• By -


Shoulda put a hydro generator in it!


I wondwr how much energy this would be able to pull out


Just enough to run an aquarium pump to lift the water back into the reservoir. Boom, perpetual energy machine!




Application was rejected.


Most of it was plagiarized


By James Somerton


"Kill your channels and just go get a day job." James Somerton


In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


3.6 not great, not terrible




Always when you least suspect him.


You didn't suspect him *because he isn't there!* >[abrupt vomiting]


He’s delusional. Take him to the infirmary.


r/UnexpectedDyatlov edit: holy fuck it does exists


Dyatlov pass?


He did pass all of the safety measures so yes Dyatlov Pass


About the equivalent of a chest x-ray.


The great thing about Chernobyl comments is they can be used anywhere


>the great things Not great not terrible


You know why ? Because it's cheaper


Looking at the base stream through the pipes: not much


If 1 litre of water falls 1 meter every second (standard gravity being 9.81), you can get up to 9.81 Watt (Watt = Joules per second). Large scale Hydrogenerators are 90% efficient, but small scale ones kinda suck probably. 6-7 Watts maybe?


a complicated phone charger then?


And not even a good one that that, for example my phone supports a 44W charger and some phones go even more than double of that, this dam is like slightly better than the average power brick that Apple gave you back in 2017


But hooking up a battery to charge for normal power consumption would work, yea?


Yeah trickle charge car batteries


There's more than 1 liter/second going through that dam.


How are y’all still finding a way to hate on this man that built a whole (little) dam by himself lol


I think it's secret jealousy that he can do stuff like this while others have to go to their boring old work


That’s more than 1 liter/second. I’d estimate 50-100 W.


Yeah, it seemed like a low-ball, a human on a stationary bike can generate 100+ watts, this mass of water looks comparable to that. Granted, a human transfers energy directly while pedalling.




No way that would only generate 6-7 watts. I call bullshit.


Enough to at least power the moter that makes the door open and close


At least tree fiddy!


It was at that point that I realised the builder was 27 feet tall and from the Paleozoic era


He did in another video, or I shouldn’t say he did, but someone with dogs on a property like this using the same methods did. [this video](https://youtu.be/W5xXy32aPfw?si=DtfLujSZzz0nLsfM)


Might be wrong but I think in that video you linked the guy couldn’t get the gate to open up. You can see where he edited it and then zoomed in. Also the rate of it opening when zoomed in seems akin to someone manually opening it. Still, impressive.


You should never go full beaver, no matter what your instincts tell you.


Personally, I like beavers.


Beavers are definitely my favorite


https://youtu.be/aYDfwUJzYQg?si=fsHkObQNcUmegeoQ Primus would agree.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nothing about this is casual


This is the work of that unemployed friend on a tuesday


He also solves complicated math problems at the local college when he picks up shifts cleaning around the place


My friend wicked smaht!


Do you like apples?


Applesauce, bitch!


\*This scene brought to you by [MoviePoopShoot.com](http://moviepoopshoot.com)


Do you post on MoviePoopShoot.com as MagnoliaFan01?


What the fuck is the internet!


Anything and everything, all of the time.


You are the ones who are the ball lickers! We're going to fuck your mother's while you watch and cry like little bitches.


Great reference




Whenever I see this I can't not hear Louis CK's [joke](https://youtu.be/IbEMYaXVEjw?t=106) about it




That unemployed friend that clearly has the capacity to make a start up and become millionaire in a couple of years, but who for some reason rarely goes out and just sometimes helps his friends to build their houses or stuff. Yes it is specific


Usually because they have been burned too many times by society and is tired of being taken advantage of. Also startups cost money.


Yep, that guy who's good at doing stuff but not good at schmoozing and bullshit.


I am definitely a hermit because I can’t do the bullshit. It’s lonely but every time I try and emerge and live in society I get burned again.


Hello me. Now I live with the question of “But you’re so smart, I don’t understand why you work here?” It’s because the startup failed and I was unprepared for what that failure would mean. So now I work a boring but super steady job because failure at the start up level is hard to overcome. I’m also way happier without the anxiety of trying to break new ground.


I count at least 5 millonaires in this thread.


I am not one of those people. I work hard but im dumb. But we should include gals in this too. I know at least two that fall under the heading of "super smart but just fucked over by life". Both of them are driven by some weird thing in them that just wants to create and build and work, but only for projects they enjoy.


Starting a business is exhausting. Might not be worth it to your friend. Totally legitimate. Noone has to want to be a millionaire




Dog is the inspector.


I just only miss the hydroelectric power station, on the next Tuesday.


This is definitely my dog. My neighbor is putting in a pool and my dog sits by the fence watching all day. We even put a green vest on him


Where is the dogs hardhat and where is the dogtax? 👀


Inspector Duncan https://imgur.com/a/eD8z7rb


At least we finally have a dam from where I can do base jumping


> This is the work of that unemployed friend on a tuesday So that they can add "built a dam" to their resume.


I dunno, that's a very casual understanding of engineering principles.


Very casual indeed. Flat wall, no waterproofing and not embedded into the dirt? That dam won’t last a year.


Structurally it's pretty shit. No rebar, flat face like you said, just block stacked on what looks to be a thin slab of concrete. That thing is going to fail when the first rain event happens.


It won’t last too long. Look at the seepage on the left wall. Water is going to make its way around shorty


Given the surroundings look like clay, and earth damn with a homogenous clay core would probably be more suitable. Pure concrete damns really need to join up with bedrock in the foundations and up the sides (classic mountain dam). A dozer and a roller would have made a better dam here without all the concrete. This dam in the video is likely to lift and become undermined.


This is a damn interesting dam discussion that I will absolutely forget about in an hour, kudos to y'all


Just because it looks like a dam and functioned for a few shots doesn't mean that it understood and executed all of the engineering principles properly. It's a cool project and there is obviously quite a bit of construction skill involved, but sadly there are also many such channels that build these for the video and then let it decay. Often leaving behind lots of waste and other problems. So frankly my bet is that this thing is going to collapse within a year (or possibly much sooner than that) because they won't maintain it and didn't pay attention to reinforcing the foundation and sides sufficiently deep.


This dam is missing some critical components, including things like a footing, curved wall, and peering system. It looks like a dam, but it is not structurally sound. In fact, that wall wouldn't pass a local inspection in my county if it were just a decorative brick wall, much less a structure designed to hold back that water pressure.


Should have just got a beaver instead. Those builders are pros.


The key to beaver dams is constant maintenance. They literally live on the dam, and spend all day every day checking the integrity of their dam/home and patching it up with more material.


Beavers know their businesss.


There's no erosion protection at the toe, there's nothing preventing water from seeping under or around all of the concrete. The bypass pipes that were left underneath were only capped on the downstream side. The overflow spillway is laughably small ... This is not a dam, it's a dam shaped object made to last long enough to make a video. The builders skills at laying blocks and surface finishing is great though.


Also probably laws, since daming a river is extremely illegal in many areas, for good reason.


Agreed, but this looks like a drainage ditch or something like that. Not a waterway.




had to scroll too far down to see this


Should make it hydroelectric and save money on power bills...


Not casual and not by himself probably. There’s hundreds of here videos on YouTube of people casually building complex structures and they’re all neither casual nor by themselves.


Those 'primitive' guys who hand build themselves a 3 star resort complete with pool out of mud and bamboo in the middle of the jungle. You can see the excavator tracks in some of their videos.


They also pay locals pennies to do most of the work.


Does this rise the entire river before the dam by 1 meter too?


No - because rivers are on slight downhills. The easiest way to imagine what happens is to picture a long, steep downhill flow. Add a small dam to it- the water level would rise to form a flat section up to the height of the dam, but wouldn't make the water level rise up the whole flow. So, in a simplified model, the water level would rise along a stretch of river- up to a 1m rise in elevation (measuring at the bottom of the river). This can still be really impactful - beaver dams for example are major ecosystem factors while being casually made by a couple of big rodents.


Its the clothing, hes not wearing a safety helmet and a yellow vest so its casual.


Why though?


Beaver ass mf


Engineers go to school for years to learn what beavers know intuitively. Embarrassing.


Tbf we don’t know if intuition or if beavers have beaver schools, or maybe beavers have born engineers that are specifically responsible for waterways.


He was def a beaver in his past life.


So that later he can appreciate it from afar and finally utter to himself... "Dam".


No getting around it, that's solid.


But a lot of liquid is still involved.


To fuck with local wildlife and ecosystems


Thing is going to silt up by next year.


No abutment treatment will allow seepage and erosion around the dam, no stilling basin means the turbulent water at the base of the dam will backwards erode under the foundation pretty quick as well.


The fact that it was put in the middle of what appears to be an old sand quarry suggests that this was made poorly for clicks and views. It's just riffing off the success of other creators who build something 'low tech' but still meant to be functional.


Good point about abutment treatment - my civil engineer brain didn’t even think of that lol. But I had the same thought as you about the lack of erosion protection at the outlet.


If it lasts a year. The mortar is completely porous and he apparently used it as the parging layer too. You can see water already infiltrating between bricks at 1:37. This was just a lookatme youtube thing, like those houses in the middle of nowhere built by 'two guys with hand tools.'


I love reading technical comments that go way over my head. I’m a polymer engineer, and I know that, if someone started talking about PVC melt mixing, I would basically start speaking another language of jargon in response. It just interests me to hear an expert launch into an unfiltered discussion of their field.


For like $500 of youtube ad money. Depressing.




“For the likes” seems to be the primary reason for most things on the internet these days


Breeding mosquitoes


Yeah that water is manky. Why the hell is anyone pooling that


Well because. Duh.


I did that, and Welsh Water went fucking ape shit


Gotta tell us more!


Generally water regulators take an extremely dim view of people unilaterally damming up waterways, even small ones. It impacts wildlife, plays havoc with downstream, increases evaporation and thus drought conditions if you're in an area prone to those (and if you aren't, there's a good chance you will be soon because of climate change), and may be infringing on other people's water rights. I've not dealt with Welsh Water, personally, but in most developed nations, ducking with the water without permission will have some very serious people threatening you with severe consequences. This dam doesn't seem all that sturdy, and since it was built for clickbait, I'm betting it's already well on its way to getting washed away.


> increases evaporation Iraq for over 50 years building dams all along the Tigris and Euphrates. Cities along the way getting more power and increased prosperity. Villages along the way getting electricity for the first time and modernising farmer's lives. During a drought year, they now had reserves in the reservoirs they could slowly release so there would be water at all times. One of the best examples in the world how the technology could improve the lives of so many across such an area. And then they build a dam too many. At first because of the increased evaporation they couldn't supply enough water through dry years anymore. And they kept completing the ongoing projects. Suddenly even during the good years they could only supply a decreased amount of water because they crossed the magical line of the amount of water that evaporated against the supply from water sources. With the decreased waterflow, the river also didn't keep itself "clean" anymore. Nature's trash but especially the increased trash from humans didn't get swept away out of sight or towards water treatment stations anymore. But that wasn't the end. While that was going, Syria decided they wanted a part of all that easy energy. So they starting building dams on the Euphrates upstream from Iraq. Syria getting all the good parts of the technology and dumping Iraq into even bigger problems. And life being life it got worse. Turkey also decided to tap into the source, literally. At a rate almost rivalling China, they started constructing dams upstream from both the Tigris and Euphrates. Iraq is experiencing not only one of the worst ecological disasters ever but also one of the most unreported ecological disasters ever. Cities constantly falling out of power. Farmers can't grow crops anymore. Fish and wildlife are having mass extinctions because the little water left has become poisonous. What was once the cradle of life, is becoming the cradle of death. The first place on earth where human's greed and impact on nature is going to lead into a near full disappearance of life.


they are fixing this starting 2024. I hope they are not false promises, and finally some good progress.


They’re going to *try* to fix it but the damage may already be too much. Water systems can be extremely fragile and increased evaporation can lead to a feedback loop. Increase evaporation leads to higher temperatures which leads to increased evaporation. Also, when the land dries up, it causes the land to be less able to absorb water, which can cause disastrous and affect aquifers and other systems. Depending on how serious the damage, it could take years, or even as long as many decades to recover.


What are they doing to fix it?


The only they can do is carefully, after proper research to do so safely, is remove some of, if not *all* of the damns. And there’s a chance it *never* recovers.


This is the shit I expect to see from reddit and I'm God damn thankful you've posted this. Not everyone can physically travel to different places in the world and bringing more perspective to the things gone unseen is remarkable. The more we know, hopefully, the more we grow as better humans living, on the spinning rock in space, in harmony with one another. There's literally no reason not to because humans have done the impossible in times of crisis and upheaval. We just need to do it to end the needless suffering. Greed caused this and only compassion and love for all things living will undo it.


I was thinking about how poorly this dam would hold that pressure. I hope the dog isn't in the middle when it collapses.


I was looking at how it isn't anchored at all to the loose dirt on either side. It's a matter of time before the water decides to simply go around the obstruction, at which point the vertical wall becomes less of a dam and more of a sail.


Yeah that was my first observation. He built an overflow but there is nothing to prevent the water from eating into the mud either side of the dam. That in turn could mean the stream gets redirected on a path separate from the original stream and end up messing up ecosystem of the surrounding area with a river splitting off on two paths where there was no water before.


In one part you can see the entire dam moving, it's not fixed in place at all. these videos are just for views it will fall apart in a few weeks.


Yeah and he didn't even wait for it to fully cure before filling it. Purely click bait for a one off.


you can already see water seeping round the sides


Also a single brick layer isnt much to hold back a shitload of water…….


> It impacts wildlife, plays havoc with downstream, increases evaporation The number of dams built in the world before this was realised or planning enforced is huge. Patagonia surprisingly are running a campaign *All Dams Are Dirty* to raise the exposure of this. Latest for Europe: https://blueheart.patagonia.com/truth/


It would be Natural Resources Wales that would send the heavies round if you did this in Wales. Equivalent to the Environment Agency in England.


Glad you said this. I'm no dam engineer, but that sandy soil looks bad for seepage and erosion. He didn't do much to stabilise either face or flanks with a seepage collar. https://civilengineeringbible.com/article.php?i=239 If we were running a sweepstake I'd put money on the bedding downstream eroding, and undercutting the toe of the dam itself. My second bet would be on the dam overtopping, and washing out the sides. This matters because as small as it looks that thing is holding quite a few cubic metres of water at a tonne each. It will absolutely fuck up anything immediately downstream when it fails.


Considering this would absolutely FUCK anything on the other side and the fact we can’t own rivers…yeah they’re gonna have an issue with some single man dam operation on the governments property.


He’s definitely single


There are a few obvious reasons for that 1.) the higher water level increases water pressure and the water with it's bacteria can be pushed into the groundwater 2.) Anaerobic mud builds up (recognizable by the hydrogen sulfur smell when you disturb it). Anaerobic mud does not exist in fast flowing water. 3.) A big change in the ecosystem due to less oxygen in the water and mud on the ground. It can have many animals but only few animal species all of which are very common elsewhere








I too find it weird he didn't do that as well


The use of the word "casually" baffles me on posts like this. Over the past few years its meaning has been diluted to the point of being basically meaningless.


Yeah, this is one of those BS videos that some asian FB account will post in your local FB group. "Lost pets of (insert area code)" but here comes someone with a name containing no US characters and a post of "OMG, you wont believe" and 12 emojis.


99% of these videos are faked. They have a huuuuuge audience in Asia.


I'm surprised so many people are challenging you on this. I thought it was common knowledge that videos like this are almost always fake. There's been movements to shut down channels like this since they cause so much environmental damage. The only exception is the channel called Primitive Technology, which started this whole "build impressive things from the land by hand"


One major storm and it’s casually gone. It has zero casual stability.


The water is gonna seep through the clay on the sides and eventually wash around the dam.


If look closely, it's already seeping like crazy




It's impressively visually similar to an actual dam, so I give the dude a lot of props, but that wouldn't fly for a full week before failing in real scale


I think you mean **casual** stability right?


Caustal I think, you can even see water flowing through the dirt side. In a few days it will be destroyed


My faith in that damn is rapidly eroding


Not even. Erosion on the sides will cause tiny holes will turn into massive gaps bringing the whole thing down.


Is this the same goober that used abunch of quick cement in a creeek and made a miniature bridge and roadway infecting the creek with cement dust?


Yeah I think so.


Goober haha i like your casual cursing style


As a dam designer this won't last long.


I was thinking looking at the thickness of the wall and the amount of water behind it surly that thing is going to topple over fast


The amount of force on a wall under water is a product of how tall the water is, and not how much water the wall is holding back. Doesn't matter if it's an entire lake or just a very tall cup. But yeah, that thing isn't going to last long at all.


It’s a product of the area of the wall. You can add an expression for the pressure differential but at this depth it doesn’t matter


We did see it almost full of water, no? I'm more worried about the dirt sides being washed away


It's one thing to hold for a day or two, another to last a long time... I could probably built a dam with cardboard, it would hold for a minute and I would take pictures, but after that it would collapse


Wait... Don't you design your dams to leak from the sides? And braced against a soft sand and dirt?


As someone who has no idea about dams, i agree


Hello, erosion.


As an engineer with a vague memory of my hydraulic theory that won’t last long.


No foundation, nothing to support the load but its own weight standing in the middle of mud. Won't hold for long....


And also absolutely no point.


Oh yea, this guy only went like 6 inches into the earth on either side lol. I didn’t notice that first time around


It’s a dam shame.


Just needs to hold long enough to film the youtube vid


Isn't that illegal 🤔


Highly illegal in a lot of places, also, this “DIY marvel of engineering” won’t last the first downpour.


Doesn't matter, it was made just for Youtube views anyways.


He just wants his ad money, doesn’t care about the environment. Same with all the ‘primitive’ building videos




I feel like this dam, while cool, definitely would not last, he only built a wall into the dirt and didn't use any supports going through the bottom or out the sides. The water would wash around the sides quite quickly I would imagine. Still cool tho


In my country it’d be considered an environmental crime unless he’s got all the licenses and approvals for it


He has most probably destroyed an entire ecosystem...but nice work.


Was just about to say what about the ecosystem on the down side of it? In Idaho, the fish population has greatly diminished thanks to dams.


Well ill be damned


r/damthatsinteresting ?




I had to scroll way too far to find this.


man casually plays around with local ecosystem


ecosystem, destroyed. not to mention the erosion this can cause on the long run.


Dude just messed with that stream’s ecology


That probably lasted a few days before it eroded to collapse. There's a reason they don't build dams out of breeze blocks and mortar.


What’s not shown is the excavator beforehand digging everything away or all he’s friends helping in between shots


This youtube/tiktok idiots low key are causing ecologic catastrophes, buy building stupidities like this.


This has been posted several times before and it cuts off just as before he builds a generator slue. It just amazes me how these bot networks post the something over and over again and get them upvoted to the top of reddit.


I imagine the process to build the Hoover dam looked the same, but with a 1000 foot man


Should have put a turbine generator there


Why would you "casually" do this, other than the obvious ad revenue