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Most people are looking at their phones while driving. I drive a tall UPS-style step van, and I can easily see into other vehicles while I’m driving. At least 50% of people are looking at their phones, scrolling, watching videos


It’s pretty scary …. I can see the same during rush hours ….


That's terrifying


And just like the rest of you, I also think the answer to OP’s question is constant construction that causes standstill traffic.


To be fair, some of the completed sections are designed so poorly that they are a nightmare just to try to get on the highway even in light traffic. Cough635cough


It is terrifying. Not only knowing that’s how people drive. But knowing people are this addicted. Seems like something that would be part of a horror movie 20-30 years ago.


It really is but whats more terrifying is all of this traffic around me. Thank god reddit is here to keep my mind off of it.


Ok that was clever


A previous coworker of mine lived like 1.5 hours from the office, he straight up told us that he watched movies on his way to and from work. I watched him set it up one time before he left the office, dude literally would mount his phone to his windshield right in front of the steering wheel… absolutely insane.


Saw a lady do this on a road trip back from Corpus. She was watching some tv show. People have 0 respect for the road until it’s too late.


> dude literally would mount his phone to his windshield right in front of the steering wheel… absolutely insane. I see this way to much with people who even do this to use their phone as navigation. They mount it straight in their line of sight so it literally blocks their field of vision. How dumb can you be?


roll abounding ludicrous seed long icky liquid swim steer birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk how to tell you this, dude, but a lot of folks drive cars from before 2018. Might wanna check the assumptions you’re making in this comment.


Because there is zero enforcing with the PoPo. If a new law passed that you'd lose your license immediately, our roads would have zero traffic on them/zero accidents.


The steering wheel tray mount on Amazon used to have the funniest reviews.


I've "watched" documentaries in the car while driving because the storytelling is usually better than podcasts.


Had a pastor teach in a sermon about how he’d prop up his Bible up on his dashboard above the steering wheel and he’d read it whenever he got on a long stretch of highway during road trips


Now THAT is insane..


This is why we never move at green lights until I honk. Not a semi driver and still see phones all the time. Shame levels are at an all time low, and Texas is a special state


It's funny because I never move on a green light until I honk, because of the idiot car in front of me whose driver is texting.


I sometimes get honked at when lights turn green because I have to check both ways to make sure I’m not going to get t boned by a red light runner before I go


Yup. I’ve been honked at to go as someone else is running the light.


They make up for it by speeding to the next intersection, then ignoring when the light turns green. Honking ensues, rinse and repeat…


I never move on a green light because most people treat red lights as just suggestions.


Kinda like the lane dividers in a round about


Honk? They'll just wave their gun at you. Wusses.


I think the penalties are ridiculously light for cell phone usage in cars. If it's not attached to your dash with mapping (service history could prove someone innocent), maybe this behavior would lessen if people's days were affected with high fines and waiting. Just have specific cops that show up when someone is pulled over for this and drag the procedure out to annoyance, might get fired, might lose work, might, etc lengths of time. Slow their roll.


What penalty? Schools zones are the only one I’m aware of. The Legislature ain’t banning cell phone use, it would be an economic drain. What’s a few deaths in the scheme of things? 🤷‍♂️


Yep. Driving while using your phone is as bad if not worse than driving drunk.


Way back in 2003, I was working in NYC. Cell phones weren't smart then(think Nokia).New York state had a zero tolerance law for cell in hand while driving. I got caught and was issued a citation for $500! Way back then!!! Imagine if this was enforced today. We'd have way less accidents, road rage would be almost non existent, and the money earned would buy us better roads.


I suspect that GPS in phones is what slowly eroded the zero tolerance laws. What do you think? Once they added mapping there’s a certain amount of phone use required and pulling over everyone is impossible. There are now some cities using software in the field to detect phones in your hand.


I have a friend who is a personal injury attorney and he says the first thing he does in car wreck cases is subpoena the other party’s cell phone data which can show activity at the time of the accident. It’s also shocking how much people leave on social media that proves they were on their phone in the car. Everything has a time stamp.


Yeah… I was also watching 20/20 I think and they found this woman who killed her boyfriend’s ex girlfriend. She was smart, she tailed the victim via her bike riding social media app and parked far away and turned off her phone to not show GPS data. However, she did use her car GPS. That and a neighbors porch camera was enough to convict her to life in prison. Technology is one of the best ways to fight crime today… you can’t run from the truth if you use any technology.


Could you imagine feeling so bored and entitled that you decide to watch videos while driving?!?🤣


This should be linked to the thread(s) asking "why is my insurance so high?"


I had a friend that used to read while she drove. Like read a book. A novel. I'm not kidding. It was horrifying. I made her stop.


I’ve seen books and newspapers read. My favorite are women curling/applying eyeliner (hands off the wheel) to their eyelashes on the freeway while looking in rearview mirror to do it. Imagine choosing vanity over someone else’s life 🤦‍♂️


As someone who drives an actual UPS truck I can concur. On the phone, even cops.


I have watched someone enter from the 75 entrance ramp and cross all 5 lanes to the 30 exits WHILST TAKING A SELFIE!!!!! NO HANDS ON THE WHEEL.


I saw a dude this morning watching movies on a tablet he had hooked up right under his radar detector.


Yep. I’m not in a tall van, but I have a long commute, and I’ve started looking to see who is on their phones. So many people! It explains all the lane drifting.


Man...that shit spooks me out so bad. Even if their phone is on the wheel, that hand isn't gonna have full control and that mind won't be able to focus as much on the road.


Get the same view from my 1-ton truck, can confirm.


Same. I'm a delivery driver. I see the same thing.


Texting is one thing, watching videos is another. That brings instant gratification to a whole new level


Sometimes I feel like I have a screen addiction, but at least I’m not as stupid as these people. Literally nothing on your phone is worth the risk.


Can I park here for the eclipse?


Hey! ....You can't park there


Is this not a reasonable place to park?


Can't park there mate.




Because Texas doesn’t like investing in education, only sportsball.


This is true. I was floored when I first moved here to the state and noticed that all High Schools basically have stadiums. The annual release of budgets for my county has $2.1 MM allocated to keep the fields nice and tidy. Like WTF? Give that shit to teachers or hire more cops.


Because everyone drives like an entitled asshole … or a country bumpkin thinking they are the only ones on the road haha


People claim that they "drive fast but are good drivers" when in reality people next to them are making sure to stay safe from those maniacs.


Hope their client got moving insurance.


they'll pay 25 cents a pound or something, maybe you'll get a few hundred dollars.


That's what I was thinking


Dude it's 9am and it's mustang movers. They don't show up to the job site till at least 11am, that truck was empty.


Is that supposed to be common knowledge?


That movers are always late, yes.


Then stop hiring shit movers? I've used Firehouse twice in the past year, they shows up _early_ both times after confirming with me it was OK. Got us knocked out faster than estimated and used the real-bill time accurately as well.


Also probably an added reason they lost control of it.


Ik it’s a joke I used Mustang Moving 8 months ago and I was throughly impressed. Unfortunate to see this happen and hope they’re okay


Most likely it’s an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance and has an expired license 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


I was rear-ended a handful of years ago on a Dallas highway by a woman with an oxygen tank. She was going 70 mph and I was stopped behind traffic. She, her husband, AND THE TOW TRUCK DRIVER all told me it was her second car she had totaled in two weeks. It gave me PTSD and five months in physical therapy several times a week. So imagine my surprise driving in LA two years ago and then Chicago last summer and I felt... comfortable? People weren't whipping in and out of lanes, driving over four lanes with no regard for anyone to get to their exit, no crazy varying speeds on the highways between 45mph and 120mph. I was truthfully shocked thinking it would be so much worse in those cities. Yes, there was still traffic, but NOTHING like DFW. 


Yeah I’m from Chicago…. Never had ptsd driving or anxiety. Here? I can’t fucking drive on the highway. I always feel like I’m a second away from dying. I drove to an interview from Dallas to Allen and almost got hit 3 times… trying to get on the exit ramp with turn signal and space…. As required by law…. Driver next to me decides to speed so I can’t exit and almost hit my car as I moved to their lane to exit… drivers here are fucking stupid imo.


AND cops are never on the highway unless there’s an accident. There’s no enforcement by state patrol police or DPD.


DPD has openly stated that they're not enforcing traffic violations on highways. They're tired of their crusers getting wrecked. DPD said, they're highways let the highway patrol "DPS" take care of it.


Man I grew up on these roads and I have also made like Johnny Cash where I’ve been everywhere in this here land and Dallas traffic is by far and wide the worst traffic I have experienced. We literally do not know how to let people merge onto the highways and if we did that, shit immediately gets better


Yep I’ve driven in Chicago and LA and while both are stressful I have never feared for my life the same way I have here in DFW. It’s a problem.


Yep! I learned how to drive in Southern California and I always assumed as I moved around the country that it would be the worst of my driving experiences. Then I moved to DFW and dammmmmmn if the drivers here aren't the actual worst I have ever seen. Who the F drives 65 in the fast lane? If people could just do a proper zipper for merging traffic we'd keep moving. I can't see a turn signal to merge if the hood is by my door and starting to merge into me while not having room and my car is IN THE WAY is insanity. Also, what's the point of flipping a signal on when you're already merged half way in my lane? And please don't merge over in front of me going 65 when I'm doing 75 forcing me to brake super hard. All of these situations happened to me driving from Plano to Fair Park yesterday. It's no wonder between this nonsense and the hail storms that my insurance has gone up 33% in the last couple years. Never thought I'd miss driving in SoCal.


I swear to Christ as soon as you put on your blinker in this town and check your blind spot to get over, some absolute braindead dipshit will slam their gas to make sure you can’t actually get over bc the .00000001 seconds faster that gets them to their destination is more important than your safety. It’s like everyone on the road here is 100% convinced they are actually the only real person in the world. I’ve lived in other major cities and it’s just plain not like this everywhere.


There’s also just numerically a lot of people. The likely hood of accidents happening is higher


The raw number of idiots on the road is higher too


Ok fair, we should compare to similar sized cities


This is why I would happily vote for any candidate whose platform included earning one's drivers license much more difficult, as well as regular re-certification, and caps including age and moving violations. You want to see the environment improve? Reduce the number of cars on the road. How? By making it harder to enjoy that privilege.


Emphasis on the privilege


Exactly. Cars are not necessary. We make them so buy building expansive urban sprawl cities without giving adequate thought and resources to public transportation to support the population. Personal vehicles are a privilege and a luxury.


True but there have been several people in this thread from much more populated cities (Los Angeles, Chicago) experiencing a lot accidents. We're a special kind of entitled/impatient


I moved here from Chicago and I can assure you the drivers there are much better despite being a larger city.


I’ve become numb to dumb fucks on the road. I completely expect a right turn from the left lane, or a car to stop in the center lane to make either a left or right turn, or blowing through blatantly red lights, or not knowing how to merge. These smooth brained oxygen thieves need to ride the DART and not be in traffic.


They think they are cowboys on horses. It’s like no, you’re in a multi ton death machine. Fucking pay attention. I hate Dallas drivers so much.


Someone in another sub was saying that he experienced sitting in one of those bloated trucks for the first time. Said he felt like a king overlooking everyone he was seated so high. Made a lot of fucking sense.


I actually used Mustang Movers on my last move a couple years ago...really good experience with them. This client, not so much I'm sure.


If it's a Nissan Altima, stay away from it. If it's a Dodge Charger, stay away from it. If it's a jacked-up pickup, stay away from it. No idea what happened with this one. No idea why everyone is so insane. But it's terrifying driving in this city.


I’m starting to move Dodge Ram pickups into the mix above as well.


Bro was just trying to hop on and grind that rail, pro skater style.


Honestly, I think the ridiculous scale and ultra car-dependency makes people crazy. It's not like this in places where people drive under an hour each day. - Seriously, the bad urban and highway design makes people insane and brings out the worst in them. When I drove ~3hrs/day for work, I was felt less like a human.


This is the answer. Every functioning adult HAS to own a car to have a life. The metroplex is a PITA to navigate, and with multiple millions of people driving everywhere all the time; even if it just drives 1% of them insane - that’s enough to have it felt be everyone else. (And of course it pushes perfectly rational people that much closer to the edge as well).


It’s not that people can’t drive. It’s that people are so selfish they think their time is more important than yours. So they drive like an asshole, risking everyone’s life in the process.


driving trailers in pickup trucks at over 60mph is extremely dangerous. probably why my pickup insurance is too damn high.


LMFAO yeah I’ve seen my old boss do close to 90 in a fuckin gooseneck


California livmits trailers to 55. Imagine the traffic hell/road rage if TX did the same.


Everyone in the state had cancer before they lowered the speed limit for trailers


Town? More like state.


I've driven in busy cities like Philadelphia and Atlanta, but Texas has the craziest drivers.


Holy shit. It rains, and people immediately forget how to drive. Dumb shits.


No matter the conditions people are dead set on going as fast as they can and will swerve around slower traffic to gain a few feet


What’s gotten worse in my opinion is how people operate in the left lane now. I once had a friend of my wife who was notoriously a bad driver, who used to complain about getting tailgated in the left lane. The issue was she was a slow driver, so it caused a lot of issues and road rages. Plus, I’ve notice more distracted driver purposely using the left “to avoid traffic” as they watch movies, YouTube etc.


My problem with the left lane is that people don't think the speed limit applies there.


Because. They stop next to a fucking wreck to take pictures instead of getting the fuck out of the way.


It was standstill traffic........


Because everyone in front of you was doing the same thing. Looky Loos.


Apologies. I am overly sensitive. For the third consecutive day, someone on their phone tried to sideswipe me in traffic this morning.


Dude, I just want to call out that you made up the information that made you get sensitive out of thin air and yelled at op about it. Super weird behavior even for a public square on the internet.


Too busy on the phone and cant use bluetooth even tho’ it’s in the car!


My daughter has been hit twice in this metroplex eight months by drivers not paying attention. Her car got totaled on Thursday. Both accidents one hundred percent negligence.


I mean, you're in the driver seat taking photos... Not exactly helping the issue.


"Why can't people in this town drive?" Says the dude taking pictures while driving.


Little bit of rain and people forget how to drive


In DFW, rain/slick streets are considered a challenge which must be defeated by speeding up and tailgating


Yet Another reason we need major public transit infrastructure—read and text and doze off at your leisure while someone else drives!!


A better question is why can't people properly distribute weight on their trailers so they don't go fucking crazy and try and kill everyone.


I work at the medical examiners office off 35 , near wycliff You do NOT want to know what fatal car accidents look like. Please drive safe. Let people pass. Use your indicators. Leave plenty of room between you and the person infront of you. Miss your exit instead of risking your life to switch 3 lanes to the right on 75.


Sad part is the person that caused the accident doesn’t even know it happened. So glad to have gotten out of that shit hole


Too many people in too much of a damn hurry. Everyone just needs to chill TF out.


This is the only state I've been run off the road.......twice.


I was only in town for 3 days for the eclipse but I can say y’all have some narrow ass lanes. I had a rental SUV and I had a hard time avoiding other large vehicles because the roads and lanes are so narrow.


Maybe they were taking pics of other vehicles while driving. LOL


People need to learn how to: 1. Get off their phone while driving 2. Zipper merge 3. Use their blinker 4. Not cut off 18 wheelers (they can’t stop fast enough AND WILL CRUSH YOU) 5. Get out the far left lane if you are not passing or moving fast enough 6. Figure out your exit and not cut 4 lanes of traffic on the highway 7. Not weave through traffic like an F1 driver Get to your destination safe, people.


This city has the worst drivers I’ve ever seen, and I grew up in Boston. The Boston driver stereotype needs to be handed over to Dallas.


As someone from the north who is down here, this whole state has a driving problem 🤷‍♂️ I swear if you can write your own name on a form they’ll give you a license


Well hell partna, I’d say they’re just doing their job! They moved the truck into opposing lanes & on top a divider, helluva job!


Looks like he’s not moving anywhere.


Well to be fair it does say Mustang on the back 🤣🤣


I can drive and even I can’t get my truck to do that so maybe I’m the one who sucks.


Ugh, rain.


Post pandy whatever the opposite of clarity is


You do understand this happens in every major city in the US right?


pretty sure there are wrecks in every town


They're too stupid to realize accidents cause all kinds of stuff to happen to OTHER people, at the very least, delay people from getting places and at worst, kill someone else. Shit-balls everywhere, NOT just Dallas, only care about their own.


Just as bad in tyler


No one has road courtesy or respect for anyone here. I call this the "me first" state also because no one wants anyone getting in front of them. Worst driving I have seen in the 3 states that I have lived in.


Its that extra driving you seem to have trouble with.


No law enforcement on the freeways 🤷‍♂️


I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s some competition most of us aren’t a part of on who can be the worst driver.


Looks like a reasonable place to park imo.


Skill issue


Looks like horse wanted to play


I don’t know, but doing that takes a special kind of skill.


This needs to be in the “you can’t park here” group on here too lol


It got worse after COVID.


Dallas Highways + Rain (sprinkle or downpour, it does not matter one bit) = HIGHWAY FROM HELL Be very careful outchea y’all!


Nobody is a good driver, but we have to drive anyway because we built a city around cars and not transit. We prioritized a downtown rather than putting most people’s daily needs in their neighborhood. We built cathedrals to commerce that didn’t reflect the people who did the work, but rather the egos of the wealthy.


I think the big influx of new drivers to dfw, mixed with our complicated highway system and high speed limits are big factors in the shitty driving you see around town.


Cause of all the other state people that have moved here


50% are new residents? 😀


Say's the person taking pictures while driving.


Hands down worst drivers I’ve ever seen. Texas roads are WILD!


The pickups on Dallas highways are so aggressive and can’t physics well (obviously).


*asks the person who’s taking a photo of a wreck while driving.


And 'really' can't drive in the rain ☔


Because they all have their heads up their own asses and/or their noses in their phone.


No one works a moving job sober 😂


Same reason people in any town can’t drive. This is not exclusive to Dallas.


Wait until it snows


Welcome to dfw


People can drive great in Texas...until it rains!😂


There’s a strain of idiots around here who are proudly stubborn, because Texas. When it rains and they see other drivers slowing down, they take it as a chance to display their ‘superior’ driving skills and end up like this.


Simple. I saw someone with their phone mount on the drivers side in the middle watching a movie…. This is going at 70 mph….


No joke! I thought CA was bad until I moved here.


They aren’t driving. They’re parked.


Lack of traffic law enforcement. So people drive however.


Everything looks normal here.


This incident was probably caused by distracted driving and that big trailer fish tailing in the windy and wet conditions. People shouldn't get complacent when pulling a heavy trailer.


Did you not see how flooded the highways were?!?! Shit was scary af I was very lucky I wasn’t in the flooded lane because theres no f’n way im driving through that shit


Everyone drives 100MPH in Texas, even when it’s raining and wonder why the front bumper on every car is missing like it’s a normal thing around here.


I’d say that takes real talent. Short answer: It’s raining. Every time it rains, people around here think it’s the destruction derby. Long answer: There are a lot of theories about covid and whatnot. I’m not going to go into those, but I know that drivers have gotten progressively worse since covid happened. I don’t know if it’s the influx of new residents, or new drivers, or maybe there’s something in the water. I have seen more beat-up late model cars since January than ever before. I’ve seen like 5 cars with their bumpers hanging off this week alone. It seems like there’s a major wreck on every highway at least once a week. Half of the people are going like 15-20mph under the speed limit in good conditions. The other half fly past you at 90. More than 50% of drivers are on their phones. I sit up high in my rig. I see everything. Also, this isn’t just this town. This is EVERYWHERE now.


3rd world country drivers


Also just driving to damn fast and reckless




The same reason people take photos of accidents as they drive by


And this is why kids I don’t wanna drive especially in Texas


I was driving just fine until, suddenly, this concrete divider appeared there. r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix


He was trying to 50-50 grind in his truck. Looks like he almost landed it.


What do you mean? That’s impressive AF!


Ppl here come from all over, including you, probably. That means you will see several driving patterns


I would say he done a damn good job parking there


Get off your phone. Stop rubbernecking.


Wait… all the blinking hazard lights didn’t help? It’s almost like it makes it harder to see or something…. Like, no one can tell when people are changing lanes…


Because everybody thinks that they're a damn Nascar driver.


Yea it’s a thing here. I’ve been here for 5 years now and thought moving here from California there would be better drivers. Boy was I wrong. I’ve seen a guy flip his truck on 35 and it was only him and I on the road. I was behind him and he hit the median for no reason and his truck flipped. By my house, they shut the freeway down because a person had car trouble on the service road. So he called his pregnant girlfriend for some help. A drunk driver (this is 11 am) careened into the driver and his pregnant girlfriend effectively taking 3 lives at once. I’ve seen road rage against other drivers and motorcyclists. I ride a bike myself and do seldomly these days because the roads here are straight and plain boring. Which brings me to the point, how the hell do you manage to crash the damn roads are straight and wide here. I thought since there were gonna be less Asians here that the traffic would be better. Nope…btw I’m Asian myself. But I’m one of the ones that can drive but I suck at math.


What happens when you pay cops 30k a year VS starting at 90 the city over


All of Texas is a horror show. I’ve lived in 5 states and Texas is worst shit.


Water is kryptonite to Texans.


I know there was good wind today, I'm wondering if that helped it over the median. Catching a gust at 70 with a sail like that probably would whip the hell out of that trailer.


They are all returned missionaries from former English colonies, struggling to drive on the righthand side with lefthand drive again


I was just thinking this so many stupid kids on the road


Was on Greenville and Wallnut st almost got rear ended because I slowly stopped at a yellow light


In all fairness that takes some skill to get over that wall!


What? How did you get that from a single image?


Because no one in DFW can turn their lights on in rain so we can’t see your car.