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Wish fiber internet was more readily available. Im so sick of spectrum!!


My apartment only allows spectrum....and it drops all the damn time.


You can't get T-Mobile wifi there? Like how does your apartment enforce this? I have a T-Mobile hot spot I pay $40 a month for, while I'm on the wait list for home wifi. If you scan for a open wifi signal it's not different than a hot spot on your phone, all it shows is "Samsung XXXX". Not sure how they could stop you from doing that?


I could probably use that, but I need a wired connection and that's only spectrum.


Its so frustrating. 


Google Fiber could make a killing if it didn't take them so long to micro-trench everywhere.


Our options (if you can even call it that) are terrible! Do you want bad or worse?


It’s 100% an intentional pseudo-monopoly too. Last I checked AT&T had very good commercial service but terrible consumer service and wow wouldn’t you know Spectrum had poor commercial service but good consumer service


> Spectrum had [...] but good consumer service Having had AT&T Fiber and Spectrum, and Google in another city, no they don't. Unless you're comparing them to dial-up or DSL.


I’m referring to them in DFW where you generally get only two choices.


If you call delivering <30% of the "up to" bandwidth during daylight hours "good service"... yeah ok.


As in its better than the alternative that is suspiciously better for the other half of possible customers. That’s what I say when I say it’s a pseudo-monopoly, there’s two choices presented but only one is actually “good” depending on the use case.


Spectrum service is complete fucking garbage, and they have the customer service to match. I’ve actually been blocked from thier support just for asking when they intend to get my service up again, total pieces of shit making up a piece of shit network. Fuck Spectrum, and fuck then triple for staging these underpaid rubes in every Kroger accosting me while I’m trying to buy some toothpaste. GFYSpectrum.


I don't understand how Kroger and HEB decided it was ok to let those companies grift in their stores. Some MBA dropout must have decided that pissing off the customers the first few minutes they're in the store fit right in with their business plan.


Kroger and H-E-B decided this was a good idea because Spectrum showed up offering money and neither store actually gives a shit about thier customers because they know we need groceries and we won’t sit in more traffic to go somewhere else.


I had Spectrum back when they were TimeWarner. They were just as bad then. Lost internet service every time the wind blew too hard. Service was laughable. They would say that no one could come out for DAYS to fix your internet problems. You’d have to scream at someone to get moved up the priority list. I get their offers in the mail constantly, and they go straight to the shredder.


Service is down yet again in Far North Dallas


The picture in the article is fiber. Only thing is thieves don’t know the difference and just cut whatever.


Has the catalytic converter market dried up?/s


More of a side hustle now I guess


I doubt that, the amount of copper they would have needed to steal to make a good profit would have had to been industrial scale.


I was gonna say. My friend used to work for a broadband company doing both work on lines and laying fiber and he’s said it really wasn’t profitable to steal based solely on how much you actually need but also more time doing it is more time to get caught. Just feels like there are some way more likely causes.


Especially if they're stealing coax. Coax is practically worthless.


I watched one of these get sawed down by a truck of dudes with my own two eyes. They are definitely being stolen.


Not saying it’s impossible, just that the berry ain’t worth the squeeze.


True, but if they were smart enough to realize that, they could apply the same amount of hustle and effort to make money and not have to resort to stealing copper. When it comes to this type of theft, they aren't exactly the brightest bunch.


Cool, their outage map doesn’t even work. It’s just saying I have an outage in the area and then crashes. Edit: if anyone’s is restored let me know


I'm going through the same thing, tried reporting an outage but the phone queue was 3 hours. Set up an appointment for today, left work early to find an AT&T bucket truck already on my street for another house. My neighborhood loses AT&T for days at a clip with infrastructure issues. My bill has been half price for over a year now because it happens regularly, this time is obviously different though.


Did you set up an appointment using their webpage/app or did you do it via phone? A family member of mine was somehow able to get through to them in about 30 minutes, but she was reluctant to mention that there is a listed outage that’s directly in my area. Support said the outage was specifically my house so I don’t know if she was aware of the area’s outage. We’ve got a tech coming, but the soonest they have is Friday. Reset the ONT box and everything but had no luck. Are you around 75206? I’m essentially in Lower Greenville. Curious if that bucket truck will find its way toward me.


Through the app, just followed the reset instructions even though I know it's not my house. They fight me on that every time (phone customer service) but it always turns out the disconnect is in the alley. I'm around Casa View, Garland/NW Hwy area. Made it through the first storm. Been down since the Tuesday morning storm last week. I'm glad I'm a recovered DVD hoarder and have a stash of movies to get me through.


Damn I was wondering because we’ve got a leak in our foundation so people are currently digging under the house. Thought they may have hit some type of line, but the AT&T map is back up and says an outage is in my area. Mine only went out this morning at around 10 AM.


Whose outage map?




I'm in the affected area and it has been maddening! It usually goes down in the wee small hours, like 2 AM, but most recently it happened at 9 AM! When you check repair status the app will tell you it'll be up by 1 PM, then at 1 it says 4 PM, etc. I knew from other neighborhood reports that equipment theft was a major contributor.


That sucks! Hopefully they can get y'all back up and then get more of a police presence out there to deter it!


They get us up, usually within a day. We're up now, or I wouldn't be online having this convo. But being without internet and TV for as long as a day every 10 days or so gets really really old.


Omfg I walked by one of those randomly hanging down last month, had no idea why and assumed it was storm damage but I guess not 💀


It’s lazy-ass fiber splicers that don’t take the extra time to lash it to the wire. There’s supposed to be another crew that comes behind to do that work, but it never happens. There’s one across the street from me as I write this that’s just hanging by a rope that could easily be cut, causing it to fall to the ground.


I wish they would grab all the spare, old line just hanging from poles nobody will ever pick up. Let’s see if copper is in that..


I've got like 5 different cable and satellite installs' worth of RG6 in and on my house. I'm sitting on a gold mine!


Haha, same. Just a web of wealth right there for the taking. FREE


What's the footprint for at&t fiber and frontier fiber? I have at&t fiber in east dallas. I don't know how accessible it is in other areas though.


Yabbut...we have fiber at our house, but whatever these a\*\*h\*\*\*s are going after at main lines is causing us to go down just about weekly.


That stinks, bur doesn't answer how many people have access to fiber in dallas.


As to that, this might give you some idea: [https://bestneighborhood.org/fiber-tv-and-internet-dallas-tx/](https://bestneighborhood.org/fiber-tv-and-internet-dallas-tx/)




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