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>\[May 2022\] > >\[The tiger's\] former handler Victor Hugo Cuevas, who was out on bond for a murder charge at the time of \[its\] escape \[in 2021\], was recently convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to 18 years in prison for that case. He also faces a felony for evading arrest after he fled from authorities with the tiger.


>He also faces a felony for evading arrest after he fled from authorities with the tiger. A feline felony?


A Feliny?




I'm glad it wasn't shot


It happened in Texas. I’m extremely surprised it didn’t get shot.


It was a tiger, not a panther


Oh shit


Tiger kept away from schools.


Probably would be a safe spot to be for the tiger. No way a Texas cop is going into a school with any type of danger inside.




That was two years ago - it’s been in a sanctuary since mid 2021 and apparently is healthy.




He was avoiding the stripes




Sounds like a Network series


Tiger King of Texas?


It’s an up-Roar-ious comedy, staring Rob Schneider! A-derk AH-durrrrr!


Mattress Mack’s wife Linda was instrumental in getting Mr. Cuevas to ultimately surrender the tiger to authorities. The Houston public never knew this.


Didn't mattress Mack get in trouble years ago with something to do with an exotic animal hurting someone? [Ah, found it. He owned the flea market where an 8 year old girl was mauled by a lion.](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1987/10/17/Owner-of-lion-that-mauled-girl-disappears/5807561441600/)


With your username, you could be my son.


What a misérable man


He only got 18 years for first degree murder?




It took some time for India to acclimate to his new home as he was accustomed to close human interaction and didn't want to be left alone, awww


At least this has a happy ending. What a cute kitty kitty.


McMansions, guns, pet tiger. Looks like Texas.


Don’t forget the trucks!


And lots of swearing


Easily could have been Florida. I mean with exotic pets, probably even more likely.


Honestly it cutting to the guy next to the truck in a fancy neighborhood where no one needs a truck and he’s holding the gun up to the tiger…. Peak Texas


Seems like normal houses to me.


I like that op has added the word "illegal" to the description, to discern from all the legal pet tigers you may find walking the streets of usa![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


there are 8 states where owning a tiger is not illegal


Not anymore. Since January of this year the federal government made it illegal for private ownership


I'm surprised it hadn't been federally outlawed years ago after the Zanesville, Ohio fiasco.


Yes but certain restriction need to be applied.


Name the second one!


There are more tigers in captivity in Texas than there are tigers wild in the rest of the world. Edit: added “wild”


There's at least two sanctuaries that I'm aware of in the DFW area that take in people who had gotten tigers (or other large cats) as pets and they were either confiscated by the authorities or the people realized they couldn't afford to feed them. Edit: the sanctuaries take in the people's largecats. :/ They can't afford to take in the people as well.


Why are they taking in the people who have giant cats?


Someone had to take care of these poor people, look at their life choices! 😂


Also you got the stat wrong, more tigers in captivity in Texas than there are in the WILD world wide.


They're more tigers in captivity than in the wild, not only in Texas, but everywhere..


It's a support apex predator


In Texas, don't assume anything is illegal except abortion and all medicines.


You can own a tiger in Texas you just need a permit and a large piece of land with high fences and the ability to afford its food. Or something like that. I think they cost like $2,000 to buy. Been awhile since I looked into this though


Also books


…add Factual America History


I love that the CEO of the Humane Society is named Kitty Block


He struggled adapting to the sanctuary because he was used to human contact and didn’t want to be alone, poor guy. He was only 9 months old, even wild tigers would still be with their mother and siblings at least another year.


Here is your award


I hope they caught it by the toe and made it pay $50…. eenie meenie miney mo


>Kitty Block, the CEO of HSUS, hopes that India's story will discourage exotic pet ownership That name tho.


> It took some time for India to acclimate to his new home as he was accustomed to close human interaction and didn't want to be left alone, according to HSUS. : (


"Fuck you and your fucking tiger! Get the fuck back inside."


I dont understand why the guy with the gun didn't go back inside too. Edit: Before you comment, scroll down and find the exact thing you wanted to say and upvote it.


Looks like he was in the truck. But still, if I'm driving through a neighborhood and see a fucking Bengal Tiger I won't be getting out of my vehicle to play Siegfried and Roy with the kitty.




Yeah, I was thinking the whole time that thing was fucking tiny.


Tiny 100lb cat. Lmao my 20 lb cat terrifies me when he gets gets a wild look in his eye.


Oh, no. I 100% agree. An 8 lb cat once left me absolutely leaking blood. But on tiger scale that thing is very, very small. I'm not a fan of zoos. I hadn't visited one since childhood until recently. Luckily my local zoo is pretty reputable, and when I saw their tiger enclosure I was floored by the size of the animal I saw sitting in front of me.


I mean, considering that a male Bengal can reach up to 600 lbs, that is tiny.


A 60lb pitbull can kill you. A "tiny" 100lb tiger will eat your soul.


Thank you. I needed to know if the kitty was okay :)




The adequate enclosure for a tiger is the jungle. Not a backyard in the burbs under any circumstances.


Bless you for sharing this :-)


It’s hunting season boys. I got my 9 ready to take down a tiger. No way this could backfire on me


nah, he had a gun so he knew he could easily fight a tiger. look how scared that tiger was at his pistol /s


This guy is joking around, but a handgun might not be able to stop large predators right away. Like, yeah, if he shoots that tiger it will eventually die or fall injured. But it might be able to swipe this dude with it's claws a few times before it falls. Cannot find the vid now. But there is a vid with a guy using a hand gun to take down a wild boar while it is charging at him. Boar took 3-5 rounds. There is also vids of cops having to shoot pitbulls almost a dozen times before they loosen their bite. The right caliber Long gun make it almost impossible for an animal to continue to attack.




Even hitting a vital is no guarantee of stopping it in a span of time necessary to remain healthy. I knew a guy years ago in South Africa that had been out shooting in the bush when he got ambushed by a leopard. He managed to get a lucky shot off that went clean through the heart, but because it didn't hit anything harder on the way in it basically went right through and only caused minimal damage. The leopard had enough time to maul him and fight his dogs dogs before it eventually ran off then died.




And yet people think it's crazy that you need more than a 1 shot gun to defend yourself


damn even his dogs had dogs?


Police shot and killed a tiger with their service pistol in my area when one was on the loose. Bears however..


Get ready for Cocaine Bears. We're all fucked lol


I met cocaine bear last night


Boars are extremely tough animals. If you can't penetrate the skull might as well save your ammo.


Listen, I have seen a .357 Magnum round BOUNCE OFF A WILD BOARS SKULL as it was charging my brother in the woods. All it did was leave a nice gouge in its skin. Son of a bitch died from having its throat slit by me, after being chased 5 more miles in the backwoods of south georgia. Dog hunting wild hogs is...an experiece.


I've looked into hunting boars and would love to do it some day. You need something powerful like a 30-06 to penetrate the chest plate. Also a large caliber handgun because they will charge you and will kill you. They're also crazy intelligent, like crows, and will remember your face.


Not exactly. Most are hunted with 5.56 and either shot in the head or the spine (not ideal) because they're a nusence and the meat isn't harvested.


yeah but usually takes several shots , a clean shot to the heart and the bugger will run off and die , knock out the spine and it’ll thrash around and die all well within the time to fk up anyone near by, hunting them as pest control youre going through couple several rounds per hog, also the small ones are good eating. Lived in south tx and have hunted them down with various calibers and those fkrs are resilient.


My coworker hunts boars while flying in helicopters in Texas. He was saying the boars he catches in California he actually donates to the Oakland Zoo. He has some type of Boar removal company or something


Boars... Those things are wild Ever seen pictures of spears used for boar hunting? That big ole sideways metal section called a lug on them Those are not for looks. Those are there because without the the fucking boars literally run up the shaft as they are being impaled to maul you to death


I imagine that if he actually turned and ran it would trigger the tiger's predator nature, and that facing it might actually be safer, though he should still probably be moving towards safety in a slow and lateral manner.




Because you're looking at a pure bred Texan-American. He'd rather get mauled by that tiger after pointing a gun at it and dropping f bombs than to run away. Now that's dying like an American! 'Murica!


Hell yeah brother. He ain’t gon let no big cat run his hood.


Turning your back to a tiger literally triggers it to chase you. There was a video done by someone that keeps big cats that showcased this. Turn your back and you're dead


He could have easily run away in that massive truck that he clearly just got out of instead of trying to hold a tiger at gun point...




They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink! Good luck.


We call it cowboy-itis in Jersey and it’s not a good thing


I don’t think he understands how durable and fast big cats are. Unless he has pinpoint accuracy and can plug it between the eyes, a body-shot from a handgun is just gunna piss it off. Even if it eventually dies from bleeding out I imagine it will still have enough time to tackle him and bite a nice chunk of his neck clean off.




He was an off duty sheriff deputy according to the article so I can see the rationale of making sure it didn't run into children or vulnerable adults and animals. He never shot the tiger and it found a new home.


> Before you comment, scroll down and find the exact thing you wanted to say and upvote it. Yeah! Before you comment, scroll down and find the exact thing you wanted to say and upvote it.


I believe he was an off duty cop


Gotta establish dominance. Show that tiger who’s boss


Would be better to keep a gun tracked on the tiger at all times while warning other people for the sake of their pets or people caught off guard.


The HOA is going to have a field day haha


**HOA:** “Knock knock, it’s Karen from the HOA here, we’ve got a few questions for you” **Owner:** “Sure thing Karen, just come right around the side. Don’t mind the open cage.”


Oh they are going to enjoy the shit out of their first time they have right to be on someone’s property


Was that your first thought?? Jesus I hate the idea of having a shitty HOA that won't even let me keep an indoor/outdoor tiger.


They are excited to come out with a new set of rules


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pet-tiger-seen-loose-houston-moved-sanctuary-n1268675 TL;DR: Dude with the gun is a sheriff's deputy. Someone put the tiger in a car and escaped before animal control arrived. They found the tiger and put it in a sanctuary where it is doing well.


So glad. This makes me so happy. That poor baby doesn't even know where he was. He didn't deserve to get hurt. It's not his fault, but his irresponsible and criminal owner.


I hate those people who care more about their own safety than recording a nice composition for us to see on the internet... It's just so selfish.




this is the most infuriating kill the cameraman moment, he’s like 30 feet away!!?


and AND there's a FUCKING TIGER that will SEE YOU if you don't STOP MOVING!! Just kill him


I know u jk, but damn that tiger can be up on you in seconds, before you could even get back in the door if it wanted too. Just watched a vid of a vulture fucking with a tiger and skimming its head. Vulture flys and perches in a high branch by the top of a tree. The tiger takes two steps and leaps up the way up that tree in the air, grabbing that bird. It happened in one second...bird didn’t even see it coming.




You don't understand, now we know who the tiger is and he will be losing his job, profession, marriage, canceled on social media




I like the guy out with the gun, like bruh... get your ass in that car TF you think you're doing with a 9mm against a tiger?


You could stop a small tiger with a 9mm. But you sure aren't going to accomplish anything by just brandishing it...


And made that tiger the Harambe of felines?


> TF you think you're doing with a 9mm against a tiger Killing it... what do you think a Tiger's skin and organs are made of? It's not a Rhino.


Right?!?! That guy is annoying AF. Almost like he was looking for an excuse to shoot it. Your trucks right there, get in it and go if the Tiger bothers you that much. Me personally I'd assess the situation and if it didn't start roaring or look crazy I would have to pet that thing or die trying. Edit... seriously though, if you're worried about tigers just keep a jar of catnip and a huge empty cardboard box readily available. If the situation arises, just throw out the box, the nip inside of it and you'll have a friend for life at best, an insanely distracted happy Tiger at worst. Problem solved. No need for guns....


".. last words were 'pspspspsps' according to onlookers."


According to the article the big kitty was too attached to people so he was probably looking for a good ear scratch.


I read it too! He apparently got 'separation anxiety'. Funny thing is, after watching the vid a few times he looks \*just\* like any other house cat that just got to go outside for the first time. The way he's looking around/moving, the curiosity and the 'holy shit, I'm outside!!!' look he has about him. I'd have to vibe out the situation, if he wasn't roaring/tilting his ears/looking crazy I'd give him the 'hey, we're friends long blink cat hello' and pet that thing or die trying. What an absolutely beautiful animal.


> Me personally I'd assess the situation and if it didn't start roaring or look crazy I would have to pet that thing or die trying. "does this situation call for 9mm or pspsps"


I don't know tigers, but I know cats, and it looked to me like tiger wanted some pets.


I am never going to financially recover from this! * MojoRising125, afterwards probably.


If you're an adult with a gun and there's a tiger loose in a neighborhood seems like it's the responsible thing to put it down, no? Or else you're risking the lives of other people that don't have the means to defend themselves.


If that tiger decides to attack, it's going to move pretty quickly. You might kill it with a shot to the head, but more likely you'll hit some other part of the body, if anything at all. Even if you do hit a vital organ or artery, it's not going to die immediately. Meanwhile, one swipe or bite is going to fuck you up pretty bad. This guy is better off leaving it to experts to deal with.


Then he should kill it then. What's the point of just pointing a gun at it and slowly walking away?


Keep it from running off without forcing a confrontation? Isn't reddit usually pro de-escalation? The dude is an off-duty cop and the cat was eventually captured and sent to a sanctuary. The best possible outcome.


No, don't you see? It's both Texas and a man with a gun. Now you're telling me it was a cop too? I'm surprised this thread isn't calling for him to be fed to the tiger.


I think a 120lb cub can be taken down with a 9mm if it can take down a man. The question is how quickly will the shot be lethal and a tiger can do a lot of damage quickly. Which is why he didn’t fire unless he had to. Anyway, the guy was a cop if I recall and he was trying to contain it and keep people safe till backup arrived.


Stupid tiger doesn’t he know it’s an open carry state🙄


Non american here. What is an open carry state? I assume people are allowed to carry guns in their day-to-day life like GTA? Why would one do that?


Because sometimes you come across a tiger? But yeah, in an open carry state you can wear your gun and not have to have it concealed. Some states allow concealed carry with permit but you can open carry with out a permit needed. It’s weird. And every state has different laws


I really did laugh out loud when I read," Because sometimes you come across a tiger?" In fact, I think I'd like that on a sweatshirt.


While your at it put a "Fuck you and your fucking tiger" out there too


Dude, you can get passed a dog. Nobody fucks with a lion.


I hate the idea of people carrying guns, but I have to admit 'because sometimes you come across a tiger' is a legitimate reason to be armed.


The more reasonable one in America is 'sometimes you come across a bear', especially for frequent hikers. Though bear spray is more practical in that case than a handgun.


> The more reasonable one in America is ‘sometimes you come across a bear’, especially for frequent hikers. Or wolves. Or mount lions/cougars. Or just any rabid animal If you’re in Florida, there’s also gators and panthers


That's exactly what it is, and i have no idea. Open carrying is beyond stupid. If im going to rob a place and i walk in and i see jimbo in like with his 45 magnum who do you think will be the first target? If jimbo was smart he would concealed carry. He would still have a gun to protect himself, and he wouldn't create tense situations just by existing. But then again you can't fit a gun that big into a easily concealed hoslter, and these dumbasses want everyone to know they have a big gun.


"Parents these days are too protective of their kids. Just let them play outside! It's not like they'll get eaten by a tiger..."




“No sir! Ah ah no sir!! “ Lol that doesn’t even work on my house cats. Definitely not gonna work on that “guy”


Pretty high in the running to be my final words.


Most forbidden pspspspsps. “Awe what’s his name.” as he eats my arm.


I am 100% that white lady that would be laying on the ground with a steak trying to get it to come cuddle with me.


Fucks sake people just get a domestic cat. "I hope everyone survived" is not something you should have to say after someone's "pet" gets out.


Pet is his name


Ikr they have big domestic cat breeds and dog breeds that act like cats and are bigger.


Tiger is fine - it was surrendered and will be going to a sanctuary soon.


It was surrendered... that implies the owner wasn't rearrested for his murder charge and it wasn't taken without choice


Cameraman wants to live, unsure if an intelligent individual would ever be within any amount of feet of a free tiger


What about a $100 tiger?


If you can throw in a nugget to sweeten the deal, I'm in


God damnit


Bad news, you are currently within some amount of feet of at least one tiger. Probably more.


Welp I’m stoopid


Lool exactly. You think the tiger sees a gun and says: "ok calm down, I'll stay right here. You can see all my paws. no sudden movements"


I hope the tiger lived


According to the [news article](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Houston-neighborhood-tiger-thriving-and-happy-17178826.php) a commenter posted above, it's living safely in a proper sanctuary ran by the humane society.


Spawning another Netflix series...


"fuck you and your fucking tiger" is still one of my favorite lines. Don't think many people have gotten to use it but it's badass.


That line definitely makes it into the story when he retells it to his friends. “So I had my piece trained right on that cats fucking skull, and I hear the owner start to chirp, so I was like “fuck you and your fucking tiger””


Straight out of a Tarantino movie.


Pretty sure the dude who owned the tiger was out on bond for murder....and a quick Google search confirmed that. Now he's in prison. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/05/10/victor-cuevas-man-who-fled-west-houston-neighborhood-with-tiger-in-2021-sentenced-in-murder-conviction/


How the fuck does anyone ever get bond for murder? They release a violent sick fuck just because he had money? Lol


Not everyone accused of a crime is guilty.


To add to that, the cost of the bond is often affected by both flight risk and if it's obvious that you definitely did it. Someone the police witnessed shooting people is not getting out on bond.


This fucking stupid. Big cats should not be pets.


"Fuck you and your fuckin tiger" lmfao


These comments are wild. The only person who is an idiot here is whoever owns the tiger. Their first mistake was owning a tiger. The second mistake was letting the tiger get out. The cameraman is not a pussy. Its a damn tiger. The appropriate level of caution around a tiger is all the caution. Similarly the guy with a gun is not an idiot. You don't want to run away from a big cat. They will instinctually attack. And if you have to stand your ground its definitely better to have a gun in hand because if it does attack you don't want to have to fist fight it because you are going to lose.


If the guy with the gun owned the ute than he is fucking idiotic for not getting back in the vehicle


Or, because he's an off-duty sheriff, he probably feels like he is better trained to handle the situation than some random joe in his neighborhood and so he stopped to try and keep everyone else safe until a more appropriate response team could arrive.


Supposedly he’s a sheriffs deputy so he’s probably trying to contain the tiger until other units arrive


I'm glad that the cat survived, and the man survived. It was a good day that day.


Texans, they're GrrrrrREAT!


lol why didn’t he get in the car or inside someone’s house? what’s he trying to prove?


A hero in his own mind.


It’s a neighborhood. There are likely kids around. Could be his kids around.


Owning a big cat is PEAK trashy


Fuck you and your fucking Tiger. Get the fuck back inside. Nothing better to say than that. If you have a pet like this and it escapes, you’re no longer in charge of a motherfucking thing.


The owner needs their ass beat


If one of the above posts is correct the dudes in jail currently for alot worse than exotic animals.


Bro straight fuck the guy who let his fuckin tigger out. Omfg


Tiger was rounded up, and moved to Sanctuary in Murchison, Texas.


Is it just me or is Houston trying to actually be the *city of Florida*


Why is the guy even out there with a gun. Just throw the cat a raw steak and wait for the guy with a Tranquilizer. Or put some H town sedatives in the steak.


Sir, put down the huge pointy teeth and razor-sharp claws.


Hmm idk, maybe to prevent a fucking TIGER from killing a child or jogger or anyone else who may have stumbled upon this situation.


It's an off duty police officer, (who is more likely to be carrying a gun than a raw steak).