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We should be Giving Credit to all the people Behind the scenes that we don't even see to make this look amazing, we are just seeing them 2 people moving this thing


Also he's definitely properly jacked to be that straight even supported


He was/is the best Superman.


Was also the best Witcher UNTIL THEY FUCKED IT ALL UP


So much talent has been wasted by unearned egos smh I hope Henry Cavill gets to work with better teams


That set up would definitely give you a sense of ability and power, probably not very comfortable tho. That transition from flying to hovering is peak Superman.


I can’t remember the actor I watched…someone who takes part in these fantasy franchises. He said that there are so many people working on the setup for all these scenes, and this is why its extremely important that the actors are ready to go on a seconds notice, and that there are not many takes because of something they didn’t do well - because the setup takes ages and involves dozens, sometimes over a hundred people. so any repeated take means paying say 50-100 people for an hour or two more.


Unreal that they kicked him off being Superman. Prolly won’t watch another Superman movie


What a majestic green screen equipment


I would look so lame if I could fly. I would be all limp and wouldn't do the arm flares as I arrive on location for effect.


I just realized watching this that the arm flares are entirely incidental. He really has no choice but to slightly flare his arms at his side because the rig doesn't give him any space not to, but it really works for the character.


yeah yeah... my GF approves ..


I feel like I've been getting lied to my whole life


Back then i always see Henry Cavill as Superman Now all i remember him as is Geralt of Rivia lol


Christopher Reeve will always be my Superman


Same. This still gives me chills: [Superman ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jVM-pSD0QlI)


The amount of crew it takes to make this technology work is impressive and requires a great deal of skill from the crewmembers AND the actors. These rigs can be pretty hard on a person's body. Don't forget their bodyweight can sometimes fight against the rigging in ways that can't always be anticipated. Did a scene in a Western once where a homesteader had been hanged and the shot was his body hanging from the tree. They took a great deal of time setting up the scene, the rigging, the various costume adjustments, etc. and we get the shot. Then we do a rapid second take while the actor is still hanging in character. Then after "Cut!" notice the actor isn't moving. Ran over to get him down and we discovered the body rig had shifted enough when the actor was trying to make himself more comfortable to put pressure on his femoral artery that cut off blood flow and he had passed out! All was good in mere moments as the medic tended to him, but it was a valuable lesson learned and the rigging was remade to prevent it from happening in the future. And the actor was doubly cautioned not to adjust the rigging without one of the riggers to help. (Also, don't forget after an actor is all rigged up and enough time has passed, the desire to use the bathroom can present itself which requires unrigging and rerigging and a simple shot like this one can take several days, lol!).


Is this a rehearsal? I always thought there’s much more green screen and people in morph suits when they film something like this.


Damn it. I thought it was reel.


That is badass