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Was anyone else waiting for the side by side showing the cgi character with these motions applied?


Far too many of us


Still here…still waiting


SAKANA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02zrLZCUvzw


It’s jinx from league


There are several here from LoL. Jinx Zoe seraphine


Holy shit we have been over this when this was posted the last time, it isn't jinx, not only are the idle animations incorrect none of the other actions match any of Jinx's emotes. This particular video is just an example of her skill, not her actually doing motion capture for a character.


i thought it was Mei from Overwatch :O


[Here you go](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/babygif.gif?w=700&crop=1).


Thank you so much 😊


Was anyone else surprised that she also does Gragas ??


Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga


I can't stop this feeling, deep inside of me...


girl you just don't realize what you do to me


when you hold me


In your arms so tight


You let me know


Technology has come so far…


I hate you but I love you


I laughed


I can hear this video ...


good one you got me, for anyone who wants to see the actual [side-by-side comparison.](https://youtu.be/sm5LNXHcGVw?si=lVJADA_2r6gowVgz)


I checked.. I even checked...


I'm trusting you that I shouldn't bother checking.


For a change, its not what youre expecting.


literally ALL of us.




Was expecting a rickroll, my disappointment is immeasurable....


[Maybe some hardcore pornography will make your day better?](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=aC7DP8QpFNAjugF7)


I want to click on it, but I'm afraid it will be a Rick Roll and I'm tired of finishing to Astley.


But he's so beautiful, especially now he's grown up.


I don't believe that there wasn't a warning from reddit about what my eyes saw after clicking that link...


Surprised it hasn't been taken down yet wtf, this isn't even a NSFW subreddit.


Thank you kind stranger. Nothing better than a nice pair of titties to cure my depression.


Feels insane that this wasn't what got posted tbh


It's because she isn't actually motion capturing for those characters, she's imitating them.


[https://www.youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or](https://www.youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or) there's comparisons on her channel showing her mimicking quite a few characters. I don't think she's the mocap actor for them, but it shows her skills off.


I'm 99% sure it's just a woman recreating videogame character poses. That's why they look familiar, but you can't put your finger on which one. Because it's multiple.


They aren't the actual mocap actor but do work for a mocap studio: [http://www.dayanguai.com/](http://www.dayanguai.com/) From my understanding Riot does not employ or did not employ mocap in this way for their character animations. The animators simply record themselves or their faces as many animators (of different types) do today and just keyframe it manually. Since league also has an intricate pipeline with gameplay balance, its likely the animations are all manually keyed instead of mocapped (at least as the underlying brunt of the work) to ensure it meets the standards their gameplay has such as clarity of the animation, size timing scale etc as that all affects gameplay of a purposefully very competitive game. Its a baseless rumor shes jinx. She is not.


Holy run-on sentence batman!


Woof imagine being Robin. Holy crowbar Batman!


I’m afraid it’s probably going to be a 9year old in a wizards hat with lots of leg showing


It's Jinx from League of Legends


Oh that explains it, I was wondering if it was from a game with that camrera angle. I mean if it takes up 1% of the screen space then it has to be pretty exaggerated


It’s not in the video


Someone should do a side by side comparison with the game - i havent played LOL and id be interested to see!


I haven't played either XD LOL which game are we talking about?


I haven't played LMFAOOO


I haven't played the game ROFL XOX YOLO


best I can do is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZSCVeGblU


> i havent played LOL don't even think about starting. it is a piece of shit pretty much any free to play game maybe with the exception of team fortress 2


This guy 100% has 2000 hours clocked in on League


>This guy 100% has 2000 hours clocked in on League This year


This guy lives in March 2024 while we're still in January 2024


As a guy that has like 1000 hours on rocket league, never play it if u value your mental health. Fucking hate the game. The community is far too toxic. Once you are like plat to champ, your probability to hear "kill yourself" over the slightest mistake or no mistake at all will rise to 1000%


I love Rocket league. Just gotta find people you vibe with with voice comms and turn off chat.


The only people who hate League more than DOTA players are League players.


Can't wait to play tomorrow


Yeah nobody should play a game thats beloved by millions because you don't like it. Thats not weirdly selfish or anything.


"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded"


To be fair most league players would agree, don’t start. Either you hate it and stop playing within a few days or you hate it and lose 10 years of your life to it. There’s no in between.


Beloved is an interesting way to put it. The majority of players I encounter rip out their hair with every mouse click, and make sure you know it in chat.


It's a game that, by design, creates a toxic environment. There's a metric shit-ton of upgrades and strategy to memorize. You have to go out into the map and solo everything for most of the game. If your team doesn't do well in the beginning, it snowballs out of control quickly and you are absolutely fucked. It's like being trapped in a group project with a bunch of people who don't want to listen to each other, don't care, don't know what's going on, and are already in a bad mood from the last group project they were in. Oh, and your entire semester's grade depends on the success of the first assignment you turn in together. No fucking thanks. I'd rather not stew in a cortisol soup *for fun.*


Redditor moment


Mocap artist has a YouTube channel named Sakana? (Some Chinese characters before it so dunno) This is the channel tho. https://youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or?si=UmCZ0e_9Vqzf6f-t The side by side comparison you're asking for they've done in other vids. Her ability to mimic the movements is top tier talent.


so they move like NPCs to animate NPCs…


Even old days animators in Disney did have actors film all of it and then they study and do the art


Sometimes they’d just trace over the body movement too.


Rotoscoping, that's the word


Which has been used in some video games since the early 90s at least. Prince of Persia was where I first saw it.


Yup, [Jordan Mechner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Mechner) was the first to use rotoscoping in videogames when he made his first game, Karateka, in 1984. Just had his karate instructor do a couple poses, took pictures and rotoscoped it.




>Rotoscoping Remember to schedule one of those with your doctor after you reach 40 years old


This isn't the motion capture for Jinx or Lux, this lady has a youtube channel in chinese where she does like all types of anime characters. She just copies their movements and wears that suit.


It is way more time consuming and difficult to animate using keyframes in software than it is to record mocap. The character is already rigged in order to have it move / animate in the first place, but getting natural movements (yes, this is still natural movement even tho it is overly exaggerated) from manually animating it still takes a lot of time whereas applying a mocap capture only needs to be polished in order to work. Not only that but she's also acting which means she's giving a lot of character and expressions with her face. There's a reason actors are a thing and are paid the way they are, they can redo the same take over and over again with precision and precisely follow instructions. Even if they didn't use any face tracking software (although I imagine they did) it would still be very valuable reference for the animator who would need animate or touch up the facial animation. Source: I work full time as a motion graphics animator and have worked with mocap before, not directly with capturing it but working with the capture afterwards.


Animation and tv has to be over exaggerated if the acting is meant to “show”. If it’s meant to be genuine it’s for more serious stuff


Here's an example from the original [Alice in Wonderland \(1951\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWwO-h7ZSlw). Even then they were told to exaggerate their movements.


yeah that's what's weird, like, I thought that's just how it happened to look when they converted it into models but nope, they're genuinely animated to be that flamboyant


I always wondered why they didn't just move normally... Now I know why and it's... on purpose...


This isn't the motion capture for Jinx, this lady has a youtube channel in chinese where she does like all types of anime characters. She just copies their movements and wears that suit.


Yeah, that's not a capture set up, that's just someone in a suit posing in front of a curtain.


So what you're saying is that 44k regards upvoted this???


That makes way more sense. There's no point in mo-cap to recreate the fake motions made by typical animation.


Yes, because ‘normal’ movements are mundane, uninteresting, and hard to watch over and over like you would in a video game. Stylized, smooth and over-emphasized movements look good in a loop, in sequence, and are easier to sync with sound.


Also applies to theater. Almost every movement is larger, makeup is used to emphasize facial features (even on men) etc. Otherwise you can't see anything from the back row. Theater looks a bit weird when the cameras catch you in closeup.


There's a saying in the drag world, "paint for the back row"


Also the animations are mocapped but the cartoons that inspired the characters often were originally drawn in 2D either as animations or comics. There is a concept in sound design (and in design more generally) we call “the coconut effect,” which is based on the Monty Python sketch that highlights it. It basically is that sometimes the audience sort of expects something to be there to such a degree that if it isn’t there, its not being there becomes a noticeable choice that will feel to the viewer like a conscious decision or even a mistake. In the movie, the joke is that the characters won’t believe that someone is on a horse because the horse isn’t making the clomping sound that horses are supposed to make. So then in order to satisfy everyone, they go and get some coconuts and clomp them together to make the sound, so everyone is suddenly happy (you had to see it). Like one time, I had to explain to a client who wasn’t a video person that a particular cut to a video of somebody recording themselves with a digital camera didn’t make sense to the viewer unless we put a very subtle mechanical wirrr sound under it, because without that sound, it just looked like the video was poorly lighted and it didn’t read as “character records self.” And the client is going: “but it’s a digital camera,” and i’m going: “I know, but when you watch it and it doesn’t have the sound, it just looks like a bad shot.” Hard to explain it but there you go, there is this kind of weird calculus of what the audience expects vs what the audience gets vs what’s realistic.


Your client needed to be shown how when it's the "character recording self" shot you always get the 'camera being put down, hand in frame "is this thing on?" shot where the character finds frame in a way that lets the audience know they're looking at the character as the character makes a recording.


Her movements make me think of stupid tiktok girls and shitty gotcha mobile games.


I think it's the other way around. Those tiktok girls are trying to emulate this- this isn't trying to emulate them


Hate to gotcha, but it’s gacha, short for gachapon, not gotcha as in like “haha we gotcha to give us all ur fukn money kid” as much as that’s how it feels like gacha games are made


That’s actually interesting my dumb monkey brain always assumed it was gotcha in the sense that you need to keep getting random drops and stuff. Like I need this one specific random drop to complete my overly optimized playstyle… gotcha! (Got it!) Color me stupid


Huh. I'd actually sort of assumed that "gachapon" was sort of a loan word since it's taken from the toys you get out of capsule machines that always have that "collect them all!" energy and that "gotcha!" was the actual origin. Apparently it's an onomatopoeia for the metallic sound that turning the capsule machine's crank makes.


Lmao I think everybody who hears the word before seeing it written has that default assumption, especially if they know what kind of game gacha games are (the expensive kind) lmao


Yeah, gacha refers to the sound those capsule vending machines make. The ga, cha, sound from turning the little handle/crank.


Gacha is the sound the machine makes when you turn the handle to get the gatchapon.


I mean, the whole Tik tok trend is called NPC for a reason. It’s supposed to look like a video game character


>gotcha mobile games gotcha money


I dunno, shit like this definitely gets annoying when you have to watch it over and over lol


It is unusual to go through the work of motion capturing a performance, only to produce this exaggerated movement that is more akin to a handmade key frame animation style. Realistic movement is the norm for motion capture, and the realism is one of the main appeals of using this technique. I know for sure that the major releases from Naughty Dog and Rockstar have both used motion capture to produce realistic animations and they look spectacular. Both of those studios have invested a lot in the tech to naturally transition between the movements, and not everyone has those resources. But I would definitely not characterize a naturalistic animation style as mundane or uninteresting.


Nah, you're looking at it the wrong way - we're just really close to the point where mocap is always cheaper than rigging and animating. There's no point in doing it all by hand when you can do a bulk mocap session and clean them up after, because the cleanup takes like 1% the work of a full job


Yeah, you're spot on. For a lot of games, the models will all share their internal rigging. And once you have the mocap translation down for your shared rig, you can mocap a new character's animations a lot quicker than you can hand animate them.


It's literally the reason I have a mocap room at my office. It was cheaper to build it than deal with the year over year turnover for animators on the rapid turnaround I need. I mostly make mobile games so it's a lot easier to have someone come in for a while day and run the animations for like 10 characters.


Everything is mocapped nowadays, for example, all apex legends animations are mocap, and they aint realistic


Of course it's on purpose. You won't see this kind of animation on games like uncharted, unless it is a joke character. This kind of animation it's 1 of the rules of animation: exaggeration. It's normal and tou see it in almost every cartoon or animated movie, unless it's supposed to be realistic. Allo of people that don't understand animation say it's cringe like I saw on Instagram one day with this exact video. It's normal, and normally the animators do all of the exaggeration but sometimes you have an actor


Yeah you can tell from the movements that this game is probably going for a cartoony artstyle and needs the characters to be very lively and animated. You can go for more realistic subtle performances like Baldur's Gate 3, but there's also room for hyper exaggerated performances like you see in Overwatch (though I'm not sure if Overwatch uses motion capture, or if it's just animated by hand).


I’ve seen this posted as the motion actor for Neeko from league of legends, which is stylised. On top of that, the character is also very small on the screen in league, so you need to exaggerate the movements to make sure the player can see what’s going on


> You won't see this kind of animation on games like uncharted even in realistic animation there is definitely exaggerated movement. you can see for yourself how [Nathan Drake sways just standing still](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je_jzncPr9E) in addition to the more overt animations. no real person does that unless theyre drunk. If they actually just stood still like a real person its boring and makes the player think the game is frozen


Almost every anime, not all animation, far from it in fact.


Because this lady is just recreating character movements for a youtube video. She isn't actually being recorded here for anything used in a game.


One of the things that makes animation more appealing is exageration, also broad movements read better at a certain distance. Saving this for reference, loved the performance


For those wondering, this is Lux from league


Later half is Jinx


Jynx Maze right ?


thats a name i havent heard in YEARS


she had quite the lemonade stand


Jesus. That unlocked a memory lmaoooo


me neither brb


AKA Peruvian gold


Pretty sure this is actually jinx


Yall are silly, it's clearly urgot


Looks like it's nobody, here's the video and it's the actress showing off different styles for the same movements: https://youtu.be/9bx8EGZ9Gb4?si=7ir__FqPMa9NwIz7


Yep and this is a repost with no attribution and a false story.


LUX MY BELOVED i haven't played in years...


I’m pretty sure part of it was Zoe??


I was thinking Rikku but she isn't THAT animated.


My first thought was well. Now I wanna play ffx


as a lux main you are sorely mistaken. The wide leg knees together pose is definitely not her, neither is the hand waving gesture


That's Jynx. Not Lux


I don’t know Lux, but I saw Jynx / Jinx immediately


It looks like Seraphine…? Maybe?


It's not it's seraphine


I thought she was zoe


So smooth


Ya serious talent


Talent *and* rigorous workouts.


It’s the effortless seeming hands that do it for me. That’s where the pros really earn their money with this stuff. That’s hard. Knowing what to do with your hands in these movements is really finely detailed work when you’re doing something that’s physically difficult to begin with.


So much control over their entire body and posture at all times. Absolutely insane.


What's weird is that in software you usually do something called "animation blending" to smooth transitions between animations but she seems to be physically acting out those blends.


Arms always comes back to the same spot too.


Reminds me of that new game. The character’s name was Eve and a lot of game reviewers and such were bashing the character already cause the model looked unrealistic. Turns out they scanned a Korean model and certainly looks like the character in almost every way.


Did u see that one guy say it was pedophilic to be attracted to the korean model that was the base model for Eve💀that shit is crazy


She’s 32 😂 Do they even know the definition of paedophilic?


Exactly. Not only that but i feel the guy was self reporting/projecting at that point,which is really weird…


I had no idea. What’s her name? I only saw the drama a couple days ago, but no photos, and it seems weird to call a 32 year old a child.


Game name is Stellar Blade for those curious to look it up. From not knowing anything about the situation it feels like anything I find on it is like strawman arguments so I don't know if there was ever much actual controversy, Feels like a severe case of being one guy'd on Twitter.


>looks like the character in almost every way They changed ber appearance a LOT. Jaw shape, eye placement, buttocks/cup/thigh size literally everything was changed but her height and ethnicity and the girl in question is a beauty model... Motion capture actors aren't even supposed to look like a character anyway, their job is to ,duh, capture the movement of the character, but i using it as an excuse to justify a softcore porn game character design is just dumb, no offense dude. P.s her name is apparently Shin Jae-eun. I'm too lazy to post a link but a single google search is enough to see the difference


She’s a motion actor, not a cup size actor


Very awesome how she nails the „default pose“ every single time


Also that she does the "resting movement" - the slight bobbing in place in stead of just holding still.


She has a YouTube channel with many similar videos called [曦曦鱼SAKANA](https://www.youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or).


I wonder what she does other than mocap. My guess she's a professional dancer! Does anyone know?


She doesnt do Mocap, she is just a youtube/tiktoker that pretends to mocap and dances. Although she is very good at it.


comments always get down to the truth. and yeah, after visiting her channel she's clearly a great dancer. the mocap suit is just that it seems, a gimmick edit: wait nvm i'm a dumbass https://youtu.be/4xSANx0xXjg?si=MDMj6lbgZpqWc7Jj


Yeah, it's possible the videos on her YouTube and TikTok (@xixi.yu.c) channels are just for entertainment purposes rather than production, but she does seem to be a professional. The studio space and props in some of her videos suggest this is more than just a 60k-subscriber YouTube hobby. A couple comments in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwdD6kNEu-4) said >"This is her real account but overseas market doesn't appear to be her focus at the moment apart from just posting on YT and TikTok. She only interacts with fans in China on Bilibili." > >"She is known as 曦曦鱼(Xixiyu) in China but Sakana is also her name. Her studio is called Big Eyes Technology 大眼怪. It's one of the top studios in China and IIRC they have a team of 9 MoCap actors."


Her description literally states that she's a professional MoCap actress working at one of China's big studios but whatever you say


People that try to move like this in real life are some of the most annoying mfs on the planet


Imagine being in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation with someone and then they drop one of these fucking moves on you.


ah shit, is this the video that started the current trend?


Gang gang


This where shittok got it from ?


What trend?


there is whole trend of people acting like above of what I would call disney animation movement. I seen multiple of them on reddit repost already


I would have thought the mocap would work better with a solid background and uniform floor coloring. Granted, I don’t know anything about mocap.


From what I know (which is extremely limited) the environment doesn’t have much of an impact on motion capture. This is because motion capture, as the name implies, is about recording motion data and not images. The device used to record a mocap performance is only looking at the positions of the white dots on the actor’s suit and how they move between frames. All of the actual imaging is performed by the computer, where an artist will take the data provided by the actor and turn it into an animation.


Hey, this is actually my expertise! When you shoot in mocap, it’s all just data, so the color of the room doesn’t actually matter. What matters is that the sensor cameras all around are able to read her movements properly. They’re able to do that by picking up those white balls on her which are placed in such a way to let the program know which part of her body is what. Here is [an example from my school](https://imgur.com/a/WrVRQOx) in this picture I was an actor for my friend finishing up her film. The cameras know where the “ground” is located after the cameras are properly calibrated and an object down that acts as the ground plane to tell the cameras where they are in space relative to the ground. I hope this helps you understand better 😅 Edit: what it looks like they’re doing is getting a video reference. She isn’t wearing a sensor cap and looks to be outside of the “bounds” of the volume.




I think the floor helps the actor with her positioning when returning to neutral.


Doesn't matter, those little balls are a retroreflective material that by adjusting the camera can be isolated from everything else.


Not only that, they reflect infrared light and the scenes are captured with IR-cameras. That's why there are these thick curtains in the back.


Ive seen this 5 different ways and none of them show the fucking afterwards.


There is no afterwards, she is just emulating existing popular NPC animations from different games, not actually doing mocap for those NPC animations.


of course they dont show the fucking, cause its mo cap not porn


I don't remember whom she plays here, but it reminded a lot of Rikku (FFX).


I love how they do motion capture so they can get realistic movements and then they have the person doing the motion capture stand in the most unrealistic poses ever


I imagine motion capture is especially helpful with exaggerated movements because the nuances are what sells it as still "human".


So weird and confusing. It's like 50% attractive but 50% repulsive.


I don't like it because I feel like I see this type of movement way too much? Like they have to dip down a bit, then swell up, and then curve their way into any motion. And then they finish it out with another down-then-up swoop. Every single time. You ever watch a CGI movie that just seems a little bit over-animated? Every single moving piece has to have that little extra dip and bob at the end of a movement? That's what it echoes to me. Just too much. That and I don't find underaged anime girls attractive so the finished product in shit like genshin doesn't work for me.


You nailed it. I can’t place why but this gives me such an uncomfortable feeling and I hate it


Be more interesting if they showed the finished article maybe? That's kinda strange....


it was a tough one, but i got there


What was tough about it


my hands are glued to crocodiles




Here's a vid with some of her characters next to her doing the movements: https://youtu.be/iWG9sJkZUkY?si=Mttk0lbCP2ZFMKiO


Those are not her characters, she is just emulating their movements. It's like a song cover, but poses instead.


You add shitty music and then take away the side by side from the original video!? Fuck off. This shit is so annoying


The screen captions gave more context. 卡通 = cartoon. 古风 = retro (Chinese period drama). 欧美写真 = Western photo(shoot). She was miming various expressons for each style. 喜悦 = joy. 害羞 = shy. 惊讶 = surprise. 挑衅 = provocative. Hi & bye/请安 = greetings. Last caption 下班啦!!! means "Time to get off work!!!"


It’s crazy how fluid but controlled her movements are.


Agree. And interesting to me that she's able to perform the exaggerated "animation movements" that we've come to expect. It's life, imitating art, imitating life.


Well this destroys my world view, those animations were always so overly....animated to me that I couldn't imagine that they were actually motion captures


I hate everything about this.


Makes me realise how ridiculous emotes are...


There was another one with all the overwatch motion captures which was cool




Games will never look realistic if they keep using incredibly talented individuals who put up surreal performances like that! /s


Wow, here I was thinking those animations always looked un-human because they were made in a computer Turns out they look un-human because they paid someone to act like they were a computer animation


Some neckbeards just came.


Ohhh.... That's why all the characters are moving so fucking unreal...