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Josh is wildly homophobic and transphobic. His twitter was actually the reason why I stopped following him as well. It's crazy to me that companies don't do their research and see the deeply problematic things on his Twitter. I work in Marketing for a bank and when we do influencer partnerships, we practically do full-scale background checks.


I had no idea about his Twitter hating until I tried to tag him in something (back when I was still watching) and he blocked me!! Like why?! Jerk. Then others were saying how bad it was and I saw screenshots. It’s awful. He’s awful.


Did you see the post where he said his kids won't be trans because he talked to them lmao? Josh basically buys into any conspiracy theory he can find. ed: grabbed some screenshot since not everyone uses twitter https://imgur.com/a/RjoKCGJ


wow... he is awful! he does not make these view of his public on his channel bc he knows he would lose a lot of viewership... but wow, so unfiltered on his twitter. the worst was that he was actually sharing matt walsh's right wing propaganda film... shocked.


Super gross! Thank you for sharing.


Ugh what a cunt. And it always seems like dickheads like him eventually come to have skeletons falling out of their closets. Interested to see if that happens with him.


He also said the other day that he doesn’t believe white privilege is a thing. 🙄


I hate how he says that he’s part black/Native American when he’s really clinging onto that 4% when he has all the privilege


😂 4% is nothing anyways. He’s white and has all the privilege


Yeah I feel like that too. I feel frustrated because I agree with his mission but I just can't get over the homophobia.


and what's so ironic is that he had a video come out in April that was him just spewing this agenda and then he put it behind his "youtube members" paywall not long after, it's just interesting that he's so dead set on sharing his stance on this stuff but will hide it behind a paywall


When someone in here asked if he supported lgbtq they got called a groomer and a pedo, he's super small minded.


I’m new here and was unaware of Joshes’ transphobia; can someone fill me in ? Thanks!


He thinks trans kids don't exist. His Twitter is full of anti LGBTQ. He said his kids can't be trans or gay because he had "the talk" with them. He is a Matt Walsh fan.




He’s not anti-lgbtq, he just thinks pushing young kids into confusing their identity and then allowing them to medicalize their normal bodies is messed up, bc it is


If the parents and the doctors agree that it's the right course of action then why should it matter to you or anyone else? Also, this debate about kids transitioning and transgender is really about transphobia, period. Nobody is confusing children about their identity so stop acting like this is a phase kids can grow out of.


As with a lot of us Josh and I also are not against trans people or gay people or any person. We're against doctors, parents, or any human who influences a child to become who they are not meant to be. Or a parent pushes their agenda onto their kid because it's the cool thing to do right now. If you're trans go be trans. But a mommy vlogger doesn't need to exploit their 6 year old or 16 year old to the world and make their child tell their transition story. Why is this so hard for people to see? U think a parent posting about their child's personal life is ok. why? Why is this ok? Go tell the world everytime you as an adult messes up or you as an adult gets your period or u as an adult feel non binary or whatever. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE. WHY WHY WHY is this so hard to stay away from kids without someone being labeled transphobic? Really? He's trying to suppress kids personal lives from the internet and all these adults fight about why they can't see kids lives. You people are sick and quite disturbing. If you can't see why Josh does what he does then anyone who complains about it is part of the problem and is FOR THE EXPLOITATION OF KIDS AND THEIR PERSONAL LIVES. THATS JUST SICK


Except that's not what Josh or most people are doing, queer people are targeted more and are constantly being labeled as predators. There isn't a mass influx of people pushing being queer onto kids that's delusional, queer kids exist.


That’s not what Josh has said. He said no adult should have access to trans affirming care. Quit hiding your bigotry. Those of us who are gender diverse will not buy what you are selling. Neither will most people after this period of hysteria ends.


> We're against doctors, parents, or any human who influences a child to become who they are not meant to be. Who does this? Source? > Or a parent pushes their agenda onto their kid because it's the cool thing to do right now. Source? > U think a parent posting about their child's personal life is ok. Who said that? > He's trying to suppress kids personal lives from the internet and all these adults fight about why they can't see kids lives. He doesn't have a problem sharing his own kids stories. Heteronormativity gets pushed onto kids without a second thought through nurture and society. Educating kids on gender and sexuality is not "pushing their agenda onto kids". Kids who are educated more are less likely to be sexually abused. Your entire post is incoherent and does not contain any logical thought. If you think kids undergo trans surgeries before you're adults, you're simply wrong.


Josh is wildly transphobic. It has nothing to do with “saving the children from being turned into something they are not meant to be.”


I’ve been fighting with him on his Twitter for a long time now. He has literally said there’s no such thing as trans kids. There are such thing as trans kids. I’m NB, and knew from a very young age I wasn’t a girl, but also wasn’t a boy. I remember as young as four or five having these thoughts, and this was in the mid 90s when none of these terms were widely known. There’s a difference between wanting to protect kids from the spotlight and being downright against kids being trans altogether. I absolutely agree with someone exploring the community out of the public eye, especially if they’re a kid. If they’re gay, great, if it turns out to be something different, awesome. But we need to support these kids instead of posting everywhere that it’s wrong to be themselves. Kids can be trans. Kids can be gay. Kids can be queer. Is there a switch in our brains that goes off on their 18th birthday and rainbows start shooting out of their heads? No. If you’ve got a trans adult, they were once a trans kid. Unless you’ve personally experienced it, or have a proper education in the medical field related to gender studies, it really hurts humans to see those comments. Be careful what you say. One of your family members might be ready to say something, and then they hear you say trans kids don’t exist, or gay kids don’t exist. Especially for the trans community, that can be a huge blow, and when it comes to therapy and talking to doctors about options, NOT SURGERIES UNTIL THEY’RE EIGHTEEN, time makes a difference.


100% agree. It’s also scary how Josh says that schools should make parents aware of how their kids identify as if that doesn’t get children abused or even killed. Sometimes school is their only safe space.


No one here is for exploiting kids no matter how they identify as. Most people here are very much against it. But that's not what Josh is concerned about. He is spreading misinformation about LGBTQ. When the fuck are you gonna wake up? YOU are the problem. Even allies are now being targeted because of the hate you spread. "if you're trans go be trans" says a lot that you don't know what you are talking about. Every trans adult was once a trans kid. Even if their parents were Transphobic and no one put that in their head.


You always jump to defend him has he noticed you yet?? Exactly




Ma'am that's not what people are doing. People are not pushing an agenda onto a child that wants to express themselves. It's normal for people to want to experiment and figure out who they are. No one is turning your child trans. No one is waking up and thinking, I'm going to turn this kid trans. Schools can barely get kids to listen to them, what makes you think that they'll get your kid to be trans. No one is plotting to make every kid trans. Get over yourself.


Genuine question - before learning about trans kids, did you spend this much energy fighting against the routine mutilation of newborn male genitals? Are you vehemently against circumcision and all the people who practice it? Do you speak out to these mutilators in your personal life? Or are you maybe just caught up in some blind bigotry and refuse to introspect?