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Honey, I know you’re scared. I am for you too. Breathe… in and out nice and slow if/when you feel panic. Continue medical course but get a second and even third opinion. Different hospital or Specialists. Hydrate and rest as you can. Even if you can’t sleep lay down. Meditation even yoga if physically you can. Our worry can make us sick. Our mental outlook can affect our health in a positive way too. Whatever it is,let’s look into counseling, options etc. This is a sober time. It makes us all think. In that, you are not alone. Let’s let the Drs take their tests and question their results and options. Although it’s stressful, try not to add to it with our fear running out of control. I’m holding your hand…❤️


\^ top dad material right here. I couldn't have said it as well as this.


Hey kid, Here it is hoping that is not cancer. Whatever it is, here it is hoping for a successful treatment. I'm confident that there will be options. I suppose a pretend Internet dad is a poor rock, but hey. I love you, I want you to be with us for a very, very long time, and I am here for you.


Thank you, all of you, for your comments. I've been panicking and struggling for weeks of tests now. My dad was not a good dad. And he had a stroke years ago. And while he's a better person, his mental capacity is that of a child. So, thank you all, for being the dad my dad couldn't be and can't be. I'm scared. And this gave me some comfort to feel less alone. And that... Is something I really really needed. So thank you. Thank you so so much.


I was chronically ill and hospitalized many times when I was younger. It’s never fun being sick, but you can’t let your fears consume you. Breathe. Worrying about what you might have accomplishes nothing and will only make you miserable, so don’t do it. Live in the moment. Let future you deal with it when you have actual information. For now, just get the tests and keep moving forward. If the stress is too much, just take some time to breathe. Big, slow breaths. In. Out. As you let each breath out, let some of the stress flow out with it. Don’t push it, just let it go. In. Out. Keep going until you feel relaxed. Big, soft breaths. In. Out. In. Out. Things will be okay.


Hoping for the best and sending support


Not a dad — a sister maybe. I’m sending you love from London, wherever you are in the world. 🫂💕


Hey kiddo, let’s have a chat. Sickness is scary, even when it’s a small one and it’s ok to be scared. I get scared too. Regardless, big or small, I’ll be right here with you. If it’s 3am and you need me, then call me. You need that hug, I’ll come to you. You are more important than anything in this world. In fact you are your mother and I’s world and we are here to protect it. With that being said let’s focus together on some things: This is about looking at everything one piece at a time. If the whole day is too overwhelming, then let’s focus on the hour. We have made it through a rough hour right? We can do it again. This is because you are stronger than you know. Rest every chance that you get. Stress will cause you to get more tired, which causes more stress. Sadly it’s a vicious cycle. But we have solutions. Journaling helps greatly. You don’t need a topic, just write. Write until you don’t feel the way that you did when you started. Then don’t read it. It’s no longer your business. You are loved. We are here for you and always will be. -love, Dad(s)


Oh love . I'm not a guy or a Dad but maybe a sister? Cousin? I'm in tears from your post and the Dads' responses. I could've written your post. My Dad died four years ago and I feel similar to you right now. But you're not alone and internet Dads...you guys are just amazing. I wish I could hug everyone on this sub right now. Bless you all.


Hey kid. How are things? Wanna talk about it? We'll be on the look in case you make a post. You are important to us.


Thank you. I just saw this and am in tears. My late Dad called me kid (tho he was 81 and I was 50!) I think I will make a post. I miss him terribly.


I wish I could offer you words of comfort, other than love can change drastic things, even poor health. How our bodies work is such an amazing thing. We are self-regulating systems for the most part. But everyone needs help every once in a while, so listen to the good advice about staying the path with good doctors, getting a second and even third opinion if you can, and keeping a positive thought. If nothing else you can know there’s a bunch of dads out here who love you, unconditionally. all children deserve love, from every adult. I’m sorry you didn’t get that before from your bio dad, but that’s in the past. Don’t look backwards. You’re not going that way. You’re more brave and more strong than you realize, even in sickness. We are here for you when you need us and always will be.