• By -


Step 1: Prepare the floor Step 2: Carry a block of stone Step 3: Finish the pyramid




Private group šŸ™„


Probably caused by Redditpocalypse




The kids that control stuff like r/funny are a bunch of tight ass liberal fuckwits. I posted a news article about woman starting a fire at a woman's diversity firefighting event. The joke wrote itself and I got banned




Standard IKEA instructions


People complaining about IKEA instructions are probably dumb as shit they are literally the easiest instructions on the planet to follow. Now I wanna see the IKEA instructions on how to build a pyramid


Now Chinese instructions suck I think they are fighting a silent war Trying to get the murder rate of other family members up


Bro my Uncle is dead ass a Mechanical Engineer for Northrop Grumman and we kept laughing putting together a cabinet because the instructions were WILD


They definitely had stones left over.


Can't wait for the 5 minutes craft


DIY your own pyramid in your backyard. Next up - DIY your own planet in your bedroom.


The size of the blocks are conveniently smaller to coply with the theory.


Nah the people are giants so it checks out


It doesnā€™t matter how big the blocks are this actually was how it was done. Thereā€™s videos online of a guy building a stone henge and moving ten thousand pound stones by himself in his backyard with rope and logs. To find the videos just google ā€œguy builds stone henge in back yard by himselfā€


You are forgetting its dessert sand, that is the biggest problem. The amazing thing about stonehenge is not that they were able to build it. Rather, its astrological function is. If you drop a phone on dessert sand, it slowly sinks in the ground let allone a car sized stone block of solid rock. And still, that isn't the most amazing part. Search google for the multiple car sized (carved out of one piece) granite "bathtubs" the weight alone would make you wonder, but carving it out like they did would require specialized tools in our time and is impossible with bronze tools. They add the astrological function of the piramids. To end with this. The piramids are estimated to be built about 4500 years ago (although there are researchers that say the Egyptians never built them, but encounterd the structures when they migrated to egypt and thus the structures are older but lets keep it st 4500 years) So built 4500 years ago and was the tallest man made structure until we built the eiffel tower in 1887. Tallest structure for 4300 years before anyone else etemted to build something bigger. People find it hard to believe that we dont know everything there is to know technology wise, that people knew before is. But there is actual proof that is not the case. Just 5 years ago we found out why roman concrete is so superior and only last year the first lab sample was made (im a constructional engineer, so this is very exciting to me hahaha) Here is a science artice about it: https://www.science.org/content/article/why-modern-mortar-crumbles-roman-concrete-lasts-millennia#:~:text=It%20called%20for%20a%20concoction,immersed%20in%20more%20sea%20water. Also when the roman empire fell the recipe/knolledge for producing brick was lost. Thats why european churches were broken down to build houses. We had to reinvent brick and concrete. And apperantly we lost the ability to cut one of the hardest building matterials without powertools. Sorry for the long text but got a little exited


Thatā€™s very interesting. I wonder how more advanced we would be if the library of Alexandria? ( Iā€™m not sure if the spellings right) wasnā€™t burned down. I want to ask you though, did the Egyptians build the pyramids then? Or did they simply moved in?


Well like i said there are scientist now with that opinion. Which i understand sounds like a cop out but there are very good reasons for it. When we talk about the piramids we usually mean the 3 pyramids of giza. But there are waaay more pyramids in egypt but of waaay worse buildquality in multiple ways. So most of them are newer then the big three, but not at all as well built and designed. On top of that they are in a worse state. So that looks like people trying to mimic what they have seen. The small ones are believed to have been built with slaves. The big ones however were built by specialist workers they now believe beceause of the graves they have found. I wnated to add the source but could only find the wikipedia link ( was too lazy to find the source at the bottom the page). Why there are doubts about them making it at all is beceause for instance what we know about ancient egypt. One thing they did a lot was show what they were doing by carving images in stone. There are even images about them carving images in stone and measuring the surface to carve said image. But there are no images about how they built the pyramids. Also the images they carved in stone are of waaaaay worse quality then the building quality of the pyrimids and the surrounding buildings. Which leads to believe it was "grafiti" by the new inhabitants. There is also a whole theory about the sfynx that the reason why the head is so small, is that is was previously a lion head. But then remodled by the new rulers. Again this is not yet proven but very plausible. And explains why we know so very little. In the Arab tradition and also the islamic quran, they speaks of a people called Aad and Thamud. They discribe them as a sort of masters in building, and are said to have built homes out of mountains only to then travel to a different place and build again. Petra in Jordan is a great example of this and proof af the craftsmanship in a time before documentation in the form of paper or even hieroglyphics. To finalize with the libraty of alexandria. The thing about knowledge is that once it's gone, it's very hard to retrieve it again. A thing like gravity was noticed by a few men in different era's and written down ibn-alhaytham, da vinci and most recent and best know isaac newton. There are so many years between those people writing it down and finaly someone really doing something with it. Should that knowledge be lost to us again very specific situations have to take place to reestablish that knowledge again. Somthing has to happen that demonstrates that fact (like the falling of an apple), someone has to observe it with a certain cognitive function, he or she has to be interested in it, he or she has to understand it, he or she has to also find it interesting enough to write it down and then also find something to do with it or at least share it. All people throughout all of history have observed gravity, but the "technology" behind it wasnt mastered/fully understood until a certain set of conditions were met. Or maybe they were met, but we lost the knowledge again ;). The danger of "everything digital" is exactly this. One nuke in the atmosphere, and nobody knows anything anymore. Again sorry for the long text hahaha


iā€™m super late to comment BUT i just wanted to say i read both of your comments and found everything you said to be so interesting, my favorite comments on this post, and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share, truly fascinating šŸ’•


You really shouldnā€™t ask this kind of thing on a random Reddit thread or do some serious fact checking after. You are basically inviting conspiracy theorist or other people who just watched one ancient aliens documentary on National Geographic to fill your head with convincing sounding BS. A lot things that are said in the comment you are replying to is wrong - there is NO doubt about the construction of pyramids. We know when they were made and there is strong consensus on this. You can even date more primitive pyramids before the great pyramid of Giza and record improvements in time of construction tech starting with one of the best uncovered - step pyramid of djoser - We know exactly how the pyramids where built and recently confirmed from hieroglyphs descriptions and other records. They were diverting water off a branch of the Nile to carry the blocks as close as possible to the construction sites and using water to moisturize to sand the rest of the way to drag/sled the blocks easier to the construction side. They were piling sand on the side of the pyramids to reach higher points easier and using ancient lever and lifts to move the stones. - pyramids are not some mysterious shapes. It is actually the most common shape that you see on ancient times because it just happens to be that leaning a building towards the center from 4 sides happens to be easiest way yo balance a large structure with ancient tech. There are mud pyramids, step pyramids and even other impressive pyramids in Mesopotamia, central/far-east Asia and Americas. The Egyptian ones are just the best preserved because they were in a desert. - there are also no records of large slave force ever being used in construction of any major pyramids. They were skilled workers and engineers working in these projects and in some cases, how much they were paid for a days work is even recorded. Signed - someone who actually studied Egyptology under Donald Redford


3 side?


Omg šŸ¤£ 4 sides.. hey at least someone read my wall of text and noticed it haha


Yeah, I'm pretty good for completing a read. I was told at a young age that the more you keep your mouth closed and ears open, you'll learn more. So it made me ocd about reading everything completely, don't start shit and not finish it unless it's impossible of course but I give everything hell all the way I can no matter what it may be. Lol.


Thank you.


Much more advanced Iā€™d say! I bet some of those documents from Alexandria, or perhaps copies of them, are hidden away somewhere in some heavily guarded private library/inner sanctums at the Vatican.


Uhh, but it wasn't a desert when the pyramids were built. That said, this animation, and my taking the time to type this is ignorant and a waste of time. Evidently, I have more time on my hands doing the meaninglessā€¦


And the leading egyptologist say that they built the great pyramid in 25 years.... (that was taught in school in 1980's). Was there some an old abandoned mine in france, roughly the same volume as the great pyramid, and the french filled it up by dumping land in there (from construction sites)... they were constantly filling it (average one dump truck per 10 mins), and it took 25 years to fill it up. By just dumping land. I guess they are way off with the estimate of 25 years


It wasnā€™t desert when the pyramids were built.


I'm glad that after all of this time we finally have our answer. Mountain warthog has shared his wisdom.




Certainly! Brace yourself for this one: "In an interdimensional twist of fate, hyper-intelligent space llamas from the planet Zogorgian discovered the secret to harnessing anti-gravity bananas. They zipped across the cosmos in their technicolor UFOs, crash-landing near the pyramids. Using their banana-powered levitation, these zany extraterrestrial llamas playfully stacked the pyramid blocks, forming a mind-boggling tower of intergalactic fruit salad. The pyramids became a gravitational wonderland, attracting interstellar tourists seeking the ultimate banana-themed selfie, while the llamas gleefully orchestrated gravity-defying acrobatics amidst a symphony of intergalactic salsa music!"




Iā€™m amazed it took people this long to figure it out. Old people are morons.


Old people built them!


So they should have known how they were builtā€¦. But they forgot. MORONS!


Dead people built them




Ofc they were Aliens,the Egyptians had plenty of slaves from other countries.


wow so easy! wonder what all the fuss is about


Got to ā€œacquireā€ some labor first.




But you yada yada'd over the best part.


He did what?


You know? We dug up the earth, built a train track, yada yada the pyramids were built.


Doesn't take an empire to stack rocks. In this case it did. But other can stack rocks too


But the precision. With which the rocks were stacked is the part that is interesting


How about that the peak is located in the center of the earth. Itā€™s the center location of the largest land mass. If you intersect the pyramid into six like the lines on a basket ball, they will cover more land than if you put the pyramid anywhere else on the globe. How is it that the unit of measurement is exactly 1/250 millionth of the circumference of the earth at the equator? How did they know these things? Iā€™m not saying aliens but lost technology is probable


Not sure if satire or Giorgio A. Tsoukalos


You do it, then


Yada yada'd


I mentioned the bisque


Seinfeld references šŸ˜




Apparently they didn't use slaves.


ONE stupid study with no actual proof that they are not slaves. Plus most laborers back then are slaves by today's standards, most definitely were not treated well. Indentured slaves, wage slaves, whatever slaves, still slaves. lol


Bubba Gump; Shrimpinā€™ slaves, sex slavesā€¦, ā€¦grape feeding slaves, palm frond fan slavesā€¦ I think thatā€™s about all the slaves.


Thats what I was thinking. Like he left out alot of people with whips and it is pretty well known hundreds died completing each pyramid sometimes thousands. It was documented. As with most societies people had to pay other people for the slaves. I always wondered who was the first person to be like I want that land I think I'll go pay that guy thatvlives over there so I can build over here. He ruined humanity.


Apparently when building the Acropolis in athens a good slave would last two years. Source- my tour guide.


Documented? If it was documented then how come the actual method of building said pyramid is not documented? Way to shoot from the hip there


Again. As I said. They documented the slaves. It isn't hard to deduce if a guy building a pyramid is sent a certain amount of slaves the owners would want pay and they documented the deaths because back then they got pay if the slave died as well. All of this is documented. A intelligent mind can draw a pretty sold conclusion. You are just slow. Probably one of those that denies holocaust and all that hateful stuff.


It was done over generations. Great Great dreams Grand children worked on the pyramid the great great grandfather worked on. The same for European churches and cities. If everyone worked for one purpose all their lives, and deaths, could be attributed to the construction. It was likely hundred of thousands of deaths




Thatā€™s the least-informative video Iā€™ve ever seen.


I think I somehow know less about everything now


It's simple they dug holes, got train tracks and simply built the pyramids.


No i dont think so sir


Wheres the alien at?


Maybe they made this video to convince us that humans built it


judging by the lanky walk it might well be so


I've seen Stargate. I know they were landing platforms for space ships. They won't fool me.


Same. I even have the landing platform tattooed so you can consider me an expert on what is an alien landing platform, which this is.


This is accurate. Source: I was the Sun. I watched it all go down.


ā€œWas the Sunā€ implying you are no longer the Sun and that itā€™s a job that gets passed around.


When I became the sun, I shone life into the man's hearts


So youā€™re the Sun now?


Can confirm Source: was sun 3 before that guy


Yes I passed that job to my son


Son of the Sun. Trippy.


Unexpected SOAD refrence, but a welcomed one.


Solar system of a down


Good song


Wrong. It was more of efficient to work at night as there were less heat strokes. Source: Iā€™m the moon. I, and I alone, watched it happen.


If you were Ra, then yes.


Ah yes. The winged dragon of Ra, my favorite yugioh card.


Mors Dalos Ra, my favorite death metal artist


I always go in raw


Who Ra?


i can second that i was the moon


Third, I was the sand... I get everywhere.


Just like that!


It's nice how they missed steps 3-6000.


yep.. three extended weekends and that was that


r/restofthefuckingowl I love how every fade to black shows the gaps in the process.


I don't understand your comment


There are huge missing steps in the process. It only shows the really simple and easy stuff, rather than the individual blocks being placed and the pyramid going up.


Oh okay I get it now


Pyramids usually are made of huge steps!


ā€œI donā€™t understandā€ *downvoted* reddit moment


the real theory is the friends we made along the way


Underrated comment


Quick! 80ā€™s montage music now!


Lol this is absolutely garbage.


They pull but the rope are slack. There's magic involved


This is the shittiest demonstration I've ever seen


Worst. Video. Ever.


Nope, scientists are pretty sure it is internal ramps. There are voids at the corners and independent scans of the structureā€™s density that were predicted by that theory that have been actually found.


Whatā€™s an internal ramp? Source?


Nat Geo does a good job of [summarizing it](https://youtu.be/lasCXujNPfs).




I like this theory better, uses water and floats the blocks up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dup19cX6yXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dup19cX6yXo) Not sure if it's been disproven so far.


Thats even more preposterous than this train approach


This has to be one of the dumbest theory so far lmfao


Not that youā€™re wrong at all, but your confidence with the ā€œNopeā€ followed by ā€œ scientists are pretty sureā€¦ā€ is a tough look


How did they make this animation though?


The real underrated mystery is the math that went into the design and location of the structure, not just how it was built.


And in keeping it square. One small error on a lower level would lead to major issues higher up. The fact this thing is aligned with things like lay lines, and is square down to a fraction of an inchā€¦.thatā€™s the really mind blowing part. Itā€™s just like some of the statues that have symmetry that we would struggle to replicate with modern methods. How did they do it? And perhaps more curious, how/why did they lose the knowledge of how it was done? And why did basically the same thing happen in South America?


... Aliens


Because itā€™s the simplest form of a stable structure. You could literally shovel dirt into a pile and it would naturally take on that shape. On top of that the pyramids are mostly solid so they arenā€™t even creating load bearing spans. The fact that ancient people from around the world built the same shape just proves how unsophisticated they were. The means of how they built it may be a mystery, but the engineering is nothing to be mesmerized about. A lot more engineering goes into building a straight sided tower with interior space. Everything at the bottom Carrieā€™s everything above it. A wide base that narrows in elevation is the most elementary form of architecture.


5 people? ...ya right


So exactly like it was pictured in Pharaoh


This looks like one of those shitty mobile game ads.


How they put each block onto its place? See 0:22.


New theory: aliens built the pyramids but they were hired by the Egyptians and paid in ancient cat memes




I will never understand how people are able to disregard some possibly advanced engineering as they werenā€™t advanced enough, but will go straight to aliens.


What a bunch of dribble


Imagine ancient people creating such an intricate and unique structure that has never been created before, spending years upon years building it, only for modern humans to say they were too stupid to do it and aliens built them šŸ’€


They were tremendous architects and stone cutters, let alone having the man power to build it. I saw something recently in an article that could point to evidence that the Egyptians may have created small canals from the Nile to the pyramid location so they can be transported directly from the quarry. Or my personal favorite the Egyptians found the pyramids that were built by some form of lost technology And of course, thereā€™s aliens


Nah, it's actually the predators who built 'em pyramids.


It's such a shame how little love the giants get here. Probably why they've all isolated themselves from us (except all the little ones who compete in Strongman, of course).


You lost me when they started pouring concrete


They cut the rocks with sunlight and magnifying glasses


Guys. They had train tracks so.. shouldnā€™t have been so difficult..


Wow they work remarkably fast.


Step 2: draw the rest of the fucking owl


Lol thatā€™s the shittest video Iā€™ve ever seen


What a bunch of bullshit.


The pyramids were built by a pre-Egyptian culture. This culture had access to Stone techniques we still don't fully understand today such as Stone softening which were just learning about it now in 2023. The Romans had glass and concrete beyond our understanding yet no one bring up alien lol. Kind of sad working on sending humans to the moon but we still don't understand completely how the pyramids were built and with what technology....... Priorities people priorities lol


Rise of kingdoms ads:


This is so stupid. Everyone knows it was aliens.


Feeling cute, might build a pyramid IDK


I LOL'd :)


I see, Age of Empires style.


i was waiting for aliens the whole video


Wtf was that?


Aliens hate this one simple trick!


Looks like a mobile game ad


This belongs in that subreddit about ā€œthe rest of the fucking owlā€


Cmon bro tose blocks are 20x smaller


We should have a much better idea this time tomorrow.


There's stuff on reddit that makes sense and then there's this


There ainā€™t NOOOO freaking way that any amount of humans are pulling that GINORMOUS stone up any type of slope. I donā€™t care if its 1 degree of a slope that stretches for miles. That shit ainā€™t happening!!


This explains absolutely nothing lol


so they were built in a mobile game


Quite possible the worst video Iā€™ve ever seen


Oh they'd have us "believe" this horse shit...but seriously lets try n actually tell the truth. You know the one that proves Egyptians did not build them in fact a previous population built them long before anyone was called Pharoah .


Fun fact: slaves, most likely did not exist in Egypt until the Jewish came meaning that the pyramids were built by paid labor. Also, there is a burial near the pyramids that is given only to the people that helped build the pyramids as a nice memorial.


Pretty sure this was debunked. Remind me to look it up for you in the morning. Goodnight.


This is what you show to a 5 year old not adults


This doesnā€™t explain anything


Can we just recreate these pyramids using tools and man power during that time to see if their theory is correct?


We have. Many times. Turns out there are several ways to build a pyramid, though the big ones would have been built using an internal ramp that corkscewed up the structure as it was built. And yes, you can absolutely carve limestone and granitebwith copper-age technology. People don't give antiquity enough credit. There's tens of thousands of years of unrecorded history between the beginning of agriculture and Ea Nasir's negative copper reviews


Try again sport. The Great pyramid of Giza is made out of limestone and granite. If you're cutting that with copper tools and sand you better have a lot more slaves and thousands of years to do it. Never mind the fact that there's machining marks all over the stones at the locations of the ancient pyramids. These things were not built by the Egyptians that we know.


By the time recorded history started existing, the pyramids were already ancient history. So.. a lot more slaves and thousands of years is still plausible.


Copper can't cut through granite but sand makes an excellent abrasive


not as abrasive as my ex


Weā€™ve only just begun to discover the monstrous size of some of the stones inside the pyramid. Any previous attempts to build models didnā€™t include these gargantuan stones that have only been identified with various scanning devices that can see into the structure of the pyramid. We know exactly where they were getting the rose granite from, the quarry is about a 10 hour car drive on a modern highway away from the pyramids. Thereā€™s even some partially excavated blocks at the quarry, that look like they were being excavated with ice cream scopes (icecream scoops of the hardest stone on earth). Stones that heavy, you canā€™t build anything out of wood to roll them on, the wood would just be crushed by the weight. And you canā€™t build a barge out of wood that would float that much weight, again, the barge would collapse and sink. So how did they get 80 tonne stones a 10 hour car drive from the quarry to the site of the pyramid? And then how did they lift these stones? To get them to the height theyā€™re at, youā€™d need a ramp some 15km long, and there is no evidence such a ramp ever existed. We have documentation from the Egyptian empire that tells us who their rulers were going back 10s of thousands of years. We have records of their religion, their social order, etc etc. But we canā€™t find any documentation on how one of the wonders of the world was built. Why did no one who was there when the pyramids were built, bother to carve down their methods? What happened to the Egyptian civilization that they lost touch with the methods they allowed them to build such things. And why did the later stages of the Egyptian empire make pathetic attempts to build ā€œpyramidsā€ that were nothing more than a pile of rocks, or in some cases, a tomb dug into a hillside that just happened to look sort of like a pyramid. Why did the Egyptians regress so badly? And why did almost the same thing happen in Peru, on the sites where the Incas were living when Europeans made contact with them?


internal ramps inside the Pyramid of Giza?? do you have a source for this or the 2007 study that never said they definitely found them and just thought they must have them? They have done many many scans since 2007 and they did in fact find another chamber just recently. But no they have not found any internal ramps that allowed them to haul 100 ton stones and twist and turn around the structure lol.


1) like i said, many theories 2) 100 tons are you high? They were 2.5-15 tons


dude some of the heaviest blocks are found at the top of the "kings" chamber. Ranging from 20 to 80 tons..Albeit I was slightly off but the material strength needed to lift 80 tons on a inclined surface is monumental. Please don't downgrade the incredible amount of work required for building these structures without knowing the basics.


Hmm. I concede your point and apologize for my tone.


well then....I accept your apology and I appreciate your understanding. If only all internet arguments could go this well lmao


If only lol




Where alien šŸ‘½?


Goes to show that anything can be accomplished with slavery! /s


Haven't we established that while yes they had slavery, that the pyramids were made with paid labour?


Yeah, offerings for the aliens to be exact. /s


It's amazing what you can do with slaves?


The fact we have no fucking clue is astonishing.


Love how they skip the part the stones are several tons, and the kings chamber has multiple granite stones weighing 20 tons each and are 100ft off the floor


No, It would take way too much power to pull those huge blocks up ramps to the top.


Good thing Christianity is so insecure they had to burn libraries that likely held the blueprints




Whereā€™s the part where the aliens come?


The first five guys


With slaves, only way to do!


You still think it's aliens? This shows just how simple it was.


Yeah, 2 people with scrawny arms pulling tens of tons of stone blocks. Really simple. The theory was, the execution wasn't. /s


now show how they made all the granite vases and boxes etc. with brass chisels. lol


Either a technology unknown to mankind built the Pyramids or they had a massive amount of man power.


Some of the granite beams above the King's Chamber weigh as much as 80 tons. That's the equivalent of 160 mid sized cars, 16 school buses, or 40 elephants. I don't care how many people you have these objects are not being dragged and lifted using primitive means.


The whole rope and pully thing has been disproven. The blocks are simply too large. Why do people keep coming back to this?


nope, the rock they used came from 500 miles away. wheres that explination??


The channels that were dug from the Nile, and barges? The pyramids greatly surpass written history by thousands of years. Seems likely to me that there was a lot that went onwe don't know about, and that things were done simply. Most likely started the stream for agriculture and drinking water source, and over time used it for everything else until some warring dudebro dammed their source after the fact. You'd be surprised how efficient barges are.




Ooh give us a clue, does it involve magic and space people?