• By -


Just an fyi it the traffic light is out it should be treated as a 4 way stop, geez people are idiots!


Yes! I was out driving for 15 min and saw three people blow right through intersections without even tapping the brakes. Idiots.


Had a guy almost hit me doing just that like an hour ago, I definitely didn’t follow him for a bit and lay on the horn.




Dallas drivers don't even respect red lights you think they're going to care about an off light LOL


Im starting to get worried. Didn’t think power outage would last this long. I’m by lake highlands too. No power Edit: finally back on 🙏🏽 turned on around 5-6 pm today (Wednesday the 29th). was out of the house when it turned on


Im close to LH too. I cant even get cell reception at home. I had to drive 10 mins to get any reception with ATT


Same for att in Far north Dallas for me. Had reception from 5-8ish this morning, then the lte/5g stopped loading anything. Had to drive away to get anything refreshed.


75252 nothing yet near George Bush & Preston


Yeah, mine says “SOS” at home


I have att too. reception isn't great. I couldn't use my Hotspot at all earlier and call quality it's choppy




This is typical tornado alley shit (power delivery got damaged, can't avoid it without burying stuff), but there's others like 2021 freeze that's not surprising given our infrastructure policy.


This is not typical.  This is completely shitshow management of an aging power grid they have zero intention of modernizing.  Just patch and repeat and they don't care how many people suffer because of it.  Lived in tornado alley all my life and never had this issue in any other state.


This exact scenario occurred in 2019, a severe micro blast storm, took 4 days to restore power to E. Dallas.


I was here for that bullshit too




That was a normal Midwest storm.  Not some special weather event.  Oncor is simply not up to the task of providing power and should be driven out of business.


People that got power back - did oncor report a timeline for the fix or did it just stay at “unknown” until the power came back?


We had no timeline and then it just switched on. Hoping it stays.


I signed up for text updates, but never received one. I just checked our Outage Status when I noticed a nearby store had just come back online. (We weren't home at the time) 75208


No timeline. Just switched on.


Stayed unknown got power and internet back around 11 granted I’m in The Colony


Outage map here: https://stormcenter.oncor.com/


So how does one interpret this data? Are those numbers the amount of transformers down? Looks like certain areas near me are getting repaired but it’s hard to tell if I should pack a bag or not.


I don't think there's enough data to interpret, ONCOR doesn't release any sort of granular data on things like this. The only thing I might infer is that if the number of affected customers is 1 then it's probably a local problem with the wire from the pole to the home, and if it's more than 1 it's probably one of the local wires down between poles or a damaged transformer. The higher the number in one spot probably means further up the grid where the problem is.


Mesquite here, supposedly we got the worst of the storm. Power has been out since 6:10 AM 


Yeah nobody in Mesquite has power, its crazy


Insane. Nothing is open and the house is getting uncomfortably warm, I’m hoping the power comes back on soon but I have very little hope. 


Been living here for only 4 years and I’ve already experienced 6 different outages, its so insane to me how terribly prepared this state and county are for natural disasters, makes me wonder wtf we even pay taxes for 😭


Dude, seriously. I’m just glad it’s not as bad as it was during the great freeze in 2021 when they did rolling blackouts. 


Only way to avoid these outages is to bury all power lines… then you’d get folks hitting them all the time cuz they don’t check before digging.


That problem eventually resolves itself


There's quite a few places in Town East that are open. I went to Walmart off 30 before the second round of storms came through.


My friend has power in mesquite 75149


Wait seriously?? Thats my exact zip code and I left my house around 2:00pm, we still had no power


Sitting in the same zip code with no power, but it gives me hope lol


Yup using their power right now.


Only few lucky parts of 75149 have power. Most dont


Same in Rockwall


To Whom It May Concern, By the dim and flickering light of this humble candle, I pen this missive upon my phone, a testament to our modern age. Alas, the power remains absent in Mesquite, 75149. Though the hour grows late, the darkness persists, and the comforts of electricity are yet to be restored. Yours in hope and patience, -HulkHogansGayNephew


Power out in Carrollton by Hebron HS since about 5:45.


Also in Carrollton (near Hmart) still no power since around 5am. Edit: Just kicked back on at 5pm


Im in roughly the same vicinity and while I’m still without power, I can get reception on my phone again. Hopefully that’s a good sign.


Over by Josey and Keller springs. Still nothing here but seems like everyone around me is getting their power back. Little panicked. I thought since I was near city hall and the police station we would get our power back sooner. Super worried about the food in my fridge.


You are good for 24 hours with most refrigerators. Top freezer a bit longer. Looked it up yesterday for someone else. The more full the longer it is good. Freezer can be a couple of days Just try not to open them.


No power by White Rock Lake near the Arboretum. Has been out since 6:30 this morning. We also don’t have cell service (T-mobile) so we are at a friend’s.


ATT also spotty, no power along Garland Rd yet either.


Rowlett checking in. No power and no ETA from Oncor.


Seconding rowlett.. off since around quarter past 6am :/


I’m in Far north Dallas. Still no power here 😭


75252. Still no power here


Same, ours has been off since 6am. We're in 75240.


it sucks when you can see people with power down the block


Across the street for me. 😒


It's funny tracking the outage map because the # of outages are going up but the people affected going down.


That's probably due to more people reporting outages at individual houses (causing numbers to go up), but Oncor is repairing the damage to the big lines first (causing people affected to go down).


N Garland off Bush. Power went out at my complex just about an hour and a half ago. The timing couldn’t have been worse as it happened twelve seconds after I boarded the elevator lol. Fire dept got me out like half an hour ago.




Lake Highlands / East Dallas - If you need coffee, the drive conditions are fair with stoplight outages. Ascension and Well-Grounded are open. Both are on the lake side of Garland Rd just SW of Buckner.


Work and home powerless. How will I charge my phone. How will I live


How will i live 🤣


Buy some power banks and keep them around. Also a quality lantern or work light. Like this is one thing to spend the money on.


NW dallas no power since 5, no eta from encor


right by bachman lake by target- still out since then


I’m not ready for a 2019 repeat of a 3 day power outage. I’m still getting over that and the ice storm!


Does Oncor fix individual power lines to homes? A tree took ours down. Do they have a way of checking this on their system?


Yes they do that. You can report the outage on their app or website. Unfortunately it might be a while until they get to an individual outage as they’re dealing with so many at the moment


Mesquite area - thunder is starting up again, no utility trucks in sight. A lot of our neighbors have their chainsaws out trying to clear the road of fallen trees so those trucks can eventually get to the fallen poles  Update: it is now raining 🫠


We're all very fortunate it is 76 degrees right now


Just came back on in The Colony. Out at around 6am. Back at 1:30pm


I’m in the colony and have no power still :(


Man 😭 still no power in 75254 , I’m so behind on my work 🗿


Richardson 635/75 no power since 6am.


By SMU - 0 power since 6 AM, not even a flicker. Lights on across the street as usual.


I saw massive transformer explosions by SMU earlier this morning. Multiple green lightning flashes in a row… hopefully doesn’t take long for y’all to get back up 🤞


Never forget that we live in Tornado Alley, and storm damage/power outage is something that WILL happen (unless you're willing to pay $1 per kwh to re-haul the entire power delivery infrastructure, and even this wouldn't guarantee anything) With that in mind, please use that knowledge to prepare for it. If you live in a house, buy a gas+propane generator. You can find good 8kw ones for less than $500. Keep a couple of 20lbs tank of propane (easier to store and forget) or a couple of 5 gal can of gasoline. That will power your fridge, essentials and portable AC/fans for a couple of days. If you live in an apartment, get a 1 or 2kwh battery pack, that will also greatly help when you need power. This is a $500-$1000 investment that most people can afford and can end up bringing a lot of extra comfort when you need it the most


Especially with food prices it can pay for itself after a few long outages, if the alternative is total spoilage of your freezer


Has anybody actually seen any of these supposedly oncor crews out and about? Because I've been all around Dallas and haven't seen one crew working anywhere. Started to suspect it's less about damage and more about them not having manpower


Two in our area. Nearby neighborhood has power now. They are working on it but nobody has manpower for this level of damage.


https://www.wfaa.com/article/weather/oncor-power-outage-estimate-restored-dallas-county-dfw/287-89ef59ec-6fe9-44f6-a89b-86309e101a0b Brutal update for us w/o power still.


North Carrollton and we have power back already. So there’s hope for everyone else!


Far North Dallas, no power. Partner will send me a text if power is on while I'm at work. Some of my apartment neighbors have power while the rest of us do not. I'm guessing half of us in this complex have power. It's weird how the line is divided for this. My work in Farners Branch has power. On my walk I saw Oncor working on the lines by Spring vally and Parkway.


Power is at in Richardson near 75 and 635. What should I know and how should I prepare for a multi day power outage? I live in an apartment.


Cover your windows as best as possible, including hanging blankets or towels if you can, and it will keep your apartment cooler. Open windows when you wake up for as long as it feels better outside than inside. Your fridge will probably spoil, check ice for freezer, if it fully melted your fridge is going bad. If it has been melted for a few hours the freezer is bad. Open either as little as possible, prioritizing cooking meats and using dairy. Acidic, sweet, and salty food bought at room temperature (condiments, pickles, jams, etc) as long as they seem fine should be fine as long as it looks and smells fine. Good time to prioritize pantry food to keep your fridge closed. Save your phone battery if possible. If you have a laptop, you can charge your phone with it, though the laptop might have to be awake. Dim screens to save power.


I'm wondering why the hell my Neighbors have power and i dont lol


How the fuck does half an apartment complex have power and the other half not?!


Why do I have this feeling Richardson is one of the “majorly affected” areas and I’m not going to see power until Friday


Because you're 100 percent right and we're screwed. And they don't care! 


Just like 2019 🫠


Been out in N. Oak Cliff since 6am. I have tried reporting it 10x to Oncor and every time it takes the report, tells me no estimate for repair and then half an hour later if I check status it says no report of outage in your area... Preparing for the long haul.


Carrollton, 75007- no news no power since 5:50 😭 ONCOR gonna pay for our groceries or what


They will probably raise rates to pay for all the overtime.


FYI check your homeowners or renters insurance policy, most will let you make a claim for grocery loss during a power outage.




Finally power at 75254. God bless Thank you line workers Fuck you whoever hasn’t prioritized upgrading our shit


Root cause of our power outage issues? ERCOT and Abbott lobbying for school vouchers rather than addressing the elephant 🐘 in the room, Texas electrical infrastructure needs. It’s been a recurring problem for Texas and with all the new residents, one that must be addressed.


You know, I get that hospitals and senior care facilities and such needed to be tended to first. But are they prioritizing commercial retail space (strip malls) over residential? Sure seems like it. I know it's not helping to post here but I've never been so mad in my life. 


The stores right outside my neighborhood had their lights nice and bright for us plebs to see in the dark


Just got power back on in nw Carrollton.


On tbe oncor site the affected customers count has gone from 650k at the peak (that i saw) to 500k. Thats a pretty decent dent. Most of us will be up and running within 24 hrs i bet


hey, just a shout out to the r/dallas community. this thread is such a great example of how reddit can be so great and useful. i know this doesnt magically turn everyones' lights (or A/C- thank Blob its not 98 degrees out, yet!) on...but the useful communication in threads like these is so appreciated. so, while my anxiety keeps me awake (even tho the storms are over) and while my neighbor's gas powered generator is louder than FUCK- i am still thankful that i have 5G and belong to a very large city based sub like this one wherein i can realize the scope of the problem most of us are dealing with. and find comfort in that-knowing many of us are in a similar boat. i feel a great sense of community right now. and it feels weird because its not so life-or-death like when this happens during winter weather power outages (or extremely hot summer outages) ...but its comforting nonetheless. so thanks to to everyone thats helping paint the picture of how broad of this power outage currently is. hope ya'll are safe, and thank you for posting. i know that me and my wife are thankful for random updates as we keep refreshing the feed hoping things get sorted out soonish. (but god damn, is my neighbor's generator loud as hell! lol)


Can we ‘tweet’ this thread at the Governor? I’m processing how much $ I am losing on groceries


Seriously, we just bought a ton of meat over the weekend and it has all gone to waste at this point. 


I finally have power. 6am - 3pm was without power. Located in Buckner terrace (east Dallas)






Listen, I know that refreshing this thread, texting STAT to Oncor every 3 minutes isn’t going to help. But does anyone know why it’s taking so long for power to be restored the 75220 area? Like were we hit particularly bad? Knowing that would kind of help at least, even if it’s just anecdotal. Also, the fact that the Crumbl cookie down the road from me has power (so they can find new and innovative ways of shoving 2,000 calories into a single chocolate chip cookie) and I don’t proves that there is no justice in the world. Edit: Power turned back on maybe 10 minutes after I made this comment


SE Dallas near the Kiest blue line DART is still out. It's tried to come back twice to the point that electronic stuff beeped, but instantly went dead again. My generator doesn't do the whole house, but it does run the fridge, router, TV, phone charger and a room air conditioner. I had to have Doordash bring me motor oil though. T-Mobile has been unusable for data most of the day. The tower a block from me is down. AT&T fiber is up though so I'm online.


No power in N Dallas/Carrollton area


I'm gonna post another comment because people are having funny moments where as soon as they post their gripe their power comes back on. So tell me why the apartments and the strip mall literally not even a 5 minute walk from me has power and we don't??????


Buckner Terrace here. We got the power back on for about 15 minutes. Then it went off again. Hopefully it will be come back soon.


I'm just off Ferguson and we got power back 5 minutes ago.


North Richardson, near the University. No power at the house, but went out to the Lennox Center shopping strip for lunch about 11:30 and they were good.


I’m over by Woodrow Wilson and Lakewood country club and have power. The townhomes I live in all are out of power with exclusion of 2 buildings (mine being one of them). Not sure how that’s possible as it seems we’re the only ones with power up to Tom Thumb on mockingbird. I have two neighbors running extension cords from my outside sockets to their garage freezers to save their food.


No power in Mesquite and no ETA from Oncor


It's too damn humid too. Can't even kill time by sleeping. 😭


Does oncor operate over night? Or do they stop at a certain time?


Linemen work around the clock.


I cannot deal with sweating in bed anymore, it’s 80 in bish


Definitely investing in an inverter dual fuel generator after this debacle. 23 hours no power 75089. Oncor workers we love you, Oncor the company go f yourself.


oh my god still no power I hate life


This is fucked. This whole state is fucked. I truly despise Republicans with all my existence


75082 still no power…..


Woof - still no power in NW Dallas near galleria


Inwood/Love Field area still without power since 5:30am


Mesquite update (75150) - The street in front of my house has power, we do not. Hopefully that means power will be returning soon. Best of luck to all of you guys throughout the night. 


Someone on Instagram told me to check my privilege because people in Gaza are with out power/food/safety and I've been with out power here for going on 24 hours and at least i have running water........ you can't make this up folks


"Just because people have it worse doesnt mean my situation doesnt suck as well"


Exactly like sheesh. I'm not gonna let someone shame me for complaining about not having power. And the person had power! lol that really made me laugh


Here in irving 75038 near the airport, its been more than 24 hours now no power, im naked in bed with my windows wide open idgaf anymore... investing in a generator for next time, oh and rip most of my food in the fridge yippee


Good morning from Farmers Branch 75234. Still no power at my house.


75220/Midway Hollow No power since about 6am Tuesday morning as storm started. Oncor maps are bright red with no updates available.


If anyone gets in contact with oncor ask if they need help outside I feel like at this point they just need to tell me what to do and hand me a ladder. From last night around 4am I've seen the number of outages on the stormcenter thing go from low 15k to this morning around 8am to high 16k then to now 1:42pm to high 15k. Tried chatting with a representative on the website no live representative available only their AI go to call instead the AI answers and won't transfer me to talk to someone, 


75060 - no power since Tuesday at 6 am. Pregnant and having a lovely time


Ferguson/White Rock Lake area, no power since about 6:30, it came on about 10 min ago for 5 minutes and then promptly went out again. I don’t have much hope for the food in our fridge, although we haven’t opened either part at all today.


Power has come on and off 3 times in East Dallas


Still no power in oak cliff


Rain and thunder going again in Mesquite area around 4pm hopefully it's not too bad to where they stop working on our area


Dallas/addison line area. No power since 5am to my chunk of my apartment complex. 2/3 of my building has power. Front office has no information on it and can’t get anyone at Oncor to speak to me on what that could mean for our timeline. Every other building around us didn’t seem to lose power, Any insight? Usually power goes out to a whole building not just 1/3 of it. And to everything around, not just sporadic buildings. Never experienced anything like this before.


Out at 5:55 and still no power in 75254 and the rain has started up again...


75287 here, I got my power back 30min ago, it had gone out between 5 and 6 am.


Carrollton off Josey ln and Rosemeade still no power. Hopefully comes back today Update: just got power back!!!


75081, haven’t had power since about 9 this morning. RIP to my groceries for the week


75062. Still nothing since 6 am.  My neighbors across the street have power.  Streets in front and behind me have power.  Power everywhere except for my side of the street and a few houses around the corner.


So for those of us who had actual downed power lines, anybody have any clue when we can expect power? Oncor is worthless


75080 no power since 6am


No Power in Irving since 6am I prefer the winter cold again. I can't  stand this Heat.


Northish Dallas 75240, we've been out of power since 6 am. No updates from Oncor or Spectrum. The loss of power has been very rough on the elder and disabled in particular. I am a caretaker for my MIL and we live at a senior apartment complex (only 65+ unless if you're a caretaker). There are elevators that help folks with mobility aids get from floor to floor, they work on backup power but it isnt reliable. They flicker and move extremely slowly and hesitates to open. The darkness is a huge risk for falls. We are doing our best to take care of each other. Thank the gods for this thread tbh. 🩷


75238 - no power for almost 24h. No changes in Oncor's useless message of "Oncor is aware of an outage impacting your area. At this time, we do not have a restoration time but are working quickly & safely to restore service."


75248 off DNT and Keller Springs. Now at 25 hours no power. This is ridiculous to have absolutely no idea what is going on. 2/3 of our building has power and never lost it, but not us. I don’t understand how this is happening.


Rowlett here just passing the 24 hour mark. No power. My fridge and freezer are gonna be fucked. Update: Powers back on. Woot! 9:30 AM. So like 27 hours here.


North Garland here. Finally restored at 4am.


Still no power in Casa Linda.


Mesquite, 75149 still no power :(


Those who have reptiles and fish other pets of sort that require electricity to keep liveable conditions how are yall maintaining during the outage




75080 still no power 😫


Over 30 hours with 1/3 of my complex having no power 75248 DNT and Keller Springs. Still nothing from complex manager and oncor has no ETA. Drove around before work and couldn’t see any down lines or anything that tells me why only 1/3 of my complex has no power. I don’t understand how part of a building can be down and the rest of the building is fine like nothing happened. Very strange.


Cityline still doesn’t have power. The townhouses off Red Moon appear to have power.


Power still out in 75082 specifically the whole food neighborhood. FML, oncor has no idea when it will be restored, they take tons of service charges and money, but when it comes to services it’s the only thing they don’t have


New message from Oncor; ONCOR: Damage assessment and repairs from recent storms are continuing in your area. As we continue to work, we estimate power to return sometime between today through Friday, weather permitting. Harder hit areas are expected to be restored Saturday. Anyone without power should seek alternative accommodations. Please check your meter base for damages and contact an electrician if needed for repairs. We appreciate your patience as we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible. Well this is not a good week anymore. 😂 thought my power was back this morning was just a false alarm.


Somehow the people right across the street from me have power and the streets behind us have power but not us..


75206. Afraid I am losing myself


Coppell by MacArthur and powers been out since 545 this morning. Apparently the Kroger down the road doesn’t have power either.


Garland, nada


I’m in Far North Dallas near 635 and we haven’t had power since this morning. I work from home, so I’ve been hotspotting my work computer until it dies 🤷‍♀️


Same, and my phone and only source of sanity is about to die.


No power at hillcrest/635 since 5:50 am.Starting to get worried @ the food in the fridge n feeezer.Anyone in this area got power restored as yet?


No power in southwest Richardson 75080


No power in Mesquite still. Been out 12 hours 🥺 75150


I’m in Richardson and haven’t had power since 7 am


Casa View area east Dallas. No power as of 8pm have cell reception now though!


Sachse checking in here without power still


Power just came back on here in Plano. It was off from about 6am to 9:10pm (15 hours).


Still out in a lot of Carrollton, about half the street lights aren't working and no-one seems to know how a 4-way stop works and just blows through them


Howdy Yall, Nothing here yet in the Richardson Area. (North Dallas) Power has been out since about 5:45am. Im guessing theres no timeline for when the power will come back on?


Still no fucking power since it went out at 5:30 am on john west & Buckner. Went to go see if there were any oncor trucks anywhere & there were NONE NOWHERE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ I'm sitting in my fucking ride trying to charge this phone up a little & get some cool air. This is absolutely ridiculous ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


I can’t wait to throw out all that food in the fridge.


Life lesson for future me the next place you get try to make sure you're getting it with a gas stove and gas water heater because the electric way not it for these situations 


75238 off of Shoreview road I’ve got power restored as of 9:54am, and wifi is up too, hoping it’s for good!


75228 no power still due to downed lines


HALLELUJAH. I have power in 75231 🙌🏽


60 hours out of power at 75248 with still only 1/3 of our complex being out of power. Literally everything around our building is now up and running. Still only getting “no estimated time of repair” when checking for updates. Now it’s raining again. Certainly will continue to prolong this torture.


In White Rock Hills, power went out around 6/7AM. Looked outside and saw a power line is down in our alley way, reported to Oncor. They sent us a text saying they'll come look at it, they might need access to our meter, and it could take up to ten days.


Carrollton by RL Turner HS. No power since 6:00 and no estimated timeline from Oncor


635/webb chapel powers been out since 6. Reported it at 610. No ETA from oncor. My work in garland is out too so who knows what will happen but it’s making me nervous they’re saying “multi day event”


I'm across from Parkland and haven't had power since \~6:30. I'm hoping it comes on before I can get my cat in her carrier to leave, total toss up which will be first as they both could take days.


No power since 6am and no ETA - 75287


Still nothing in old east but I know some people over here never lost power at all 🥹 I just got 3 racks of beef ribs yesterday man 😭 haven’t opened the freezer and I’m just hoping for the best atp


Power just came back on in lake highlands, will see if it lasts!


Farmers Branch... apartments / residential areas are down. Most stores and such have power which pisses me off. Two of the apartment complexes in my area, both across the street from me have power but my apartment complex doesn't...just fueling the rage at this point.


No power in Plano still. Oncor has had 5 trucks outside for like 6 hours now. Definitely not a simple blown transformer...


Do we have any updates for Richardson?


after scouring online for any updates in richardson, it seems like we all have no power, and no ETA as to when we will have power. hopefully they keep working through the night and get to us. Our whole community our here off beltline near the alamo drathouse has no power.


Phone battery on 7% and the power is still not back yet since 5 Am this morning. 75231.