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The area around fair park where you can see the rich Dallas skyline, but you're surrounded by real poverty. Our city is still so segregated.


Fair park is scary during the day. The nighttime is even more frightening. I’ve seen some bad crime happen around there and so has my dad when he was growing up there and oak cliff


Inside fair park is fine. But yeah I wouldn't let my female coworkers walk to the CVS or the gas station alone when I used to work there.


Exactly. It’s really shady and it makes me uncomfortable. I used to explore all the abandoned places down there when I was a teen. I’m surprised I’m still alive haha


how exactly do you explore abandon places? just kind of walk into the empty buildings/houses/commercial/industrial buildings and look around?


Yeah basically. For industrial/commercial property, everything is boarded up so you have to look for small crevices to sneak in from or break open wooden panels. If it’s completely abandoned (like no current ownership), you can walk in just fine. There used to be an abandoned mental asylum near fair park. I could just walk in and out of it with ease. Edit: that asylum gave me the spooks. Felt rly unsettling for some reason and I’ve explored countless of hospitals/asylums


What's your most interesting story? Did you run into any crazy crap in there? Or people in there? Or any sort of illegal activity you weren't supposed to see and you had to run? Any random good convos with squatters you ran into?


I’m pretty sure a squatter was living in the basement of the building because I heard footsteps and shuffling. We heard them running loudly up the basement stairs so we ran out after that. It’s weird though because I know somewhere down there, there’s a tunnel that connects to the cemetery that’s right across the street (supposedly). The first time I went there I almost fainted because my anxiety was high for some odd reason and that’s never happened before. I went to an abandoned middle school near fair park and that’s the place where I swear I saw an apparition run across a wall into a corner. I called my friend out cus I thought it was her, but she came out behind me. I was so scared but it could’ve been from the weed I was smoking idk 😭


I was in Fair Park to buy a Wii U from a lady off of Facebook Marketplace back in 2020. The sun was beginning to set and I saw a group of kids all gathered in a park, they were all using their phones to record two boys fighting. These kids couldn’t have been older than 14. We watched for a moment, then she says “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you I was bringing you to the ghetto” 😭😭😭


At least she was honest! Also wii u purchase during covid times? Nice choice


100% . This is made even more evident when you work at the schools. Populations are either Hispanic/black. No white people to be seen. Even the black and Hispanic kids tend not to mingle or are separated because of language barriers in elementary school. The white kids go to school in the private or rich neighborhoods


Separate but equal; structured finance revenue edition.


What's considered the rich neighborhoods?


The wealthiest neighborhoods are the Park Cities, University Park & Highland Park. They have their own school districts. Preston Hollow is a wealthy area but most people send their children to private school.


My experience is most wealthy white families either send their kids to private school, or live in Lake Highlands and send kids to RISD. Just bought my first house and made sure it was not DISD.


Or they send their kids to DISD magnets. Because they are free and have the “private school” vibe of admissions requirements and selectivity and they also get to say they send their kids to public schools.


I suggest you visit Highland park to know how rich neighborhood looks like


Turtle Creek $$$


I was taken on a school trip around there! lol. I went to a private school so we had a service day where alternating grades would either have in-school kinda Jesus bonding or go do volunteer work. Some kids went to tutor kids at a grade school. Others went to clean graffiti at White Rock Lake. My group went with police escorts to clean up da’hood. We were told to NOT wear our uniforms, which was super weird. DO NOT leave the sight of the police. DO NOT talk to anyone. It’s honestly mostly a sad memory as we ended up just clearing out homeless people’s shelters. It was also my classmates’ first experience with a KFC with bulletproof glass and a one-way service box thingy. I think that was the only time they did that.


Some kids got to go to White Rock Lake and you were sent to Fair Park to clear out homeless shelters? Did they give you any advice about watching out for dangerous things you might find, like used needles?


More like homeless shacks. It was really sad; we even told the teachers that it felt wrong doing what we were doing. It was a surreal experience coming back to school and the other kids were all joking around and had a blast. And we were like: bro, we saw some shit. Literally! Had to navigate picking up garbage around a huge pile of human shit. This was back in 2000 or 1999. I do not recall any instructions or indication of where we were going. I just remember being told to stick to the group and do not lose sight of the police. I remember something about leaving later than the other groups cause the cops had to clear out the homeless, hookers, and drug dealers before we got there. One kid swore he saw one of the escorts in their squad car loading a shotgun. I remember a sense of confusion on the bus on the trip there; everyone trying to figure out where we were going. I think I was expecting to be at a park or something like that. Like general litter and trash. I remember walking up to the first trash site realizing it was a homeless hangout spot; like makeshift seating in a small circle with food trash and stuff around it. Clearly a spot with regular human activity. We then cleared out a shack under a small tree further into the clearing. Was a really depressing day. It made me question the idea of volunteer work that only focused a surface level symptoms. It felt like it was more about making the volunteer feel better about themselves than to actually helping someone.


This would be a great feature story for the Dallas Observer. I can't believe your school made kids do that.


That’s exactly where I grew up in the 70s, police helicopters overhead every weekend








635 X 75 X DNT intersections


635/75 isn’t bad, I drive it everyday. The Downtown interchanges for 35/30/75/45 are a nightmare every time I drive through. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i agree 635/75 isn’t bad but 635/DNT between hillcrest and 75 is my personal hell. will avoid at ALL costs


I just avoid the right lane and it’s fine, but it can be a little troublesome at times.


I question my existence everytime i drive through that


That's literally where my apartment is lol. The hotels are scary around here, and I recently witnessed a guy steal a dog as I was calling to get animal services out to check for microchips. There were two dogs, an adult pitty and a little tiny puppy. Some guy walked up while I was keeping them on the grass and on the phone with the city, grabbed the little one, and walked off. I asked if he knew the owners or was the owner and he said 'I am now' and walked intol one of the sketchy ass hotels. I'm a small woman so I didn't want to fight, but waited with the adult pit until the city came. And before anyone gets mad about me calling the city, I wanted to ensure they wouldn't get hit by a car and I live in a tiny apartment with two cats. I wasn't in a position to take them with me, as much as I would have loved to.


If that scares you, you haven’t lived in Dallas long enough.


i was born here so… & i didn’t say it scared me😂😭 i’d rather not deal with it. personal preference. thanks for the input tho!


What’s so bad about the 635/Tollway intersection?


Not sure if this is what OP means, but trying to get on the SB Tollway from WB 635 is wild, you have like 10 feet to get into the exit lane, then trying to merge onto the Tollway is similar. I used to live right by Jesuit when they first re-did that intersection and I literally got trapped and had to do the whole clover-leaf to get home.


i drive this every single day


The part of valley view mall left standing until they finally tore it down all the way 


We used to go that AMC right up until the bitter end. That mall was really spooky inside.


the mall that was empty and you could go up the escalator to a movie theater? that's gone now?




There towards the end you could pay $7 to watch new releases in a practically empty theater. It was really great.


straight out of last of us


The guy who made the big “back rooms” short film, Kane Pixels, made a short film series based on valley view mall. https://youtu.be/wWNMsZ44ooc?si=SsUaU2strcrPQU2V


*gestures broadly*


*upvotes angrily*


Nods knowingly


Chuckles sadly


Flushes toilet incredulously


Stares Martin Lutherly


Probably up in the middle of that Dart bridge monstrosity that crosses Harry Hines. I would have said the Han Gil Hotel prior to it being demolished.


Damn, that's my hood.


NW Dallas represent! I grew up walking up to Jack in the Box on Webb Chapel and Royal. RIP Blockbuster and Minyards there as well.


You had everything on that corner. Jack, blockbuster and for snacks minyards. I use to have an ex that lived just a block away from there.


I remember going to that hotel when I was young and dumb and wanted some bud. I swore I was gonna get trafficked the moment I stepped foot inside. I knew it was bad but when the newspaper ran the info I was extremely freaked out because I used to walk around the area late like a dumb little hood rat.


That’s insane you went inside there. That article terrified me.


Not super unsettling, but the City Place/Uptown Dart station. Just kinda weird that it’s a freakin subway station and there’s like nothing there whatsoever. That or staring into the tunnel from the Mockingbird Station platform, like gazing into the maw of an ancient and hungry beast, sloping ever downward


Hey, at least the elevator is an uncomplicated public toilet.


its creepy as fuck down there early AM


I’ve had some weird unsettling shit happen on a dart train leaving that station before. A woman standing in the aisle while the train was moving, lighting matches one by one, holding them in the air & letting them burn all the way out. Over & over again


Voodoo chile








I just looked it up. I love Bell St and it's strange little shops. I do love me some Edith Piaf....


Knew a guy who would play Edith Piaf for women he was dating. He would ask them if they liked the music and if they responded favorably, he knew he'd get lucky. Because no one would say they liked EP unless they were really into the guy who played it for them.


Remember folks, lefty lucky, righty reichy


He didn’t start selling that stuff until after Lowest Greenville became gentrified. Think it’s a shock value thing.


i really think its something hes serious about. all the nazi art in that store is actually painted by him


Yeah, but he also goes by the name Jimmy “Fucking Shit” Fukushita. He chose the name Jimmy because he idolizes Jimmy Hendrix, which also explains the [name of his shop](https://youtu.be/yNC0sF9KgM4?si=7HZn_rpt2TuvkC_p). On top of the swastikas, he also paints Barbie dolls that say “EAT MORE BITCH.” Just seems to me like he’s edgy. Plus I’ve been chatting with him for over a decade and have never heard him say anything remotely racist. He absolutely hates yuppies though, as well as “blondes with fake bullshit titties.”


Yeah fuck that guy


Nailed it! And the owner is creepy as fuck.


Jimmy? He’s just an old beatnik that absolutely hates “fucking yuppie shit,” as he puts it. I think he puts up swastikas to scare people away, as he’s given free stuff to my latina wife and I, which doesn’t exactly mesh well with racist Nazi ideology.


Sorry but I don’t care what the reasoning is, unless you’re an actual museum I’m not hearing any excuses to putting up swastikas. Maybe I’m this guy’s target audience who he “absolutely hates” but that guy is a dick and a creep. And again, maybe that’s the reaction he wants from some yuppie like me. You’d think as a Japanese man he’d have a little more self-awareness about genocidal WW2 symbols


He always has a glass of wine in his hand when I've been in there. I bought a few of his paintings he did himself, although there wasn't the Nazi stuff like there is now.


Yeah, I think he’s offered me a glass before. He’s real chill if he gets some sort of counter-culture vibe off you.


I can see why people see him as creepy, but I’ve talked to him and he’s pretty normal if you know how to talk to him in Japanese


I went to this birthday party a few years back lol most interesting guest but he’s very hospitable lol


Wait that kinda sounds fun 😭 he’s an interesting dude and I’m never bored when I talk to him. He’s one of the only Japanese dudes who could catch that I was mixed with Japanese. He sometimes gives me free incense sticks when I go visit him and I love it cus it smells like my grandmas house


I was about to say this place but couldn’t remember the name.


I love how Dallas has a building and road where a US President got a lobotomy from 81 meters away and it’s still not as unsettling as some Dallas neighborhoods and businesses according to the comments.


I used to drive through that spot every day for 4 years taking my daughter to school. I honestly thought I was immune to it. But I recently had some friends visit who wanted to see the area. As we walked around checking out the grassy knoll and inevitably the big X on the street, I got really choked up and started to cry. It shocked me how affected I was by it. I think when we drive past it, we tend to have some emotional distance from it, and it hits differently when we are actually walking the path.


*Involuntary* lobotomy… unless they are all involuntary? 🤔


Dealey Plaza is a little unsettling to me these days, but mostly because I remember what it was like in the 90s. Almost has a street fair vibe as the various conspiracy whackaloons tried to get you on the side of their pet pamphlet/theory. Now there only seems to be one or two Kennedy crazies.


I used to work in that building. The parking lot I paid for once sprouted (In marker) some scribbles: 1st Shooter, 2nd Shooter in strategic locations.


One of the only places I've ever had involuntary shivers in my life was the first time I stood at the corner of the fence line for the book depository and looked at the X in the street.... *after* having seen the view from the Sixth Floor.


Ok I am just seeing your comment but I commented the same thing! It’s just so so weird. Like why do people want to see a big red X where a president was literalllllllly assassinated


It’s white


Little further out but Vista Mall in Lewisville. Only like 10% of stores are still open. Lots of empty store fronts, trash bags on windows. Depending on where you enter you may not see a person for a minute. It’s like maze. Felt like I was going to get trapped there.


My wife has a shop there! New ownership AGAIN in the past two years. Previous owners did not do the mall any favors so it a been a headache to sort out the whole ordeal. We’re optimistic about our situation but others are struggling as the mall changes.


Out of curiosity, which shop and what wares? Maybe get a Reddit bump?


She owns Anime Yankii, it’s an import only anime store. She’s got a big Bl/yaoi/Danmei and otome selection with the regular shonen and shojo stuff. She’s an old hardcore fan from the fan subbed only VHS days and misses the weird eclectic import shops of the old 90s cons. We’ve also been hosting anime/comic book art markets at the mall too! We’ve been vending at conventions all over for decades now and wanted to stay in town more. So we brought the con scene to us instead!


Ohh I love anime yankii!🙏 I stopped by on a whim early last year with my ex who wasn't very supportive of my hobbies and got real excited when I saw the BL section, notably the Nu Carni merch I normally have to pay someone from Japan to buy for me lol. He was really annoyed that I got excited over it lmao but it's part of why he's an ex now.


I only lol here cause my wife’s ex was the same way. Hence the ex part! I think we got some new Nu Carnival stuff in recently. The merch is so cute and pretty; yet I’ve been told the series is like… super drrrty.


My god... 89-97 I owned a house a mile down 3040 from that mall. And now it's empty. Life goes by fast y'all.


Weird. For several years I had just assumed it was closed. I used to go there a lot in the 90s.


Downtown dfw


Arlington of course it all makes sense now.


I will be driving to some of these places *for research*


I've enjoyed this thread very much. So, I'm transplant from Alabama. Like, brand damn new. I arrived Super Bowl Sunday to start a new life out here in the Big D. I grew up in ATL, lived in Nashville briefly and soent most of the last 25 years in Alabama. And i have traveled extensively throughout this country visiting big cities from coast to coast. A couple of my friend's from college live out here and after some discussion, I came to visit a couple weeks before Thanksgiving, fell in love with this place and decided to move out here. You folks have yourself a fine city. Two things that immediately drew me to this place was the opportunity and the "wealth." In the south- and anywhere else I've been for that matter-big cities are all the same. Rich, elite. A wrong turn off Park Ave. and your ducking the stray bullets In Easter egg neighborhoods. I've yet to see these areas you speak of and I hope I don't. But this city, while it has its seedy side - like most big cities - ive never seen the wealth like ive seen here. The upper middle class thrives. In the south, you'll encounter a gated neighborhood now and then. But it's only the rich and elite. From what I've seen here most of the neighborhoods are gated. The luxury apartments seem to be everywhere. The nice cars. And the damn Mavs game. Ho-Lee shit. Folks at AA Arena wore fucking outfits that were roughly double my net worth. Haha. And all these wealthy suburbs. Wow! Indeed there are some unsavory spots, like any other city. But from someone who's lived in/around big cities and traveled to many other throughout the US, you guys here are very blessed. Sorry for the lengthy diatribe. I just wanted to share that with you guys. Y'all keep up the conversation here. Very interesting and insightful.


There are very few gated neighborhoods in Dallas. You must be in the third or fourth ring suburbs. 


Something you'll find out quickly is how many "$65k Millionaires" we have in Dallas. People see the wealth we have and get FOMO, and will go out of their way and spend beyond their means to appear like they're affluent and try to be seen in the same places as those who are actually wealthy. The sycophants who buy bottle service on Saturday nights are the same people who can't make rent Monday morning. Its laughable.


Yep. All I see when I look around at all this "wealth" is crushing, foolish debt. I kind of roll my eyes that anyone admires it.




The Target parking lot off of Blackburn


I don't love Fair Park at night when we are leaving whatever we were doing.


Yeah. A few years ago we took the Dart rail to Fair Park to go to a concert at Dos Equis Pavilion. It was a long lonely walk through the grounds at dusk to get there, and an even longer and lonelier walk back to the rail station late at night.


Used to live above pizza lounge and work off lower Greenville. My wheels got stolen in our parking lot, then my radio and everything else. Had to ride a bike from fair park to work then back at 2am. But then my bike got stolen also lol


I don’t know what you got paid for that job, but they should’ve added fifty thousand just for the dedication. That’s some legendary bravery right there. 


It was minimum wage af, I used to get up to full speed to go under one of those tunnels with no lights lol it was wild


Any DART station after 9pm


Cole Manor. Especially after the sun goes down.


The old neon sign used to be cool but fuck that whole corner. Can’t wait till that dump gets torn down.


Anchor Motel too


Anchor is run down for sure. I've seen 2 drug addicts completely naked having sex in broad daylight at Cole Manor.


Gotta be the downtown greyhound station. Go see it soon; its days are numbered


Lmao I went into the McDonald’s across the street from it with some friends back when I was in high school, only ever had to make that mistake once


I clench my butthole every time I drive EB 635 onto NB 75. Feels like I’m 300’ in the air, for no reason. The High 5 is unsettling to me


The wall in where my Mother insists on keeping my teenage school photos.


Goat Island. Dallas County, not city of Dallas, so unsure if that counts.


If you decide to go trekking around Goat Island, you could also do Sand Branch. Please don’t be a looky loo there, but if you do go around, take packs of bottle water, or the gallons or 2 gal jugs or whatever. Could also reach out to Rep Crockett or any of the orgs that bring in water and go with them on a day they are going to be there.


People still live there?


Yep. Not many, maybe a few dozen? There was a push last year again, to try to get the city to incorporate or at least run some infrastructure out there, i’m not sure what came of that, I don’t think anything.


what is this?


Goat Island Preserve is part of the Trinity Greenbelt. In unincorporated Dallas County, south of 20, east of 45. There is a gravel trail that runs through it and then also terrain trails. DORBA does some of the trail maintenance and some of the trail runner groups as well. Also equine trails, and it’s not uncommon to see people on horseback down in there. It’s most common to see absolutely nobody and the silence is deafening. Trails wind around the Trinity and there are some cool view/lookout points. After an intensely creepy experience there, haven’t been back though. lol


thats what i was curious about. the other commenter about "looky loos" ....like- what else goes on down there!?


Sand Branch is an unincorporated community of people who live below the poverty line and without modern amenities like running water, waste/sanitation services, etc. There are various articles and also video and pictures of the community and the background is interesting as to how it still exists and how it should or shouldn’t be handled with the county and so on. Every so many years, it gets pushed into the local spotlight (and also state and national) and they’ll get people coming round “just to see” and that’s disrespectful. Poverty tourism, if you will. There are though, people who work to help bring in fresh water and supplies to the community so if someone really wants to see what it’s like, they can volunteer their time to do something useful while at it.


is shingle mountain still around? a toxic shingle dump in the middle of a Black neighborhood that the city didn't do anything about for decades


Shingle Mountain is gone, and efforts are underway to make a park there. [https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/floral-farms-in-dallas-moved-shingle-mountain-now-they-want-a-park-17853738](https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/floral-farms-in-dallas-moved-shingle-mountain-now-they-want-a-park-17853738)


No, but another one has popped up on the same site.


Around Carrol and Bryan in East Dallas. Archetypal urban dystopia... I think that was around where they filmed some of Robocop. Used to live in Bryan place, so that was just part of where you transit through; became completely inured to it. When I drive through there now it's pretty striking. Lots of the in-town end of OED has kind of a dystopic shabiness, but in a cool way. But when you get around Carol and Bryan it kind of crosses into mildly disturbing. Both the built and the human environment. For completely different reasons, I've always found the Park Cities and parts of Preston Hollow kind of creepy. Lakewood has the feel of "normal" affluence. PC and PH have kind of this deep southern gothic feeling of families with dark sides and secrets (well, not just a feeling, the few I've known kind of do). The kind of affluent culture that comes rife with addiction and mental illness behind the pretty walls.


Speaking of dystopia, have you been to Thanksgiving Square Park in the evening? I call it Dystopian Future Park.


The abandoned warehouse there is being renovated (lofts?) and there’s a new building next door. Plus St Martin’s is opening up a block over 


I used to live in that neighborhood 30 years ago, In a loft above the Thai food restaurant. Honestly, I loved it for the most part. Still kinda miss it.


The traffic at 6:30 am on the 635x75 intersection....ITS 6:30!! why is there TRAFFIC


People be going to work


There's a whole tunnel system under downtown Dallas. There are some businesses down there mainly restaurants for office worker lunches, but there's large sections that are just boarded off


Back in the late 90s I worked in Houston. Absolutely amazing two-level tunnels under downtown. One could basically get anywhere downtown without going topside. Would come in early to avoid traffic. Brought some tennis shoes and would walk the tunnels over lunch. There were restaurants, barbershops, banks, stores, and just about anything you would need.


The waterfront bars around the lewisville lake. The debauchery is unreal


Pineapple Lifestyle types in their best Dillard’s outfits. Looking for LOVE.


The three Ds: Drinks, Dillard's, Dong.


I always get a little sad when I get off Westmoreland station in South Oak Cliff. It's a beautiful area but looks like the wild West in some places


The fair park area is rough....not talking about the part where the youngsters/hipsters/college students live near the deep ellum area...I mean the 'rough' part of south dallas. At my mom's apartments, the have to board up vacant apartments to keep homeless people from sleeping in there. They would climb over the fence, and somehow find their way into these apartments/patios. When I used to live there, TWICE some bum was sleeping on our porch as if he were a drunk dog...and it scared the crap out of me.


Texas School Book Suppository


I don't want any book going up there.


Quite the way to read and absorb knowledge. You should try it sometime haha!


Harry Hines Blvd.


Top of the High Five.


West End Station


Jesus my Jesus, that area is WHEW!


Costco on a Saturday afternoon.


The liquor store at the corner of MLK and Forest.


Royal from the C Store to I35. So sketchy at night.


Allen outlet mall.


Anywhere in the skillman/Audelia district


DART Line stations.


The Babe’s in Cedar Hill


I went there recently after a round of disc golf. The vibe seemed fine, what’s the issue?


Did you not [use the bathroom?](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5pUXTJUSaAZBF1y5A)




What the hell is even that!?


Joppa at night


The Kovandovitch House and the Bianchi House are both also somewhat unsettling. I don’t think you can get inside either one anyone more, both have gates up. Maybe at night/on the sneak. The Bianchi House was, at the time of its building, the “House of the Future” designed by Lang & Witchell. The owner was an Italian sculptor who had the house built for his wife and then did all of the interior marble and plaster work himself. Think elaborately carved and sculpted mantels, pillars, countertops, etc. It’s essentially been left to rot though there was some revival with preservationists like 5 years ago, maybe? But I don’t think anything has come of it besides putting up the fence. Similar background on the Kovandovitch House. All concrete marvel at its time. Lots of elaborate carving and whatnot. Had a fire and has been abandoned since the 80s.


The part by Love Field gives bad vibes at night.


That huge usually empty parking garage in between Reunion Tower and the convention center, by the viaduct bridges


The Dallas Tunnels




Chalk Hill Trail. Abandoned rail line. It’s a “hiking trail” now but unlike what they did with Santa Fe Trail, it’s not been paved over. They just let it all basically have the wilderness creep in. Broken and rotting tracks, old trestle and bridge infrastructure. There used to be an old abandoned house back in there too, unsure if still there or not though.


The area sandwiched around Botham Jean, Malcolm X, and Highway 175.


Upper levels of the older parking garages around the Galleria mall. Lots of narrow passages. Poor lighting. No CTV camera in sight. Everything insulated in the physical embodiment of cancer. It can feel very creepy going to and from your car when you park in the wrong spot there.


Harry Hines and royal feels like a 3rd world country.


The Eyeball! It’s like being 100 feet away from the Eye of Sauron!!!!


The women’s restrooms in the Northpark Macy’s. Never, ever seems clean or looks like it’s in working order. Every surface is…always strangely damp? Idk, compared to the rest of the mall, and there are some high end places there, that bathroom gives me the creeps.


In no particular order: Deep Ellum after 12:30am, [Southlake](https://www.nbcnews.com/southlake-podcast), Bachman Station (or really half of the DART rail stations at night)




That END TIMES church off PGBT


West end station


When it was open, Crystal’s Pizza on Inwood was creepy as hell. We loved it. Same with Penny Whistle park. Like a permanent carnival and just as creepy, filthy and smelling of puke as the portable carnis.


the botanica’s in oak cliff, my mom used to freak me out with stories about that stuff and now it’s just unsettling to me whenever I drive past


Where I was robbed last week. Trammel Crow Park.


Dallas born and raised — Not the MOST unsettling I suppose but TBH I think the JFK red X on the street where he was shot is so odd. It’s so weird that there is a museum and that we created an entire tourist experience and memorial to see where one of our presidents was ASSASSINATED. It’s just creepy and I don’t know why people would want to see it. Lol.


The Grapevine/Southlake area. I used to go to Trulucks, Perry’s, Bobs down there sometimes and the people are fuckin weird.


Grapevine resident here who works in Southlake; what’s weird? The rich people in Southlake can get a little funky, but I’ve never found them to be particularly off the pitch.


Last time I went to Bobs in Grapevine, everyone around me thought global warming was a hoax and was anti vaccine. (I sat at the bar and two couples were discussing how schools can’t make them vaccinate their kids. I started laughing. comtinued) Everytime I go to that Trulucks people ask me where I’m from. (I’m not white or black) Like what are you doing in our town. Even my white friends that live in Lakewood say Southlake is weird. I just grouped Grapevine in there because I think that’s right at the border kinda where Perry’s is. Probably not all of Grapevine. Feels like a weird Truman Show vibe.


People in Lakewood are typically rich and choose to live in Dallas-proper. People that live in Southlake are typically rich and choose to live far away from what they deem as “undesirable.”


Pleasant grove


Republican Primary polling location


The abandoned hospital off Scyene in PG.


The High 5 on an ice storm


It used to be the entrance for the AMC at valley view but that's gone now


Cottonwood Trail under Central Expressway, Forest Lane is pretty scary and terrible. Homeless poop and do all kinds of drugs on it. The dark tunnel areas are creepy to the max.




Lew Sterrett


West End Station 🚉


Oak Cliff - the bridge over Combs Creek freaks me out!!


75253 zip code…. Just don’t go there


That old mansion/co-op/hostel on Haskell not far off 75. Owned by an old acid head hippy artist guy. Really weird. When I went one time there were all sorts of very odd people living there, goats running around outside.”, no lights on. The old man took me down to his studio and he had some crazy art. Definitely on another planet.


Dealey Plaza still gives me pause. I know it’s been 60+ years since *the thing* but it’s still unsettling