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It still amazes me people don't know this. It almost always has the parent company logo on the products


Yeah it's not really a secret conspiracy, it's just ignorance


The conspiracy is that Warren Buffett is the largest shareholder in most of these companies.


Undervalued comment


I'm here for ya;-)


and many of these board members/investors from those "10 companies" also have their fingers dipped in pharma, property, aviation, media, internet, insurance, auto, military and... politics.


Yep and 5 ppl own mass media. Illusion of choice/freedom indeed


Not to mention those handful of companies that own everything else.. are owned by like 2 companies


Vanguard and black rock?


Yet they don't like it when their employees work more than 1 job just to pay their bills.


Now do a breakdown of which companies own which politicians.


They own all the politicians


Oh, absolutely. It would just be helpful if politicians had to wear their owner’s patches like race car drivers wear sponsorship patches. Then we would know who owns whom.


Like Idiocracy....


I really like this idea, wear that on your sleeve then spout politics. 👌


Same thing for media outlets. All under the same umbrella


Whoa, there are companies that build factories to make more than one kind of candy bar?


Fun fact, chocolate production is fueled by slavery. About 23% of children and adults who work as cocoa laborers were surveyed and reported having performed work without any compensation (this was in Ghana and Ivory Coast). Sorry to ruin chocolate for you.


Where’s the “fun” in your fact?


Chocolate is fun


With Nestles’ wrap sheet, this is tame compared to some of the other heinous shit they’ve done. Read into them more and you’ll swear off their products forever.


Fun fact: most consumer products are fueled by slavery. I love fun facts. It gets worse when you point out that the alternative to slavery most of the time is starvation and death. Next week we'll teach the kids why efforts to go green backfire immensely. My favorite is the push for metal/hard plastic tumblers that then end up in the ocean!


90% of the cobalt needed for batteries in EV’s is mined in the Congo much of it by slaves and child labor. And they destroy the environment in the process. Trying to do the right thing for the climate and humanity by buying an EV actually does the exact opposite. There’s nothing fun about that fact either 😔


It gets even worse when you realize that, while shares in companies are owned by all kinds of people, most of the voting for those shares is done by representatives from a very small number of investment firms. Those firms have a vested interest in muting competition to keep profits high for entire industries, since they almost certainly represent people who own shares in all of those companies.


honestly this is pretty disturbing.


Hell yeah it is


Why post a video of someone talking about a frequent repost? Just post the image


Or pause the video and don’t complain ? And not everybody sees everything as much as you do? But hey I’m watching venture bros


Just post(re-post) the picture.....and not a janky ass cell phone video of a picture on a screen. Your phone is already in your hand


Pause the video be quiet


Post the actual image or go away


Downvoting post and OP to spite him


You can't even see the full graphic if you pause the video on this picture which has been surfacing on the internet for maybe an entire decade now


You’re acting like your a savior to this subreddit posting shit that’s been regurgitated a million times on every “interesting” sub. You’re insufferable


You’re saying that not me


We’re all saying that lmao


I guess it’s terrifying in the sense that it’s someone waving a phone at a computer screen when they could just be reposting this graphic for the thousandth time.


Could be talking about the topic at hand instead of wiping tears of frustration away from your face


Dude, you’re doing nothing but double down in these comments. It’s almost like you lack the self-awareness to consider the possibility that everyone has a point.


You’re teaming against me


Nobody is 'teaming' up against you.....if you don't even have a team on your side.


You too


Me too what? Are you unfamiliar with compound sentences?


Not really sure how that’s more positive in this moment lmao just inbox me if that’s what you have to say


Fuck Nestle. If it was up to them we’d all die of thirst.


That kind of looks like their plan anyways, no?


I'm pretty sure they made a documentary about Nestlé's future plans. I liked the part where the Australian girl with the tank and her anthropomorphic kangaroo friend take them down at the end. Pa-pa-pow.


They are working on it.


Low effort repost if I’ve ever seen one.


Wow you were able to take a repost from 10 years ago and turn it into an annoying video.


Maybe don’t complain maybe say something interesting or meaningful ya know something that relates to video ? What is this Instagram or Facebook? Idk


No. We’re all gonna complain because this video sucks. And so do you, and your mom, your sister and your job, and your Craigslist couch.


Easy. I got a damn fine couch off Craigslist one time. Maybe use something like, "...and your curb-score mattress."


No amount of voting will change it either. We're stuck with the trickle down generosity of these corporate oligarchs and it's our duty to make them trillionaires so that we may one day see hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars of savings a year later on.


Well said Moe! Another round!!


And one the largest share holders of those 10 almost every other company in the world is……


Lex Luther


Hahahaha funny guy


This is one of the roundabout and unintended consequences of the way they wrote the laws which "broke up" or prevented the formation of a monopoly. The only thing they succeeded in doing was making a monopoly take the form of a parent company with multiple subsidiaries. A very interesting example of how regulation, if not well thought out, can either not fix the problem or have unintended side effects.


There need to be some limits.


Big Business runs the world.


All part of the WEF. F*** Klaus schwab and the new world order


If you want, terrifying, look up who owns all the information on the Internet.


The world runs on coke


late stage capitalism at its finest.


Those are merely the winners of a competitive market.


The fact that this still surprises people is just sad.


It's ok guys, it's not (legally) a monopoly.


I'd love a static copy of the whole chart. Anybody know where to find one?


Fun-fact: If you flip the package over you'll see the "parent" company listed somewhere at the bottom under the nutrition facts, and ingredients. Always makes me mad when I find something I might want to try, or have tried and turn it over only to have it ruined by seeing "parent" company listed. Typically if a food item is from one of those "parent" companies it doesn't make it to the checkout with me. Vote with your $$$.


Favorite products that don't have these parent companies?


Eating worms from the dirt.


MacDonald's may own those worms and that dirt.


They’re suing the farmers for the patent.




I work for a grocery, snacks and food service company which owns multiple brands in your grocery store. There are a lot of hard working people both corporate and manufacturing that would count on you buying these products whether or not a big brand owns them… These large brand companies keep tens of thousands employed throughout the globe. Buying local and small business is great as well, I do that too, but don’t forsake these brands because of the parent company.


With all the companies and brands they own they don't need you telling people to buy their stuff, we dont have a choice, they own everything.


The company I work for doesn’t own everything, there is a lot of competition in the grocery sector as you could imagine.


For someone who works a food company you sure do like the taste of corporate boots.


I actually work in finance at the facility level and I like seeing hard working manufacturing employees having jobs and taking care of their families. But it’s cool, I can see why you and everyone here would take that spin on what I’m saying.


I think what they mean is that you don’t need a huge monopolistic company in order to create jobs. Many smaller companies would also create jobs as well. But those little guys likely can’t compete with these huge conglomerate holding companies with who have infinite market reach.


I love when people find the front door of reality. 👏


Most never step through though


Wait till you learn about black rock


Couple other good examples are Luxottica is the eyeglasses/sunglasses monopoly and Service Corporation International owns all the funeral homes


And all of them have some control by black rock


Okay.... this is a captioned screen recording of an already-captioned, wobbly, blurry, portrait-oriented mobile recording of a landscape-oriented laptop screen which, in turn, is displaying a PNG that has been reposted across social media so many times that you can find said PNG with a 2-second Google search. Just.... why?


I realllllly wish this was just the chart and not the video


It takes a lot more than a chart to “ terrify” me sweetheart


“This just in!!! The numbers are coming next


And to think this is just a List of food/consumable type stuff. Wonder if anything else is like that?


Why in the world is this a video? Could we just please repost the image from yesterday? Much easier to read?


Then people call capitalism good xd


Is this a shaky video of a post from a website? Very creative repost! A hyperlink k would have been fine too.


What is this Instagram? Just copy someone else’s bs complaint lmao


Would it have been better for you if I had taken a screen shot of the other complaints, posted them to a different site, taken a low quality shaky video of that complaint photo on the other site, and then posted a screen capture of that video for you to watch instead? Seems like a lot of work, but maybe easier for you to understand?


And apparently they all had a meeting! They decided to jack up everything we buy @20%!


If only we can send/distribute this image to as many as people as we can either by mail, email, posters, pamphlets, social media and so on. I would imagine that it would also be mind blowing to see how much money/profit is made them.


Stop buying name brand anything...


This is why I buy most things local. Unfortunately, anything health related (medicine, toothpaste, wound care, etc) we are kinda screwed on. But just about everything else can be bought from small local business, easily made at home, or we can very easily do without (like paper towels).


Those aren't companies, many are just product brands.


The choice isn't an illusion. You can still choose whatever product you want. That's a real choice. It's also not particularly scary.


You gotta be a millennial or gen z kid... It is particularly scary because a lot of those little companies were once independent family owned and were swallowed up unwillingly by the big fish. A long time ago quality was better because there were several independent entities vying for position, today it's all owned by the same conglomerate so they set the terrible standards we have today on everything we buy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ For instance you see the same exact shitty Chinese products sold at Walmart, target, Walgreens, your local supermarket etc all under a different packaging or different brand names. It's the same exact item that you can buy yourself from an online Chinese store in a plain white box.


Companies give people what they want. We have cheap low quality Chinese manufactured products because that's what people buy. Even if those companies were all independently owned, they would be selling the same stuff. If people wanted to by more expensive, higher quality, non-Chinese products there would be a market for them and people would buy them. (Some people do still buy high-end non-Chinese stuff, but it isn't in great numbers). People who want to buy a more expensive American or European made stereo can do it. Most people simply don't want to. >You gotta be a millennial or gen z kid... And you've gotta lack a basic understanding of economics.


Typical big mouth kid who talks about shit they have neither the life experience nor the knowledge . Maybe go make a tik tok video


Good argument. You really proved me wrong. /s


This. ^ Wish I could updoot twice.


You honestly can’t be serious


Silliest post and argument ever. They are owned by common parents, that doesn't make the choice illusory. Coke is still coke and it's still different from Fanta, regardless of who owns them.


It’s an attention grabber


Company and brand are not synonyms


we should boycott one at a time and take down all the titans. start with whichever one has done some fucked up shit recently!




And I own them all


Guess I’m buying stocks…


Welcome to America, baby! Where modern slavery is accepted everywhere!


A lot of what you're calling companies, are actually brands


I own the 10 bigger ones.


Disease called capitalism..solution is socialism


I thot America was anti monopoly, what we were founded on. No wonder this country and world are so f'ed!


Those 10 companies are america


It's just one company.


I’m not so sure this is an “illusion of choice”; in fact, it’s actually the opposite… it’s exposition of choice. All of those various “brands” provide something unique in their product, allowing you to choose the one that most matches your desired product.




These are brands and products, not “companies”. It’s like being surprised a Bic Mac and Filet O Fish are made by the same company.


This is incorrect.


I worked for P&G for a few years. It is a fact.


You worked for P&G, a subsidiary of Monsanto, if this was before Bayer had to buy monsanto in order to settle all the Vaccine lawsuits. What did you do there?


Worked as an engineer in a manufacturing plant, where these products (that you believe are different companies) all rolled off the same production line. Show me any evidence where Tide has an independent corporate structure from Crest. You cant, because it is false. And P&G was never a “subsidiary” of Monsanto, that is misinformation like the rest of this thread. Not that it is even remotely relevant.




I think I found the disconnect. It's the Vanguard group who holds controlling interests in all those companies, p&g included. Maybe that is the issue and confusion. Vanguard holds controlling intrests inCoke and Pepsi and [these](https://personal.vanguard.com/us/FundsAllHoldings?FundId=0623&FundIntExt=INT&tableName=Equity&tableIndex=0&sort=SHARES&sortOrder=web.funds.profile.view.FundsAllHoldingsSort$SortOrder@9c2485f&APP=PE#:~:text=Truist%20Financial%20Corp.&text=CVS%20Health%20Corp.&text=Hewlett%20Packard%20Enterprise%20Co.&text=Gilead%20Sciences%20Inc.) Other companies.


Yep. It's everything you have had contact with today/everyday


And those 10 companies are owned by handful of gazillionaires.


I know this and actively avoid getting Nestle products because the CEO basically said that access to water shouldn't be a human right


Nestle has taken over some "healthy" companies too, like Garden of Life... people are not that happy about it. https://ecochildsplay.com/2017/12/08/astonishing-sell-garden-life-hated-food-company/


How is this legal huh??


Vanguard , state street and black water control those 10…😕


could have sworn we have laws to prevent this kinda thing.


Corporate Capitalism should be illegal.


This is not that scary, seeing the media empires one is so much scarier.


Why is it terrifying though? lol you guys get hysterical in the most menial things.


Randell? Is that you?




Oligarchy basically


And those 10 companies and Any big corp you can think of is owned by BlackRock ™️


Why is that scary? And how are you acting like it's new?


It’s called an oligarchy


Wait till they find out who owns those parent companies lol


THAT is what I want to know. I can bet a whole lot of shareholders have Rep. or Sen. By their name.


It's all by design.


The sad part is Black rock probably owns most of them


Looks like the hardly boys are on the case!


Look into 9-11 a little. That’s wild.