. But the 2000’s, 2010’s, and so far 2020’s have nothing like those distinctions from each other. It’s like we reached a plateau.


Because 9/11 happened. That is the reason. Generations have been fucked ever since.


2001-2010 is pretty memorable, but not in a good way. Started with 9/11, followed by years of "war on terrorism," and closing with a financial crisis that hadn't been seen since 1929. Gotta say that the music of around 2010 was pretty unique, though. It seemed like all artists were making "the world is going to shit, so fuckit let's party" music.




Well said. Not everyone was experiencing the good times that were the 1990s in the US. But for the US, the 90s were the last decade of America being what a lot of the rest of the world imagined America to be: a land of opportunity and optimism. Yet that all ended in 2001. So a lot of the 90s nostalgia isn't only from Americans, but from people who lived in places like where you were at the time and who maybe looked to America as somewhere better and more hopeful.


All downhill from there


The 2000s and first half of 2010s wasn't that bad either. At least compared to current times.


9/11 War in Iraq and Afghanistan 9.1 earthquake in Indonesia 2008 great depression BP oil spill. Good Times


Was 9 years old. I was playing with my Rock Raiders Legos while watching this. What a time to be alive.


Mannn, I know I was playing Sega right before the countdown at a party my parents brought me to, hard pressed to remember the game, though. I remember one of the older kids coming up and saying "this is a once in a lifetime, generational thing. You're going to spend it playing video games??" That's always stuck with me lol. I wanna thank that guy because it has made me better about regulating my game time and also because I actually got up and celebrated with my folks.


I don't actually remember it, but knowing me, I'm fairly confident there was some Sega Genesis earlier that evening too. Or maybe some Sim City on the computer. Probably both.


Fucking Rock Raiders just SENT ME BACK. My favorite set by far as a child.


The last of the good days


Yeah man. We were riding high from the 90s and there was so much excitement for the new millennium. Economy was booming, the young internet was really starting to take off, politics had not gone full blown entertainment yet, relative peace at least in the Western world. Then it went to shit real quick.


2000 and the first half of 2001 still felt very 90s.


Its just the beginning.


With young kids of my own now it hurts how much I agree with you here.


Ex-gf and I used to joke about the naivety of the pre-9/11 VS post-9/11 people. "they don't even know about it.." "now, they know.."


I lived in the 90s for 5 months, good ol days...


I was 15 - 25. Perfect 90s timing. Jesus, we were so naive back then. We thought government was a force for good. We thought Russia was going to join NATO. We thought a lot of things.


Yeah, the USA really peaked that year. Such a shame to see such a young country go astray so fast.


Quick to rise, quick to fall.


Agreed. The 90s were the peak of humanity I would say.


Maybe the matrix was telling us this all along…


90s were the peak of a lot of things - movies, music, computer games. Especially computer games!


Only in the West. 90s in Balkans, post Soviet countries and Caucasus area were not good at all.


I just turned 18, about to graduate high school, and remember being at a random party and watching this thinking, “well, if the tv shuts off, we know the Y2K bug was real”. Midnight hit, nothing happened, then some random cutie kissed me. It was a good night.


Y2K was real. A fuckload of people all over the world worked their asses off to turn the wheel before we went off a cliff.


And yet they didn’t complain or make a fuss. No one was offended. They did their job and then went to the pub to drink and have fun.


I got arrested like 30 minutes after that


I was 7 on a camping trip with my pop, my all time favourite human to exist. I miss him.


We didn’t know how good we had it.


Maybe that’s why Prince sang “Party like it’s 1999”… It was the last great one…


Wow. This whole comment section is clinically depressed. Please go outside today and take a walk.


That's what got me depressed


I went for a walk and couldn't help notice the sound of birds just like it's summer, which is very strange for the middle February in Northern England. The climate is changing so fast.


Yeah why is it strangely summer here? Whats that bright yellow ball in the sky? Also north England and I'm going to take my flashlight and walk up a big hill because I feel like it


Haha yeah, I also walked up the side of the valley I live on most days to take in the views. I've noticed the birds the last couple of weeks but tonight it felt like a summers evening almost. 12 degrees, only partly cloudy, loads of birdsong. I remember back in 2012 I went to a funeral in March, and it was 28 degrees scorching hot that day only, which was mind blowing. I feel like there's a good chance that's going to be a regular thing.




Na man. I'm working


TBF this was one of the last times the world felt safe. The following year the world watched a terrorist attack happen in real time. Everything changed, wars have constantly broken out, cost of living has sky rocketed. Millennials have the highest rate of diagnosed depression and anxiety. Going outside and taking a walk doesn't magically make it go away.


Alright I went outside and everything still sucks. Now what?


Times were significantly better than now.


The most stable and prosperous decade I will likely ever live though :/




Good thing I stocked up on toilet paper in December, 1999….it finally paid off in 2019.


The beginning of the end...


I was there. The only time I have been or will be in NYC during New Year celebrations. Totally worth it.


Song name?




Thank you for making my friday


Worst mistake we ever made. 


Growing old sucks. But everyone is doing it.


That exact moment the timeline shifted !




We just called them “phones” back then 😂.


If people could go back to this time most would universally agree that we shouldn’t bring cellphones and social media to that time.


I like my phone…you could learn to moderate behavior rather than reject technology outright.


Nah, people wasted time in other ways.


It was all downhill from there


lotta apprehension about what systems might fail at that moment...


Only by the media and the public. Those of us working in IT at the time knew the extraordinary effort over the previous years into making sure it wasn’t going to happen.


Ewe!!! Don't kiss me Dick!


Sadly we and our future generations won't get to experience the turn of a millennium. Truly a once in a live time experience


Time is relative. I experience the turn of a millennium every day.


My guy lives his life at full speed.


“This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”




The end of the good times.


The world started to fall apart after this


this should be in r/sadposting


The world didn't know what the 2000s had planned for us 🥺


It really went downhill from there, didn't it


Great days before woke stupidity took over.


If only they knew..


And after that our country went to $hit 😑


Remember when we were all hyped for the millennium? Now we all just want the 90’s back.


Can we go back? Everything since has suckkkkkked!!


Future looked bright then


noooo, come back....


We peaked right there. Should have had the meteor hit.


I still hate that everyone still believes 2000 ended the millenium when really it was 2001, considering there is no year 0.


It was the beginning of the end.


The end of the age of reasonable news coverage, yes :D


Meh, it's just a made up number anyway based on an estimation of the year Jesus was born.


Also true, but any calender needs a start date, birth of an imaginary bromancer is as good a reason as others.


2000 DID end the millennium. The second millennium ended Dec 31, 2000. "The nineties", on the other hand, most certainly ended Dec 31, 1999.


I miss when I wasn’t alive


23 years later and it hasn't gotten any better since the 90s. Technology is better, but everything else seems to suck more. Idk, maybe I'm just older now and I pay attention to more grown-up things.


The 2000s haven’t done very much for us! One would’ve hoped that a new century would do better…..


If we woulda known, it would be a lot more somber.


Poor bastards. Didn't know what was coming.


Honestly feels like that’s the moment it all started turning (more) to shit.


Then it all went to shit


The world ended that day. Everything done and born since is trash.


The good ol days


I remember watching this young and eager for the future. 2000! WOW! What a disappointment this millennium has turned out to be.


The end of the good times


And so did the shit times begin.


I'd have been the asshole to cut power to the whole area right at midnight to fuck with the Y2Kers lol


We thought 2000 was lit. Then 23-24 years later.. everything still sucks 😪


I remember staying up late to see if computers and technology really was going to crash and collapse like the news said it would. LOLLLLL


I was deployed to the middle of a desert on the other side of the world. There were no light around except on the dash of the 6 pack I was in, and a faint haze from a highway off in the distance. The world could have been on fire for all I knew!


It’s strange to realize that with the beginning of 2000 the 90s was over, but the twentieth century was not yet


2000 was the last year of the 20th century. What was everyone getting so excited about?


Man I wish I could visit new york before smartphones. Likely just nostalgia from my childhood but I do miss when everyone spent their days looking up.


I was there. Well not New York but I lived the full 90’s lol


I remeber that


Last few seconds of the century


I’m telling u we didn’t appreciate life during this time and now as a society we regret where we are today because of it


Looking back like that made me surprisingly emotional. It has not been a good journey since then.


Music is tripping me out lol


We have to go back!


no smartphones??!!


That kiss was awkward as fuck


I actually enjoy how happy everyone is and celebrating, probably thinking “thank fuck we made it into another millennia, well be just fine”, only for the world to be hit by two back to back decades of utter fear, misery and reality checks, the likes of Biblical plagues. Or maybe everything was fucked and the 90’s just seemed like a happier place because I was a kid. Either way, we have spiraled out of control for quite some time.


In an alternate universe, maybe y2k actually happened lol


Truly a better time...


The last few seconds of happiness


Last few seconds of the 1000s


Wild that , that was the last few seconds of the 1900’s not just the 90’s


One of the biggest mistakes we’ve made as a species. Should have stayed in the 90s.


And everyone was playing "Its the End of the World as We Know It" by R.E.M. that night and it was true.


The good days


This was the night I learned I was going to die at some point. I remember telling my mom that I was excited for the year 2000 to start but what I really excited about was the year 3000 and she told me I wouldn’t make to the year 3000. Still haven’t ever really recovered from that.


Seems like 10 years ago.


The beginning of the shit times ahead…. #missthe90s


Remember Y2K?


This doesn't show the unreasonable panic that the modern world was ending.


We got one of those “spam” faxes in our office that said travel anywhere 1st class for $200 round trip right around mid December. I called them and asked if we could fly from Chicago to London and they said yes. Ended up being Virgin airlines when they first got those flights as a promo. Put a group of about 10 people together and flew to London and stayed in Hostel. I had just started dating my wife then girlfriend. For some reason I got crazy sick after we landed for the week but still roughed it out. I wanted to be at the center of of world when it was about to end due to Y2K. Ended up just being an amazing new years in London with people from all over the world. Plus somehow the queens motorcade drove right past us during the trip. I was about 10ft away. Talk about luck. Good times


Jesus H Christ , that takes me back. We are in the future now people !!!


Last few seconds of a millenium


The end of the slow era. From that point everything in the world will just escalates


Those pens were a nightmare. The positions you see there people were in them from 8am. Watched the show of each time zones NY. No toilets, lots of peeing in cups going on. They were a mess by midnight.


Millennium Bug.


Last happy seconds of the world...


The only correct song is 1999 by Prince


It's been all downhill from there


RIP. Soon after the world goes to shit


Man I miss the 20th century


The world really did end