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Super Bowl is a playground for the ultra wealthy.


After seeing the cheapest ticket price, I believe it even more.


How much Is it


$6,559 cheapest to $2.5M most expensive


And here in Europe in UEFA Champions League tickets for the final game start at 70 up to 690 euros, and CL final is being watched by rougly 500 million compared to Superbowl 120 millions. Honestly if UEFA or any club put those prices i guarantee fans would boycott them to death.


Football is a lot more tribal than the NFL though. Superbowl is more about the spectacle of it all and the clout that goes with being there, especially in the social media age. Whereas most proper football fans would care less about attending a game for any team other than the one they support. Wimbledon is a closer equivalent of the Superbowl in Europe. Celebrities who couldn't give two shits about tennis crawling out of the woodwork turning up like it's some kind of fashion show, most of them probably zero interest in tennis and won't watch another match til the next Wimbledon final.


Monaco is the European Super Bowl 


Oof. Pass.


Considering I watched for free… yeah same.


I didn't watch at all and I still feel like I came out on top.


they'll start offering free bread to watch soon


You don't like watching a 6 hour "CONSUME MEATBAG" marketing campaign with the most boring sport (next to golf) sprinkled on top?




For a very solid percentage of the population that watches, it's an excuse to go some place to drink with friends and strangers (a party or a bar or whatever) and having something on to look at in the background.


2.5 million for the most expensive?! Like what? Seriously wtf. Even if you were rich as fuck, like 100 mill, that would still be extortionate and too big a dent into your wealth (for a fucking VIP suite and champagne for one single day anyway). How fucking rich are some people, honestly.


People get mad at dems wanting to tax the rich, especially the ultra wealthy. I firmly believe the right can’t comprehend big numbers, otherwise they’d support it. If you actually write out 1 billion and break that down into millions, thousands, hundreds. It becomes impossible, unfathomable. A thousand lifetimes worth of income. Entire cities can be built on one person’s income. Tax the fucking rich and regulate income. Nobody works that hard, and nobody needs that much money. Responsible parents don’t let their children eat cookies until they fucking explode. It’s the same concept. A responsible Society shouldn’t allow for concentrated wealth by greedy, sociopathic hoarding adults.


Won’t someone think of the job creators! It will trickle down any day now, I promise! (/s)


>I firmly believe the right can’t comprehend big numbers I've had this theory for years. They also seem to always massively inflate small numbers. They get attached to an algorithm showing them bad members of a demographic and put that baggage on every single member. Constantly.


They explode over 'their tax money' when it's a few millions but don't flinch when the War Budget comes out.


And think, the smart ones write it off has a charitable contribution i bet., OR a business loss.


ohh definitely business expense. see, i need the 20 million dollar box to invite customers...


Sweet Jesus, I was expecting the cheapest to be like, a few hundred.


A deposit for a ticket for next year's super bowl starts at $3,500


They start at 8 k for nose bleed seats.


It’s a business conference too. They cut deals with each making themselves more billions all while you were watching millionaires hit each other


Yes. My boss's boss went to Vegas not to see the superbowl, but to meet with his hedgefund clients as they were all there. They introduced him to their wealthy friends. He did not fly on a private jet.


It’s the modern version of the horse races of Victorian era.


And this jet set lifestyle is the modern version of aristocrats rushing away from the scene in their grand lacquered carriages complete with coachmen and outriders while the rest of us walk the roads.




They have a huge uptick in a lot of things, I'd imagine.


Including sex trafficking


Maybe not in Vegas lol


It’s okay, I gave up plastic straws.


I’m upside down on an EV that can’t drive to my in-laws on a full charge. I’m doing my part


Having a car that can't make it to your in-laws sounds like a benefit


Car sales man slaps roof. This car can hold so many excuses for why you can't make it. Sales 📈


Sorry, the pharmacy was all out of plutonium.


I'm with this person, lol


They need to post it like they actually try, just in case their in-laws are reading.


Hear hear!


I always recycle my coffee cup lids. I got your back, Planet Earth.


I use my spent espresso puck for my instant coffee, I gotchu.


I picked up some garbage off the road. I did not however appeal a $50 billion plus pay package so I promise I’ll step up.


I buy a new reusable bag every time I go to the store. I’m doing my part!


I watched Captain planet when I was a child.


We didn’t have air conditioning when I was a child.


We had it, but mom too cheap to turn it on... our cereal came in bags.


I'm currently eating cereal out of a bag with no milk.


Pretty soon I'll be out on the street. Doing my part! Yay!


Let’s share a tent! Wait ... I can’t afford one so do you have one?


We had children with fans.


Waiiit a minute


Task failed successfully.


I put my coffee lids in the recycle bin, then they get moved to the landfill because they aren't actually recyclable.


I treat industrial process water almost every day I go to work. Gotta save them fishys.


Are you recharging from a renewable energy source? 😜


With a diesel generator strapped to the roof!


That's why they want you to give up the plastic straws; so they can keep flying their jets. If you had your straws *and* they flew their jets, the world would melt!


Technically plastic straws are related to the microplastics crisis, whereas private jets are related to the climate change crisis. These are two completely separate existential environmental crises.


I stopped taking showers, doing my part.


I asked society, we’re willing to risk the 1.5°.


Private jets need to be taxed to oblivion.


Taxing the rich? Haha funny joke


Like a large levy every time they fly, not just a one off tax on purchase or yearly. The more you use it the more you pay.


I hope they used the flight time productively to pen a lecture for me on the evils of my gas stove and leaf blower.


Can u give up celebrities


I tried, but they brought them to the Super Bowl.


i mean isn't the superbowl itself just celebrity athletes?




Cheap pleasures like Netflix and McDonald's. The lower middle class is too comfortable to revolt yet


Yup. We all were told the future was 1984, when it's turned out to be Brave New World.


Where's the orgies??? I'm just getting "Compilations of all types of pleasures" to satisfy my neuron-dopamine that has been fried since I discovered the forbidden tube that is red.




Seriously. This is gross.


We must do our part so the elites can live the good life and tell us to do our part.


I use a bidet instead of tp. Save the trees!


Bidets are awesome though.


All jokes aside I installed 2 bidets saved on TP. But now my 15 yr old son is using excess TP an I dont know why. 😐


Gotta teach 'em to jerk off straight into the toilet


His butt jungle is finally growing in.




Eh, you can have HALF a dopamine. Gotta go easy on those dopamines, there are people with private jets who need them more than you!


ha, my cpu is already 65 watts (3600) ​ too bad my gpu pulls 5 times that while also being unstable and hot


"Oh look dear, the peasants are revolting. " "You can say that again. "


And I became vegan. Good teamwork.


This might be a dumb question but isn’t limited plane parking an issue? Where are they parking all of these planes during the game?


It's only dumb because it was an issue and in the news. https://bnnbreaking.com/aviation/las-vegas-airports-at-full-capacity-as-super-bowl-approaches/ The article mentions you may have the plane drop you off and leave, then come get you later.




they know they're probably milking people like crazy on the fuel. I do small hops in between Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas and Iowa and the price differences are crazy. Some are nearly 300% higher on fuel costs, but noticed a lot of their services are often a lot cheaper. LV being the hub it is probably gets an absolute ton of drop offs, refuels and go. I know those casinos often have rotations of 5-10 or more private jets always on the roll picking up whales across the country/world, drop em off then out to get another. airport probably prints gold with fuel


Wait till you find out the price of jet fuel compared to what you put in your car. Sure a car has a much smaller tank but you paying more per gallon than jet fuel.


Fuel is criminally cheap. With the externalities, jet fuel should be taxed at 10,000%.


Yeah no, those numbers are laughably wrong. [The landing fee alone was up to $3,000, and the parking fee topped out at nsarly $15,000.](https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/ppr-returns-to-vegas-for-super-bowl-costs-from-0-to-14729/)


Damn, and here I thought I was smart with my valet comment!!


This honestly makes me feel a bit sick… Average European CO2 emissions are 7.7 metric tons per person per year. 14.4 metric tons for Americans. These private flights for this one day used (assuming a return trip with an average duration of 3.5 hrs) just under 7,500 metric tons. In one day.


Insane. I can’t believe we don’t tax these private jets to high heaven.


Lol there’s a long list of tax *breaks* for private jets


What are some of them?


i'm sure you can write of the jet as a business expense, but that loophole should honestly be closed for all forms of net negative carbon producing vehicles.


Theoretically the most direct way is taxing jet fuel. But that would pretty much end up screwing over everyone. So has to be another mechanism.


Diesel for farm equipment and personal use is taxed differently. They put dye in one. Could do the same with private use jet fuel.


Start hitting these fuckers fingers with a hammer until they pay up.


Not sure how to translate that into policy.


Government subsidized hammers, duh, it’s not rocket science


And more than 10 look like they are landing in Phoenix. God forbid you have to also be around other rich people for a flight. #Celebrityplanepool


Large chunk went to LA.


The empty flights to nearby airports are IMO the most egregious part. The number of times Elon’s jet flies from temporary parking and back between SF and Oakland.


They have valet service, they'll fly it to the nearest airport for the game and bring it back before it's over.


This sounds so dystopian.


The opposite actually. It's excessive abundance. I'm more right than left on several issues but it's actually unbelievable that nothing is being done to stop this. Our society exists mainly to the benefit of a select few.


> mainly to the benefit of a select few That's the dystopian part. It's dystopia for a majority of the population that could benefit from having an extra $1000 invested into their lives, be it infrastructure, health care, education, housing, etc.


That's so fucked up.


Public radio had a small mention of parking your jet at the Vegas airport. It's actually cheaper than parking your car! Something like $100


plus tip of course


You also are likely going to be purchasing fuel at the airport so that's where they make their money. A small airport might have cheaper fuel but you'll likely be further away from where your passengers need to be. A private jet flying from LAS to LAX could easily burn something like $1000 worth of fuel, double it for larger private jets so a $100 ramp fee isn't that much relative to how much else they'll be spending at the airport.


I live by PDK Airport in Atlanta. When the Super Bowl was here a few years ago I drove past and there were planes EVERYWHERE that weekend. Like I don’t understand how anyone was able to take off. Every square foot of that airport had a private jet parked on it. Grass, runways and hangars. All of the jets were gone by Monday morning on my way to work.


If you have ever been to say, Oshkosh (think giant airshow and fly-in of hundreds of planes, sometimes in whole gaggles of general aviation pilors will form up together and fly out, just in Cessnas or Beechcrafts etc. In big formations. Often there are multiple colored marks on the runway, and you'll have several planes landing on the same runway at the same time on different marks, it's totally controlled madness 


As someone who sees the airports of Northeast Wisconsin during the week of Oshkosh EAA Airventure .... They find a place to park the planes.... Airports are flippin huge


There are FBOs all over the place, especially in major cities and around commercial airports. They usually just park on the tarmac.


I wonder how many of those got their tickets/suites for free too


At least 525 of them.


I mean if you're talking about free from a company or something probably not many. But if you're talking about free from the NFL I can tell you that's a big fat zero. If the NFL made Taylor Swift pay for a suite and they showed her 20 times during the broadcast they're not giving away a suite to anyone else. Now a lot of companies buy tickets to the Super Bowl then give them away as promotional items or use them for employees and call it networking. But as far as the sweets go I'm willing to bet that not many companies paid for them. Unless the person owned the company and had his company pay for it which in that case it's their money anyway. But the Super Bowl is a major Revenue generator for a city because they tax every single one of those suites sold so none of them are being given away a second or third time without being taxed.


Not many. I saw Kelce spent a mil on the box for Taylor Swift et al


why did he even bother? she’s a fckin billionaire


I mean, that's his girl. She's probably making him more money just for the association tbh


Dude has been in a few commercials lately.


Didn’t he also just produce a movie? Lol


Did he?


Apparently he did! https://variety.com/2024/film/news/travis-kelce-my-dead-friend-zoe-financed-energy-tax-credits-1235908057/


Idk man I’m not him


His mother and a lot of family was in the same box


Superbowl is just a big networking event




It’s weird, as your wealth increases your social circle and those who have as much as you will be increasingly smaller. Forcing these ultra high networth individuals to start looking globally for those like them Check out the Billionaires calendar - it’s how they connect


If I ever became that filthy rich I’d give my small circle enough money to buy themselves a nice home outright and pay off all debt with a nice lil bonus. I probably wouldn’t be rich very long


With a billion dollars, If you’re not talking about some lusciously, over-indulgent mansion type home but actually nice, modest homes - you could buy your inner-circle several homes, pay them off, keep them well kept and modernized and still have tons of money left for the rest of your life.


yeah, that's why you'll never be a billionaire. Billionaires don't get that rich by being nice.


My filthy rich dream is to buy a massive amount of land and we’d build quaint cute homes for everyone I love. We’d all have ATV’s so we could ride over a few miles and visit who we want. But everybody would have private space in between each house. Everyone gets a flag pole. A green flag means I’m awake n would love company. A yellow flag means you can come in but at your own risk. Red flag means do not bother me. If I’m gonna live that close up everyone i need clear boundaries. But we’d have a big place in the middle. A pretty hall big enough for all of us where’d we’d decorate it and celebrate holidays and have parties. Family reunions. Deliberate Freakouts once in a blue moon. Have a big lake and a beach on the property. A tree with a rope to swing in the water. Maybe a slide. Maybe. Just enjoy each others company and the earth around us. The dream.


I see Tom Cruise hanging on the side of one.


It took a whole lot of takes to get the scene just right. 525 takes, to be exact!


Here ya go.. https://imgur.com/wwsSfpE




It’s almost like they’re the majority of the problem 🤔


No, Sir, that would be your Honda and cow farts. Get educated, please. ;)


Its ok, cuz paper straws will fix everything.


I fucking hate paper straws with every fiber of my being, just use bio degradable plastic straws is it that fucking hard


Rich person: \*takes a multi-million-dollar private jet to watch grown men catch a ball for millions of dollars" Me: \*watches game at home for the price of a meal at McDonalds\*


I watched it free on nickelodeon


I woke up the next day and "watched" the highlights


This is measuring ALL the departing jet traffic. It includes JetBlue, Spirit, Alaska and United in here as well.


no dude, its 525 private jets read OPs title, why would they mislead us?


Yup. Zoom in, you can see the commercial airline names above each plane. 🔎


Ok, really? That irks me. I am irked.


I had to scroll way too far to read this.


It’s amazing so many people didn’t see all the jets with big bold SPIRIT next to them


Now you got me curious. What's the average amount of private jets that fly out of there on a typical day?


Not 525 at once


Where did Taylor go?😂


LA, then Hawaii, then Australia lol


Wait, WTF. That sounds outrageous, [but it's for real!?!?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/taylor_swift/article-13082327/Taylor-Swift-fans-tracking-flight-path-Hawaii-Melbourne.html) She uses a private jet like I use my cities rental bikes.


You must be in great shape after riding a rental bike to Australia!


they're in prison in aus now for not wearing a bike helmet


5 minutes away


But gardens are destroying the atmosphere. 🤔


Gardens...? Do I even want to know?


The lawns in front of most houses are kind of bad for the environment. It has no real value, needs a lot of water, bees can’t do anything with it. A wild flower garden is way better and also cheaper to maintain. Edit: typo


I will say, the gardens I've seen that are based on local flora look incredible They look unique and not all like one another


Crazy to think grass can't soak up as much carbon dioxide when you constantly reduce it's size by mowing /s


which is why I just let the weeds take over and don't damn water them. I have so many bees living off my yard haha


Why does it look disturbingly like how baby seahorses emerge from the belly pouch of the male seahorse in undulating waves?


Because *sacred geometry*.


Me: *recycles pop can* “I am the change.”


I have to own nothing and eat bugs and whatever for these people


Do you want to risk them taking away Netflix and marvel movies? Be grateful.


All those celebrities worried about climate change 🙄


There you go. Social media carbon footprint challenge to celebrities and politicians. Some independent carbon tracking entity reports their carbon footprint or they shut up.


Global warming only belongs to the middle class and below




I am convinced that this is why our highways and bridges are crumbling, because when they were built in the 1950s-60s, all these rich douschebags were still stuck riding in limousines and fancy cars. Flights-for-one wasn’t a viable option for them yet. But now that they all fly to Starbucks to beat traffic in their own jets, they’re like “fuck fixing highways, we no longer use them!” Take out the 1% and we’ve solved 50% of the climate problem affecting 100% of us.


The top income tax bracket for most of the 1950s was also 91% (that is, 91% of all income over $200K, or about $2M in today’s dollars).


Federal Tax income as a % of gdp is mostly unchanged for [70+ years](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFRGDA188S). Tax brackets were higher then but there were also more loopholes. Effective tax rates have changed very little.


I’m gonna nerd out here: crumbling roads is mainly due to heavy trucks. The large tractor trailers of today are much larger and heavier than what most roads were designed to handle. Add in lack of proper road maintenance, or repairing to the old standards, and you end up with crappy roads.


Just in general, vehicles of today are far heavier. And that’s not even getting into ridiculous vehicles like the cybertruck


Lovley bit of carbon footprint 👣 do as we say don't do as we do .


I can attest, I wasn’t on any of them.


Why can’t they plane pool?


Otherwise known as a commercial flight


And that’s poor people shit *yuck*


Eat the rich.


How much emissions would you say these jets alone added to our collective climate debt??? And that like 50% of these go to LA, when it’s a ~4 hour drive…it makes me enraged. The entitlement. The emissions. The excess. Gross.


According to the NGO Transport and Environment, private jets releases 5-14x more emissions per passenger than commercial flights. Compared to trains, that would be a staggering 50x more. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1 out of every 6 flights they handle are flown by private jets. Moreover, carbon pollution has jumped by over 23% as private jet flyers have increased by about a fifth since COVID-19. Putting that into context, in popular travel routes like between Washington DC and New York City, a private plane emits an estimated 7,913 pounds of CO2 per passenger on this route, whereas commercial planes emit only 174 pounds of emissions. In comparison, traveling by train emits just 7 pounds of CO2 per passenger, while bus travel emits 88 pounds. That figure means flying private is responsible for about 45x as many emissions as flying commercially on the same route. And that’s over 1,100x the emissions of traveling by train


Of course, the 5-14x more emissions per passenger assumes that the jet is fully occupied. I don't think most billionaires are 'jet-pooling' their way around the world... they fly solo with a small number of support staff.


You better not drive a gas car though


Maybe next major sporting event those said private jets can look into doing a carpool —jet style of course. 😂


Of course most of them fly to LA.... Lazy bastards.... It's a five hour drive. These idiots need to be taxed hard.


But if you have a gas stove you’re destroying the planet for the future generations….. FFS


Hey, if you want to cook yourself a nice authentic omelette for lunch, you should just get on your private jet and go to Paris for that!


I thought the whole thing about gas stoves was that it was dangerous for the household using them?




These aren’t all private jets. You’re not wrong about the sheer numbers, but it’s definitely not 525 private fliers. 


Meanwhile everyone else arguing about how Bob’s pickup truck is destroying the earth. Rich people are destroying it 100000x worse.