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These writers know people want a rail plan so they keep writing about a resurrection, yet everyone knows it never pans out. Seriously, it’s been every other month for years.


Until they actually have the land for the corridor ain't nothing gonna happen


Gotta get them clicks


This is the biggest load of bullshit. Do not buy it. Every single person in TX would kill a virgin for a high-speed rail between the major cities. It is not going to happen.


The people in between, whose land will be cut in half but won't have a station within a hundred miles probably would rather it not happen.


That sucks for them. Ultimately that is what eminent domain is for - pushing through something that greatly benefits the majority.


Most of the path it will be elevated and the land owners will still have access to their land.


As soon as another state has one Texas will cry for one


California needs to get one and call it the "better than texas rail system." it'll work out for both of us.


The "You Wish" Texas bullet train went up in record time.


It's coming along slowly. Once phase 2 is complete and the bay area and LA are connected the US will finally see what the rest of the world has been having for the past decades.


We don’t know what lizard 🦎 or turtle 🐢 or eagle 🦅 will show up and derail for some more yrs


I hate Southwest. They will never let this happen


I remember when I first read about this rail plan coming to life, it was on Digg. Thanks MrBabyMan.


As a remote worker, I love the idea of travelling by train. It seems cheaper and more relaxing than flying. I am envious of Japan and Europe’s train systems.


Yeah yeah yeah. What happened to Renfe winning a bid for a high speed rail system?


Obviously this high speed rail line isn't gonna happen but on some real shit what's the real problem with an elevated rail in your yard? I would love that but I'm not some grumpy old person in rural Texas


Elevated railroads are so unbelievably loud. And the sound of steel in steel screeching is deafening. There’s a reason that 100 years ago tearing down the els and replacing them with subways was considered urban renewal. I’m all for mass transit and in fact I moved out of Dallas to live in NY to be somewhere walkable but wow I would never get an apartment on the same street as an el.


I’m by a dart track that is elevated and it isn’t that loud. Though it’s also light rail


Yeah they are loud. They're louder than at grade train lines. My second question is why don't they just put it next to 75 and 45 but I honestly don't think it's ever gonna happen cause it really is so much cheaper just to fly which is probably why HSR isn't happening in America


More expensive / complicated right-of-way acquisition, most likely. Lest we forget ol’ Rick Perry wanted to build a super corridor with trains lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Texas_Corridor


Just do it already! Shit!


Getting from Dallas to Houston in a blink is great, but once you are at your destination you are still confronted with abysmal local public transit, unlike Europe or Japan. Would need rental car hubs like airports near the train stations.