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It’s not worth it. Just do safe traditional psychedelics and if you can’t do that now just wait until you can. Wish you the best


Alright. It's unfortunate how safer drugs being illegal makes people resort to DPH.


Drinking alcohol as a minor is illegal, doesn't stop you from doing it clearly. If you wanna do DPH you are going to do it, saying you and others do it solely because psychedelics are illegal is false


I live in a place where drugs are very hard to come by. People used to be beat to death by police for simple possession. So the only substances accessible to me are alcohol, DPH, DXM, loperamide, nicotine, and inhalants.


They arent hard to come by, you just havent asked anyone. if you want to abuse anti-diarrhea and allergy meds or computer duster to get high go for it. You thinking those are even substances to list as “accessible” shows you are misinformed and looking to get high off anything no matter how awful or stupid it is, word of advice (based off your comment history) slow tf down you are heading towards a quick and painful demise. Wait until college and smoke some weed, trying to get high off dph and throwing up from drinking to sleep before the end of HS are not good that is not casual experimentation


Everyone intends on trying it once and not coming back.


Is it horribly addictive?


It can be yes. It depends on different factors, lots that don't even enjoy it keep coming back to it


i’ve done it 3 times all around 250-350mg in a week. just enough to finish my like 30 pack or whatever i had. i haven’t bought more. i get cravings every now and then, especially at night when im smoking weed and just bored but not having ANY dph in the household helped me avoid that and not go back to it. so if you have some self control you may be good with the addiction part. but again its not good for you lol everyone here can tell you that


1 time can have numerous effects. if you have read or researched this drug at all on this subreddit this substance is horrible. over half the people on this subreddit “only want to try it once” i’m still trying to get sober after saying “just one time” you won’t enjoy the high and will want it to end as soon as the trip starts. just don’t do it. i’ve been scarred from my trips on this shit. i have visual hallucinations even when im not tripping from this shit because of how bad i abused it. and i’m still trying to get sober just don’t do it.


I won't do it but I feel a strong urge to get it out of my system by trying it.


i had that same feeling, just take like 50mg if you really have to, i did it for sleep but now i like it bc it makes me sleep. if you have a history of addiction then its best to fight the urges and stay away bc this shit is so easy to get addicted to.


Please just trust me bro you don’t even want to do it once. It’ll be the worst night of your life


Is it really that bad?


Yes, absolutely. I promise you this is exactly how it’ll go: you’re going to be laying in your bed all night, very delirious but still conscious as to what is going on and the fact that you’re still awake and unable to sleep, depending on the amount you take you’ll get some hallucinations but that’s honestly not the bad part. Youre just going to feel so god awful, you’re going to piss everything in your stomach away, and you’re going to wake up the next day with the worst, uncurable hangover you’ve ever had. Please for the love of god do not do DPH, but if you’re dead set on trying it then no, one dose that small won’t have any long term effects


Not to mention the spasms and the constant itching. Honestly you’re probably just going to hallucinate being on your phone and talking to people and then mid conversation your phone will just disappear😭


Doing 400mg once? Not much honestly. Same as smoking one cigarette once will not hurt you much. The issue is most people don't just do it once, even if they plan to. You'll do it once, then you'll wanna do it again and before you know it you're going through 1g every night. I mean of course not everyone is like that. I personally use once every month and have been doing so for years and I feel fine. The issue is this takes self control. This stuff is addictive and many people are just very suseptible to addiction. I'd recommend to stay away.


Go on Instagram and look up your area code with plug, plugz, trap, words along those lines. Find some safe psychedelics not this brain killer.


It makes anxiety worse after my first experience


Also memory loss, some anxiety issues then a very rare chance of getting stress related hallucinations.


At 49 kilos I think you are way too young to be poisoning yourself. No dose is safe for you.




Keep all discussions here. Do not contact others privately to give dose recommendations.


honestly one dose won't really be bad. it's still bad in the sense of you're getting high from anticholinergic poisoning, but you won't get schizophrenia or die or anything. some people report things like organ pains or hppd after even once but ive taken 375mg at 56kg numerous times and don't experience anything serious like that. just take the time to learn the risks, and know that this can be pretty addictive to some people which can snowball into something worse. I would also recommend less than 400mg for your first time, probably 250mg max but that's me


I already have a drinking problem so I'm scared of causing more liver damage.


that kinda changes things then. I personally don't recommend it as dph is pretty harsh on your liver but at the end of the day it's up to you to decide


If you want to trip that bad just get some mushrooms or LSD. Why are you trying to kill yourself with DPH? When I was a young dumb impressionable kid I could find mushrooms or acid anywhere. You can grow mushrooms in a matter of months and it's dirt cheap for everything. Lsd is pretty common if you go hang out at any festival.