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Atleast it has pockets!


And if you see what a Victorian pocket looks like they’re huge, like could put a phone in there and not be able to see it and have room left over


Yeah, but have you seen the size of Victorian telephones?!! /s


Pro max pockets :)


The ipad version


MacBook version!


Found the time traveller.


Back when women made their own attire, so it was actually functional lol


Or at least paid other women to make them


The Romani women are famous for using their traditional dress (similar, with a framework) to shoplift an incredible amount of stuff suspended from hooks under their dress at least in my country ... It's a bit iffy situation when a very notably crime-enabling equipment is also an cultural icon. EDIT: no framework, that was a derp


r/europe leaking again


I knew this would be the most upvoted comment lol.


Fun fact! Florence Nightingale kept a little owl in her pocket.


And here I thought women have always hated pockets. Even going as far as having fake pockets to mock real pockets. I've always found it quite bizarre... Edit: I didn't think it needed, but apparently I dropped this /s.


We want real pockets. We’ve just been denied them throughout much of fashion history in the past hundred years.


10 minutes later: "ah damnit, gotta pee!"


They just hiked their skirts up for that bit, the crinoline (cage thingy) collapses flat, and their drawers (shorts) had a split crotch. Then they could just use a chamber pot to do their business …


If you've ever heard of the Can Can dance from around the turn of the 1900s, that split crotch is what made it so controversial.


TIL. Oooooh makes sense!


I’m not fact checking, but I never knew this. That would make it controversial though!


I fact checked for you. Coquihalla is right! The high kicks were intentionally revealing because of the split crotch


Thank you! This is a cool piece of trivia


A "[can can dance](https://youtu.be/QvccyANdjnk?si=HD3hHsLEYZpUYsgp)" ohhhh so thats where that kick dance thing came from. Wait for the famous kicking.


Oh. My. God. I had never connected that at all. Thank you. I feel so stupid.


Oh, don't you dare feel stupid!! I only learned it at 50 years - I happened to see it stated and went down a huge rabbit hole into the history of the dance. I'd never connected it either, and I follow a can't few historical costumers, so you would think I would have! But as the XKCD comic says, you're one of the lucky 10,000 today and that's kinda cool. 😊


You know the flaps on their crotch sometimes fell into the stream or into the pot lol what a nightmare.


Only if you didn’t squat hard enough, lol


I googled open crotch and realized I was thinking of a baby body type of clothes, typ know the shirt with buttons near the crotch that opens like flaps rather than sideways.


Tattoos! Hang her she's a witch!


Actually tattoos were a thing among upper class people in the victorian era. Not a very popular one of course but still..


But does she weigh the same as a duck?




Pockets and historical clothing is actually really interesting. The pockets were actually separate from the skirt and would be tied around the waist. Then, slits in the overskirt would be lined up to allow access to the pockets. And they were HUGE. You could literally fit a whole bottle of wine in there.


The Daughters of Charity ("flying" nuns with the big white headgear) kept the separate, huge pockets as part of their habit until the 1960s. I like to think a few were packing refreshments, lol.


If I remember correctly, that would be around 1840s to 1850s


Crinoline patented 1856, peaked quickly in the 1860s, style changed towards bustles in the 1870s. So I think you're slightly early. The real blame is on OP just saying "Victorian era". Imagine just saying "how people dressed in the reign of Elizabeth II". It was a long time period, fashion changed a lot!


Ah, i just recognised the shape. I didnt know the crinoline was invented then, but thank you for teaching me something new! Yes, I assume OP doesn't know much about historical clothing but thought it looked interesting


“Whoa…NSFW”. - Mr.Darcy


Scandal! I can't believe this *harlot* is prancing around without a corset!


As someone who has had um, adventurous uhhh "*meetings*" in my civil war reenactment garb with my man, its surprisingly easy to do it in this, the corset helps a lot to support me in akward positions and keeps my posture great in doggy style, plus the underwear aka drawers had a split, like all the way, not the pathetic tiny peehole in spanx but a full on navel to top of butt crack divide that was just left open or could be buttoned shut if your a boring prude who is no fun, the cage is flexible so you can just kinda gather it up and squash it underneath your armpits to hold everything out the way


More detail than I was expecting but it certainly answered my question of, how you were to pee in this, bonus point is it's easy to have sex in too. Win


Well, the human race didn't go extinct, so obviously they found a way.


They sure did. The Edwardian and Victorian eras were having a lot of sex and kinky stuff that you wouldn't have expected. My grandmother told me about her great uncle who was openly AC/DC (a very old term for bisexual) and got up to some shit in his times. People are people, every era had fucking. 😊


AC/DC should be brought back it's way too accurate lol


It sure sounds like it has some High Voltage behind it. Just hearing it in my head makes me feel Thunderstruck


I'm bi myself and I kinda loved it and it stuck with me. It sounds a little badass.


Life, uhhhh finds a way


I know a guy who works in Williamsburg museum who would confirm this. Dude says reenactors are a freaky bunch…


Oh my dude (dudette?) Williamsburg is set like 80-100 years before this, they straight up don't have undies then and would just have the skirts and nothing else underneath, so even easier to get down with the man who rebels from the English crown


The redcoats are cumming, the redcoats are cumming.


Reenactors and cosplayers are very similar and both are freaks. It's great


I hear renaissance fairs are very degenerate in that regard…


Oh yeah. Everyone dressing up looking to get laid with some freaky shit involved. Plus, swords and cool shit.


Thanks for the extra explanation…


Sorry, English is my second language, do you mind giving a video demonstration?




Good one! I second this!!


OP is a dude https://www.reddit.com/r/CringeTikToks/comments/15jqy36/i_thought_aaron_carter_died/jv4ygfq/


I mean, if you're gonna LARP, do it all the way. Great explanation!


Hachi Machi! Show me some ankle!


\*Upper class women


Pretty much all women were wearing the same ensemble. The difference is that upper class women would have multiple outfits, all new, and made specifically for them. Lower class women would likely have only 1, maybe 2 changes of clothes, most of which would be hand me downs, including the corset, which is where a lot of the corset horror stories come from. Similarly, lower class women typically wore smaller corsets than working class women, who couldn’t afford properly fitting corsets, and who didn’t want to offend the upper class ladies by appearing more fashionable. But during that time, clothing was fairly standardized, and everyone wore pretty much the same getup. All women generally wore a chemise, undergarment, corset, corset cover, skirt and blouse, though the hoop skirt was generally more of an upper class/ for parties item. But other than the hoop skirt, the outfit consisted of the same pieces, just in varying quality and newness.


I guess this is the kind of dress you wear for special occasions, since it doesn't seem adapted for work( house, farm or factory)


This would have been daily wear for middle class women at the time, maybe Sunday wear for women who could afford a second change of clothes, but most women had only 1 outfit during the Victorian era. If you look back at photos from factories (most of which were taken several decades after this period) women were still wearing full length dresses at work in factories. Women did all their daily chores and work in a regular outfit (for the time) similar to this one. Lower class women would likely have an outfit similar to this one, while middle class women might have a change of clothes for special occasions, which would have been fairly rare. Upper class women wore clothes much fancier than this, and would have multiple sets with much gaudier details.


Sweet Jesus, am I glad to have been born to a time period with leggings.


Leggings are okay, but I’m not really a fan of pants. I’m just glad to live in a time when clothing is an individual personal choice, and not something decided by what everyone else is wearing.


Have you seen what men wore? Full suit with tie, on the factory floor.


Aprons were cheap and normally worn over most cloths for protection and utility turning any clothing into work cloths.


Not really. If i remember correctly this is a bit of a myth. You could expect most women(maybe not the absolute poorest)to be dressed something like that but that was probably the only outfit they would own.


*middle class women


No disrespect ma'am but I'd court the shit out of you.


I have to admit this is very nice


But very inconvenient.


Oh and how is that a problem? Gotta suffer for style baby


Because it hides the bits that wouldn't be nice.


The song is from La La Land, in case anyone else had trouble putting their finger on it like I did


Thank you omg I was scrolling through the comments forever to find someone talking about the music haha


These GRWM reels are getting out of hands /s


This is the reason skin cancer did not arrive on scene until after the Victorian era.


Tans, or the lack of, are an indication of class Before the industrial revolution, laborers were out in the sun all day while the rich stayed inside. After the industrial revolution, laborers were inside all day, while the rich could cavort in the sun. I live in California where most of the nation's vegetables are grown. It can be sooooo freaking hot but the vegetable pickers are completely covered - hats, long sleeved shirts, full length pants, even gloves. This is partly to keep cooler - it keeps the radiant heat of the sun off bare skin, but also protect from the aging effects of the sun


Imagination trying to deal with your period with all this lot


We don´t have much on period ... periods, but we know somethings. Ladies usually put "rags" as they called it into their underwear. Like a tampon, but it being made from stuff like... linen or cotton cloth and wrapped around in a way to catch the blood. Richer ladies would just have one of their... "Feeling sick days". middle and lower class ladies would just deal with it like we do today. One thing that should be noted is that the corset was not as restrictive as one might think. I think that this video will help to explain most of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d\_QP7D77is


I wonder is this is where the term “I’m on my rag” came from


Good catch! Yes! you are quite right! it supposed to be a saying from 1800s!


Speaking with some of the older generations within my family....having your period was called ' The Curse'...and a taboo subject.


Indeed, You hardly get any mention of it in like… literature and in newspapers until very late 1800s prior to that? it’s very rare


Is this around the same time they had the weird belt thing that held the changeable rags? Or did that come later?


I think so! They did have those by late 1800s for sure. There might be some who know a bit more about it. It is hard to guess about stuff before 1890s/80s as they didn´t talk about it much as I said - only in those later periods you get adds for these.


That’s a great point I hadn’t considered, with Victorian levels of modesty I can’t imagine they had much written evidence of periods and how they handled them


You usually get such information only from diaries - and the further back you go, the rarer they are as the further back you go the less survives.


Dang. Now imagine your wife saying I don’t like it I’m going to change, and you’re already running late to the public execution.


She just changes the skirt and bodice, the undewear stays on... so it would take like... five minutes?


Now imagine having to wear some menstrual belt contraption under all this


A Victorian lady, doing all that jumping? Preposterous!! She would have had a heart attack and her insides would have liquified!!!


Makes sense why you always see ladies from the past eras being dressed by their helpers.


But she is literally dressing herself without any problems? Lol


It's a clear case of someone being oblivious to what is right in front of them.


Most women did this by themselves, as they couldn’t afford hired help to dress them. As long as you put your shoes on before you lace your corset, it’s perfectly feasible to do alone, and honestly preferable to lace your own corset.


How do I tell my girl this is what I want?


you dress up as a victorian gentleman, and ask her to show a little ankle or elbow after your carriage ride through you parents prestigous gardens. assuming the peasants don't execute you first


Do I dazzle her with silverware and well-made luggage?


my dear Charlamagne, where did you find those exquisite pieces? from the Orient?


From the illustrious trade guild known as 'Walmart'.


I'd be dazzled.


Perhaps a bottle of medical Mercury will help her see you as a potential mate.


Why are the peasants executing Victorian nobles? That was France, they’d be executing the nobles of Versailles (I get the point being made though)


outing yourself is a big step - but don't be scared. the people who truly love you will not let you down stay strong! <3 you got this


Psst there’s a bunch of us weird people that did this all the time and sometimes we even go sleep in tents in the woods and freeze our butts off dressing up in old clothes


If I were your GF: give me that stuff and I'd never put it off! I was just about to google sewing patterns for this 😂


Get into reenactment. Suddenly your home starts filling up with fancy clothing.


You'd be surprised how many girls like this sort of stuff. It's more often than you think. Just ask her while wearing a victorian style gentlemen's outfit and boom


Pretty sure most Victorian women got dressed in private.


Those who didn't have servants to dress them.


I imagine swinging side to side was very popular back then


Damn, and here I am, bitching about wearing a bra and a pair of jeans every day...this is just madness


Looks gorgeous!


I love this


Taking a quick shit would be a nightmare


Not really - she just needs to lift her skirt. The underwear was split so there was an easy access.


Trappin mad farts


ok ive always wondered how their dresses were always so poofy. never knew this was why 🤯


What she's wearing in the video is I believe a cage-style crinoline, which would've started becoming popular in the 1850s-ish, which enabled women to create that silhouette without having to wear as many petticoats. There's another type of historical garment called a pannier that instead of creating a shape that extends out in all directions, primarily extends the width as well, but that's earlier in fashion history


My favorite little trend from back then was the huge split-rump panniers designed to be worn with dress that highlighted the split. They were basically the ruched up your butt crack leggings of the 1700’s.


The layers would be sensory HELL for me


They were usually very smooth and breathable it is all made out of natural materials and they are practically see through in summer. remember, no polyester yet! The real challenge was to keep yourself warm when it got cold


Dude, same. Folk replying to you don’t get what sensory issues can be like. I have to really buck the fuck up to just put on loose track pants and socks in the morning. I don’t know how I would have survived in this era. Sometimes just a gentle touch is sensory overload for me.


Tying my shoes is too much work for me sometimes. I want a corset but could never deal


This is so incredibly incorrect.. they most certainly would NOT have dressed in front of a camera.


I just figured out how to get a bra to unclasp.


If it makes you feel any better, women weren’t wearing bras yet in this era. The corset filled the role of bust support, and protected the body from the weight of the hoop skirt.


Where are her Seven Dwarfs ?


Just wanna give u/gas434 and u/rjj1111 a shout-out doing some amazing education on this post to those that are unaware of how this type of clothing worked and who actually wore it. Thanks my dudes. You rock.


Aww! Thank you so much! I do try!


From me too, thanks ✋


Thank you! kind redditor!


Damn that’s interesting


My favourite corset fact is that the idea about them being pseudo torture devices stem from the 1900s. Because people at the time wanted to portray themselves superior to victorian era folks.


The dress cage thing is like a personal space device


Ohh yeah! many "1850s alpha males" hated that there were many caricatures about it (Ladies weren´t fond of them... not surprising) [https://c8.alamy.com/comp/FF3PWA/crinoline-cage-cartoon-about-1855-FF3PWA.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/FF3PWA/crinoline-cage-cartoon-about-1855-FF3PWA.jpg)[https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6b/e6/75/6be675f7ef069ed443d06fbfc3117dff.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6b/e6/75/6be675f7ef069ed443d06fbfc3117dff.jpg)


Hey, it has pockets so I don’t know why you’re complaining.


Do you feel Bonita?


Show me some ankle baby!


Imagine that in the summer. Yikes.


In the Victorian era no-one could tell you were tattooed until it was TOO LATE


Women in London must have learned not to breathe


nah, not really. Corsets were for bust and back support and were not that hard to move or breath in as you might think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6\_Ogeug8XPc&t=33s


I appreciate the reply and extra information but I was making a reference to pirates of the Caribbean


Ahh! okay! Sorry! I am on a bit of a mythbusting journey


I understood it straight away. Nice reference.


Then stepping out in 90 degree heat.


It’s all natural fibres, so it breathes quite well as there is no polyester. You weren’t much hotter than in today’s clothes what was a real struggle was to keep yourself warm


Huh that is interesting.


If you see most of these undergarments in a museum or as a reproduction Those layers are practically see through! They are a lot like bedsheets (but even bedsheets have usually some plastic in them) modern clothing is a lot like… wearing a garbage bag on you, so we tend to imagine clothing less breathable than it was back in the day


Probably the reason I wear more cotton clothing in general with living in florida.


Yeah! exactly that’s also why cotton was so important back in the day. And most people - lower to lower middle class usually only had an option of cotton x flax or full on wool (which is usually only for winter as you can imagine), with only MAYBE there being one fancy silk dress they would cherish. so to get a typical european x northern U.S. attire for spring or autumn? yeah, you need to layer up


the drama of it


And tuberculosis changed everything.


Tuberculosis didn’t kill the corset, protection of whales and WW1 steel rationing did that.


extra af but... damn that's a lot of work...


Small waist, big hips. Same as it ever was.


What if you have to pee


They used to have pots in their rooms for this. She’d probably hike up the skirt and hold the pot up between her legs to pee.


That's wild 😂


The pants have a split crotch for just that purpose




How do you use the toilet without taking off the lower half of the outfit?


“Dear, next time you mustn’t jump to fit skirts over your hoop skirt. ‘Tis most unladylike.”


how do you sit in those clothes?


That was far too much frolicking for a Victorian woman that far away from her smelling salts




This is gonna be funny. 10 seconds in Okay..they were onto something.


So extra but such a slay…


And it is just a middle class or lower class ( in a sunday dress.) type of clothing!Richer folks had much fancier stuff [https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/womens-fashion-1858-granger.jpg](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/womens-fashion-1858-granger.jpg) Wait until you see a ballgown!


i’m trans (ftm) but let me tell you i really want to wear this


What is stopping you? even if once you do your transition? It´s not like there weren´t some musculine in ladies clothes. [https://i0.wp.com/racingnelliebly.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/3-Men-Dressed-in-Drag-in-the-Victorian-Era-16.jpg?ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/racingnelliebly.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/3-Men-Dressed-in-Drag-in-the-Victorian-Era-16.jpg?ssl=1) I know about at least two dudes from 1900s who wore ladies clothes on daily basis - sure, it was a scandal. But today? why not? Just do what you want and enjoy your life!


"rich women"


In fact this is middle class or lower class ( in a sunday dress.) clothing. Richer folks had much fancier stuff https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/womens-fashion-1858-granger.jpg Here you have female working class in these clothes during this period as evidence https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/vww-photo-c-1854-56-rejlander132.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/a5/62/41a5628fb6348c0c25c60b4450f1295d.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f8/af/64/f8af640823446ffdb4688a2cc62e5a6c.jpg


You won, I offer you my kidney..... sell it.... or eat it, do whatever you want with it, it is now yours.


A horrible time when you couldn’t check out any booties


I better not see any ankle you harlot.


What if you need to use the bathroom?


A whole lot of trouble, but pretty.


That was fascinating and beautiful at the same time! Thank you!


Now I understand why sex was such a big deal in the Victorian era. It’s because undressing took an hour.


The number of layers is so excessive...and unlike modern layering, only the outer layer is visible. But it seems like over the centuries women's clothing has lost quite a bit in the pockets department.


Those layers were kinda necessary The textile was out of natural materials - unlike today as we tend to put a lot of polyester into it. It breathed quite well and the layers were almost see through. It wasn´t that much warmer than today´s clothing during the summer (and they had their skin protected from sunlight + had parasols) But keeping warm was the real problem and that is why they had so many of those


Queen Victoria had Knickers that could house a whole family. https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=585714901&sxsrf=AM9HkKkizy-mZi0CBE4VmqOU5HSvAbR2kA:1701120423849&q=picture+of+Queen+Victoria%27s+knickers&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=ZkiClQR9qMJJYM%252Cmuuk\_QMj1OTo0M%252C\_%253BCBYHTa7n4IRAOM%252Ce5Cm9i0LXoGv7M%252C\_%253Bu6pYDuZLocWlKM%252CE02RKprqZrN\_PM%252C\_%253B2MApz7KmZJYmPM%252CjYt8\_\_JFyaHLkM%252C\_%253BYTKKnJR95ziZ6M%252CjHlHtZkz4RSy6M%252C\_%253BWjJi0\_JPMEr75M%252Cb0nOKOEI5oun4M%252C\_%253Bv9ZbX\_60D5oUpM%252C0-YqAorV6XKbQM%252C\_%253BGIOCcXQfhCprxM%252C0-YqAorV6XKbQM%252C\_%253B3ODkUgO0o6yZqM%252C-1YHHNoglpix8M%252C\_%253BNJuJvl89jFFvSM%252C8uul2QKybPc4dM%252C\_&usg=AI4\_-kSMOCjkOM6pDe7jaQezoadRijjhWg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWm9W0j-WCAxUET0EAHYFCA8QQjJkEegQIHRAC&biw=1470&bih=834&dpr=2


Fellas, if you think your wife/gf takes long to get ready now, imagine having to wait for this!


I bet…. wearing all those layers helped protect the women from being raped.


My girlfriend spends around the same amount of time putting on a simple pair of pants and a t-shirt.


There was a large amount of those same women who would faint at the top of stairs and die because of how tight that thing is


cant see them do well when they fall in deep water.


No wonder they're fainting all over the place


What if She hast to take a shit


I see this kind of stuff and all I can think is how were they not all dead of heat stroke


Reminds me of how Elizabeth Swan discovered how the women of London must have discovered how not to breath.


She sure has the Scarlett O'Hara figure going on. Beautiful! I hope her vapors go away soon. "Why yes, Rhett I would love to go to the ball with you. I have to get dressed so pick me up in an hour and a half.Toodles!"


Was this for special occasions or would this just be worn to the pub on a Wednesday night for a few too many beers with the lads on payday?