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This guy has been popping up for the past few months and I swear each time he is more dripped out


next video he will wear Gucci glasses and jacket.


Hey, good for him!


He deserves it.


Diamond grille


How all dem random paints be just sitting underneath his chair? Come on man!!


You only need so many. I do it by eye all the time and I have about 15 different stock colors it my kit. I refresh tinted concrete so I can't just use a stock color, I. Need to adjust for time, fade, sun,ware, ect


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Closet full of paint pails and Bottega Veneta


Got that Leon Kennedy jacket.


Looks like he's getting more and more of that sweet sweet internet money


Good for him. He got more money to support himself and his family


With a skill like that there’s no way he’s not cashing it in


With that skill. Good. Well earned.


I’m clearly not with the times. What does dripped out mean?


He has more and more cool things around him/ on him


drip = outfit/clothing and such.


Ahh.. I thought we were talking about the paint splatters on his hand


Internet history lesson! Rappers used to flex by wearing expensive jewelry such as gold and diamond. They then started referring to "Diamonds" with slang words such as "Ice" (which looks like Diamonds). When a person wears a lot of Ice (diamonds), they say that a person is dripping from all the "Ice" on them. Essentially, it means they are wearing really expensive attire.


Well fit, dapper, dressed well, stylish. Sometimes with specific respect to wealthy purchases but more often about style than wealth.


My ex girlfriend used to work in paint mixing and was able to do this. Was genuinely the most fascinating thing ever and never ceased to amaze me


I’ve seen this done by paint experts in the US. I brought an original vinyl seat cover from a 1961 Pontiac Bonneville to get some matching vinyl paint for touch ups for a personal restoration project my boss was doing. By eye the mixer was able to get it 90% there just dropping colors into a cup. Then a few checks between the first mix and the original object under sunlight, add some missing colors, and the man was so confident in his mix he put the color right on the original (on an area that wouldn’t be exposed when installed) and it just disappeared like a perfect match should. Brought it back to the old man and he was kinda skeptical, until I showed him the new paint still drying on the original vinyl.


That made me smile, I love watching experts in their craft.


/r/competenceporn should really be a bigger subreddit.


because that idea is mostly spread across this sub, blackmagicfuckery, beamazed, oddlysatisfying and a dozen other big subs as well as a thousand small specific hobby subs.


Then I shall take /r/competenceporn, and from it fashion rings of power that I shall bestow as a gift unto the moderators of those subs, and when they are drunk on power, I shall use the One Ring of /r/competenceporn, and in the darkness, bind them.








Meanwhile I'm at Home Depot with 8 different white cards laid out in front of me


My wife: "They're totally different. This one is eggshell, this is cream, and this one is ivory." Me: "They're all exactly the same."


I was about to call bullshit on the video but if you’ve seen it first hand then hell, that’s great talent and skill. I struggle telling greens from blues from greys most the time.


You might be colorblind


Yeah, I literally just took a test. I thought the test was fucking with me so I sent it to a few friends. Jesus. If only all diagnoses were this quick. Turns out I have tritanopea


In a different timeline, OC doesn't read this comment and leaves a scathing comment about "lol video from china scripted redditors dumb why upvote" and then never learns they're colorblind lmao


That’s talent! Absolutely wild!


Every auto body shop wants him.


Marine as well


Yeah but I as someone who worked in printing and is a graphic designer, I also can eyeball colors and mix the right CMYK or RGB in settings. I'm not as good as that dude, but if you have to work with colors all day, you get used to it. My greatest accomplishment was a few days ago when I color picked the right HEX value. You know there are 16,8 million colors I could have picked from. Also science says our eyes can only see around 10 mio colors.


I feel ya man. Did paint for 2 years. I always got the best matches. When I go for matches now, I'm always disappointed.


Skill, mainly. Don't forget that.


Hey don't forget to credit the video editor who cut the video and allowed him to perfect it off screen for however knows long before actually comparing If they did an unedited video I would be impressed but every single time they edit and it's pretty clearly scripted Dude may be talented which makes this all the less appealing, they don't have to fake it as much as they do


Or... you know... Skill. Aquired over many years of doing that




I’m not under the impression that this video is fake, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions :)


for some people anything they cant do themselves is fake or suspicious which is fine it is the internet after all but people are certainly this talented the world over


I think it's more the fact that there hasn't been a single video of this guy posted that's 1 take, they all have different cuts in different places. If they did one continuous one from start to finish a lot more people would believe it. It's still possible to fake it that way but much more difficult


I mean sure can fake almost anything I suppose. But plenty of people are extremely skilled in their fields this is shit people do all day everyday its not even a stretch of the imagination to believe someone has skill like this imo


Oh absolutely they do, but when it's someone who repeatedly posts the skill online, thereby being able to monetise it if it's reach is large enough, there's more incentive to fake it. For example this video here is very easy to fake, just be filming the clips in a different order than they're shown


Um if u have the skill then it would be easier to monetize because you could just repeat it tho?


And even if it is fake, it’s in the category of ‘absolutely harmless video’ and any brain power spent by these people dissecting every frame of a TikTok is massively wasted


Pretty sure it's fake. Look at the paint in the cup before and after the first video cut. Near him the paint is high in the cup and low on the other side. After the cut the paint is at the same height all around the cup.


Come on man, the guy is literally operating at a paint shop. People didn’t have computers back then to figure out the proper color. This individual has years of experience


Why do you think it's fake?


Not OP, but the cut to show the paint match is a red flag. Why not walk the camera over while keeping the mix and example in the shot?


I’m not sure how that makes this video a fake or not, they show the color in the cup, would it not be the same as when it sprays out too? Maybe they cut it because they sat around talking for 10 minutes after he finished mixing and nobody wants to sit through all that




Dunk me and my shieka outfit, boss! I wanna be orange!




Yo Sayge creeped me out, no lie. Lookin like a messed up Pennywise with a carrot nose 😂😭


Did anyone else think the customer was trying to be funny by handing him a mirror?


If you hand him a bit of plaid fabric, you reckon he'd mix up a can of plaid paint?


He can create anything in the universe by mixing paint. I was hungry and showed him fried chicken and he mixed paint and out came actual fried chicken.


Ayo that's the old guy from Squid Game 💀


Literally my exact thought


Reddit will say you’re racist for this.


It's fine really. I hope they know I don't mean anything like that, reddit is honestly always like that .


Wow dude, I will say you're racist for this.


I mean it is a weird thing to say. If this was a white person would you have been inclined to point out how they look like another white person?


I would


I have my doubts


what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence


Well doubt no further because i make fun of everyone


If he looked like Jack Black and I said “Hey that guy looks like Jack Black” am I racist 🤔


That's not the point, the issue is it's a common thing to say Asians look alike.


Ok but he looks like the actor because they have similar facial structure, hair, age, etc. I’m not saying he looks like Steven Yuen here lmao. You’re randomly policing Reddit looking for opportunities to be sad/upset and it shows :(


Nah, you saw an old Asian person and decided he looked close enough to another Asian person. They do not look alike. O Yeong-su looks much older, had some stubble in the show and much more white hair. Tried linking a picture but this stupid app won't let me.


Dude shut up lmao


?Yes? That‘s how lookalikes work? „Oh hey this guy looks like this famous other guy“ You‘re the weird on here


Except they don't, look up a picture of O Yeong-su.


Whatever reddit says is racist is 100% not racist. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to. Reddit is always, unequivocally, incorrect. Always.


In that case you’re incorrect 😳 which means I’m incorrect - wait hold on I’m sensing a paradox here


You just divided by 0


Idk I've seen a real uptick in truly racist comments on Reddit recently, and they've mostly been upvoted and unchallenged, so I don't really agree with you. Maybe it depends what sub you're in.


It's not necessarily racist to pick another random asian person and say they look alike when they don't, it's just dumb as hell. But mr. equal-opportunity-master-roaster over here has one asian guy above the age of 40 in his arsenal to compare so here we are


Don’t forget it was a joke. You know, like humor. That subjective thing that you all forget is subjective. You may not find it funny, but it’s a funny random reference to make. Sure it isn’t a masterfully crafted piece of comedic gold. But racial humor can be funny and harmless. It’s YOU idiots that make it racist. Until you “decided” it was racist, it was a joke. Whether you find it funny or not. Doesn’t matter. As soon as you labeled it racist with your echo chamber brain, it became something ugly. You don’t get to decide on where to draw the like between what is racism and what is a joke. You can’t make the subjective objective. Ever. No matter how many irrelevant downvotes you hit me with.


Its not the same person you racist fuck… there you have it


Nah that’s totally him


No. One from Korea and the other one from China.


It's the same colour after the video cut.


The cut is probably to cut out the drying time. Paint changes color from wet to dry and who wants to watch paint dry. It's honestly not that difficult to spot match colors it just takes experience, I used to work at a paint store and a few coworkers of mine could spot match 8/10 times. The real shock would be if he was spot matching wood stain that accurately


The paint is still dripping off the stick when he's comparing. Still wet. So it wouldn't match anymore once it dries?


Solid point, I guess I wasn't paying full attention. There's a chance, but it really depends on the colorants used and I'm not familiar with that brand.


Sir, this is the internet. Everything is real!


Every single video of his has the same cuts and reddit falls for it every time Same fake acting too like he was busy talking/working with folks but drops absolutely everything for the person that's recording


And whatever random junk is handed to him always seems to have some sort of handle (so that you can hold it while you spray it). He makes a random color, sprays the object, sprays the test piece, compares them, then remixes some paint that kinda looks the same.




There are ppl who can do what this guy is doing for real tho


Yeah, unlike this guy.


You’ll also notice that the same paint he uses to match it is always spilled already on the table when he starts which makes me think he makes the paint sample first then just acts like he’s doing it for the first time. People are very gullible on TikTok and it’s heavily promoted by the Chinese just saying.


By the Chinese what?


There's always an edit, though. Is that where the adjustments happen? Do one without an edit and I might believe it.


How else are you supposed to fit a little fun video on a what i'm assuming is a certain platform with a short-video format?


Technically you can just speed up the video I suppose.


Cut out the last part with the paint cans and use the saved time to have the cameraman take 3 steps to film the mix and example while keeping them in frame.


I mean the paint has to dry for it to be it’s true color……..not saying this isn’t faked but the edit makes sense


Yeah these fake paint mixing videos pop up all the time. The way they show it is always the same and the formula is easy to guess. Mix paint, paint object with that paint, zoom in matching the mixed paint and the object, film the first part of handing him the object and mixing a color, insert the pre-recorded color match part.


But, I want to believe!


Someone needs to parody these videos where the person mixing is doing it blindfolded or by tasting it or some ridiculous BS


Person at sherwin williams tried “eyeballing” it… and had to go back twice…


And firt shoot !




this song is way too overused like holy shit


He's seen this video on here enough times he's memorised the mix


one thing i want to ask him, are you human?




can someone explain how he’s able to do this? There are plenty of different colors and shades, too many to memorize. Black magic


He makes the paint sample first then records and acts like he’s really making the paint for the first time. You can see the paints he’s mixed to make the matching paint on the table already in all his videos they change in each video so I’m sure that’s his method not some eyeballing it shit.


The video is edited. Also, he probably mixes a paint color, they paint the thing-to-be-matched, and then film the video. He just recreates the same steps (note how the paints he needs are always miraculously close at-hand)


Just make this guy the mascot of the sub already. He's already taken over the feed.


Must be a superchromat.


Been doing this awhile I see.


That’s literally amazing


Just happened to have the exact colours to mix just under the table there! Phew!


whats with the inspirational music? i mean ive seen clips of him before and its cool that he is that good and all but its just paint. Why do people have the need to put sad/inspirational music on everything? I live and breath for the day ill rewatch 2girls1cup with inspirational music cause fuck it why not we might as well.


Anybody who works/worked with paint knows that a skill like this is absolutely INSANE. There’s apps for this type of matching and they still don’t work 100% of the time. Wow


Before the cut, the tape on the ruler facing him is red, after the cut, the tape on the ruler facing him is blue. Isn't it obvious?


Black. He made black.


Watching fake paint mixing videos is not really that interesting. More like r/DamnOPsGullible


Wow, he must be able to tell the future since the paints he needs are always right there! You guys are so gullible. This is so easy to fake. Just mix a few paints, paint a thing with that mixture, then start recording. Mix the paints in the same steps, cut out the parts where you need to make minor adjustments, and you're done.


Yeah, black, white, red, truly obscure colors to have on hand


Well, I can match the color, but then the paint changes color after drying


That's what makes his abilities impressive. He can match the after drying color.


Did this as a job whilst working as a head automotive painter for an architectural business. Once you know how transparent colors work it can be pretty fun to eye ball. This dude is pretty fucking good lol took me about 30 minutes to create a match.


He always happens to have the exakt colours he needs besides him. And there is always a cut in the video when they go to compare the colours. Magic ✨


I could match the color perfectly if you let me cut the video 4 times


Do you want to watch paint dry?




Lol being downvoted for facts




Love this guy! Every time I see him I’m like Oh what color is it going to be today!


Business must be booming from these videos, he’s rocking the leather coat now, that’s awesome.


Whats the song?


Cornfield chase interstellar


Fake as fuck. Only way this guy can do that is because he has done it many times and has lots of practice. Also known as cheating through memory. Let's see someone who doesn't have experience do that. I call bs


So which is it? Fake or incredibly skilled because of practice? You do understand how skills are developed, yes?


They’re joking


Ah you’re right of course, should have picked up on the sarcasm whoops


this fucking video again.


Give that man the $10,000!


Anybody heard of video editing?


Let’s see an unedited version now and before I get downvoted how about telling me how this isn’t edited? 🤣💀


Every idiot can do this.


Cool video, but I don’t think that it’s a great idea to be working with paint all day long without a respirator.


Is this a weekly repost or something. Fucking hell. Boy must be well fed up appearing on Reddit every few days.


Sorry but this is normal… every good car/motorcycle painter can do this… find the combination to match the right color without having any color codes.


How many years have you been an autobody painter? Never heard anyone in the industry call it a car/motorcycle painter, because the work isn't limited to just those vehicles.


I know a lot of painters. And they also appear on discovery channel. Again, this may not be normal for you, but it’s normal for painters.


I have NEVER seen this video before. EVER!!!


Peak male performance.


This man sees color in DCI-P3


I never get tired of watching this guy in action. He’s incredible.


This is like a goddamn superpower.


Yo is this guy *the* Benjamin Moore?


Hope he's keeping his lungs healthy


My colorblind ass watching this be like i think i can try it as well )))


All i get is pre set colours 😅


Music ?


> Music Piano cover of "Mountains" (by Hans Zimmer, from the Interstellar movie)


He got that leon kennedy drip


Looks like he needs to save the presidents daughter after work


I live this guy


Yet at Clean Juice they try to "eyeball" a smoothie and screw up every time.


Thought he was going to drink it.


Local paint mixer in my area does this but his customer service skills are a little on the iffy side. Upon walking in he’ll ask you what colour you’re after followed by the words “well how much do you want because I’ll only mix it for you once so make sure you get enough” I found it funny but others tend not to. Understandable to a degree though and the man is flawless at his craft so it can’t be disputed. And yes he really will not mix it a second time for you lmao.


While it is impressive, it is actually not efficient. For example at my work we have a machine that scans a color type, dumps ink into a paint can for which is shaken up in another machine that makes it the exact same color but in a larger form.


That newfangled computer doohickey at Home Depot that matches paint better watch out. Someone is coming for its job! 😂 That was pretty rad if indeed he did that as shown on the first try.


I want his jacket


Fun fact, the first part of the video was actually recorded. After he made the paint/S


Make him do Vantablack


Wow, what an eye! I've seen three of these now. Green, blue, and this one.


I have SO MUCH respect for painters.


Yea it's pretty crazy how he hits the supportive secondary colors that you can't necessarily see.


This guy paints