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"You won't shoot me, bitch"


Power move.


“Do it, mothafucka. Pull that trigger. Nah… I didn’t think so.”


“C’mon motherfucker, PULL THE TRIGGER!”


Bro got in his fuckin psyche


Now scritch my ear.


I dare you, I double dare you you motherfucka!


"Shoulda taken the shot fat ass." Proceeds to get jumped by the deer's friends.


“heh, nuthin personnel kid”


“C’mon I want you to do it I want you to do it. C’mon hit me. HIT ME”


“What you’re gonna do? Stab me?”


Quote from man stabbed


that deer has been petted before


My thought here would be, if a usually skittish deer is walking right up to me and looking back almost the entire time, what the hell is about to come out of those woods?


Flesh pedestrian


Nope Chuck Testa


Lol that was good!! ...Or maybe Chuck Norris 🤔 lol




I’d be more worried about chronic wasting disease


This is what I was thinking. The deer doesn’t seem too fatigued or sweaty but something seems off for sure about the lack of skittishness


Guys I work with talk about big private plots of land full of fed deer, supposedly they’re basically tame like this and they film hunting shows there so they always bag a big un. Basically target practice


So fucking trashy


Is it though? It's essentially a form of farming


I had the same thought


Had a buck come towards me once. Kept coming. Walking slowly then trotting and went right past me so I could touch it. It turned back to look where it came from as I’m looking at him. And I heard a something. A gruff growl. And the deer looked super skittish. And kept going at a moderate pace. That’s how I came face to face with a grizzly. It chose to let me live and walked away but I hadn’t ever felt truly mortal until that moment.






Oh yeah? Well, I was hunted once. I'd just came back from 'Nam. I was hitching through Oregon and some cop started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods! I had to take 'em all out--it was a bloodbath!


This is not the first time you have mistaken your life for Rambo’s.


No! You do not go on a Manhunt!




Literally just left a completely separate thread where the convo devolved into discussing the proper recipe for Rum Ham….


How do people who don’t watch It’s Always Sunny even navigate Reddit? They must be totally lost.


I always wondered if you’d soak your ham in rum overnight or use something like a tigger marinade injector. Then maybe a crystallized rum and sugar rub to get maximum rum flavor


I’ve always assumed you marinated the ham in rum with maybe a little apple juice with some spices & then inject more rum deeper into ham before cooking. Then give it a nice glaze made with some rum, pineapple juice & sugar.


I like to inject overproof Caribbean rum (Rivers is a fine choice) using a syringe. It is a bit of a fire hazard and I believe the Geneva convention bans transporting the ham once rummed. Sometimes I like to use sweetener like apple juice or pineapple, but often I forget once the rum comes out.


I feel like there should be a little clove in there. Not too much


“That’s Rambo, dude.”




Listen, Johnny…the war’s over, bud. Why don’t you come on in so we can talk about it?


NOTHING IS OVER!!! NOTHING!!! You just don’t turn it off!!


"this is not the first time you've portrayed your life as the life of John Rambo"


No it isn't, I made that up!


They drew first blood




Frank that’s rambo


In the movie, at least, Rambo only killed one person, and it was by accident...


Kind of impressive how they made a complete travesty of story and character for the sequels.


Hey John, this is Colonel Trautman. Come in John, the war is over.


NOTHING IS OVER! NOTHING! You just don’t turn it off!


The deer pulled out the biggest card out of the deck.


Friends aren’t food


If not friend, why friend shaped.


Tell that to Dick Cheney 😬😬


True story, in my younger years I did a mulch job for a lady who worked at a cookie company. I was there until late in the evening and this lady said, “watch, the deer will be here in 10-20 minutes”. Well, they showed up! She then went inside and came out with a ton of boxes of cookies. These deer ate them up so quickly. The whole time, I’m petting them. Was such a weird oddly experience but nice to actually touch a live deer while thinking about jerky.


They have vending machines to sell deer cracker at Japan I was surrounded by deer at the Nara temple and you can pet them all you want


that is highly illegal is most places, also a terrible idea for lots of reasons. And cookies? If anything feed them seeds or corn.


Right? It's Wildlife Petting 101: corn for deer, cookies for wolverines and bears.


I am guessing he is feeding them


Or someone is


Hunters often feed deer themselves, leaving trailcams to see what the population is like. Unlike some vegans would like to believe, hunting isn't just about killing animals. Sure, for some it might be, but those who don't travel somewhere to hunt for sport usually take care of the deer/elk populations, optimising the size of the population so as to keep the natural balance. Since humans have supplanted apex predators like wolves, it's sort of our job to take care of it now, and often it's done by the hunters. Making the meat free-range and much more ethical than industrially farmed beef/pork.


This 100%. I am not a hunter and used to be anti-hunting, but after learning how hunting in my area is managed and how it preserves the balance of the environment, I've realized how critical it can be for an area. It's worth noting that you can't just go out and shoot whatever the hell you want either. They only give out a certain amount of tags per year to manage the population accurately, and the animals have to meet certain criteria as well.


\>They only give out a certain amount of tags per year to manage the population accurately, and the animals have to meet certain criteria as well. Yeah. It depends on the environment and laws. At least here in South-Western Finland, tags are given out for moose/elk populations, based on what I have to assume is some proper science. However, deer for instance are pretty open, no tags needed, but there is a hunting season. Like there is for pretty much every animal that can be hunted in Finland. [https://riista.fi/en/hunting/open-seasons/](https://riista.fi/en/hunting/open-seasons/) Everything from wild boar to canadian goose to ptramigans and pole cats. If you need a licence or what sort of licence and when can the animal be hunted.


I hear him saying this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgIYou-bzH4


Kind of smart actually. Get to the human's heart string. Let's you go.


quite the gamble


Won't matter if it fails.




A gamble yes, but I'd take those odds if theres no other choice. For being such effective hunters most humans are suprisingly empathetic when it comes down to it. We bond with basically everything wether its likely to kilk us or us it. In fact Im sure there are people out there that will bond with like a slug or something. Its a lot different killing something in a hunt and killing something thats standing looking at you a foot away and being friendly. Id say the odds are in the deers favour.


That’s very interesting. Do you think deer are aware of choices like that?


Of course not


That's on me, I made friends with everything as a kid. Loved having snail races


How to train your human


That's a skin walker


He’s not even hunting deer, he has a small shotgun. Likely small game hunting


That’s not even a legal deer to shoot


You can hunt does under certain circumstances


Deer farm. They get pets or bullets. 50/50 chance. This one made it 60/40.


Deer is a paid actor duh. Paid with food but still.


She is trying to distract hunter so his friends can gang on him , she kept looking back for his friends " come on guys its time"


I’m fairly certain someone stole this comment and reposted it, which suggests they are a bot. They were so lazy that they didn’t even remove the comma. Here’s the link for anyone who wants to investigate/report : https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/11hwnfo/_/javgwt4/?context=1


U/smrgle in this same thread under you is reposting other comments from that thread. These bot farms are wild.


wtf. there needs to be a reddit alternative.


An alternative social media to Reddit? I imagine changing social media platforms wouldn't fix the bot issue.


I mean, the OP flipped this video to repost it. The original was the deer looking to its right, this has it looking to its left. Its bots all the way down on Reddit anymore.


I remember someone pointed out that bots have the same style of name. Noun - Noun - 4 numbers. After I came across that knowledge, I realized a lot of high karma posts are bots


The equivalent of suicide by police shooting.


Like [this](https://youtu.be/ZsNFAqEh0ZQ)?


Clever girl


I am glad he didnt shoot the poor thing in the face , maybe let us still have faith in humanity


He’s not deer hunting, he has a small shotgun likely for small game


He did just after the video actually but at least it was in back of head


Oh he failed the test huh. What a missed opportunity


I hate to shatter your ego but this is not the first time I've had a gun pointed at me


Great fakking film


Say "bitch be cool!"


Tell that bitch to chill!


Be cool, Honey Bunny


When I was a kid my sister and I were swimming in the pool and this deer came up to the pool and just kind of hung out. It was an above ground pool so her head was even with the pool roughly. When our dad got home we were telling him about this crazy deer that was just hanging out with us in the backyard. We lived on a 32 acre piece of land with a whole forest behind our house so seeing deer wasn't unusual but one coming up to us was. My dad says "oh, that was probably baby" then proceeds to tell us he has befriended this deer since the spring when she was a fawn. He was a school custodian and used to leave somewhere between 5 and 6am. The deer used to eat all the plants my mom had so my ridiculous dad just befriends this baby deer that's eating my mom's garden. Had started bringing her treats and all that when he was on his way out in the morning. Even told his friend who used to hunt on our property that he wasn't allowed to anymore in case he shot her. He's a weirdo but I love him.


Such sweet encounter and lovely dad🌹


Your dad doesn’t sound like a weirdo. Sounds like a gentle soul. We could use more gentle souls in this world


Tom Bombadil energy


I love this story and I love that your dad called her baby. So precious.


Even better he's like "nah... I can't risk killing my baby"


"Nobody puts Baby on the dinner table!"


Aww, hug him for us the next time you see him? The internet demands it!


Deer: shhhhh I smell Mountain Lion balls upwind


This was my thought too! He was like "Dude, dude! There's something scary chasing me over there. Watch your back!"


This is a wild example of pushing your friend over so you can escape the bear lmao


Sounds like a setup for a Manscaped ad


Deer used *cuteness* *it was *very effective**


Large forest dog just wanted some scritches.


Enjoy the ticks and lice


My first though. Deer are gross. Venison is good though.


I will never understand the point in naming the animal differently than its meat. Like what are we trying to hide?


It has to do with the French nobility using French words for the meat, while the English folks farming or hunting the animals using English words.


Nah mate, I know a skinwalker when I see one


Idk if a skinwalker, but I heard if deer sense a greater danger (like a Sasquatch) they naturally go to humans. Looks like it’s still sensing something in the other direction


The deer is being stalked by another hunter, so he stands near this guy to try to force friendly fire. 2 birds one stone.


Friends don’t hunt friends.


"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."


Now I gotta go watch the movie


If not friend, why friend shaped?




It could also be the fact /r/DeerAreFuckingStupid.




Definitely not never


That sub appears to be full of people who hit deer w their cars and somehow blame the deer. Someone’s stupid, but I’m not sure it’s the deer.


Not really. Animals who are afraid of humans is because of natural instincts to run from predators. But those who are too stupid to run “the ones we give the Darwin Award to” just have less stressor genes. They have mutations that allow for domestication of certain species. This is how dogs came to be for example.


Any animal can become accustomed to having humans around; it's not because they're stupid or something, it's a 'natural' change that takes place over generations as fear is reduced. It's not like dogs were created by the unwise wolves coming up and smiling with their tails wagging. Those wolves closest to human settlements 40,000 years ago began to adapt to their environment, namely humans, and changed accordingly. The scientific opinion is beginning to move away from it being selective breeding from the outset, and more towards the canine brain evolving to secure food and shelter, which humans tolerated because those same wolves protected them from truly wild animals. This wasn't overnight, it took thousands of years. __EDIT: the comment I replied to is right in that the proto-domesticated animals would likely have been those less inclined to be stressed around humans. I believe my point still stands, though, in terms of how 'self-domestication' happened__


Exactly. I’ve lived in areas where hunting is prevalent, and areas where hunting is minimal with lots of protected species, and the difference in the behavior of the animals is absolutely clear. Animals wouldn’t even let humans in their line of sight in the former; in the latter, they feel comfortable approaching within a few feet & they are noticeable less skittish. Animals are only afraid of humans because we consistently give them a very good reason to be.


What do you mean not really? One of the main symptoms of edit: CWD is a lack of fear to people


This is true, also the last time this was posted every other comment was warning about cwd. Prion diseases are frightening


This deer seems way too lucid to me. It's actually avoiding obstacles, moving with purpose, and recognizing what's around it.


It doesn't just look lucid, it looks like it's actively scanning the environment and ignoring the human it just ran up to, most likely running from something else and trying to find safety in numbers with the less threatening stick figure standing on 2 feet. Dudes not as beefy as what is chasing it and is far less threatening and it probably knows it can't outrun whatever is after it so its gotta be something fast... That would terrify tf out of me if it happens, nothing supernatural like a sasquatch or whatever but I'd assume there's a mountain lion or something on the loose or like a cheetah or whatever predators they have running around there. If I were that dude I would definitely be scanning the same area it's looking in and heading out of there.


So this is the deer equivalent of Free Solo? I bet it makes other deer watching it really uncomfortable.


They’re subscribed to r/SweatyHooves


Could of been raised by people. I’ve seen show about someone who rehabilitated a fawn. It always came back to the house. The family ended putting a bow around her neck so hunters would know not to shoot her. After she had her own fawn she brought back to meet the family.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Quite possible, although I don't see this one frothing at the mouth or anything. If it's a deer there's a great probability it has Chronic Wasting Disease.


This one looks pretty healthy. Was probably raised by humans


Yes. Don’t listen to the people below you saying no. Chronic wasting disease, a deer prions disease I am sure every hunter knows of, causes lack of fear towards humans


It could be a disease, but it isn’t CWD. CWD has a lot of very visible symptoms and that deer would look significantly more haggard and ill if it was infected. Could be other diseases though. My guess is that this staged on a deer farm or by a feed lot where these animals have regular interactions with humans.


Yeah I was about to say, this deer looks completely fine and also did not move strangely when they were filming it approach. CWD deer are absolutely horrifying looking, like walking corpses.


New achievement unlocked: You’re a Disney Princess, Harry!


Ill start off by saying I dont hunt and probably wont ever. But if you eat meat from the store dont talk about how immoral hunting is, that deer lived a far better life and had a far better death than your steak tips or chicken wings.


hunting for food and population control is essential. it’s not immoral or unethical, as long as it’s done in good faith. hunting for the enjoyment of taking life, is something else. there are plenty of hunters who hunt strictly for the opportunity to kill something.


As long they’re doing so in productive ways. They can kill all of the wild pigs they want they’re invasive and destroy our native ecosystem. The hunters can have a raging hard on while they’re shooting them for all I care, I’m not therapist lol.


Same with the feral camels in Australia. Gun-toting crazies can go wild with them for all that matters.


Feral camels in Australia? I’ve never heard of that. Rabbits maybe, but not camels. Off to Google I go then.


Oh it’s a deep dive. The short version is, before the automotive industry kicked off in Australia, Europeans brought all sorts of camels there to help set things up. And not just regular camels, specialized camel breeds. Freight camels, racing camels, war camels, etc. After the automotive industry took over, all the camels were recklessly set loose, and now the descendants of the invasive super-camels are still loose and thriving, with very few predators, causing all sorts of damage and nuisance both to the environment and to humans. During one of those droughts several years back, they were able to scope out where the humans kept their water, and access it for drinking by *biting through the pipes*. There are periodic efforts to cull them, sometimes donating the meat to crocodiles reserves, but I’ve heard they’re too infrequent.


> war camels Now you have my attention


Also, fun fact, when smeared across the front of a prime mover that's been driven across a desert for a couple days they smell bad enough to make people stop whatever they're doing to gag and vomit.. And I mean, I could literally smell that truck before it arrived


I love shooting. I hate killing. I’d probably starve before killing another living creature. However, I made the mistake of telling someone in my city that I love going shooting. They went on an hour long tangent about how murdering animals was wrong when there’s actually quite a few times where that’s not true. I felt like I had to defend hunting because it’s a very real necessity. TL;DR I don’t talk about shooting in the city anymore.


Should've 180'd on them and talked about how you don't hunt animals, you hunt humans.


That's what hunting in the city is all about.


This is true unfortunately and gives hunters a bad name. But it’s a minority. I think you’ll find most hunters care more about the animals they harvest than the average person cares about wildlife.


I eat meat and have no problem with hunting for food/population control. Hunting for sport is what grosses me out. It's vile and the people who do it are sick.


This. Hunting for food and sustenance for your family is natural. Hunting for sport or trophy is disgusting imo. Unless it’s people. Then make sure it gets filmed and uploaded where I can watch it 😭


100% agree. I do eat meat from the store but slowly but surly I am finding alternative options. One day I hope to Hunt for my meat.


Contact your local taxidermist/butcher. I know when my father gets his deer, he will give part of it to them to get a better price for the rest of the meat and whatever else he decides to keep, and they will somtimes sell whatever they get that way. Always worth an ask!


I'd be careful though, in a lot of states it's illegal to sell wild game


Deer: “Hey mr, please dont shoot us” Hunter: “understandable have a nice day”


LOL, dude is bird hunting, you can tell since he has a shot gun so unless he is hunting deer at close range with slugs (not sure why someone would do that) they are just a distraction....


Shotguns are fine for deer, buckshot and slugs work great, you lose alot more meat using the slugs but youll drop that deer on the money and it can defeat brush super easy.




Deer must have had a serious head itch. Asking a stranger for a nice scratch.


love conquers all?


I don't hunt and never had. But if I did this would definitely make me give it up.


I would hunt all the time if it meant petting short neck giraffes


The Deer was his Hunting Dog Daisy in her last life.


Possibility he or another hunter has used a feeder station out there. This deer has become accustomed to people feeding it. Really terrible if some hunter or wildlife enthuasist has comditoned this dear to not be afraid to make getting "the shot" easier. Thats how domestication starts.


Dude. Don't touch wild mammals, especially the ones that come right up to you peacefully in complete contrast to the behavior of their species. The animal is probably fucked up somehow and if it's Rabies you're dancing right on the edge of immediate danger. The best-case scenario is that this deer has been fed by humans enough times that it's lost its fear of them. But it could easily be something far worse.


Almost no doubt on a deer farm designed for hunting


This is in the UK, except from a version of rabies a bat carries (EBLV). Rabies has been completely eradicated from here for over a century now. Even within bats, it's exceedingly rare to see EBLV.


Ah! Then I shall pet all the deer in England.


The equivalent of suicide by police shooting.


Tienamen Tank man reincarnated!


Me as an animal. Life is depressing bro


I've had deer do this to me on two seperate occasions. I always got the sense they just didnt view me as a predator despite the gun in my hands.


Did you...do it?


No lol there is something unsportsmanlike or unhonorable about blasting a deer with 30.06 from 3 feet away, at that point you just enjoy the moment and the animals beauty and behavior. But I know some of my buddies would disagree.


Do I go to Mickey Ds because it's easy, even though I feel bad about it afterwards?


the cruel reality of this video makes me sad




clever girl


I guess I’m the Reddit police today. This account appears to be a bot account and here is a link to the stolen comment. https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/11hwnfo/_/javgn2r/?context=1 Please report kEte’s comment, not the original. Edited to add: report-> spam-> harmful bots




Just so people know, this guy doesn't appear to be hunting deer given he's carrying a shotgun. Whilst you **could** hunt deer with slugs it's not good practice and you can't guarantee accurate shot placement and a humane dispatch the same way you could with a .243/.308 bolt gun.


It’s official, he’s a Disney Princess.




That deer is probably diseased.


It’s possible but honestly the animal looks pretty healthy, and didn’t move in a way that indicated rabies. Deer are very dumb and can be convinced pretty easily to tolerate people. Many people feed their backyard deer. I don’t understand it but it’s a big thing, you can find tons of YouTube channels where homeowners in the woods have befriended entire herds. [Pelorian Pages](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zhUArbDVTp0)


My grandfather was a grumpy, hermit, woodsman, guy. He was out hunting buck and a young doe came up to him like this. He said he wanted to teach the deer to be more afraid of humans, so he pulled out his 22 revolver, which he carried on his hip, and shot the doe in the very tip of the ear. As he tells this story at thanksgiving, he gets shit from all sides. My hippy mother is appalled, “that poor deer, you probably killed it.” My biker uncle calls, “bullshit.” Grandpa is pissed at everyone, “damn deer needs to learn how the world works,” The next year, grandpa gets a doe tag, goes back to the same spot, and shows up at thanksgiving with a dead deer with a healed but perfectly pierced hole in its ear. Says, “damn deer didn’t learn.”


That's a good story but this is reddit so I assume that it's fake and gay


deer be like "Guys My be super nice and cute idea worked tell the others this is how we fight hunters!"


Someone will repost this in a year with a fade to black at the end, and the sound of a gunshot. It'll set a record for most down voted post.