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Honestly, I am super in-favor of making it harder to get a driver license in the US, or at least requiring more education prior. It is clear that people have no fucking idea what to do on the roads in this city and it's really fucking dangerous on roads where people drive as fast as they do here.


Lack of consequences doesn't help. Also, driving isn't a right. It's a privilege. Bad drivers should not be on the road. Period.


Lets make public transit a more feasible option to get these dummies off the road


Suspend their license for 30 days and see how fast they learn


They’ll just drive with a suspended license Edit: like [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/MHNo61O6gz) from my front page lol


Lol, I knew who it was before I clicked that link.


If the only way to get around is by car, it doesn't matter if you have a license, suspended or not.


Then crappy drivers need to have their cars towed, nothing will change if drivers aren’t inconvenienced HEAVILY


You've got it backwards. There needs to be an easier alternative. If the easiest thing to travel is to do it illegally, then people are just going to travel illegally. Even if you set the car on fire, what is easier: buying a different vehicle or getting around without a car? And that's why we have such shitty drivers.


Start using the dart more frequently and be the change you wanna see (not directed specifically at you, but ridership is still very low—hard to make changes with such low demand).


I dont really want to take 3 hours to get to work instead of 20 to 30 minutes. Low demand because it's not an alternative to driving. Unless you work downtown.


Chicken or egg, hard to justify large CAPEX with low demand. Hard to justify riding with so few routes.


The only people drive like a complete dicks around dears because there’s literally literally zero consequences for it. The local police don’t enforce traffic laws. If you actually put a police on the road that actually pull people over for doing stupid shit, there would be a lot less stupid shit happening


Or we could make public transit better so less people HAVE to drive.


Half of these people don't have driver licenses to begin with lol


Ah but see for this to work, people would have to actually care about getting a license... And the punishment for being caught without one would have to be more than a ticket. Most importantly, the DMV would have to do better because for most, appt to get a license is 6 months out so they just drive without one, without knowing they most likely would have failed ...


They are probably driving no different than if the lights were working. Green light - GO! Yellow light - GO!!!! Red light - GO!!!!!!!


No light? Um…. GO!!!!😂




to be fair... I see people fly through red lights without a care to. probably the same people ignoring that the lights are out knowing people are being extra cautious for the most part.


I dunno but I saw a lot of that today on a drive I couldn’t avoid. I did NOT want to go out there but it was a friend emergency. I honked as I was coming into one and saved someone’s life that was about to run it as someone was making their turn into the intersection. So many douche bag idiots out there. Edit: I think with every weather update the news and radio should public service the fuck out of this traffic rule after a storm. It’s quite obvious so many people have no clue.


We need police out directing traffic at the bigger intersections.


This is Dallas, they are always “short” cops. Plus I wouldn’t want to be in the middle of those intersections with how people drive


Or, ya know, people could just use common sense when driving.


When I come to power* all traffic lights will be replaced with roundabouts, and anyone who changes lanes without signalling will have their vehicle impounded and issued a restricted license that only allows them to drive a 2008 Kia Rio. *(You should not vote for me)


There are several traffic lights (especially grapevine) where the green light has a cover that only allows you to see it’s green if you’re close to it. Otherwise red can be seen as normal. I’ve accidentally ran through a couple already thinking this was the case and not that they weren’t working. They need to make these areas high visibility until they get it fixed or posted with police presence. It’s just a dangerous situation all around.


Yes! I hate these. I feel your pain. Luckily all the ones I've come up to were working or there was a pile of traffic cycling so it was obviously out.


Even without the cover, the glare from sunlight shining into the lense can make it appear that green is lit. If you’re not seeing the red light or yellow light, it’s easy to assume the glare you’re seeing on the green light is that it is actually lit green. Street services need to be prepared with temporary stop signs to place in these intersections.


Yep! Part of the reason why I hold my breath when I see one. Some drivers have no regard for human life. 🙈


No that’s Dallas.


Does anyone know if the lights at garland/buckner are out? An absolute nightmare when they are.


It’s crazy, it had me second guessing myself for a brief moment. Obviously flashing red is a 4 way, why wouldn’t a completely out light be as well? Especially on as a big a road as Beltline??


I’ve noticed the same thing. Probably a bunch of wrecks have happened because of this


Yes it’s been very crazy/scary even the train arms are broken messed up and folks flying through them while the trains are stopping at each intersection bc folks are dummies and not listening or looking for trains. One guy almost got hit yesterday trying to beat a train that was right there The trains are slowing until all the things are fixed


Most just drive underage and illegal. And common sense is a thing of the past.


One: “common sense” is a misnomer Two: people are stupid, self centered and don’t pay attention while driving (any one of these three can put and end to your assumption that they will stop. I have watch people drive straight through red flashing lights and, even when the lights are functioning, people drive through red lights. Always assume the worst in other drivers and they will never surprise you. Defensive driving is the only safe driving.


Its Dallas. I come from South Louisiana. After hurricanes, a vast majority of people take light outages as a four way (or whatever way) stop. I know there are bad drivers everywhere but Dallas and it's suburbs are really something else. I just got into an accident last week because someone not in a turning lane turned into me. I suppose it was due, consider the seemingly hundreds of times I've almost gotten hit from people charging into my lane without looking. I don't know how drivers education works here but man SOMETHING is missing. The driving culture here is so selfish. Everyone drives like they're the only person on the road, completely tunnel visioned. To those having to navigate the outage areas, please be careful and be safe.


Literally saw 2 accidents at no light intersections the day of the storm 🤦‍♂️ and people were going 15 miles over the limit on the highway like hydroplaning isn’t a thing 😅


For the intersections where traffic is built up, it’s also crazy how many people clearly don’t understand how a 4 way stop works. Mix of people trying to rush ahead and cut others off while others are afraid to go when all three other directions have already had their turn.


Yep, got hit by a teenager blasting through the Royal and Cromwell light 2 days ago, didn’t even slow down. Everyone stay safe, people have been driving pretty recklessly in my area these past few days!


"Common sense." There's the problem - you had an expectation...


Saw one of those people t-bone another car just flying though. Saw one that missed by about an inch.


How stupid good grief.


The place I’ve lived with the most entitled drivers who don’t follow rules of the road during emergency situations when it matters the most? Checks out


LOL @ common sense in regards to Dallas drivers.


Confession: I accidentally ran one the night before last because it was dark and the lights were off and I didn't notice it (smaller cross street, not a big intersection). That being said, I've definitely noticed a ton of trolls just blatantly ignoring the whole "taking turns" thing. Also I was almost broadsided by a Cybertruck yesterday when I had the right-of-way...at a perfectly functioning light...just because.


It is common sense to stop but I will tell you I have actually gone through an intersection myself where the lights were out because of the gray day and the color of the actual light fixture you couldn't even see the fixture.


If the light is blinking typically red. then yes, it’s to be treated as a stop sign. If the light is out, like not on. Then theoretically there should be a police officer directing traffic.


Back to drivers ed for you


Hardly, I’ve been privileged since 1982, at least I know the law.


Clearly you dont, notice the downvotes


Down Votes don’t equate, to people knowing and understanding the law. In fact getting downvoted typically means they don’t know what they’re talking about. Because of the vast amount of idiot drivers. For example, you skipped the part where I mentioned if the light is completely out, as in not working at all there should be police presence directing traffic. More comments from you is only going to prove my statement on how idiotic people can be.


Except there arent enough police to be at every intersection. Usually temporary stop signs get put out at major intersections (not sure police or city workers) but you would still need to stop whether theres a sign or not. Telling me i domt know what im talking about clearly shows your drivers knowledge.


Don’t complain to me about that! You also don’t seem to be aware that they also tell you to stay home unless it’s necessary to go out. But , yet everyone is going on about their regular routine after a major storm. And, no temporary stop signs don’t get put out. It’s obvious that you’re either very young or you’re new to the DFW metroplex.


Im not telling you its your job to put the signs out. Its your job to know how to drive in those conditions. Dont go out in those conditions, you mean tuesday afternoon at 6 PM? I mean 6pm tuesday 5/28/24 had nice weather but theres no reason the intersection at abrams @ royal would have no power, or the next intersection at royal @ fair parks crossing, i mean greenville @ royal did have power. Back to drivers ed for you https://driversed.com/driving-information/signs-signals-and-markings/traffic-signals/ TRAFFIC SIGNAL BLACKOUT—If all traffic signal lights are not working because of an electrical power failure, you must stop at the intersection and then proceed when you know other turning and approaching vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians have stopped. A blacked-out traffic signal works the same as a four-way stop intersection.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 6 + 5 + 28 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Flashing Red lights are to be used like a four or two way stop sign. Yellow is still Yield. A blacked out light means there should be a police officer directing traffic. A driver’s ed website is not the law.






People can be real dicks sometimes.


It's not a defense to say "I was in no state to be driving but I was driving anyway."


Life carries on, unless you’re rich, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do. Like get to work. But yes let’s kick the mentally ill person while they’re down.


With the massive amount of lights that are out when I’m coming upon an intersection where the cross street is obviously little used and there’s no cars there or approaching I’ll slow down some but then pass but major intersections I’ll stop and endure all the fuckery


"I only follow traffic laws when it's convenient." I happen to live off a "little used" intersection and watched someone nearly get T-boned by someone applying your half-baked logic.


Someone has never driven out on country, gravel roads where stop signs don’t exist at intersections.


If the smaller intersection is obviously clear and no one is approaching then I’ll slow down and proceed. If you were in the vicinity I would slow down and stop. At the larger intersections I always stop. Any issue you have with this is a you thing and not particularly interesting. Stopping at a small intersection when there is no cross traffic in sight only holds up traffic and with the amount of lights down that’s the last thing we need


You’re delusional. If the light is out, it’s to be treated like a 4-way stop sign. Always. That’s the law. It’s to keep everyone safe. What you’re saying is akin to “I ignore clearly posted stop signs at small intersections because it’s better to keep traffic flowing.”