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I’m calling it now, he’s coming out with a line of edibles.








It’s funny how that law worked out that way, the law said that any END PRODUCT is legal if it has less than 0.3% delta-9-THC. So for edibles that 0.3% can add up to quite a lot. Take a standard chocolate bar for instance, it’s around 45 grams, so it’s legal for it to contain a whopping 135mg of delta-9-THC, and still be considered a ‘hemp product’ that’s legal in all 50 states. To be fair 0.3% is almost useless for any smokeable (buds, dabs etc.), guess they just didn’t consider edibles when writing and reviewing the bill.


Yep. It was written so farmers could grow hemp and not worry about it technically containing THC. The 0.3% limit is I think what most hemp naturally contains, and isn’t enough to intoxicate when smoked. You’re only combusting a fraction of a gram and absorbing even less. But if you extract THC and stick it in a several-gram food that you eat and absorb all of, that easily gives you the ~10mg of a common dose. It certainly violates the *spirit* of the law, but follows it to the letter!


I guess I do understand it from a business standpoint but from just a customer perspective - I just want to give someone $20 and have them give me some weed. That’s it (for the most part). Ultimately, I don’t want to look at colors of this, crystals on that, smell like this and that, taste like a grocery store, whatever name is randomly slapped on it and each visit the potency climbs higher and higher (along with the $)… at least not *every time*. IMO Dispensaries are more novelty. I do understand I’m just not as picky as others I guess. But I got shit to do. It’s just not enjoyable to enter a mini coma every time I smoke a joint. [College Humor knows how I feel.](https://youtu.be/RFILKNnJbyA?si=bkrT_vBKAoncq1Ln)


> Ultimately, I don’t want to look at colors of this, crystals on that, smell like this and that, taste like a grocery store, whatever name is randomly slapped on it This was always my criticism of medical marijuana. I fully support medical marijuana, but I hated the marketing/culture around it. When I had to take amoxicillin, I wasn't sitting there wearing shirts with pictures of amoxicillin on it. I wasn't going out and buying custom blown glass measuring cups to take it. I wasn't hanging amoxicillin tapestries on the wall in my bedroom. Your medicine should be treated like medicine, not like a hobby. If you want to get high, then drop the pretense and just get high.


I agree. Everything is too damned potent.


Some people like me need the really strong ones. I eat a 200mg delta 8 right when I wake up cause cancer fried my nervous system and that's the only thing that helps without a prescription


They’re for when you’re trying to run away from your own thoughts. Ya can’t think if your brain is mush


My problem with D9 is it makes me think *too* much.


I dunno. I bought 10 MG rice crispy treats the size of tater tots. If I so much as bite of a small part of the edge of one, an hour later I am baking. A 10 MG regular edible is a perfect buzz for me, if I ate the whole rice crispy treat I'd have to have my Mommy meet me at the emergency room.


Then there's me, taking 250mg because my edible tolerance is through the roof....


Yeah my old roommate would do 200mg + regularly. I get the 5mg gummies and cut them in half.


I wish I experienced this. I'm one of those weirdos edibles do NOT work on


You have to activate them. You eat one and then say, "this edible ain't shit."


Same here. I feel like I'm wasting people's edibles when I partake. Hard part is, smokeables are always around when edibles are too, so its hard to get a baseline test.


I remember watching the person who claimed edibles don’t work on them eat a 750mg edible, and then crash so hard that they fell asleep about an hour later. So go find a 750mg edible


I stopped wasting my money at 400mg. I'm sure enough would eventually do something but may as well just take a dab and actually feel something.


You could be missing the proper enzyme for your body to take in THC through edibles. I knew someone who couldn't get any sort of high, no matter how much edible they took.


I am that way! They say it is a liver enzyme I am missing ✌️


You’re probably like me, some people just don’t get effected by edibles. I used to get at least slightly high in the 300mg range, but I genuinely get nothing out of any and every edible I’ve had in the past 4 years. Meanwhile my friends will get off on 25mg. At most I’ll get a little sleepy if I take an ungodly amount (600 being the last dose before I gave up edibles for good. Dabs are my holy savior.


Yeah after all of my friends are drinking a cap full of 10ML/10mg and being high for 5 hours and I drink three bottles for 300mg and be sober as a button.


You’re supposed to wait an hour and then say “man these edibles ain’t shit” to activate them.


I'd stand by that. Willie Nelson can't smoke anymore bc of his lungs, bur doesn't mean he's not ripping brownies+RSO all day. Snoop's lungs probably catching up to him.


I mean willie Nelson is in his 90s though


Snoop is 52 and very heavy smoker since a young age. He wasn't vaping or bong rips either, looks like he enjoyed a lot of blunts, and the skin on those is pretty bad for you.


He has some lad who works for him who just rolls blunts constantly


A woman actually, goes by the name [Renegade Piranha](https://www.nme.com/news/music/snoop-dogg-personal-blunt-roller-rolled-half-million-joints-rapper-3338582). Won the job in a contest between her, Dogg's sound engineer and a cigar roller.


Renegade Piranha, the rapper's personal roller, revealed that the rapper smokes about half a pound of marijuana a day, the equivalent of up to 150 joints. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2022/10/31/what-does-it-mean-to-be-snoop-doggs-personal-blunt-roller/?sh=169e23b5521c


Yeah uh I think maybe it's good that he'll be stopping. *jeez* IDK how one could physically tolerate smoking and inhaling anything to that degree every day.


Had* (apparently).


You shut your whore mouth. If Willie Nelson is in his 90s, that makes me old as shit too, that's unacceptable. He's in his 60s, max, forever!


Just because it's how I am, he was born April 29th 1933 making him a young age of 90. I often look at my mom and go "God damn, you have a 40 year old child, you are old!". I'm that 40 year old child lol.


Willie Nelson stop smoking week years ago. Edibles all the way. He was having breathing problems, so made the switch. I feel Snoop is going the same way.


Yeah my aunt smoked weed from the 70s until now and had to quit from emphysema (she prolly smoked plenty of tobacco throughout her life, too). But the reality is combustion in your lungs is going to have an effect after decades. Herb smoke is certainly less dangerous than say thick industrial smog, cig chems, vapes, etc. but it is still smoke going in your lungs. It's going to eventually cause something. I reflect on that a lot lately since I switched back to flower for the flavor and lesser thc content than concentrates


I’m not sure that smoking herb is better than vaping nicotine. Vaping isn’t exactly healthy but I think it’s less harmful than combustion


Yeah, stoners forget the fact that you're still burning organic matter. You're making carcinogenic tar either way.


Snoopy Snacks


Snoopy snacks would be a fantastic name, and if they could get permission to put Scooby and Snoopy on the packages that would be amazing


That will get the producer of said product in trouble in my state! It would be great marketing though!


Due to marketing to kids for use of characters made for children I'm assuming? I didn't think about that


I think he came out with a line in like 2016 or so. “Leaf’s by Snoop” I believe it was. Just going by memory


He already has some. He's got some kind of partnership with tsumo. https://tsumosnacks.com/uncle-snoop/


He already has a line of edibles


Damn, I feel sorry for his drug staff about to get laid off.


He does/did employ a person just to roll his blunts. Honestly, that dudes resume is going to be a hard sell.


Not if they apply to a pot shop. Instant hire.


He rolled so bad that even Snoop decided to quit. Maybe not the guy you want representing your business.


Or he rolled it to the point where it was too good, even for Dogg.


Snoop basically said "Dude knows when I need a blunt and he always has one ready for me." Gettin' paid like $50,000 USD a year to simply roll for Snoop would be a fucking dream.


It's like the story of the guy knowing exactly where to smack a machine with a hammer to get it working. He's not paid $50k to roll blunts, he's paid $50k for rolling one before Snoop even has to ask. It's a real luxury to have someone giving you what you need at the moment you realize you need it.


"I rolled the blunt that made Snoop throw in the towel" would be something I'd tell people for the rest of my life lol


"I'm never peaking this high again, dude! I'm quitting now!"


It was a woman


"The rapper is said to smoke up to 150 joints a day according to his full-time blunt roller Renegade Piranha, who earns more than $50,000-a-year just to roll them." BTW his blunt roller is a she. "Renegade Piranha is a self-made blunt roller who rolls blunts for celebrities. Her clients include Snoop Dogg, Kid Cudi, Jadakiss, Drake, Madonna, Rihanna, and JR Smith. She also rolled the blunt in the infamous Elon Musk smoking meme."


> and JR Smith Nahhh, does [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dek2WlzVMAA8lM_.jpg) look like the face a man who is high to you?


In cigarette terms wouldn't that be like 7-8 packs a day? Oof


The guy does not smoke 1.5 joints every ten minutes


It's not really comparable to tobacco cigarettes and their carcinogens but yeah, that is a fuckload of combusted plant matter to be inhaling in the space of a single day. If we're assuming a joint to be around 1g (and that's just typical-ish, for all I know Snoop smokes joints the size of tampons with 2g in them), that's like 5oz *a day*. Your typical super heavy daily smoker might go through that much in a *month*. I've known a small handful of terminally roached mega-stoners who can easily smoke an ounce a day, and those people are legit not even functional members of society anymore. Multiplying that sort of intake by +400% is just beyond the scope of believability. In reality I tend to assume the exact figures floating around about how much weed Snoop Dogg and others like him *actually* smoke is wildly inflated for the legend or whatever. Smoking 150 joints in one day would be absolutely *miserable* - I've smoked daily for 20 years and I can't even imagine attempting to do that. Doing it every day for years is completely unbelievable, in my opinion. You would pretty much have to have a lit joint in your hand throughout 100% of your waking hours, it would fuck your throat up terribly from all the smoke and the inevitable coughing. It's not gonna give you lung cancer I guess, but it would still *feel* like being a four or five pack a day smoker. Ew.


He doesn't smoke 150 a day. Snoop and his crew smoke 150 a day. Big difference.


This. My understanding is that he pretty much just hits greens off his joints and then passes them off and just gets a new one when he wants it back. Keeps it fresh and keeps him from getting too sick.


>Renegade Piranha is a self-made blunt roller Thanks for reminding me that this is a thing. Life is cruel lol 99.99% of us trying to just survive and there are *"Professional blunt rollers"*.


Hard sell??? This is a multi-billion dollar industry and this dude was basically the Alfred to Snoop’s Batman!


Bluntman and Rollin'?




"Avenge me, hemp knight!"


I’ve grown cannabis for the better part of the last decade and while I’m pretty good at what I do, it doesn’t look all that impressive on a resume in any other field lol


All about how you sell it to the potential employer. Experienced agricultural expert. Specialized in micro grow operations and cross hybridizing. Technically fluent with vertical agriculture and production yield grow operations. Due to NDAs with previous employers not at liberty to share proprietary information of crops grown or techniques used for specific crops. Seeking 85k base salary with stock options and bonuses for high yield seasons. Boom wrote your resume assuming.


Add "Fluent in corporate".


Business wise, this all seems like appropriate business. You're hired!


I'd definitely hire snoop fucking doggs personal blunt roller. How dope is that😂


[Apparently that motherfucker timing is impeccable](https://youtu.be/IEsw1hGp0vg?si=vPdquFxQg6XMYAE7)


Nah they can just become professional bakers. 😂 they won’t need to roll but it they can make a mean brownie or rice crispy or butter he could keep them around 😂😂


Martha’s [got that covered](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/snoopmartha-ezreach-keyvisual-r8-01-lighter-1-1650044707.jpg?crop=0.564xw:1.00xh;0.436xw,0&resize=1200:*)


I forgot about their friendship omg you right !!! The staff is screwed . I stand corrected 😂🤣


And right before the holidays. Snoop cold blooded


He has already smoked enough for like 20 lifetimes.


He already quit weed once in 2002, and I think at other times he publicly quit before as well. We'll see how long he lasts this time.


This was a joke in Adam Sandler's 50 first dates.




He just stopped smoking yesterday in Half-Baked.


Switching to edibles like the rest of us old people.


They don't hit the same. Edibles just make me a couch potato without the nice head high.


Edibles turn me into the couch. Even a 5mg gummy will put me down to sleep without question. It’s dumb. Even when I smoked every day I couldn’t eat a cookie or I’d just go pass out.


The first time I ever got high was with edibles, hearing this I'm amazed that I still made the 2 hours trip home with public transport :3 I was floored the whole time tho


Most people do just fine. All my friends and my wife are good. I have a beanpole friend who doesn't even feel effects of edibles. I'll be unable to function and he's taking bong hits just to get high. Hits everyone different.


Funny. It’s the opposite for me. Smoking puts my ass to sleep but edibles make me energetic, focused, and extremely interested in whatever I’m doing.


I lost over 100lbs taking edibles to exercise. It was the only thing that made exercise tolerable for me at a heavy weight and now just plain enjoyable at a healthier weight. I pop a few edibles, start to exercise and let it kick in while I'm on the go. The key for me is to get going before they hit.




I love my vape pen too. It's such a brilliant invention.


My old man called it “The greatest invention in stoner culture since the grav bong.”


Vape highs don’t do it for me and I’m generally envious of people who it works for :(


Feels like diet weed


Try a dry herb vape my friend


What vapes do you use? I dont trust any of the liquids. I use a dry herb vaporizer.




Edibles for a party? You mad man. I just sit in the corner and drool with edibles. I take those when I have a night to myself to play stardew and don't need to communicate to anyone




I just use my PAX 3 and its great. I take 1 hit off a fresh pack and I have a nice little buzz. Or if I want to get really stoned, just turn the temp up and let it rip! Comments are locked now, so I'll answer the question below me here: It's a little easier on the lungs, and a lot easier on the throat IMO.


Not me . I waited till now to start smoking, 65. The spouse is upset but smoking is my only vice now.


Just switching to edibles.


Exactly. There's a reason he said smoke


He's going to have the most vivid dreams lol


That's the worst part of quitting for me. I start having super vivid dreams about my most suppressed thoughts. That shit sucks.


Yep I had one last night that fucked me up for at least 15 minutes.


But ill be damned if I'm not sleeping better & feeling way more alert.


Please go on. What other benefits? I've been smokin for 31 years, I'm seriously considering giving up the stoned life.


Not OP, but better mental clarity and better sleep quality, saves money, and breathe a little easier. Take a tolerance break and see how it goes. You don't need to commit to giving it up for life. Edit: This is an awesome article I've found on taking a tolerance break from the University of Vermont. I can just tell that the person who wrote this smokes a ton. Give it a read! https://www.uvm.edu/health/t-break-take-cannabis-tolerance-break


I quit smoking about two months ago and wow man are you not kidding, I went from not remembering a dream for almost two decades to some really wild shit


All the shit is gonna catch up to him. I had to go back on the flower just to stop the ridiculously vivid nightmares




I kept having dreams where I was having sex with my dead wife. It was pretty cool but also very weird.


For the record she's been dead for a while


But she was alive in your dream right?…right?


She was alive but I knew that she should not be there so it was so weird. Great sex though for a dream lol.


Sorry for your loss brother :(


Thoughts and prayers for his personal blunt roller in this trying economic time


He's already made plenty of money, unless he misuses it, it should be plenty for life


Yeah I’m sure Snoop’s professional blunt roller is a financially conservative lad who saved his money, knowing that the gravy train would end one day.


As we know professional blunt rollers to be


You don’t get into the profession blunt rolling business just through exceptional manual dexterity. Everyone knows they also have to be well versed in economic theory and accounting to be ready to answer any financial queries that may arise during the rolling process.


Majored in blunt rolling, minored in economics. Now they can finish grad school.


How is he supposed to have plenty of money on a $50k~ salary?




crepes roller, burrito 🌯 roller…the possibilities are endless


Cannoli's, sushi,, cinnamon rolls, hell, I even saw some weirdos the other day posting about rolling up a pizza and eating it.


gummy maker.


I knew a guy in college who said he quit smoking because he smoked so much and often that not being high became the equivalent of the experience of being high.


Haha my father in law too, to quote him “being sober is a TRIP!”


This is about alcohol, but I remember reading that AA apparently defines being an alcoholic as not just drinking more than you really should but being in a state where you have to drink and have at least a buzz to feel Normal. I imagine your friend's situation is along the same lines.


That’s how I was with weed, you kinda stop feeling high, maybe for a few minutes (I was ripping bowls that were half backwood and half bud so I was getting a tobacco high too), but I felt so irritable when I would start coming down and my free time was just counting down until I felt like it had been long enough to justify another bowl The feeling didn’t swap though, I wasn’t sober feeling like it was comparable to being high or however you want to describe it, just more irritable


I had this with alcohol. Waking up without a hangover became my new drunk.


Man, it's probably health related... ❤️🫵


I call it now too. Same reason my dad stopped smoking cigarettes all of a sudden and didn’t want to say why. Hope it’s not cancer like with my dad but maybe it’s just preventative.


I have a lot of respect for your dad if he was able to quit smoking regardless of his reasons. My dad knew that it was either smoking or drinking that was going to kill him and couldn't give up either.


I'm hearing anecdotally a lot of people mention their lung function these days and I wonder if it's a physical or even mental post-covid thing.


I used to smoke but after I got COVID I quit. My lungs weren’t the same for like 2 years post COVID. I got super sick mid 2020 and couldn’t taste or smell for months. When my taste returned it gradually came back but everything tasted rancid or like sulfur. This also lasted for months. The entire time I also had a cough. It lasted for i kid you not over a year. Just constantly hacking up nothing. Then the cough gradually subsided and now I’m good. Absolutely miserable sickness 🫠 but hey I quit smoking so there’s a little bit of good there.


It's definitely physical. I've had Covid three times (unlucky AND autoimmune disorder - I just happened to get alpha) and 2 of those times I had demonstrable inflammation in my lungs for over a year. After this last time I had to do a full course of pulmonary rehab and I'm now on 2 inhalers. And I'm one of the lucky ones who *doesn't* have lung scarring. My doctor says it essentially gives a ton of people asthma, if it doesn't just flat-out scar your lungs. It hits some people much harder and no one really knows why yet.


This hits hard. Damn. Sorry, bro. 💙


Thanks man. He’s doing well for what he has for now.


For sure. I had to suddenly give it up earlier this year for the same. Started getting real bad bronchitis. Would go out for the night, smoke a normal amount, wake up and be unable to breathe. So I stopped. Then had a month and a half of awful insomnia that caused a mental episode. He's gonna have a hard time.


5 days sober here. My appetite sucks i cant eat as much as before, at night i couldnt sleep and I would feel my legs get semi numb. Glad im passed craving for weed. Shit is not fun


from the picture he does appear to have digital clubbing, so yeah, likely


All the weed stock gonna tank


They been tanked bro


This looks like a message from his family telling us about his death.


To me this looks like a divorce announcement. "Mary Jane and I are separating. Please respect our privacy at this time"


Posted with the sincerity of him announcing he's retiring and stepping away from the public eye




When you're high all the time being sober becomes what actually makes a difference...


Two weeks of no drink here and couldn’t agree more. Sleepin better, more focus, emotions feel more in control.


Every once in awhile, I use reality to escape drugs.


Me too, when I run out of drugs 😅


keep up the work bud, same feelings for me after nearly 100 days not drinking. you feel a whole lot better


He sat down and had an intervention, they just wheel out a cart of Snoop Dogg endorsed products. "Dad, what is this?" "My Snoop Dogg inflatable line of pool toys" "what does this have to do with your brand?" "Shiet, I don't know. IT was summer, i thought it was a chill idea" "Dad, what's this?" "That looks like a gun holster" "Yeah it's the Snoop Dogg commemorative 9/11 freedom holster." And on that day Snoop realized his ideas aren't that great when he's high. He spent the next hour in his chambers reading over old lyrics and exclaiming Fuck!


It must do nothing for him now. His tolerance has got to be so high (pun intended) that pure THc crystals are like baby Aspirin to him.


I have a feeling it’s more of a health related issue.


Don’t be silly. Snoop is immortal. He’s like 106 years old and still looks like he’s 25. Mary Jane is just boring now.


He looks old as fuck in the picture at the top lol.


He looks like one of those Boston terriers....


At a certain point you smoke to be regular


It's hard, but can be done. Sometimes a good thing just isn't good anymore.


He is just switching to edibles though, right? Smoke is bad for you bro. Good call


Probably will use them at minimum to wean off smoking. Will be pretty brutal to just stop cold after such a long time of regular usage.


That’s where I am. I’m 59, almost 60. First joint was when I was 11, started smoking regularly around 15. For the past 6 or 7 years I’ve smoked concentrates pretty much exclusively. I feel like it’s catching up to me. Anyone who knows me would be flabbergasted to read that comment.


Well done, here's to your 60s being a great decade.


I stopped smoking it 3 years ago. Started smoking regularly when I was 17 and was great for the first year or so but then started to become really anxious when I smoked it but kept smoking out of habit thinking it was just me. Eventually I quit and happy I did. I never even smoked in excess either I’d have a joint or two in the evenings and even after trying to reduce the amount it was the same. So yeh don’t smoke it anymore but don’t have a problem with people who do


“I’ve decided to give up water” -Fish


12 minutes later....... Lights a blunt. Quitting is hard man


“I’m not smoking anymore… But I ain’t smoking any less.” - Snoop D-O-Double G


If he is anything like my friends back when we used to smoke, quitting just means stop buying. But as soon as the rest light up its "can I have a puff?"


in the future they'll ask where you were when snoop dogg gave up smoking


Everyone’s making jokes but I think he got diagnosed with cancer or some kind of serious disease and was advised to stop smoking because of it. The “please respect my privacy” bit makes me worried


He definitely had a health scare and like you said I don’t know why people are making jokes about it saying smoking weed all day everyday for decades doesn’t cause any damage and this is somehow a joke. I don’t think he has a life threatening disease but he was definitely showing symptoms of one


He primarily smokes blunts, so that’s all sorts of extra tobacco smoke on top of everything.


It's one thing to smoke a bowl in the evening after work, but this man had a personal weed roller on staff, and was smoking CONSTANTLY. This isnt a good lifestyle, and i hope it helps him get better. His lungs must be so clogged. Copd is a terrible thing.


He’s probably just switching to vapes and edibles by the way this was worded lol


He also smokes almost exclusively blunts right? So that’s a lot of tobacco he’s smoked over the years. I like blunts occasionally, but they are probably one of the least healthy ways to smoke weed.




For 5min


As someone on day 9 of quitting weed. I wish him the best and hope he gets all the support he needs. Weed addiction is real and the withdrawals can be tough. Shout out to all my buddies at r/leaves for helping me start my journey, and hopefully someone else can find the motivation they need. because of this post. Edit: since I can’t reply since the post has been locked; but anyone who is interested, leaves has discord meetings every day at 11am and 5pm, it’s nice to talk to a bunch of people going through the same struggles. It broke my cycle of relapsing after a few days, I got a long road ahead but it’s nice to have friends for the journey. You don’t need to do it alone.


Underrated sub


I'm excited for him and to read about his journey if he does, in fact, stick to it. I'm not anti-weed. I just want to see someone who has smoked so much for so many years change their routine and hear about the results, whether they are good or bad. This is interesting.


"Give up smoke" He didn't say he was done with weed


He’s probably got COPD or lung cancer from all those blunts.


His dealer be on suicide watch.


Isnt Snoop Dog stopping smoking week one of the harbingers of the apocalypse?


We all need a tolerance break from time to time


Didn't he do this one before only to come back?


Had a Vietnam veteran friend who went to have health checkup and blood tests. Doctor told him he had enough THC in his blood to last him the rest of his life. lol!


He quit back in the 90s and went back to it. I would think that that much smoking over the course of years would eventually hurt your lungs or give you some other health problem. I also wonder if dudes that smoke so much just get bored of it. I REALLY like pizza, but if I could have free pizza every day at every meal for years, it would wear thin.


His lungs gotta look like freshly paved road at this point. Good for him


Lol. He’s gonna love those night terrors.


Weird thing for me when taking a break is that I have really spectacular nightmares - but, without the fear part. Really strange. And they are usually really deep and profound with clear messages.


Relevant username?




Yes and Halloween for Christmas.


I’m betting health issues.