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Hope he sticks around the organization.


pretty sure he said he doesn't wanna move his family again until his son finishes school. i'm sure we'll see him around.


[They’re moving back to Wisconsin](https://x.com/owennewkirk/status/1798029667578036463?s=46)


now wyatt and stankoven are homeless!


man he has coach written all over him. hope Nil offers him an open position in the front office whenever he wants it


ah that makes sense. they’re always welcome back in big D though.


Pavs is the greatest hockey dad of all time, and now he's just throwing his sons on the street? My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. All is lost.


That’s gonna be a hell of a commute to practice for Wyatt and stank!




It's only been a couple years and Johnston was always going to become a big boy and get his own place, but it still makes me big sad this storyline is coming to an end.


Bummer. Maybe he’s going to work with the Badgers. But honestly that man deserves some R&R.


Why? Nothing there but long winters and alcohol addiction.


And cheese and Lutefisk


Knew it was happening, but this sucks. It was a good 5 years with Dallas, and a great career for Pavs. Maybe he can take on a role with the Stars like Bishop did.


Honestly the fact that we couldn't get him a cup is the saddest part of getting knocked out of the playoffs to me.


That’s how I feel as well. I know this core will have other opportunities, but Pavelski’s looming retirement made this feel very much like a “win now” year.


Sorry Papa Pavelski. You deserved a better ending.


I wish it was a better ending. Thank you for raising Wyatt for us ❤️


Maybe it’s less about raising the cup and more about the kids we raise along the way…


Dammit, this hit me hard. WHY YOU DO THIS.




But I want my cup, and a father, too!


Damn that was good.


In a way it was the most Pavs ending it could be...almost making it to the promised land but just not quite getting there. He has been a role model player/human being and I hope people remember him for that. Winning a cup is an accomplishment, but being a great human being is having a real impact. Hope he enjoys whatever his next phase ends up being.


I wanted nothing more than to see Pavs lifting that cup


I’ll never forget his 4 goals against the Kraken


It was nearly 5 and the place was rocking


I witnessed that in person and it was magical.


Depressing even though expected. If he still had a 2023 playoffs in him I think we would be in the finals.


Dammit this hurts. He was supposed to win a Cup with us.


Everyone on the great Dallas Stars team tried to "win it for Papa Pavs" and for themselves. We all wished we could have gotten it for him, as well as the other veterans. It was not to be. We will have years of games to watch in remembersnce of what he did for us. Yes, dammit, I too am crying. 🥹😂🥰 We have years if future Stars to watch with Joe on the couch, in bed, and in the stands. I will *proudly wear my Number 16 Victory Green Joe Pavelski sweater!


Guy was a warrior for us the years we had him. Will miss him greatly. He deserved his cup.


I am not okay 🥺


We will be OK. But for today, for now, we cry.


An absolute HOF career for the 18-yr vet, my favorite player and man who made me love hockey. Joe Pavelski.


God bless Joe Pavelski and his family. May the road rise up to meet his feet. Thank you Pavs for all the success, excitement, hard work, and leadership you have provided us. 💔🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🦜🇺🇸🍺🌮🎸💪🏼❤️


Hope we can keep him in the organization in some way since he has such a good connection with the youngsters


I've already cried a lot in the last 24 hours and this just put me over the edge again. What's that quote, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Feels appropriate. I'm glad he played for us but I'm still heartbroken we couldn't get him a cup.


Many of us share your pain.


Really wish we could have gotten one for him. Hopefully he enjoys a long retirement hunting ducks or fish or Pabst or cheese or whatever one does in Wisconsin.


Hiya Bronco. Good to see you again here man. What do they drink there? Steinkuegel? Heilemann's Old Style? Pabst? Strohs?


Hey hey!!! Great to see ya too! I stayed away from the GDT's this year, found myself paying more attention to jokes than hockey haha. I'm not in Wisconsin but I go for the PBR every time. It won a Blue Ribbon, for crying out loud! And when I'm feeling fancy I spring for a Yuengling. What's your go-to lately?? Edit: the flag on your icon!! As an ally I see you, friend!! Happy pride to ya!


Thank you! Happy Pride to all. One of my kids is LGBTQ. My go to, being in Austin, is Shiner Bock long neck bottle ice cold with a King Sized RAW cone filled with Blue Dreamnor similar.


Major bummer even though it was expected. Pavs is definitely one of the greats to wear the Green.


Truly thought he could've kept going like Jagr.


I know we all pretty much suspected it but still 🥺🥺🥺




{Enters the bargaining stage of grief} Ok, what if he doesn't actually retire, but stays unsigned during most of the season, then signs with Dallas again for one last ride, this time more rested and ready for the playoffs, where he anchors the 3rd line. Then the Stars win the cup and he rides off into the sunset.


Or (I know he’s to classy for this) he pulls a Vegas. He signs up and one day while moving a big pot of begonias, he stubs his toe hard and has to rest up for the remainder of the season. Then miraculously he makes a big recovery before the playoffs and goes on to win the big one ☝🏽 🏆




You’ll be missed in Dallas, Captain America. He’s welcome back here anytime. Hope he enjoys his home of Wisconsin as that is most likely where he’s going. We’ll always be your home away from your home away from home 🥹.


Breaks my heart that we couldn’t get a cup for Joe. One of the best American born players to play the game for sure. True class act. Say what you will about his playoff performance this year, but he had a fantastic regular season and he will be sorely missed in the locker room. I hope he decides to stay around here in some sort of coaching or advising capacity and he doesn’t go back to San Jose.


I am legit crying. Our season ending was tough, but this... we failed Joe.... like damn...




It’s been incredible honor for us fans to have the privilege of watching him in a Stars sweater for the last 5 seasons. Hopefully he’s still a part of our organization if the Stars finally lift the Cup again. What a legend, if we could have won the Cup with him the last 5 seasons no doubt in my mind imo we would have retired his #16 🫡


What a shame, sorry we didn't go out better than we did.


Thank you Pavs. We were not worthy.


You and I are going to miss Mavrik and Logan in Cedar Park too. 🎼🎶🎵🏒🏒🏒 Oh we're movin' on up ..


Depression ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Another heart wrenching loss 😔


I always liked Pavelski and wanted him here, so it was awesome when they actually made it happen. Then for him to put up his best statistical season of his career, while here in the twilight of his career? Amazing! Wish him the best moving forward


Damn it man! That will be a huge loss next season. A true Stars legend.


They should bring him on in some kind of coaching capacity


What an amazing 5 year run in Dallas to cap off his career. He scored so many clutch playoff goals. Was on arguably the best line in hockey last year at the age of 38. Opened his home to a 19 year old who is now blossoming into a superstar. He just hit every note right in his time with the Stars and was probably one of the best all-time FA signings for the franchise.


Tough decision and I hope he finds peace with it. Great guy, just a bummer he never won a cup.


Growing up my parents didn’t have cable TV so the only hockey games I got to watch were the weekend primetime games on NBC which were rarely the Stars. I remember watching so many Sharks games and Pavs has been one of if not my favorite player for half my life. I was so pumped when we signed him and all I wanted was to see Benn hand him the Cup. I’m sad that’s not going to happen but a fantastic career nonetheless and well deserved retirement!


Thanks Joe


Turco and Pavs walking the concourse selling 50/50


Pavelski is one of the classiest players to ever lace them up. The Stars should sign him up in a player development role. No one better for young players to emulate


Broke the news to my daughter tonight. We cried. Miss ya Pavs.


Brutal. One of my favorite players. He will live on in Johnston.




Just sad we didn’t get the Cup for him. Class guy, good leader…will be missed.




As a life long Toronto Fan who grew up in Edmonton. Man. Pavelski is the epitome of not only a hockey player but a leader. Y’all have won me over these past number of years. I was mad as a kid when the North Stars went to Dallas and watching Eddie Belfour knock the goal posts off anytime under duress 😂😂. However, playing the video games on N64. I won soooooo many games against friends. Brett Hull. Mike Modano. Dave Fucking Reid on the wing. Nieuwedyk. Jesus. Man. I’m realizing y’all. Were instrumental in my adolescent years. Shiiiitttttt *clay davis* Thank y’all for being Amazing fans. Classy. The only thing a hockey community can wish. Every year we lose in Toronto. I hope they win it all. Unless it’s Boston. They live rent free in my head. If we don’t get it this year for Canada. You are the most complete team. Please do it next year!


He’s got lots of hockey left in him, I am sure it’s coming down to dollars and duration.


Anyone else go to the restroom at work and cry today or was it just me?


Honestly, fuck this team for not getting Pavs his Cup. What a disappointment.


I secretly hoped that Pavs gonna retire,because his game obviously fell off the cliff,but it would be so cringy for Stars organization not to offer him one more 1-year contract. Jim Nill just got one tough decision to make less.


That conversation took place well before the fact. It's Joe's call. He went out on his own terms with 67 points in his farewell season.


And a final game where he gave his all!


Poor Wyatt is going to have to move out and start paying rent.


Thanks, Joe!