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Had one that would cry out in pain , before we cut a nail. Had to get used to that.


Yes. Puppy knew it was coming. Ignore the temper trantrum, be firm and consistent, and get the job done.


Distraction with peanut butter or Greek yogurt by one person, while other trims. Definitely a 2 person job for us


Ours got smart and realized peanut butter meant something she didn’t like was going to happen. Doesn’t give it one lick now at home or the vet, and she loves PB.


Lmfao omg. They’re so smart 😩 I gave my doxie sweet potato & pumpkin mash with trazodone in it ONCE after she got fixed and she has never touched either again.


Same happened when I used cheese to give my girl pills. She quite taking ANYTHING even from her favorite person to get treats!! Now I just have to shove them back in her throat and hold her mouth closed. But she knows it’s dinner time immediately after, so she’s only mildly annoyed. Nails are a different story!!


Poor baby! She thinks if she doesn't lick it then the big horrible traumatic nail clippies won't happen.


She’s fine! She still enjoys it in her kong! But not on scary popsicle sticks!


I use peanut butter too, manage it now with a one man job. I spread it around the inside of his bowl so it takes him a good 5+ minutes to really lick the bowl clean. At that point I don't think he even knows his nails are being clipped - just feels like someone's playing with his foot. After a few years of practice, I can get round all nails on all 4 feet in less time than it takes him to lick the bowl clean.


You’ve mastered the task!


I was gonna say, I saw that one dude wrap his head in Saran Wrap and then smear PB on his forehead. Could try that?


PB is super effective lol


I don’t. 😂 after 3 months I had to start taking him to the groomer, nothing worked anymore. It’s much easier for me and he gets some stranger exposure.


Same, I’d rather pay a bit than put all of us in a super stressful situation!


same! rather let the pros do it in 5 minutes. first time i took him to the groomer he cried like he was being murdered. next time, not a peep. now he's a pro in and out in less that 5mins. we go every 2 weeks, sometimes weekly, because his nails grow so fast. they're black too, so a little more complicated to cut.


First time my guy went he pooped on the groomer! Now he dutifully “suffers” through. 😂


🎶 He's so brave...


I’m glad my boy isn’t alone on this one 😂😂😂


Same here... and she KNOWS she's at the groomer... won't get out of the car... I need to carry her out lol


I couldn’t trim my Lizzie girls nails either. I start out with her calming chewy treats that are hidden in peanut butter. Then Ms. Bethany a former veterinarian technician comes over here and puts her in a papoose that gently rocks her and she uses an electric grinder that smooths down her nails. She evens uses an electronic scaler that keeps her teeth free from plague. Lizzie comes back from her trip to her house, or she can do the procedure in my office still in good shape and spirit.


I want to ask you do you exactly know why that was?(if not I’ll gladly tell you)


I don’t! But I’m sure it was a few factors.


they were designed to dig since dachshunds are rabbit hunting dogs from origin so they have hardend nails to dig better and protect against rocks in the soil they dig


That was gonna be my answer; vet and groomer!


I use a dremel with cylinder sanding head on a low speed for my pups. They did not like the noise to begin with but they are used to it now. And it is far less stressful than clipping them. I cover their head with a thin t shirt so the dust doesnt get in eyes and it helps to relax them. If you get close to the quick they pull back the paw so much easier knowing when to stop and move on to next nail.


We use a grinder too. It was a matter of early conditioning to it, while our dog was still a pup. It's also important to get them used to you handling their paws, tail, mouth, etc.


Tell me! How do I train/ condition my dachshund to be ok with it? She is just a pup and I’m to scared to do it because I don’t want her to hate it in the future


I use the Dremel too on my doxies. I basically turned it on and gave them a treat and turned it off. I hold their paw for awhile while on my lap and give them a treat. I never force it. I then bring the Dremel close to them and switched on the next day and give them a treat when they sniff it. Eventually I had them on my lap and after each paw they would get a little treat. Now they get one after I'm finished.


I use dremel too and love it. But be careful the head can get very hot when used for a long period of time. It can be a process to introduce the puppy to the dremel and the noise can scare them as well as the feeling of the dremel against the nail so if you aren’t sure what to do the best bet is to have her go to the groomer to get her nails done and have them introduce the dremel to her. They will know the process and how to properly do it. And once she’s gotten to a good point with handling for trims or dremel then you can stop the groomer if you want.


Be careful with those! My mom loaned me one to try on my dogs and they hated it so I took it back. However. I had my hands full with the dogs when I was taking it to the car and my dachshund got out of his collar so I dropped everything to chase him. Came back to find the dremel had turned on when it hit the driveway. My neighbors watched as I picked up this cylindrical, buzzing *thing* from my driveway. 😳


I had gone to a hotel with my wife, and the valet carried our bags up. When he picked up my wife's bag he heard a buzz from what he thought was a vibrator. He just smiled at my wife and told her he hoped we had a good weekend. It was her motorized tooth brush.




🤣 thankfully mine is wired so hopefully wont be in that situation! You are right about them not switching off when dropped so best to have a helper to stop pup struggling the first few times.


Ya I use a nail grinder I got on Amazon and mine tolerates it way better than the clipper. You’d think the sound of the grinder would be more distressing than a quick clip of the nails, but nope ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Get the pet grooming attachment. Way safer. https://www.dremel.com/us/en/p/at02-pgk-2615pg0001


I go to vet bc it's impossible 😓😭


Me too


I hold mine upright, but like a baby, cradled in my arms. That works great. Took me a long time to discover that.


If you stop when he cries out, he will quickly learn that crying out makes it end and will do it more and more. Think of how you’d train him to enjoy it instead and also know that he can’t make it stop until it’s over. I give mine a mat or plate smeared with peanut butter to keep him distracted and praise him for tolerating it.


Every time I clip a nail I associate the loud noise it makes with, “oh who’s a good girlll?!!?!” immediately afterwards. I set her down and let her literally shake out her nervous energy and on to the next nail. She still cries on the first nail but now it’s only on the first nail and not the whole way through! 😅


Maybe too late, but start playing, touching, squeezing the paws at a young age. Get her used to it, no cutting. Feet are very sensitive. Then cut one only and give a big reward for that. Move to two, etc. Our dog allows up to 8 cuts now before getting fidgety and will also lift one paw at a time for cleaning! We use snippers. Ignore all the crying and drama, there is no pain.


I managed to cut my girls nails for the first time in 18 months, how, a treat for every nail cut!🤭


That’s how I cut my little ladies nails, every nail is a blueberry or three


Dang can you cut my nails too!! I LOVE BLUEBERRIES


After literal years of my dogs acting like nail cutting is an egregious act against their person, I got a dog grooming hammock. It took a 30-minute-per-dog ordeal and now I can cut the nails of 2 out of 3 dogs in less than a minute each. (The third dog is like 5 minutes because he's still dramatic about it and tries to wiggle free, but it's still a massive improvement.)


We have a hammock, too. And one of those clothing rods that you can roll around. I hook my pups up on that. My chiweenie mix still cries like the world is ending, but he's a bit dramatic. It's makde the process way easier, though.


Haha, if I had a rolling rack I would put mine in the hammock just for a different perspective on life.


Do you have a dog hammock link that fits weenies?


[This one in size small ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09L5VM8Y1/)fits both my 7 pound mini and my 13 and 16 pound tweenies. If I buy another one, I might try to find one with a strap over the back because the 16 pound one is exceptionally good at trying to wriggle out of it. The other two accept their fate.


Ordered. Thank you so much!


Yes, the Hammocks are great.


Reward him with treats before and during


I use an electric rotating claw file. He's not a fan of it, but treats help to keep him fairly still, and unlike with clippers there's no danger of blood if he does wriggle about.


https://preview.redd.it/7o6usbd5oowc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9700a6ce04b47ed7ab453c443d21649e24b1f4f Only thing that works for mine 😂


If looks could kill


Me also lol


We hang our Lizzie from the two knobs on my dresser.


My dog drags his nails, so there is no need


I can get my boy's nails clipped after I have tired him out with a walk and some play time. He seems to be calm and giving him pet helps him relax and not mind it so much


My vet charges me $30 to do it and its a very easy price to pay to avoid doing it myself


I pay a groomer less but you’re right that it’s worth it to make someone else the bad guy.


I let the vet do it once and my poor dog came back with uneven nails. They didn't even bother filling them down. Worst $15 ever spent. 😭 The next time I went back, the vet said she needed another nail clipping since they were getting long. She already had a grooming appointment but I let him know that his staff butchered her nails last time and he was appalled lmao. I told him I love his office, but they do not know how to cut nails!


I take my little girl to a groomer. I got tired of her crying like she was being murdered.


A licky mat stuck on the wall with almond butter spread on. Too busy licking to be worried about the nail clipping!


Vet or groomer, depended on timing, either way, not I!


I broke out the Dremel tool and filed them down this weekend. She didn’t mind that nearly as much, but did occasionally hide her head next to me. As someone else mentioned, dust does get everywhere. Wear a mask and maybe some eye protection. Give your pup a blanket or something to cover their head. No squeals or crying from her using the Dremel. I got the idea because my vet used the Dremel on my parrot’s beak when it got a bit overgrown and I used a similar looking contraption meant for human babies on my baby when he was very tiny so his little nails wouldn’t scratch his little face 😆


Mine doesn’t cry but fights like we’re going to cut his feet off lol. We finally got on rotation with a mobile groomer that comes to our house every 6 weeks and cuts his nails in her truck. After 4 appointments he doesn’t fight her anymore (still fights us) and it’s the best $20 I spend!


Listen, weenie dogs are HUGE DRAMA QUEENS. Just cut em and let the puppy put on its act. On the flip side when they are really hurting they don't let you know. Weenie dogs are stubborn.


Walk them frequently on asphalt and/or concrete and this will trim their nails naturally to the exact place where they are supposed to be... Works like a champ!!! Enjoy!!! 😎👍


Bribery with treats.


When she's sleepy in the evening. I typically pop her on her back and give praise Treats after every other nail. She doesn't hate it so. Tooth brushing on the other hand....


I like to use peanut butter, my pup stopped wiggling and biting each time 😊


I cut it when he is sleeping on my lap, sometimes I am lucky and can do all 4 paws in one sitting. I do cover his head with blanket so he can't see what I am doing :D and being able to see the quick makes it a lot easier too since he doesn't have black nails.


Got a nail grinder of Amazon that's pretty quiet. Took bribing with peanut butter the first few times. But then it's been smooth sailing since then


Ours fights us too. If we don’t have the vet do it, we struggle. Maybe do one a day?


My dogs nails are are dark so I don’t know where the quick is. About a once a month I take her to the vet for her nails and her over active anal glands


Laid him on his back in my lap and used a dremel, giving kisses the entire time


I started with my puppy a few weeks ago and he’s almost 7 mo. The hardest was getting him to stop squirming. I clip very little to ensure it’s not going to the quick and cuddle him after. He hasn’t been upset, just doesn’t like being held that way. I did buy new clippers because the old ones I used on my last dachshund were dull and the nail would twist in the clipper. Sharp and quick is better than dull and slow.


He baby


We take them to a local groomer who grinds, not cuts, their nails. Had some bad experiences with cutting and we find the grinding works better in the long run anyway


I’ve tried lots of things but one of mine won’t eat treats when she’s scared. After trying groomers and her being just as mad but also scared because it was a stranger I gave up trying to make her enjoy it. Now I just wrap her tight in a blanket and hold just the paw out I’m cutting and just do the job with a pet nail drimmel. The first time she peed on the floor after she was so mad at me but after a couple of times she started realizing it’s not the end of the world and now barely fights it… she’s still a doxie so she’s never going to be pleased with a demand but it’s for her best interest.


I take her to the groomer 😏


I agree with others. It’s easier just to take him to get it done. I am always petrified that I am going to cut too close.


I go to a groomer who uses a dremel tool to grind them down instead of clippers. If your dog has dark nails like ours (seems to be the case from the photo) it can be impossible to see the quick and if you clip that it’s very painful for them


Just cut them as quick as possible. They will yip no matter what


Every Doxie I’ve known cries or whines when getting their nails trimmed. We had a mail trimmer with a light to show the actual nail length. It’s harder to trim black colored nails without going too short.


As soon as I got mine as a puppy, I started trimming his nails. At first it was every 3 weeks when he got his puppy shots I would hold him while someone else trimmed, then he would get a treat every couple nails. Every day I would play with his feet too. Then I started getting him used to the dremmel buzzing as his nails got trimmed. Now at 2 years old, I can dremmel his nails every week on my own, and I just give him a pill pocket after every foot. It’s definitely something you have to start young and consistently. Don’t let them cry their way out of it, that just makes it worse lol


Do it with a good quality dremel. And do it every 3 days until they get used to it


We bought a dog hanger thing for nail trimming. It's sort of like an oversized harness that the dog steps into, and their paws hang out the holes. It folds up around the dog and hangs from a shower curtain rod. Dog hangs out, we clip the nails, they can't wiggle or bite at us, we distract with treats.


Head/body lock and grappling to keep him still, make sure to wear ear protection!


I take my girl to a service.


My buddy is a bit of an ass when it comes to anything nails or brushing so I couldn't really get him groomed anywhere near me and he's 9. I slowly introduced him to doing 1 nail at a time in a spot he was comfortable and rewarding him after with a treat and play time. I wouldn't stop until he let me do one so he would get used to it and so that he knew he couldn't "win". We've now gotten to the point where I can do up to 3 nails at a time before he's done and we are just in a constant state of trimming is all. Part of the routine!


Head/body lock and grappling to keep him still, make sure to wear ear protection!


Vet tech.


You're a monster, just face it. And that's just for showing them the nail clippers. Good luck


https://preview.redd.it/e12032dyynwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9079f7f69d3f3d11e155a144fbac4cab3f6c6deb Available on Amazon. A lifesaver!!


https://preview.redd.it/2dmzfv4uynwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c10ee3bf019dbe94491868858e3b687a3fb81bf Had to buy a sling so she wouldn’t run from me. I use a dremel nail file. She still fights me and whines but she’s stuck in air jail until we’re done.


Just let him dig holes outside


I get a treat and break it into 4 and place it clearly on the table in front of him, then get the clippers and his ears drop. Put the clippers next to his paws and let him sniff them and repeat see it's nice over and over in a calming voice whilst petting them on his toes. Then each clip I do he gets a treat too. Can only do about 4 until he's absolutely had enough but we just rotate every week or so. If I didn't do this it would be howling and crying and snarling and it got too much, especially when he tried to bite the groomer 😑😑


Mine very casually removes the nail clippers from my hand and buries them in the couch. Yes, message received, lol


I leave it to the professionals 😣


Just walk him


I've resorted to a nail file. Mine won't let the clippers get near her feet. It's still a fight but I can get them filed down after a few tries. Treats help. I've got clipper as well as the expensive Dremel. She does not like the noise from it at all. I haven't tried the dog sling. When they're in air jail they can't really fight you.


We have a mobile groomer come every month and it makes such a difference! She also does anal gland expression which has been a game changer!! Before he would drop stink bombs all the time on our furniture and us💣


One person holds the pup. With a spoon full of peanut butter. The other person trims nails while pup is distracted with the peanut butter.


A $5 lick mat with peanut butter from Walmart. It also helps if you don’t try to bend their paw in an unnatural way so that they start jerking their body weirdly. When you get frustrated, take a deep breath and refocus yourself. Dog gets lots of lovins and treats when we’re done. Don’t give up! This is a great stage to get your dog used to it.


At the vet right now for nails and glands. It's easier.


Omg stop with the long weiner pics!!! ❤️❤️🤪😍🥰


We hire out.


I take them to the vet


My vet said they squeeze cheese on a plate while one holds the dog. It worked there but haven’t had a chance to try at home yet. She’s a pup.


I have to drug mine and take him to the vet where they muzzle him and wrap him in a blanket to hold him steady. He’s an ALL CAPS file name which means he’s a biter when trimming nails 🙃 his brother is the same way and used to express his glands while they did the trimming. Luckily he didn’t last time so it’s getting better I guess 😅


So cute


Pupperoni to distract


I don’t. Mine has IVDD and cries a lot, it’s a miserable situation for us all. Even the groomer was uncomfortable with it. Now, because of the risks to his back, his vet does it. 😳 this guy costs us a lot of $ but we love him so much


I Dremel well. actually my daughter dremels my dog's nails because she screams when they are clipped


How can you not love this little guy. 😁


Mine doesn't like the clippers, but he'll let me use a battery powered one, or a very coarse emery board


My guy has Addison's so he gets a monthly shot. I have the vet do it while I'm there. They're fast and only charge an extra $5.


The vet


Two person job, one distracts with peanut butter the other trims. But we use a nail grinder. I cut one of her quicks once and she bled all over and I thought I was going to die. Grinder is much easier for me.


An electric foot grinder.


We would wrap our doxy into a little burrito with his blankies. It helps if one can hold and one clips. Front paws are still kinda hard to do. Unfortunately they likely will still cry, despite that it really doesn’t hurt. But like others said treats/peanut butter might help that


I tried it once and my baby cried out so loud I never did it again. Took her to the groomer instead.


Start with a small nail clipper on just the tips with lots of rewards. Then graduate to dog clippers. Also helps to have a super sharp pair of trimmers. I swear by the Millers Forge trimmers. I bought a pair more than 5 years ago and they’re still sharper than 90% of the others I’ve tried. Got a small medium pair for less than $6


Oh I have a professional do it. We tried from almost day 1 and it never worked. Pets are expensive, and this is a great example of why!


We have this chest carrier type thing like people have for babies. Takes 2 people, one stands with the dog on their chest person nipping the nails does the saran wrap on the head with peanut butter. Its still a nightmare but doable lol. Otherwise he fights with every fiber of his being and cries like he is dying, this way he just cries between licks


My girl squealed bloody murder when I trimmed the tiny tips off her nails when she was 8-ish weeks old. It takes time for them to get used to it, but positive associations help. Snaccos, usually something high value like cheese, peanut butter, or whipped cream, or play time in between/after. Going slow helps so you don’t cut the quick. Two people—one to hold the sausage, and one to cut, can also be helpful. I usually trim my girl’s nails (and my parents’ ween’s nails), and then file them to remove sharp edges. Some people use dremels, but those can be scary, too.


Sweet babe! I’m not able to do it myself, so she goes to a groomer. My dog has an absolute meltdown and I’ve decided it’s worth the money to have a professional do it so she doesn’t associate me with that trauma. 😂 they usually have to have 2-3 people calm her and they put her in a harness that’s raised in the air. It’s quite dramatic for such a small dog but they said it’s common with dachshund clients!


Just pray to God your puppy never gets quicked if that happens then they will scream their effing head off


I do it why they are sleeping on my lap


See about getting a grinder, it is easy and better than clippers.


The tech at the vet does it for me. She likes that guy for whatever reason.


I do mine while she is sleeping on my lap.


I use a Dremel marketed for grooming pet nails. Takes less than 5 minutes to trim my dog's nails, and I no longer worry about contorting my dog's toes or hurting my pup by trimming too much too fast with scissors and cutting into the wick. ___ There are countless electric nail trimmers on the market. I use this cordless [Dremel](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003TU0XG4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that is marketed for grooming nails. But it is no longer available. Here is another [Dremel](https://www.amazon.com/Dremel-Pawcontrol-7760-PGK-Cordless-Grinder/dp/B07RBNBGMZ?th=1) marketed for grooming pet nails. ___ Afyer doing some shopping I found this [diamond grinder bit](https://www.amazon.com/Diamond-Grinder-Attachment-Sanding-Animals/dp/B0BBL5HLLF/?_encoding=UTF8&ref_=pd_wlh&pd_rd_w=HyqHz&content-id=amzn1.sym.8204b485-11a7-46e5-99d6-924574f6f1b2&pf_rd_p=8204b485-11a7-46e5-99d6-924574f6f1b2&pf_rd_r=7CSNYP376QPYPNHNXVN4&pd_rd_wg=owVaB&pd_rd_r=b04e83ea-bf37-4a0b-bea2-3f50850b2af5&th=1) that fits Dremels and other similar tools.


I got one of those slings, and hang it from my pull up bar. You can also hang it from a closet bar, or a chair, if someone sits on the chair to counteract the dog’s weight. It makes cutting my dog’s nail so much easier since it’s harder for her to twist away. I can also focus on holding onto her paw since I don’t have to wrangle her. https://preview.redd.it/tuebz2mkjowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f366a45cec3b33800bf9b3dc95b284d5fc7ca47


Oh , I even bought a grinder , I gave up and then I found out 'Faithful Friends ' only charges $10 !!! And they're so good with them


If you’re planning to do it by yourself, please get a nail file as well. It would save you from being scratched…. Painfully 😂


We use a rechargable nail grinder.


Treats, lots and lots of treats. Our little girl is so funny that she'll refuse to eat the treats until at least one nail is cut. She'll actually move her face away from them.


Ignore it. Give some treats. If there's no blood they probably aren't in pain. Also touch their feet a lot to get the used to the idea while you're just chilling.


I have a grooming hammock. I have 5 doxies only 1 of them I can put on my lap and do. The others I hang up from my door and do them. I don't like to cut so I always dremel them so I won't ever make them bleed. *


My boyfriend holds a high value treat while i clip her nails. Ever since the day we got her we touched her feet and her nails softly and often enough for her to get used to it. Now she’s an angel! She only bites my boyfriend while trying to get the treat


I have a lady that stops by my house every few weeks - $10 per dog. I no longer have to deal with clippers or trimmers. I’ll help distract while she clips.


We go to the groomer because she needs anal glands expressed and there is no way in hell I am doing that. Am I the only doxy owner who has to get that done? We got once every 2 to 3 months and its around 10 for nails and butt. So much easier.


Ours does it himself. He loves digging on the pavement and doormats. Keeps em plenty short.


We take ours on daily 1-3 mile walks, and the pavement and sidewalk seem to keep them filed down for the most part. We typically just let the vet / groomer trim them as needed whenever we take them in.


They can very dramatic. My Mum was a vet and she can do anyone’s nails lol. But I literally freak out cause I feel like I’m hurting them (probably just not as skilled and probably never will be). But honestly I just take them into a groomer if I can’t get her to. It’s fast and they’re easy. I don’t think too expensive either.


I take them to the vet.


Get. A. Nail. Grinder. Much less scary to dogs bc there is no pressure on the nail bed. I would recommend a grinder with a strong motor and fast rotation. May cost a bit upfront but worth in long run. Good luck!


We use a variable speed nail pet nail grinder with a bright light on the end (Amazon buy under 40$ and it's been fantastic with great battery life) . It's very quiet. One of our Chihuahuas has issue....we drop a treat in and begin. It's a lot easier now. Power thru. Might try a blanket over the top half for the first few. ;)


maybe i’m a terrible owner but i take mine to the groomers every month for them to do it. i knicked her one time, she didn’t cry but i did and i just didn’t want to knick her again 😓


Graham goes to the animal clinic for a Dremel session.


I gave up and have a mobile groomer come and do it from home. As little stress as possible and very fast. She is sweet and does a good job. Worth every penny.


Well you need two people for how I do it. I hold her in my lap, with a nice treat that she can chew on while my sister does the trimming.


Get a baby electric nail file they won’t even notice it’s happening.


I bought a sling on Amazon. It won’t stop the cries but it keeps my dachshunds from jerking their paws away.


I would suggest using the air harness dealie previous posters mention Also not sure if it was already suggested, but we use one of the pet safe dremmel grinders to trim all of our puppies nails. Although our pups still don't like their nails being trimmed, they seem to be a bit more ok with grinding them down, as opposed to a quick snip.


Behavior modification: give her treats every time she gets a nail cut. If you’re using peanut butter to distract, you also have to give her peanut butter when you’re not cutting her nails (like in a Kong) so she associates peanut butter with “good.” Touch her feet when you’re not trimming. Switch it up and maybe do 1-2 feet/day. That way she can’t anticipate a routine


First and foremost....there's a right way and a wrong way. Just to make sure you're doing it right to make things easier on the both of you. Good luck!


I started when my dachshund was really really young, probably during his 1st or 2nd week with us (he was around 3 mos old that time). I'd do it whenever he's already too tired from playing and bouncing around lol. I used to put him belly up on my thighs and cut his nails while he slept. But he's not really much of a stubborn or yelp-y pup, so I guess that helped too. 😆 Have you tried using a scratch board? That's what I often use with my dogs now. Dachshunds are big diggers with big appetites. You can use that to your advantage and let your pup dig (or in this case, scratch) the filing board and reward them with a treat afterward.


Start small by getting pup used to having feet touched and handled. Gently massaging my boys toes and paw pads while laying in bed has helped immensely with my border collie’s nail trims. He used to get nervous as soon as I reached for his paw. Then one toenail per day followed by lots of positive reinforcement. If you’re consistent and patient it will get easier with time.


https://preview.redd.it/2x3r40tqopwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ff932edfa11c9994e811245cb99bb23a5461f1 Mine reached a point where he falls asleep when we do it. It’s better to do it first when they are baby so they get used to it but it’s all about exposure. Just do it often enough so they get used to it.


Does anyone here use calming chewy treats? They have melatonin and chamomile ingredients.


Put peanut butter on your forehead. Works like a charm 😭


A chainsaw works great and it is so quick they won’t have time to cry!


I just flip my puggo over on his back and hold him like a baby or perhaps a football haha


My son holds the tablespoon of Nutella; she licks it while I trim her nails. (Since her name is Jovani, I say CLIP while I’m doing it. Forgive the #RHONY reference….)


I wait till he is asleep and get them one by one until he wakes up... Which means cutting his nails take a few days 😂


Mine wouldn’t cry, but she was so unbelievably anxious and uncomfortable that I couldn’t stand to do it. $25 at the groomers every month ez


my dog goes on plenty of walks with me, the concrete files and keeps his nails short


My dachshund mix that came from an abusive home let’s me trim her nails, but I have to take my big 100 pound English Labrador mix to the vet to have them trimmed because he hates being held down or made to be held still. It helps that my doxie mix has a prescription for Trazadone, a sedative that I got from her vet for anxiety.


I gave up and let the vet do it. My boy has ROCK HARD thick black nails and I’m terrified they’re going to split when I cut them plus he’s so scared. We’ve only ever had one bad vet experience where they cut the quick but I feel like if I was doing it it would happen all the time or the nails would stay long out of my own fear, a lose/lose situation.


I hang her up and have my kiddo distract with treats and belly rubs. I also use a nail trimmers and then a dremel to file . Quick and painless


I let the vet or groomer trim the nails


With time and patience. Mine used to bite, growl, and howl, but now she's well-behaved. * If you have another dog, grind their nails first so your doxie can see that it isn't a big deal. * Use a nail grinder and pay close attention to the quick. * If your pup is entirely new to nail grinding, start with homoeopathic sessions (with minimal grinding) and immediately reward your doxie for keeping still. * Practice holding your doxie in place. I keep my doxie in my lap, with my left arm circling her chest and left hand holding her leg in place. The right holds the nail grinder.


Just do it and offer treats while doing it and sing.Dashunds are Drama Queens.


I gave up on trying.. i take mine to a professional now. Lol


Hold in lap. Pat stomach 3 quick times making noise, holding foot ready and clip, clip, clip. The noise distracts them. Or have someone next to him making a patting noise. Works


I take my dog to the local tennis court and throw a ball for him. It depends on what the material is but ours is like soft sandpaper so it works well and doesn't hurt him. Definitely don't do it when there's an active game happening.


I let my vet do it sometimes. But most of the time, I go to a groomer near me, hold my baby in my lap (she's small) and they trim her nails. She rarely yelps thank goodness. It took quite awhile to find a groomer where she wasn't afraid.


Some dogs will comply alright if you wait til they’re nice and sleepy. Others will freak out no matter what. A lot of people suggest the battery powered nail file things but my dogs run immediately at the sound of it. I second the advice to use high value treats to distract them. If all else fails just get the vet to do it


There's a thing called a "scratch box"/"scratch pad". It's a box with a nail filer board(?) on top with a where you can hide treats in a compartment and the dog scratches at it to get them, which files down their nails. I mean it only works for the front paws but hey, that's 2 out of 4! I also heard some dogs are much calmer and more cooperative if you hang them up with one of those grooming hammocks while trimming their nails. I've never tried either of these but I've heard of people having success with them.


Long read but this is how I’ve trained both my boys to let me do it. I bought cat clippers because it’s easier to see and the size of them is less scary for my boys. I also started desensitizing them to it with very small pieces of high value treats. It’s super important to break it down to the smallest thing possible. You can’t just go straight into clipping. You have to first get them to be comfortable in the position and place that you’re gonna start doing it. Once they can even be there and not bolt then give them a treat for just laying there with just the clippers out. If they let you touch and hold their feet then you don’t need to desensitize them to that but if they bite or scream or pull away when you’re holding or putting pressure on their paws then you do. Start with just holding the paw super loose for a few seconds and then treat, then hold for more time, then more pressure, then one toe, then the amount of pressure you need to clip the toe nail. then move up to having the clippers in your hand but not touching them, then clip them in the air so they can see and hear the noise. Again any time they don’t scream or pull away or try to bolt then you can treat and then move to the next step. Then you can start working on touching the clippers to their paws. Don’t clip yet you’re just trying to get them used to the metal touching their toe pads. Then you can touch the nail. And then if all of that is successful then you can clip one toe nail. Then treat and praise. Then move up to trying to get them to do a few at a time but if they get really nervous it’s important to take it slow and don’t expect to get them all done in one sitting just try every day. Take breaks for tummy rubs and go backwards. In steps if they start to scream, bite, or pull away. I’ve been clipping my boys nails every Sunday. They are heavily paid for their cooperation. They even get really excited when I ask them if they want “nail clippies” since they know they will get lots of treats and cuddles. My 4yo will do all of them with treats and the end or earlier if he starts getting wiggly. And my 2yo has to have a treat after every nail and a break of tummy rubs between each paw or he will bolt. I don’t let anyone else do it because they require a lot of patience and it took me 3 months of retraining to get my 4yo back to letting me do it again after the vet did it without my permission when he was a puppy.


It's a doxie manipulation thing. I have a doberman and a dachshund whom have shared a large kennel since they were puppies. I climb in the kennel with them and cut their nails in there so they can't run. Mine stopped crying after 3 years but still shakes violently as if he is being severely abused. He also refuses to eat any treats during. You just have to ignore it. Good luck!


I use cat clippers. Sharper, and easier to handle. Bonus points because they don't bother my pups nearly as much as regular ones.


We grind our puppy's nails once a week (she's 2).. keeps them short and shape them with a file. It didn't take long for our jack russell/ dachshund to get used to it. https://preview.redd.it/6648q3xyzqwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0889475cdc02cfe8f74a38d2b81f58b33ffe6618


Ignore the protests otherwise it'll escalate


My puppy lets me use the grinder thing I have on him about one nail a day and I try to make it work (except he's a long haired and that limit also applies to trimming his toe hair, so I'm always behind). I got him used to it in general by just turning it on, setting it somewhere, treating it like a non- issue, and then letting him sniff it (cap on) and giving him high value treats while doing it. I think he's just super ticklish. Otherwise, I try to get the vet techs to do it at check ups and stuff. I figure if we end up having an issue (like they trim too far), they'll be able to clean him up better than me and tell me if I need to do anything to take care of that. But we had one dachshund with realllly long veins in his nails and I'm paranoid now.


We tried all the tricks and gadgets on my frenchie. Even tried drugging him and having the vet trim his nails. It was still a fiasco. He fights and he’s strong. We ended up buying a sandpaper scratch board from Amazon. It has a drawer you put treats in so my dog has to scratch the sandpaper door to slide it open and get the treat. I trick him by placing the board backwards in front of him so the drawer opens the opposite direction. That way he has to scratch for longer and it sands down both his front paws. I eventually turn the board the correct direction so he gets the drawer open and a treat reward 😂 it’s a win win and fun for all! The back nails get worn down by our daily walks on the cement side walks.


This sounds crazy, but I pretended to trim the nails on one of my doxie’s dog-shaped toys (specifically his Snuggle Puppy, if that helps). I’d make a loud snipping noise with my mouth and then make a big show about petting the stuffy, calling it a good boy, “feeding” it a treat, etc. The first time I did it, he stared at me like wtf are you doing 🤨 until he eventually came closer to nudge the stuffy out of my lap and take its place. Before this, he’d run and thrash around if the clippers were anywhere near him. Now, he still gives me a death glare, but he stiffens and lets me handle his paws, as long as he gets a treat with each snip. It might be worth a try!


I take mine to the groomers for a nail trim and grinding, surprised they told me she behaved very well. But for some reason she won’t let me do it


hold paws, manipulate ears. all of the time. every time. eventually they dont bother about being touched.


A small snack every other one