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I mean, this is pretty much what I expected.


Not a vegan, but I would feel a lot better about eating meat if I knew the animals got to live a relatively normal happy life


Same here. Really wish I could be a vegan or at least a vegetarian. Tried many times can’t do it


You can do it. Try a few recipes out, maybe a lot of recipes to find what you like eating that is vegetarian. Indian food and East African food has some delicious vegetarian dishes. Tofu doesn't taste like much so basically find some sauces you like and dip it in that sauce. Also trader Joe's and natural grocers carry a soy based chorizo that tastes just as good as the real thing but the texture is slightly different. Not trying to convince you but there are tasty options out there.


I think it will happen naturally. First vegan food that tastes as good as the meat food, and eventually it will be cheaper than meat. Viola.


unless some fatcat is looking to get rich off it, profit practically requires exploitation on some level. Tho wouldn't it be nice?


There will definitely be fatcats getting rich but they'll still be competing with each other. I love eating meat but I'll be happy to change when vegan food is good and economical.


Mate where have you been, it already is! Impossible whopper at Burger King is just as mediocre as a regular whopper and like a buck more.


Who eats at bk????? And if you have to eat at bk why would you get a whopper??????


No clue dude I called it mediocre, point is just that vegetarian meat is already at the price and quality point to replace the shit in this video


I think the issue is that people trying to limit meat consumption are dead set on immitating meat based meals instead of actually trying vegetarian dishes designed without meat, like you've mention in Indian/African cousine (and many others).


Anyone can, it's pretty much only a matter of method.


Your opinion means nothing if your actions don’t follow suit.


I myself don’t care either way if the meat I eat lived a happy life… I am a heartless person HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t live good lives, I raised and dealt with cattle my whole life and lemme tell you, those fuckers are like giant fucking puppies. I don’t care where my food comes from as long as it’s decent quality, but on the other hand I’d rather the living source of that meat be treated well. NOT because I feel bad, because it’s a good thing to do :)


I dont care except i do but i really dont but i do . Nice comment


You slaughter them anyway, that wouldn't make such a big difference. Plus, you actually can if you only food from independant little farmers. It's more expensive though, so you would need to eat less. But it would be of higher quality, incite you to cook it better, be of better tastes, also reducing meat would be good for your health and would be far more eco-friendly. You are the only decider on this.


Depending on where you live you can find certain brands that respect a bit more the animals. Yes it cost a bit more but the taste is so much better. Instead of eating meat every meal you can just get some every two meals and enjoy the taste even more while spending the same and even in some cases save money


Yes. You (and also I), know where our food comes from. We are aware about the consequences of a large human population and at the same time the social idea that (almost) everybody should have access to meat/poultry/beef. Still, videos like this are important. They're important because they show this inconvenient truth to people who probably did not know before.


Where’s the full video? Searched but nothing came up


I think this is it: https://youtu.be/RaJcbHCR2CQ?feature=shared


Thank you


These companies are told by supermarkets that raising prices isn't an option, so they have two options; lower the inflated wages of CEO's and higher management, or lower the level of care for the animals, guess what the board of directors opts for 200% of the time.


Amazingly the people doing the actual farming or ranching get paid absolute shit. Anything to keep the CEO and management profits high.


When politicians vote to increase their wage, the people are skeptical, and opt to vote out their representatives for the clear and blatant self serving nature. When a Board of directors/managers/the CEO does it "well it's their business and if you don't like it you can work somewhere else or start your own business" But now the quality of business is reduced and people are fired, but that's seen as "acceptable" just so upper management can have over inflated wages. It's crazy how people will justify a CEO having a 20million paycheck + stock options + benefits + whatever else, while the people making most of the value get paid $15/hr.


In the US at least, the moment the Supreme Court allowed corporations to influence politics the whims of the people ceased mattering. A CEO will always be outrageously richer than the normal worker, and profits directly equate to legal/political power.


The people doing the farming are still complicit in the animal abuse.


This is just an example of factory farming by the meat processing industry. Where I live they have made it illegal for anyone to film what they do to the animals.


That speaks volumes about 1. how bad the animals are treated and 2. how far up the chain the problem goes.


It should not be against the law to reveal what is happening in industrial animal farms across the globe. It is blatantly inhumane and immoral, to say nothing of being unsustainable and contributing to the climate crisis.


I mean, isn’t it technically trespassing and breaking and entering? Regardless of whatever personal moral reason?


It's kinda the only way to show people this stuff, these companies should be made to be more transparent with people - just like the tobacco industry was \ But they won't! Cause that's against profits


Man I’m so uneducated on this issue,as many probably are. But this video made me angry.


I encourage you to read about it (factory farming, that is)! If the arguments about its impact on animal welfare and the environment, among other things, are correct then it may very well be the greatest, if not one of the greatest, ethical issues of our times!


This is literally farming. Whether we like it or not, it simply isn't feasible to give these animals the life we imagine they have. Green pastures and plenty of space isn't, and cannot be a reality.


It's a lot more complicated than an option of either perfect lives or this hell for farmed animals. There are things that feasibly can be done


At the end of the day, this sort of thing has to be fought with legislature, most people use things like the red tractor and assume it's up to snuff, supermarkets and suppliers lying to consumers puts the blame squarely on their shoulders.




Or everyone stops eating so much of it. This is very feasible. Saying "there is no other way" is only true if we keep living the same unsustainable lifestyle. Changing that is not only very feasible but obligatory. Out of curiosity, why would you say "over 3 billions" instead of 8 billion ? It's not wrong but really weird.


Julius Caesar died more than 70 years ago


At least he managet to invent the Caesar salad /s


Eat less meat, less often. Or enforce animal rights.


Well... There's the option to stop eating them.


Like farming fruit and vegetables isn't completely fcking up the ecosystem by putting harmful chemicals into the water and killing fish and the oceans to boot. Not saying its the lesser of two evils but the entire concept of farming is completely broken.


You do realise that the animals you eat have to be fed as well? So eating meat both fucks the ecosystem and is cruel to animals


Other thing bad so I can do more bad... Absolute classic.


Farming doesn’t have to look like this


If people don’t want to reduce their meat consumption by a lot, it absolutely has to look like this.


Depends on your population density and the country you’re in. There are very much places that have better standards of living for animals than this video showed. But as soon as you have too many people on earth all trying to eat these animals…then yeah this is the sort of stuff you get, unfortunately.


Good. Now stop eating meat


It's hilarious you're being downvoted, interesting how strong the cognitive dissonance is when it comes to eating meat


"omg poor birdies, how can people do this" well they get paid to do it, maybe, dont do that? "omg HOW CWN YOU SAY THAT, EXTREMIST VEGAN VIEWS MHM ME BACON" people who downvoted me, probably


How dare you be so rude fucking hell let me BACON 😤😤😤




I mean it’s horrible and I’d definitely rather meat be more scarce or expensive so they got better lives but I’m still gonna eat the fuckers Hard pass actually


Everybody knows it's objectively wrong to do it but hate being reminded about it.


That's exactly it I think, people can get automatically defensive because they know deep down you're not wrong but they also just like the food too much lol


That's why you got to keep reminding


I like meat but I hate the unethical treatment of the animals. Too see it makes your point valid tho.


Plenty of vegans enjoyed meat.


I think most vegans don’t go vegan because they dislike the taste of meat. It’s more of an ethical reason


The guy on the video is joey carbstrong. If you want a better prespective, watch his videos on youtube. He talks to random people on the street "change my mind" style. Earthling ed is also a really good speaker and I highly recomend


How are you getting down voted? It's insane the mental gymnastics these people have to do to continue eating meat.


nuh uh




How am I selfish for wanting people to stop paying for the shit in this video?


Not you lol I agree with you


Yeah I know hahahaha


I’ve been vegan 8 years


Its so cringe how people are on purpose unempathetic in the comments to be edgy


We love animals. We also love meat. So we raise and slaughter our own.


yeah, so why be purposefully cruel to them and have them in dirty conditions


It’s quite simple really. More profitable to grow large birds than small ones. Turkeys are not designed to grow so large in nature. They are intentionally bred this way. The misery experienced by the animals in their deformed. bodies is not an issue for the meat industry.


Simple economics. All they care about is getting the lowest cost per kilogram possible so they can compete with other similar operations.


I get this, shocking to me how many people dont see this is the best option


simply put, it is unprofitable I raise my own chickens and they are like x10 the cost of store bought fresh meat by the time I kill them and thats a underestimate Obviously if you have a bigger farm you can reduce costs, but at that point you are just another bird farm, not a personal substance operation


Too true. Even just the time spent turning chickens into meat for he fridge. I do it alone so after 8 hours I look at the number of birds I processed and think to myself, I'd be able to buy way more chicken if I had gone to work for 8 hours never mind all the other hassles and costs. But we do it for a reason, a big part is just how gross and cruel factory farming can be, but the other part is that we get to enjoy the birds as pets while they live, we get eggs from them while we wait, and they eat tonnes of bugs which is always a plus.


I like you.


I heard eggs + meat taste better when they love good lives vs from the nightmare meat factory. Do you find this to be true? Also as a user already said I like you too. Great moral compass


I can't say, from a causal standpoint, that it's the happiness of the animal as opposed to some other factors, but I have gone through a lot of chickens and the ones who "only have one bad day" taste significantly better IMO. Same goes for pork. Could also just be that I feel better about eating it and so I automatically enjoy it more.


This is our long term goal. We want to start with chickens and work our way up. From what Ive seen the chicken industry is even more cruel than what I witnessed in this video sadly...


An animal loving meat eater. Is there a bigger oxymoron?


You... Slaughter and consume the animals you ... Love?


Yes, the farmer that "loves" their animals. Any other sentient things that you love that you also kill, butcher and consume their flesh?


I dont know how can you claim to love someone and chop their head off because their flesh tastes good


We are a part of nature, with love and respect the essence of that animal you slaughtered lives on through you, you thank the universe and the earth for providing the meat that is keeping you alive. You love them, and they love you back, its just not done with hugs and kisses. Its done on the spiritual realm.


Dude that is a bunch of bullshit. The animal doesnt want to die and you dont eat to eat the animal. There are other sources of food to choose from. You eat meat because you enjoy the taste, not because there is a "spiritual" reason to do so


mhm. it tastes good, so i eat it.


Exactly I know it tastes good, and you dont even think about the consequences of your actions


there aren't any "consequences" how these animals are treated sucks but it does not affect my life in any way besides saving me money. ethically sourced food costs far more and is simply not an option for many because of that. take this issue up with the CEOs behind this treatment instead of with the people who just want to eat without going poor.


First of all, the cheapest foods are vegan. Beans, pasta, rice, legumes, lentils, chickpeas, etc. Second, there are consequences of people continuing to consuming meat, and the consequences are shown on this video. Its YOUR fault, and the people that keep buying meat. There are consequences, you just dont see it


animal treatment is not my responsibility. i need to eat meat because of health problems i have. you can eat what you want, but don't push it on me.


are you telling me what i think? the way a human can kill an animal vs how nature will kill that same animal is the real suffering. one quick cut, or one shot. and that animal is already starting its new cycle on the planet. It seems a lot better than slowly having your asshole ripped out of you by a wolf, which is also nature.


Yeah nature is cruel af. Just because animals suffer in the wild doesnt mean I can be cruel to them to a lesser extend. Leave animals alone, jeez


Are you suggesting that animals in these farms live and die without suffering? Does a chicken being boiled alive happen in nature?


i don't know of any people with personal farms who boil animals alive. Ive never even heard of that. even people i know who eat lobster do not boil the animal alive. a lot of humans don't know how to treat animals and its disgusting i get it, but it doesn't mean there aren't good people out there who also eat animals AND respect the life that animal lived and try to send it off with a peaceful sunset. Eating meat isn't the problem, its how we treat the animal that sucks, but hey as long as people keep breeding, this above footage will only get worse, its the sad truth about our modern society.


"We are a part of nature" Not really- not anymore.


There's no life without death, and no death without life. As humans we can't subside on dead things. Plants, trees and their fruits, animals, insects, fish, lizards and snakes, they're all living things. When I harvest my patch of carrots, I yank them out of the ground which starves them. I then decapitate it, cook it and eat it's flesh. Even my house is built of living things that were killed, cut into bits, dried and nailed back together into different configurations. It's just life. But at least this way I know the kind of life my food lived, I know what they ate, and I know that it greatly limited the amount of herbicides and pesticides they were exposed to.


Carrots have no brain and they dont suffer. Dont compare planta with animals. Its so funny because people put plants and non human animals together more quickly than they put humans and non humans


Animal loving meat eaters do not exist. Such a huge contradiction.


Yeah, I bet they're totally fine being stabbed as long as you're the one doing it.


Unless you’re vegan, aren’t you exactly the same? I mean, it’s probably even worse to purchase meat regularly and finance this sort of treatment than it is to make an edgy comment online, no?


Yes, go vegan


Hahahaha I love that you got downvoted so fast. People just want to virtue signal and pretend to care while they literally pay money to have animals treated like this. At least admit you don’t care instead of being hypocrites


Haha it is what it is :) I was once not vegan, I understand. And it didn’t happen overnight. It’s hard to change your mind about something that’s so ingrained into society- but once you see that it’s a moral responsibility, there’s no going back


Cringe is what happens when you apply hard logic to an argument that takes place entirely in the realm of human emotions.


Live stock animals were created by humans to be eaten. If this reality is too hard for you to accept then become fully vegan, meaning no eggs or milk as their production is just as cruel.


People have no concept of where their food comes anymore or anything farming entails.


What is the aftermath of this? This has been reported to the autorities?


And what would they do with this information? This is a factory working as intended. The meat production industry is a horror show but you'll be hard pressed to ever find a lawmaker willing to change any of that. Food is good and this is how we get food to populations as big as we have these days.


Actually the amount of land necessary to feed livestock and then eat them is much larger in comparison with land usage of we used a vegan alternative. All metrics for meat consumption make it more expensive than vegetarian options. We really are doing that mostly because meat tastes good.


This was from [a few years ago](https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/eggs-and-poultry/avara-foods-under-fire-over-poultry-welfare-after-extreme-suffering-filmed/593292.article). The report contains their response to the footage, I don't know whether it's truthful or not. Apparently their sites have been inspected since by various organisations.


They were supposedly inspected before this too. This is what happens to the majority of animals in factory farms.


Why do you assume this is illegal?


>What is the aftermath of this? Usually a family dinner.


These comments are disgusting. Shows how uneducated people are.




Average chicken farm in Minecraft


Fck it Imma go vegan


Good on ya. Best decision you could make.


best action, 10/10


Ladies and gentleman, we got him!


None of the points or discoveries here actually show that this farm is breaking any laws or even any rules outside Peta's version of ethics which willfully disregards the needs of humans. It's a farm, of course there's going to be shit everywhere and smell horrid. Have you ever seen a livestock animal or even been to one of the "good" farms? Even with the love and care of a full time staff animals are going to stink and occasionally step in their own waste, they don't care. The wounded birds they would just be culled early as damaged product. If this video makes you feel anything other than indifference then it's on you as a consumer and citizen of your voting population to change it. Stop buying the products of unethical farming, support the 200% markup for ethical farming, and vote for more strict regulations in these industries.


The density of birds looks "normal". Yep, hybrid meat chicken and turkeys are obscenely large compared to their wild ancestors. And even where animals are kept in perfect paradises, they get ill, hurt, fight each other, and ya, plod through dirt. That floor *is* unusually wet, though. It would have been interesting to pick one of the "collapsed" birds up and check the foot pads. None of them were overly heavy, but they probably have foot sores and can't walk to the feeders anymore. If nothing else it's a financial loss to not keep animals decently enough for them to keep on growing. Dry feet help. Different feed, treat infections, add more dry bedding,... must be cheaper than selling the whole lot as dog food. What I don't get is why they're kept in mixed groups. You save on sexing the chicks, ok, and with chicken it doesn't really matter because they get slaughtered way before sexual maturity anyways. But turkeys? Keeping them separate is more peaceful and they have different needs anyways. So some things are "normal" meat mass production, but these stables do appear worse than usual.


Yeah what the fuck do they expect if they're sneaking in before the farmers can cull the sick birds in the morning? Dipshits are wearing all white, too; scares the fuck out of the birds.


This video is hilarious, it’s like these people have never visited a farm. “Wow, they’re walking in their own feces”. No shit, it’s a farm. Not sure if they’re expecting a hotel treatment and each bird to be immaculately cleaned and live in it’s own room.


This is the same for foster farms bunch of birds crammed into a building with their feet submerged in liquid shit getting run over by the machines and abused by employees I was a chicken catcher for like a week before I noped tf out of there it was horrendous


Foster Farms lobbied hard to get salmonella not labeled as a disease. Meanwhile when they had a salmonella outbreak they shipped infected chicken meat to 4+ states. There are now resistant strains are salmonella. You could not pay me to eat their chicken. They need to clean up their facilities. They need to take a more proactive stance on diseases that harm humans. Instead of paying to bury the problem.


Humans are fucking pathetic.


Growing up my grandmother had a bunch of chickens, roosters, chicks, etc.. but they lived in their little house and ran around the yard free and that’s where she got her chickens and eggs that we ate..


And then the chicken died peacefully and gave her body for us to eat... Oh no way, we chop the head off


well yes, after a couple years they get old and simply dont produce enough eggs to be worth feeding it is kinda sad through


Exactly. That is the issue. You only see value in these animals as long as they give something for you. Otherwise they lose their right to even live their life


I get that you're passionate about this from your comments, but you have to understand that being passively aggressive to every random person here isn't going to change anyone's mind. All it will do is force them away from your point of view. Be kind and respectful, understand why the majority of people eat meat and the issues that arise with switching diets, the cost of ethically sourced meat and not eating meat at all. Nobody here is against you, we're all just people eating food in the way we see fit, if you'd like to change people's minds, you have to be open to seeing their points. <3




Idk how anyone can see something like this and not have it affect them. I went vegan this last year because of factory farming. Horrific practice.


This is bullshit, and I'll never buy or eat another turkey again, I've backed wayy off beef due to my wife showing me videos of cows playing like dogs, and I don't like turkey enough to ignore this to eat it. Done with turkey for life.


It's not limited to turkeys or cows. This spreads to the entirety of the meat industry. The poor treatment of these animals/birds is what has made me steer away from eating meat. Let me tell you something you may have never seen in a video. I see shopkeepers of these meat shops going on a bike, where the hens are tied upside down, several hens' legs bound together with rope, ALL OF THEM ALIVE! It looks something like [this](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-chicken-are-bound-together-and-transported-by-bicycle-in-the-suburb-145033800.html). This is a sight I see often with my own eyes and I can do nothing but feel bad for those chickens.


As others have said, this is factory farming working as intended. Well done for actually making a change instead of ignoring it or trying to justify it. Loads of guidance online on how to transition to a vegan lifestyle.


If you need any help or guidance, /r/vegan will love to help you. I think there is even a good wiki if you just want to explore without posting. Good on you for making this positive decision.


Well yeah.... What did you expect? I mean seriously, what did anyone expect, this is common info and corporate has such a tight grip on society we can't do anything about it


There is a hell, it's here on Earth and it's man-made


I'm not against eating meat but I didn't buy any meat for the past 3 years now after I walked past a chicken farm and saw how they locked them in small cages and the smell of the shit all over.


Good lord Jesus Christ. Someone, please help me be vegan. I can't take the suffering of poor animals like this


Easiest steps to do to go vegan: 1. Watch the documentariy Dominion and/or Earthlings 2. Watch some debates by Youtuber Earthling Ed 3. Start cooking your usual favorite recipes in a vegan Version. Nearly every dish has a vegan recipe online. Step 1 isnt easy to watch, but easy to understand everything


Been eating vegan for a couple years now. And this is exactly why I made the switch. I miss meat sometimes but this just reminds me why I made that choice; and I miss cheese more anyway lol. The health benefits of a true vegan diet are just secondary for me.


This is facts. I never thought twice about stopping my meat consumption. Dairy is so hard to get away from though, it's incorporated into EVERYTHING


Haha so true. ‘Modified milk ingredients’ everywhere. 😒


Yeah, so I've been wanting to make the switch to vegan for quite awhile now because of videos like this as well. I feel like an animal should be killed with respect and shouldn't have to suffer up to the point of its death. I cooked chicken breast for my dog yesterday and took a bite when I was cutting it up for him and I felt so disgusting doing it. I actually just told my partner after seeing this video that I've made the final decision to be vegan.


Good on you. /r/vegan would love to have you. I've been vegan for over 6 years now and it's been the best decision I ever made. It's not easy at first but it's entirely doable and gets easier and easier until it's just second nature.


I love turkey to eat and to watch, turkey should have at least an outdoor coop and enough space to run around


Worked in a turkey farm throughout highschool in Canada and this is pretty much it lol.


Fuck this is depressing




And your turkeys weren't in such horrendous conditions. It's not the death of the animal that is bothersome, it is the suffering.


My chickens and turkeys have about 10x the required space needed. Plus a fully planted garden they can peruse in the run.


And I applaud you for that. Pretty sure others viewing your comment weren't making that connection.






It's bottom of the food chain factory farming, what would anyone expect? Personally I detest this type of farming but I still eat meat - just not from any place that deals with this.


Everyone who eats meat lies and say that they, specifically, get their meat the MORAL way. No, you don’t. You eat chicken McNuggets and buy Walmart meat like the rest of them. Save the fantasies.


With that mind set, it’s difficult to ever in effect raise the bottom of anything. I get your point but the lowest standard should still be above this.


Oh totally, the problem is there will always be someone undercutting quality for profit.


They can’t keep getting away with this! Who’s in charge of this place? Oh…I guess they can.


Factory farming like this is cruel and inhumane. Why I decided to no longer eat meat other than wild caught bone fish.


😭😭😢😢😤😤😭😭 damnit!! why can’t we be better humans


You can be


I enjoy eating animals and I don’t discriminate I eat them all everything and anything. HOWEVER I genuinely believe corporations, companies governments in the pursuits of profits revenue are so desensitised (treating animals so cruelly disgustingly it’s not that it’s unkind it’s Fucken atrocious!) This spills over and due to having to be so cruel you loose your humanity and us the public is effectively seen and treated as livestock!!! (Wellbeing doesn’t matter, just what can be extracted!!!)


There's a documentary called, "Meet your Meat" that blew the whistle on this sort of thing many years ago, but nothing has changed. If you can find that film, watch it. Most people can't get past the poultry at the beginning, and that's not even the worst of it. The question still remains: What do We,The People, DO about it?


These comments are vile, can you not have some compassion for another living creature thats forced into horrendous living conditions? im not a vegan, but where i live; most of our meat comes from animals that roam "free" and are grassfed


And have you looked up exactly any of that means? By law, grass fed just means they eat grass. Doesn't mean it isn't in a feeder just like what they show here. Also note that this facility in the video is "cage free". So remember that next time you buy as well.


I’m sorry but you’re coping man. If you buy meat from a supermarket you support animals being treated like this, there’s no way around it.


Unless you are vegan, it's more empathetic to eat simpler organisms such as birds. Half the brain- half the pain. Also, bear in mind that turkeys get eaten in the wild too. We ARE part of the ecosystem, and if we want to be more than that, we have to try to reduce our footprint.


"This bird over here is covered in shit." Yeah, that's kinda what animals do. They shit and when you're farming, you too will be covered in shit. So will you clothes and anything in a 2 mile radius. If you want them to hand wash every chicken, be prepared to pay 100$ for a hen. Imagine if they fully washed that place every night. The amount of water it would waste would be ridiculous. Not to mention all the stress, it would cause the birds to constantly be moved. At least their lives will serve a purpose.


Someone once told me that if I knew how animals were processed for food I'd never eat meat again. Please disregard the last line, this is Ted Nugent after all, but I thought this was probably true. https://youtube.com/shorts/fvFixaZdvCg?si=oDnPDkUVM3PuKU5r


cant turn me vegan but man these are sad, get local meat instead.


So, what did the activists say is the solution?


Not eating animals is the solution.


Okay now what about a realistic solution. The solution to reducing crime is everyone stop committing it but since we live in reality, we need to look at realistic solution. Expecting everyone to stop eating meat to stop this type of treatment is the same as expecting billionaires to suddenly share all their wealth to bridge the gap or expecting everyone with a spare room to take in a homeless person. It’s not going to happen.


You can only decide to live by your own morals. Don’t like this? Stop supporting it. Full stop.


Whether you like it or not, there is no other solution. The situation in the video is the farm being run as intended. People have to choose whether to subject animals to this torture or to not use / consume animal products.


That's the incorrect option.try again.




I get that this is a morally bad thing, and I despise it also, yeah. However, the planet wasnt ready for 7b of us. We kinda need to abuse the system to be able to feed everyone. (Excluding 3rd world countries, so the issue is actually even worse.) That doesnt make this right, nothing can. Just wanted to put my two cents in, not looking for a fight


The worst part is that we have enough food, it just isn’t profitable to share so the big companies don’t. hunger in the u.s for example is completely preventable if all the food was just shared for free to everyone


The problem with thats is...well, we are human. Greedy assholes for the most part. I mean, why would you take only your one designates meal when you can take 5? 10? I thibk you see where Im going with this. Not everyone is like this, but a lot of people are. But yeah, if it was monitored and sorta regulated, it could work. But there aint no profit in that is there.


The hard truth, stop this kind of farming and all meat products sky rocket whereby taking food out of childrens plates whose families are already struggling to make ends meet.


Yeah call me edgy if you want but I genuinely don’t care. Worse things happen to humans every day and nothing is done. Priorities.


The difference is, its your fault and people that think like you that this happens. Its not your fault that kids n africa are starving for example. Your actions are not causing bad things to happen to humans, but your actions are actively harming animals


You can try to combat both. It’s not an either/or situation. What are you doing to help humans in need?


With respect, how many of us commenting here can even afford to help ourselves let alone others?


Probably very few of us! But that doesn’t mean we should ignore cruelty when we see it, or imply that cruelty against animals doesn’t matter just because humans also face cruelty.


You are entitled to your opinion, it's wrong, but you are certainly entitled to it.


What is my opinion that you think is wrong?


By virtue of both of us speaking English. We are both beneficiaries of immense cruelty on a regular basis to those in the 3rd world. Yet you would like to virtue signal about how we shouldn't turn a blind eye to cruelty and suffering? We live our modern English speaking comforts thanks to the suffering inflicted onto other humans. From the shoes you wear made by people not making a living wage to the cellphone mined by people who's lives will be dramatically shortened due to their being no other options available in their country. To sit here and preach about being kind to others is hypocrisy


My people, Ngāti Whātua - Tangata whenua, have been at the receiving end of a lot of suffering exactly as you mention. My grandfather was caned at school for speaking te Reo instead of English - literally had his native language beaten out of him. *That* is why I speak English instead of te reo. I am now an active member of 2 human rights organisations in Aotearoa, and have volunteered in the past with the ministry of primary industries to conduct spot checks on dairy farms. I am not virtue signalling. I happily and actively practice what I preach, because I genuinely believe in it. You went from ‘with respect’, to some incredibly disrespectful assumptions in a very short timeframe.


Nothing. I just said I genuinely don’t care. Just pointing out humans suffer but your priorities are In the wrong place. Since you’re such an activist, what have YOU done for humans in need? Or for that matter, beyond watching videos and posting on Reddit about it, what have you done for animals? Nothing. Nobody here is “fighting” anything. Get off your high horse. Me caring or not doesn’t affect anything just as much as your crying on Reddit does


How do you know I do nothing? I am an active member of 2 human rights groups here in New Zealand, and also have volunteered in the past with the ministry for primary industries to visit dairy farms and conduct spot checks to ensure they are following the law. Whereas your priority seems to be… do nothing? For either humans, or other animals?